HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-12-12, Page 3thrisi
Nearly 100 different kinds, from 200, up to $1000 each,
Pocket 0,nd Family Bibles,
Laigest 'Variety andCheapest in the County.
33 CPC)5Er..
Over 2000 NEW BOOKS received. this Fall.
13iolren's Works coi'
riplete U.
vols., illittstro,teq.,, only $20.00.
J •
fookpt looks, Pluses and Lather'. Satehol.s1
v.erilarge, welLassorted st,oc1. just received,
•• selling cheap.
ausw oPEivuo.
New Stook_ af
And—Tobacconists Sundries just epenetl-Will bd
sold at Lowest Prices.'
An Elegant Now Lino just .oppned out..
. •
VIOLINS from $2- to ..$22
each, warranted good -value,. •
Concertin.as 8,7 Accordeons,
+ —+
14,128. to Choose From.
and t vety.. wes Pri e
1;am Agent fer :all.NeWSpapers and ' Mfigaineg
published in Cianida,..."1/...nited.S;tates, 'cu.; the .01d: COiintfy
I can give ,thein:to you as ,.and.: generally' •eheaper.,
than anybody. else. •
leighs at $1, $L50 & :$2 eac
Come and see my Large Display of Go9ds.'
. ,
. •
arsormorseasemme ,===...mlepooseiblememonvors
titt5 II I CtOtit
The •Gederiek. -News:
11.11. %I.. B.: Watat'ita. 11118 lxtol
'TiAsitsy. Dn. Atgadnoi, a seven
or eight yore resident in Japan,
delivered, an interesting .disconme in
the C. M. uhureit, last _Sunday Mix-
MUNICIPAL—Efforts are bemg
Matrrgit 1.1m.1,- who has
for a, few mouths pat been wrest.
ling, in WS ufllee, with the myster-
ies of "the att 'perservative of all
arts," has been Ittitl up with .en all -
went in. the head, but is now getting
made to Dud Reeve Corbett and de,. better.
puty Reeve Thos, Cooper. There ON last Monday Mr. P. Willows;'.
, are not two more effielent members who has retired frow the leadership,
utnong the half hundred representa- of the B. O. choir, was presentet
tivea at the County Council. 'Wily with a pure of $20..00. An appr
they lioucI be 'displaced is one of iative address was read to bilR'...ke
those things "no fe11aw-catt-uader----rdistr—M4ggie Butts. Miss $orfe
stand:" 0. Stephens was the medium forlitief,
Tau Ism waxn In Dotisworth smiting the purse of limey. Ali%
block the other evening kept the Willows goes.to Blytb.
whole neighborhood awake; the MoNt.DtztVra.—The Goderich and
"remains'. excepted. The crooning Kinard inc Marlde Works—Jamea
of the women, and the breaking of Vaustotie proprietor; and Robert
whiskey bottlesand the !general Gordon, of Goderioicrownsmp,
ruction would have awaked up any- eral agent for the county of Huron—
thing that was not "kilt intirely.' have a late erected many fine and
'Jimmie AND iis G1111:44`1,11, —The 'Coady 'ininumunntin-tire counties of
burly form of a linllett Reformer Huron and Bruce. Among a few
and .a Clinton newspaper man of of those recently erected in Huron
proportionts the reverse, striking mit will be found : 'beautiful granite
for Sir Riehard's pow -wow at Bay- montunent in memory of the . late:
• field on Saturdayi-eapsed a citizeo Mrs. Weir, of the Baylield Road, in
to • exclaim rather disrespectfully t the Clinton cemetery; a granite one
oejr, 1)0 Ile Giraffe, by time. in Colborne cemetery in memory of
the lale Peter McLaren of Clinton;
I. G. G. T Seaforth• dee- —13"° t r. • an EuiT, in
gation, mentioned it!4t week, visited Esmond ville cetnetery;vit e in God°.
their Clinton brethren. -A really rich cemetery in memory of the late
• soeial, .enjoyable end beneficial even- 8auluel Cox.' ire who it will be re-
gaspent in the temperance hall, morn bored nietovith such a, sad death
RuleaCtnsp, fosgs, recitations, etc., at Toronto; one\at the same place for
wore indulged in. if ow yietors the late Captain,SaVage, who about
• lunar, arrived last Week. five car
loads of irms lit the '' f
Clinton -foundry.
station or the
. MON. A....M. Ross passed tlirongh
Clinton' •bo way .east konday
, -Ass- • • eleeted -leader of the • .8. Sunday
',Ibis Shipley
Huron 'Moor
'•Miss ,Walker organistS:", .
. CirAs. CoATt:S has ancepted
•(.43f:11:474.11" AVID.•• situation aa.book keeper for
foot Vox, pf Soixforth, • Ito re -
Minton, Vireanesday, "Deo, 12t1a., moves there this' week. •
Na StclNxrualt.--,A,..postal 'CR rsei
LOCAL•1\TEAVS (Litkr Dec. 8 requesting
• statement of .amount for ' paper,
were a fair sample of Seaforth lodge, a year ago met with a waterygrave
they ' possess the real qualities of at the time of the Amin, disaster—
true temperance people. One in Godetich cemetery by. Mr,
,•,,; Wm. Dougherty, of AsIdiold„ in
' Viel.ATION or DY.LANVS—n a , Era
in its report of the Town 00110C11.
„ memory of his late soft John. 1t
' is an.admirable piece of work. The
doings says that. Mr. Searle "admit . deccood vas a. loember of the
ted the contention of of the Mayor" Orange ' brothel hood and Black
in ruling his, Searle's, motion out of Knights of Ireland, and emblems of
order. • That is precisely w.hat:Mr. therm noble and Christian Ordets are
Searle did not do, and in very fOr-_,., . I 1 • ' '
Pmse 1 eu on IMO . stone m a . very
Ale language ho expressed his non-
efleetiye manner. -Ono it) Dungan-
conemittnent with his: Worabio's
A non cemetery in memory of tile late
rnii,,d_botli at Council Board and—w-ife a 111r, Chas. Oirviu, reeve -of
. -• ' . • West Wawanosh; and .one. for Air.
