HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-12-26, Page 6.... . -,+++++t+-t+++++++++++++ +++ # f # 4 +I+++++,++++++++. Marriage,% A Solo Timt Amazed , I . I . � . . . . . - . . ... I WRY *e whole'r.hurch if HE -LAA�,MM'-Ia Ilens,01, on The MOLSONS BANK,'"", I � .. � Dooemba 18tli,,by,Rev. Toll, Will. I ' 1-11--1 . . . . . . . I * INCORPOAAWBO, BY ACT 60 0AALIAMUNT 185515. . . Henry of -4 t. Uarys to I J,mo Lam- . A 00�ltaili YoUlig WWI= mloister TH.E...,0L,0�EST MAN IN AME,R1,.0A .1 * . C41PINO V 4 - P �0,305,040.00 Re.sorve F404 $3,3103,040.00 : " mie at Ileasall. . e Is Isiting at fr -*�*-,.��...*",!...,?,.�*�,."",.*.,�..,..!.*�.,�i�.."-,.*.-..'.'...-*...,.,.,.""�r'......,..�'--,�� , all u, � V--',�.-,��-.�.-_..--*...�.-�,r,..-.,�f,,....'�;.�', -.-.-.,-,.--..-..-..'.,!..??.�.-.-.��...'.!...�,...i..-...-,..-.-..-...--.--....--....-....-.,.-.�r...---r- ­;�..-., ..., , ,..- " .,-..,� ' . . . - - ... .,, ...'. ,A, .. , ­. . , . . '�� ... ::.:. ... ... �il--',**."-.`.-,",� .�'. . . . 1' S in- Roxbu .0, . ` .?,*,�,�".*."��,'��,'i�'.'i�ii��.-**.".,*"��� , ........ -. �,',-.. .. . . . . , KE, 01914MAL . FRA%YNE-KE,RSLAKTa-At the ry and whila the -two Ik"-..,.,*."i�...'.."���,�..'�.*..'.'�.�.�,�?,���.��*.*;.,�'...",,..'..*�,,�.,'*., � ... 09AD OF Q ......... �. ., ..... , . - ... *��. .� ....... - - , ­`�`�... ..�..... .. -�� .. . I - '"".? ,f ­ . . � ��--.'.--, ., . I I ot the- brido's parents,, Mr. a . .,re sitting around afire. rspitinin .��.... .." Esca"Ped . the Te'erors of , . 7 � il'.." ., I .�.�..,-�.--...,�...-.-,��...,i..;",.........-.�;..,�-���.....,..,..,.- ... �, , Minister, w o is visi g,' I I I - ... �. '.-" .*.--'---`:.,.�'--�.-�j:--*. *,, " , '. " , ­�`�"..'.'l..." ".,3., Mrs. Robert Kerslake, cin, Dmem. yarns, tip ,;j ..,� i. �,­`��`,*�r`­` " : : - , It t4u V, :i;���'.*��:,.�.-'.*�--,.-.,..,.,.*,.,...,�'i�.:, -.,-,i��-- :i.",.*�?."�.-"�..,.�--..i��,.,.*.-�,...,.,.,��,.........-..-..-'..-,- ,-.,----..-`--�.,-:`...,." . D I RX Q.T 0 4; . - . . ber� 11th, ,filliam, Frayne to Al- aiA wh6l come -4 from the WeA,* told'' .....' . .. - I � . ... -,--.��-�.- .-- -,�--.�-.-�,.--�,��..-....-...-�.�.�i , . . 1. �..�.,---.--.- .f�----, .- -..�---.----n-,g "N r; .. President 4" I . . .... ... �.'...'.­....,-�. �`-,::,: . I WMI MOLS014 MAOPHERSON '.. '. - - 40 Mena Kerslake, 4,11 of Usborne. . this:- . , 1::-:;;,;.:.;.X;:,. .�:*-,--', Many W"nters By - - ..?"."-*'-.'�i������*.*��'.,"�"i..--*-.-'..--*-.*�'..�: *-W S. H. RWINQ 1. I . ... .. .0 .. Vice -President i:'.**..*?.�"",�..�i'--.'-"�. ..., ­... .; III%% .�,-.--- -..� I .� en I went West first I was in �...,....,.....�.........."........ - " , " . . f,...'x...�......."..�..... : - - ..", .. .:i: 1 � . ns. . . s �'-f-,-.'.,�'-.�,...,.,..,..""..� -�' . a ma,, town. called L -e, And in IN' "��--'-.*�.�*�-..,..."...",?�.*� U . W. X. Ramsay, J. P. Cleghbrn, ]a, Markland Molson, - . , VeMhs. �- �i...,.,"����..*'*'.*���i�."�'li..."...."�?..�....-'*��'�-.'..l...'.', -11i� : '" "r w 1. I , -.� . U . I - .. . .