The Huron News-Record, 1883-12-12, Page 2#
New Advertisements this Day, VDITORTAL YOU,% 3�0,v that Xr. MOWIXt, IIAS-gl)t Were 91-RdUatols ia� Huccvs;ifull'y inaugorotteil tbrougli Ids fort,,4 shoul,J lie appear, if they
"'ODER10H, indomitable perseverance. 1911criff have (1611(1 What is right. sonlefullw,
through bull,lozifng, and hig many it(-. 801101H. ',,here !'No some Justifleatinn OriMoixii hitying been callodtothe think that tile climp who, stole the
-CLI WTOI�. ONT., RK41,Xlt N IX -
Bl -'Vice Chancellor Nake la lid' for tile collclusion Chat too loany chair, explaived tlxa
ulytll� Ale. Robt. Blellritic is bonle again. t t110 Object of onions its concealed in the belfry, �`of
Ile icings, 4(c.-Ivatts, .& 0Q. dressing s - 11,110 IIIQVti)l"` WAS to Interest tile (10y. tbatliallillioluo t;ehool IIOUay.
a Bible Clasq the other ev- to securing his nondenee % sott in Youngruen take to kill gloye pursuits Craig is holue for the arill, ent 1 avov of tb000 who lia(l An —ML&-04d*X*1,4txiXXeJS'
$toutlk Rurcon Lib. -Con. Illecting. I f, Hens will Ile a paying crop next,
$Iiiloh'a Q . evening' F'i`414 tliq than )vbo dailc(N tlw Local Legl,41atura, lie Ila$ Ile fur. for advancolonient in Wei looking with svnson� stood by tho oltl flag in 1,17. During yc6r. Some of9ur farniers are add.
WOUIllittion Vure) OTC. cl�
tempt Upoll the "greariv nw6nn- Mr.'Win. (Iraq, bas returned to Jils the afternnon, XCHMrs X-v4d, CliaH. cir J16ch. One man who
lix1r. at a ball inust Wait Rns, ail(] that ther vise for the prp.9ont, of his claff con rb QuAlly gild AqA4ret.eJg compoode4'..
Pown.4'VeretaloU Balsamic B 'I , yalciane" Weioriptlono
Dr. Mug 0 Nsw 14.1covery, glectrie home a. Grvin, lingli. 51cNath, 116ter Orcen,
3171111'r., ihim social I and Ordera Amwered with Care and DeOpM4,
the trian M -ho meeks and rindit a wife trap election cry oillOntarlo'siri.,flito," !cot' and 11000st f AT Palrot 'Ta's Atroirviln"g, boule; from Bayfold in a X,
Mr; A. Birole is rocoveringfrow Ili' - Ica Elliott un(I otiv,�rs gave sonto top tin
'a Jap g,,,
aV spot% P, place -would be doubly and Inis Arranged with Attorney recent 1111less. covetLit., TUO ONA-lior a
,y t,spicll two lie t1lat 11
tentlefacy lit quite ralliable and "luch lUt�-rostnig, incideliti in conlioxioll 6,11 fhaot olor Beack of Avoliclaes cwop�,�C' 11"OlTanted
1 4111,
Millept of Blainitoboi 1poared and The pubtle I
recoverill., tou aliki. Jan)63 lyllitely presento(I a Air. was tilt.- reloYy flrn)I.N givell, but JI -S
General to re- to b3 deplored. The late Sergeant I �Alr. Sarl'ollord Stokes. isgrailually witlitlieltobellion. AIeFi-,rsWash10g' Nvas asheil. if lie wonlil se I tbein. No and of the Rest Qn(dil'y
for the whole boundary disputo to 0OX, Of :0tigoal)(1, we renletliber. motion, which was Tried U11-aiii. 'with the suivity tlj,kt illd WTI= to
Toll To ea Toilet Snaps, Perforpery, Aboulder Bruco, Trusses. Spongev,, itail 4- -t
The opinion. a 4
. T D110rollielit antiOU1101 that the Privy, Council of :EnglaT.O. Ri s the Alner.;, TIN Vi rellell. extraction. Tho man in ldrids of Drrigpsts' buadric;.uggally kept 1a,&.F1rst.C'lassDf:ug Store'..
r "0 held the saina wontilv, requinidug, the County Court -
r Vitritalix Lawson is home for tile
<D kill and afterJanuary Ist, 1884, tile uter,
k IT 8, would have preventiedthe undouht. cans statiodang. During a long Pro. oil to colultenallco the Object of the y being posse8ser of con.
(18 enibracet.1 lit what is On, sicaters arol preparloi for tile ul(,,cting, Ifis Honor Judgo Toms, powers. but only
ell satireldn- 6f, his reputatioe, and fessional life na a, harrrister be had Open og or tilt, Ill 6,1Z eccondett by Mr. Girvin, moved a 30 Ots. in cash, woul(I not taue no for
The -G'Q 6�ft' lews t'hol I-inile livit" along tile Canada I .. I
, , . III J.". Iz. Wat;Q11 is makill- favor. voto of fibatilis to Mr. 0xiblions, for answer awl actually out-courtesied
saved a largoil snne of raolneyjq this: "larly crindnal cases to defend. Anti.