. . .•
,. .„„, „ ,
. ...44. TIAP PI' FANIEN oy i uiurs n -rob. ate v et tie at . tl i c. Ni I e,—Th i r t ee n
•Widay three women, witt au eight • granite monume•nts„have. jast -art-iv--
year old girl and two babies, took .41 tor the mints works, pd .theipro-,
in the Bights at .01inton. They said prietor, Mr, ,Vanstone, has three
iliey walked ' :-itl " the wily from ' marhre- shops- -running • noW.---,-Ife.
'Stratford, wheeling the babies in a indeed attends•to tile warati . of Abe
.•.eitrriage. • • i11oney waS' wInit they friends �f the silent dead: on , an
wanted,. One -: of -• them, a yonng• ektensive scale. '
a:Mums-of 18 or 20 aummors and. .
east end of Vridge. As the eoutliend
of abutments gave way Ihati the old
faced with plank whieh served, also
eeveral braces put in the miss. The
upper structure is perfectly Safe nu
long as the abutments stand, hut they
are very much decayed. In respect
to the bridge at Cliuton, 1: had new •
atriums put in, which are 90 fr. long,
"btxtit on bentabout tit) ft. high. In
w ()pinta this part oP the bridge
it be tilled up with earth, as the
her pert
Is 110 ft. long, Wilt an
stone abutments, which is quite
.tricient to allow all the water to
ass through ; it has high baisks on
both sides, l'he lithrge knoWn as
Rathwell's, across Bayfield river, will
'have to be re.built or done away
with, I do not think there is a great
amount of -travel over the same.
However I will leave this for the
council to decide, The Warden and
0 1
abutment at Orieve's bridge, north or
814cIl.ale,dfor tenders to build the stone
Seafo Utz weuccepted the tender of
24 ft,
wings, 6
All of which respectfully submit.
.• JOHN Masox,
suikd Around -the b" 11"t1 • rNely°d' Th° 'writer
omitted to put his signature to it.
teliotilt &ilk.••• Loyna OF JUSTICH WpitliS UR
ixtating that the Sclinal 13oard ham
CHEAP PRINTING 1-=-GOO,D1 engagect teaeber •for the Alodel
ST°($/-1v4'e Ina Letter School without 'advertising an -
Statements, Bill .bealls, mtd all latults. iojection„, which be consider, unf41,..
ComutoNigl l'rintiog, TI111
15 I,ATIO :AIr:41. Butcher buried
NEWS-Rucoun.ofiifw,.cluiriper than the •
rathe.r.good lookino• witIr her bale•
in.. her arms, did the-. go0.119,06Ag„.. •
, ,
while .the l'os ofIli0 gooz acted. ns The C43otittty Councillne on Tues -
cashier, They.. s66;meti , perrectlY day. Thd Warden Mr. L. Hardy in
liappy. in the evening they inarelf- .• ihe chair., • . . .
ed on their . -. :w
way westward... .
ugs's anss.
'T.t.uNaws.t;s•-••-7While driving down .
• . ,• \ Gentienago,-4 levo Alio honor: to
'nfortn you that,since last meeting or
Victoria treet; on.. Wednasday Mr.. Ilie eGuncil. the repairs.and improve -
Mustard of Tuekersmith, was thrown. inents needed at the ja1'. have been
front 'his' rig, - Iiis. lierse, became cried out umler the. .superinten.
frightened by a . passing .runaWayil..dence •ot the clerk, at the *cost of
team, . Ilia ftiee was 'cut and sever- 41.75. ika lall are '% £11d1 C'°ry. eon-
ely inja. red. The horse was enught -,siderabledatuage was entailed on the
()minty by the great rainstOrm or the
-by : 'Mr. .:c400 Cot tie _opposite, . Tire :r—stli• of A ugust,.-whielt • carried • the
NitWs 11,00111, 0 file6.. ..,1.1u iill.way No. .Thatssels briiige • down Stream,. fuvl
1. overturned a rig .opribSite tile.11itte' also -destroyed tho approtteli to Blue-
. tetilmry Ai o Mie, • tv li ei re One if the vale' t'kridge, heStcle, aoMfniinordniii-
horses felt•and the team were clip: .n....q.e• 41•0:411et,Mikyliti .rtift,,, ‘ • '•
lured.. Tim 'horse. whitli. fell was
• •4p"ticiall r:(1.1e .3dimiLlItiges, •7vhich.• 61 Irid ti'l,t.
sOniewbut injured ;. • bo other .dans. '
no pf ormsocip,o..„. ..,..,._ -,!:._.- . the very..earliest *Moment, • when tile
L'e "'"'5 '''?". repairs were ordered to be proceeded
..or.rm.,,..1i8,T.L...43N‘o.. tit). eir77lars1.6,q11(474.1.0:: . e.0011,11:nai its soiloui:lee,r t:ti 11110.:trira.r.N; er:, CsiviibioselNi.-i,i,i,it int. oe
:EL • (.) = ' i'o ' .- ' .. .. i . .
lionbt report 1.4.yOu on the matter..
Meeting on littinday."'evenitig,•tlie fol- ' g t plii'qtr'En you 'that the con-
ies% ing ellicers were elect ed for the ' triLectolerI. lo
siTilliiitr, 'year..•:-Bro.•,A, • AT. 10i1(1,. failed to 01 otiltri"' blidge .411.4
ottyitroItilittisii he..
