The Huron News-Record, 1883-12-12, Page 1d streot, Ofinton, Ont
0.1 Vn04 80 Paid.
on. called to.
rders byi,1011 prOlAFtlY 4tt
clintow 011t
]EDWIN KE1&E"1t,f1`b1 FA -1
)Likte at Teronto. illinor Graduitte Royal College
of Dental Surgeons, liap. removed ko the
CoAts Blqckl oyerlaylor& So.iiS.
fIll vqqrk first-class. Charges moderate.
SO'N' spilono
DrNT48're, Will Coll
tinne tliellusinbs
i- �i_ R. 0.rt
.. .. .. ...... -
01 . ..... ialvr
Tj I v om r §,% tv t, I,i tia. world Jorviv,
llrul+, "'Ort's. lv�vers. Saft 1111putil
p,eyer sores, Totter it-liapix-11 Jbilti-i
Plilli3l.tins, %,Ipriis. a III fill ,-On hroi-
POSIti'vi ly Cill ('14 P1101, Or 411)
p,iy ri4quired. it Is tiarantvvi! to vivo,
a 1041111-Y reltuldg-11
- '64tisr. M
it,ato per
V R smlit: air
C a,
41M.010 wo 31 liciM,
Are you trot disturbed at night slid,
TESM $1.25 perAimum, in Aavauoe. I'll'okell of your rest by A sick ellild 8"Itifl-
Ifso, flerik(l at onvo Widget k bottlool'All.-.
It (Ilf 111
1U Its V M aine is illvilI4411111`11 -I
AmY. '[41""w's ro - 1 -
CLINTOTN, I RON COUNTY, ONT., W1 DECEA.M.E.Vt 12, 1883'. rx Tur,111(NU,
WHOLE INTO.' "MM i'tv""
VOL, V.—N.0, 51% It will icli V(, the voill littIv stlibet-4-4. 111111"
--------- is no inistake al;otit it, ltctnvsd� .11taly
Tax lynays oolwas" plus revonneB be used iq relmbili- BAYFIELDO, the way to Jackson, 0f, bat�ors still diarrIlourt, regillates tile t4tolllach Atilt
oe; I tu oum nain Workin' 6n them �,,V,18, cures N�ilul O]i,. soft,148 th, gal) 8,
tilling the tiavy and providing Coast
0 (Vl* Sault W itario') stbrate. MIUM0 illflAIT111111ition, 411(l gives tollP 01114
CANADIAN 4efences, & Start ])as been uia4e Mother Xilitknr: "47 'Wnrrin' to i`)10. 1XIlole By""ell' 111 11-4- 1% ' I,,);.
bilinelite, in tor forming tire upolom of Art tiovy. 80a, -I toltye I would wrolbe ye Uackson and wbpVl sez wan f
There are 18,000 sifirrilum 8yurp Foll,
ago Tsisao Robin- ast lethor I �thim, luokill, at me, TF1,TtlING is 1*21RUlt to tll%5 tQ00, 111141 is
Britibli Coltitub"a. _ A. great number Seyeral ilreekis agin. Well, since the I I pre.4criptiop jj,� q.;ie llfthooldest fou ale,
ynchburg, Virginiti. sint ye'l had' a I - lether frorn.11r. MI)
of theal unewployed, 1pog y,, i acitson the IkAther 11" fle7, 1,
Son,, colored, of L WaWiwrighl; oil 11 4 lie tolb I we the n M use " I" pilysicy; saildgurt;68 III tile uttited8t4tes,
abducted L411a Robjilson, o, 'yound (IConfquVd yer ugly cq"nteni -ough.,
In the tov.pship of Charlottovillo t5 about Bayfield. Mr. Xing's. bakery TqX 8410 by all (Irtiggials till
wilqR girl, and disappeareil. Satfir- sez theyj 4"we'll cAil out the wArld. Price 25 c -,tints a bottle,
the 9ther day, Geo. SohrAm fatally tuk fire oil Su -ey were po.
allot his cou;4ir, Wellington Schrottri, da3rT.9bilson and thegirl were found nday and tb
after losing nbout a bunkle.r(l dollars.
liviiig with a negro fautily in: All- And slipre the bies are all bome Will that I thought all gt once Chat An A.011leteft Clargy1na.111.
in mistake for a rtibbit. . ?. - . ,
Patrattox county, The girl was tak, frurp Ole Wands, fwbare they cqtcll- AT 6ther Jackson livell in Xiinton.
Tim Yov, Will, Stout, §?k Bolglisik ch)
Welland County Cotincil have ewholne and like npgro jailed. ed lasbon'o. at' timshes. An' Carlillell, wuq so much lxcolted, about ANther n, pf m7ilutoll, W118f9r 23 veo m a ter-
esolved to, memor;lize the Ontario gy,11114
r a "ovd, shot and killed III t110 lirick-byer, twhat belongq to Rasq gelitin' elicted that I Iliver I -ii) - untrieror with Scrollilotis Allsvesp,
A Legislaturo to adopt Measure Clintqp uglit. I bo0ght noesill'a hat to do wid0i the Iwst Tnedleal �1;111 faNtl to euri':
aud is building King's qven, tbq
'I r pants (in' soc4s at me till, I got tor XIju ton. I attinded 'file intel
granting the suffrage to %voinell. son, Alfred Boyd, aeo'd 17, in 0�111_ lost Ili$ every -t: it: nal still oxternot ust, of Burdot k
a illilisvilln, Ohio, linyd returning 1(itig"ofire-tbe pure blo,nn'Padey I e Ratin' at B uselield to being atit Blood Bittvi-s vured Jilin, And for ilearl
It is flow hopild doubt, rays a y
Miley 'I lan't kill his bull dog fivilat: , �,sitllpr cartilly'right.-_1,11 wpoite ypy three yeqP4 lie ramidued liqloallil Loarty.
Montreal deliptitcli, that Thomas battle found Iris son, playing marbles. vitut
I tile. the vullipas
Oral tilp. President and General Ile caught the boy by tbo Collar, 'a fe out af the ta an! nn an' tell yez fwbat
91 pit il ts Ant the skule philder g o 1 n go, q 4
dragging birn home, fk distance of 11 about.
Alanal-or of the, Exchange Barid, has b4meftskuleexel4tionwid itcheq y9urs tbrqiy,
0 15 A Opre fqr. Sove Thront
PAZ 1W yards. R,,a,:Ijiiig tlie porch- to
inin llllfti� absconded. -door, the bay refused to enter. Th an, diloges, vvid singiug;, shure the Tti[OTIIY 01JAJ0.9.1�V, 'Mrs. AVM. Allen, of Acton, iipwil;s
off taoller 6 a dacent Inall, long life tu .4's yolluiv I
A riewly married crinple from the highly of liaA (it dil kill it hous, -
the father drew rk revolver -a 44- him, � An' Dick diden't have - much P hold reouitly culits, sure ' thlvat,' iaiif.
country lost thr-ir lives at Rentreal 0lN-rP13S
calibre -,and deliberately obot the tu spoke of At the Gr4k;onverition fit P-0-LIT19AL
Tuetillap oiglit, by blowing Out, the son. Bepeetiold-saire tire' paple don't Scalds, and OtIlor injurles,of ewililloll ov.
Th -6 Ref9yin pill, y ;are purquing q - .
gas ip their room in a hotel, want birn at fill, at fill, all' if I Wer I,:urrouco in every fainfly; 261 �t
10 At Farmersville, W6V Yor C, L a ;tupifi.l4ropg headed Course in tire
him I wild stay at home, The yting - -;—. I
A colonization cotupmy last week brute trained C114.4 Qixrk.%.tnprdered ;Id tukXjaml)Vlree tile 'matter. , 1pstead of being thankful
paid into the Departmont of tire I'- his vife, in lier b i , ije* sports of BUyfi
to . r'a hieuRti. other aveping itil 'wint.,down III the for Sit- Rifilim-d'i, last ielec- IQq0d
Q> teri6r $8.2,400,., ap justall"e"t C4 The oppearatice of th" roorri and of, only Citrisiian ther' is iw the place Mon As a good riddance, ftriiI smeeklog rhililreii are il(It ofteu torturol iiow�n�
XZ:1, 0:2,960 acres. of land in, tire Sqa.!, -it had Ali' I beltwe they nlust,bev bell drunic to str6ngth.on Clio party by putting lov- itli tilttor Alov" L'I'llastoll", III Ill
tilo* body slicl%yed that Clark
)Lltrill_ witrd now met) with.progresilive idtils, $ scoll ['it d the winly pallwous rolledt'.'s
(ZZ, katchewan. district. for they tuk- a rooking,*chairc . I I �, �, (", I
0 best namulted his wife, ovidently it vy4s 0, buggy"k0l thc-y tieliberately coal defeitt W of tho old thileit. , Frerhian'sm wooll Tu, W-
(jU bA Bank* will"' I' - - tile strato an! that . Ith Sir: Itioll- ders are Iflen"wit. to take, contain their
I The Excliduge go it to ;ifli t1jo, view of c4oking hor to7 OV.40' An' Johnny in it sad(111118' tllemqelves wl
4 liquidati6h. ft is likely that 'the deatl4_gpd tha!� in the ill, Dlck"fiii, a h Owl' 011-gotivo, ailkli-A1,613, alitt, elleOttiftIly
'L a3 -Y at o it is it won. a burdbll Qf UIIP6��ularity old-plar - , , 1, voilil.4
ZZ-) I ' romovO' alli,,ol I* ,
_0 F.1 -fi a (lei, that t5y did not git, up befnr the '0 .9 0!" 4thl fist.