Pacific, Itailway, will lie thrown Provinco had lie taken this coninion, lie dcclared!"tljat�thol great majority able )rOgIves. prcsi(lipg Over tile meeting, Carried tbo French gentlenian and smilingly
("a dor pre-emption and pur. Win. UcCaig, it is slid, lost 0200 oil .11naliiinoiwly, A inotion conveying brought tile 11011B home. As Ton i's
sense vipw ot the loatter a year ago. of enibrzzlotnents, forgeries, etc., the tbanUs of, tI
ib meeting to Xr. Only 13tarting out in life bis sllrcw(l-
Huron . &cord, Xyda for hisenargy in bringing the ilesa in this matter may lily the A
Ws repentance fit thiol late day will were, lirtict, outcon)o of a kill- �tpv J. Walters preached
(AJ,f,4 WJ RA MW.) mission- questloallefore the public, and a re. foundatiql-
Dr. -Dowim- the unseated Ithil no*t lesqon tile. bitter feoling which glovit gentility education. Ilabits, ary se;1nions ill. 13'ru4sels last Sunday He I of a earver as prosperous
lution appointing Jutlgo Tows and as tliqb of the great railroad maguat
morning and evening, Messrs _ 'c au(I Adaniso , e,
Whd J2Jh. disqualified grit,.K. F. P. Pf South has been aroused tigailist hint in his werofortund w1ille quiltor-oin- tile* Radclift 11 A' 00110- Gcorgo Stephen, wito at elia-ly age
Mutou, neoday ok XOIiching is Around Again, Inittee, to� lay tile claims of tile velior. evioceLl his slirewilliess ift Winewbat
Renfrew, was also a model 00t li- all rquod reprehensible poilicy with process ot olover education," if w a bavingree6ve
Or "out. red froin.a. severe atttok ang, before tl to Goveritinent concluded transaction.
C04. ROSS IIXD TH.r., ZJ&TJ�0.�V gense iwpector, and big case is tout regard to Alkortia., Ndr will it re- nifty a(> natine it, quite inconipatible the procedings.
wif�h thi, pecuniary position of 0 a r. D. 3NTcQIIlIcnddy left last week 8 T'GAhr 171.
anotlier illustratioa of the scandal- c6up the tax payers sif Ontario, for 11 fol with the, intention of
A U.&JOKITY. of tile COUnt oil$ Manner x U youtli or bis parents. G converting flil�t cot) tititue licy., I oller Own 0"I'mintident.
in wIlwIl; tile so-called his unwarran, ad P.� ppilolit re of rr) enteel 01 Proll rrom exroloin
y Coun Ilefoini party of 0 t3ario lorostitu red v"icial funds in order . terrorise cupations at salaries in kevi)ing with Ubgs (Irritee Robinson lit At the Docomber meeting of the Xi -.Jas. Waiker is on a trip toXit.
oril frol If ITIlt, Col. 1108gr did not treat it 10 idsister, of L. o, L., No.� 91.118, the following off!. obell for a few (lays.,
the Crooks act to base u es du4ing ankl 4isfranchise the people of Alp. the Castes of these youtlis, w.ere few Clinton, slient, a f;%v c4iiin town, i- uF BLYTH;
thent very well Ili rp.gard to Ili" in� on Monday. C."s were elected - -Davi(I BasIce Up. J. Mitchell, editor of the Re,
the last Provincial election. and far between. Pxcepd. Ville, IV. Al. eir, is able, to be around again.
cutubloncy of tile County Treasurerm Mr. A. M,i Polley Ili,;' replaced pet) NV� lIt. S%Il ad incornes. einbezletuent-, Ill)$ the: Iton is not nearly Its beima- A little Inore snow and we will
Chap. z'Jas, Watkins, Ist Has been too busy - mitli
JJnL r .8ult, bave sleighing.
Nip. King Dodds, publinber of the the course of PortWitreloort frand and priso'.11. were i o. iul its 'Oil
For many years atrow,&,-VrwFsUre Toronto (. anadian Sportsan, is to to UniCed States Secretary Chand - ler I t )nnitteernno, 11, Beacom, 2nd, The C. M. Sabbatli School. intend 11is GRAND.,, OPIWING to Write
Ila( . 11(al �ictillls to a "ente. I 0,flu expected Chat the Ratliburn Innat, Brownlee, 'rill John Colborne,
litis been brought to bear upon that will Ila colisillerality overhauled and 4to, F. Nicllve I ell 4th. ; . ob Christmas, '�reot . on n advertisement this week,
stand )jig trial for endeavoring to tile Adiniral ction f(tilowed tile calling Of oiu ing tile winter, Lectu�er, 'Meeting night, first %ton.
body with a view to. reducing, the t. It tile unsopill.4ticated 14how I speak of totir vaillrotecteil coast, or fariner,'they would,it iri ATITIOt, The -119111I IIIIII yearly e%arrlinatlon (lily in every inantli. The Lodgo I T. Ritchie, who bas been ill for lovould silliply. say
efte nIs
efei to, our Iolke.cottsta ell, Ili tile snino tilne" is not improvlu, as Ili$
esilary attached to the Treasurerhip- laily beans tuako five." Ile putr. a ,,, Of a Nvar Wi th a reat ottli(I cortain, havo roinaine(f relopeetable Of tile (301111110111 .4011oOtpupils rot, pro- good n e liben3hip nd is in a flour.
