HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-12-19, Page 1Viurcot %t4V14-43C Xviry Wo4nrni rt/CA _stei VS11‘0.01 vt13,ata.1 •kr TUItla OPP1011‘ Albert Street, OliattInprilitt, r"... f/.41 in aavanco, $twaQ2a2,4 The prePrietensotTaatlogx;lies NXwe, having parehaaiscl.th,. taviaPsteiatf plant of Tas Iluttott Illsteog4:,will. in Attune publish die amalgamated papers hi Clinton,. under the title of §iTue Hymn( NEWs- Boom)." 1 Clinton is the most prospervis tato 14 'Western Ontario, is the Seat of cone4tiorable manufactoring, aud the centre of the finest agricultural section ia Ontario. The combined circulation of Tile Nitws• ittOQUsti exceeds. t4ittkof ("lir Paper pubs lished in the Countof Hipon. It is; therefore, unsurpaskett a dal",udvo#Ialus podium. Our retell fa? adiqileingire : e, e • eolunin1 year, ;90 * ooliium 1 y r, 1 *4 6 mos, 50 * " 6 roes, 18 1 '14 0 mos, 30 # a•-natts, • 12 ct 1 year, 50 * lvymir, 18 " 6 mos, SO 6 mos, 12 *. " 3 mos, 18 3 mos, tar Notices lie$ 40 11BADING (Nonpareil meaeurenseut,tr littetsto. tbe inch) le cents pen line. firsts lxisetticufW3 cents per lino each tubsecrient iusertion. 1.1!...111.1•64 JOB WORKi We have one girths Vist appointed Jol,), Oftees wet of Toronto. 'Our facilities jn this .department enable us to do all kinds of work—froin a calling cord to amanimoth poster, in the best styie known to the craft, and at the, lowest possible, rates. rders by meil peeinptly attended to. Address, 4 The News-Reeerd • caution. ihn 4•• BUYINES8 DIRECTORY t • etit - ttez • 41181sai-r, ° • -XDAVAN-Jk•EXt.g-14-Irs-Da754r" if pDENTIBT, ... 041-PhON.'; r. . Late oterifirontift Pon4r.cDractiath Itosai9ollege of Derl•tist Sufgeonss has remsfred to he Coattock ,oyer4TaVetr & Son's. opkwait first-elear. iChatie modete, 0.0ARY.W.RIGIIT ElOtt, Sunosou Dilaters, will con. Untie the business formerly carried Orirtfy W E. Etrt- ..,1,--'•=t-",1,14,t 'AT-= wright. 11.2-1y A 14.10,14,i1,111.0 Offi4 open - 1•74 -Al • `41"-2 , onFridayand y .-..,15ourday of each week, in the Old stand, V,1ctorie Block, Albert St. Clinton.' • nk...cceere." OMeei Rattenbury Street, na- g, •A„cd4t9,1p..11hiro Beneford's bookystorql Reridence oppoifite the Temperance lfall:Ilitron. Street. ,gqiee,hoursfrou t mu. make 34.0:a4(isst. • •iy D 11. DOWSLEY, 01. D., M. It. 0. IL kng. land, Physician; .Burgeons &c. Office and residence next lifolson's Bank, market square... Clinton, Jqn. 14,1,881. • ..0 R014., 3. 'a MANNINC4' 84 S00170 Barristers, SolleitOrs, '0oilveyrineeis,.'40, 'dotn. ntiertouers for Ontario and Manitoba. - ICW..01fiecieTeme KtL.E,temorr. Cl1ntoa„May'17th,_1882. ' 20 ' 4 D A FORRE8TEll CaNKEYAsieRli,_LAY1); 7V qt nas-V_Csei:4- °CV ERA!. AGENT.- tar Mewl to Loan. Office, eaver Block, plinion. v22t1 SMAGER 4 MORTON, 'Barristers, , •God. priaii end %nightie. 11, Seagny, Jr.; Goderich, wingom, •• • les. • D./07130B JOJIIISTON, Lan', OhilliCOSY,411d. Con veyanciihr, (Afire- West66,traet, next .door to Post Office, Gocicirich, Ont, 271 • 1,) C., RAYS, Solicitor, .0c: Office, coranr of . , lee Square and Best Street, over Butler's Book titers, Ooderich, Ont. : • •#8, Money to lend at lowed Area of Interest, '01111.1bhf, Irj!1-21„ Conveyancer, 4e. Office o vim Jordan's Brim. ;Store, the rooms- formerly oasupIcil , by Judge ft& AnY amount of -money to loan at leivest'. rater of interest, •• uttliirtefri4t. . , • JaitES Lieenspa Atienaneq, for she. County 'antenna. Sales attended atrenson._ Able rates. Office at Weathcrald's, Albert -Street' Ciders left at nig "IlitifsaLlutOun..-ofitee tvill" be. Attended to, • Clinton, Noy..0011883r* -• • - . - •AUOTIONEelt for Huron County. Balsa at- tended 20 )0 any *art et the ()meat...Ad.: dress orders to 00D5uttelDP. Q.r.• r A trariONEER, Lind, loan.aprOnsuronce agent . 