HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-12-12, Page 4to I
WANTROY TO N I—M. 41! 4l, 3 r., 4 X A 0933
wi-tv lihe I'vai'lli tbat glilteued, DIS00UNT 14AL10
ovath, Dr. T;tllkl4�.re 014 XVaCU-410111- L I N
Day. fferTvvilt so estr lowls Plows and FiIIIII Velgetable Sicilisxx
A,.ynfn)2 women, 23 yrorts, ll I NV,4 they livillitiful, vik",
avvoijel of' Mr, Tints. Steen, ILI his d6courdo ab bo Brooklyn Aila I i . Isand Winter Apples,
I -, Di. Talaina, aft, r refix- oi,
Ont., xl� (I very TAlytIrivicic n , will b0p;l1d. WHIM -W o rk s. iffAiR R.En.wm,
I jig )a 1,1111, to tho patliotio of the Cau Frid,4y,eve"'! qu -'w'T$ AND `Zffl%H0%ES,Carri6xw-ej
on 11 D. CANTIl-ON. BOVI e- , asheheIt is & good thill" that tile lit order to pitilm rootu lbr 3FvA1AXA t& WXXTa93R- SW0CXC,, stoter of faded or gray halt to ito natural color,
iyo- 0 IvIlivil is low arriving we will give it ItliI)VOTION OF
arnpalIV it is agoodthill, that they growth, and ittitllull 114ittl, 11 bryll lad Ina
Ilylitators, but 11011(i bliver So fully fact til, the roq
-is villain whotbroligh -e are now more
a liver e, Thet n ifitilrolyiQlItly ijecilf1li for proper troatifluni 4
projnse of filarringe ill in Niivr York than Oak day 20 PER 00 IT 0 1,4
JiA �;N teadily growl) in favor, find typrood IN fallity, suall
lid AND 1, great:
viref.ting bor ruin, A Child wra I I)Qforo tile faillQnS 'ity -wtoeve
ly redti 11riv struint tyquarier ortbe globe, 11stat
varicty.l.-A quali Cs.--liAlly !11 , L , t, 4
'I oil I I
i -oro aliout Gve, we --a, go, Ilave I PROPRIETO R, ity
colnit tn sviv. '411.1 LL and. NTELON IllelolleccEs can be attributed toblitoyip
our taores, otir f -t ' 've.r 11A
etfirios, fillG_
1.Ivt-r wall �011 filt1lo lialth of ViNit
ilig tile house of hey, parents uIld of 1 hoines. They twilice up Nonle of our fillilk, a -i -Z 041 it) the cause; (he
The propriq1tors have oftj
tire Poweli 41kil. T-A-MVEJEIS T WT T 0 xAtruFACTiJRrR been surprisd at 09
irtillowill", his tht fta oon citizonship,, The Net- is that away VICTORIA 13010K, CLINTO recelpt of ordera froya rexpole cQuittrigo, i0ore,
a let I) M
es the J,iv-' fillory bad never Made fill vir,
as She w, as Strong etiough etc., they sII`;II ( ' - Re Lffid' 991,00ers,
W upan Oat w It, t1w. rialully happy- by 1110art. The use for a ilbort tinie"of 1413;
oti.ld be promitieS iripip e I� 0
ilert, kept III) Itlytil 'Life day tire the Ellgillill— ALURT'STREET111 Improves Vers;ilkyyall
Sit WAQQNSs $4E1014SX, Appearance, It olegri the scallp, I #UL lyyf�
a 8 Ell
A M is" 11 1 1 9- purities, opres all humors, feyer, and dryness,
Ilec de III, wliviii oil 041; day lie was (109 011-ts, III tirii City Of ,11"Iltill
Clinton, Ont. and tbus prevents baldness. It oflaoxIatelil thill
GRAND U:N I ON HOTEL" orableit them to, v I
hhamb, for, -
Jill ilih bovaine acitInahttvd, NVith tire of tile clay will not be able to LUBIBEP, AND SITINGLES taken in exellyinge, ai�e e call and I ward ft -new and Agorous growth, 'IU IlIXOtits 44
this-griliella Are not like Itilkil" oil aleofi.