- I ca e -'site - I - lillal,Y NOVIOPt 0
4-D Rharelio0ers wiJI bo IT J it tc 9 aillictill" Oil (1*' 261-21;
upon lo �Wbicfim d 7made Knr
agin nixt year; drii T lie, GAbo, ljoetris tq rertsion- this
liability. .0 ifling in.this to pro- all' expiotti to run M M )rtl
v to the full viteitt, of their double hot- life,lio had .9boit her iii. the baQk.._Hay.c,, but the Rilve is ft dtt:cen� rnan
0_ 42 f tile head. Ft
r. q. W.mRojis %yrito unsented, Ft fit -cyi;-r�� clivie
'Will Shli-ff, of NV.alkerville,. wben duoo tiReedy de tu 'durey his karactei I uvetl ,4 -i-y
P ath, he epluillotecl bill udWti, Jail, Mrtll, hat; Ill voi let
de`Vilifll�r work by yl�itt tor efiable
wid any af the bles.' 13v the �hy, for bribery by agents therlpfore lie is all
detirous *ith malft�isl friver in a hig her Pljr.atj I 'hem an -U&Ight, 1106ept, o1hristiall gentle- fit tio b tire niost i
'Tolin A. lierd f was tip here nn IJOW colds, C;qglls, luld all 111w Ill.,
Detroit bospital, jumped from a and then fied. 11111e, an(I the 111d,frIg"Of W( st, If hwle -
runup tti. See me., 1. axed 11101 -ted 04618 oft0i 1). 0110 ilwill-fibIl. ail.
s6x should Ileel holip1med tohnv'e him
0. rd Q) wipd6w, tbirty fiept. to the ground, NATIjilp Chief Fronob was lie an'Jull afthe Uies fit Uttawai w u r. ulentl�, Deal witbtIl n III Wile, all I
of, ey 'NIC "il�Urp yver , "' 6ep
'ing the lie tolt me they. all well' as it candidavo Alex. Johnston
41 etipaplug �unliul C"o vent their �1' Clio
liVillin f(pr-hrilie .
0 tolt him thAt, -ton ity by lagellts,.
ej'�Iol;e Ile
Willie Chatie, at .-XqPk' Corimtre, -Afee, Arizona, rogtift Ilig 7wer Ivell th is ft double-dved scoun-
ir. rights, Attorney GVneral :Allr`IY an' DI�k an' the Rave
pokViler Iva tv IIN�!uvrat, whist," sez lie', 0dontli dr�l, unworthy thewulle� o`F nian, lind
-1 and District, t [o , rne y iu. iddlespx Mimi
and' set it oil. Tire ponhol-lor fiew' . urobil -spt&of th� lilLVe fur iiez kriow he 4s, the Riding of, -,,u
10 R I his �and-
uch Irad,a*1 e,,cciiej. (114.cli�sliioii arid e. Ilk is Itilt. S
an' it is hit shon6ured'in . candidlitul
back, struck 111.4 eye and it grl, lithat ii Iyinl abo,ut I'W (If
yll a
out of il- McAfee dr w� a o."Xio gored?-7qtkIt, Reporter.
uftill() f)lows. T e t Ilmarbul" shure dioent I recave a 1W r o 4ir about V anil bq-
Q to r" llow Irby
T .E w
20 20
1, 1 a 4
-it upon a man lialil'- Ieth4r f).61)1-hini qhqut it-? fill, if "Yez
0 her X., 26�-2t.
D.. Warner, a' Win'nipeg -pill-. alld jet'lif Oui 3$ �PW. lerZallyr A
Is ab G. '11'. Ross
e. a -ed 70. be him ing Pisp to rit Y91
-ol and Rtab d noth
Cr r eni.s.
Al -n stabbed Boach,, late V'Ace Yez III Bin aboul, -xi —6ister o
_1 w lepted trout filtully ali`id tb( lie life hotheltefl. errioir: that art t1le 24til of Noy, Ili,�' Ross'
rd 0 ith $80% mpstly col . iwi,of tile.Prose6tt Miner, iAr tire it� wby I gets t
.0 1 SO -ie ifil:l the lilies iif him qnk ivirts"appointed Minister of W1 ic 0
workmen. wlio�i lie �ljtid prowl ed ely'out, afn I ati 11 A Lough, of Alpenal Tlvltigap� %va.4
for the I I � Oil for twelltv years
nerv, and then made a rush �iel oin tile Ilroorn alld stead of llonour-� afflict
dbout to -bocitor; wh fiiid lie andj,iineral ilebility.. All reatileni Niliel
I �Anthony Bell,iln' Ran F (I Itill them
0`1 Lady ll;se �-ife ��oO Sir Jolin J 'reporter was y di(16'6, tb4v Ao:rts MV, able "ADAINT (,'ItOOIq,, I ttign-�d, alm I,4"(J. IT111.04101C. 1114y)(11 Bitter,
0 ; 0 , -bon Beim]), -an tu fl; it they %vftn t. 4 forewith sl�vorn in ns such. N IT
tzrl . ClIT in ull.(l 1.1) Lingo'nknife iti�o hini, %� b illt y MIMI glIve hit spi!0y Unit liti-niall, lit
y EQ * Ritellidtokl .., . I. . vlt
L) 130s, of, Montienill, i,1 .. '"t, the s 'In., coiftltlln Oil tli& harbor plarled Out an' ilie veer t annie'ars that "Hr. Cilo'dICA, had not
f I U, el 11 1 he,
Officeo is . fixedshure. Aut'patewan�ed a ob Canhi'§'removal, on t
Ni,.ts IfitRIly restored.
F id
ay and oettei
'-'he Nvas a dAug iter of Rob- bire tu watbli tile old �Tti7r6date back -Qo its
a" . rl Ile III fur.hirrisell"an' to 1riqltP_JIIe_
of Nre%v o a C1. Sill
'erb Faitifa To
-Saturday of 0 C - , , r.k rOOy gai'liz, peev that llelij,n zle:spoll I.; fin' bej�ase appoint.t.nelit, of �ji-called r1d,.VictbrIa w4t, (each we�k, i e old. sta olerks'hai; been-forniod call be diden't git if be. i� ravinit bliC let. on the 24th leg,�I,Wlie'n al�oth�r 41led
Xrocers.' A.9 Alra. Wile'v, %vidi her1wo linton. twouldse'loin ;t t �,Iaqvi's alock, lbert ed. A.14., C. Vnion, * die object �of thiin talk, fbit (]if 'I ?6aire', If yez tlieofpce2 I'
-4 pasill aloi)'& the
children wflre g
1 -1 - , 13 wilf(ll is, to gystecniltically rob :ellt- olicit a konsurvatiV6 tr'et'in Montreal, a 1110.14
will bulld yez fl, li-irbur tht -will fl.%Lt been guilty Itain a�l t4e i
jiloyers. Oiko of the- of thit 2t*
of ice fvIl f eoln roof of�, a hot;14o ip of not fl,MoXinvie of many but it. was -left eor,
CI -4 d8so6iAtioil N thilt e inbpr ftaN
Fa,4 act I. nit ho -So aftli�r w had a di thosli of South Il ur n backed b
fractured tile lie id: of one' -Of. ae I
- . . . 'a a. to Ofacq Itatthnblin, SO t t-4 ri I I 8drsailitrilla. It will'iTaku yim Lail
,F ced JRqk in' -the -ti* in an� sl Blake.
,vE nustimtely b0iijill'itunsford"s book store. alial deposit. it with wid him, an' I M11 -.rite -the religiALL* minds �qnd hisul't tll�.
D 'ini.tivie.4 diitd in a few hour& ) , il�
of 1110tit'll
cilildri,' 4orious to
Teniperande.11m][1, Rural, Cd an( Te 1p '(fill,
ou to a P. in. K roisz, of neboklyil"WhO. another letter SL16L, b6t the lfqp§e oll'inton, jr�n. 14,1881. I -y
h4ir Were. af t)jes' tllrtt I am t1lit, groAt Illbo-I all
by Street P4 f -,r. Soil t ,. -who bact a yo don't toll the a
'Ip'torn offher 1,00' by a, rev6Nr- RkT GA 92" - " - . .0, . , sell convention callon'to ask 1110111f; failt,
to be,,k;en $2,5001ront tim fitbirls Of
't' )rarits �ov. 30, 1881.:. lan'ta st,
trS It 1, e� asioe, foi- M 1'. cartlyjight,
It Dows F,Ey, Al. D.,. )f, it. 0. a. Fg- of San- ,
ofriceand file %ouiet'v at,the of, tf�ii year it
-Iii file presti t
liqtually mW Y.
])as ell I ,yesidanve next ilolson's BILL' i lflarl"�P f�il 'Vail a., Hartifltdo t, 1.0 go� in to, n I I
d1here with.
n 4, 1-y a'c far* 0 thi-V wo,?e to bo- H ol' Fverton; settle ,iN
clinto Jap. I �2,i,00 GIL OOLY Whqelei
TIM., nrin. 811 o clirrge,� It- --retail groceril'*lluion has ligo, was attq(.