41s. myth, .saiaattea .doilietown n1410000 ts6",,, .on reasonable torma. A list 01'04115 and village lots tor stale.motley to loan on reale4late, ut low rates of filtered. Neuronal eif0ctuti 011 1)1 • rrlasses of propstO, . NOW And debts eolleeted. tioods aPprained, and sold en esauteission, Nine - crept Aeolis bought kini sold. • Myth. Deo..1t5SO. Vettriung. ' J., gm la LAO KA L Lo Veterinary. .iSt;i'ge'oo,, of the Ontario VetertneitYt 00D0.84, To .' . . reran, havilig opened an Milne in Clinton, is , prepared to treat al) (messes ot doinestic anfinaln on the moat mbderniorilf. • ewes, An operations wet:my perfOrined;and naile erotnpt- ly attended to, by, day or night. Peres ni0derate. .02'r1et,.;--1st door 'West of' /Con- nedy's noted, Clinton, Out'. V-17. ,mmoonimmuminiiimil...gpmpmemmommor9. Viugi . . & ;IBS. etAdits•rosb, 'POACHERS OP ,tegelAnd jektinattental.Minfloyskatten bury= near Organ Pectoris, te,tr-esiteang cues now forming. Iiluu Lemons gime mete; lsebritary 1st., 1882 , sIty. 148TRUll'ENTA lf eS111,-Mhis 1.1'413bir, from j, the Horton Conservatory of tousle, Will trtko III -rifted number' of pupils on the ortrttii Or Vann. Partleular attention given to those who wish to mpeeve tin their present style of playing, at rent. 461100 st es./ger her rLhe orsan factory, st, •••• r •„,„ _ '0425 per Aumn, iU Adireme. "INDEPENDENT IN qt.& THINGS, NEUTRAL. IN N9TIIINWI VOL, V. 14TO ' se • CLINTON, IIURON COUNTY, ON -T.0 W.L1 DNESDAY, DE0E11113E11 19, 1883. tZ1 er4 p4(1) b-0 rleel mood 1E1 +D CIN' -7434 )4 Pa. • • C.) vP.•1 OM' .40 Eit ' 411* Cla +5 • • $24 -(1) rrE:21. .0. Rot% .1-I • r-• % (Irmo 4-) • F-1 EgEnsi Ot • *Fri a) ;1 • -P m to 03) jr 00 o ogr44z4E- 0 U2 0 7,1 0 rt$ F:1 - c's• lTr 0 p ca. 1-4 0 r/2 cm ,0 0 o to gra •r -I • •0 PP g O 1:11 43 clo 41 E-4 ° t())), PTA • 440 aoonie. • 1,..)hl!,Lotrevivt§r11,4,t 0,,on, visiting erettmet tereitery invitee. Iletewntterna, w4 U, X, ro1ruNY2,ftto, '1Ilntofl, Jan. 14, 1881,, e,iy !,• ottift. :!OOMMEROIAL HOTEL. thtititofdd taiurniebed throughout with great 214 Watite .the travellbig Ponitholliato ittamletootal, The Inlet of Hauer*. and eIgars 2.06 hit•tit.Vt kept 1st Ott bat,Good table, Beet eltuate5,1,1tot4) imzelltitea, • °Nemo , JA.s, goongt...Propii(ito, ofinten,mthe /441888, • REMOVED to 111".4 AZS oar! ati cz) THE WEEK'S DOINGS* • CANADIAN, Ottawa has upwards of •eight • inches of snow, . Victoria* i. 0,, has raspberries riP011ing on the bushes, A reel:mut Will pcit be asked in Letinme. • Gold -bearing einartz has been dis- covered 120 miles nprth o Calgary, The petition against Vol Tyrwhitt, M.p. for South Simeoe, (con) has been dismissed. Kingeton City rloencil wonld like to extend the nionieipat fran- chise t.0 W01.11m Five tons of poultry were shipped from Belleville to liostone•one day last week. The Canada Southera will pro. }ably adopt the 'Ig4 'O'clock vs,: tem, The boy Wileion, who was struck on the head with a file by r factory, girl in • Hamilton, has sinee died, The girl will be tried for murder. Rev. Dr. Wilson, of Salvation AtenY proclivities, has been formally dismissed from the curacy of S. George's Cathedral, Kingston. The mortality in Montrealin Oce tater lest. watf20 to every 1,000 of the •population, a great improve- ment, ate the proportion hasseldelll .been under 2 7.heretefora, A London, Ont., boy of sixteen year had a little unpleasantness, with atiOther. ffe threatened. to 4.1ay low for him and break hie leg." Hifi:opt his word by firing from a bole in the fence alarge stone, • , Ott Se.turilay,Wrs. Peek, wife of Reit. Mr. Peek„ of -Haerowsmith allowed a small pice ef bread to en- -eer Iter windpipe. It lodged in the lung, apd medical men are eoebtful of her recovery. A man named Leonard, of the township of Blen•heini,..in'! order to • keepr his neighbors' cows aWcty from his farm, gave 'them Paris green. He was ereested; but so hsequelltly •paid the costs Incurred aed the price of the cattle, .and was releesed. • ItemBellre.eCti,1:1ktsie.Fioxiti:IfsvniistItiFiinr 9tElt 'Be lade:. cation, itt., noW:confined In an me% lulu fop the insane in New York state. •It is paid that his case is almost • few '.weeks tlifit the . public became awere that.tlie• honorable gentleman was e.filieted with any nictitate mal- ady, • . ghis.7.114Carty tiforl, a few -days-. ay., i)1 the village OfeDru Mbo, aged 104 years. Heeves:bora in New -York state, but his. parents renewed to Clanaela.When •he woe only a.few menthe' old: He we's SI years old ill J81. and. took part in the -atm eglee. of the Cana:Lai volunteers of that A dispatch Victoria,. T3. C.,' says the Ifpuee has paseed resolu-, tiou'instrueting the Gloyerninent to introduce n bill restricting Chinese iintnigration. The startling. state. went was piaci°, by the Provincial!. Secretary that there • Nero 3,000 destifute.,Chiouniett on thee mainland •who Can only Subsist by._ eri I ig ' and stealing .whicli they intee elreittly Samuel Murphy, a stedent of the Ontario Veterinary College, isn I -Ie •purchatied.