rilcgantly Fhmishpd througghout. Fjectric will give you. hv, bLateli in, the County.. anideas _ST VALUE IN
It lie new, and lifier Partaking of Tier 13 F_ belle preparations,loAtre4filry, A longolloviwhitylly
&,upper iti.livik usiral health ri-tirt-sl evacute, We are moro find Heted with Hot Air, Lrgo autl wlell,ligliled HorotishoeiiiA done Ivitli flospaTch. makes Its Use a mattitir of, 9eQylQmY,,
the night, but; Oil approaciiing Unified. sllZoollis ath Iloom, Large ad Ele-ant Plitr1ors. R. 'CANTELO"N.
fill Teas, 13, 0
hit- hedroom fil 1wr tionaon bf London Strand 'onifort of the Travelli,19 Public, BUCKINGHAWS DYE
U RZ Everything for tb6(J
mt%��geeed and fell, T vital spark -fliul in a . few ;Pconlls A Delfilitition orn Glass S. F irst and 1Z,00111; also first-class W1EI$XE10
Y., says Zope.4a is fly king tile
Nvirbout a 8trut. Vo6f. symillathy itjyjany ol edio- oliijection.. will change the beard to a natural browiti, cg
der, in StoQlc Ytjr(l iij c
is fur the bereayed parents ill Tire Vexe(l quRstioll of file law I- nies in that Section. bIyLcXa*desIred, Itlyroducesgilermayleatcolote
their sell affliction, Item of sellitig beer or spiHts, by atil acea, forlthe Liver Gpineral. -8761ec on of that. will not ivosh Away, Consisting. Of A AiIII
i is a pan e OUlt 13A11 is Sup 64 1 ti F U RNI T %190& R E 0 preparation, it Is applied without Aroublits.
Is cort-ects fjquor, ll kilids of ItefresbViollits. FAUED BY
appears to hvo been, bile,� strengthens digestion, ceries,
Gro _1
utburitatively �sulttivd in Scotland We have flow the LaIrgpstnud Best Stock over offered it, R P. HA 'L & Co" Nashua, N X,
I fvor of tire The report 'gives rest to tile Wilted directly opposite Post Office,
fle circular recendy isslied 1hy 11 mp e-4 I Sold by all.D
'in 10116h, lie rf of the Board of Tiede oil web, nerves r -r
Tvasnnt to take'L J�fe 14.Xiass Crocker Y 0- 1 Ttj I I 1%Q
pil(liates tile dest-ittike Ivish immi- and ineamilro.-S directa uttention to A fihealthyL and you,
Jonway stree( OP
CMSed it vecent olteoWou in. hyallever anti n,gue, bill- 247 lif Proprit4for, Clinton, Ont 'Work, 'Styk, and Finl8h 'Cannot be Beat.
City, es. ions olly(I otbQr fevers, all(I a$
goal of conitnexie in'the c 6, China W__ are
I)e0lidly amang tire Homan Catholiesir Ole impoetalit case" of Int a rulii are happy'llyartals. Call before buying arad, satitify yourself tbat
the Jai,iticiary Blood V46orolers,
f whom characterize the oil-. ee,.- herd at
the best raned
tEs I i I I b u q I I, by w I I i q I I, i t W d R TO ET0, .I, because th
,e than scary. di;dw_� TO MERCHANTS WE SELL'OHEAP. senrollitif th9rough as something worr d;ilousIv groel. , A prominent went- decidea purifier, 8
ber of t1se. Church this iorent;iory said three or sixpollilly, worth -or Nv y 'S. BANK, ipaparllte-i
to the Aletirs I,elyor$er, r -KNITTING. TYE HOLSON How to Sell Goods Ayerls.Sars
—was not Aside by measure- LO d T As
A,I Isave Paid a -vii1t,to the pom, of yull" ill givillo, his fleciioll, re
(,Otlwt to be as goof] in qnality W orporat.to by Aut of jilurliumeht, I . $55
Out, are extensively li;nowrl
And as LU lilt- TO UN DERTAKI N
ty stret,.alld 1 11ELVe fit irlo:L(i this was ali important, At; 101v j,4tiletillieto get, y4 irRit, t- be botight. Capital,SO"
