HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-11-28, Page 4'
. A.
iluron Record,
(ANS 1.04 NATIO • )
Clinton, Wednesday, Nov. 28t1i.
''Tlifita girl bas- 4ene nothing but
provoke and annoy me ever since she
cools) trout school three .montliS ago,
1 wish, Carrie, yon would send her
away somewhere -anywhere. out of
my, sight. She is the plague. °tiny
• life." •
• Miss Carrie Ivel, looked pleasantly
Up from her leading, her plump
linger marking the paragraph that
had been interrupted by her brothees
impatient speech. .
"Why, Fred, what bas the Child
done now?" she inquired. ,
His fine, pale, grave face flushed a
little, and a half confused expresgion
came into his serious, zray eyes.
"This is the young' vandal's latest
, achievement in the impertinent
line:" he said with a short laugh of
• chargrin, as he .pushed towards her a
hig volume, of enact -abstruse- tv.0,rk
an turned the fly leaf. Therm:pen
• bad been sketched' an iniMitable
..' petrait of himself. ... . •
"Jessie Evelyn is becoming quite,
too mischievous, Carrie, and 1 fear
0 you cannot provide 'a-lion:ie.-else
• where for her, I shall feel coMpellecl
to leave you.
-7- "Oh, Fred- V' the gentle:little" lady
- cried in dismay. "Surely -you cannot
mean that? J essin-inus.t. real IY stay '
with ine while she is a minor and re -
wain§ unmarried. You treat herits
it she were a little vixen, mid she .re-
sents it by being as vixebly as pos.
sible : .bu t that is a' worminfs-warri.
suppose," she added humorously. ..
. "I know nothing about women and
their ways,'.' he answered grimly. •
"J3ut you could try to- win Jessie's
liking, Fred," she returned pod:tingly.
"1 win ber liking," he repeated in
a strange, harsh voice.; "Yowswggest
.what is' impossible. Carry -it is only
too obvious that ouryiotege cleteSts
Certainly• the gentleman had. ex
perienced very iittio peace:slue° that
peryere girl of 17 -that incarnation
. of audacity anir -iiircheik;Thiirlii7'.
veiled the trithqPil country licime
• . of his indulgent spinster 'sister, If
,• he wished -a. season of particular .
quietude, the tinkle of' a piano. and a,
distraetingli sweet voice would soUnd,
through the house. If be censdited.
. „ids labored notes upon some especial-
ly favored Iiiidorical or poetical work,
• his equaninlity :Foul& be disturbed
Ly keen and.pert.inetitinterpolationg
• that his olvn wit li'ad never. 4pgicete .
' lf Ire .attempted any lernonStrimee,.
she would blunt .his censure With ti,'"
' ,;puti Ind dpfy rebtach by tin1rigeeitnie,
repartee. he would alfebt sCientific
tireines that' she. might .ilieesincert.
him by soilie preobjein tee datult.for.
his elucidation.; she -dared.' • his
• opinions and • challenged Ids .sent. i..
ments, she worr the colors; 'the;
flaiers, the gems she knew he mast
••,,.. itlitilitted.; and she was iudeed the
•plagee In:his life.. • •-: -; • . -
"Why dp., you &Imps. wear Ole
topaz, Aties 13v1yiier.'.he askekhert
iater that' day, Ile &lin-iced up -With:,
• are dy fro'ivn at bile extidalte shape
and -charming -brunette ' fade, pre-
ceiving"..unly.tbe yellow gem he whiur
smelly aborninated, glittering: in her
• 4 :-A ,
coal blaek.--ir ' ttri ainid• the:White
lttees o'n her osomil „ , . - • ,
"Asan ,amulet,".slie'replred qufbk?
. ty, roeili.ly ari4 nietiiiiiigly..;.•,t1.114:.a.
preservative againdt , - poison, Nett-
. , . ,.
o - .
• tnow. , ..- , .
The speeali-swas eot quite. civil;
the litegfiing .glanc`etot. the big blitek.
. eye a was "Sauey and•silmificant! hot.
. her Manner wae•the periVetion .pf
, innocent playfulness; „• . ,
Fred's frowning rice orinia. Oned....
„Act What monster.of iii34514' iithii1c1
wish silliaroso. gentle anti' graeious
a lady ?"11 reitthitektrith ungallant
ng towards her. The next,ingitant
. tossed his vicious head aloft, anti
reared on Ills haunches; simultan-
eouslr the saddk girth snapped
asunder and the unfortunate rider
was precipitated upon the level sward
almost at her very feet.
"Oh Fred, are you hurt?" she en-
quired in tones of tenderest con.
1 cern, as she knelt down beside him
and slipped ber lovely arm under hi4
fallen head.
"Yee," be answered, gasing s tvaight
up into her anxious eyes. ai ain
hurt to death for loving tlie girl.whe
hates me, who fancies teat I have ills.
jiked her."
