HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-12-26, Page 2- - , I L A " 1, - I L . 1 1. ---­­ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... - 11 1,11. . - -_ ___ __ _ __ . , - , , # WUXI -tion sbAll him opomtivo lu the fair!- Vivo of the Giltligow dylgmitera an the contrary we, bave work ahead SVCOND CLASS.—Arsvie WA. ruer 70, P. 71alls, of the Goilerich our ova corrapoi*ta. tory noro,tmudwoft of the Haight of were, sentenced for AN and Ave tO !or tiolne tiene t,) come. Jly lissert- Horace lokson 74, Edith Tremlin 73, Ilig School, left for Oblollgo on Sat, 'ruest Davis 71, Hattie Tedford 70, urday. `-The R. Church folk b Lsknd In$ the above yoliwill oblige. 11, I .,nd whore the Iowa con6iot 0. ad a grand Cc i, Brilest Blaolcor 02, MarY. PattOM1161, The Christro a uesday ova"! sLk9 ro'#u. "you years, aa Show last 7h ursday Chriiitw. s Tree on Yours truly, Harry Fitzainswons 09, Riclind War, was a most onoe6glul one; Ilia on. -The members of the D. C. Chu lations. Leading members of the St. CAMP)JETh 00, nor 00, Susic Giun 02, Dan Williams -tries, ilo, being far in dvil, rch 11. All fees for licentels in the die- are, of Both trictsoa4h,andri-ir eorge'o, Cathedral eoligregittlov, Tliesla unfouniled reports about clos- 01, Willie Coats 00, Jamors Gray 46, previous years, were really grand, and the heart of .4 of the, lfeigbL of he: Gode'rich News.* IA%nd are to be used. for the expomiell; eing irsdustriels, atsd Itankrupt, manu. Peter XcDortald 45, RobertXqylor 40, M.. T G for t Mr. J. B. Moore and frally, of the future men and voomen of our of the board tirld for the, purposes Of, f 00irers are more injurious to, the James Dunlop 07, Ennice Pitttersou 1 altl;ordj left on Friday for Bothwell country were indeed mode happy. reinstatement of Dr. Wilson, Salvist. ' a i '82, Rosy Cumilugbamo 26, Dally where they will spend the Christmas the municipillity, and all fees collect- employers, of lot our and to the! 8 oonoT is, jossie Nunroo 12. ' I vacation. ed'in the territor nart& and west of ion Artity struQk, but tile ))can workwoo than to the 74, tHuron fleoord, otBLYTH the Haight of Land are to, be P"Ided canno npat ty. -Nail. beautiful Christmas tree will be oroin our olon, correspudent, to joint accollotof the provintill t sea Ilia, . wly to coin isogt Potta .73, James Wilson 7a, grovided for tile little ones of St. 4 or 'rho Stimmerbill, correspondent of trast till thw diopmtQ is settled, Caqie Walker 72, Grant Camplicill gels Sunday School on ,k.'rlday eisdday,, 12. ThoL powers of the present tbaNewErtarnust beLoraxy oreltse '; Tile "Carsada Educational Month 62, I-Tessle McDonal(l 59, Ernest Coop. afterilooll. 011uton, Wedu COVINTY BOARD EXA11111NERS or '67, linsma, Thompson 06, Worri. be has been writing with the pan of flunicipal Counolli, of 20r0rige ly" is of tile opinion that tile offects 'n*47, Mary Matheson 4LP. "umberofour young-- Poo- "Ik t he Clinton local Scribe who is noted are to be suspended, and the,muniol of the elo vation of.G. W. Rose to'be Its journeyed to 11olmesville last -his Staying. qualities at this festive 3110,RAVY CJ 14-cition, i [ be t6 37. Robert Twitcholl 87, GqQjrge 8 lav to attend a party given, by a flerSTIVA& pal affqira, of the towirarp to be, ceirr- W . -utly, all the canttida6a For this or some d held reO( iss Knox. All report h4ving had a Be Son of tile year At the wee 11101 for 6f E %ing of the Board ox1pilug s7, Richard stitubmiy A R" uotedbya board of five members Cooper $4, Florence Pattisou, 81, otherreason bi4 correspondence is to be elected when the legislatures triltireevery. "aspiring teacher coiise from lt'tli Clinton anti Ogderich u . splendid time. EIGHTY .4f d 'Whaley 26, Ernest West 24 far from being reliable, liluce the !in. ,.HN hundred and ightp pass this agreement; And such board [it. furious polliticiall." Wo hope solloolsfassed the'Professiltnal OX John Aloore, 21, John Jay 22, SopGj The North St. Methodiat Church three yeari ago, wq,,a the advent to shallbold office till this, territorial aginistive titl , of, Al. D. has been dispute i.e. torinitiRteO. - are some tosolien who are stilihatiaii., anliTecei"ved the follow- Wzcll 16, Edie Trouso 17, Berths, was crowded last Wednesday on the added to his naratil his 16 who was to bring ing marks -Maximum warks'575; Atkins IS.' occasion of the marriage f Mr. T. has be, ALL I this earth of 1 n too 71VI4. Tu 13. The elecloral district of Uat not of an "atipiring" turn of wiud I a Ferry and is8 114ttle Andrews. "PASCO 411 94rCh Sod good will. to wll Portage shall include the territory 1slISS CALLANDER', DIV. rilers", Aior Crane visited Toronto last Incorporated Under olthisr-,of thil. There, is a growing trade between FRoM CLINTON 001100L The following were promoted. eek and returned on Friday wit'll a Thougb that flat. went forth then. PrOvillcag- the Maritime Province . a and Western Buin ia Boyd 441, Minnie Croley Aggle ordats, Anie lexarkqer, large addition.bo hia Stock of gioging From our moo Correspondent. 