t -tivell l, and it . fly intimate that sale try weight and invasuro I Price as Can _,000,000. St, Tl,i, Line ivill-I , be found very coaliActe: We keep Cloilli-Vo . vered,
I ed A good (III, tim- Done. Re 05 'OOOL. C W. ivith the slirroun(lings off,the poot. !It. to L Our are n to.t ie sciLason's AD OFFICE, -" N -
Well' known allil Understood ill J.'AL L U A with the
Ireland, I cap safely. say I never wit. tho l4w, - Ile, hold that liquidi al- to fit peo. TI(0510 of (111 wjll� be It. It. 1'. ery at volita r inest Hear' n the.,Count
as I Saw in the cofirsa Q(4tay Sliol't ougb i!iOld, ill a vessol th, t .11.1"? WoLNIERM&N TUOMAS, 711 IP, PALVKCf, se J. Y14
aRmegood)JIL ie" Wit 'S 11111d Is to ati.all IdIlds Qf wort,hy of your notice,_as ii1so in tasto
S it ell it' ajjLj witich therefore iii. thht I IN 11, visit eterday, Nlit IC at luirliflu" and design are excellent-doki't irty"Calls attorrolool proniptli night or ilay�
the viely of Life suirt sonso tnemire,i it, was not neces, L N Ell. sngPinflitH noxt olorget the tasting )-art.. Mid SY Till
to tlie-srfeet AJILT they wore ilt once. a 31 III C lFliall for it gI G -E -O.- D I E HL & SONS,
people took a load of EVt
of' tht ily soki b meas -if atho nsl:izp(l fly the half I'vozen wretches, 0.1111tom N"uv, 2nd, 1982 Il;,y ItIT r -H -c"AW i L�-L
but it ig.n6t; by GULDIZX
litlyilig by Y. ecorinp:ttv ).while tire we;aker fly knotw ineriuve, 10641, arm III in VICTORIAL-STj CLINTqN, ONT.
Joe- -q e 1. goo DDS
onesoot none. Tlie hou§es contain- 2X V i 06 Full Stl5lek A� I Lt
0 9"
ior irill)(�I-it 1, blit ill 111A .&J)i 7
-Are not%- W
It, it graw w"V&4111
aimaien: vu IP IRif Ing6n thii floor to hin, for ujo. , J,ord jli,,Liuo Cllw-k W,&I,T,
deion -.I- 11L W iN E Y TO at U113 time and Olt tho tillurte.
to tko.. contain their owilk.
ridg!I ollt, of a RollUtry the WUS 1111HO of opillityll that. this 'Yali a - At bit6resk and ulon torins to 4u!t a
nvs, t . L PAPER r u. ld'a wtfe, stirty. and
fingers. In r. foi.iml fout, CO ittaouby'Prit:Etand not by. Out. or 15,01;Mc; iu Children m: Ad%dta.
ing [or food,
sit chil-Iretil all cla!n0l 0 T T -near.' mi wanting
I The -time for flouse Clearying
an -i it dving inraut vainly tryinti to
7 URN w IMay 1, t1l, 1,9132. H Parlor' Dinhi c.7 -ROOM., oi.y.-.Bi
lie of 7fIle
t.8 lIVe So', Fall - most des, -r H F: M P t
dial f1kinn R. JILIn-VY 1:
ttfI6 use; as� or Roo apers,
lips it'll 6�ai, lint it is of go,oi the,
Lilly aIi. ikw., nuron, their stoo�es villronly burif wood'. 01! th 'I" I,
Wait Cook tire I. lie 1 �Vl In(l the Y
will 11
The Archbishop 000d not st:tle his. wilfe . 0 Ileutly cure it kilit stol III.,
atChild oil tile c6urage oftheLone or ti.143 Fell. Z4, ANDo 'Patterns a' Best -and Latest, III) v five hunrelreri. wt,re rhiwW the otilt) LARGE ASSORT)MINT OF
Q'i... u.d
ing or lie woula nov ba� S� fly
CrIlel lio of America gall tui is Oil ly It Z ADRIA CHI GAN. 8F.ME11V f3h, TA Vanc. St.. Toreiiiate. Okid
:PT .0 0.
U tit <o tholik To,,,
1) Col. I I so$ jo zoillpoqtIre, -The -61. enlandoirs ft4ryweel" ago "a"le.took t:' -I, of primitiv-a wlie(�' Dal El 0 R A- T 6 fto lkhat Inbl)LSV WoLilti. 101, folk
It is a, board swung of) xle, J �R
have been put to bi e' In 174, and wh6n turned arow It, the one ite. in Sam FRIE S, FILLERSI, H.