It was an love making, doubt-
less, but there and then, holding the
littlo wilful hand, the loVerreheare
ed the ancient and deleetable story.
"Of Course 1will marry you, Fred,"
BIT assured bim sweetly. "I always
knew I was doomed.to be the plague
of youy life,"
For and About Women
park •i•oyal blue is this season
very fashionable color.
1,1rozen house plants, will: revive,
if spi•inkled with camphor water.
Shirred yokes and full waists are
again in vogue.
Cloth bonnets are
with cloth costumes.
Velvet flowers are dividing -favor
with feathers. •
.A in the water in whieh
YPU are washing your dishes, is much
nicer than soap.
The .soft felt hat, with tlio brim
rolled high at -the sides, is the pop-
ular shopping hat.
WoOlen textures generally, of a
rough and hairy eature, are being
worn as out -door coetumes.
Golden brown cloth suits %vitt)
gilt, iruid are`Maile-by 'Faris ttalbr8.
in the styles in •favor with English
• . ‘. •
A few drops 'Of &AV Toil -on -the
hands, after being. in water, will
preVetts them from chapping.
"Did you give Johnny the medic-
ine, Mrs.' Brown f asked .the doctor.
,!Olt, yes, doctor," replied the loving
mother ; and then she added ilino-
-etintly„--IYantl. &Mit Seen:Ltd have
done him the least
• Lamp chimneys will litat a great
deal longer,' if, when new, they, are
put in a kettle of col+ Water .With a
handful , • of salt,boil- a (ample ,of
hours, then take off 'and, let thephim
ney stand. indt.until.00ki. .
mudh worn
Keep the Children Warin
ilalf the illness, and fretfulness
of little children might be prevented
by ketping 'them warm enough.
They are often so,unequally dressed
—Boum parts covered to excess, and
othert, more vital still, left almost.
oilcloth« d—that they are in constant
discomfort. They cermet tell the
diflt•ulty, and thoughtless mothers
dismiss the whole Kilned with the
general eomplaitit of'.• •crossness.
Warm under -flannels add geed home
inade woolen stoekins.,,,s are a cent -
fort beyond coniputation in the
winter aoii Wlw» W0111 itt the
'ratertt ht tommen to delay 'put-
t 4,theiu en Until tile seeds of a 004
cold' are sown, whieh nuty last for
the season or even for life, If the
mother is only befae banded in her
calculations for thechanging sea-
sons, this night. -all be prevented.
A. young ,:fatlier presented'
with a pair 9f twins. Wishiug to
inform his parenti;cf the occurrence,
he sent tlieni this short, if not yeey
luCid note : "1. have•just become the
happy father of, twins.. .1\1ore next
time. Pion) .your son 0A.. ,
1 C rilvug*rmab never.
be yours," "I don't watit, her to be
My do:righter .1".• broke -in the young'
artleot ; "I want iterto beTny‘wife.''
Iilkaracter at lawne,
. —
Hem" life is the sure test of
character. Let the lanibancl grow
cross and •surly, and the wife grows'
cold and unandable. The children
grow uP saucy and savage as young
.811111.111111111M111111111.11011$111.110•11•M-F t _
acr Teeth were like pools that glisteited;
Altyes, they wore beautiful, rely,
And 1 bond her reintok 0101 liste»ed,
"This of my using `Tnibingeav."
Aid Wy get lap feeling badly, Alain%
rest good, don't 'want breakfast, ao ;tints.
tite, 00 energy,: had taste and breath,.
guess we are billions. Two doses ZO-PE•
SIt. will tone up -our Liver and lalr •01110/0.
ti011, 04001 set'us right.
,T. '1'. "if aneliestht Auburn,
Y., says Zopesa is taking the
place of many older media.
- hies in that section.
As a panacea for the Liver
it is admirable, corrects the
.bile, strengthens digestion,
(tyres Dyspepsia. IL sets
quickly, gives rot -to' the
be4.-rs. The father becomes callous, nerves, promotes sleep. Jt
• • is pleasant to take, Keep
peevishiliard, a kind of two legged the Liven heal thy and you
brute with clothes on°. The wife . prevent fever and ague, bill.
bristles in self defence. They -de- wee and other fevers, and as
vele') an unnatural growth and a rule are.happy mortals. . •
sharpness of teeth, and the house is inesmmosingggiggazECEMEE=
haunted' by ugliness mid domestic
brawls., This is not what the fem.
ily circle Should be. If one must Fall Stock of 0. S. PIXFORIYS
be rude te any, let it be to someone bitted
he does not love,--notto his- wife,
brother,or wit. Let tale of the
loved ones be taken away, and
memory retedls a thousand. sayinas
of regret. pentli 'quickens recollec-
tions painfelly. Toe grave cannot
hide titrovirite. faces of those who
sieipl•the cotlin and, the green.
ground are. Outil magnets. They
draw us farther than wo NVOlfill go..
force us to Jeteember. A
man never sees so far had human
life aswhen he looks over a wife's
or Mother's grave. eyes get
wondrous clear then"; iwa.• he sees,
as never before, what it is, tolove
and .to be loved, NY hat it isto injure
the feelings of the le'ved. It is a
-pititible--inetu re -of...hurna.o.:.W
when those we love hest.. are 'treated
• • Sbdge Fisher, .of Baltimore, hat,.