-Ool F, 0. kfensbaw� Ww. 0. McIntyre. � �ij: -- I the choir' oO ray 'p*rOh the, village �'gl�i�.�? . .. ... �'�-:�..�-'�.'i�.,....,�����",.".,.*-..'.-i-..,...����...-, *'i,'i�..�,���*,,��i�."�i���ii��i.'.'.*-i.�,.ii- .. i �.i . . rngord, Chief sector and Super I . - - :- .... � I smith did nobI �.�...'�..*,i�.,...-.-.-�.�..--�,.,..-.......*....'.--*. -,.,�': " . . N speaking of his good'healtU and es Elliott, General Mau or. A.D.Du S T EWART-In Torolito, on December blaick !�,.-,.,�i�,k,-!. !�!--��i!.-��.`.'�j��7i� ���9i'.�.,i*.�'..i'.�*".*."-'�.*, 'JR. �-.-..,. . dent of Bran S. % ..--',P?,.-,1--'�'--' .,i ..... :�:��i�.-i,.-' . e Work as bari- . li-`ii'�.i -'.1 :��-,,, . W. W L. Chipman, 214, Waltei Grigg, so �� � ..j��, - �����i���""I'�,*�!���.��i�f��������i�i�f��� 9. mp P , "203r, .. I 11 Of ' 1*0v- tolic. He had a voice that could obalm §E�-�.',,'f.,*.'��..,.,.,�!��.;.�..,.-"..,�-�..-.".::J .. .;.:.:,?,:. -- ..... ,.��-::-:::-:. , I /11 1? K 1P.110,"94,11i n ,specters, . ,::::i I ...­;.;.;-; ..... :: �:�:::i.. i::�:,..�-::::::�������i;ii�i�i�i�!�i�i�:���::: � . i,i,�il::::�:�i�!� �� :,:*:����!���i���������.,�.�.,��..- extreme 01dage, Mr. Brook - - , Dr. Stewar . . I , ., pays, ' , , , , *� *N.X .­­ .... � ; . , : . t of Clinton, aged 10 mountalns�, and wJv0,cvex It lacked 1 `� *,i�i�-.'-.-*, -, ... :. ����� "AfterAmort has lived in the world .. � . . :.:­x':::*,::X ,�� top ... Z 1�:�ii�.:'.�!, ."I .$A .1- �--- i::i� Q.� ff DEPARTtf ENT Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received a 11.`..."'-i�.,��.-'�.' ..'.i.*.'�-,i,?'.'."..'...,-..,�.f.!�.-'iii,- :i,. . -'. ; I years, 2 114,01ith-i'and 19 days. ,Ki�i.-W.......,;.;.X, ;..-`.-'.,' .,-,:-1",.::-�: ��,*�---,--! -.".-.'��� I .. -�:������..*�.,*..,..*.*��"..��i�.*...,�.�.,.,.",.*...,.",.,����..'..-..'��, . ,,,, .. -.*i.'��'Q `�i.'i��j� - I, ' a die at 8, per cent, rem date of deposit, comligund6d j times a yettr : : . any other fe'dare .';Lue- tip In V � a long As I have, he, ougl4t to bav . .. � *--, 0 gel, TT ON loyreautoall branoboa, of Farmers' businot�s- Salo . . BAII,E,Y-In Iec . . 01- �...-I;ii�, - - .-,��--- .:-�;,.���i * ���,:.%.::2:::::.:-:-: .0 o, ::x-:-:-::i:i:i" :::jj:.i: I eiribute my i�.,'..�������������..'..����i���� found out os greaf many th . t1russels, on . ember ume, He -coul muslo any. ',*.*�����..*i���".".*�.��.-.','."�',!..����..*.'���,*.,�.?'��i���i�����.'...,i::ii:�:�ii�i�:i:!?.'.�,.'ii'.%�i�i..*i:ir.:�..,:ii,�i ::::: �:jii:� . . . Ingo by oz. s caill. . :0:::$�`::��:�:. edA or,CU A 0 ed ,,g I, f 0, - .. ­... �:ii�, � . . ��i� � ....�l - ."'�".'i����i.---,*����..'��..'����."�i -- a . a terms. . ... l4th, � Losrict, young(ost 'son of Seth re than lie ish, ,but. b4 ,`�ji�.--' .....::,.:� :j:... perionce.. I think I have don mo .i.."..,..,i!�.',*.*�.�.,...,���i..*.--'.*..-'.*���."..�..'���.'."�.."..'�i.**,*�.'.*...'��...�'..,..""i�i...*�..'�ii.T�.*,�'�i�..'*�-I'���!.,'.'�..., � 000, . ' rs. ,..........-� :5j;:�:.. - ., i 4111 June Bailey, aged 40 yea' N ----:-,-, ....:.:;;:::��., E1.4'revie . 11 C. E. DOWDING, Manager ' 4 CLINTON, - : "� . . " ....... '. -.;.X.,.... W'. 