Tit6 Such a word V ivarfal;e t1lat tim i)ut�fing tioll of' the 11111g.s. ]Oa
lilt fl koft 4% lot
:T ing wi'li
of lcrosz al.)d I trot4 is desOl-itied -as, . lit' perfect pan,dp- (if
qTi their part. ied $4 - : , . I . Calls on, a foinii oul(I He sjieak�
Lott piniumi. itchell d it lia A-1, nuulj�or,of'ii s. said Kroaz
1 .1 - to illet 0�ld among t'llp
wif� an(i 1-Ni'o childretli �recjuived'$7.0 WL
00. fro nwather Ills keiii.�aok
all! - be t
�.Whjle.wresiflinrr witlithe 2($1-2t;
S0.0TT iv wroitl�k) -tile
MANNINQ an�- iio
ke-1 Ilild it h ot,be
but rd title JInV' '%I to 010 h'ev :bin golil' tile Past 'fe'W Yrad'a :a . rmitais to state
tors, solioltbr, fine'slion wo
laut M='- FOREIGN. wa ej,.
iell- n rive'way Clack onerstorOntarloalitilla*10 b
I; conveytincors,* &a. �4
(D Hli'. of Det I ke the. w4f&thor-they ant, t
3te (Ini remAy
big sae.1-was:tWed about bi y w ley in 811. '011id . ' t"_i' �k Brus r, Nf
iousiie iavi ilg Ivilict'd Out, I ` " - TON. (D 4�3 "prc% ,is k, true bill� has b sit fouudagaint 4A lie OkVed'
fh,If is (lie nanii
noitter, for I
so sitorm,-Rn ar' In 90 rl� - ton rnau,wb k'r st iionib"r4if l7th, 18$2� r 0
of a landlord at West
p . ostponf nAft )er �ge in _JOP9 'as ifitle a spod'alty "of tit"
F63 . . 'I'$ht, oi! is
-0 that it dp TI
Balln`� 1; n The sim -, qL
-ESTE Th s I thlo 'to ate rtbd
A. -FORR Air. Bluiv
rotWn;vLgi-,( at IJ ifnews sl a
Y'a a oefit t f iIiib ur% is 41'
r 0 iWRAJil tbat- 01 T sees wils -a hold.that.tlie ben q ]to. ,�LAYD, 1INSIRA, I .. : tr
tter by it ilia of r the e6ii6itittiow of his t 'a' 'w b wilt lu�-kiti' boy yellin' iniquity, and unjust, alld- will, that 'of It RAL, A 7' X J110109 r
it creflit And 018
Block, Clint". y* gnt aii. due to tho, fau�t at the tap af girls; as have yal"I 04,fice,:Beavet' that lie was not al his voice'i party- t -ilie �liext' Inootilig Of,tlfl.
1), -ks n .1ioue. whi . chis plos . a at-lifindi filovP ellou.g , I,
�%nd other nI . - �v In Oak. If to . bear C4 (111)6 ptice wa
r in HI
VAGPIt ORTO, flarristois, cc: ood- which will. ni)C ewiily waski-olf. tile iffiftth6r ivi yez ri�solptiou of His first ager, Jr., Qudorloh.' 0, the court registrar when lie ask&l. d 1. Ally- anill thls.� 114L Ly by
0 3 astro
tWilito, iNt* -P wag 'se"z 1� J. A. morton,lVinglillih- 14% w -1. was,agit fileanews af'M were all Iniq1tity;
a Ill. 61 of Qim'I 'Eli
wLst, 8tre-ut, .,text Of wilinioerroll.,��' illf nd91.1olild be -,strb(
orined that ho. will bei
tu rd �_,Iit ilit'd I e I esidunbo* of �11 rlib news df fwhat.!"-se7, so u-
hange on I!.,, eq. e ree for that, 0
aM)n sei he Ilori
00.411-11olb, olit. whole party, V11ted
believed tilt..
W1111811 OU IINVist Huron I" ile; he. O"9_ y timt1IN, l4opar.
I.R. is lie le Itullp -tion t ten And had, it been 41
0 PQZ ellotlallit
C3 , , . ., - will lie hanflliet0d next 'I'llul"May at 'rtn,l w, . -a�pd,'Bruglj re f M . m . , , d red for Irxi.paillei would''ill!"j), )fave nlA
1% ILsbrooti,o�orButtict',4 Book w4s pie
07. -'llitill balldill', hirn tire "monev. t4qy werA t)ot. oil'
the.01 At struck'
e.t tes of it ter st, It . .. , . �Y� - - ... - --; . At - -.-- _11 - �
ul W
tr lend -at low ra lin -17S[rS down, to i-fule. takin' 4y ill they
4--) M the duty iso 'PA
ence of tRTS UXKxqwX.
0 A confet a .of :tb 6 fursv thing me eyeK PC R
110. young rull'o who follox�s ullaill- kem
CANtillo.4, Attornw 0 4kruss wtvv. tilpo au a a N
all loll o a a he Sin)
girli whr, �yqr
Stir pled. by Jud�e S114 wns t 16 I uti it in favor
puts it. it Wi*T TO Till, PV�rai Alilton
Of the,'allulexiltion, of No
choir and thili A -A ith
D fQ I, , Big T)TAoal (if
W. Any ainotilit 01, illovey at loWeit, E11104 D It
rates of Intelrest. -y erfat ion P.U!I! N y ..I) P over
wl -lipped front
cll�op rill ou R.—The b
fIllirid The;jfecho- fill IJAV t1i bab Atnoflti�iy ilifirtuA-IT:1
.114tihgi� W64ford. made Pru- tlld: . I
r yliolle Co);b1jrf;pcJ(t1,. a Dakota
42 M ArolitraM Fifisbyterition have 111111. 1 di, t -liurcl tbo rooftia of tho. Voting Rai Ed bin. aethe, nriul)4. at *r will your ridea- . I
pal 0 1 'pet
Q .,a little. sorprise. lev, Ja'les Ll (I- jIlen's. Christ-i4,jri Associiat�on, fit& 'vince all, goil to be, st, big w hiliai tired of. her. I -fill
I-ANES BURNS, Iijecase4'Atiatiallcor for the 'Hill a ti�w scotelt urini.,;ter, lee- th rK. of tile I)eauty of th�: Uid0d Sta
egar cuntcourt-hopse, a�jjd gun.�Aul iverythii).g. It wils thin Attentions to , 11110ther,. el uoiin Albert a arict Jaw, frbi a Dak*
rec�fl treat, red. in tire liall,'of- the ?I of tho. Proie.itAlit populatio about tbrain to' so up, O�ftlld
';city on� e ori line,
_0eders left aL,Tiu; :4z03-I12c - ban otfioe,w.ill.bil CH t nal were attack The.polipe patrollUrl ftir OIL' Stnsliiltl� was so much fix- P()Itjti AS OpIlO46d to the Views of the 0 0
0 Satanded to. . * 4., , . I I : in, C., 4, nl� etiinl T irwit Dakotd oran
.1 r A o'Ave tii)� lout -AL . tass Ul he ts, . I - : %yith t -watcll-dogi;
Clinton abou� nle
Nov. at,) elictdd 'that re
herefical opinions siullilar exac if f I 6f tile 6aring a c6pple WI -re,
r Dof tho Ro-. 'bnt. intil Life, stushun it -oittl in, the itili.d; givol
urried, aveng t
L which worollqar�duposlug dkingr I
H. W., BALL jinpident, 1tickin' fellas k( -p' t "ll 1114 at ed hergolf 1;,s
otaf it for Itaroit County. Sa es fit 41�9_ V1111 I Poll W.1
an, aI I e t,*rain One q&V
11 ftoV part of; tire Minty; Aa� letter'declariog, that. wa, the. Sir Ilgen(y. OfIll a"V -17; LF 42 nian V
A�tqld (th6ent hat. W I6. bere ito bid adit
dre�p tyllers to 06094904 1.. 'Tli 0'.Govorn in"ent contrac�qrs, it re afid laity-11104� fiAlt illver that of. In Vany fif, theso 11"wsolt
tile I t-R-sthe marriiiii it tiWot, ticauty, tallso alid have it) tho�`,;Ant
low:l.�jqjilditl� "tile 9�q their owll�.blvkttlei and that-shonld a eare af it'll-sez to Irrovide fals-
1. tu him NVIlin I got i1quId a it. twIlITIoll f( 'line tire Fallacy tokell, parb.tigi stilie
bitio, .9. Ci�y." xetgrned tq.
a the River
)r then. faillilies, , it till- hold tho-filue:( ay,
Chippewa have give, - I. U011M. peopI64, niortal blow. would ))a lin". -Tut: it in �ek hati'l �se zhe, laffin'
Blvtli. Salus $jitentlud In toWn and Cot U2 1 workF; lid', are 11PIVI'Llilt, and
r�A 04 Ira be oin
4;�i reastinable takum A 16-t of filrills and filuted on'the Chu at -me�
bice: tinit heicvfor�ward th wagilm
foto ]ball oil real 0"IAltei " 'I, thinic T
ow rates of intarosp. . Insoratiec'efreLtoO or' all (IP yo, fW =t 'At 0( "Bad ludIt to yoz, is t rot TiVins ilT ThC�
wt)u (ILLY groat -Cattl� Is a* in,B;r-. 1, bUt, -ilrets live W ipil ll.iLi'll, we tL, Not09 It ' . . )�Levclllt ris lisd a.i ye�?" sez its the Govol-Inflent, ititc) and it bao� to
clasises of proper. he r, replyiii 'to
hp.dap' hog bee Inillolan), g anot.
