The Huron News-Record, 1883-11-28, Page 30 Is.Dic.Iisi PHOTO ALBUMS/ S, Nearly' 100 different kinds, from 20e. up to $10.00 ea.cll.. .?gcket and Family Bibles, Largest Variety and Cheapest in the County, 33 a CO ME,81 Over. 2000 NFi�,W. BOOKS received .this Falk Oleicen's Worley eonaiplete, 15 vo1s.a. ii ,utrated, only $241;00. 'ooket Books, Purses and Ladies' Satohe1s, very large, well -assorted stoc'= just received, •'") • 'selling cheap. • • 10,000 NEW IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS •JCITST' orb, ED.'.. rv° New "Stock of Sites, Tobaccos, AndTobacconists Sundries just opt ned—~villi be sold gt Lowest, Prices. VELVET FRAMES:: LADiES'..O0 MPANI0Ns. An Elegant Now Line just•opened out. •O VIOL N' , from •$2 .to $22.50 each, ward'a,nted good value; Concertinas 8z Accordecns. Cheap, $--+ *$ • HRISTMAS OAR 14,1 :8 t o Cl�.00se Fro :, • iia. F. Ithercetr, of Myth, gave tie a cull to Saturday late, Ile re- ports having secured some excellent bargainin the wholesale tearkete. \V1 R a Qt7ARTURs. Fon a?ogtc. With the beginning of cold weather fattening stock need 'warmer quar- ters or they will gain slowly. Hogs, if fattenedsufiiciently, may now be more profitably killed than kept to a later period. It ie certain that the increased ased weight will be Jess in pro- portion to the food consumed, anti it is never certain that the price of pork willadvanoe proportionably. Peneeet, Oreuaemze,---Thuredee_ lest, Mass Minnie,, daughter of Mr. W, Dennison, underwent a very painful operation, Iter left eye in Particular was very crooked. Dr, Proudfoet, of Montreal, assisted by bre, Dowsley and Worthington, of Clinton, straightened both eyes with little difficulty, We are pleased' to learn -that the young lady is doing _well, and that the operation will have none other than thedesired eifevt, jonx BUNYAN.-By what base persone way, an honored name be borne. The living John Bunyan keeps an botel in Guelph; he with cithere agreed to pay $600 towards erecting buildings for the recent P-rovinoiat Show in the • Royal -Olt and signed a, bond to that effect. -Being called upon to pay uti file other clay, this namesake of thelm., mortal tinkee repudiated his obliga- tion and tore the bond up. The modern john Bunyan cloth not seem to have got out of the retch of Gient Despair else he would not have com- mitted so desperately wicked an act. day evening the Rev. J. Keneer preached a funeral sermon, baying reference to thei. late jonathan Car- ter, in,the B. C. church, taking for, his text, the 21st ehapter of 'fob -arelettlie -latter part of the -33rd • verse, "Every man shall draw after him, as there are henumerAble be- fore him." The Rey, gentleman very solemnly impressed upon his lieareti the iteeetieity 'of- being -pre- pared, as no one knowe the day or hour when one of those Present might. be as 'suddenly removed withe.ut ti.moment's warning, *from our -midst. 'The church was. well Riled with an audience who liatenede CAN'T STAND Im,---"The Grangers in this vicinity are greatly' ;annoyed at -the way they are being used by Gill, grain -merchants. We were told the- other, day by ono of the Grange, Apt unless tlyey eoultd got better prices here for their produce they wo.uld 'not patrenite lithe town at. all, but ship all their grain direct, to an agency in Toronto, where they cap gat a• fair price. for it.", The Advance. Farmers have no tiouble in getting the very best prices fee. their grain in Olinten. -Those :who have not been it) the habit ef mew- ing to Clinton evieb their grain. weuld no. doubt be. bsnefitted by LAWeeette the recent lew exam ination .in Toronto we notice that our fortuee townswan, A,. N. Taylor,; appears, as a successful candidate iu the let Iutertnedilj,te ehiss, .Arcli'ie is leture tosucceed, PJCTERVNUta C'SANAA.r4.