Individually litany of Client, have, Britain, it AV ]notion counnence(A Oil Xoudtt�. ishing condition. 'friends would like.
ninlrber df beAns in a anc.l. be comparativel easy rot, the former to got and respocted of Pr. Carder bas moved into liis
been approached by posdessloll of' fill, the anti. Avith her The ivinds-have little ff, very strong Bargains
o0ps"a prize to any one who will lseason, quit 'Cl
rul. navy Illy out- cifies holder vitiltri. handsome residence. Long inity lie
The Queboto f;ayK '%t parties with offers to take the Tre )Gre (Ire, le p0sult will. be
iitionordestroithein. Tljer�im 110 I'M- two double, pre long. And rnilly live to enoy it.
-I, iFt I
lik biilt -ovul certitinly, to.,finil nien ar adn
urerhbip at Ifiss then prespll�t salary, �14 �h;nb� a guess; 'Tli6' C'fio* n J%'n 8110jklit Ilot Coll) ell to tilig, Copt, J. for A.9entlenon"n? of olrvillage wbo Trinity Tree tell w 61, tile Take shore (,lie or two of tile Levi- in this, agre refusing, to.
4nd give the,ulos.t s tisfagkory sur. el the sestson On plic Cgptain drives a span or blck beau ies'viit %Vill be held Woolnesday, Dec. 1.26tht
a 'st will) torney. holds that. this is'gainbling, L gonans belipoe. in Gooll and Ili futurn r!,- left his boat, tile. Neti Woodward, Ili ell Clinton early last %volok, llis commenclug at 7 o'clock p. M. Is, t1i c order of t1le, day. Look
titips. But"whether Glib nr T .. . I a and to 'tile hehyiosf alloi. and polvislitnents for their vVinter quart ceornpanled him. About
IfIlero is every ers in the it Bay, - n outertairoluent iii onnection ont next week 1
were in the ii-scendant-in nnell, 'Tile. wll� N1101110 A rtirlific, .0,0100 evening Ile start., with the Presbyterian Suildsly,,joillool
I of Woxford, Ire- vvsst!ls oin1l�kc and olike suck hip nctlaos,in' thin a has taken the II)ljoic,ol folol -kill tile
there Wa's alway. ed for holoon and Iert tile youn-, lady will be be)(1 in tile b'
s, a piedoinhiant. land, given It sample. of th, statiolied near Biff[Ilklit, etotild, in, va4e of' be allowed the. stores lit Knox: olitirciii, 'I'lie sement of the
0.8 -drop dowli. to tbo to behind. . She dill not pt through church on.Friday evening Dec. 44.0i.
hostiliti ry becittlM tv Nvit. With a 0
conservativ that I , pproval ell with her sholpilitig' toi, abolut Ali hour'
k4ul of freedoin they alean to. niouth 4tlia Wellaud witlk Act ililditis, 'file Ilev, 3[r. Ifecooll, of wifighaffl,
To(! iholl (Jelliollsil, tile entrottleo. to t1ill nen cannot or will 1100 boliove a,; after 11-0, lert, Cook ber Pat--
lettilu, well -enoggh Alon. C4 'aitud loy and by, They'attack-' itwill Preach a missionary ermon in
locki§ file fill. his llvigl)llops CIO, ill a spi�itunl wlpro eels and started
Ross has no,dqubt�b4n'Qd�vfii�e to Walic TFbi-ity Church of' this place next
Ofad all evangelistic nieeting, nnulo m' TheAdinir- genpel A,witilfs ouplit to lie at gl*Jlllllllo PrPs011tcd� At 010 11191, through nitid and.'over )one Sundayirt6rnoon Clock.
8011001 i8oclety eneerral' FcW�iniles out ortown't at 3 o
way in which Members of tilt' coull-� bonfire (if. the Bibles and firove th shoultl t.%I;o $tells to', lowed to no 1�11al n.-
Inent priday MetiShIf"s Grand' -opening Was
ocil have been lt�oniptold, front - titne, police into P. , .1 , qqitVt likely fh,*Pd onf; she'founil rest
barmc1cm. lieli .4 -1 fl�-7 01011, We 11�111 in tit nao I. . . - . I . .1 . Xaminqth succois' the arno-fint
gi011 loos (.'Oullty Coln't liting.i. aarn tho night at tile libuse -of 411 of
f tile warld is'silliply lel-of.speoob are evi- 9 lave been very tea
titioe to relptellig salary or, appoint. arty and.freedoin for perjury, just a, tl;(" father goods'sold. must Fo--.
In -coininonting od the foregoing if his Words limi -The shop wa. crowded "froin.