.ing decided 'that a man is liahlo
dem rrge..s..,for klautlereus words utter- .
by his, wtfe, ' Mr. Scholar, , of that;
eity,had, to day •41105 and costs nor
ctute ls.,wife. ltd said. uncornpli-
.montry tllings of Ilirs
•• "Yes," tlr.tall Oda passenger fttk:
itdted "a ctyingJalw is nlqaT a
sore.trial.:":7Buk then-oinns( re-
inetulleritha t the ,baby cantwt sWear,
w.hen.,,ayhainliti- being is being
dandled tip and down on, the. lodse
end of a' twe.iticli-suf!-m-Y-pitt-f-ies got'
to 1.16-sonic:thing; „and • if it cau't
swear it must holler.' . •
•.It is. CO, ustieti p'rcctice to •kiefve
potatoes in a porcelain dish .with a
close fitting 0Over. 7 11 ten ' mi nit toe
• the• -best Amtatoes, ho \-vever carefully
• cooked, • aro thas •utterly destroyed.
A. au i ne,r'y authority yeconun ends• •
that • tint), „should Ite piaped in a
•.,Woodeu (111-414°,..or served i•ti a pore()
• laid dJsl, with te.wols above *and
belpw to at,sorb the. thoistbre. • •
.......••••1•111161••••.• ...11111111••••
' Female Loveliness.
Cele -
Iu order to make roomful, ri A./a), & -s6rxx,rmxi, evrocx.c,
which k now aithing, we sill given REDUCTION' UV
20 PER °ENTsumuE2-' VOST8
• ONE 1011TIL
HEAVY AND LltillT HARNESS, very elieap.----TRUNKS, VALISgS, ete., at greut-
ly prices.- BMW CARRIAGES in great variety. --4 large coautity
of llEtilttlIAN BAY 61.11,1CULF.3 on baud.
j -_49.,1V1 'MS TWIT C i-THMT-J
ELLarge Variety of Plain cg Fancy Oakes.
Seltapraine no recommendation. Try our.fferfAlN &ND FANCY IMEAD,WILwillull 1 dellVer to
• all parts of the Town.
. a
••• a
777—R11:31311\TG- OES
• Iced and Ornamented, Second .to, None. ,
Choice Selection of all kinds. of Confectionei.y.
'llstr.ClitefiS nAliElt; I am now in a jiosition to give good
.'Don't Forget the Stand,. SMITH'S BLOCK, 'CLINTON.
• . •
-De not think you. can meke-aeig,irl..
lvety if 'you do not make iter bap;
py., •:There is not' One 'restrai4 you
pu. on- a :_good • Arature---th ere
is not one oheok :yen: gi v e to her • in;
stincts. ,of affection or.,of -effort--••
Will•not ..be• indelibly written
on lier,featitres . wit It a. hardness,
. ,
painfu 1,1 . he;
Coalltie it takos away the brightness
from the eyes • of in nocence,.,.antl.',th
charm front, '-the •of ••
•The Per,ect.loveli ness :of a writtitrii/s
neuntenancb eau only ::consist10 [bit
nintjestie peace•Wkieli is found in the
Mummy ofltappy,and ut4ful y•earii,
full of sweea.record8,. and; iron). the •
joiniig of -this. with tbt yeP fflore.
.MajeStic • .triAal-htiess which is Still •
full of change etul: proniw, openie,g.,
alw,', inode$1, ai „mice -an& lniht
wi tit, Imp,e ,0-..better.things •te.be won'
anti to.:•lie_lictstowecl,,.
• ..0101. age where. there is still that • Prii..-40.
iau ia• eternal' youtAi.
P -4:I AS s
iroy. m
Site regarded hi' for a artotnent
with a curiously intent and qUestion.
ing look bdore which his. ocianten-'
ance suddenly changed -suddenly Ile
seemed defensive rather than aggres-
sive, as ono who feared bit ownWeak-
nese rather than the • strength Of the
enemy'. Perhaps she .dixeerne
something in Ins uneaSiness that She.
-villingly declined 'to utiderstand;
perht ps she eoniprehended to pain
that thrilled her More than she cared
Lo acknowledge -for she, too,' acing
e c1 . • •.
begati at' length,
• with;aeingular new,itplendor, in her
siveet smile : and ft," singular new
sweetness in her voice, "any sarcasm
is absurd between you and me. The
candid tr.tith is so much better always,
even- itIt be disagreeable. 1 aei per-.