- Mr. Dun lop, jr., has delivered parts 23 and 24 of "Picturesque Canada." Thia'sa magnificent work in all t•eepects. Itie really, _a thin ofbeeutyand presents titan • of the picturesque features of Canada with rare artistic exeelleoce. The literary pert of it, ."wane . -.re- gards style acid matter, is fully up to the mark, The text in these num. here gives a doeeripton of the country from Toronto ta Lake Huron, around the Georgian Bay and the Meilkoke lakes. Finely oxouted illustrations of points of interest at Stratford, Goderich and Kincardine embellish Nos. 23 and 24. A,. most unac- countable °emission is observable regarding Clinton and vicinity. Clinton being the commercial centre, of the important County of Huron deserves more than the scant men- tion made. Our organ faptorY, woollen and Souring mills, foundry and 'mediae shops; our beautiful town hall and the many palatial edifices used for nierbantile and hotel purposes; our salt, works eto., afford ample scope for an artist who is -anxious: to portray -features of material erogress as- well as those of pictereequeness, !Men the thorn. ugh bred cattle on the farm of 11r.. Humphrey Snell and the horses on that of Mr, John McMillan, and sev- eral of the faint homesteads in this Vicinity would have profitably., filled a spittle in even a national "work of the importance of picturesque Cana- da:'he Lighthouse, Town Park and Kidd's International Salt Works are points at Go iericl► than the artist has illustrated. .. Very muddy roads. A point on whiob all egret -taxes foo high. Mr. Win. Bone new wears his first ' The hum oFthe-thre,shintaaehines is pow heard clay end -e --was 'going to say night ? From what can be gleanedfwe eame to the conclusion that there are imrsic men in our midst who think the day is aw.ul Omar when the poor thresher eonses around. be spreading over this part of the country -in' a very alarming manner. Already a, large number have Crossed the bourn of single life, arid several are iisportert as being affected•beyond tecevery. There were alew, indeed, but their number was small,. who were on the road to recovery, but it. is- said they have taken a relapse, and for these the boys are preparing. The sev.eritv of the late stoma aeenas to have had' an increasing tendency upon the already, rapidly, increasing malady • and before the close of the coming winter, there will be no ono left but Old maids a,nd lirtle boys to mourn their positiOn in life.. Harry up- boys,' for it's 'getting cold Mirth* ,Front our gull ,Garresp+, dc.ht. Mr. and We. A. W. Nation and Miss .Annie Shane, all of Lueau, are. visiting Mends here.. The hljeses .Symington, of Auburn, have etertod dressmaking next door to Dloser's tin•ahop. The,'tlisse8 Foy, Dressmakers, have removed .to'over; D. D. MoKinnons store. Mr. Alex,. Orr, of Delmore, was in town during last week. Next Sunday evening the Rev. M'r. Fisher, the Pastor of the. C. M. church, will preach a sermon an Tem perance. :Winton High tit? i:tcritANC.J esamlp ilea to th0 Clinton High. School, will* be lister ill tba Moaol 6°haul, on Thursday Anil aaridny, the Beth and gum of December hexa, lienonlint out ass at t x. )u. totending candidates win weed +n their /m inim to the underet$nod not later than the 20th NgYtaU¢er. JAS. SitniNBULL, 4 A.,. !'rincipal. puidtfp, Oct. 30th, WS. 250.4. The sedondseries of the Penny Bead- ings will be held in't'emperance flail, next Wednesday evening, Nov, 28th, Mr.F. Metcalf, of this town, bas.re- ' turned from a. trip w the eastern now. leets whither he has been malting pur` ci'asesfor the holiday trade; Ile wag eminently .sucoesaful, and secured, as hie reeeipted invoices show, the �.. f l T. . 