.11 to.(1,801d oil ainjilaiddla fill' n)0 ilkt, but 61141!e enough' t, t(Tey li;lff Z Mit intil by t(
.t . . . . - . . 0 . Of ton a 111'ri t'll thl'aill forill, to the atraightlared of'
rilliti; 0� a bqq lit 4114 Nola., oriiisidikreA. -as &fill an paid a Ili111 t -,it -wts gone, IfIstp. credit frolpi'lle local had In go Tamol,11 witiout 010 . lit'l, he soul
l",occlipatioll In
t Wl;in ft�ot tit I tult,
giveli 'atrity, anA fqr
10' 'tt was :0111)y Ilpeogsafy [Tie Ila nja4!4 alla, to.feel tor her up tliki sthrtlto' to jot i)ew. hat.,jur
tursu to kpow'Cein tidtir 'tI4- Suoti ltfdl;�nv iti'Anitllptil that love, 'f theirovin . key detoctive U
pielldqllill -Your reade) 4 90. t lab ic, wil-I
s wits a. lu6kin', By arraugin' to 'ter
ILI tho deb, in All true C conclu-91611.4 as to. t sE. B'LAOKAL is fe 1 lit- escapt"I
W.1 man in ot, Ito
llow, wi'll it plug oil i,
is, ire 6 ati-indivisiule elves of tire Qlabei I papor- wbiull no
Wint. All
ulen Tile llityL to I)RAR Ali' i foj� earn ill r till el
raille ovirni.iIj I z 1'. 11AV.1tat An oppor*tu c
geon, rq
of die all an'l III -to -puff Dakota, fit ie
6 soama", Ayfor the 11
'�u his, ReCtlon"is- 270 length. know 14111't to �14
Veterinary— 141, ti -411 COltall-. 0 YeZ Want 1`61' t 10 1111,0" th, of Willie thillit'.4116611tidly livli
Six �11110%v dAr Vi inslt gintlema," ptel-li;e ers of lilloll,
rd IID�nit yev, %find wati,. ul in a
Graditati of Wei Ontario Vatorinary , 60 TO. jil- not proceed 4o with dtfl-IC Oft"Inlexion. r4lij, he. ours, ltze
gl,. t'�: pruVe"Shill Siorlptary ?ft.
ronto" 11(tvillo opsuLd an office it) (Ilintolit id 00d in ra'socia qi� QNS
ill it rd the 'Ilil6witois. iis 0 tile lJor TiLA. OF covwrl
f t1i .0 11, W As OV. -
prepared to ti Iscas6m of,1011108tiq ititeen drunk. He wa's not 4413.0 �41; Oil k�e a() 86Z r.
anhoals on the trill- all
and Misther Ilass af d Wa 11AP
Little& All Oporatiotal OMM41111Y WAS 'At
t0 ;> cAn-bo coniplet. -xt n6vor knowii tp JVI& tba� I see
270 Cirl". n( Vlari the, aqtl)oi II)st, lie WI.I..
jy:atteodcul to otalirl oil. Wist Ilul-on outillillalong. et oi(Stry, Ifisther,' -00Z 1, filind in
Oil the enstel. have It difficulty and finding tile! town Met
lilght. !,:Los Inoderato.
large gangs.of 111611 w1)4� kept at der afr6q
ow of Kon- CIA to thp gint el, Jitir hot for iiin) -Skl !'d out alld wil'i
Orilldr, Ist, door W work all whiter, theCatholic Church, belonged to 110
.ell 1)01, 8eV,
Intel, Ulintonj Out. V-17, neVe I . enough, tT, -nnto, - li,avI09 the w (10%� - "'I
uedy'Li I ordor, .1, Hirst; iii- reportvil
find ook no hpparetit. iute;;efit� "Not sor 311 soz le, very cross.
aVP dult, 111APeetor Uv�t-,r ori
Leftg; of L,
CH 0. nationni tpouble.i, AVI(l that I grabs ?I he liat; art, witil bis foLther, J1114.
U) to Nlitlier, !tfriis atil,thip gevl. it �twk, ar ested Oil 0 1) p 1 -jury AS, A �%v)mqkey 0 Two ebildron Who in New IeGen, Pyror, O'Doi)IIiell'i American lIpwinit pay, d� yez. gitj it its no IlArIll ill Coll oap.e riki jig !.tiny rV1,111,11
n. OIsel, was not to (10 it) Lwh foi- tit astCyez Aez Prowitie ca,86SLIP00V v: 1,eg" that
.0 to, litive, been killed by. sinlir bites.
r-4 during tho teial,A)ut 310 iii i, 01" �,afl re6r
Istre4t liettr 0 )8Z r4 Liven, '1110� T1 . of the pea-Rary of 'the l0 7,110, ill Octilhert la.4f, blil't.was; suildoilly 0, 1., A
repnrts nfivenoily Oil t1le - I
0.1y. to hini for call C1111flinAl no%v� Ito hao 10ras I" sox It, Nee"I t1lat �ber After
-0d I't I . 0
0 f of No.w for Oyi
aikofl tf. S, Vinimer Lowoll to. all'. , ixtrab", set lie, "Itti,I)CIOlCet Ulm Anna ilidth WP
Toronto b0 awo Boston constimitory of inuttle, wIh take tftii*i it respitp for O'Donnell Willi a In. Unrly wit11otit tl�p'knowlodgo of hot- couii- "tiallge IQ 44V oktifled 0
M a sIitwittl notw)ot of poollli'on thoorzan or plan view of securing a c6nimutt-ttion; q1ev vi�lv U far Joifostril,good t6 settle fol. t1ja con,4idergelolvof
rartietilr attention given to those who Wish to Tho Supreinty Court of got .1 I tilti 114foq'ityl tvn
k 80� 1. counsel wet e it)
f pho Ing, fit tasl,
'isth 'Sol, tl,t)W pa,
'd 'it I)o wife to mprove on thnIf orescut ,4 I s I I do r ol Motts dee., Off tit $100,
.,Aonoo of G. P. Mw I)V lThey do not,,do tIiili94 Ill; -11, no," 80.7 tin, 11011m fireftrod tbo (lark as to ll�r whot:0aboutA.'8110 whow he If ft, !tt A
(Ortwilifityl girl
Tiril I ti(lo a. 1,31.411tako tu gov upou to secrete to,,. dipil al)out
twi5 l"OJJtII$;A .11 fil
0 0 U�Jyc Of t!IFI* 001.11111ttlitty in flint wAy in ull [)fill ppoval .0 (,AMC fit S other jabs fill, this, thlo will, dls,(Zover� will I)ftvp iherself ill J,(.,, ietil to the I?. I g
nCider for
4, gre4t difficulty ill Proving to the tli# lit' wasn't Sbure ho'�v long bo Cud III) . 11PS, Brulth did lint tAdgil, No. '84, 0 A, bill is lipforo, On, A�niorldan' 110T)w kapp tile, I Ofirl till ba-biln of procoeqingt III very Wig in Chicagil, blit lonving
. A NI 0 4-3 E-1 outborizing Aint-rican .6iti- j,
ltfreetti oil or after thO.1011 IA; go , Afor qjury of tWeIvO puptr 6aky about atayi;ig Oliatnfwra At t6rOlIt6, ru'rLde Affillav
Tim" UNvORT( NV( Itt
0 VW11.9 to purobluto Iluilt ships ha"4, docided. Will Ally. of 1)) ftA, to tba piract, tll�t they had lipt
to t,t lie, is Vo 10 1 long��v It, P011TUNP, 43 all,] %+o tiocornpalliod Ilim to 1881, 1a WI A0 estab; retI1111011 -to, Aliftni,
ez ? soz. oil t.1 a toorn. holdiul
t�Vright in die Houie willi (toil East f6v livan, 9,170 tell yez tho Tim ez
.0 lie, itig of opt. 227th InAt that thov, wlifiro lip Arrived HI,oul' (Mo fit' (brP
_V10111.14 POIN P wve I'll The vi House rf 11WO doftWi waut, 411"1 will us. -110. w0eft lelfrierried belleye 11 that fill Us 14( 4-2 6 dritativpq Ntiiithm gAttin, to N
OTEL "4110 was * not Illov had lio OOMMERWAV H 6wliff # farin found 'his ploughtrian goill, to run. for Sopth Iluro set,
141yowledep of ber whorpall;wtH, ��Tl-_ tit illAiglintioll. AgOw
wore, it, TtirolAn in lifill, filul though file ('11111topid y i,
Tilero 'lee fW6"Call' hArAf`q,, _Q of' r pmb to 11106t Off W100 Of tilt tWINVOTH119 latbIle. u4th. tile clerymti— T 1'tW twhAt fire V" faois Iaro rinlop'.
116 1wilt of liquorp cA40 law allyirlillir rilift. t1froat's
T t lin a vorld plall '(I()r�Vtt_kirigtllorj�foa�Ntillan?'I Ino i
f I IIAVilig. b0ftll Atli) t
"Pho 11011'e"fil of 01P late Pol �tho hrfor you, to havo Ildl
Elm 44011, woll filaff", Roz 110, Arttornek elm. ilot #it, all
�tlioi dN
d, Of Detroit was elf, 11 t bt;sllolt rtlolqth' I
urolt mod. bv tho, ra
noever ReAll in thAt thillftrd wasi tho llorseR 'tire IroAting a it 16lig wqyA*(l Information Was Thid �n infil tlmlianft Af flift I owl
and fiwnplo. : Thorp
wlifft, qrresitria la nian lIften Yost, Or qat olid git him tit 4 1,10ate till
WWI ktll I'll W�iluoft, vas ft 0111w J flnf[ wadli't it, bo wool, for yoll tV hiy a toinla-ho 93 v r 1 bao A tull "o, tattipet, in tho, priopit, IlimAlf (10 it." with thist ilflir Ott for IAwq ilow Ataru'l. 411d Thn Pre.4idp '11)(1, tile talk wofa idliqW, �Vq. I hK bim t 114% Wme ti?Vn iq hill, r
tit, of 010, IN) �. 1* it., A, t 44 11.00 wherd mfoll It:
finIt n (I 44, &1
'tif, PAII -*t It' -01616, a to 0ongepilq. Pool sthilt[P. 1 I ff ten- F) in )to An' Irtolli r1own tv L raijI&W A of It the fip 41 4f. MQ (i ,W .. be
%?& 1.." --1 __ - I , 1 1-0 in 01111ton,
plikilillsli tile 311111, P111atodpin, re
the 400 or I pix RUILON NEIv$-
RzooAll," I
d1latolit I& Ore njost prosperous, t4wn !rt
lVeste,11 Ontario, I$ tire seat of vortrittorablA
ltuliptirfrieturing, and the celitre of the finest
The o9jAbillod lilreullitiort of Tu)?,NFW8
,946616) that of any paper pub -
queeds .
lishea ju tire ("rimit. Of Huron, It is,
as All advartlill"S
I c olturin I year., $9Q
colunin I ycrII,, $30
I$ 6 mos, 18'
6 incil, .