• featly aware that you detest racq that
everything I do displeases of annoys
_you. Von have given metibiincitint
firoof-of your dislike, and:never yet
vouelisafed me a kindness or a Cour-
tesy. It is you who are ungentle--
you who are ungracious. Why you
are so, 1 may nob t shall
implore ottr dear Carrie to irend ine.
away, and trust that you may neVer
• again be afIlicted tvith so luckless it
pers011 tis plyself ."
And while lie' ruitilrettd if tills new
amiability, this charming. ceti‘htlia-
tion of hurnanitY and dignity Were it
ilnat.O, silo hail gone, leaving him
• eolnewhat btiwildertd and wholly
"I have it mindto try that sub,
jugated black horse," he thought
rinently, 05110noted the gleam of a
white dress Mid on 'timber scarf
ftow T4e3f1,'-‘..fili.lie Their Ir011icith.
A traveller in'Arabia Writes :- In
the floor of. thetent or-liut, as it niar
chance te„he, a .811;1111 liel e iseXcavat;
• ed stale' iciatty•••lfleg'.e to centaiii
,champagne bottle ; a fire' of
charcoal or of shit ply. glowi Ig cttibei's
..is ipad.e.,wi thin the hole, into which
Ole woreatt about to be geo.tet1
'tfirowic it' 'handful et drugs. She
en talc es ofr OLe cloth "tops" wli ice
forM Jier dressy.and cronolies naked
,octr'r l,efuinii, while she 'arranges
Iter col;tig itt fuji asa. 'Mantle rein
•he',neek Lot.° grouad- like 'cv-,tent.
Sire' now beginstn Ireispire freely in
.the hot air bath, arni•ilie-poits 'of the
thugepao'itial moiSt,:the
volatile. oil. 'from it he steolat of..the
baring perfaniesfai,iainiediatitly
sorbed, By OA ,timo, that the fire
lies expired .the scenting .promss
completed, and ;bell het . person and
robe are redolent With inteastltwitb
which ,they are sr i thoroughly itt-
1 litivo , f requ eat IS,
dieWIL ft. party of woin at fullytia
• hundred yards cliSt ince when the
. witid, Itas beenblowhig, front their
The Real GeatlAvVinnans' Dress.
. .•
Ihe diess -of the real gentle -
:voltam, the trtily ,rellecid.end :Sens'
hie of her .sex,; o. Mirk' in the height
of faShien..:.', "Th a firk.;,-,sia-dy..Orsuelt,
a 'woman is to seek ilikt,\Hbecouring;
her secOnd Amighti the -40a, and
her fast, what:is-inerely•fasition'able.
. .
, 1ie cleverly.. aclaptuthe_fashions to
'....1•116..:wil1-net keep to make
lier,elf amore. figurefor „the &IOW e.
to latog her ., wares ,OU,' has u-
laW in: her own mind,. bigher.thatt
the slaw' of fashina. -She. ANTara
inany'nice things • but .pri)bahly the
nio'ht becoig of them have ").ieen
fashioned iry her o.i.rn tastt.;
ly tinislieci„ perhaps by her Own 'deft
Bnt the titiele horse:had not been
stihjtigated tor Frerl'a pleasure, ovi-
The mettle that haul boon
obedient to the slightest command
atone 'dainty5 daring girl, had het
en ttininfl to his control, ,Jessie
A. legal gentleman met a 'brother..
layWer-O-Titi day last week, and the
following "eritiVeraation• Acidic. place :
"Well, Jedge'liOW • is busi lien's I'
"Dull ; dull.;'•1,arn livig on faith
and- hope." ; hat I.
haye got past you, for I'm living on
ell 'I rity.": • .• , • . •
te.mperatice :matt oettting .abtt
tittn-p;.bairqu-ot out 'west tlind pc»
casion to repeat the eoupiKr 0-.Vbeir
*b •are mouldering in the ,dust,'
tlinir spirits arein liertvitn,"we trust,"
but instead of .",spfrits" lie natal 'the
\tiord '",atiniulatits,'!. • at; beilig.. , less
°Iron:4VA. to tome.good-Oliureli. mem-
bers 'w limn lie tot$,/ present. • .
• A, .country geutleman who reettot-
ty pietielnal in lin Austin. -church is
111 adiniror of the writ ingerif 'Charles
1/ikens, anti •ipitites.from his • noyels
almost as qt•oin tt im doeg :from ,the
, - 11 e sit rkised his. cougvego"..
Lion by wintltitg up a gorgitorts,per,
oration with : "It ix thin:,
iny brethren,- as the Scriptures say,
willin,' but 'tile flesh is
"Yes,1 lied it very narrow escape
iitst'Saturday," said young itleggle,
Arli!ttifilts fop, "for
my horse 'threw -
gully, where 1 lay insensible until
the 11ev. Mt. .11/41ocusthaticed to
to come along arid take- the 011t,"
.roveroild gentlemau lid- not
violate the Sabbath, either," said
young E1td itis. ',Certainly nor,"
At.1 IS% 15AITI.S"
mammoth Stove Warehouse,
fingers, Or: least She hos 'carefully
Atiperintentled -•• their manufacture.