1 ►Q ER WAN'T'ED,. A (male teacher for the 2nd ttonarti» r,t of the Clint° . _Model !idiom. ]bathe to, commence the aret of4annary. ,ereepntwarr $250. W. N. NI•�,seer., oltntP.N, Lvov, a3, HIacre ESTRAY STEERS. (lAAll: on to liot 1,8, Con. 4, Iiullett, �J aboutNyeotugj{►; yoga asp AND wain Smits, coming -2 years 'old. The owner ie'netitied to Breve property, pay oliergaa and take #1►sin► away. WAL'1'l:li IAIIV t.N. Mullett, Nov. 75th, 1.883. 259.8t ESTRAY STEER, AAIE on to lot 30, 'Concession 3, i` (""1 fSod � ) �.l ohat.l o hS , C4.01%01140: ns Omit nt 1a 1 •1 h t .ltl r, last, one tern S•rena some white a n1 i to nu belly and with white busby toil, coming two • years •old. 't'he owner can have hum by proving property and paying charges. dQHI T WOOD% Goderich Tp.,, Nov. 18th, 1883. 25 4,,t e erre AY & Have jiest returned from a week's visit to the Wholesale. l'sale. Markets, tate' .rurch' as f. ,� �wg an best value in ahoy glade, Jewelry etc., • STO that has ever been weeds, into theENO�connof Iuron. Theestock wil. tt V be all an store in a few days and will then be, arranged in order foe his grand:opening sale of the season, en the 7tl. and 8th Decomher. • County Ciirreuey Mr. James Hillis of McKillop, sold a spring foal sired icy t'Scotiand's Farewell," for sr4e. Mr. John Munroe, of ITensali, of iensali Mills, had the misfortune to WISEMAN 8 • $i9 Jobs in DRES6 GQpDS, Biq Jobs FURS, erg Jobs. in REARV . MA, CCo�y/NG, wK - FOR SPOT CASH! • • EAP. CHEAP! OHEAr. nt 9RA.RTMENT- :11,04 not Mize to en unzeratellas week, Zook out next week. I Ot had the ,tips o.f his fingers' taken off in. a planine,0 will last summer, bns he able to uee the limb more freely.. -011 Tuesday, of last 'week '.1gr. D. D,.' Wilson of. Sealorth. perchaitecl irate, Mr. Thomas GovenloCk eve one' thousand fowls consisting of tur- .keys, geesp and ducks: of Mr. Robeet Porter, Utiborne; were sold hy Auction .on the ,27tli inst., ing therii in the spring. 7 -Mr. William Stewart, of Itsborne. lifts olcl his farm, consisting' of .100 - acres, eo his fatherlorthe handsome Stewart . is now. the oitior a. 400 acres of eecellene teed •a good. state. of cultivation.. •setof taboret), a . pure bred . Short $.150, This calf is bred of ltinported stock' and is registered in the British .foiele-efureitioe teakeeetook .a thick. veneer off hiSlorefinger, witha drew, ing knife,: ossified portion of, the finger prevented his eaking off a 111 and at the Veyy Lowest' Pnces. Ut=4. Agent. fel. all Newspapers and Nitionzines published. in Canada, ,United Sfate8- Or the Old Country. T. can giVe therriao rut as cheap, .and generally...cheaper, 7NE WS. la and AroUnd 4‘.ilub;!! ricor. NE'sgs. AND 'McKee- elened by, water, and, make• it ae ?pliable 'as .n Mit. BtASI"..F.;Y OCCapied the pulpit in the B. •C. ehurelit laste4un- Clinton, now of Deaver. city, Color- ': Aldo, is in twin on a visit to friends. HA looks well, the Barber 4 Ellis 4 CO., of Toron- Tip change of iiMe Co that of tli.4; the tinie Which Due delinqiient about 81) candidates at the entrance &hoot The examinatiou. will he held in the Model School on the -20th and ust, Decelnher. offibiiteed very effe.ctivtely .,ii) -the 0. M. church on Sunday evenieg, ohureh was literally full to overflow. fnany Were Ala able to get ha. Cetertoet.-Dueilig the lest week +Some persone home repeatedly be. aPettered Several of .the.street lamps with mud. It ie believed to have been the work of bevs, ItgV. R. McClean, of Wingatm, will 'exchaege pulpits with Rev. Me, Craig on Sunday. next. nett, Mr. Coskis highly spoken of. On the following Meriday Morning he will delireered addrest 'n§ a, Wahl of the' Bible 'Soeiety la the Baptist thurelel ••• nom Oars? TO tr krOktd:, foot, of:Montreal, Performed an eye 4peration on Mee 304. lannan about year, lige. She had been totally blind for several years but regained the Siglih ot ono eyo. 