� 3 II)Qg 12
1 year, 18
6,111as, 30
61110s, 12
?ties,, U
$gr Notices set I_ ItyADINQ MATTKII,
uout, 12 line$ to the
11011) jo oeattl per line fil-st insertion
fiteut� per line each t4ln I equent moor oil.
JVo bavq one of, tile 'best appointe'd.Toll
4()Mcos v�est of-troroll.6, out, facilities'in
e�utblo 114 to. do all -kinds
this departmetit
it% the best style known to the'
rj.,, mail &t the 19W;st possible iateff.
on. called to.
rders byi,1011 prOlAFtlY 4tt
clintow 011t
]EDWIN KE1&E"1t,f1`b1 FA -1
)Likte at Teronto. illinor Graduitte Royal College
of Dental Surgeons, liap. removed ko the
CoAts Blqckl oyerlaylor& So.iiS.
fIll vqqrk first-class. Charges moderate.
SO'N' spilono
DrNT48're, Will Coll
tinne tliellusinbs
i- �i_ R. 0.rt
.. .. .. ...... -
01 . ..... ialvr
Tj I v om r §,% tv t, I,i tia. world Jorviv,
llrul+, "'Ort's. lv�vers. Saft 1111putil
p,eyer sores, Totter it-liapix-11 Jbilti-i
Plilli3l.tins, %,Ipriis. a III fill ,-On hroi-
POSIti'vi ly Cill ('14 P1101, Or 411)
p,iy ri4quired. it Is tiarantvvi! to vivo,
a 1041111-Y reltuldg-11
- '64tisr. M
it,ato per
V R smlit: air
C a,
41M.010 wo 31 liciM,
Are you trot disturbed at night slid,
TESM $1.25 perAimum, in Aavauoe. I'll'okell of your rest by A sick ellild 8"Itifl-
Ifso, flerik(l at onvo Widget k bottlool'All.-.
It (Ilf 111
1U Its V M aine is illvilI4411111`11 -I
AmY. '[41""w's ro - 1 -
CLINTOTN, I RON COUNTY, ONT., W1 DECEA.M.E.Vt 12, 1883'. rx Tur,111(NU,
WHOLE INTO.' "MM i'tv""
VOL, V.—N.0, 51% It will icli V(, the voill littIv stlibet-4-4. 111111"
--------- is no inistake al;otit it, ltctnvsd� .11taly
Tax lynays oolwas" plus revonneB be used iq relmbili- BAYFIELDO, the way to Jackson, 0f, bat�ors still diarrIlourt, regillates tile t4tolllach Atilt
oe; I tu oum nain Workin' 6n them �,,V,18, cures N�ilul O]i,. soft,148 th, gal) 8,
tilling the tiavy and providing Coast
0 (Vl* Sault W itario') stbrate. MIUM0 illflAIT111111ition, 411(l gives tollP 01114
CANADIAN 4efences, & Start ])as been uia4e Mother Xilitknr: "47 'Wnrrin' to i`)10. 1XIlole By""ell' 111 11-4- 1% ' I,,);.
bilinelite, in tor forming tire upolom of Art tiovy. 80a, -I toltye I would wrolbe ye Uackson and wbpVl sez wan f
There are 18,000 sifirrilum 8yurp Foll,
ago Tsisao Robin- ast lethor I �thim, luokill, at me, TF1,TtlING is 1*21RUlt to tll%5 tQ00, 111141 is
Britibli Coltitub"a. _ A. great number Seyeral ilreekis agin. Well, since the I I pre.4criptiop jj,� q.;ie llfthooldest fou ale,
ynchburg, Virginiti. sint ye'l had' a I - lether frorn.11r. MI)
of theal unewployed, 1pog y,, i acitson the IkAther 11" fle7, 1,
Son,, colored, of L WaWiwrighl; oil 11 4 lie tolb I we the n M use " I" pilysicy; saildgurt;68 III tile uttited8t4tes,
abducted L411a Robjilson, o, 'yound (IConfquVd yer ugly cq"nteni -ough.,
In the tov.pship of Charlottovillo t5 about Bayfield. Mr. Xing's. bakery TqX 8410 by all (Irtiggials till
wilqR girl, and disappeareil. Satfir- sez theyj 4"we'll cAil out the wArld. Price 25 c -,tints a bottle,
the 9ther day, Geo. SohrAm fatally tuk fire oil Su -ey were po.
allot his cou;4ir, Wellington Schrottri, da3rT.9bilson and thegirl were found nday and tb
after losing nbout a bunkle.r(l dollars.
liviiig with a negro fautily in: All- And slipre the bies are all bome Will that I thought all gt once Chat An A.011leteft Clargy1na.111.
in mistake for a rtibbit. . ?. - . ,
Patrattox county, The girl was tak, frurp Ole Wands, fwbare they cqtcll- AT 6ther Jackson livell in Xiinton.
Tim Yov, Will, Stout, §?k Bolglisik ch)
Welland County Cotincil have ewholne and like npgro jailed. ed lasbon'o. at' timshes. An' Carlillell, wuq so much lxcolted, about ANther n, pf m7ilutoll, W118f9r 23 veo m a ter-
esolved to, memor;lize the Ontario gy,11114
r a "ovd, shot and killed III t110 lirick-byer, twhat belongq to Rasq gelitin' elicted that I Iliver I -ii) - untrieror with Scrollilotis Allsvesp,
A Legislaturo to adopt Measure Clintqp uglit. I bo0ght noesill'a hat to do wid0i the Iwst Tnedleal �1;111 faNtl to euri':
aud is building King's qven, tbq
'I r pants (in' soc4s at me till, I got tor XIju ton. I attinded 'file intel
granting the suffrage to %voinell. son, Alfred Boyd, aeo'd 17, in 0�111_ lost Ili$ every -t: it: nal still oxternot ust, of Burdot k
a illilisvilln, Ohio, linyd returning 1(itig"ofire-tbe pure blo,nn'Padey I e Ratin' at B uselield to being atit Blood Bittvi-s vured Jilin, And for ilearl
It is flow hopild doubt, rays a y
Miley 'I lan't kill his bull dog fivilat: , �,sitllpr cartilly'right.-_1,11 wpoite ypy three yeqP4 lie ramidued liqloallil Loarty.
Montreal deliptitcli, that Thomas battle found Iris son, playing marbles. vitut
I tile. the vullipas
Oral tilp. President and General Ile caught the boy by tbo Collar, 'a fe out af the ta an! nn an' tell yez fwbat
91 pit il ts Ant the skule philder g o 1 n go, q 4
dragging birn home, fk distance of 11 about.
Alanal-or of the, Exchange Barid, has b4meftskuleexel4tionwid itcheq y9urs tbrqiy,
0 15 A Opre fqr. Sove Thront
PAZ 1W yards. R,,a,:Ijiiig tlie porch- to
inin llllfti� absconded. -door, the bay refused to enter. Th an, diloges, vvid singiug;, shure the Tti[OTIIY 01JAJ0.9.1�V, 'Mrs. AVM. Allen, of Acton, iipwil;s
off taoller 6 a dacent Inall, long life tu .4's yolluiv I
A riewly married crinple from the highly of liaA (it dil kill it hous, -
the father drew rk revolver -a 44- him, � An' Dick diden't have - much P hold reouitly culits, sure ' thlvat,' iaiif.
country lost thr-ir lives at Rentreal 0lN-rP13S
calibre -,and deliberately obot the tu spoke of At the Gr4k;onverition fit P-0-LIT19AL
Tuetillap oiglit, by blowing Out, the son. Bepeetiold-saire tire' paple don't Scalds, and OtIlor injurles,of ewililloll ov.
Th -6 Ref9yin pill, y ;are purquing q - .
gas ip their room in a hotel, want birn at fill, at fill, all' if I Wer I,:urrouco in every fainfly; 261 �t
10 At Farmersville, W6V Yor C, L a ;tupifi.l4ropg headed Course in tire
him I wild stay at home, The yting - -;—. I
A colonization cotupmy last week brute trained C114.4 Qixrk.%.tnprdered ;Id tukXjaml)Vlree tile 'matter. , 1pstead of being thankful
paid into the Departmont of tire I'- his vife, in lier b i , ije* sports of BUyfi
to . r'a hieuRti. other aveping itil 'wint.,down III the for Sit- Rifilim-d'i, last ielec- IQq0d
Q> teri6r $8.2,400,., ap justall"e"t C4 The oppearatice of th" roorri and of, only Citrisiian ther' is iw the place Mon As a good riddance, ftriiI smeeklog rhililreii are il(It ofteu torturol iiow�n�
XZ:1, 0:2,960 acres. of land in, tire Sqa.!, -it had Ali' I beltwe they nlust,bev bell drunic to str6ngth.on Clio party by putting lov- itli tilttor Alov" L'I'llastoll", III Ill
tilo* body slicl%yed that Clark
)Lltrill_ witrd now met) with.progresilive idtils, $ scoll ['it d the winly pallwous rolledt'.'s
(ZZ, katchewan. district. for they tuk- a rooking,*chairc . I I �, �, (", I
0 best namulted his wife, ovidently it vy4s 0, buggy"k0l thc-y tieliberately coal defeitt W of tho old thileit. , Frerhian'sm wooll Tu, W-
(jU bA Bank* will"' I' - - tile strato an! that . Ith Sir: Itioll- ders are Iflen"wit. to take, contain their
I The Excliduge go it to ;ifli t1jo, view of c4oking hor to7 OV.40' An' Johnny in it sad(111118' tllemqelves wl
4 liquidati6h. ft is likely that 'the deatl4_gpd tha!� in the ill, Dlck"fiii, a h Owl' 011-gotivo, ailkli-A1,613, alitt, elleOttiftIly
'L a3 -Y at o it is it won. a burdbll Qf UIIP6��ularity old-plar - , , 1, voilil.4
ZZ-) I ' romovO' alli,,ol I* ,
_0 F.1 -fi a (lei, that t5y did not git, up befnr the '0 .9 0!" 4thl fist.