NV, IV.; Bro'..cilto,sl, Tweody, j'..), . 'At., allegas from tile ..dillitucl
cli, iiinuto.:.ic'. lj'i (Ji ii.:111,;I.4();1...01111fit181;;;.1.•a,ii.ittlebiy' ..,;11 3' 1 i.(0;1,.1 .s..l..• i.)0,1a.03,1,1'iloci:•:, .."4:rolnef:Ininiiiii:11)':i1));.il‘11:i11,1,i1c:s::viinolili).'01:11,1in)6...,st e,t6,1:iteli:lilitvbIt'ait?et:1•11,1:1t. :
rftexel.,eatiirialgacii,i'llItleicouticil to en foree .the
Can Leloe,; :,).st, -,cotainitteentali; Bro. .1 a Ny.tiA glut to . wei.e
lid.•Floody, Director of..Corenionies: relieved' frotnt 1 rnfoax h g i
At 'di e Jane:try nwetiitg it -debate' • able A ii ty • by tilTa r•eelvirci.s.:•ofditgl'ilr9e.
-will -take,- -place :'-lle4o1A ell•-'="- 'Time' 6Pe't'it'' ..-01'1's1(4):4i•phy'yt_nort'it41:Fti':1/10: ..11:0E,..
Orange' Incorperation' i.•:011'Ill..lie a wally agreeing, to c
cessitry reinlirs, which, ..1 believe; hava
benefit ' to- the 'order in ...Cana.ca." 'been complieted..• ' . • ... - '
The Captains nre Bro.' Peter C'utte" eral eirctilars and coniiiinnical
len, for'thaaffirinative; and Bre' F:. ' tions were: read lima referred' te -cow,
Floody for "the' negative.. "Visi.till'g' -1161h:tees, • . ' ' ' ' - . '
.T1tliireet1 'inv.ited.. .`..1:11 0..1 11,....iStiuss i on REPou'r dy. 0011511SF.ION.Ele .1011N 1,1..1.0.N..
-wi. • .1, very:.intergating..'..-; ..; .' .• , . •The foilm;ihg ' anent ',roads and,
ier , bridges, front IN.Lrl...tason, Of.11ui•lett,
• MOSE*. I.:4 Poctcti.:—.A. ' farn
cheapest, quahatie considered, Bizei in Clinton cemetery an Saturday •
nese Pnvelopgi, with, card printed On last' was 11 •Si8t4t. ' 1‘11.-1 troimPll
• Whitehead. • The' Masons -of town
rem $1.24 -per 1,000,..tud upward. .
• arranged to attend the funeral.:
CAPT. Mecum:Alm, of the Orand Mag. Coox of Goderich Town.
'Union, is home agarirr • . . ship is very serionrly :ill at the rest
Mits. MoPtritaSoN, of Woodritoelt, delle" Mr IL W. Cook in town,
is in towtk visiting !far- friends.
Mn. .1;ye..111AtcriSt a Patterson,
formerly .of ()Hilton, *tts in, 'town
'this weekl* .• , •
T.TIALE, of Elora, is in town.
fle forOrry was iti . the banking
business here, '\ •
DtEnris.tindertakinoo• Department
it( now cbmplete. ehango of
if,advertiseinent' will Appear trent
week. " •
, ititn, of Om Clinten
flouring mills„ has ordered seven
oars of Maititobs hard wheat, ' and
eipedts it shortly.
Mint; 14 rumor • that Sandy
Dawson, .of Seaferths may of.
iered a° "sit' in Clinton. In .18 a.
poplar yowl; matt and has many
friends hero.
nit Clinton. Model Scheel ere
too.king groat preptumtions- tor- their
„ grand enterldtininent; which Will he
held on tho Inat,it: promises
o be a gool one.
110°. Da, Of Knok
College, Toronto, occupied 'the pul-
pit of Willis Aura, Morning mai
eVeninff, StInao.y. deliverod
• ids- 41;41.
and we hope ere long to hear of her
recovery. _•
, •
BPS', W, 8, JAitinsoN, well Itnown
in this locality, will etiliseluncler the
banner with benedict inscribed upon
it, next week. 'The cowing Aim.. :J.
is 'AI iss Acheson of Goderich.-13ruS-
SeiS P031. •
Mu. GE°, Yong° is seriously ill.
It; was yeported that lie had the
fo'ver and was at tittles deliriOus.
We ern, glad .to Nal'. that the report
,was without foundation, Ire is
lowly improving.
WANT NIONIM••-tlituulti
tifORS subscribers Who have
paid areears wad renewed.
Thosewwiro have not paid up
win confer It 'favor lby doing' so
at the earliest opportunity.
AXSTI'S (5A1,14ANDrat , re).
enivtItt the castings fof the haritbws
which itiVented find igui
patented', .No doubt he Will make
things'boonf in ,the near future. '
11, 0, 8, $.—The k annual state;
mem; of the IL 0, OIabbath school
gdiows 223 imines 'on, roll; teachers
average Atlanta' .c 130. /Le.
.9134,-viiv; kwite. read and referred••,,' '''.
frets), , beyond - one OE: tin.. 1 ri en,— lave, the ,lionar to
• VIllages•Wair n t ' ` 4 d 1- 41- 1 t'le i . .1 1 ' ' ..... .
0 Sat.18-w.4•1' -XI •re.tkert„ tt., 1ollows„: ":"'In audomlabOe.
price iitrtired..the.i•ti . for. his :barley, Itivilicteht.ii111,1,sot,i.lu0itiens received at last
,HeArevenn ta:Clin ton and Obtained. .
.tiVe petits per but,hel' afore thito.' lie . and iriv"seltf thiaedCX:1311:1I1r.'t'lle Wa'r'oleeuntr
could get at hjs' own village. • Mr, for the 1100 brido-et. ilx)tall'surt:c1<i'sl'i
Trwiti•„ the buyer 'here,. gav•e-'ili in a 4\ .7;ternpat,,p' illutsirile.etaolni edderfoo' if... wtreoili diiit'‘st:a0iillIdt
duPiicate,..ticket.,staling .the quariti ' fbor the.,01h.of$8113, to build 1110 mud
• .tY, Plieel tuld ele•Cuet-Plt41- °I' re- 43v iiceliet 00.feet.1ong,. wit1i two eliiins of.