. 1,
another at a The consequen-e
dently 4iov 'file 'a rillid. (it but it rath
tile Harniltq.)i TKbuize could not, re. fall -Oath. ton civil calles to (-(line before tile V� lioculi!16 . fabsen t -In in doodol ess.. Intent "W"t eitell.of
Vas that tile I - - I � .1 6, . .. . � : 41 - -. .. I ee, ditys. lilt' e folertainl
si-9t.tuakii.ig an boviou�': cowpari,son,., ti At desexves tIle credit :o; initicing the.
subservion't ii:lid coaloplaceotf 11le, tit] RLYTH
austere Col'. 'was vtry -'be, 16 IJqIy It no t1al
oked for under*tl Oell
beforii Ittriv. As the to t;i'nie leg hitb6d tOur (J11,16 . JJ . 0100161. wirt of the country in.the way of an
large Y. - Ile c 11 "
danced attiondalicto upon Chariot oboyr. Tit e tPorter, K. 'C, B., thii besli of t." TColllige Jail The boy,; are.'looking RfEer thpi .,,,,ailing,
'e;l� th-eir Iialq �Gld inuskets ..antl c bells,, Soon
toril, wa4, an( 'f it in I;rV.VOI tioloy" to 01`11, It. 8 Fora 1 All- X,
)I- page engravind of- tile 1 Witall Porter olthc U, S. xtiq -seenis to' fill, OW) 'are, Qw- e-
ft:eds and in �Iar- llf6n'tre�l shoe.factory'of J. McCrea- *tile sionle, Tile hill rind i -n -A Avho hold Chat there le UM6,ft f6r tone nl�ht
io-benies for asur tile .4 made hittielf agre -Mr. T),, Alutiroi and wi!e. were vjsjt�,
ious way dy, said to be of.tIle kind livitull scallion, n11113 the latter ]lots Inlito. �611ly sileceded in eapttiring thi-ee
Sible Plan a for Total; W, iendsih I
`-An--editorial in tho AllitIrivan 11aVy*.iiWt-b&.h-tU1.(I out in hip �rhl . Alan ster 11186 wp�e
a torror �o Great Jill. tmn� it was %0bat a party of gentletilejI ence to thc I vith . wflich 000 ts cortaill1v wouWbe to Still( , lay. W. Lorid0fl, biother
-f r. G Ing klake, was
of lie%,, Mr. Ciorrio of this vi
A, -lyner II4-1)"n lili
visitilli here f
it'll I o .111 'last
it wagi r Jolin� AlbMilkancalln tbe th6 w0id or Affirtl%tion ii Allogrinnialls plaved boifore a ITT110.11 tn tile hi
expected fron; a gentleman, ale iliade,it this factory, 9,500 pairs what the. rolrl gNe. ' dtNes'of tl �Jlt;r !vuek, sa s : "Tho, �!ontent, fliouh thesot parties ill c.Qe-% whiwe it )r nt ie pen y 11y 1.110.01-ectioll Of`�A'I�ftrno bL.II4(1IDg C10rie welit,to vis C M;nds, in
ple exp*ected fioni'a-paid liervaiii; of' qzol'!di�vainOr 'Used 'to . takeii lo"i-titilf, foi,iners who� objprt. to h iq bqrtjr4- ftllj: be'joi osqihI& to find out Jn connection %vich, big barn. London ja*t Friday.
To d "tile Wright, PfFlegberton,
ilake- A pair :of boots, an(t fee. S41 nut -it 116rou to ir. Richard, or .'OthOilwise Of thei� qtqtonnelitis� eel (;n,� rully deserve . -still Air. A. tile '110%V appears that -to I a of of this townshly), recently cut., Vag viiiitilly�- -zvari- r,twrig iL it .4plit, luld piled S eni-C AV
this afrubility an the'llart of tb tly tile inistakes and p� .if � llullb!'illcipled it;(! o I Oi we Ila 6 110 synlpl�thy vIt I it f I nod liere lat Avock,
Ile e it ; nit $or ill ' I I '.11unro, Iihs gone, t6 visit
cations whielk AV 'a i fall- t' acebaft lot, If'the E 'To pre t of '46 ndbly mrs, Treasurer was iissufii!�I- or to 0 0 . I I Ila ere* -of 'tbQ 0.
v ii, bllFleAllertoli and in O.well
Our roo�ders are aware fliat Col. foedal Y§ 6,bell, fts"to r tioll, of Ould do..*awa. 'i-th I Bay emind one.
ntFLO.4.4 is 11:0;Nir Proviticial'Tre—agu -,ti-mse chan'll)'I'ons'cif Artl' give the Viaws g,unnt to. proporty an(I Toorgoind- 11r6 services .%vere held in
(10 to USIC tile
To lattend to.,I'is 'Ill ifisteri f duti And,Sapohira. T c,. ly $�qu tit 11aron who4j 01-i class Ni,nintp'� of Moon (lie p. to
is a Vo' tile Q, I a 10s ill-thN fit
ory,'if- need, Ject (14.40sicern ilt .-of Mr; were. to 1) I"po ;.V:,l 11 tile sellooll flonse 'er
property will ieco�ssitate Jd* trail- t be, til-il loiniher can be
y place, tile liallit, or the bo given In,
X�Ifa t, we Ili
on bus.
3�, 11, SE 0 9 1 T
'ill C, ie -dance at T,)ronto the greater 'per- taken i it t It a . I I ill a, ail ill in' llalf� 'I' eAUIS11tilti011 thero'ho to p�-e'�ent, hoin a I it til- �.'otin 'Ough, last
tr -z fidsoly fo� lip.r. oind rev enlarki —:Q:—
tion of the year. hout, a pair of shoes' from �f fitted Of Sir lZielifty q afii'oi ell TLbut, 9. iprir- tits gc
Knowing thi, le c1l'st, cMillan heone it his
R to ))a the case na uppl, ti Blyth, 01 new $td I
"u-ne 7 -
ole tic' clocal'.