'IAA week a, *mond ;' Wfta‘ perfortualf BiLL-cObLECTIMG: is easiee' said Atte .Jonet Dreitsoert formerly of Clinton, now holde the position ef 'turnkey in 'Winnipeg jettle-H - ents reside Clinton, has been re- engaged as teacher at Sum merhill. • ,AN CidISSTOT.-T1100 was a ma.' cussion at Toronto, the other even- . ing, hy scientists on the. "Chalk Formatibri,", but no reference et ei made ha to its appearance in' the laetetd fluid saliplied by dairy lime 4.11T0.); DrArgo'CrtoX. week the windows the vacant 'hotel building, on "trictoria street, „owned by Lfreellapece were hroken by boys, The guilty ones•should be aiiminarily dealt with. Destructiou of this meet is bacon -link, too eone..- mon, and the soonei a step is put to it the better. . Qinich, the meat veitdoee has put ep new lamp post in ,frotit of his shop and 'capped it with a twenty tive whole effair is brass bovitie which looks, ',ether tough from exposure, bet one mutt not eoneider the tpugh -brass "beastie" ea typical of the juicy, grain ied meat in the butcher thole • !Ma C. 14, Cann= WAS crOWded on Monday evening. Sunday School A eni vetsitry Meeting was held. The addreeties- were of an Interesting and dialoguee by the cliklren were the main featetres iivonina, if excepe the money cellection, which was very large, The person- ation of the }Jogger girl and the ren. /Hattie of a PlaintiVe song by Mise Emma Thompson was really beyond critieiste. Receipts $1,08.50, netiday Was the 50th anniversary of tlee wedding of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ruttenhery, We were pleased ou a/liberal Alice hiihe golden wedding cake, and if it were poseible to hope for it with any clutne,a of realisation, we would wish the "halt century Married Ouple" many returns of the &cession. As ie lei eve tatigragalAte them on their exceptiorati pod for. tune in being hale end hearty after having enjoyed the blessings of and performed the duties appertaining note we.piekeci pp On the street:. the other day.. Who it 4.efers to we dO net know. ,.:There was tio signature or date to it:, NO doubt tlierti will. be .war in the camp' if the parties' -measure swords., It reads i--fq am. sorry that -you . -were ',disappointed 'whea Yen came 'to Exeter:, Of 'Course yeti had themost riglit to 'the girl; but -I did net care 'for that, else you would not have. bad h 25 Mite drive alone: I wanted and_ had. the pleasure of driiring, her to. Cite - eon.. While in' (thintori leareed stinfeltrtlie. kat, and I flail believe she Is all the world to:yeti." rgive 'Lei up to you And. do net.,wish re. evening till eight o'elock 'next 'morn you. 'Reoieinher,:if she again.shdu visit mir neighborhood, a peg will. lie. two h.earts will.. beat as one. • Get. her corisent, marry,. and Ail May b., for the 'beet, Your well-evishere Woode is Visiting •friendi year, al. an advanced Salary, . for school seetion No. S.. Trinee Arthur's Landing, after, an We were mnon pleased to see Our f'riend, Mitchell., of the, firvierioli 867 r, who has been Visiting . friends in this vicinity, " : Mr- Roberti 7.17e,I,estn,`" of florlerich *110 lurs.mitoffriertrls here, lx recev-' eiing from a severe illeiesS, Much to their joy. A secial Party wns given at the .Or the Wife. et mir village *ere preieneand enjoyed themselyes very delivered- sin able address to a -full house at Bethany aptiointnient last SundaY. tliseourse was Certainly of uncommon bread al and vigor. • ".15,i10 (WO 'faking Advan fags; of open weather to elear•up and :horn' all the weeds.and rubbish that had azeuron- lated threugh the, stubbier. Otir population rapidly ine,rens; ine" despite the oiniquifous" N. P. "Twins even? time. Marin: .Our has been presented with twin langh. ensi'V imagined than deseribed. It has been Suggested -that` in ..coripe. townehiri father; the gully. 