. turning:home' IM told-in,tli.; Vil 'eon .
what, he had received fel. his barley' .1illeavirt,11"?''i°°d r4c1c 01:0 abutments
in. (,)hoten.' Eris. • statement' • WEI, -• ported'WiltstitaL'ildeo.ubTell'ebeCCtr.° is silieli;
doehted. ,4K' villager wacsred ;muss ;,-10,inci!liii:611-10- icjf:aeviiitino..0,11;:hk w'laliceb(107ted
• .'ire' aid. 1, inlier
$5,00. that. lia•hacl not. reeesivei.1 tha were -all tied inlJuildingbrealtwxtev:r.
°Floe lie alleged he had :TliFfartner gin 'tip . new approaches; • We :Sold
aaal'Plecl 0;,11(1. the alone,' Was Pat la t x o lriavon for ilr10, • I let the' ten -
•the hands of a referee. • Mr". Iiwin's deevato( i a s and breakivatei,
but • its ticket was 2 1 ipjloitdIal.,e,t;sd. „611):pyti. the ,farrirnit.i:er 9tpoti?:1,eonigt1C..6thliif-seoi,(11111rte:11:.:titiloc(Stio;Friqc. fitg theaitcs1gray-
referee was in Cli•eton on Saturbli : Thew I unol 'Ile Pi I -
and verified it; by compai.ing it With. 1111111,311.740.0O ililliSittal?-jiltutinr,... tbil,e1lilti? 11 f)itlal.t.)1? t.‘'ve'givei08
;Mr. Irwin's'Ainliks., : Tile :farinei• is ft SO got . fOi0 1101111'Syli i'ci bridge ,c10.„
dins. better .off iiy fi ye •cents -ii .1)1181-
el on Ids loaci sif barley,' lao ,..a.85 itiendr called for,.. and we received,
. W aforeepted, the tender of Mr.
• bill; IiY,.• Ins. Visit to Clinton .11valbOttll:' o :4,190; as he wis • hi oh-
- • ly recommelicleci:ad a . C :1 ''
. .Exciv...t.i.ltsk.c. • Apponrim-iNT.--.1Tr; 'milder. . I ato • • 1"c 'e.4 hi'llig°
I)..,M., Alailoeb, Print:1Ni, of Crint(in diAl .00t posh . tii4s,°1•Y 0 8'''Y. tiu" he
11.1exclet SChocil., - was appointed ,in. niight .have.2clotte‘'")P vas last."' aVSeille
tillip$, 1,0 SRO litity 11,9 weals" . sgeo t tilnilgi
specter of Putlic School's for 'East -
alongf and tried to' eneourt-Cje Irbil
Iittron, hythe County. Council', last
ny rimed by Mr;
u. De.w,ar, ,. of 8.„,..il,:"..,‘Ivip ltow and tt.good tilde for' building.
Nagle, for the- soul ,of
completed by Sept. let 18 -
abutments w' shout
' Op ace and I2eft.
111• and4 •ft,
Report of Road Commiesioner
via was read and referred. to, nood
and Bride COM. Report of Road
Cam. Rardy-waa read and referred to
it. and 13. Coin, Report of Road.Com.
/lardy, shelving the number. of bridges
in his division, was read and referred
to and 13;
• On motion of Dellor,•seeonded by
Johnston, the Warden, • atul Clerk
were instrec tedi to sign. and. forWard
so the: 'Minister of Marine a peratioa
for the Greatino, of a life-aaving
tion.at Goderlor,.. . .
On motion of -.1tay1 seconded by
Shier the Treasiver was ordered -0-
pay •the Treasurer or Verth . the sum
of $420, being -•one.half (Mit of new
brideon boundary line. '
• 13y -law Ny. a 'of the township of
Stephen was: real and confirmed:: ;
.0n. motion of Detlor, •seconded -by
.Corbetti„ .the Model School grants
• were ordered :to. Ve- paid over to the '
respective School Boards. .
• A number of accounts were referred
. . .
to' Finanee,(70mini toe- •. •
• .phe council adjourned and resuM--
ed (nisi:piss at . 4 p,to. The- resigna.
tion of Dewar As County Inspec-
'tor, Of .Stillochi-.1-Witii l0114 Atld referred
to School Man agemen t Committee.. •
". Report of Mr. on •the Onurt •
lIouse was road and referred to CoUrt
ilonse QommIttee:
B, B, Neefer has been unan.
iumusly invited to supply the pulpit
of the Congegationalchurch Wing
ham, during the absence of tile Rev.
Mr. Sur, B. D.
• Mr. Jas. j'obniltnn, of eon. Pod.
Tuckersmith, when near Jaekson's
shire, Egmentiville, on his return,
from Seaforth on a dark night re-
cently, drove 'against a shade tree,.
upset his buggy and received serious
ittjuries by the horse. kieking
Near the same plaee uti the ewe
night Mr. Lewis Roinkee was also
thrown from his bum and had his
collar bone broken.
Rollins, is out with an ad.
dress to the electors of Exeter, favor-
ably respoinlin to a largely signed re-
quest that lie allowed himself tobe
nominated, for deputy reeve of that
town„ Thi
The Doctor s said to be
popular, and it is claimed that be
would make an efficient representa-
tive, If elected he will be the first
one to hold that position for Exe.•
These APO Solid raMtS. •
• The Vest blood purifier and pystem reg-
ulator eve4laced. within the resell 01 mar.
'tilting humanity truly is Eleetriri, Bitters,
inactivity of tile, Liver, 'Biliousness, Jaun-
dice, Constipation, Weal; Kidneys, any
ilisaase cif the uninary wens, ,or whoever
requires an appetizer, tome or stimulant,
will always find Bleetrie Bitters the best
and only iiertain cure known. • They net
surely and quickly, every /tottle guanot.
teed to give entire satisfaetion or moue
refunded. Sold at fifty cents bottle -b
1Vatts' 8: .0o.