- I ca e -'site - I - lillal,Y NOVIOPt 0
4-D Rharelio0ers wiJI bo IT J it tc 9 aillictill" Oil (1*' 261-21;
upon lo �Wbicfim d 7made Knr
agin nixt year; drii T lie, GAbo, ljoetris tq rertsion- this
liability. .0 ifling in.this to pro- all' expiotti to run M M )rtl
v to the full viteitt, of their double hot- life,lio had .9boit her iii. the baQk.._Hay.c,, but the Rilve is ft dtt:cen� rnan
0_ 42 f tile head. Ft
r. q. W.mRojis %yrito unsented, Ft fit -cyi;-r�� clivie
'Will Shli-ff, of NV.alkerville,. wben duoo tiReedy de tu 'durey his karactei I uvetl ,4 -i-y
P ath, he epluillotecl bill udWti, Jail, Mrtll, hat; Ill voi let
de`Vilifll�r work by yl�itt tor efiable
wid any af the bles.' 13v the �hy, for bribery by agents therlpfore lie is all
detirous *ith malft�isl friver in a hig her Pljr.atj I 'hem an -U&Ight, 1106ept, o1hristiall gentle- fit tio b tire niost i
'Tolin A. lierd f was tip here nn IJOW colds, C;qglls, luld all 111w Ill.,
Detroit bospital, jumped from a and then fied. 11111e, an(I the 111d,frIg"Of W( st, If hwle -
runup tti. See me., 1. axed 11101 -ted 04618 oft0i 1). 0110 ilwill-fibIl. ail.
s6x should Ileel holip1med tohnv'e him
0. rd Q) wipd6w, tbirty fiept. to the ground, NATIjilp Chief Fronob was lie an'Jull afthe Uies fit Uttawai w u r. ulentl�, Deal witbtIl n III Wile, all I
of, ey 'NIC "il�Urp yver , "' 6ep
'ing the lie tolt me they. all well' as it candidavo Alex. Johnston
41 etipaplug �unliul C"o vent their �1' Clio
liVillin f(pr-hrilie .
0 tolt him thAt, -ton ity by lagellts,.
ej'�Iol;e Ile
Willie Chatie, at .-XqPk' Corimtre, -Afee, Arizona, rogtift Ilig 7wer Ivell th is ft double-dved scoun-
ir. rights, Attorney GVneral :Allr`IY an' DI�k an' the Rave
pokViler Iva tv IIN�!uvrat, whist," sez lie', 0dontli dr�l, unworthy thewulle� o`F nian, lind
-1 and District, t [o , rne y iu. iddlespx Mimi
and' set it oil. Tire ponhol-lor fiew' . urobil -spt&of th� lilLVe fur iiez kriow he 4s, the Riding of, -,,u
10 R I his �and-
uch Irad,a*1 e,,cciiej. (114.cli�sliioii arid e. Ilk is Itilt. S
an' it is hit shon6ured'in . candidlitul
back, struck 111.4 eye and it grl, lithat ii Iyinl abo,ut I'W (If
yll a
out of il- McAfee dr w� a o."Xio gored?-7qtkIt, Reporter.
uftill() f)lows. T e t Ilmarbul" shure dioent I recave a 1W r o 4ir about V anil bq-
Q to r" llow Irby
T .E w
20 20
1, 1 a 4
-it upon a man lialil'- Ieth4r f).61)1-hini qhqut it-? fill, if "Yez
0 her X., 26�-2t.
D.. Warner, a' Win'nipeg -pill-. alld jet'lif Oui 3$ �PW. lerZallyr A
Is ab G. '11'. Ross
e. a -ed 70. be him ing Pisp to rit Y91
-ol and Rtab d noth
Cr r eni.s.
Al -n stabbed Boach,, late V'Ace Yez III Bin aboul, -xi —6ister o
_1 w lepted trout filtully ali`id tb( lie life hotheltefl. errioir: that art t1le 24til of Noy, Ili,�' Ross'
rd 0 ith $80% mpstly col . iwi,of tile.Prose6tt Miner, iAr tire it� wby I gets t
.0 1 SO -ie ifil:l the lilies iif him qnk ivirts"appointed Minister of W1 ic 0
workmen. wlio�i lie �ljtid prowl ed ely'out, afn I ati 11 A Lough, of Alpenal Tlvltigap� %va.4
for the I I � Oil for twelltv years
nerv, and then made a rush �iel oin tile Ilroorn alld stead of llonour-� afflict
dbout to -bocitor; wh fiiid lie andj,iineral ilebility.. All reatileni Niliel
I �Anthony Bell,iln' Ran F (I Itill them
0`1 Lady ll;se �-ife ��oO Sir Jolin J 'reporter was y di(16'6, tb4v Ao:rts MV, able "ADAINT (,'ItOOIq,, I ttign-�d, alm I,4"(J. IT111.04101C. 1114y)(11 Bitter,
0 ; 0 , -bon Beim]), -an tu fl; it they %vftn t. 4 forewith sl�vorn in ns such. N IT
tzrl . ClIT in ull.(l 1.1) Lingo'nknife iti�o hini, %� b illt y MIMI glIve hit spi!0y Unit liti-niall, lit
y EQ * Ritellidtokl .., . I. . vlt
L) 130s, of, Montienill, i,1 .. '"t, the s 'In., coiftltlln Oil tli& harbor plarled Out an' ilie veer t annie'ars that "Hr. Cilo'dICA, had not
f I U, el 11 1 he,
Officeo is . fixedshure. Aut'patewan�ed a ob Canhi'§'removal, on t
Ni,.ts IfitRIly restored.
F id
ay and oettei
'-'he Nvas a dAug iter of Rob- bire tu watbli tile old �Tti7r6date back -Qo its
a" . rl Ile III fur.hirrisell"an' to 1riqltP_JIIe_
of Nre%v o a C1. Sill
'erb Faitifa To
-Saturday of 0 C - , , r.k rOOy gai'liz, peev that llelij,n zle:spoll I.; fin' bej�ase appoint.t.nelit, of �ji-called r1d,.VictbrIa w4t, (each we�k, i e old. sta olerks'hai; been-forniod call be diden't git if be. i� ravinit bliC let. on the 24th leg,�I,Wlie'n al�oth�r 41led
Xrocers.' A.9 Alra. Wile'v, %vidi her1wo linton. twouldse'loin ;t t �,Iaqvi's alock, lbert ed. A.14., C. Vnion, * die object �of thiin talk, fbit (]if 'I ?6aire', If yez tlieofpce2 I'
-4 pasill aloi)'& the
children wflre g
1 -1 - , 13 wilf(ll is, to gystecniltically rob :ellt- olicit a konsurvatiV6 tr'et'in Montreal, a 1110.14
will bulld yez fl, li-irbur tht -will fl.%Lt been guilty Itain a�l t4e i
jiloyers. Oiko of the- of thit 2t*
of ice fvIl f eoln roof of�, a hot;14o ip of not fl,MoXinvie of many but it. was -left eor,
CI -4 d8so6iAtioil N thilt e inbpr ftaN
Fa,4 act I. nit ho -So aftli�r w had a di thosli of South Il ur n backed b
fractured tile lie id: of one' -Of. ae I
- . . . 'a a. to Ofacq Itatthnblin, SO t t-4 ri I I 8drsailitrilla. It will'iTaku yim Lail
,F ced JRqk in' -the -ti* in an� sl Blake.
,vE nustimtely b0iijill'itunsford"s book store. alial deposit. it with wid him, an' I M11 -.rite -the religiALL* minds �qnd hisul't tll�.
D 'ini.tivie.4 diitd in a few hour& ) , il�
of 1110tit'll
cilildri,' 4orious to
Teniperande.11m][1, Rural, Cd an( Te 1p '(fill,
ou to a P. in. K roisz, of neboklyil"WhO. another letter SL16L, b6t the lfqp§e oll'inton, jr�n. 14,1881. I -y
h4ir Were. af t)jes' tllrtt I am t1lit, groAt Illbo-I all
by Street P4 f -,r. Soil t ,. -who bact a yo don't toll the a
'Ip'torn offher 1,00' by a, rev6Nr- RkT GA 92" - " - . .0, . , sell convention callon'to ask 1110111f; failt,
to be,,k;en $2,5001ront tim fitbirls Of
't' )rarits �ov. 30, 1881.:. lan'ta st,
trS It 1, e� asioe, foi- M 1'. cartlyjight,
It Dows F,Ey, Al. D.,. )f, it. 0. a. Fg- of San- ,
ofriceand file %ouiet'v at,the of, tf�ii year it
-Iii file presti t
liqtually mW Y.
])as ell I ,yesidanve next ilolson's BILL' i lflarl"�P f�il 'Vail a., Hartifltdo t, 1.0 go� in to, n I I
d1here with.
n 4, 1-y a'c far* 0 thi-V wo,?e to bo- H ol' Fverton; settle ,iN
clinto Jap. I �2,i,00 GIL OOLY Whqelei
TIM., nrin. 811 o clirrge,� It- --retail groceril'*lluion has ligo, was attq(.