• tioket No. 1,749, connection with Guelph , • The /Cow York Graphic journal, principally owned by .Montreelers, Sir franeis Mocks president, has suspended. Shortage only three quarters of 11 '116illi011•430114Y64. "SBilailt" COX has introduced a resolution into Congress for the abrogation of •ths Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and for the abellition of the test oath. A, Wheeling, Va., jury couldn't agree whether or not Big Bill Kin- ney was geilty pf murder. A. mob ! broke jail ao settled the question •hangieg the prittener, About seventeen of the Incepdi- ;try fires, in 3filwatikee, of lth.fi past month, have been traced to four boys, the sobs of refined peoPle. They had been led away by trashy reading, • On leet Suuday*e, Buffalo man at- tempted to /mallow a big piece of raw meat, Which lodged in hih wind -Pipe and caused Ins death, "His wife said : "If laid naije raw meat on the'table he oold• eet it np. He often went for Attya without anything to eat. :but e %viten be became lliongry he would , eat eaertitous, quantities," It is said there luta been a collu- sion between the medical examiners , and agents and- others in 1Vlassaelins- , etts for two years in a graveyar inanrance schen) e. Brot eritelown drunkards', Consumptives ani un hpaliby perpenp have been •insueee from $1000 to $5000, and the siciantit d .hold the polimes till the death of the insured, end then. pocket the insur ance, or sell Om policies to rum•selle.: ers, • wild week) give the viciinis enough ruin te hasten death,;' -and collect:the ineemag., • The Wife of a. well-to-do farmer 'Of Chester Oak, Iowa, died a iihort time ago, leaving an infant child. The child was very fretful, The 'house- keeper one night exelaimed : "If there -he a Got1--1--willi-lte ,let this child's mother gout° back and sopthe it," •4 few' moments .later the door sevutig upop its binges without apparent cause and a spec- tre, recogeletel as the dead mother, in her bprial clothes, glided into the room,• knelt over her child 'with her hands • clasped ' aa if in prayer, and then es silently left the appareetly peeeing ' through the closatl doov.. The spectre heti, appeared at 'Short intervals since. .4 MUTELY TODD, Ptiblislurs • i• WITOLE NO, 20 Amended Land Regulations. the United Statel Owe. .,„ The fpllowing announcement him been forwarded to the newspapers byvIrA Ilargess, deputy Mittimter 3oof ttbbet: Igterior, under date, of,Nov, am authorised by the M10147 t,r of the Interior to Head yon the ieformation contained it) the follow. ing despatch : An important an- nouncement is, made respecting the policy gf the 4.1ittister of the Inter- ior regarding the Northwest lands and the southern reserve between the Canadian Pacific Railway belt and the international boundary, comprising some 4,000„0004 acres, withdrawn front settlement 1882, which is tr3 be opened for homestead, and pre.eruption eatries from Jan. 1•, 1884 Although these lands have attained "very consider- able value, the Governmentims not increased the price of pre-emptions, desiring to give the settlers the full benefit of the euchanced value of the laud. This Pail of the country'. should prove very attractive to set- tler; being'not ouly intersected by a branch of the Canadian •Pacific: Railway1 but for some distance by the Manitoba and Southern 11.ailway, which latter road, it is expected, d •will be rapidly extended; utile 'belte-that is, the even .numbetecl • seetions along and on' both sides of. he,Shn.ediali Pecific Railway, with. airiri:tirgettl:Weiii, in ' March, 18:82, are to be reopened for home- stead and pre-emptien entries frotn _ :from January liet•next, under terms. _respecting residence provided by the Dominion lentle ea, arid stibjeet to the conditions of the Ouitivation of. onerfountli oLthe_homestead querter- section within three years. The price 'of pre-emption lands in this reserve has not been inerea.sed, although, from their proximity td the railway,. they are especially attractive from their ecidttipeel value. The terms on which, this reserve •s thrown open are meat liberal. The reserve in connection with the Regina town site is also opened, the lands therein to be sold' at public.; auction in April next, at the upset price of $5,' the Pt't oluferbclolinu'aasee IIIiOfloE OU P sold o' tehsaetYea1444bnele' 'drs§ t9i3c QI fb.Yaest • not sinbre than. ope-quarter pf the section (160 &twee) to be soldto ohe persao,. and to be Subject to tlie paine conditions.. as respecting 'resi- dence