• While Mr, Geo. Scott, an old resi.
dent of Eramosa township, was. driv•
-ing into GuelPh accompanied by Ids
step•daughter Miss Black, the wagon
tongue fell from the neck -yoke, casts.
the horse to rub away. Both
• were thrown out Miss Black escap.
ed with slight injuries, blot Scott
received such Berlins injuries about.
the head and body that there is little
hope of his recovery,
to, push the %void; along. Th: water
weelt., The position, has been. wortl
forth, for some.years, hut owing Id 'allicriel. Tli:X.-fix.X1 •Ev'Sale . far' a weegr
el iof. the
ii limits be. hnd .„,,t, boon ,thlo to r•e,eves of Clinton imillireIbrca-rt
tend to tho duties for some time hack., 'When 1 returned '7.8V(asaatolnld°
, that Mr. Harbottte had giv.en"the
past ; and •unfertuniitiely. for 'iltr. 'work up for tiris fa, Thi, 0110
Dewar ' there' is reason • ,:to.•. fear Latent the ti!,ginn'ing of october. 1
ve:, :wari
• ot(lcewenotifted the elerli• to•eall the.
s („oclnimittee lin•soe what was,
i(ldhis . resialnitieti. best -to de. .1 , Itartiottlo was itt'the
,,,. le mrce,nst„„ces meeting -and would not give Sat'i,
which_ rendered necessary the an thin es to complie.ting the .bvidgels. taul:
.• ' in nod year ,,,N i. Box, who was Lb°
pointment of a Succtissor. to Mr,‘De- next lowest 'twitter, cgreea.to take it,
wftr: we eellgratulei"-12' tewilaulaal 011 Iiis hands .and build the bridge,
Mr. Malloch, oil Ilia appointment to this fall. ilarbatio wanted. 1 '
the important . position. Mr. ' 3\,1a1,- ,:Svfillelillo::Iit,,,eirlowx.ott-vkirtvill(11cilltaltic,l .14:110d0t1101.°01.101,
for very many years, and front his 1111't 01'
ibtrrioganbuturiditt.. AM'iovesert..01,„s.,11-11:(0.3
loch has been a Httecossful teacher. I
well known interest in edneational „„,t,,,, „„„ ,„, r„,, „„,:i „„„t fif i t
Intateraf his integrity and efficiency • of -,;,i,;;;.‘,';;;, i'l';',71 is'''s-tirlIn iii"e'" t,'0";,:e''s'ici'l
in the past, WO opine that the new t f , itiairris,,, fram whom it was
duties devolving upon lihn will be boughrt,ri b' to time for completing,
t.ory, manner. . . • . ,, , . ., , . ,., , • It"was then too late.
•or vov isV, exPil 'd '
ood.A!...w.4 in. a- thoroughly ,satisfae. the b on ,tho 1st'
COUUTING 'UNDER DrEii011,TY, in tAl"enS" ' te de 137tiling' ' T
On Saturday e.yeitint,v it votino: 1, d %t'vooru‘lil 1"1"se t4 ell"g . ' the till'''
• ,„ 1 y ,. (.. OM)) eting the hvidgo to say the
. walked tiovern1 mil. "
,., ea in order tO nrst of September, 1883. • I will _Ay
spend Sunday in Clinton—and— ilseabveestittoieb3(Todrolit)aels itiotwdoeciili:odwillt(itel
wolf: a'eeertillg she wet" go 1 011 Ilayfield bridge tightened as the con -
Sunday evening the Young 'man the pier was very much undermined
The'i(ld rae‘tt,1111 Wtael'ReeCVtiell;Iliniulociiis;80N(NITlrliegn ovv‘vdienlgt t0isim'cloniftlibillilailltiy '00 all islarylj
the,Coupl a weee a short diatance out • 1h101 801110 Plank id6 de%'07•Stelle.lti?litta%"8-61
of town the horse became frantic— lid foundatibn and' bolt 1
11111.101,14 wvAperinga, ete. cite., pul",, opteorrittitisirboontl's,e6walidicrilg) .0111. iirtoovioeuill°,ti lit:1011)O:
hably 'beine.the cause. geeing the
.danger, the young lady sprang from irtITRI that 8°1'16'401es be Ilettll a -
the rig, Over •wetit the rig, under vorlotviariotlkftti of the island, which would
'Which the young 19)411 WAR 11,11 bad the SutrUnIVeftrIni 11 nINrti37. T t'so
hilt buried, 'Phings righted again ("(1, and aoale 14101111 brilaV tigh °II-
bn twliat WO he to do') Ire poUlti not! litolinAdev Maga botwr80;n0m.e9r.t* 416
do his cfAutting ilv that Statel 'They 'ta``"""11' • al 'a. cost ' e r '';) iris '111.1-'
bridgo,is 215 ft. long 1 1184(.011s I a „41-,,,
tutored to toWn, , where the poor in Ball's bridge,
boy idatogod" Withotit being -noticed. 'Abt1t0err°tPlaIrs (16"0
itoport cif • Finance Commit Cee're-
commending the paytnent.o'f.sumlry
:accounts -4[w -rend It-ndattop-ted----- •
On motion of -Ctistles, seconded by
1Keir, the Cleric was:instructed to
prepare a statement of the number
of vagrants 'that • havn ...1) en in the
county jail,' aniLthe different tnuni-
eipalities they have • beeri sent from.
On motion of seconded by
Vann:dlr.:1 stateineht of the amounta.
inissioners. was ordered. to. be pre-
pored.plt171ng.• ,• the • y t. •
'After it little routinebUsiness the
Cooneiladjburned..• " • -• •
A.'state.inentrit:f11111..4e. I''').ielte•
l/t1.1.T' e. t
was laid on the t4thle,..:- f...itateinent,•et
• The most discouraging Cotigh, as won as
Brenehitis tuid Hoarseness, yield at once
tmthe influence of DowNs' XI Pulu-
phlets free, • Send address to Henry, ,Tohn;
ston & Loritfillontreal, -Que. 2ag.ink
' 'consumption' Cure.