Tit6 Such a word V ivarfal;e t1lat tim i)ut�fing tioll of' the 11111g.s. ]Oa
lilt fl koft 4% lot
:T ing wi'li
of lcrosz al.)d I trot4 is desOl-itied -as, . lit' perfect pan,dp- (if
qTi their part. ied $4 - : , . I . Calls on, a foinii oul(I He sjieak�
Lott piniumi. itchell d it lia A-1, nuulj�or,of'ii s. said Kroaz
1 .1 - to illet 0�ld among t'llp
wif� an(i 1-Ni'o childretli �recjuived'$7.0 WL
00. fro nwather Ills keiii.�aok
all! - be t
�.Whjle.wresiflinrr witlithe 2($1-2t;
S0.0TT iv wroitl�k) -tile
MANNINQ an�- iio
ke-1 Ilild it h ot,be
but rd title JInV' '%I to 010 h'ev :bin golil' tile Past 'fe'W Yrad'a :a . rmitais to state
tors, solioltbr, fine'slion wo
laut M='- FOREIGN. wa ej,.
iell- n rive'way Clack onerstorOntarloalitilla*10 b
I; conveytincors,* &a. �4
(D Hli'. of Det I ke the. w4f&thor-they ant, t
3te (Ini remAy
big sae.1-was:tWed about bi y w ley in 811. '011id . ' t"_i' �k Brus r, Nf
iousiie iavi ilg Ivilict'd Out, I ` " - TON. (D 4�3 "prc% ,is k, true bill� has b sit fouudagaint 4A lie OkVed'
fh,If is (lie nanii
noitter, for I
so sitorm,-Rn ar' In 90 rl� - ton rnau,wb k'r st iionib"r4if l7th, 18$2� r 0
of a landlord at West
p . ostponf nAft )er �ge in _JOP9 'as ifitle a spod'alty "of tit"
F63 . . 'I'$ht, oi! is
-0 that it dp TI
Balln`� 1; n The sim -, qL
-ESTE Th s I thlo 'to ate rtbd
A. -FORR Air. Bluiv
rotWn;vLgi-,( at IJ ifnews sl a
Y'a a oefit t f iIiib ur% is 41'
r 0 iWRAJil tbat- 01 T sees wils -a hold.that.tlie ben q ]to. ,�LAYD, 1INSIRA, I .. : tr
tter by it ilia of r the e6ii6itittiow of his t 'a' 'w b wilt lu�-kiti' boy yellin' iniquity, and unjust, alld- will, that 'of It RAL, A 7' X J110109 r
it creflit And 018
Block, Clint". y* gnt aii. due to tho, fau�t at the tap af girls; as have yal"I 04,fice,:Beavet' that lie was not al his voice'i party- t -ilie �liext' Inootilig Of,tlfl.
1), -ks n .1ioue. whi . chis plos . a at-lifindi filovP ellou.g , I,
�%nd other nI . - �v In Oak. If to . bear C4 (111)6 ptice wa
r in HI
VAGPIt ORTO, flarristois, cc: ood- which will. ni)C ewiily waski-olf. tile iffiftth6r ivi yez ri�solptiou of His first ager, Jr., Qudorloh.' 0, the court registrar when lie ask&l. d 1. Ally- anill thls.� 114L Ly by
0 3 astro
tWilito, iNt* -P wag 'se"z 1� J. A. morton,lVinglillih- 14% w -1. was,agit fileanews af'M were all Iniq1tity;
a Ill. 61 of Qim'I 'Eli
wLst, 8tre-ut, .,text Of wilinioerroll.,��' illf nd91.1olild be -,strb(
orined that ho. will bei
tu rd �_,Iit ilit'd I e I esidunbo* of �11 rlib news df fwhat.!"-se7, so u-
hange on I!.,, eq. e ree for that, 0
aM)n sei he Ilori
00.411-11olb, olit. whole party, V11ted
believed tilt..
W1111811 OU IINVist Huron I" ile; he. O"9_ y timt1IN, l4opar.
I.R. is lie le Itullp -tion t ten And had, it been 41
0 PQZ ellotlallit
C3 , , . ., - will lie hanflliet0d next 'I'llul"May at 'rtn,l w, . -a�pd,'Bruglj re f M . m . , , d red for Irxi.paillei would''ill!"j), )fave nlA
1% ILsbrooti,o�orButtict',4 Book w4s pie
07. -'llitill balldill', hirn tire "monev. t4qy werA t)ot. oil'
the.01 At struck'
e.t tes of it ter st, It . .. , . �Y� - - ... - --; . At - -.-- _11 - �
ul W
tr lend -at low ra lin -17S[rS down, to i-fule. takin' 4y ill they
4--) M the duty iso 'PA
ence of tRTS UXKxqwX.
0 A confet a .of :tb 6 fursv thing me eyeK PC R
110. young rull'o who follox�s ullaill- kem
CANtillo.4, Attornw 0 4kruss wtvv. tilpo au a a N
all loll o a a he Sin)
girli whr, �yqr
Stir pled. by Jud�e S114 wns t 16 I uti it in favor
puts it. it Wi*T TO Till, PV�rai Alilton
Of the,'allulexiltion, of No
choir and thili A -A ith
D fQ I, , Big T)TAoal (if
W. Any ainotilit 01, illovey at loWeit, E11104 D It
rates of Intelrest. -y erfat ion P.U!I! N y ..I) P over
wl -lipped front
cll�op rill ou R.—The b
fIllirid The;jfecho- fill IJAV t1i bab Atnoflti�iy ilifirtuA-IT:1
.114tihgi� W64ford. made Pru- tlld: . I
r yliolle Co);b1jrf;pcJ(t1,. a Dakota
42 M ArolitraM Fifisbyterition have 111111. 1 di, t -liurcl tbo rooftia of tho. Voting Rai Ed bin. aethe, nriul)4. at *r will your ridea- . I
pal 0 1 'pet
Q .,a little. sorprise. lev, Ja'les Ll (I- jIlen's. Christ-i4,jri Associiat�on, fit& 'vince all, goil to be, st, big w hiliai tired of. her. I -fill
I-ANES BURNS, Iijecase4'Atiatiallcor for the 'Hill a ti�w scotelt urini.,;ter, lee- th rK. of tile I)eauty of th�: Uid0d Sta
egar cuntcourt-hopse, a�jjd gun.�Aul iverythii).g. It wils thin Attentions to , 11110ther,. el uoiin Albert a arict Jaw, frbi a Dak*
rec�fl treat, red. in tire liall,'of- the ?I of tho. Proie.itAlit populatio about tbrain to' so up, O�ftlld
';city on� e ori line,
_0eders left aL,Tiu; :4z03-I12c - ban otfioe,w.ill.bil CH t nal were attack The.polipe patrollUrl ftir OIL' Stnsliiltl� was so much fix- P()Itjti AS OpIlO46d to the Views of the 0 0
0 Satanded to. . * 4., , . I I : in, C., 4, nl� etiinl T irwit Dakotd oran
.1 r A o'Ave tii)� lout -AL . tass Ul he ts, . I - : %yith t -watcll-dogi;
Clinton abou� nle
Nov. at,) elictdd 'that re
herefical opinions siullilar exac if f I 6f tile 6aring a c6pple WI -re,
r Dof tho Ro-. 'bnt. intil Life, stushun it -oittl in, the itili.d; givol
urried, aveng t
L which worollqar�duposlug dkingr I
H. W., BALL jinpident, 1tickin' fellas k( -p' t "ll 1114 at ed hergolf 1;,s
otaf it for Itaroit County. Sa es fit 41�9_ V1111 I Poll W.1
an, aI I e t,*rain One q&V
11 ftoV part of; tire Minty; Aa� letter'declariog, that. wa, the. Sir Ilgen(y. OfIll a"V -17; LF 42 nian V
A�tqld (th6ent hat. W I6. bere ito bid adit
dre�p tyllers to 06094904 1.. 'Tli 0'.Govorn in"ent contrac�qrs, it re afid laity-11104� fiAlt illver that of. In Vany fif, theso 11"wsolt
tile I t-R-sthe marriiiii it tiWot, ticauty, tallso alid have it) tho�`,;Ant
low:l.�jqjilditl� "tile 9�q their owll�.blvkttlei and that-shonld a eare af it'll-sez to Irrovide fals-
1. tu him NVIlin I got i1quId a it. twIlITIoll f( 'line tire Fallacy tokell, parb.tigi stilie
bitio, .9. Ci�y." xetgrned tq.
a the River
)r then. faillilies, , it till- hold tho-filue:( ay,
Chippewa have give, - I. U011M. peopI64, niortal blow. would ))a lin". -Tut: it in �ek hati'l �se zhe, laffin'
Blvtli. Salus $jitentlud In toWn and Cot U2 1 workF; lid', are 11PIVI'Llilt, and
r�A 04 Ira be oin
4;�i reastinable takum A 16-t of filrills and filuted on'the Chu at -me�
bice: tinit heicvfor�ward th wagilm
foto ]ball oil real 0"IAltei " 'I, thinic T
ow rates of intarosp. . Insoratiec'efreLtoO or' all (IP yo, fW =t 'At 0( "Bad ludIt to yoz, is t rot TiVins ilT ThC�
wt)u (ILLY groat -Cattl� Is a* in,B;r-. 1, bUt, -ilrets live W ipil ll.iLi'll, we tL, Not09 It ' . . )�Levclllt ris lisd a.i ye�?" sez its the Govol-Inflent, ititc) and it bao� to
clasises of proper. he r, replyiii 'to
hp.dap' hog bee Inillolan), g anot.