andcultivating hentesteade -111 belt,, on fulfilling whiele conditiene within three yeare frkan „;,dat.e.of phrphese, the settler le en.: titled le ral.mte of half tl:te par- chas.ei money; and to a patent for 'hie lend. .Feiling to carry Out the conditions the flevernor-in-council . way order tho' caucellation of the sale and 'the Ceturfi of purchase menet, without2 ifivere.rtethe ptrr chaser. These changes and this amee liaration the' Will effect it tlie dition of tbe lionteSteader twist teed / to-promete the rapid settleMent o the -country. . eg. Poth Orange and L,aati__Leg_goo,_' meetings at ' lionduncletr,y,xilt,;,he It is re!i. that 'Lord -Rosso,: p. r�: or Mi.. Atunro will oppose ,Mr. Conseevative net:nines% for Peers. ' ' 4 if ri 'POO lien - approved' Of . the propesal-for-the'erectioir.of astipmp. oriel. church' to Daniel 0"Coonejl at, Carhayeri, freltthd, and, promised. a donation for the cointer stone. • Pourer the nine Sligo men who pleaded guilty te the 'eliarge of coil- tipiracy to murder Martin Leyden [Jaye, been seatenced to ten years' penal servitude., ' • • Snow- Is fOlir kitchen deep. in Sal- tilli3,211,,feiico, Which is upprecedentf ed, end greatly 'literals soperstitious Mextearis It is reported to be foer feet deep la the :Muttataitie at Memterey. • Ae the Paine)l banquet last Weci,L teaday• evening the usual: toast to he gueeit waa.oreitted. Mr. Da,w.. eme•Lord Mayor Of Dublin; propos-. tel the tpasb, Ireland,' a which was responded to .14 Mr. Devitt. and Mr, Sexton.. ' King Harman, QopserVativn .roetiebee, of Paeliement. for Dublin, preeiding over a meeting. of Berele 13pard of Guardians, skid he wpuld. revent„any meeting of Nationalists ten eg held it, Berele. He :eedorsed Lord Rosinuore, and said he was prepared tO 4erfeit , 11 ifi. commisiston p Jestice of pe4oe. A:. meeting! ot Liberal workme• n lolftfitpletaittiOTii°irncli,;"t41Yeii fIoltatteheSePctiree7o - apy to -collimate. 011ennell's sen- elne. A letter ...Wits reed :from anilieliini;-(Li)ireil,;' M. P, de- nouncing the eybject bf the meeting. 4. motion. in favor of ,q, '.petition in hilltalf was defeated by a large majority, • • -:,-- • ' • Archlifshop Croke, opeaking. at. Waterfofrd, said that .after what had been eellievod the last few years -by the Irish party in Parliament, ;Under theit•-great leader, he Led no.doubt if people persevered' in their ebiirse, avoided: erime; and tefused to allow theieseleeS to, be .traespertedi good (0113 would, be.achieved Within a reasonable period, atal the presalit generation might to tie() the old land 01°04 in OW garb of, freedoin under. the 'HAI flag. * The Afoniteair de Arnie, panel Or- gan, strongly ceneurea the Catholic clergy tn Newry, • lteland. It . pecially .condelous 'Father Ne0e:re ten'ti Sermon in phe Cathedral. at aNcetrollo'firithweillaitTnenliuternateint'rpizreosittilbGe iting the Nationalises meeting there as having a tendency to drive peo• ple to rebel, and as a direct insult to the Catholic church. „ Mgr. Sav'arese, (Water Of civil n•TIO canon law, until recently the Pope's domestic' "prelate,. has left the He- met) Catholle Churell, He was rc. deived into the commit') ton of the Epieeopal Unreel) hy 1.)e. Novin, (11 Meturs American Church', on hitt' confession of the Manna epeed and hie abjuration of the dogems of• Maculate Coneeption and Pepal in- fallibility, . .11e asks, for We guid. anae fOR1 protection of the Anglican Episcopate 'against the usurpations, of the Bishops of Rpme. The Isiew York TribattA liondon cable letter .says recent. ev,tints in Ulster and elsewhere skow that °thing but the -Queen's Govern.° ent stand, between recland. and War, AO ehtlinsiastio public ception was given to Lord Roos. ore .at ittonagltatt at te -crowded ening protesting against his oval from his position WI Coni- iseidrier 'of the Peace AA ittl•11131116 iOYAl!,(U‘bilk‘ntec,ti: in Ireland. Melee lottery, and'a few 'days ego reeeired' it letter frcim the maetigers.inf,vrtn, big ;him that it liad drawa $4,000. Mui lives whout thirty mile • 'Meth of Port Rpm 'neap Bethany post-offine. .Tbe man Who won the •$15,000'prize ill the Loudei,. Ioteery. 