'ki�e liaziftr Plashlon oks fOr 1893 are oa� aad it be had.for not Ing.
Toro Nvhony it stolis tile poti. 9 I�u
frica ube. Shells Jr af) rs au of get [L�
oxx si rimu, s.
A oILI -S.
Itly filing In a tour, lyk fOr the liberik] al I T d Oil III
Philip G er, of,paterson, lost a '0�qt ill Ell -1, z I",
wan th
U -11 to lihil tyt III(' past, Itilil I)y futili4ilig
lar"a toll of Iy tholft 0 tire -e�Te9elll;Gheapertlian arty okneory t6ii.61'.heRafili.
IV.' fie suspecied all.' 1 0 thell) to rtn_� III is' eoclot 4171t
0 .1. r7- they (fill, for the r0l)o San)) -
but di:l ol
11 kill "i it hn, as lie was urouroght, to thlii r .. 'M
suffivi (IV hIF
. �. :j3,
-Y LOAN. Birk TILVIt(?kojrt till all oulylve
o waqwitIll ow
]lot t TO
�jyjrylbljryg is pretty nearly h-�V in-, . . . t, . - � I
What litatip it fifn�r enting,
$tiller, .11,0111 the. Vite'll. THE' GUE1 VgSTYIENT.
bouse,l: PH,' OkTARIO, '11�
of klie Yffeu :: - -AD 5tV.1NGS` OCIETYI
lie inartItt I a ni m ot S thn't t e �b IL
gill S ,
0- ii, r
tlowill got ally i race. oft. I tb ief. The doingi.4,)' b6,4tadil Ing Oil Lie nu,0011al
aw - e otold I P 8eliall ppol I 111 ,fol . -LEATHm[Ra BE LTl 14 .0-
I, y t 10 V, EST P Mir
gaure. are nlade�trll Over the� tand hi =77 I,jollijo in,Con;i1pattion, airlLig pit tevelitill"
-,ya8 very & toolive. they olift9n, Out. 5tll;.l $92, ....... . . . . . . . a,,a ,(I!
i iLltq
WA 8 A , !)f. the liy flaws r
hy T / B
nr"% lu rn
till I tho IrOx gamblv(i lbr his
I the same TE19 BER
Lt.,) �, A 'o -
Phe lanil of Ciinanit, ws by aba301
ro 1' 4. -.4 r JIL;,Ili jilig complaint but follil.;
xpact rp Eg V'7
.11o: ut "r V to illow. AvIlry tfirst,ilass filrin seenritr atial oil fa- lotlithilivinal litil _0-0�--'o
lW tNlarnin,,ton 'and ssels. ostolwrr, 1,4jqlCo tj`.1j 1,110111`111 1 MIS Vllllttr
arA map."wayat! -v 11 -
sich Le d
L t 6 per cen
A 1) A i, w,
t., .�er 'Annum. pilits or(t marts. CN
wilpil the lJouloe
kfow?" siked the wonian.
ciirlip(.1'the livivile-ge -Of the
'o.ver, i 2(ii r oil #' , L
a gtYnbL Ing
"Do �ou See 01086" th theill, fbr t
'I layfe- I
sty e gaiiies.
throp VF-ry rill lsaOur
Wal 1, they eatnii froth 'a C611111 :tl'ess s -I, tIt, ULt
:�J; t to
ob aL hes Went in to "it 16
Vs. blit it: was to the ttille (A $1 do ut griw
cre, uv seat by tuaiL THE of
elljog "VE -CO.
tire. .'PI16 Abu 1� ZTE WO113an Ct of. llanover, Iost.5b,060 "liviles
if) order ELI "URN TU. DE111LERU'
"Slid (10 Y010 rCAU
Ono of tliv Illust til tl;D for paie the �101,s Na"fiUtJis N Nuv�v Yor;k C11
f'of It, -fine coronob alemi oi Ij
'Sel g
"OR SALE*- V111101"'Ilt.soft %k:lkr oil
g arid pretty, Mid
s youn IE TO
Well, that, is a C SIT "Itv bitildIll !BEET -101114TON
E Th
just'grot froni.the priest," '22 1 ir.
nd fen�ler these -if' debts;t crqwfl' Oot, ULA
"Arld whA-ilre you g)irlg to ol6, C LITO N Apply to JR RL b o,
Werpol 'ALfi; irtue a preserVe tindall scrofulous disertses, Sores, Erysi&IA14.1l.