14. ach or, the provinces has can- nella Fitzsimmons,- Mary Bastian, 'birds,... %eighlug has made. bilsinOss it 44s not be'eb. Iiterally. oflwried out, vanada ' car xas loaded at 390i Lizzie Day 424, Sarah Dunbar, ith goods Persectil tions, wars, bickerifigs,nial ice and, adions in the dim. Moncton, W bate, and suits Hawkins 405,11ary L. Holmes 383, Libbie Green,, Willie Smith, James is home once morii, and tboroOghlyl Show oftowls 'Would Compare, favor., end 4, gre t deal of* n6ioliaritablerselis puted territory north and woot, of Frank . Kitt, Alfred Benet,.T6owaa liat of larger B - A R G A:1 N S Current jurisdiotionin-yergard to pro- 391, Grace N. Elder 456, Kate r. John Doyle (sort of Jas.. Doyle) Christmas cheer in Profsion, Uur N,tB., lately GlWer, May Knox, JAmos Me a, from a, bardwire factory bbere, far Martha J. Hille4 4 . Lizzier Me- Marlon Harlad) rodd' enjoying ibe renewal,of old time ac, ably with towns. the 11eight'of Larld. 441 Fortune, auftintaucep. Mr. Ja. Elliott caloplates taking a have' pr;y4ilis4 ever since,' qvn Ontario, twoingle orders, filling it, Kay 433, Jessie M. Rome 428, Thos. Rolis, Annie, Susie 'ing. 15_allol magistrate hereafter _1P untOLthe them amounted to 45 oases, R. Butchart 430 John W. Churchill Junior, Bartle Cook,Birdfo ffAywoodl, Mr., R. W. MoKeV zle returned from trip to the Northviest in the Bpi FOR EVERYBODY", P ipeirsted by one province in the dlo- One of t nin 4nnouncomen -direct And growing intercouise 437, Henry Chirk. 429, John H. NottleoCrae, Lily Johnson, Annie tboNorthimVestonFritlay, Tbagerst. In the meantiald he bas sisv3ral three t puted terl itory (north and wesit of This lie sole Read, Emmit. Jones, Robert Kenny, leman looks lye no the worse for yearld colts he wishes to dispose felgbt of Land), shall act -till he has Cornyn 457, RobeR Gray 398, Clinki that, 4lUnto yoit is born I his a a Nellie Oliver, Annie Oliver, Rufus, Ills 0118011B fill, "Woork. y recomod a' ommlssion from the is the'Out0enre00onfederAtion an Holland 387, Daniel Johnston 431, Andrews, Tlerbert Castle, Frank The usual halt y av-ly examinations The T sideneg of Mri Wm. Elliott sons last child which shall he a Saviour to Lieu Conan t -Governor f the other tho Natio4l Policy, the two great. Samuel Latta 400 , Wbste lu coftneotion the common was ante y Same Pei - you and All mankind Ihas, spread province , r 1). Allisors,11tirry Martin.' Now's Yo'ulr Chance issue brought to fruition by tUe Lamli 469, James XcGovaian 394 week, There, were two Sleigh losda choo it , Is.were made public on Friday,, 16. rho joint case is to be set down d of young folks and. they:stayod there Lilleiat Conservative George Musgrove 425, John Mill. and Show that goo work has been front the hills of judell, to tile ut- if possible, for trial in July, 1884. party. Enteft.tillinietift avid fteseliss- drow. 403, John McGregor 478, stioll done during the past term. and enjoyed themselves wait on in -ternkoat ends of the es rth, so that 17. Un, Christopher Robinson is to A Special meeting of St. George's the night, nd tho good people of now 41-1 ovgr'the world b . a the counsel Icrr Manitoba,ind Hall G. W .Curtis, in Ila Maga- Duncan McGregor 440,, William ls,clle(k,fqr Friday ovoijing Alago the house did not. . object,,in fact did, I'vrom vale to vale the pthering *erlet risound zinc, desires, to impress his follow. McKay 464, Will. Ross 441, Rod. At tile;; V9wn' Hall on A av the hospitable. And refuiulioW nations illadden At tile 40110.' to ti at 41r6pi And tile ete oal principles of. that Council; and leg'slation is to be pass- John W, Slimy 4481, Bon kStaiibury Public: ad by each ffect, to wiJl rso Fork 'themselves.",.. "The School OX0,11114 ance to submit for con'dideration, na toall, lots bfturkey and pudding. province giving. a 383, Rohert Stewart 425, Stapheit atioll resulted in an interesting an., who taught in W. and the elcet0ais. of a cKenzie 0, Uowat'for On tarici. I the do ts are, jf attendittice'Is requested iss'the. War - 92, Robvrf.S. Swan 397, eriok Ross 42 res We send greeting a merry 0hrisi- bea , the disetetion ofthe Privy American ci, zens, th, evelling last tile closing featu dens have matters of great import - all potent agency will continue to this agreement., good men -do. liottiappisar in'the high Taylor 413, J'ames Wanless 409. n tortaitinleiit.Anexcelletitprograiiituit. D&vid,s weti, school ad 6udca4sfully the Season. [Our cot Combat error until. the last ve"skifge in forgot to enclose tile turkey-Ed.1 etua offices." In, -Ontario tile same stale pstoll Go1)nR1CI_X. a year, left for- her home had. been ided, and was carried for on ll7vda,,gh, the many . . Mrjohn Cox is t of the old mail Adini. iii eradicated BDITWAL 117OZE, of affairs- prevail. . The good! meti.do tile Stratrord last, week, Alked of as an op - not appear ,, tile ,gh 1aldwell but to at from a unian nature, and Kate young people and parents who were Dr offiew,-iust­ 417, .Afaggie Ferguson. 