'01"et, t: bl& 1VV to. TTOWA
otiver Ifroin Col. Itogs' public uf�- I-nah who Igontl $;it V, And Is 3 pa g000l bur.
rbal Ciffiada. 'tho 6. Refortillrs Ay., Clip ontli t es tstiid li6r nain Tvas Ito ka �t
till(] ilot bing Will be
t(J gire Iii.,
ti-rances as eil as front his ve ...It is.mnnouticed thftt tile as ho%v,ex1stj,lz, if, is, ned a. ys -aii. d
by 'tile 'ill, gains it) all,
rtianitrks. kq vari peroi;ons the pally have, conl- Of 0 is'jolo� of` our funeral; true diat niai s o n o t J�Ioildy.;.toinaxe k goold
, 11ho, oxxnnriofi�n,�.nf pl� stoj�y Ill toll] of a-* eouple Or
comicil expected to receive no one It'll ' Ildl,p(l n ished fdr d b e CIt Ilot Ill- 111ile f oni, can� nVors 1) ol. 01i -east*er of itof-125 upportii I, , . . quite a4 litilliller
tifliia 1 �i.riin6enllints for uttiti h' ishi'l - 6, - i-Wh ich it,
ion from their !h hi do P. ntll� PFILCked (2011YO1160 oth entertaining 'gentlenien not os'A clittle,to Of tid oln� -to-lpigh. Jt wltscortdinly due rea ano: ttho. ivcvk, Vill
doln�llill'l id between: dicial6re It f. orily. 3" .1111 iq
tIthe Council that- Ross,81iould '.Port-Artluir-aiid NIffuni' con- and Alw tpi ow.expressions lJohn 0�x: give l-ing
-8, 'ill be ..t , - e
Al., - -.1in'tt'd Ito Chose T -lit secoluiled liy o
laforui�thenl of big intentions in thi6 n6w, Iiiie Of Lake formers, liath verbally nrl throu0i- :iTiCtill, pu'riAnlient. u IT a. vol i7. Art 7 'aml 8 of pi:,6en tiniatter.� Col. Ross. voluntativ did suplarir stmill0rs, -4*1 'that' th(.y, the tlia't tho�e is* a groa�vr nuirob r,' Itroal for somo few %�Ithotlt rd
nt f�-y U-1 o ds.
0. at L�w- .
L neXt, Season ority of tbe pat vorlinded error in
Will el�iit rants. pro . ty:
jiothing of the kind.- Ho lvas re. Ch ry 9 tile Inaj 11101; their lionlo 6latIA Tfrom;Alontraal into I pteg at'ten no SYJ)lbatlIY 71Nith- 116 ilo,r Parly tile ol w, e'-- are o
quesrel toy "I'lernbers of the Council W
a -delta . rs 4 -coltilli - 11 . nion U Vs.
M of tile . It durbicy the first thvec d of 010 �ys Of J�o 11 ITT 1,01ed liv r c. P n t pet
spattioll state Wile 11017 ti
I�Vaolei laf d trend and Chicago, board foll W n, itittrided to resign,but an' a of iiiixiii�.ltiitlmti(iiiiiii".iiot6, or it it -0 'ell llightest.. anilin0s
sive is a �cll I . I , .0 .1
litis heen phkewl 11polt-our table.- J. -B tindueAwnti avelt irs,`iir.ill riety. Them(, inanly refortners !in V
reply.was given Ili every ca At I . in(
aclollinq, TluthQf or Lite -,.Life 'I ']'he b6zvil of Ilave ei, ]()ill I gave 0 o.nts all(I to(,k.tll(.
t IV Ila* land of plenty Ni,ithill- easy trouble Sir Richard than :'Of qj -Joint A. SIT,, Allwi 0 ..11vol, lot)! C he,4vie-t oil es. At 41 cents, Goindient
bwt, on Friday, a eputation was. .60; . 11ay, Use
of so of Fr n un I a our I
reach ..of the enligrant, I I-. They: 6-iertarn �vany, bot'll fevill"'fligil Sehool, .9 t it tzlklnry of' NV, 11 ediess.
appointed Toy the Council to aseer�- 61 I T.,T s 1) NV iter Glo6dg.'a'r6tt
And, oli ell, ',�2. I
ca tit,1, iviirk.. b04 t nand iIf. D,n I) P r'- P - ti) the eo�ole the bert-�.
taill his vitm-i. He stated lie would u 0 lave. fibul0bifig,A0 ttilho Worth of' Lrd P
Millie- It .4 80-
ting'and lily theni., enre th(t fikr P
lout thein in -wri In, firils': tn. 'alt. of gettiliQ (Alf AVhAerS.t06<,-,.of OVER�OAT nec ry. Q;Kpeovqps� Itho Senior 41viion, It' E I I 'r bofore the'Council; of' L, T(�lilelty t 0; 'Davill tijig
-Tit a pu iiisli 0 fW1 Is rea 11,4-
Ridliard' ])FIR" agreed 111) ell; UV. a e
ne 'so. lower oil$ is (1, j�l , ad IV: �ever� hour on Friday.lie bad -not. do tic Well it., rill, , Tt It, IT . I( I(Ait tha.lie wits 11 wti.iice - for
eviL but w4y. equitliv. sosverf'. n1l'ishIT1611t, Ti 'p �l C. LI'l "I I's (,oil A
lit for 61-Ueltj NVIth gi-PILt, ',till by hott-'L
0aying tile -c ho*uId* itoot6ol 0' �ix :P
.tit false. At this
tr I Cent b mtkson, s tin energetic an(J7,talojite(l y e h4d, Irkitil C lirls urdi a rilesiiinger ente ed ti le of ;l*JOK6'. .01 ''ftli We bouaid 'to wril our tocl<'in o m n to, get
Ig. opo.. at. is.4uos Of the 0 rooni with a letter front the Treasur- tit) mle. . v
III nnfithel'of complaints wihollit olin for -d-
z UY Tinies tharr, have ppeart tileonvol niuch of tilose, ill' o S inlaw-that Puz I 11 two (;I post- ..!