0 I d.��.'��..*,..,..,-'�.-*�.*�.'�i,.,*.'i.-'i.'�..*.'.-., 6 e . . `�.? ­�.;.`i. '.,��. ,.,..,.,i��.iiiii�iii,.�ii:�;i.r.�.�� -��-:�:i*:i-i-i?,�. - -, `�-.'�I�:�-i-��.` `��:i:i:.."li:i I. thing$ .. _ learned A time Vel: ... -.i��--`.*�"'-, .-..*�,�..."-."��...'.'�...'��? .*..'f.*"..'.*..'�.**..*."i��"*ii.'��.f.�,'�� -� ., . . .. 44 a 0 the I have found , .. . .. .I.... - :',:�.'. , I . . � . . wt , '�-..` .`���!�i�i .::" " ::-:;:j:;:�: . .j:j:j:�:.!..,��., . :;:;:::::::::::.:.:..;.;. ;R:iii��!i%i�:�:.:.�:' I. ., .:'.,�!.,-,i�g.,, . , I . - .:.:, -;k�:::::::- , . . . . . .. I I STEWART-In Bluevale, on 111ecember 1,01je Sunday we' ' oD favored .*'-.'.*'.',-".-.'.-*"�i'.".� ,'-'-'��i��,.-' � .. �:--� ..". , . out tolm,v� entire satisfaction Is the 14th, W. H. Stewart, Sr., ..".:, i.�ii�.;.,.,.,��i�i.,'��.*�i.-'ii�i�i�:.:.:.�-;,.,.� Age id . . ­'.- + 4f#+i4f4+:4#f++0#+4 :... I . ­ I N:j:::j - so,: 4 0 + 4 + 4 4 4 44 #.#++i + # #++ . 88 year.%-. . aged with a new anthem. ber., v,.e- It was a -i!:::�� : .,.::::` *"q,����..".'.",.*�i���i."��-".'.*-'%.'- .N.. ".. proper+ thing for aliments that ` , I ----- --- . I . ... , i��.-Ii.li�����i.'��-"..,�..*.."%'.'i -1 ...... I special. occasion, And, the baritone :;�� ....'"....".'%.'".." , . , I . I 1. � !t"- - --. , � had .. .- -....1-:;*.;-;-:-:-:-�;-; , ... are due - - - - T -NN -0 I ROQMS-In Wingliam, on December . :, .:.:;..­.. ­: - - .1. ;:::�:, ii.'� 0, Pe , directIr to the effect$ of I . . `j&i.-ji:i,:�' Xjjj�­ � :2;!::::�:::; X-:::�.. I - R... ;;; ­ I V I `i� .- """" f, ­ . . . : . . . 1 -W ortion ill to himself, -,�i�`.,*.",.,:.':�i.'�: . ..... " -, . Unt .�il%-i-:-.*i�l -, I .: : � .: -**"*#" , I ' 11th, Ruly­14enrietta, datlghterot 11 ........ ..:;.;.. -; - .:.!!.i .1..'.1.,-1.M the climate. ' For 118 years I have ' R unately he had Missed, many of the ,,:' " - ....�Xe ': ::.. 10,114-16. . withst,66d the ch - climate .' . . Wr. and Mrs. Jelin ogers, aged' practices, . I -`Z, . . . . . . . . . ".".": ii ...... :%,-1: . ango�bj# . .. I � . I 6 -years . -arid 5 months. - 'IT] I ic 4nthem *ent -i -along i,xcellentAy .. . ,: .:.::: of the Vnited States. - I . I . . -� I . ..'; - 411 have always beeii a Tpry heAltu 111OLLENBECK-In Grey, oq I)epemp- uatil it caane to A- boatitAtul part whir -It .. % .:-:.:-�:,-` . :".`-".,;;;:: . y t ... - -i ;." . Man, but, of course, subject fo the of- , ,.,,.-�--,:,...­;;.,- - -,-1...':; fe . .;;;;;;;; . .: 1. hildr`et H` ' er l4th, Slophina Shine, -jelict 0 reads :-"And dying bids as all its- ,'.-1-.'--1.1'--1J--'-`.--' : 1. ctions which are .due to o . I ­ - appy, I the late, John Hollenbeck, aged 6 P) I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ': * :::: u4ddxt - year and 8 months, , - . 7 . pire. . � . I ........ chauges,in the climate And temperature. I ' I -.-- I . I . . . Xmas will V,00n be hore a � . -Y , . . � � I '.TlerO the ,rest of the pingers stopt , . ud we have. placed In . . I . . , a,Agfor Dr. HartM417's reme I 1� � , � - short, in that quick, sudden ,vay that , .;.;.:,:,:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;::::.:.:.:. . - . dy, I ';i:�:j:j:j:j:�:i::�:�:i:i:i:�:�:i:: .::::�::::::::.::;;:;:::::;::::::::i:;:;:;:::::::::: :::�,:�,.;..:�..j-..