446i Reeve. - Both are good men and uptil,the lion shidl lie, down with . Aix Ohio editor retires from the because ti.,,e'good aten of the elector - Qrden 400, Ali inie'Gordon 401, aAllan, of file 01 It. is in, tolvil for Parse BLYTH Elliza Cassidy 370, Sars, Xnjor,Allan, br bar, of A. 310 to Mr, Beacom for Deputy the festive season, The gallant offi wall. nown Cc the electors. t6e latub. buaiiiess'- ith No rpmark th i "'no' t allow the Mary -E. GovenloQk 420, 11aggie T., aux, etc.), were on the cards, The a oer is renewing old 4cquaintances, Mrse Burke,.si,4, met with an, ac - a a tire apathetic and Ins. - 8 . cdfflar rpay Attempt chille 'Govenlock 420, Alary J. Halse 438i latter especially created much met and makinginany new ones. cident last week. Mer fell on the to is.nOrrate ,t' it at - to un itself, Had 11 .,rue. Christian. can edib a riewspap r Rebta McKinley 400, gliza rimerm, At the Qonolftsiots. diplowits floor, and us she is ninety years of age use Aich er." - , - I I I Aliss Ralph, who resigned her posi the good effects at the ca beer) for this indilkerence on the part- noll 430, June &ruthers 4 28-; Phoobo beautifully -gofiterrvp , on card board tion in St. Da I vid'o. wit rd school to ai, the. shook id, he-nqstm, by tile faIll may I'llow prove serious, Itave led millions of tile human race many meinbers of the fourteen of many of tile most intelligent and Smith 401, Silphitt J. W4!hr 418 with photographs Alod11 'sume a triore lucrative -position in the "t this season to wish each other 6otr prisliig tile Dornlulon 0abloef were 1 438, Bonjamin nted to. the'follaw- township, is an excellent teacher, and thq most interist4ed of tile, electorate aSollooi were pres hout bc r­ ust one; Ing pupils: bids fair to attain a high, position in Unshillield.- 11M rey Christmas," but. wit )rn In 00tarto 9 Answe Bean. .411, Tisonvis Bercr 46 4321 JA OKSON 01 'Air. Carilrig.7-010e. Mr. , Mow.at wold have had his' the profession.*, Peom.olo, won, Cor espondenb,. Z BI 3113011kil : ` ho following is. a report of a writ - Frank Boltoti 460, Frederick- the aid of Christianity or some other of A is really toobad that tboGlobe walkigg ticket,ere this. -0ge Campbell 428, Win. Mr.'W. 3. Whitely and wife, 449,,Ge Agiia McGarva; Aggie MoRtirolly, Chidago arrived, on Thursday for a ten examination; held in S. S. No.'1 equally billowed infl-cerice, the conm cotild riot get that one out'o the rd 426, Josei l Duinin 9.88I.Wth. F6 L -Jame"-ardoni-Thos, - .-Gray., Lena at the old Xorris,. on Dgloember Isth and. 14th; ditin of the bumixii race. would be Cabinet. 'It is'no fault of the organ ''The educatedv Enulish Raaica wo three weeks stay Farrfn 441, nr ual. -F if th class --- Iat Elliott. Richmond, bomebtead. jile gentleman Was.well 9 '* flawkins. 447, Winian . liar- Ind, Katie Marshall' 3rd TVary Laid, Ulllrnaginably d9plorablis. 9_'with that Mr. Carling- does occupy that seems.to be.quito 6. ififferent sqrt'of Thos. LINKLATERV R003f- known. in town Some foLir orflve- the uu- 16sh devotionjo the p1qal- 0 e-ei. win 9 for AIP, W. aw. Folifth-jolates, Ist, John, Lai&, So animal f ro'n] the inconloe'la, ii sp' 463, Win. Racket, 4;jO Robert- Nina McDonald; - Robert Gauloyi y arti ago when clorkin position, ry Sheppard. ,a son.. law, 2nd, A-nnie.Coillter,'3rd,. tNiiary son a I - .. . atril'it.444 Arthur IHvin 441 Tames Ball, Ilar 'filrd 7 Campigrte, Solioltor),died I -shall and Maggie McElmy, Third cal and spiritiial amelioration of cad, to withdraw- Diane of that - genus milio; are 'ry'rig - Son 427, Jon.A. miss oxEive rowx . )Ilat: Mr. Mowathasagr ohn G,.McPhor, lass, Celina Coultf r, humanity, byso mary hoiisiinda.'of to'dontr6l the Rdform party i nindsoV.Pli Alondy Week, and C, bisforces,from tbedlapoted tmitol. UcL-Q- 451, -Joh.ri McKay 412 Annie- Madre 1:111Y -Miller, Ella Illment 2nd, Goo. Piatt,, 3rd, Mary Pratt. -was lroiuj, at tovin for inter ceptivil. or UUM- do -y. ad. men, singe t Mr., Mawat's g d.-Ibnoo bas at last Christianity, avarl c'e tift -largely e,and Attorney, Gem, the, other night,' th Aical Riclit lick M, Arnes- Wil 4617 lex. MISS MLD'S R001r. took pla6e --laut wednesday, judge NeElrity, 3rd, Ifillie BcptL a Third class Jun iar l'st, Annie IAid prevailed and Is 'Watson 439, Duncan Wood 8,5,: G'Paig7 Alice Kanner; Etta Toms -and R. Raddliffe, F. W... prevails.ind might a6 6 n.,consti- I . hamberlairt spoIkd-i5f' ,s2nd, A-nnia INIti.rsball, 3rd,11artha f6e I Miller of. Manhaba hilve agreed. Han. Joseph 0 tera -Gre. John Duhlop. Jolinston,, 'J AddiSon,.T-I.:VIu tuteR.rigbt, how very much w6rS4 the opponent's of oxtende& ffanphise iiiiiii Ali, or, Clinton Solio6li cas Ighd 11. W. ita -pall Brown. , econd class, Senior-Ist upon a case to - be 'Robert Thuell, 2nd, Maggie Hail' ..submitted :to tile olitaltied , the * Iiigllesb nuwbQrL__ (if isa"risHpi 1B. uook- be lia'a not thii lairip s'a" Claitning to. be. sheltered, behind bearers. would uncil a SO'n dot 6 it IPrivy-Co :of'EngI rid, warks, 478: 4ohwseotti`UaWo Sh'Ay.i C4 Ae Tile entrance examin 0 ..for the 3r4l; Mitij. A. -butt. Second I a -de'beeir' lit over eighteen bun f - - the Throne. H6 scoutedAba, idea Coo e; Edith P . d Mary Laidlaw, 2nd fl - exactly 'wbit,06nservatives. have wit at OP- I11. igh Scliool took place on Thursday lited solft,the, clothileiilp[9 . . ? - - A , resol It bion. 0 By in PeAlly ..dred years ago and tile* 6oftening heyertheless, that any oil t -ISS-OLIMPS U00711. and Friday at the Coistral'., BeItwben ghena. 