'hill might be -looked, After if vre.liad "Tana' in It would be advisable' for: nor road tour throned.) this eonstitumicv before )P aide to MVP It gond account 'of their steWardship. Thev will 'And that there are repairs badly needed. read that rim, worthy few/0 deserves credit for looking alter the interests of all our conneillors • The hill road lending to our tillage is it, a- cliegritoe- fel state, the water coureee dewn the elections. --We've had snow. Aye, and sleiehine too- now we've feud •and water --Weather preplietslire on the war path ; they. predict a winter ; othera "say it will. be and Councillor. Thompson will bid for the Mayeraloy-thites what the' folks are ettying.--,-Ttey should have REC0121).-Ciarlers and skaters wish to get to work shortive-Thuntier and !Thane.; on Wed nesday.-Th is season, . of the year, causes turkey lieathi to be in dangey.-Counterfeit ecl-in the county of Huron. -That we give the' balance of this year feee walks in Piney placee need repair. inge---That Mayor Forrester, Reeve Corbett and Deputy "Reeve Ceopor are the' right teen the right plareee and should uot be opposeche-That, Yeungethe baker, Used for baking perposee over 4,600 lbs. of flour hiet week. -That the new. planing -wall is 'feat 'approaching oompletion,- That Pikett new hotel, at the station, is beginning to look busilless l'hat wood finds atreedy sale on the market. -That Clinton market beats 'etix all and pays the highest pi•ice graiii.--Thee one of our bache. lora of marriageable age, will 1,hie weelettejtetelinto himself a life part. nee who at present residee Chi- cago. -That Watts Lk Co, have aa titie a drug Atore as you will find in. the West.--irlint it is wrong to hold Tlita the town ball is „being well That "The Gilhooly" should wake ep from his long ,FINepr..--qhat Will L. -Smith's Flw' lag Bell Ringere wore good: That the Ilohnan Opera 'Company maintained their good re• should have a erowaid house .on the 3rd of Dec. -That the report that youngewidower had "gone arid deee it" on the OA not far front Clintote false, -That there are some two. plain town "squealing" because they haye not sidowalke to suit them. Borns of them hive very good reason „while- In town. -That gr.' LW,.. Cook merle a big mistake last week when he up% ono of his big .tOes with an Axe; be Was eplitting weed. repretee helves should weke up. The missionary meeting came off very' successfully last . Werineaclay. ble manner, as he bas -done on,. other occasions. The Rev. Me. Bean fetid the report, and the IleVs. Messrs Chown; Of tolgraie, arid .Camptiellf Gederieh, addressed the meeting in a warto interest the au. clience.very much. The choir, under the lerviersbin of Nil., Tin rry Gifting. ,b.arn, assisted by Miss Serah J, Cox et the organ, conditeed much to the It is now the time tif year that stray calves should be 'looked after. It is strauge how often some eetveere Of them. stray youthful bovines go to the same place to look for their lost property. A good deal of elide leathe is being worn mit in this business. CAlves and girls seem to get mixed up, for where there Aro to be found good looking girls fe,looked upen the proper blade to lOtIk for the atray quadruped. Ib is the young men . who elelight in looking up lost propl efty 'of the kind mentioned. It is related or One SW011. 'young foliar intent,thet after making Inquii.y of the head of the hOtifio erinflernini; liis stray minutia, the colivereation drift, ed away- from the business m hand, The old gentleman Wag drawn out to compliment his visitor on his general make up. This Was what the 'youtig roltow evas fishing for mid he said to the old gent, "Dow "Welip was the replyy "I can't /may, say, but from the experience have bad in handling eitivee, I sbouid tow that wbun ,rumy wooled you might *.eitzb as muele.ei box of the theese." 