1ves'Obly a mile 'distant. .A:Montreal gbd only ten years neened Ne-wthe, detighter of an English' Protestant, took edited in .e ininnery,•where. elle • desire% to ' stay, on: the gratin& that she . was, bantized the'Catholiti Church:by her mother, Who -subeequeittly. be- Cetne ' Protestaet, The. girl's . father Waited. Prom what the The. - ..p weenies actid, he will eend her to a t Ronan Catholic Reformatorvibot.' f inthe '8 Supteme Court: E;'' King •'Dodds.. Wett fined by. Totouto' Police 'Magistrate Denieen •$25 arid costs for e breach of the. Lottery Act. There are still. twen- ty.eeven caaes Against Dodds.; It will lie remembered MILLI Dodds' little scheine-wmfte have a hewl of beans in his stove window and eller privet,: to Whoe,ver Would guess ,cor- reptly the number Of beans in the bowl. The prixee offered were $20 and $t 'gold pieges and a set of har- ness. has 'given notice 'of lip - peal.. . . . A British Columbia ' deapateh air' I—Reports froin Su titas, Thurs- day night, state, that a titan 'named Gillett, foreman of the. Canadian Pacific B.ftilway Woi.ks'was urdo, ed in hie , He was shot,' and had his throat cut, Ile %vas SUP. posed to have bad uioney. TWO, of the gang suepeeted have left. The, body of 'a man ,natued Creighton, with his throat cut, WAS leutid in the woods near Alapleridge,' Setae - (ley... :It ie supposed •to the.work , of Chinamen. A.MBRICAN; judge Spratt, of Alabettfie, sett-, tebeed Wesley Posey, who outt aged a young girl, to be hanged on. ,laa. nary 1.1th, lwelve members of the Salvation Army were altreeted while singieg and praying .On the steps of the State Ifouse, Vew Hewitt, Conti, Wm, Ramsey, of Eeet Saginaw, book keeper, ehot and killed his brother one nightt..mistaking for a burglar. Vanny Zimmerman was engaged • threat004 to 41.41".01' .1114 94AA6"tui lice helii•the other who ail the while Married Ope of them, While the to twO lovers. • Saturday last she vil 11 112 re 111 ival. „ Last weeti a bill 6708 1,11P0(1t1401.011 by Congressipa4 Aktyherry regnest. to +)... Twenty-eight cents the p capita proportion of the outiou debt -of 1858. In .1.04 the cost the war had swollen the per ectpi to more than $18 and the ennu interest per capita was four dolla and twenty nine -ceuts. Then ti payment cf the elebt began, and o the lot of July last the per eapi principal was about twenty eigl dollar; sllotsttlig- an--aveeage vedu tion of nearly three dollars per capt for each of the last ,„eighteen year The interest charge per eapita pow ninety five cent; The Oldest Inhabitant. Mrs, Mary Shaughnessy died in Pa., acted 100. • Alex. Willie, of Lacrosse, Ga., died racentry, aged 113, Solotuen Evereall: vof Hamilton couety; Conn., -hes just cote:netted hie 100th birthday, • A'rther Connelly died recently in •Lockport, N. Y., at the' age of 99 ye ire end 11 months. • • MI'S Jane McCurry was baptized on her 100th birthday at Buzzard's Roost, Whitfield 000 n ty, The .oltiest graduate of Vale Col lege is the 1lev. 1)r, Leonard. With.- ingtOO, of Boston, who js 9* years .old W. J. B,irlow, of Live Ciek, Fla:, 103 years old , 1.fie father lived to theage of 106,- and bus pother, to, the i!ge of 126. Mrs. 'Vary • Yount; 1i0years old. Nine of inr thirteen children ate living, and her grandchildren nunnlier *delay five. Pr al of ta al rs le 11 ta it e7,---A:--ban net i'vas-ten eyed Mr. Charles ta 0. is ,CoUillY AND OTHER If/Argos' Mrs. &tett, wiN of Michel gen' ot' twit 84 yen*. Site bed reelileet for the township et 1117,flied on the 4t11 yeiltiip ft? towneltip. Shetyt.et, eatiya ete f n:elite ecteety, Ireland .• E194 t+4 giftM StraPifig. 1.4waul lIIehhrd1 of ilerileburg, 111,, says ;---"Ileving reeeived SQ. iwif eva nioatao %was, 1 l'oel it uut'illity lot team hog humanity knew it. elevelies a running sore en my leg fel yeats tuy dectore told me I would have to heel the hone serapcd orlegatmattated, I used instead, three bottles, of'dilleetelellittetA and seven hexee HuckleietrAtehat Bah.ei and my leg hallow sound' end welt." EU% tile 'litters are sold at Jiffy cents a bottle', ateleleuekleree Arnica, Salve at 26 ceatt bexpbx Won). tz Co. Psul Winer tuet With e tielious,.acaletee, near Crediton. Ilo was choppiug 121491 end it fell le an unleekeil fer direction, equine gewp upon hire. lift leg was Intel, ly bruised slat dislocatatt et:the knee, Hit arnt end other parts elan got considep011 damegiab l, ut he (1004 IVO'', • The most dist:enraging Cough, at well le Bronchitis and Hoarseness, yield at oleo to the influence of Dqvitieie Ettitia. Paw - ph lets Nee. Send eddreiti te !runty, Jell t, eons & Lord, Montreal, Que. •262.1m ' Nancy Reilly, of Oregon, when a Oiel watked-I(•tf the 'A -gentle t . Missouri, and subseqnently, whet moving . to. Oregon, niade n pair trip on foot. She I's now 90. Theim are three old 'persona it Bald win ceunty, Ga.