Embina, Blotd%es, Itingworm, Tumors' Car.
U1 to .: I a o
slowly and . ly, looking tl,e lre� Ito 0 CLINTON.- 'butio0s, 1�01190 a
ndLZr-uptjonSk of'the gkiii.
aV ()mail 'in 010 It 1110, it t, a 0 esult bf ail impure state of tfia..
NV16L p6et of III day., Are the direct x
onVock f any Lo go.into a. �,cewin
o extra theso diseases
thellu-IN.,ix t I wi H,.", C.O. the blood must be puii�
althy and iiatural. condt,...
0 of' Englisli: st has it itoue fnitudatlowtiol lore'r ofanj cloler'bi till kindErof flad, and restored to a lie
.tIo;j. A% ove
A ywirs- been recogulzed b$ Arnifient niedleal.'au,
t0 GR has for
fvery'.tim6 �V I t
to the JP I ' AKERY larble &-Granite for. Con! ory
ovf, tall lvlivqt Will be Rold oil
to botIrivQ- t 1(. —0 re -oja an -Aardware, N,,r,:O.rc existence. It 4rce , a tbe gystent from all I ' 6ul- 11
rck Work "it flgll S tjo�t ovei�ctvyio theiL opl", [)LIt oil tile tees of thoyrolurial treatment, and proves lt�
reof �iate( : jrk
irenty of' tli-e, A LWAYI, self a complete llloi.�iei Of Ali ittro
FP N1 11
tile Tim. tious Sorrll.
-ot A Ree
the lll()IIVVL Will,d.rotp I(Sonid ry
:Plain for m a lim-t Lot' M be rigg Tho wninan - I oil The �J$jllb were
Iclval'04) Ious sores (ItIcers)
Fan T"`% U,
Cakes, I -to bli tronbled �vyt scrofa-.
Y htatli ..0 L N badly swollenAmil the sor:.; di.
trfl, �Illt sheely holvit. You ulf,, Lharged lar 0 (1111
'j)*i,%\-�14(!� 111111A which I ll�lfvar to matter,
to Tr otAr ir
thoTown. iWft�,Itlltll tried A.Yzlt'ft
Yettil-Iled i( fill; oil aof ull
1Ullt Upon llis:41e EF 1. 6r_ prerolves' ok, tiddr?'ski. t1kat tlri*b tiores are heated
a -ab. , his fl -611 t 4100r. .If rt I') it ol frind Z-,,25 (100 be uld
in ! 'Or alld wtis im, 66 3D TDT 3-'T, G and Illy,gdflei,I)l health greatly 111191-ov6d. , I feet
vcl�Vgi-,iitcfLiJ5ort5 good yourme jewebasdond,
01) t Ed V i0e tilit hn il-I 116 foiIIIII lit I, elilli;'i, rcsi)c �,ork, ,little 241,882.
148 SulliVAII Sf., -N6w
Secoltid to Nolae. . .. ....... JHEM 0 8r
contaliling" thl 'Illoilly to his son lito or �Pa Pt
ivilit IvoluIll riot I FO SALE, C) F o(kl- sv- �kn �ersons interested are invited ta
that )0, van oil mrs. 6,Brjan; WISOIL upon the BOV. Z.
oop b(i al Choice SeketionL
bad of Con
a.11 feititlonel
J,, Wilds of 79 1446it 54th Strecto New YorX
Y. if
Her; who s:dd that "a filtholi tile Wonderful efficacy of Aver.t� $arasparil.,
R WIL801 N
of 0. r2 e
ti'or oni In thd cure of this ladybut 1A
llis Sol] f WHEEL E c"'W110-111"ahol)"Casure" test"""n -
owb case And. mdI4Y .3 s, he did S1TWStti'3L0C1(, LtIA (III UJU IlMlo PhOl fl'olly8itillt 817, arle
CLINTOK.. lkntowltdg�.