'rhe ,youth bellowed for his ma And wee tukon boom by Lbo• Our choir. . e rmitle e Intend _do for the Public This Season. Tuckeramith, 'who peen fitia tip recovered so Far as to give hopes that lie Ay Tie able, tp attend to his, u nee 41,t the December meeti ins of the county Parliament- - , ' Miss 0114, of' Mclillop; • that twee time. ago ehe took a ptin. eiteied to be so• severe that she bed. The villeets of. Lakelet the Pitied oVer the actions of soine young men Iv bp' borrowed a if organ. from the phurch building, to Use at a pri- erder of the evening,: Soine mem.. bora hold thel after beineetteed for what they, &insider -objectionable purpoSitit sliould net be again plied in the Sari the Winnipeg Free 1,5reds:L. Arr. AV, J. McOtitcheen, formerly ot the Hotel ltrunswiat, is in the city looking cheerful and contented . busy, all cley yesterday. It tees he 'who borught the Brunswick out of its the leading hostelries of the , city. He is now a resicient of. Winghaie, Ontario, but still retains a yearning for. Winnipeg, end thinke of enterieg, Brown celled at the Tecumeeh Hou,se, at Brussels last week with a firm :Oohing black 110'w, Worth from $150, to $175 and asked toteitay night. Ile offered the horse for $70 When' he was thinkieg leavine Conetable Scott suggested - that ge had better leave the horse io the steblemail something further was known, he agreed to this and went for e walk aod has not return. ed yet. while: the citizens of t Kincerelitie were .conjecturing the mune of it load report,. word was„reeeived that the Erie ftelle, owned Odette Wherrte of Wincluor, which arrived Kineardine on Tuesday morning • to take ofT the beaohed schooner Cite. ter, hied blown up and all hands wore lot, On going to tile scene Of disaster it vitas found' that the' boiler of the tog Wed exploded, end the vessel itself was shattered tO tf!flaes, but fortunately the of eight of the crew of twelve had been saved. It is suppoied that the tamps which supplied the beilev be• came elMked fe some manner, and this was not noticed by the first en - ;dinette who wits in obogo, tho *mot. gotIow, and when the water did find its \t'o,Y into etI)166.011 OCOUtreft :WOW, Watts' At Ca. ere alweys alive to their bosiuese, inid spare no pa.1»s to se. mire the host of evety article iu their line. They }Ave seemed the agericy teethe cals. batted Dr. Itintes Neff? Discovery for Con. suroption. The only et:rutin eine known On. evbrything we have in. Onr Store that has, ever .been g.ive disoUn:ts,,. but ' rnark.77,ot;;" Can compete with. theM. . sfood• how we eafi-sell cheaper, anti -we are bound to do it. We have the Laitgest "and. Bes toek in the (Jounty. EDlle mmence This orning Are surprising them all aro so LpW PitIbE and so .EXCELLENT QU,A,LITY.7----Everyhody should See c ur gtocic 4ncl. they will easily. be• convirweds 4very Boy's and .Men's, , at the- '1..1 -Noted Clothmg House for anything YOR want in the way of Clothing, and you Will lira evevy... thing ai we advertisp,. On EV•biy Clasp -pf." goods' in the T-1013801- exc'ept, Bags, oU Which there will -be 111f:discount, WORTH OF GOODS SELECT FROM $35,000 vorth • of Or*Oods to be sold by the 14 dity Invite Everybodv 4fen.,,Women; arid Children, to ,cotne 'and . - ThiS Sale 49 qe71412u,i. :11: is in ac,c:ordqgee 1414, - the te9;.ms' of 1110 -Weil. of,the date, and we are offiering qoods at j);'ices now•wItielt are from, .15 to 30. „per mar BE:10 W oteer _House ilk. money. out nthe;Wooner you Visit ,,kantkollt -Pry 0q,o,d4 Mst4tio• t)io-ji.at4 'Our Stock of ClogikP41.1too 'of 01,100.40 'Gag u 114 6C(N12 Ano tiorongly ecitiipped -with the FOOT BAOKOROUN96 (yid 400ESSONEO. (Jur. Spooiajty is 0.4billot Work. is one of th e finest in t,112.:s section and ge,e Ask or an s43:a. 'EX:Lax-4