Many. ail envious. neighbor may
haVe glanced ather tasteful toilets,
cynically Obse-rving, "her .Tio.or lu
band Working itt littril 'and she spend-
ing hia earitingS' in. French fripper-,
ies." • ''.A II this tilde her
_rarely &h,"ricv er. yery, costly, .of t Pri
.11:0t,OV(111'..lie‘r, for the gentlewoman
rein eni he I'S t110- -5‘ hrOffile Ile e"
• honteltnakei;, tire husband'w ho foils;
. 'Bet whatever she wears is iiretti.y
Made, 'and never decked with gaudy'
tinsel, :truinpery, lace ftild•s-ltani
j.itvvls. • All .is fresh andsjutple,
good' of cbtlars, • cuffs,
frills amt gbyte alike :faultless..
After all, there' is no, ',great art in
her fashion:4' "or'. in her' niatbrio,lit.
tter secret cr.:insists itt her knowing
the three:great unidesnf dresx-•her
.own station, her . own . ago and hot'
• own good points. Above all,. 81 IQ
tn e§ care that her plainest 'and'
elietipesidi ess is well ea t. •' She need
f.tint bobeau Will nor even accomplish-
ed, but'vve will answer'fot. her being
.oven tempered, sensible, and that
very rdre‘jeWel in the present fast,
going days, to "perfect lady,' a "gen,
tlewenien," in its fullest and best
Hardware 86. Tin 8b.op,
he Leading Grocers,'
linton, Ont.,
..BEST N'f',ALttlE IN
ETU. •
Nada t ador
Carriage 'Works.
Neith.Street, near tke Square; G.CID.B,ICH, :Will furnish :or make up
Gents' Clothing_.in
At Lowest Price's:
Pre MR: 'NOBLE is an experienced Cutter bad practical Tailor. t4.,
no slop work,' Orders promptly attended to. 'Note the address-PI3ILO•NOBLE,
Nortn Street .Gotlerich.
Id ANT.I.F.AXIT1,1 it Ea
LUMBER AND SHINGLES taken in exchange,. Vivo me' a enll'ajut
will give yoa prices that-caunot be bea.tea in, the -Vounty. tie.'• Repairing and
lIorsettiroeinK dorm with. despatch.
We have mow the Largest and Rest Stock ever offered in
• cizi. \
Work, Style, and Finish- Cannot be Beat,
• Call before buying and satisfy yeurself that
WE SELL CHEA..P.t.-37-4-4-
0 0 0 .
This Line will be found. very comp ete. We keep ,Metafirno, (110th.coyered,
• Walnut and Rosewood Caskets and Coffins; ,110ruoeS,;
Crapes. Etc., .litc.,;wah. ti
FinestHearse in the County..
• .doCalls.attended promptly night Or (WY.. •:
-ralirTEAS are extensively..4newn
to be an: ofikitls in. (midi ty and as LO -W
,itt price as can' be bohnlit.
gur FRUITS. bare up to the season's
requirements. • •. --
.woetitY. of your notice; as also in taste
and design thily- are :egoellent-.-don' t
forget the tasting part: ;
GOLDEN SYRUP, ErO ; eonus(aiitly
o4.1 hand, • If.u.m_produee't _
exchange for gocnls, • •
.0antelon .ilios,,
IT HE VL 711.
• AS A
Ib as yhn to call. Ever,vthrnifsmtranteed of best warlemanshiti ,apcl
perfect . lit,: The largest It tuck of ULuderive„ur iti Earon-sec'ror yourself.
'Ms Square.
C.÷CaD 01\i"T_
. • •
...:Lkt-S.D.ING': FUNERAL-
The Vireo for T-Touse,-,Cleaniag_is neer AII w.s.
Hair Vigor
restores, witb the Moss and freshness a rah,
faded or gray hair tea natural, rich.brown color,
or deep black, noway be desired. By its use ligha
erred hair may be tlarkenctlfirin hair rbielteue,d,,
end baldneo often, though .110 alWaya, cured.
it cheeks falling af the hair, and stimulats0
weak and sickly greutitto vigor. It preventsand,
ellres teorf aud detainer, tuid heals nearly every
disease peculiar to Weevily, As a Ladles' llifaig•
'DreSalng, the VIO0a is unequalled; it contains
neititor oil uor dye, renders the hair Oft, glOSSY.
MI silken in appearance, and Imparts a tielicate„
agreeable, and lasting perfume.
1431Hist.2. .'.,,1,1,:a14tiiti•tlitioluriiitaeisrfvr‘ontrinufell;bezted, 041.fittpc
um, and in a short Vinci became nearly bald, X
wird part of a bottle of .4yieles RAM V000102
'widen stopped the ailing al the hair, stud starts%
a new growth. 1 have now a full head of flair
igorto.ntalgusVeiguy voontisrlylt• renapligtlirimer illthloPuyadi4thyaotbebett
entirely bald:" .