0 AV Tthe ru'en TI t I lyer tatime lit curt ternis, t . InlAn as -.1 go 11'appily. engged -till othas (lay :8 Refot
- Col ome aletters irorn -Ilierm of South A., y To re not. but th
ol'i aeo)OL t teffect that lie, would resign. when ]I IV lost
a([ $3qO� for givi LILL;() :or 11 Oil Fi- I as Huron ilroCestill" wra -11.0, Cart niatters oil': int,-ri fl -Y ftbo'Qt; bi-olto Out 111
-got really. it ivas. th n P
an ryJ0KKI,Iky .5 100 ou t-oods at Coq riee, wAx
Ou the 9anle tilutl 4 ntist6n Tile' W�Jont. Ig t, in- -,Uoll 115�
, y lie - I " t , , . I I I D .
;tpe tile '61� Ill.. tile. North. Owne 1 1) �ieo. RnAve Co. 110.0the 0 cc, -1, Ord io d'
To $5 for to ; . ell %vpl�b lit
Mr. F.rsy tit, seconded by '. Mr. �Vhlilkey 0.
Tlie , Ill kiliott and carried, that Dr. Hot . in (is, to 41, i I J pet, 1' 6 of �l dopeholfillt electors not like --ell last Sunc 43" each. 0611110i), a(Ij.riurned to weet, uickly� spl-eatl� ta t - I
I Poll) ali-peli lave such a,onis"of ILI I THIS,. CT 1,
I(. 5111:10611 Co., or ibe appointkd' Treasurer, to: take �ly by Clip liqor. a of -W C l."yaq A ill g*11tI &ROV. 0, 11 0 story and tile t6r ilitu �.,Ilt' tile
t Aoffica - 141; 4�L ve tClip, is It, total. 10.48, TffAT,
hse 0.od.tbarn Avit joptilrowstin- IJ mi chisioif of the -thol infa Thebo I lit
ilf I J� adn Ili edt for elin 0111.4 it
I01 Ot. li 0on WAR mi). raised a howl of diarlproval front t1lat iie could' "' - . ( 1; e Part of tile*' ninelliilm�v Was 9 ttors tql 'Nvhile breat 17� I
Where it g;t,4
sonte partian scene, whisk' in lijfto6n Iiiii Ine(I ill 1, 16 pregellea 61 'it tile.
so and a live]
lutes-, If(' w0ol 'dicontenb, coittai,n qdu*nil rot,. 'If bout $8;000 �tbd bet but died in a fpwljours rLft( . �r . . . . : - s: V . veil 1.4 111oll'o, -It exis,il'oz Tho folloviiiq
P. lTlio� F;�St o' ild ljo setioo ols efirpts tire fi-0111 it letter Hyped, '�Illolllnlq Ito Ila 1111)11 (it are desig ely And -]Its littld' Mrs. 'Wallis tile old IACTY "%%'IIOT . n"T dgirting nol, tiol); Iotaken'agnilvatf] one
thpra� A Ito placid hin)%elf ill a poiiiti it that wlW-pprpetrotted this fatal cruelbyo, this to its lntvili� 111�t w (-11, Jitines T. R o.yrner - , 1 t iq In nlow� n 'a "�' ah(T: J with lilt ThilulpsDO III UO been B ETT E 'GOODS an AT
virtind disinis'sal Toy CIA Conliciii was n 14 0 Pill lody the viewgbf a. �tt�
Iit op
IT in trving to Tile lippas of I er p000VCry 7ITO not 4-2
(41 dirvet,om ofilie, Kinh'urn tholotily retiort lilft tbelli. In tile. lar a millibar of reforiners in, tile ETTER -PR Mo ''th, X1. 3'04 C. -n Yet any -
9 r
iotolrent8 of tile County' they �Iid whel
CiOnq to t tn. Ai�instroh(, was
now Clio brolel" I e which is thpir.duty. The people throu"hout, on,4 is tAhb'Xoted, Clothie'roo.
c( or by,sooyilig flintin.,4 a Re- th`c dqt had the v.&sQel' reitah' An I Tuictitionod before, there is wa
-will plainly I f hyolliry that gentiptilarl. Ila 0%6 1 - .40 runl�er. At r. J R,
t lie County 1 that the s pro�.. artholight: Is liel olilo , tll 0
(I A v lilnot be.01i gazette(I yet.' Aly nr5 of
man %%,Ile 'for years hit bei!n their it Out, 161. No
tile rilliI60)(11 flip eir tit was 81witfil ruillifil't llpdlli;Lbl�a pro.
both:1110riling and eveiiing 6n iivilb poptiltir neniller, Xv. U X atid It.