'I'ailor, 3ed, John Laidlaw. a . par y its pa se(l; also of, .. , 11 beisn contendin- for all the time. Inspe6tQr Dewar w ' , First class'. So r_ISt Ernest WaV ffi- ' 'Nellie Urvis; Andrew Miller; Mag- 80,and 90 pupils tackl6d'the pt lperg. Irays of divine light lieen abed.upon ould. be conaidered ag havislgA* their 1411 appreciatiorr'of-Ans a lacei, ice From th0"intelligeriit appe Keane; Minnie Rumball, Al arance of the hearts of me nd mellovied The I e toocratic Toronto Arews d' cholarly attain, Jervis. First-casi, junior lst A t. services at) a othe C nionopally of loyalty.. The, Queen cion lass W6 should judge that a r tic- d. Alexall4or Smith Is -going 'W: giV AS as a panacea for , I to ei and a-copy.of-riesolution or:.. 3rd, FinlAy Lai law. had paver bee . it unwi int, ta.n 9 - . - 0 their natiir6siso tbat*every wans Is -lill, theIlls.poli d baerifs, lai a pet' centalae obtain - ad the'ite; thur Jhckson; I . ­ . . I d- re to him. ssary, number', t, is the iri a d..tb WforiVarded ce of marks., notwithw ntrodil tioll of the Mobardby, hand is not againsi Iiiii 1he bounds. of f reedom, Id 'The So lective principle.; into officia om cretary. w". illstriscied to thalt7the pmier o4.4na ysis WEI K a chan e, for. .-EVERY7 There is io,)Ai for improvement, but ail fib rejoiced. to believoi -was'-above the 'aild -pal-sing was?ratber,too hard. -for 40,derldi ovllslkiv . .1 . t reqls est tbe.sanctiori Qfthe Minister Tile follow addres;S-4nd presen- an entrance eaminatfort'. sAys.. "Runhing hito. debt for when One onsiders 'and compares. t 0 1 . . -preju ic (?f political donbrovers . Ing a, di of Tddpation for the extension of' tatioll.W.0.tell4red to Mr. IviallP6. A,v n a ud oarriage.9; UP. Robt,]SfoMurray has bought a to bu COAT, - - the actual with.the. 0glil have a a 91' Chas, up ct.stcry it` ;0, following call,. from Wir a . BODY ain-OVER t1so'certificates of tt. la t Thursd4y even ng: igliam . rcs taken t 'jail on . I . ..- I . . ..i . i i4 bard*times "would be ourdid if. 60kfllldy §trut . . s Chorotighbred shorthorn,bull fiont Mr. -one to a Misrla I F ter a few -hour '11rinci),)al 13 been, there -ample at a 8 We have heen pi tal Ic of, the aidate oi Clinton, a A good., i . dea that we the'election principle. op. a r6- Cald% ell, Disfibari Halmos, Ud- tion Is.0111lied, Aninquetit wAsbeld on, reason for ls gging tile were ad A d.- honorable ndtfob prevalant among' e ton 11iblic, $bhaol nd sum, but ndt, more than tile a . 0 Satlirday niorning, and, a',vordict i6a_: ran si o .That prindipla, obtains across tile aiid Cassidy, and Mesns.' (if the nitieteentif century, Canadian politicians. ds- compared. DRAR'SITI,-It"iS DOW iiXtOOR yearg dered o the effect.thilD deceased animalisworth its 'pedigree being uld, Htiwkins, JahIiiton*,I.R6ss oKay - excellent. 4s going to give due- 'ratefu bi -come 8111440 Y()p first cattle tuilplig, lis as died from do Re ll els;and' yet SIT these t ings' 'WI at 'its aniong" u n_-istian of the lungs. I and reaspriably, merry. -.!Lt th tfi wifich., o,bta:i a r - I . 1. % Samuel Ba r. og the I Otb co and Shliw. of out. 1 ublie -romark§ f the iur 'regardiiiii ZIPS., iAdam. Cc oks man were Very. to bon, k ous and hallowed soagon. find it 6eritioned *Chat S. D. Keys, Tile il a dyi -S every to. pa§s there, only, a I I t d lit or a a o, L I. t -y-, _tTj­e`,-!i n -hu in nity',of Cc is very JTer maiiy 3curringiriQuAid of Mc American neighbors.. But w'hen, we low; , 1 0 anxiobs.for her- i-ecovery. SI Ion Y. ADE TlitA the Ron.' Piablic Sehool., ou to ti 'all, a d we i y h* the taking to, j, at rong., llersickne4 with-ohristian fortitu le. a it cha I oinb' ont ertain in A 1pe Itmas r 11' Ri e-cotsnty, - Minnes a - __. Pry.. Chris td all an I One le tile pupil .0 of wholli 01 ve opeles8ly insane Was boruii out b We. give the names and standing' At tba,Ma cnt - in R6V, Matt OR MiNu C ts y "DET% Over oa treaders. a -petificate "Of, -election" as. Mint of Masour Phan's iraceedings'at Oiget6do b&ll, Toron- the pupils at the Christrims 0XV16111111a.. Y, next. F. i . I 'It is with deep regret %v6 learn that You*, a] 1. , I t- lope ord r 'C urtty--A-ttor n o is 0-1110rrol 0 art, it Oil !, 0 9OV0.1 I& D110WIllf". an flo, a, hey -the -otbr-dtry-, --t1oifaf­t46 'linioii-Pil.t'ylioscllool;-- 7- collilLetioll Nvith week for the West Iiiifies, in 016 1 ""the. r tile next' 0 Housd'in Town 0 -afford' W.A.7"S G be ause lie believed that his compe, 31R. 606. !in (11 mr an OMB DIV.. 6 miide'aeclariog him 'a* lunatkO,. itiontlis will rp XpBses affect -Ilia healt ineri. Th OYS o liters _LP1l we 'blush foilour coin., A nd Ball `liiap from X - York; on a, -vesse 'H 'BIRIlu a gn 1. lfetvill:take-pas. maSQLt1X(lS6,.%V1 ,d_redeLv. all M I , pleased that your ..do. a AL torn 360 mar nized: by inoro lia)i oursolved, anti feul- Nlymi, Sliteeth, da ew, oM-4i6r P. J., Evalls; ancl Q W . 09% votes. ggi6 UdGarva, 45 coulldtifit tha you al -o fully capablit of ind Mc4srq Josliti of qorki6vila, Cole ow'Ded by. his broth.er. 