This is heyinul question the :inost stie
easeful Cough•lletheine -have...no-sold,
a few drops, invariably cures the.. worst
'eases of Otoup. and Bronchitis,.
it's wonderful stiecess in the 01110 01
Large variety of- noveltleS,
In SCo1Ch, English & Erench
material for Oentlenlen'S
wear. will be found
At IV, ix, sumps
• Beaver Clothinq H'otise
TheStoelt,"this season will
be Monti better value, inOre
attractive, and in: every re-
spect ahead of any other
house in town,
At W. 0. •
Beaver Clothing House;
Every change In style and
IMProvement ita finish IS
pted at the Beaver Cloth-
ing House. Tboroug,h t rain-
Ing'in the business and 'a de-
sire to please will enable:the
•prOprie tor in e very ihstala lee
to give a perfect lit, for
which. go In
' ,BeaverClothing House.
The stoeb of Canadian
Tweeds will he found excel-
lently assarted. The prices
will be fotMil the lowest; in
tact many lines were Mir-.
chased exceptionally •low
and will be made up and
soid atfequally"lolive pixices; •
, sv,n. smirrivs
Beaver Cfothing House.
• All' wool Canadian Tweeill-
iChositt,osIrlyincipTileilisi.eliii•liethe..tsailiaopaitt;thiilrtiltn pSualitittstill's7;tr;1:110zpia5144111,' wool
ebvery it has been sold on a guarantee, At Iv. ". smi,rups
• test whivli no other medicine van Stand.
_Ityntiltave it Cough_tvacarnestlyisk_ -Bea'ver Clothing House.
to try it, • Price (lets: Edicts; and $1..00.
tfayn(l.iertirtimlionsurt,P1siottiti.,as 'Is,ion;e0,38Clii:isat,steori., tile% si•ing,OttlisfL,Teetomu,;111111.1tisoa:tiiiieds:eedi!,16:7;
20,cts. Sold by J, 11, Combs, 2(.72-ly hase
then) °tat free of cltaglke
• • A .liteinnrIc.Ale Escape, actikracy, •
?Os, M try A. Raney, Tunkhannock, ' W. SIVIITYIPa
Pa. via.; alit ivied far sixyeers with Asthma • 4,Be-ayer `Clothing Hous.:
and ;Bronchitis, darine. which tithe the-
' ' •
host physialaus could. gtvOn0 .
life was despaired of, Joan in %St October
'ole procured, rt Bottle of liiiff(s. Now
:Discovery, when immediate relief was felt,
and by•continuing its Ilse, for a Short time
,she„wits completely owed, gaining iu flesh
0011i0. in a le w,inontlis,
• 'Prial Bottles:Of this•cortaiii• Cure
of all Tliroat Disoas.es' at Watts'
expenSe of otbrniseioners was. .M 00
read 1(111 ((7 1nili;..1.91.1fir4.114Y1..1.1n1d• 3.)rug Ldrg.°: sv4e7.
timsrsairg.,.kiitztIt ' -7--
Clinton,- for . pOsition of Couut:y in-
spei'tor 'of: Sehools, Was rend and re-
..ferred to SchopOlanagement ,.
• The•ti me i uring.which- ne:pluatious
for the office of l'i•ai.iden 'may; be re7
°clued was reduced to 80 mireitea.
011. knotion-Mc:ssra, K.,tine
and eorbete 'wet.e" appoint:6d to.inter-
view-..the. Treasurer„.. asoeiquin-: ids
views re,mrdina Ws resignation and
ropovt, at the afternoon sessIon...-
: rose:iced linsine.ss itt".4
PepOrt.of poin., rearms,
mensiing the -appOlottnent Of Mr.'
Mal lock. as- Con 4.3L...School Inspector,
and : :other; :unittern :Was .and
upnuiinohsIy ailoPted-,....1tepOrt
itnILB. Com, w,:xs rciulaintadonteiL..-
Report of c•-,:tol tuld Court lIciuse Com.
Was reit(' awl iuloptei).---Statement
showing the., nu inner .of vagrants con.'
lined in .the coulity gaol was read and
.fil ed. Supplementary report' of
Ynitince• Committee was': read •and,
'aziopteel. -• number of :iniscellane-
ons byJews wermTad arid passed..
• ;A letter "iroth the Treasurer, tbe
purport .of' whielf was that he Would
.resigtr proper was:read.,
It Was. then 'moved ,:by Forsyth, • sec-
onded by Elliett, that Dr. J.R. ITO meg
appoiritetr: 'to the .'position •of
Prest:rev. . After: a- -long and rattier
angrycliscusition,ni WM3118°108 stated
the motion was ivrompted • by party
motives, while ethers stated the office,
was really' v.accint the Treasurer he.:
ing in Toronto where ha WAS deei.v-
inl.r.a. •-very large • satin/3r, vote was
taken, vosolting in a tie., '1'lle Wue-•
den then gavetbe casting vote in .
favor of thenlotion ; the vote stood
23-.23.. •
• A By-law ConfirMing the 'appoint -
men t, of 1)r_. 11°1:nes, was read 'the
itshal number of times mid passed.
A motion ,ordermg, an au;lit of the
boolts tlie,1st of January and giv -
• big, power to- \Slat -Lien's. Commit-.
tee to redoive,books, securities, &u,,
froni present Treasurer and •Iiand.
them over to. the lielV one, after. ap•;.
'proving of his sectiritle4"Was•C'arried.
COuncil.for 1883, after a.gener,
goect-bye, separated. • • • , • • '
• • • •• • •
Fer, Conglis, Colds, Cretin,- "Whoopin• g
Cough ,and Lung ,d)iseases, use N. II.
:,-Dows' • Vimitrmn,ix li&c,Asxtle bl10111.:
Sold by all Drug4ist4. Every Mole:mar,
ranted, Trial size, gedinin 00.,
Laigli size, $1,00. ' • •• 02-,3.'in
. • .