IfItere was q u Ile, -7 7-7
well pait.1 servaii-t, wag ivil-ling t ta ainfit. tile rd., t-1- � tsi. it ('111-dinal, 11to'n bec t th�- Meih�- which Op-csions c6l lee dolls IN It tholight : that 77
tuhl of a nivIlIller., untli 116 has 111,1111vilile (oil 'illy ul-illti, flitit rell 11(4o ht4t lot.
i"ore their interestshy, holding ail. t ken till fit ai(l olfth� funeig of till, a g
gn pul-post) of raising It 000l run, bublic' Inalco altion nted to -tile I Ml -to raW
official I gazetted it lonkp� as fto ho, I evolling, � ille NVIII IJ,%Vo 11.)ntVol 1100
office lie could tie. properly perforal -little Iligh6r.10111 iniploving kly bc'f` ,633 Ills; of far'Mlicli )ill.
a Lily pulitien do Ivor It loctilve n Cox, . .: I , .. . . ..
wing an nverlige
prof,etty nd putting:tIling III therdittieiol'....And for what pur -P.-- ALI I 11. 11 l I Ili ;I, ooVeyth ibi(l IiVopk of NVoinpa," Clio ol"thringlit tild Iltill.1" I) Carman is, Well known. Isail able. gla-Tho of "onin of otir Tclous gain(, Ft-aihnitjba rights of Ifolvo ,kpl)arf-litlytottlio.wilisl)Z)li- . � nalactorate for till it is Nvorth, (14-1il-6 M "Lloli'11017 Or 0111- p0dilPh
tical-friendt; to work up ill feeling. 0kri,wright is it ill(' Foreible and., We exllvc� to pitt-ro.rTA'befug-8.3 for 10
ctioll gazettwl snll tbo- :1114. of milk. -oliho company. will
llotise, IT() line IT uld kbow it ti4ter t1han went to ie6ttiye lyill bb large. ' � U
at tho -.Anling tnutlieitial elecdons, wero IVr. Lyons �Ov I- (,I lltt-Vl4� b � good tilavq for
11 of Li nioN. Leunw: ly Onr iii� charge. patrons 2)k cents iQr ina,king
ho �ilil a, protest Pill(! ell againSC last and if possilple return enough,nit-111- W rt iq I)( I it, a prolfili- Ill falt- fit bee e. in, Ili to Sir tho lint() of ., il, c c
it N I)OL o. bave the :atigo IIli[ li�etnro 11111111teli lint 1natell" or- slhers to the colotillcif to have a Ititt, is 4L or .();Illg et Up ill, ,
.1'lit's Ili, Un(l or tho ,\ortt, ltol(, lqnc InI&j lit rp tried loqfqro� 11 Vtillp Oaf, city Contclul)draty says. tlin't -e sho
s iboA lJol i 'cor ign niissinn., blillb our conlinillok n Nx VIN
n CcClio tv We or Vvin Ladies
ill" or nil tlints tit It 1 161 has llllpo�t' 0 Choice ill Ili.,; steall. Or ill Ila wbaid 110111filato atilt libil 7 . lit, 41� jM will Told (lie tit",nn thi'llilit an(I is Ilavill't. tho gult- arn �uitn willinty to take Clip, wer(I of
v 700 1 Oil I)PI'A011 I' tj tho prolwi-Ly 0 I'Mill L Tin, will lip lwantil'olly who will'[111V vi of the downfall of ),lowatand (it Ili .2-biwIl for. Rftyq
no 'The to
lgovel-Illnent or it tO 14 "tO .1,M)
OUR of holding Oil to tho cobilly beeonle i irod o'l. 11911ninell, (11' hftfl al , 1i lea qy&
verily ill Irnprf4hip of Ililit. ? Ilit. till- rin.1 alf All they tie(, 1<1 I allir it' tile thing is WC1 1 -11 um 'of Treasurer.,Jiip in caso lie litts to, stel) Units. o pt! low[ tile nlislli6es
itilt) rovillce in - for trlit-� tilve , g-1 is ft T16 rbitittd Oil fit(' hot stoppot'd it, Inny be� It At down And out of the Provincied one I of Sitilth No Ilit a till b.l. or palle-0, have 06 fee for ftelluls-A1011 wh(krvif IVId thi-.4 work 11001 ITO- 110 lWhich cannot be e4nalled ihithisseoti6ji
tho reitoi�t bf a de A politician, - Toy 86. havO ven blifen Ili
Tile Cruticil has foryears beenconi- ollIll Munn, t lie Will! itoVity. is IT*fnIa o4'ere. It stiltallt oldinittod ror 15 amits. 1311t is itL tn �ilfl,
elp" . at otil it VV011)(1 Ilave in gOoTI, %tato to
jug tenonot
of a, bolielit, tile lyartles to connnit It, IlOfilIpp, Jn(,I 11 r of tho raill
into,all aliall (loll ('d partiain TillW pilitiral (if' t te Itho. Till. 111101 'Who rubs
Th ey Iniva out at t1li,;
Iniot, eason.