'chie 442 Jas. Gord6n 432; ­rfios. Daw'sorX a coenmltt 6. to -taki care of, patriots ALtorney 6.oneial' Mowat ying but Successfulry.,the bf Clinton, J. T: Garrow, - Lloyd, . Mr. Davis, son of Jud Davisi a_ go. 4othw6I­1-uud--Profs--. a iining examp a, oz., the 1. t,dnt froth-Gondorni wili-omelaze Vis person and 'estate. 113, td u -i so 117 of tile mernorandunt at agr6enlent 4'210 Lizzie'Govrell- 41.5, Grace was 0,, - this oulogitun, to your. r lim rebuilb and refitt. -s removed some time ago to I disfranchis.ed. Bales 408,. Maggio Paisley 404;r,.Lva us in char- ', Mc;Car rl Therefo you wa3 , *. . a fraud. pjadticod up r 10 bl'the Pitst'NvOttfil wer"411t do Pohdr IFo oto for Mr_ MattliewS, it referring the llbo ndary dkspu. a.;. 0. a6tCr iLlla- ability, for you b"wo ill a grbat On 86iurday)Ahol membeis of t. f _Harda.d, Lvon. Mr. Mowa Croll 391"Katie' Read 391, John . I ad the Stone at Pipers:. j vate-, ipatituti R b 1 8 lab6r. and StlTlLkl0Wi times church (HI-ddleton-19) preenb , t146 Ftivy'Council of 156gland. nm all 3 0..; Jens, .1.16firles 380, by -Pt' cnonfik Ifill n ar i at one China, 00- d'. -Rev; Mr.. Mittithavvs , with a N ty rcoat, do Qnn.,, Ytere his knowi dnd.Xr. Lyon knows that the' llie Fair 380, ick. Stanbury 369,, tile standard ofeduetion. in e ARGA-IN in Ove Mr. owat Ties tlids abandoned- C. I't, and in th - 6 admi6ohiont of tile smi'lled into and a -report returned.. latter*did.not receive'aiiaj*o.rity6filie',. .va Farran 36.6, Alfred Switzer $64 Oil" 1111L 8 did, the -plasf6ring etc. busho 4 of q4ts.. the contention 'of -'ye4ra. DurinW ' 58 tilucs, lilliced our i600l. thiiKJacks6n-361 Lewis'rrousti' Okeg bas in -training 4 th it he iW incurably inqatle. vow.8''in that 6.istiici. .. And -yet Mr., on a par iYith the first ill. the Ill 0. vill6c.". Mr McCann no% , owns lle who a of 0 chil Cb for. thaCbristmas tree. - festival, not il to all that. time he has kept. the'.. LINIMATUR'S Di , ,TOTAL 500 tliepinl)ei-tyi,rn6ipcti tely.,ti ih ritto. c. e riot th o ruatilind9s to re'siga, Tile. willingnowi 'and, filithfitint-SA pi he also n; in connection.with Ebdndzer 'hurclij bith you t a Toronto No 'd 11, 1 IS wdollell P oviiice of -Oiitario' 'in t ortiro 1 . tvilif has twenty .. I 4 -in mill wit ch Editors Sheppard of ill ill io d and Mr. Momat Will -neither gazette ,iil, 11hit6 an.,operateg., lf lias-ti:e6 Iodrh$ conqtaritl, w a s an a pi.otossioij you lov ,, ideavor - --t e d - d'. viCnd teotible spelt the oiiay iieds-'. *e ws, MPL an -tlf thit'll'"orld and ;Mvork on h pr6m our 01011 all ifs IVP 1A.40, 19dith Brown, '228 -,Ernie Quito it ..fill 111ber of* brandh the electorate; disfr 01 t,d era publisbitio, in their respecti Th6re are'vii6ii-secreb.. societies in- ­111011 -a mflJo Ifis&cids, re to -people a . tten . ipted zd* lit ' in nor order a nev election' A... givellus tll0gVOat04t "'Oelitive ti, ipleg Or e, nine I hinery is run'by ures of the, qXMSlipalior to curTyout:tho blattke t,. : Tfi bortie tode Clarke, of t 6 Bven zg_, Cam ia? , .25-t 41ai i6t Ralm6s ill), XiTliel Red- 100cy '210 tlizitibeth. Gabley 214, 1-hore plelisalli, alld.mqre fiands At a yod. a 'Mr. tbe-6th Hall call l6ok back w - and -business seems pros. thosew-hom he cauId,.hot,;.ta ttilized. iViiat,ti call 11openlette itily a' lay complishea, I y xcellent All4igan rec eiA tbe. Uiiited' States.. The Moore 2,10, Charles Gvoon .211 L pei--ous. , Ile lAo' 'does custbi at, ll a , who '%ient,to, ly' Ila$ bullied 'and defied. tile.-: p6rniniori. ed 111 tploftsuro,-to th n work etuiiied it sadd -man. re but wiser. =air Signature attaqh ieefn piArticularl 6 Cooper 211i Jennie I atterso titifning rcooivod under yOnr Ltdi- arld, big faotory is.quite a cofiveniencii y..p6vere. on'the Ala- Lent es Met- cious So11; says we haire. coi ptu atively good body .-ubich re4olution a Jackson Ift, Government, -and for Wht A T f ttY isisic 1 211; Mary' ShiPley '206, - jaiii to persons'baob wool ei -tilatteip treabed of'. -0. p a @G, Maa rio times here gomiJared with. hat they. -It ide under all tliis'fuss his, insidiou'a, of a piprsonal hatfre, Snob as Your (Itiportln ilt has 6voi,.,efitiracteAzed -or to Manufacture.... says John* Mengel 1050 Win. - Fish er bil, 'the true gentlonil M have d6miling of Unclii arn ill, anti we would endea: ,. The co mon iibliools clobed on rl- - I a(Ivis6§,'aIl Catindiani. aiikiaus pi ,a4empts to.wreat from tile 06PIts b(I Seal; inan'.eli volopd'Aolthe parties t1is in active operation in every city Bella Orb& Hattie-Valker 184 hunlule. Val. yor, thou&ll lit till nianilor to-recog- day-for.the Onristmas holidYs.­At all( hto fli aiideoi3s!(I!Lritble:vll:lltgei,u the'Cou'litry, Sbaiil;iliry 1.70, . E Ila Oa Ls' nize, Such; outlie, 8inall weasareshow-our betteilng their fortune to retuain at their -be govern04- by'bhli, a(ldreaed' through the post 0 ce. St. David's thare -was a . I . . I0 - lli ll of' you as out- fn.i1l(;iI;il divilic,with -114 Thrower cold. 