� Perun-2; I have 164nd It to be ,the I ::iii��i-�i-i�--.i�i...,:��i�..i,-���ii�i��iiiiii�i�ii�i�i���i..�ii�iii.����ii�iiii� � . , :�:i:i:�:�:� , .. stock a complete assortment, of toys etc.'for the Afidren. , choirs have, and in the ensul stijlw- - �����i...,.�'.��*..,.I.,.,*.,%"��..,..".,��.*�".,..,,�,���ii...,ii�i������.'����.,!���iI � . ­ . � * . � lig �. ,:, . .;.:,:.:.:.;.:.:;�;.;.,..:.:.:::.i.*.,.;.i������..;..-..,.. best, ilwat the ohly rellablepe'jjpr . I I The News -Record 'and the Weekly. n . .:;:;::::.:.:.:;:;:::;:::::;.:.:;�;:;:::::::;:.:. . Something for the Boys. . I ..'���!�:i:i:i:i:i:.,iiii:ii:ii:::�:i�::�:�� - :i:i:i:.-1,i: i�i�ii�i..'�i.,i�i�i:�i .. . �� . � i�i�.,��i�i�..'..i..*.i�.�'.*ii��i�i.�*.������ - I . . . . ess sounded' the ponderous, tones of ���.."*���..*�..,.'.,..*.,"'.."..*i���.'..* -.'�.-,.,��i�i��.-'� edy for these affections, - It. has 4 Nornelbi.n.g.lor the Girls, I .. . . I Mail And Empire will be sent to any, the black.-mith :, ::�:::.:::!::::::��:i:i;:::::::::.':.':�::::.;".Iii..-'i�..,.."��l��r . g'. . . :;i:::i:i7�:-:.% , " � .1 The " new. nd ; :::::�:i?:::.::::­,, ,��. . been my standby for m years, . � . . ' . . A dying brid6s, arci filled with ... ­ -- ` . I any . . . The prices are right. . . � : address until th6 end of J908 foi; only , 1; I ! :,:,�ii�:�i��.,."..,�.,'�..*.*��i� `i�i-'�i�i� " , ' �$1,95- To new.and old subscribers, r�r c W- ­ . . . . . �-­ ;:...i:�i:;i:::�:ii�iiiii:i:.*;i:i:i:li�.--.-*��.-'..*i�i���.-'�.-'�.-'�.-'.-'. and I attribute my good he t . See our window and come inside and see ou;dlsplay, ' : I : .. - .. . . I . . . . . � ... - � ,,�����'�i��i-*�i,��,,��.,�i�""".,-.','�iii��i���ii��.'ii:*� a/ h . I . . . . . - . - - ...., .,. 14 . ­.- -.1 2 - ..,-..-. I - 0 X kingstoll boy namied. Hughex - . .. . . . . .. . and extreme old'age to this rem- . , -- ' . ` 'ii� - , -i . . . *. . �i��'�, -.`i.'i�i�.,-.,�.-'.---", � . M 1.5S Z. C,,k, 77 -,,- . . was I � � I I .I'..,- I 11 NTELON CO11PANY. - - 1. -struck by a. train. at i crossing an .. . .� .. . cdy. I I . I . I , . r . . . _ killed. . 1. . .d. . � ,-. �*..'-..*,--'..",....,.-*i-.,'i���."�,.":.,"i.'i�.,...,.., . "'It exactly meets. 611 ruy req - ' . I . . fhe Nows-11"did and. ther Weekly .N �!::::::,:::::i:j:::::::::: . I .. I I .. . - luire . � I 0 oiso o4#0#+eA##***#4##44.06**i*#4' . 1. ... ,'. - I ...., �!. . Monts, : 1.1 .1 � , . ...... . . . . . . . . . � ... - . 00900*" - � . . � **I ­ � I . I . . 41alUand Empire will be seat to any. I - it pxotiocta me -from, the evil ef, . . I . I . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - . . , . , . . � ­ . wmmmwmmnb� I .1. I- I � . . I . I . address until the end of 1908 for only ' "I ,�-::; foots of sudden changes; it, give$ Me L I -­ . . , , � ' ­ . " I 1. . . . . $1.25, T I ' and old subscribers,' .. " � 11 ­. - . � . . � --i,: . . ' o new � ..... .1! strength; it keeps my blood In good cir- I . I I """4"""*"#"#*""0# so#*"*#**,"414i*$**" � NOTICE OF LICENSE, - TR,v,N1sFE,n . . lation. I have come to rely upon it I . . . . . .