Tho Y wore noWt happy, and the an tholttrirrogglir tIio (16"Ing f°11Il'i
mum man apent longil'eveniinitagi 8)1100116.11,114.0tmeo" oI ""Yedn'llaolfai nI no:71:
tide! theipsaarenlytel. JaoloofAiall ,eNOvallquitt li'ar, y th6
It WO 11,011(1A9 1,111,16
11.080 nowstalpor men tnight know
• (cOrreetoa•avorp Tuesday afteinooli)
'lteucipts of grain-tn (liaton. this .seakett•
will compare laYorahly.-with • that of any
ceyiling'..S,ear, a lloivatiee being made kir
the shorterofi.• Price:sari) firm at itota-
'thins given.. As . 1. .)vas
paid in au ex.cpptional ease for .1t verY
suiTrior'Sitinple of strbig wheat. 'Ofeoarso
grains a Very large • quantity is being
1».ought The superior facilities for
handling grain here enables ,piehdYers • to
giro the very outside figures,
. largo rialto tit i•ts' 'a smatl •Alar-
.. gift leaVus' a proilt to the buyer:. • :
YToOr• • ; 85 00, th.'• 000
- rail: %Reit, . 1,011 to t-40-
16(1 wheat, new, • . (50) to • 1,10
spring Wheat-,
• 'Why :10 so many people xvo around
UP; see111 tit iirefer.' to .4alfur aitd.bo 1101110
'miserable by Inligostion, -00.natiptItioh,
DizintsSa: testi .0 ppki ti., Coming up or
the Food, l'ellow 8111(1, 011111 7tictti„
Wit Will :1(41 1110111 811i101.1.'S 'Vitali3or, guar-
anteed to • cure; them Sold by .1. II.
Cotiibr,•• '262-1y
. .
• •,• , 11)8 to 1 16
LiarlOy ,- ' - -:- • 0 40 sto 0 59
Oats; - . - . . - 0 51. to 0 32
, Peas, . •.• ' 0 Oa to
•..apples, (wlitter) per 1)1.1,4 - 2 00 ' to
Potatoes, • • ..- ' - • . • . , 0 46. t'o
Rutter, • '.- - •-- ..• - ' 0 10 ,te
11ggs, . • 0 20' lto
I lac, *,,, -• 7 00 tcf
111tles, • ' 0 00 to
Beet, - : - • .- (00 to
rtheeptikins • ' ; ' • 0 14 . to
'Po rkdys, per vourat, 0 00 to
these . . — • 0 00 to 0 00
Ducks, per par -: • • • 0 00 to 0 00
Chickens, per pair • •• 0 00 to 0 00
lre-rk• , • , 5' 00 to 5,60
Woo? • • • ' 018 to 0 13'
Cordwoodr,,, .,-,! • •." . - -. a -0.0 -to 4 00
- • • • • -
Flour, per !turret, '' • - • , 85.25' to 8000
Pall Wh(1a, Old) per bosh, • • , / 03 to 105
Fall what; (now) , - • .0 70 to "t 09
Spring VIleat, „ - • , • •1- 00 to 1 1.2
airley, • - • , '0 46 to :0 55
0 05
2 00
0 50
0 18
0 211
5- 00
0 00.
1 00:
0 01)
Potatooe . •
Butter • -•-•
/Tay • .
• Wood •
06(5 to 0 65 .
• .0 111, to -0 -32
0 40 to' 01,0
els. to 020-
e 1.0. 1. 020
500 't0 1300
• - 0 00 .10 .8 OA'
• , --061 (0 010
3 76 10 400.
otutitA.r..MEREDIG of the 'Conservative
eice1ors of Satith Ituron, Will be hold in the
'10411 SBA POR,TIE on • --.-- •
...ete•two 0.61000 p.• sharp; to diSeuss the arty's-
. nhilityoCrounit uting and bringing out u Candidate
(.0 (107)1031 the said Riding 111 opposition to Sir
kicharti Cart wright, for the Mimi:1100 rarlianiont.
A toll attoticlance is respeetfunr resnestee:.•
•. • 111, 111`011111il, Proiidont,
G. J AC3SON,Socroeury,
iginondVtlle, Docent. • •
lvur 712, 1553. •
•-.Mrs. Shanahan old reSident
of Tnekorsinitil died recently.
. ol ilayesville, will
open. an aloe 13;xylield in. a le*
clays. . s
'Mr. '3"ohn 'Torrance, of Tfullett,'
•I•men alrered 810,000 for his
farm in that toWnship..
The sale of Chas. Masan's stock, of
the Mill ro 1.'nekersmith, footed,
ep, $3,100 A yearling (illy brobght.
.$2'30, • •
• VsTtn. Monary, IlleKtliop, trap".
pea 300 pound hear from, w1 id) lie
got 'two pada of putt) oil, This is
his con d season,. .
— Mr. S. Dickson, Seaforth post.
muster' end a Mr., .MeLeod wore
thrown out of a buggy. The forni.
er had his face and hip cut ,and tho
lattor had two ribs broken.
hotel? EginondAille,
with its contepts and the stable ro.
joir,inq,• (10 consumcd by fira at to
Wolof*. last Vri.lay evening, Lobs
8008 ; insured,
'Ley. T. O'Connell, i4 London!. who.
ill illshipd. !ht. :nephew Of the:
• gre(st. Daniel O'Connell,' is to deliv-
er an address in behalf of St. ITeTnes
chureb in Brussels. on Tuustlay
• DIA 'Wednesday AA Um Mi.
Cann, of trishtoWn? Vag returning
. home fretu-Seafettli in it wagott,
the span WA unt fallen, •I put
111;0110W litringeirs in 3'S:1MS and r "InPaltlY w,,I14.1 Other 1100"
"no otbermbieh took yory long tim. swn
own.Y. Wout #hil mIstralivastich
rpo,ruF, ELT:crofts OF- VIE TOWN'
. •
.1. �1'0L1NT0N
Cliti,v,mgs,—.A.t the solicitation. 'of 6:
rge number of rateptyovs, I again offer
myself for.tbs position of Reeve,' and trust
that Inv eareor t4 pa$t, DS iteriV0- and
IttIS 1)02321 511611, is to. retain- 60
good xvill and confidence of iny fellow-
ei tise us. d cc ted I allot' dtflny utmost to.
forward the interests of our-ifirintelyality,
,both 011 tlis team and ,itt the Comity. Colt11-
Cil. 1 therdollt reap:aridly solicit • paw
vetes aid influence at. (.118 eoinitig election
for 1:1484. . MITT.