'T air polltical-destim D B large attendando of Parents to Witiloss 1w asIting your I er, people, li'ada.utiles the Its partisit Aceoptairee, of' this 1"08011k, fi ie closiiig oi rejvoniet4, whioh (ire Mossrs.John. and Robeft Fowl _k ILL The Toronto cabal has at last had th Mes, teaclitas corruptluglratity, 4nd ls ilis's, ov lotai 347. valuable bri'll4lo, rubo), nut ill itself of to pr6pound tile Sf With iNfr. 1divard Stiau- jiltrintio valuej or,an estirtiate of our' of a moq&.eU1OyAb10 hind, isloludin ofAbo 6t to acknowl6cig6, that itsely'af "p ps risen iti'Tafront0" Nimes of those' who recelved.over d -Jr.., 1) yo g . one I into wintor price of Stain, and of free 'WOrth, but tis,.a tostili olli'll of tile high i;ongs, re Ings and recitatioiis Vy. 9han a vincial rights" vias 'nothing more llwhiell you tire- h6ld , the puils, and sp ecllea by 'Vdssr& quarters id.the house lately occupied.: ': H 'dge by!,,y and yuur fellow asso. T. Alcallicudayand *151titior, 'At St. by -Mr'. Motitgoinery. Mr Secieterai, Annie Modee.'M6, Lilly iller 32 Th y. intend 0 1 E nor less. diall tile I ostituted siliV- 0 'Ella Dickenson 326, Lucy Kouris 325,, ifttes- Patrick'g and Sb.! *AndrowV Nvatcl to "baclill it-duringthe witildr, b6hig , 4; i' 11 * . a Association h1q. thefulleil of a I.ate brother. ;vh, 0, uns 'Vietuallei 'the litibbridance ofi -Visitors- e n g g400d in r: Charl". boleth -,rdT4u ou'q,,: putisan, : I . Martin 324 Nfary Wilklo' 3.22, tolcon in af6ri years remind yoii -school$ JL . advidp§'mesnbors , a body, take James , ity ti, and WR8 'a , predict a of s.c , reinatedi.declaied ta ' iat ' *crimi, e 322,.L. 1). Doltaity 321, of tile ulaily i -bob lar6e., -At Contral tli.b' y , . V6 merry Tiolit ci -I :, As Rdbd t,Cre time far boys, for hey are atid. abandoned Lion 'was the Cori act thing, thordlugh 1Y 316,. Sant turillorics ill eglillectioll your audionce conr4isbpd of one trustee dud the jollyp I i rises fi m the'Otittario'Govern- the Jfail truly says,'Mr. 106t has Cc or alliong its liclk" while all-, 1-1. 1.- Strang-. -1-b is­tr o that the good fell6ws, x - Y(!tLr, orthodox, a:rfd q0te in k6eping with GraY 3 .5,i Nellie Keane 312) nd lal nies Cousins, .. sr. I nient, lie t, 0116, litiellse. will 3 wi8lies fortlartiture; I'ledlus followers'into thp ditch'isid Maetift 2, Lila. well_31.0, It "I. sWitltitth6bo slim attendance wa;in tianomilro Mrs, Ja wlio bfts 11,111110, Coats 31(y, Ivilliw C fainilyi-and- ll [igh 'School. qxamints- onjinzon. Goveirly the il;iditioils of tho:qrdor. _4r ole_. 09 msod by. th 0-11 beeirvery ill lately is slowly recover? crun be taken frollf-theb there." kasoinfe friends are getting'into hot Davis A08i CharleS-Cou6r 308' w1lefl licit- IiIL*s fruition, evenings goldoll-iiallsi. Niwerthlo, 4(- thillk that 0 , ... I tj w in g., or as c Be 3 .1 1 10 of `W. R. Ofillor The Mail Summarizes tho sgree_ In.. tile 'N'ellie Wallceir Barge 304" dLade 1 Inav yoil rewdi:& of' earth s dutiza well Miss'Naria A. Young, of. Goderiall, t 03l.Lorinda ig it 6f the pupils ., and 0, si6itlity Ut it as folloivs Inean,tim* is. rumouted, that Li. amPattersil-3 saverilla Ilia boill otion, Wfttt:,tI1 mo 'Was -visiting frielids-Ill. the,:'soathing denunciations wof ill,eL -man .')00. signed on bobal f chool Zftor tek'yoam most stscodsgw. ;In Ldieg'Fur Caps we., sbo*-, tht- Fftiestiind Most... 1. Neither. Govermileut 10c, Sheridan cense Commigsi' 16W associates of cliftfoli Public' School,. t , Citing, 16 last week. ollers Will be,appo Olt a I uld. Ila*b atbrAote(i 91 tta 116ifil it ha . -1 llithe . 11to set tip, (This) Of andiadcret societies and after.. Oath "The 1'eh-dre'it ia Martin'Lutber in ad initn6dia-tely, under. tile NlcCarbhy roW goodly number of visitors. . In Jffiss', . the C Vashionble Shapes in tbWi1,- It d -every 'lady contgm at - subjected to., it" Process of iiicinera In t1lis.division the nartie excelfolab,progi .. Al. oburell,-Aub course, rubbish Put in to gIVeJ 11'. ourn, to P.l. Ilowat Et cliance to quote it afterwards. 'Act. -,.and that the p'rmnb'-Warde 3y; ill cOvii3grover 200 marks ar giveii. bly presented'. ir. W. 'Orangemon aniil their,friends on the- tioD. An&vet it.is likely- thi e . . I I DR, 1301, , iii(r. a pureliasb - shoilld -ibspe'et -our. Stoelc-. Nothing is - 2. Neitilor Government is to be, requir- John -Diiiilap 304, Xibeirb Elliott ': wns*well patronized,tbe,6burch Qourit Judge ad 6, thih(i a read or n,4.. in io.diflokbin I b roonis,cornmondint, at P* 'continue doin& .303 A rthu I, MoRae, , 202 " Aerbert, Pront tl Ln ' infortable than A Fui ,a`d-t:6 ivithdraw exiAting courts I'lloi 'y things,riglit on the being well filled. it ehave pointed the'Govhrrinient, will consti-. square, Macara reached home. 311111 or., On . collulloticifig to read D. Iorrisori­,Who- is art easonable or co cap. Or ierritory in which thley -)89$ 18,idney Jaekson -285; Lfiss- Kate able a ;d for- in Cate ibe lidensingL Be' rd -in each Moor'285, ion t ])lit the future exdroio,of fll t. ti.10, 'kept Ilia audi ,;a Ills .6Nvll clas*; 110 Was so ible Speaker, enco. of rlsdiction it, to be. governed by the,terins .1011, With eillotioll off bound. 