J. Nv. Dowell., proprietor of the ilfarthur(Ohia)k
.Eaqiiircr, says; HAIR Yunnt is a moatexcellent preparation for the hair. 1 speak of 15 ,
from illy own experience. its use prOulOtOS the4 '
growth of neW hair, and makes it glossy end soft.
The V lomt-is also WSW° mire for dandruff. Not.
within my knowledge has the preparation ever
failed to give entire satisfaotion.' ,
Awars PA/RBAIRN, feeder or the cele-
brated" Fairimirn Faint ' of Modish Vocalists,
' elites from itostmt, Mass., Feb. 5, 1880; o Ever
setitle:gienywitikitelfiliregentinugtotgi ji,vmererloveettrryeetavki.dieunrvoofwitlela '
AMU'S 11A I a VIO:010, and so have been alga 0cia
maintain an appearance of youthfulness -a mat,
ter of considerable consequence to ministers,
orators, artors,:old in fact every one who rives in
_the eyes of the pu011e."
• ions, 0.A. PRESCOTT, writing from 18 Ntn;
Clytrlestown, Nam, April 1.4, 1582 says "Iwo
years ago about two-thirds of my ilair came off.,
•It thirmed very rapidly, and 1 wee' fast growing,
bald. On using AY FM S HAIR Vieon.the fa1lIitg.
stopped and A new growtlt commenced, and in
about it month my head was completely Covered
lnroi twk. as511 goor ot aohitattlsrii:svlotiriGie rat .f,eetoi IniinoreAntsoleagrirly000clusY 14:dbouni
one bottle
ally as a dressing:,
We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the.
offiCacy of AYER'S Tiara VIGOR. 3t needs but a
10 gonvitteciIhtse tnAltr?sitvevptical of novelist.
0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masi. ,
11,,..Porlofr,:Diningn,Room, or Bed...,
-Room Papers,,
Best- ..and 'Latest Patterns
FRIMS;TailfiltErAltrUNttSTIttitERS, &C.
p- The Bazaar -Fashion' Beaks lo • 1883 are out and can be had for .nothing.
Sold by all Druggists.
t.re •00,A.A031.40 t:Iso. • Colltaitt their
r. e. t rt fo•to, sure, 10nd etreccual
•••r, .if •i-ozwis inChildren Or Adults
. •
°air anti seo the gapers andget'a Book '
1l3": He Hel,ls •Chentier than fini one ownip of the Earth. •
1.).7••••'....7,-- •
• 04NTA1LIO. -
Neat' Cheap! Attractive !
At The News:Record Printing House.
Doit't 111101V.
"fdon't know," iS trio often the
remark mado by to farmer or dairy -
' "llow•much milk does this eow
giv.e 1". dbn't • know." "How
much butler 1" "I don't know."
"Ilow much feed do You use'?" "1
know."Sepnose the grocer
or Lather in asked,how much sugar
or tea in to -barrel or box ot ia that
parcel, or how mudi does that quer.
ter of beef or :eclat side of pork
weigh 7 and dm \meld toy • don't
ktiow ;wo should:contemplhte him
Wit ). annizement, 1mA-silently count
up howlong it would before the
"knownothing" wonl,1 out by
the sheriff: l'Out farming is so good
it business that it will stand nil this
neglect and ignorance, and the far.
mer still Make at living. The own-
--e-e-ehricrow-riliould-httow-how ;leech.
milk she gives at a milki tg, itt a
day, in week, each month, and in
the year, He shoull ,know how
Much butter each ow gives, and
hoW much feed -she MLR LO produce
sO pinch. lie should also know
-Her most lie t'ftll a from, the least
ADVERT• IgINGm.irgi,,m;ii.et
it, k„,t0„
at . „um; me-
Vormick Block, • ,
Illnilding 111A Own* Montnitent.
• ..
JoboT, Strattoi1, one:.ef, 'Brant.
ford's -wealthiest 'citizens; Made a
most generotis efl'ar to the • City:
(Jtitincil to build aliospital at -his owu.
expense at to cost of 02,001), and
deed it to.the city. • Mr.' Stratford
apaches to his offer it .hill Of c911-'
ditions, 'chief of ovh iclt itt dint tlte
hospital shall be stricily nou;sectar
hot and that no elergyinao,
or member of religioussect, secret
or other society. shall hold religioas
or other .services within itti wall% or
grounds except, it pat•ient shall eo-
quest the attendance of suelr, and
then. only for. that patient's personal
1,611(,lit The passed a Vete
of lir. Stratforford his
yery liberal offer to the eity, and
the Oral ii11 will fttrther confer with
Mr'. Stratfor1:4,1nm the e, plans,
ttl e sulimitted, aIr„Ntratford
will also contribuie i P/0 a year ie.