To -get a perfect fit,to get
your. tlf Mlles properly made,:
to :save mielley 'its' pur IMS-
. • .
ing • •
-.4;0 • TO --
he 'Clit.Sale-
PAY 1.
81g. iipb.s .P.R58$. OOPS,
.81:Or Jobs
.ft (lobs la. 85A ar ./11.4.i06
.• CLOT/11Na
Bast Goods arid Losest Prices
• will 'always :be'found.
Se temfier 1553. '21•13m.,,
-rtina1ST1141.1C1.1 ex dminatioli • to.4,ite cm-1ton
• High tiehool, will he held in the MOdel
School; on' Thtirsday ,and Friday, the 20th and
2138 of . Dumber beginning each day ut
9 g. In. Intending, candidates wilt sow in their
names:to the plidersigtuld not later than the 2011i
November, . • " • •
" • • JAS; if1.111$13111•L, .8. A.,
• •'Principal. '
. . ,
Clinton, -0t. Roth, 1533. • ' 250 -td.
All');r1NaPtIll'eeet's,1 tsr();laitv.ytitlets1 ‘1.111"-t'10-
allow myself to stand. for the position of,.
Deputy 111)0011 1 have (weeded to tho re-
quest and bog to announcie myself a candi-
dtur vote and influence' re' specteully
The People's Leetilre Course.
Commander Cheyne
�p151111 7.114..tusTY'S RovaL N'AVY
."gg'yp'& and the late
$ixty 1illial1L Mine Light ,
• ' tstereoptiouni Views.
A see.ond lecture, »et in the mime, 8531 Ite
aim by •tile' cominander, WlinNEstYAY
OBNINit: subject-!orint arm:pm its Wes.
Nuts," Illitstrated lit na views, 41MISS1ON,
i25 etN'rs. .15 described by tbo aromas 4
grand lecture, beautifully Ilipstrated, 501-28.
-1%412. ARTHUR OANTELON, who for the Prost
JJI 1011 yeare bas been. in ‘the -contracting' and
bulltling,1019„ takes Aids oiniortunity to thank
those whdribrii Poo to time have entrusted him
will orders, and'to intitnate 10 the public poor.
ally that hahas.forlued a. pactnerslup, .w11•11 1111.
masom„ Olasterer dod stone,catter,
latery 02 (810 Old Country. The new firm willbe
prepared to &Mutate en and .carry out any work
in their line. gusts; Statute, and Jotters cut on
stotto.• Title Work In steno 0 specialty.
'• CaN1111141N .111N011, •
• Nov. • ' 200 onatoo, Ont.
• . -
• ..,_.._
A female teauher for tho 2nd department :of tb'
Clinton Model Rollout. 'Ilittlas to 001111001100 tfie
first 01 Januefy. Present salary 8210. .
W.,11. 101311, Sm. •
CllAtoo, Nov,. - • • 200 '
rny . Low •oxteodingly
y. lovely aie.tliose •
Oards.'0. Plush.
Inas anil New 'Ye.ali's
. .
That Sutpass,anythingshoWn hefore' for
; BE A.U.1;1` A ND • CIWAPENSS. ,
•Able BMUS, (id, •
• , Of nigh Art tild Finish; bot
, 'Ms- We make mad ,lnive In Stock
otooK Lym, 1,04[00401N &
01111311 1.11.1ACIO:11.8.
'cheaper than ever at '
Estate of th,e—Late-----
Tn-iintlers.igned begs to return his
sincere thatilts to his numerous ous
towers krtheir liberal patronage
for the past two years, Ala AS he
intends to Ove his . customers .0110
Ilest vo.hio possible for their money,
he hopes to meet a Continuance of
„theie patronage.
Will atilt be a Specialty, and Nut not
bo begun 10 tho market. .MI other
Groceries mi low As possible. .•A'
Large Stock of MARS vv A1Uand
011OCICEB.Y.* band, Also
MESH OA rti /EA L.,
,0.0111V MEAL, now?,
oArs, P07i4r0erk
Inc a Call and %satisfied,
Tho'usine§-g to .boWQ.1.1.40
Up by lst. Ma. rob.; '84.
Evoyaiiog..013,80.1....by that Date. •
GommelWe This Morning ,.
Yr. giye, Redilet:19 alreatty
On Every .Class of Goods in the Ifousei g.r.cept 'arc4,6
• Bags, on which there will be no disponnt. •
.$36;000 -worth of Goods to be sold by the st,,clAy et
Ilford!. Dect,.. and • .
M01.14 W0111011.- and Children, to come find
. •
Inspect pup Stoolc; •
.21his Sale O.' Genuine. It isin mew. rdance wit4 .
the terms oftheflit the late prDpvietor.
. .
The Busin'esq mrisr-BE CLOSE.4-221? tha(i
date, and we aveliPpinfi GpodS at prices now which arc!
from. 15 to 20,ie mg: BELOW any other House_ ift
thcTrade; besideswhich we give a discount of 10 Per
eent., . which, nteans10. per cent, per annum for your
money, • • •
•Remember, -we have already commenced the, S'ale,
.and the sooner pi, • visit OUP Mammoth priftioo4
Palace the greater choice you will have.••
Estato of the 140
,lltylods:falan Of Qliiitoii and Huron_ 004.
-Sg0110f1 HCIT
And NVO are now thorongly &pipped with the , •
RAOKOROONDS and 400a901VE.);
"PIO tan be procdrod, Auld grpai, ynciott. . •
Sicialty is highly Ptisho4 Gabinetliorli
ileaver Block, Clintop.
- .0
H.Chek). 1 Attiapprofi