'f r the Space of two Stockbf on & tile t ovorcome pie, 0 P4 4 0 N-8. -mrs. W. Ir. Walsh leff toiin Conn. y 6r ridi g. ford 281, john Carslake 281, Alexi od the list 66 Sbratia and i0bired hours during which time he gve. a 3. The ti rnls-of agreeniont are'to be car- -vis 2 IsittoBuffmlo Iasi Friday.' kibor Alv.tStrang had minute account 6f tho-great..Reforria. S. S'.7 Seal -.Cap MeRao 280, Willie,fai 7 i,L Wesley t b legislation it, eital, of tile,. The Aih ricana now- 'wIlls:.6 It. 'a. are proposed at Ifitin ilton i -a bu Is life afid d6ati. riall into) ffe(, mor er ',Nlr. Min Butlei rhade SItlQSA filli4lio(a the liBb tile V s at tlic next qx kitclie Moore 66, Eddie Cantelon 239, Will. itoo ual4le Cerrito y t 6r - 96. tha Clsuis Revival meetings are Still be 4 1 - Lamb IQ r, 0 fee( Clio litt, igry tranillk who if %v lities' its Itobeptwn 247, Arthul, tripio-Toronto last week., , "Ill) ioantinie to'be binding. Persian. CAP 'ddio -AigniLtion of .31k. NrthoWest is, And aro watching ita city,. 411 oil 66oullt of.the X- frerlbert,'Switzeii-203, Greig 822; (;opecruing t1to 'ro carried on at V b' r Zion Apoointmen y. 'Plic-4nl-in--provisions of. the agrep- Ottawa Fecit Press. Alice Ketiney,317 Itia SPOCIAt 306, Capt. A. oppard lids riaturned Milkdr, 110 said he could UOb Allalv the Re. T. 8 Sabine. assistedbyltev. r it, if not with% bas'been' Ad Archet .300, loore.299-, to tovVu4br'the heason. at:ivitliout -ment. are as follows ragte8A With illf e We a' a afraid 8omeb6dy that osltlowan to - dop Mr.'Sanderson of-Benwiller., Mink Caps, I A stftlr*alJII __T a, Chicago- [little Rod 0 A I k 0 0 ) 2,r,, r.. ED jplacilla on rocor aI4. _'N the, territory -.0 orAtry- _Wj 0, 1;00 )a tile flei -It divi(lks tile speaks of -it,. in a recent issaii as fol. i. -,man dispI ght ofLand hic softlethitv mortf deteptive than soup. r IAstrachan apLS,.. An Ll ro W.R. T101 M -iritown 0 th 0 'a a', cl g whicil- Jlow ijlt.q tho gret 11*05 it n es is enjby'. "bringing UIC Alf, I't'oir 268 May obb 240, 'Bessie Robb '148 to its rconb fiigh statm of proficidney a`v i n Ir W""'i froin those whiell flow, into tile Iludson, OWS ing t, Nv ot isold_ Cal6na McDonald .230, and hoped 'Xillor might be s)lay, the laws of Ontileto only sfiall ba in allitob"t is und the sinost M enteryising of all tile Pornill- said that tllio Dominion in- Mr, Seegmiller and ftamily%left the SUM X)altic Seal 0 anti its ourts Ofilcors, Goverliniont, livol, a I - a PDXTON'S Div. -Total 220. for tIleE a5ttil&Thursday luorping, as Successful'in !Ila new undertaking ,oa ts growth ill population f MIS I 8121 -have the. jurisdictitto cog'. I isiers epeut short, session a as Ito hall boost ill gulding, educati6ti- Ile. ames Milliania how 6uso is liercill ponding tile 44 comesorco. iin(l wealth 'has never bedill liarnent. next year. Ilia logic of Names.of fifteen bighe8tt Mrs. whittley),ar searorth, 8 visit. learly completed And is one of ther t ute whiell they I f . 4 ally, tha. youth a the town- mt I IS. -TJXSTJRPASSED. events has proven them rnistakeii,_ ,)17 * Mattlo 1 9 the heighbilrbood. 1,06 heretofore assumed and'exereised, lind equalled by any pa, -t of Canada, ah(l. in ,, r .. - Strang;spokoat some longth onthe which they woulil 1 '16 r ens Cooper W in te ignation of 11c said A litt note snow 'would make 6x- possimi Ill pite of thc severity of its winter-ellinate, if' not worse, in every portion of SThe Ilon. A. 11. Ross t v( the said -last inentionotUt Iving vroat li'roluise of stl Fred' Brown I 00,j towli-on Saturday, for the )lot dilys. c tild not allow,the opportunity to collent slaighing. ;orritory. if tile jA a country gi their -policy, and they retail, OfEC6 ni rQ Ali undispaltea parCol the.rro- further developilient., a al ter) 196f Josle Reeve 104 Sall a We I Closed or the Pass without giving ubt -anoo to Ins. V 4y virtue 0 :a Bilatch 'verdict, The Iligh Schoo ;6s: I.. Mjj ­ , ­ L- F, is,ver 0 , 8y Linio Cartel, 188 tan tbo 5. All proceediiigs, suits, Ild aofloytq ill wIlich Clio PeOPI-0 dWAit 11; 1 011allet; to. Amos. Castle ' Is.)' jg*vg, LAdies' MUALb 'and Ca FIA blee of Ontario. Thi y lan aage' oOlily 187t 'Maey (TOY X thdays oil 'Jiriday. tile Cot , Itl4al P ot put Assavilts on, or arrests oFln. that acloptod'hy the Grit press and . They cannot defend 'thorn- Annio-Hillon 18 Amy Howson 17W, - -Buaineis has "Ilten lively since Sollool su4telneilby that gontlaujan'sL A *AlIkertcni deacon bouglit 40 iv. strug bighly com. liackages of butter from a TooiwAter M 180111chts of, tile offiers'or tile li(,,taices it, 176. Ward Q8borne sleighing commenced. iselves except by the old cry, "09A Walter Swiub6b morcliant, Wben examined there ade over into any I'll Lither Uovernailontor in: ally lnami,ev- Mr. Alex, Ro s is * home tram this OrL 'L nzo must subm 17.5. freinallb of tho school, AULI, -was found to be 7 . '8 pounds of rowt ngput (if such * agsilults, urrests, or it' oJant6r.