,wards. the hospital after it, is built.
Some 'Understanding,
Selling Off.
cheaper their ever at. •
The undersigned, begs to return his
sincere thanks 19 his numerous etas
:tamers .for their liberal patronage
for the past tWb 'years, aed as, lie„
iiitthuls, to give his customers the
13est Value possible for tit Or money,
tie hopes, to meet a emitinumice of
their patronage. •
H 1 fl 6 . CT. TEA
:will still be a f4pecialty, and an not
be beaten fn'the market. All other
Uroceries as- low as possible. A.
Large Stock of GL AS w Alit: and
OltOGICERY on hand. Also ,
Give me a'call and be satisfied.
- • • • . -
teri. S
Fannie tiiit itt "girl ot•21, residing
near Sandusky, Ohio, 'has titi higgfst
feet in the world.1 Mal they are still
growing.' A correspoiideilt says
they look• like two immense raw
IIRDIS, Tile toes are irregular, and
the little toes are represented by two
1 lir,(1 are 110 toe Itaik
although...11m plaeo where 11 ey should
.4)0,14„elealle Aelined„__Thelight, ftult
18 1 foot 6, inches in length, anti the
left 1 inch shorter. Over the instep
Of the' rizEit foot is '2 1 inches, and
over the other ono inch Tem, 1,11,)
hig toe of the left foot, is 1 1. Nelms
tireninference.. The right foot
john tiotbttn Uwe left hv an inch,
6't Lawrence Ovals,
Trim fatting cf.ttiTatC‘19•01rtei at the upper ea.,
trance 4 the ( CORNWALL VANA 1,, told them;
' Notice. t:itritetorms
at •tin tipper entrain.° (4 the 11.S.1.1 D 0 KAT
CANAL, ethertixed to take pinon the l:01: clay
,,o1f1;ri, it,i;iio
fltlittlot0t:r50111:avold.rlilY potattiooeil 00
ToalaN will be received until VI_VONV, the
'• , rot mu 1,t3 tot liseetuter beta.
13)00,44.,eetifiettuilo., Il•e., hili he reachtor eg;
, r3e1,111111,-ept the i.latoiweitiiirtrinettionedaiia!at•
mi :e7tet TrOAMY, 0rtiVaiTtral0 fitof g).
,1:11. i .
t, Ole workatthe lemI of the lIeloptltl
tOndil.4 MIT be roveheit niitil Trueimv, tile
r1I•100101:N.Iti.rlay . p.“yrO1011, tersoitit s7: 1111
TY4:ndon%111O(Tertrt;:01\1#11raol 11t,
1144 1/1olio.mi.
11.1 Ordt rt,
••• re make oem for Ehristalltd,StOth..
• ,
10 Pgr oet ot all Goods
Fancy. Goads, Toys of all kinds'
Picture mid Photo Prathes,
Big Bargains
Nrcw York Domestic Paper
Phshion's in Stock. '
.;Alb'ert StClinton.
And all Tinplement., used on a, farm
ilthiltitg ITO --11e0"tiTtitia,--14-Vitettp
as tile leatsest, ab
.• -
ron and 1-1.0.,rdware erchp,nt,
' • Clinton; August, 184
ivzni sriE
.• ,
took tor New Advertisement
in a Few Weeks.
otta-toH. •
. offroodimeoeu*a , . mom
All inns who from indiscretions, excesses or other mums aro,
mean. %a nerved, IOP Wetted, pbareloalle drained. and unable to,
'perform !Meta dutlota properly, can be to rant! end perm.
petal), aural, without dolmas rnurileinee. Endoreed kyttioaors.
minister ant tan prone. The Aredicaj Wooklo The old
Plan alt eating Neryonn Debilit y. Ph patent
:•atDoeUicay, Am..
lMad,aupersedetlbyTDE MARSTON !DMS:Fyon
hopelcaacses 01thred ofcertain reatorattonto fl and per.
rantnnehood. egetitcleanly, pica:mat. send
for trense. Cnsoltallen free
MARSTON 11011EPV 110.. Tallar St.. Tornaliaseld
Etch ltelii3vimlie relieve all ihe traublr's• Mete
- .
det,t i 0 a loli.dts.st le of the sretem., suet; tot Dize
ettte,,,, :;:t tts.v;.I)r iweluals, Distrpan, al' I (T (kiting,
. 3'O'11 i•1 Ole Sttle,; ON.O., While, thew ?nest remark.,
5010 51405-etti HISi tteot khown. lit curing • . •
. •
rp.,,,,,;,,ii!,y etirt.e.etaLlt lluI.iiiir P111 eiir* erynntir .
N elliii6itr ail (1911014M til)l).„ Wring. 51.111 pr4NipIllinir
t0 annoy' g mottpl dim. white they • else:eon, et •.
all dis‘aela tt .,1 th...yeaa
lo.-$:touilla.41110..lityr ' ' .