- 'Sy! V is '-Cafii . beet and Peter -.11411. 'are •eatili 11 • Vears of age, and' Mary English he just passed her 110th .birthdeY • John O'Maliti," of Cleveland, died recentlyat the vgeOf 105 veers; He heti never been.sielc, and feet beferb be died he said he felt drowy; and .apparently asleep, •.. • George :Gijin.ellaw, of 14anglade (1..yunty, Wisccinsin, Who is represt.it ted to be 104 years old, last year cleared the timber fecim an acre .0 :herd wood land, and (furilig the suni. n. ejti eslitoi:t0erbivaelthe. , . ' "' - • • .. • • • . Rev, P. ,MeE.,-.)1.6LOod, pastor the, Central .PreshyVriati church, Toron, to;;preached fe second Of a series of sermons. Oki "Image' worship": hist: Sunday., (Aldose or • His text 'Isaiali"I am the Lord.:!ztliat is My name : and My.. gte-r0-91 IT is fidt -glee -tei:--anotlier, bei My praise to graven images:" age or idolatrous worsiii,n,lie. .aid, WeS 0')t Confined i4is the Aqui &till Church, but to a bertein extmit • wee to .be • found among..,ell sects There, is, tio tette:woe:lip. without , a kno‘vIedge of the. object: :wor- shipped *and:the ottly true worts:hip of Gotl's.i.e by it':trate., knoadedge. of Him revealed., W,ord es. found in the - Bible, Tne'•Cherelt of Rome (lea-, beeittelY adds tp the Bible to suit Du OWD gootpilleSieBild: itti 'erronbouS teachings al le4'clea wu *Item oilier aoareee....4. ft they elon'e'p.retend to .get their fogecietien, froth sitelr.a. source. There ie €.11116worship. without a true knowledge. of • Jesus Christe,._..7: (49 nett go 26 God, . but ffe.- comes. to os .in. tlieopersen of jeatis Christ ,IT is 'Son, "I.' am the way, +,1i " h • ' life;bu6 no man comet)) onto the father Your prudes:to God will be with-. out avail *unless you'believ.e in.phrist MI Your • Sow ior, .and.• the. Gospel • Of Jet i Christ is ' the • only bnlwark ageittet ideltitry. eIcristiees must he leyal to Hilt), and cone Mit bold- ly' .before the 'world, ao• by their actions. and .words show that they. fully trust ie Ilts seethe .grace,. In. the Clim•ell Virgin is placed abovOlirice, eapIthe .praiee' ie..-givee „So., hm-..-• %They .dividee the glory itftWfOlf Geld and Mary. They say God's fiat -Was 2.0 tondeula the World and Mery'sl to almut itp redemption. • 'When POPe Pius IX. was relfilietel from his imprisonmeot- lit Gaeta- 'he "gave 'thanks to theNirgin. Oft another' zeasion, when, it !loot gaee way _in church where le wee preeellifig:•116 called ote Mary to save him,. tittln. acknoWlesiging that . she, and not (loch was his protector. The honer toe the 'Holy Ghost .ati. part of the Godhead is ale° given to. Maey, 1.6 voeshrtipieg images ..of Mary, pout() 111 acceunt of Ow hietory connected v.ith thew are held more 'seared then there. .For instatiee, one which they claim wee .patitited. by St. Luke the; evangelia", -held particularly sacred.' Another in. Normandy, the eyes of which they claim. 'have been. k !town tft 11101/0 104 ttrOU'llti opoe the woeshipp.ers, hoe been_ 2218 - ltd by;t1sciusands of .the faithful. to 'do it hotasgo, Certain'. garments else, which their traditious. say were worn by the 'Virgin, liar, beet', 111. 861 sa% ing the life of the wearer. API o ,•s of the Virgin,' are made special: jects Of worship, The order of the Saw ty I }Tear, origi noted in the:brain of a half.deintint. ed pun who claimed to have. aeon an apparation of tbei Yireft, and Christ. Tho Spring cif 1.,ourds, the restift ef an apparition of the Virgin to a Siete giel, is .also visited by many, who chitin lieve been healed of their infirmities • by applying the water of the mitring to the apratad The 'Cathedral a Laso!ette, another. Alt of these have been confirmed by th Pope. At en, he said, bee nee the gods they woe. ship, 1) ellefl the itttelloctind and mor- el degradation, of the Olturch ot nomanists claim that they do not -worship images, and through thew worship the. objept whit& they represent. This, 110v/over, irt quite nanocessary, as, God is eveiryWheee, awl consequently pcarcr 14 tie p114.1) tow image or earthly being. /In concluded his remarks b wernitt 111Ail• iu lityka; 140 11111'04Y OYfIlifig,:' by his friendi)1 that neighhorliond. ile le A candidate for 2nd deputy.reevs of Stephen and seemsto he highly popalar. He has heretofore served in the County Parliam,eut and made au