-Cilrrio Cooper 218, Edith States on,a holiday tripi maling I MU ; , its -an(l so- At it meeting of tile b )rov it wore tri kstprs evePy di saidlio conid bear testimony to the- salb in collseqdefitly tile ship- -aspect to pa, lasts, re ined-and repairod, S where tile Ila. Proqbytery, Uev. Me. Chambers lie so Calitaift WIT tit, all(l 6,11 Other all ity Pnrdy 208, -Emma; Webb 20dr i, Alo'bean returned to of tilo. t4t 601; t ssioll. -110 matter WW4 Xoblo 203y LibbloCrWakshanic 202y own last weak for the winter. depends 6n vhcfhor tile locality in tendered bib resignation 48 thodath- question is before the U01166-- 116nilobta. flillaby 190 Frank X61ea t folindatioliI by all bi,.i finpils The Skating Pink is now open, the from the Contrid. Aftorwilibinit,41r. The Wluro of, t1amal lithorlatid, llib blyi, Ilc saine took place, is. in'Ontal a G Bvitchidley 105, Webb Or ar heraby Suspended until tor of the. kirk Session -d Oldrivit] I in olaAs condition. 11iller silee m4 in Ilia new 60,M4 and of Oweri ound, prodr[Ce niorcharit-, tbe 4levision of tile Privy Council,*. D4, bbio (Abbings ' do Win Ile hoping th 11arrowswitbi and Wilton for the )lly Pair 170, U at tho ilaw, Principal might caused a sonotition on 1WW TI afi -or!' 177 odio Twitclioll 170' I;Ottie .1large 31iss Ada Jittikins is in'towit for t a111,1 Clio repubabiou of tho God6* the Stook G. The Lfaiden tint-Gove;rnor of each' haqgo.. iabilitie's Y.Appoin't a police earn. r"ason chat tile performance at some 114, lorrisots, 160 Bu, 'Provirs6o,wit along th(011le Upon the t, , rich Alodel School,. the class dis, of.$110,000; Tile Morehant's Bank inissionek for tile municipality of Rat, 'Of his duties bas been - rendered ti-, indulitrieg in Canada, A, fJw, days qhanan 140, Our city Fathom will meet for to Parsed. & 'OL - -Tot 180, transaction6f buslm ss on sirltOP61ibad. otbe oront orgati of LbC party 1toi 01#1VVEN hivisto.4 al a"d algo felt ;Clio territory plemant b,tbo Rev, Mr, Gallagher, 4 .11P, 1,". Malconison. is Ju.,town tot, It of the lgileSt , , , L . alolli the line of the Pacific Railway; lago, 'to Tits hall to retract sonic blit- -us. State- Xanioa of fthaon It 1 tt A meeting of ConAillIvAtivo. 41 old , * dwho llited o, man in nitirri tHe wintor in jt][.ELtte1r ELn.d V4 ,11g11h commissioner to It office u i(fil;g OtRuron. was Isola-, oleat it made ittgording. thp nspu- Nellie Jai-viil,57 A'Ster both a' whon' fixotueerw of Osbourg. ' 'The li iidon xaggl Xc4ne 147, Nfinsile 'Rutliball fisg Ads returned from St. Seaforth laab, woek and was well 7. ('*ottle ThoniaS last week for the Cliriattilag The lecturo on Maptli Thego ShAll Isola Were triembeks of the church ill fall organ their reported ChAb the ear )43, Alice J43, Orea. olbin attendisd, dologatea'06in all parts of ,courts together whohliver 1,40, Wellesly Whitely 1.37, Bessio I'lalk holidayA. the C. At. 0111trall, by the Rev. co-ot-dinata This oandid s ill di" city were, closing. ir. anil, UPS. if. 0,,' Cam6on*iefi or A-Vinjilam, undar th tile ridlll* being preseni;.` D. ill 1,36, Itattio Itim shja 134, Irtst,.'Woolt for Toronto, they. aubpioeA of L 0. Iii 032, was a very Ritchie, li,'sq., PreAidont of t 1A Saga. Tl'tit.Afory' had fo be 4eniod. ow 130, authbrity, they sh'Aft have Pb ver' 0 risarriAge applied I Aticeosful Affall'. TIIA Rovs. Messrs, olation, 00;c1pied the chair aird ad. Allpolfit J)edi(d aoiistiliblisA; and no f6 perform the 06'rintalolly, *)tell lie, in ott%W4 tile party dare Specht 134 ggie lfiinb will r6malia during Clio bolidays,g! a itSL hand at Clio same lousineog, US Nllnn Obil. 10 .81nith aw a jo4aokson 1 dy Ilaudlo (it Air, H.W9, family of 1 IlilliRrd wbid Pi'd- dresed A to* Well-timed romArks to die.. in acArdafted With the disciPlitle Ot . . 'PhiNdforilf are In dInIL midat rot, tild Sent$ Clio former 'taking thet thrift,, Ale tile of' 80.80-74J. Is. V, loottireri fitat, Attempt Ila$ elicited Lila foll,ow- 120,. 11,116 40 tlibso preionb' Tile watter of pot. otanco of this Ito tile church,' roftio.d.' The, part'03 inglatter front ome romarks was such ft.4 should au$0 tinga candidate in tile floid w4q Ahha A a weld' ALF d eti: lie I - to ri Le amp I w ON a. tile lict-nma geanteill by botli then appealed to Mr. Gallagher) of its visitor to tile alraillar t(jwts. eeof tbc, linings, rtloo to fully digeusspd bub it waa linall It govortlm6nts Shall oTile evening f, 61i 811ttlrdity rejoico, and Should strengthen ovary agratil by all to allow Sit It, thayear.rorwitich thoy Isalpts bon Pittaburgi, W110 0VtOtIll0d Clio care- ledilim Of thil FM6 Titirtit, lure 11myon 18F It in it largoilumbet of passen- litotestitnt, in holding fast; to h;s tre- Cartwriglit to Walk thel casino and Acts to W granted Illony. o Ito ilay's' lie know a( Xr had out attetitilot y Neill 76, granted; flew fice falth and 'open coutIty to Atly* ioll Ilot put -the dlit 7 f AN to be Ablo to Inkc, to wotla 116t the only by both 006%160011.06 Ill -the gqrs. Chn 'bore refusal. Tile railignation a vmoaph ift lftAt Isveri- 0all itll rl 4 , Pit are ppactising miq the, grand ir Itichard'a pre. d. ingi Fred 8) at risoved ill til a Musa 'is is, U606831 by, so ZAA vii6vindok t6 pt hale the Was hot Addepte onyaud 4iop- tho Reformation had 6. .. m tile. roligolla 111101ama, iOree 74, Fri d SplivIiii, ilie% B'dith. 7a, 1jugh Areller t0rd(l J6itItlY 'Olt. thert gave notice 010 110 would 1110 Were iblist dttAl I'Ammm sinith 05', Alleod young 68. any time.' to -ft very latsit titent lobttu- fty the Rof6milera of South a t , 6A d e4loulatod ta,misleall the public Itiles Hatilaff 5(5;L:!,i= IL tkk 4A T, a