444 Ja gni .1 a tint lam' id. EN (IN 1( 1hty only dtitntt
• 7 N., L . ....
A 01/1114 y e•Uith.l.be tot mos LitritA lese:iu'ile;Flo what
on itti,r loutt this (1 mreesjuir rent Out tt t ; bur, fm tut
Zs -
•i y their gootli eke does pot (Ott here, and trifio0. •
NV ti .i OLICUIry 1,hoi 1 Ny'.11 Sad these little II ilk vt ht. - 's
_ Mite la _SO veiny eays that they will not thf willing
ti.).6 J 5N ItilUVa 1,4t. a,. yat :a ter.:111 Bar:head .
Cr!rii I) ti:•y tbatliero Vic•re v -rt
lttol,tt p 1,4 laetot. 0111. pil:=L• cureif: while .
otto t 21,1, •
.atoni L'..ftir t.lre Tnry en '
y e., • y-litattala,'. Ube cr 000011,111!l5.5.11
1.1, • y nt, tt4•41;v, v.aat•atbla tett do not grli/d Or
bat; by thrtr (11..ton ttll ti 1,10
l• -••'"I Item. lu N 1:14 05 f:•1 ut0: P1 for $1. Suitt "
t'irte,,4igts..urealni•lie'refoI Lail. ' .
Ctacrt•Trat• 711E.1,CX,N7Irt CO.; .
' OW York •
'S ars ap
COATS Tthromatism, 1.4.enralgin;• Ithentnatio
dent, . Genera bob") Eatarrh,nd all •
disorders caused by 0, thin aud...impliverished,
or corrupted,' condition bf the blood; exileitinK
bleral,poisons from Lae syrstrin; enriching
itiS TEltIONVIllg.4110 blood, and .restering its Vitale
fzlng rowel. .
perkki:' .ttriparalleint useful;
neegi• Arirat's riAltekPAOIlart,A ties - propel rta
porte,et aatiptation to the. core of,all diseasea
originatinght poor blood and a weakened X ,.
It lk alaigliIy Concentrated extract of' Sarliatt.•
1)0.11110d 'Mid • 4411(` V blootilrerifying WOOS,
C•01111)111(41. 151111 :10111(1 of. l'otossioin 'and
cr.,6r,").t:o;iillilletaliltIbitoltood.tai)turtartatizItiaratilittottgtlue.iloalotdd lo4r.
'cite be used.
• To itturimatory 1O1,eurnatIklnt iented. •
"Armes 0.0 lotArA nu:LA itt enreil nio of the
.Inflturintstory lthetntinthom with which have
t• manycdars
e, W, 11. Itioonm".
Durham la. llioreli.$, 11/82. •
" Eight years rigo 1 had an attack of Ttlitt,unna.
(lath sot:evert, that 1r (laid not move from the hell,'
01'titortioilthattt help. I tried tieversm
1 reedies
without much 0 any relief, Anti) 1 took A YEIVR
• fiAlittAVARIf.LA, by Cho use of tw 0 bottles .of
which 1 was completely cured, I hove net bei. .
• troubled with the lthemintlitott :dude. IlaSe sold;
large mtant tit% of your SAnsanAllti.r.a, and it '•
• still retains its wonderful popularity, The ;natty. •
'notable cures 10 bas effected ie• 1,11111 vicinity con.
Vince me Mat 11 Is tho butt blood utcalicitte ever
' Offered .•••• 11 aiiide.'t .••••
iSivul 50 Dueldand, Ifass Mai 13, ha.
4-tast Minh' 1 was arrom-genevatilis-
tiinty that I coold not walk unbent help. r.t,
lotidlig the adrIte of to friend, 1 aoialitatietta tahlttg•
ll'a SAUSAVA1011.1,A, and before." luel used
the b
three 1 telt es well 'am 1 eveidfd itt wy Ilto
1 have Leen ittvork now for two months, MI
think pair SA usar Altiniaa the 'greatest idoo
Int:Mellor 111.1the toril, # .1.katftts slA vx.,‘ um"
AVna's 01105 Scrofula. ant,1
611 Saroralorat Costpiatitts,Ithe3-alpi3lstao
atittut, Itingwotiln, 131ott•ltes, Swats, Boils.
ToutorA, and 31•Ituptioni4 of ilia Skin. It aletita
the blood of n11 impurities, alas digestion, know
laws via salon of ibe bowels. and thus restores
Vitality and strengthens thewholo rratem,
ritHrutuuti' frA
J. 0. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mass,
Sod ib 011 breggletsi Wee 51, sixabottles,
ERYSIPELAS, Aomirv 011
rotrum, • Tilt 4TOMACH,
11F,11111'DIIRN, hftYNES#
And every species of Meats ettstng ,froivr ,
drsordertiLl.ann nbreY8,,,s4TornACH,