excellent repre. eentaqee of 42 tewnehip tlati taktai a . , rank rur general intelligence. ' A Startling DiseoVerr Mr. Win. Johnston, of cfittron, JAIN • writea that his wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many yeare, and all remedies tried, gave no peinianent. re- lief, until lielprocared a bottle of Dr. Kintel. New Discovery for Cineitien tin, Coughs, end Colds, wheel heti a magival eiNet, emit produced a 'immanent cure. It is guinea./ • .Free et Watts ' s: Co,'sHrug StoreLargo . , 874eidto.000,15re all diseases or thi, Lungs, or BronchialTithes. Trial Sett el — • • Mr. Sand / ers 'shot roniarkipily fine ., specimen of wild cot, in.Stephinion day. One of' its hind feet hod been taken,. fatter that) suph animals tireiastitilly loan' oll; apparently in a trap., it wa3112114111 at this season of the year. ' The Rest rronf,—Tlig -01,08E. ''1.•aell' inure Burcleck Blood 13ittent than rodo of any other pteparatien iu steek," says 13. 'hikes, droggist, Toronto. If the reader will ask any druggist in the eity lie Will *et a similar answer to his query—a proof that it is the 11109t populat, medicine for the blood, liver, and Kidnap. known. • • . 283-2t •• • 1 lic,balvation Army •are -doing great werk•-ineleuitanctile-towe hell biang,ciatte-----..--- melt with peonle every night. Over el lilnavt°Iiej..°pileitipiltelleolithtlialtIleoletaaliitlyva,Y.8bluva4tlihgebiat‘: batteries,„were always directed,against another. Now that they ere. alter- filo. tItil 1111(1 fectlollo.essi; "I', °tile, ilo,2121.1uetissb7iiteli 9the°p Ler %kv;i,jdi., 8 'wish them God speed. • " • S 55 yea.te, end....trev.einet-ifirto "cure coughs, . 'Cold; 'Creep, Whooping Conti and '1,,itng Diseases. Childrotf never rettnie to take it, .8old by all Druggists,. •2624ni •.. Re thiiiefiil What -You -Eat , 'the beei medical author' deg deelare that , worms in the Mohan systoin: are often in: thiced ..eating too freely of. imeuake4 fruit aiid fed. . meet, Mildew), fee, • Whatever may be the came,' .Froeinatt'it • Worm Powders at,p speedy and safelto eurai • • they destroy the worms, and.contain thei1. owireatbartic•to expell theni. 263.2t. • Mr: Iltelts,'aieiveller of Port High', ;wag, -banquettatkere :the . prim: • 1:10,,,x1n4s.eitleelp.artare to take. ,ap his .:re.sideniou "..''‘i1 • .141,i)ylolkoiThhi;ea(lt Tly! goal perhaps,: pf the sure appre,seli or • that more terrthle diseas Consumption. A .4ik you rsel yes. i t' on t,t1.411 sitrroTSTivinz_ ren the,risk • . and do .nothing :Or it, We know.fis expeilsoce that Shil,o1C8 Cure Will civ • • •votir Cough: It neyer fails.. Thls-exe: t-11-fffri-fl. 1.11(ir.e . thuw a _SAT UPON. • • ' The Torontd. Glebe is itiquisitiye,„ . It asking; many questiotie.' It is little worth while to attempt to an- swer all the goestitina, because 'meet of them intimate dr inainuate what ts net tree, It.ttiay be worth- while to look ate_a few of them; Ile first 1. Why is not•the price. of wheat. 'as high as the teeverouient•pro_unsed he would make - ' The Government neVer promised td make any Pa'rticula,r Price for wheat.. opiniou was expressed ie 18/8, and before; .thats farmers •wopld be beeefited by a duty en erttie. That opinion has been • .vinsblicatbd.'Oia December 4.,-.1W-ltrie• last . Q000I- ber in •vvbiell the' Reformers- werejn effice), end ,L/ecember of this year,. priees of No. Spring wheat were as • fellows , . •• ee 1877.. PeC 44 1532, Toronto 51 „08 ls°1 34 Chicago $1 07* - 0 96*.•••• New YorkY, 51 04 • 1 62 - . -.84,1'87.' . \Vilest in Torontp is now dearer. by 6 adts•tytiesitel than 11' 877, In 1877 Wheat in Torpid° was half a cent dearer than ill Chicago ; noiv 17Z cents 'dearer, . compared with gilietsgu,. the Caned' iatifartner has a better prtee than ip 1877 ny 17i con ttf, ,a • lit 1817 wheat in Nov York was con.te dearer than in •Toronte ; now it is p cents cheaper:. As coin- paeed. wick New York the Canadian farmer has a bettev price than in 4 1877. by Ili cents.- s s -, In 1811 %vheat in Liverpool was: 52 cen LS dearer than itt Eironto ; • now it is 10 coots. dearer. Atecom- pared with Liverpool, the Canadian farmer gets a hotter price than in 1877 -by 42 cents a bushel. • Why are not the prides of hotter ail(' cheese higher, 1 Where aro tho home Mai lieu that were promised for the ferule -it's beef and mutton and node. and poultry I VollowIng are pricee of the artie- lea natnocl,in 1877. And 1883, Ail are taken front the Globe except for beef and mutton, for Which we cannot find prim' that paper. 