Onvu,4 1 i�!Ilngol wqq tl)pO. thot kp(.1)4 lip
t i ti*p, and the action of Col. Ross .111111V qtlit, n, .("I with It vory wrirtlim alul thol to-in.juro thn Coll- -illto a little llflttnl� OlVina -to OITA n-
lto CRICO nu� cot frotil ill lit tha in tv �y Tfewil.4 party fir4t, an(l Boel Tiliitiv oil: or (IT(' t those Iw( in life
pointpient of his succe"."Or WhR 1Iii tl(.S- - a eontraoting end116 8aVs tllttt tl)fl filitt6riVA ill S'etts,
-The cUrvont lint It imlif ivill retlogm Also the tileir it, WIJitL,.Iy �Wll ftg'JjJ
the oil Ompt
Tho' nian nt.tgazhin contarn,4* n .
exti, ' __
prt,luingil,le it. the envi. k LaImb Setts,
tion own eolnitir, To illy itnIly tilt, imp The tinie. XOW if dip. Waterloo Organ
sketinin (if th Co,incil iva%i Ili, inn. ote on tile origin of tile word 4�nd b- way li'dies Ast uchdh
)))Illion is that Ur, Boyt- InTows of ,illy Dorlin frotorim tfint
tightly hy We 11'ev, n h o it I (I Tile writer pomlEli out Chat iii- Any eollsitrelying that �tlftcwr i,4 qpver-.
,worthy,juNt what honet nno' One nlofAing tholn'6n wn�v Tanr r u
a 6 u oil hort tinit-, ho knows GUT and C fildre "s
spirbee Treaurer thu iniddle logos Clio. pArchinplit, iii NVI IN' I) lit 11) 1 IT- dorop. Ali tit), n Fur Bett
thil Riin not onflullon Me, wits of. two oastlyivil thlit soornotlyin (V ('10" , Y, Silift1tv,
T111114 relildvilf Itprorin tpItly, 9 ll!MITA goo It pro4mit
I & On, alid 016 GPI'lliftu- flit -lilt 1 It )hill 1141. filttallee nq thigh l�Tpp ewT,ovp, D-, Ptiollanillill yl Lana & Co., and
E'neland ig it rr iull A n r if,(,. ,:Idono -e ch—hUd thrit, the .11mill Aling, are To
patriots- of 11111 itnorl' L J leg(l V'ril'tjeaj�y Ito ure it fl' tj rity, of the Ive Vol; vq tlUsy ntI A )Jg ilin lI
llIlt(4 Clip "ebnol Iv 41 a llt,rhn We show' an. Immen so thn thill, n1T'tWO tile 11 atfidn' talievq ArInally of tit(! front Unt. utnno I;oy)q wl,iv The 11111 ho. writtoill mont Of
It wern placed tit It co 1,01iti now, I vitIgn 'in Upon nit bot,fi, shlf�4o While Of I qtaiitR n�po Xaftel, or (,ITO lAt eon., our Vill- ry. e is -
thitt Tho aninnis agahist tile, tho, Inner qtr. 0 3 '111, 14�1(1 flip tni a tit i v - withdrawn its g vj:oit lt with Cho C aps
(Hrect entillectillit ago a Ilyin, all 01: 0 -
lit, or wood' to AlcDottgal't, ent; heOf CWO
infinintnto nininlrdil r&aq;ol front tht* vice wils vK104e. ThA Rninoth Oduoltion gerifflity affel prifiln, IV 9 (Jr(lop' Jjf�is lint CII(I nloq
tion till, or inviting rolid
vnr, I Ilvo, I , ho
fact, that thoy looked tro much like wlijttf Ale of ON 'Ife�q (.1111ml Joilds nil to tin on trineinn Of f()V -oi. tIntt Awill be till O..
1`1 Aq the 11rgiAdler Unnerril 1�Vf U, to
'111A inns Ole t1ritisli, 11 oil ish, 4 60111 tl)e.. Car to t welentilei till broOt 41' it bti only ('11olRoIll, by (111140 for Tion"tt
Voo"0111or 111100f, tilt) Vollnell Agieetl 110W bVC01110 to btt(I nilf., of 01drort.
OnAt Of AMIL It Atafflod ex1vtior und rhnot IN iff, largi ntent On mif- fill, It bort eli
tile (w. 11,40, SO VIAL 110 oilght In W JA %.&
oil 114.14 'A till" boinillint) 'Govern. and Ca 19
A rb
oin min ilt.fllo port that bn Nv ilil fit 6
im n trniprn fliftf, ft living Aq 4411.1tollititt P!l fell tj Ill A tnnintnill 1% It
BlrlN 1 16 lirtr. c M 04
*4 atid elloopep llnil� On' waq tiAMT gIOPiOUA n U, 0 9' zly S
1"oorp Onin it (11sad lion. TIVI by Tatilpq tn On foev. Clian -riL
V, le o v
A it)(-. ed1`1100010 of tnJ)JnJfttAIq Ill. 11111),pa, Ualyoroyll(l Ilphil r(.11gothollIA lilroted JJy ('11tLf all Ao)npoft,
tv liosweOt A IA rfoln 40
lift.) i*sl Attlil busy entfill" woql 11he hg ry for 61, lITit-it to Ilm, Hoe- Algmiut' ovol)wffll lIto fill-flinp 1140 for wn
till' lne tho 419NO Vnnt Rilow flilit nf 71�po vorring Allet)(11 4 of w,
it ift, tI is volopIlillb
F4 ill tilt' W. Itill roseeivol(I 'it .1196 Xk lit ftlbovin 1wiladenp(l Oat Into Uq h