Iglou'p, 1111lis 0" the f1s,
Vvr hirtirer Itirtter on ii osta" 1rerald; x
tho.world, ngo A D 13,% I'L Wlr, JU116 7,2882,
tit, "tiny 50 ypars." Lima re- front tjl(� g,till 'jig, tjtv)ltjto his 1 1 i 0 "I'lliwing saireled sbylively'-fillk sonic vearsu-IfIx
of Pool,
VJ a' E; AN E'
eIlaya XIIAilo xyge, ditring the Irrot three
(1.11d -kciviltifit; 'litar of- thol I) r 4)fLAVrt1A $AIt9Al1AaILI,,k, Which hall
a I coilgider rilaguillIA
S r -r
Ii.41 L;ow lip. vsjL�n fivil". d0)Ls '%VeVe llent, remedy for All blolyddistaKCS."
I)avn froin gamblin FARMS 'OF, ALL DESCRIPT10S, Aver s Sqrs;�pqrillg
9.. tilo-.Ioly 11NIIIIIIVIIIII.AN'll jkivop!�� 1�zo )J) -> 1:0 v -, I x I Orr.., atinvulateg and regulates the notiolicof the III,
%vith otifis rru 67% organs, reniW6 anA
66' That& (if I gestive And assimilative
to Sull this efims of - Proliert 0
$treagthorld th6vIt4). forde8, and ap;edily'cures
P "it itheurnitilirk, Neytralklat Rheumatic Gaut,,
wak, e W
Iy, and all olleaties.
Olkliflas t., 01 t. Cattarrlif General Doblint
Latid 0111,
ofe lVenjolled iitfieio 4�. tion of the ))food, All
s � I-1 - I I I 3r t01000
heill Ilainilton t1lo, va onnocount of Its-conecalraiedstr fri And great
lic W(IIIId llavo hily) if .0
po proverkillaeasti
wl o I TV .0
G0j)tRI6jt, Will ftrnfsh r,makt UP DV,
jilld ot hiny. The two )9orth 9treet, 110a r t S 04M 0 q*-trrol� tilt, niattvP to heffl,ty .1 Yew Weekso Dr. J. 0, Ayer 06., LdWellir MOBS,
I,and )g iU
Solit b)rall Druggists; price $1 six Sottlea for I&
11.8hio 'ab) Styles 111, 14 It,, lif"q1tat! ill
of tilis
At ;Low -eat Priem,
of, It
III (It' el 'of,t e.
and otjl,� ed fly tiltj fly ailtenticil Lor, I OW the liddrOSS-PH IIJO N V VellS nAellial. lit) 111)i)[14 itiol S110118 Of 1118 MV11% I0:dM1IP,-M file —AT TLIJI",—
r14'As No A LWAY I
igoll!' 81111j"et of 111, 1 able I�Ing i fter t III flifs tv;lillioll, not UvoIllge Illsofis to it dilke UP�L
g fil11 1filof
fI&I 11111t, floliv flk. 11;1'a lily Lo
00 1 at, play alld Khot hifllsol�'. F A LL A, /V W. IN T[ R V 000,
Portions ol' tho eartil Merit Itro 1: 1, . L SorLl F T 1� -10 - 8. 1,01"I Ntotifitfol-d )t)4 all his friolley lit a 0 Ft
t -s SaY that III(! - h&-4 I RItil III,, III(Int, 1111t, failed to IDIV.
r0r.THMP U to.
fiif hiq will wonl-I styltitl L
ill boingell H titTH U i'tjyZIt it, P I 0� ' .20 UNIaill so. N9W Yon K
"Pray, tholl" ximiVoRlub Ili OURS OR RELIEVI�
I Step jilito the 11 T,00111 Ali 1 —11 �k 9 A Won MAIO Worb GYH I C A Q 0,, -1 LL, -0-- g, IZZINES
elsay t 110 -five, (III Vill dity jill,61ig hyst, all Phlo Nvrl�li MAN21= 0
tool; 1111 IIiA (I IT- w"t l"to) tll(5 if xt lli(, 0 th a I I d Shot 0 Kill 0 AANOt MAS 0�
tile 11.0111111 the vintit. blijimoll. A Voting YnAll
M LE fu t lit tr 4,AUNDICE
it1qAir kHroy, r
fill -ill flip Its liti It, oalut, X. It flit, I tile gnV a dinner. lie Itested
I !ff -4.(l to, lit, It I"Wilif KIT r"% loop*%
'I,vilaf litylikelull valit'd ii niepting )r ilig 61, rind - , __O__o__
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