'Hamilton prices dre therefore Bub- stituted Not+, 4, 1877, Nov 4, 1883. Beer, hindquarters., •*5 50 6 50 Muttenoce 100 lbs., • 6 00 7 00 Dressed hogs., , „ „ 5 30 0 00 Chickmisalal 00 Turkey:4 , ,,,,,, 1210 • 1 tggs, dozen.. , , ... 20 27 'Butter, poutaireilg,. A4 ' 23 The advance 10 price avereges about 20 per cent. Dote; the 01,9bc desire further information concern- ing farm produce 1 .1 • .A'witty Thenehman de6nos •gestion as remorse of the stomach, Anil 'tempest, as indigestion of .the. eeneelehee, A.niong tbe reasons urged by a Peoria, /11., woman ,frer'A -elivore.e ee 1 I/penitent:0h 8Womitve, ity,htrsoo, tilthy habits, ince:opals • ties were sold the pest yeer. lt tellevea Croup, and` Whoomng Cough, at once. Mothers tio not . he without it.' Toa Laine'Bnek, 8121e or Chest, .use Slilloh'i Pumas Plaster,. Sold .14 3, H. ronibg, • . • It is etreggrililit 'clin boast . of .,•• porelndustries than any other village of ' it:s. Eliza in . Ontario.—Thera -0112en1201 1)1111, sasv mill, planing ;1011, salt welle.anii pork•factory. • Theproprietters of the :leis ter piditstry"state that ther have .peeketi • . • than the' eopesponding period co lad Mow •to treat. Weak Lungai • • Always hi:oath,: through.the•nose, . ing the 1110021 closed as much, al possible; Walk- and sit erect;. exercise 'ie. the open- air, -keep the skin scrupulously clean, inlet takelingyinxl'Sl?ectoral Balsam for coughs,. colds; and bronchial -troubles, 263.2t Sir Biehard 'Cartwright visited Heqaahl on Monthly thtlling ot.irst; Week. the 'expectation of ineefing his friend4, lie. clid not meet unite as ninny as he expected, and very few electors who had any tance to.rmw oe ere preiient, therehire the attendance, was 811111 efid Iii greetings very. , erty, • state, and country, anw d ow; ad . people,. Aypr's Saratiparilla. tt 12 616 ,best po,mbinataan. of vegetable bli purft•; fiera, viith the. Iodide of Potassium .and Iron; ever oll'erad.to the public, Mr:.t/a11.1014 of flit TinlIndll. .Ushorne, hos diqpecied 61.bis coati to Mr, •AndreW Oilman; • l'6r the 'euth $7,8oty, •Mr. reside Exeter. . For' Coughs, Colds, 'Crosip, ing Cough. 'aral-7-tung. Diseases, gee N. lq • Dew ss! .*1.1YRY0A 8LP, BALA:Lit te Sold 'troll ll: inigists. • '4very hot tle 'v r. ,:tralltit(i. Trial size, • 25e., Me 0„ Large size, .51.00,... • " • 202.1e, four tintee the. number -of mgs thi,r Mr. WO UM' Vs10;ll-ttWas walkilig along - Huron streetExoter, when thie of the heartht of the .aidewellt dew up,. emitting hen on the leg, causiag it to inflame. He will, in all '• probability, be•compelled to lutl'e his lei engin toted, , Dyspepsij! OS% Lifticr tionplaital, . ti it not woi 23 • the small Price, of 75 cen ts to tree, yieirself 0 eVeryt.Srill prom . Of those distressing complaints, you think 80,211111 Ilf. Mil' store mill get a riot- tle of' Shiloh's everV bqttlo 11.'4 a printed guarantee on it, use aecort (tingly and if it, does you no good It wl I cost you petliing. ny J. It. CO lithe, 2634y ' A cloaellead is indicative of good health feel regular habits. Wii.en the body .feela uggishly, 114 '1('$ Cathartic Pills wil heavy. and langnicl, and the mind semi eli wonderfully assist to a recovery of' p' 7" seal letoyeney and mental -vigor. '14 constipated should use them. • o A woman who is weak, nervous sn,i sleepless, and Whohai cold lienila owl faineiee ifeiVottlinisti end give stningtli feet, vismiot felil and -act. like a, 5713 31044011. • ,,, Ctiater's Iron pills eieueNe the uireulatteili ilf.(1)11;IVJI:ltsitliiivitiiieiewitleteillyeritliti,eigialskitt,,ri veuelottsm,1 mei newt men:, in 81.114011,..., t Al I Ati.-1411. le13:111e1 A .. A• metal lithe:tor 110(1.. With each bola lb: Piteit It' you Alealill ho'fith nmi Aweet breath, Prier tiOente sold by S. II. ronike v ,i,litaiIwity Accident. , Frefik lipink, Wiitou aeolue, TO1'011M, 8613 tl tithe ago reeeived et bail ifijney by ei, at tit, t.. 101.11;1; tstclina,,Lrich cinCet.. ily'. Ili te,0 ',Ii'lliciltt, ettreue..4,cutii, i flagfard's Yellow Oil, 263.4. Certer's Little Lives' Pills hove lick ''tirlitiella ailaellirecl% film"I ' RD eleu)s,1‘1Ctievell411)8ittieaiitt6tr,.. Pelt% in the Side, and all Liver iron:Wee: Try them, - '• 263-2t. ' A Paratlytie Stroke. • W. II. Howard, el' tlenevet„, N. V., onf'• l'ored enth Miley etel eteperal debility', *nit s it'1. IV, small' .to • n ^ a mivertiokt Ism...