.11 to.(1,801d oil ainjilaiddla fill' n)0 ilkt, but 61141!e enough' t, t(Tey li;lff Z Mit intil by t(
.t . . . . - . . 0 . Of ton a 111'ri t'll thl'aill forill, to the atraightlared of'
rilliti; 0� a bqq lit 4114 Nola., oriiisidikreA. -as &fill an paid a Ili111 t -,it -wts gone, IfIstp. credit frolpi'lle local had In go Tamol,11 witiout 010 . lit'l, he soul
l",occlipatioll In
t Wl;in ft�ot tit I tult,
giveli 'atrity, anA fqr
10' 'tt was :0111)y Ilpeogsafy [Tie Ila nja4!4 alla, to.feel tor her up tliki sthrtlto' to jot i)ew. hat.,jur
tursu to kpow'Cein tidtir 'tI4- Suoti ltfdl;�nv iti'Anitllptil that love, 'f theirovin . key detoctive U
pielldqllill -Your reade) 4 90. t lab ic, wil-I
s wits a. lu6kin', By arraugin' to 'ter
ILI tho deb, in All true C conclu-91611.4 as to. t sE. B'LAOKAL is fe 1 lit- escapt"I
W.1 man in ot, Ito
llow, wi'll it plug oil i,
is, ire 6 ati-indivisiule elves of tire Qlabei I papor- wbiull no
Wint. All
ulen Tile llityL to I)RAR Ali' i foj� earn ill r till el
raille ovirni.iIj I z 1'. 11AV.1tat An oppor*tu c
geon, rq
of die all an'l III -to -puff Dakota, fit ie
6 soama", Ayfor the 11
'�u his, ReCtlon"is- 270 length. know 14111't to �14
Veterinary— 141, ti -411 COltall-. 0 YeZ Want 1`61' t 10 1111,0" th, of Willie thillit'.4116611tidly livli
Six �11110%v dAr Vi inslt gintlema," ptel-li;e ers of lilloll,
rd IID�nit yev, %find wati,. ul in a
Graditati of Wei Ontario Vatorinary , 60 TO. jil- not proceed 4o with dtfl-IC Oft"Inlexion. r4lij, he. ours, ltze
gl,. t'�: pruVe"Shill Siorlptary ?ft.
ronto" 11(tvillo opsuLd an office it) (Ilintolit id 00d in ra'socia qi� QNS
ill it rd the 'Ilil6witois. iis 0 tile lJor TiLA. OF covwrl
f t1i .0 11, W As OV. -
prepared to ti Iscas6m of,1011108tiq ititeen drunk. He wa's not 4413.0 �41; Oil k�e a() 86Z r.
anhoals on the trill- all
and Misther Ilass af d Wa 11AP
Little& All Oporatiotal OMM41111Y WAS 'At
t0 ;> cAn-bo coniplet. -xt n6vor knowii tp JVI& tba� I see
270 Cirl". n( Vlari the, aqtl)oi II)st, lie WI.I..
jy:atteodcul to otalirl oil. Wist Ilul-on outillillalong. et oi(Stry, Ifisther,' -00Z 1, filind in
Oil the enstel. have It difficulty and finding tile! town Met
lilght. !,:Los Inoderato.
large gangs.of 111611 w1)4� kept at der afr6q
ow of Kon- CIA to thp gint el, Jitir hot for iiin) -Skl !'d out alld wil'i
Orilldr, Ist, door W work all whiter, theCatholic Church, belonged to 110
.ell 1)01, 8eV,
Intel, Ulintonj Out. V-17, neVe I . enough, tT, -nnto, - li,avI09 the w (10%� - "'I
uedy'Li I ordor, .1, Hirst; iii- reportvil
find ook no hpparetit. iute;;efit� "Not sor 311 soz le, very cross.
aVP dult, 111APeetor Uv�t-,r ori
Leftg; of L,
CH 0. nationni tpouble.i, AVI(l that I grabs ?I he liat; art, witil bis foLther, J1114.
U) to Nlitlier, !tfriis atil,thip gevl. it �twk, ar ested Oil 0 1) p 1 -jury AS, A �%v)mqkey 0 Two ebildron Who in New IeGen, Pyror, O'Doi)IIiell'i American lIpwinit pay, d� yez. gitj it its no IlArIll ill Coll oap.e riki jig !.tiny rV1,111,11
n. OIsel, was not to (10 it) Lwh foi- tit astCyez Aez Prowitie ca,86SLIP00V v: 1,eg" that
.0 to, litive, been killed by. sinlir bites.
r-4 during tho teial,A)ut 310 iii i, 01" �,afl re6r
Istre4t liettr 0 )8Z r4 Liven, '1110� T1 . of the pea-Rary of 'the l0 7,110, ill Octilhert la.4f, blil't.was; suildoilly 0, 1., A
repnrts nfivenoily Oil t1le - I
0.1y. to hini for call C1111flinAl no%v� Ito hao 10ras I" sox It, Nee"I t1lat �ber After
-0d I't I . 0
0 f of No.w for Oyi
aikofl tf. S, Vinimer Lowoll to. all'. , ixtrab", set lie, "Itti,I)CIOlCet Ulm Anna ilidth WP
Toronto b0 awo Boston constimitory of inuttle, wIh take tftii*i it respitp for O'Donnell Willi a In. Unrly wit11otit tl�p'knowlodgo of hot- couii- "tiallge IQ 44V oktifled 0
M a sIitwittl notw)ot of poollli'on thoorzan or plan view of securing a c6nimutt-ttion; q1ev vi�lv U far Joifostril,good t6 settle fol. t1ja con,4idergelolvof
rartietilr attention given to those who Wish to Tho Supreinty Court of got .1 I tilti 114foq'ityl tvn
k 80� 1. counsel wet e it)
f pho Ing, fit tasl,
'isth 'Sol, tl,t)W pa,
'd 'it I)o wife to mprove on thnIf orescut ,4 I s I I do r ol Motts dee., Off tit $100,
.,Aonoo of G. P. Mw I)V lThey do not,,do tIiili94 Ill; -11, no," 80.7 tin, 11011m fireftrod tbo (lark as to ll�r whot:0aboutA.'8110 whow he If ft, !tt A
(Ortwilifityl girl
Tiril I ti(lo a. 1,31.411tako tu gov upou to secrete to,,. dipil al)out
twi5 l"OJJtII$;A .11 fil
0 0 U�Jyc Of t!IFI* 001.11111ttlitty in flint wAy in ull [)fill ppoval .0 (,AMC fit S other jabs fill, this, thlo will, dls,(Zover� will I)ftvp iherself ill J,(.,, ietil to the I?. I g
nCider for
4, gre4t difficulty ill Proving to the tli# lit' wasn't Sbure ho'�v long bo Cud III) . 11PS, Brulth did lint tAdgil, No. '84, 0 A, bill is lipforo, On, A�niorldan' 110T)w kapp tile, I Ofirl till ba-biln of procoeqingt III very Wig in Chicagil, blit lonving
. A NI 0 4-3 E-1 outborizing Aint-rican .6iti- j,
ltfreetti oil or after thO.1011 IA; go , Afor qjury of tWeIvO puptr 6aky about atayi;ig Oliatnfwra At t6rOlIt6, ru'rLde Affillav
Tim" UNvORT( NV( Itt
0 VW11.9 to purobluto Iluilt ships ha"4, docided. Will Ally. of 1)) ftA, to tba piract, tll�t they had lipt
to t,t lie, is Vo 10 1 long��v It, P011TUNP, 43 all,] %+o tiocornpalliod Ilim to 1881, 1a WI A0 estab; retI1111011 -to, Aliftni,
ez ? soz. oil t.1 a toorn. holdiul
t�Vright in die Houie willi (toil East f6v livan, 9,170 tell yez tho Tim ez
.0 lie, itig of opt. 227th InAt that thov, wlifiro lip Arrived HI,oul' (Mo fit' (brP
_V10111.14 POIN P wve I'll The vi House rf 11WO doftWi waut, 411"1 will us. -110. w0eft lelfrierried belleye 11 that fill Us 14( 4-2 6 dritativpq Ntiiithm gAttin, to N
OTEL "4110 was * not Illov had lio OOMMERWAV H 6wliff # farin found 'his ploughtrian goill, to run. for Sopth Iluro set,
141yowledep of ber whorpall;wtH, ��Tl-_ tit illAiglintioll. AgOw
wore, it, TtirolAn in lifill, filul though file ('11111topid y i,
Tilero 'lee fW6"Call' hArAf`q,, _Q of' r pmb to 11106t Off W100 Of tilt tWINVOTH119 latbIle. u4th. tile clerymti— T 1'tW twhAt fire V" faois Iaro rinlop'.
116 1wilt of liquorp cA40 law allyirlillir rilift. t1froat's
T t lin a vorld plall '(I()r�Vtt_kirigtllorj�foa�Ntillan?'I Ino i
f I IIAVilig. b0ftll Atli) t
"Pho 11011'e"fil of 01P late Pol �tho hrfor you, to havo Ildl
Elm 44011, woll filaff", Roz 110, Arttornek elm. ilot #it, all
�tlioi dN
d, Of Detroit was elf, 11 t bt;sllolt rtlolqth' I
urolt mod. bv tho, ra
noever ReAll in thAt thillftrd wasi tho llorseR 'tire IroAting a it 16lig wqyA*(l Information Was Thid �n infil tlmlianft Af flift I owl
and fiwnplo. : Thorp
wlifft, qrresitria la nian lIften Yost, Or qat olid git him tit 4 1,10ate till
WWI ktll I'll W�iluoft, vas ft 0111w J flnf[ wadli't it, bo wool, for yoll tV hiy a toinla-ho 93 v r 1 bao A tull "o, tattipet, in tho, priopit, IlimAlf (10 it." with thist ilflir Ott for IAwq ilow Ataru'l. 411d Thn Pre.4idp '11)(1, tile talk wofa idliqW, �Vq. I hK bim t 114% Wme ti?Vn iq hill, r
tit, of 010, IN) �. 1* it., A, t 44 11.00 wherd mfoll It:
finIt n (I 44, &1
'tif, PAII -*t It' -01616, a to 0ongepilq. Pool sthilt[P. 1 I ff ten- F) in )to An' Irtolli r1own tv L raijI&W A of It the fip 41 4f. MQ (i ,W .. be