� .. 11 - �i. cu , I , . , .., . 2� :i �Zi�i . ' . I . I . . t Huron * . . - . . . . . I . :1 Mejellse'Distriet of W�s -rl I . , . :, .almost entirely for thb-many little . ' .' I , i � . I . � . I I -i��.'�j..'.-,i�..ii::i. I . . . I . :` - * Notice is,hec0by given that C. IV, . . . . ::.1--, ::::;:::::::::::!:-' thin�gs for which I need medicine. ., ' . 0. . . � . . . l3rdwn Of, the town of ctlinton :::::, :�:i:!:i:��;i::::: . I I .. has . Grey T wnship.. - I �'i., 144When epidemics of la .grip ' 0 1 . .. 0 .,.:.:.` i:�:j:�:j:j::i:.':i .pe 11rot I I �:j:.-,::o `;::::;1::i:�::; began to make their app 'nee In this I I made application to - tranifer. the li.�: ' . �11 ,earA . . * canso. for the. promises, i . fqeveral wedding are on the tapis :1 . . .ountry I. was a sufferer from this di 1-� ' To- onr Nuffileflalifterfas . : h � . . :. A'. ,; � . s-. . � . . I . � -ton, known -as t '- during the holiday' season. -.1 .." I . . of C114 lie Hotel No'r� ......... -.'-,`-1.-` : . . * . . . . . I I � .L. 'Stroaia of tile �J. Fergus.on'-A Mount ForeA ". . . mandle, . to A.. ,, . at.- . , ...:::::::: .: -I had several long sleges With . . . * . . X . - . * !..town bf * l3prlin, and -that sa-ld ap_ - tended the funeral of. his,. sister, tmrs- . i��ii� 1, the grip. At first I'did .not know I . I . . . ii:� . . I . !iVx, I . Plication will be .con.,iderdd., at a 'Beirnes on Saturday last.,... - 1. - ::�:i­ .-*�..*.* . . . meeting of . the' - . ,11 . .�"-/..' I';. .: that Peruna was a remed,v , fu'K- I 4 . I Board if License Rob6rt,McAllister and family, form, � ::i..,'-� :. . . I . :� this disease. When I heard that � � �.� , ' U I I I Commissioners to'be held'.1-11Aubuin tr resident . t t a Ist eon,. have �,::: ...... I ' . I . .1 1 Cl-'StOWers'' and, I I ...s o h.' . ...... . . : .­ . � 11 . I od from C6okburn Island, whither ..r,.X-:;�:;:;::::-:-:X " la grippe was epidehild catarrh, . i 1� . I at -one (5,101ock - p. m. on. ,�Ftjdav MOv ,::.,�:�i�i��i�ii,'.-':,'ii..�:.:- .. ....... ... � ..... . �, . I � '. A. -I..."12.1 j jrj�d Peruna for ia, gri0pe and , ,��, ... . . W .. � they wmt -from' Grcy,. to N6* West- ::i?i::, -:': , I I .. , # .Jan. - 3rd,' 19Q8., All pksons�- lntc�-' .%.:.:,:::: : . "IN -9 1. . I : . ' - ,min§ OM , - , . found it to be just M6 tizing.",' .' . .1 . . . I I i . cated Will g0l't-T11, tljemSel%,es ac ter., . t. 0. -A note fr bhoin , . ..... ... : . ''..... . * 0 . . �* doidingly.-A. Asqui� dated Ded. Offi, cays,.: 49 Iwo In a later letter, Mr, Brook ,writes: , - . , I . h,*. License In-' .1 I We e'ame here , ' . . . I . . . . � I .11 I spector. Auburn, Dm 24th, 1907. -- a month ago and Rice it very, muc,b. . .1 -­.­ - I - 4ij am Well and, feeling as well as I . . . . , I . � - . . I.... it io very f-! . . . . . . -� . . . . . . . . . . have fc - I . .1 vnends .. I . . � . W ­ ir years., I would net be.w�tl� .. I . I i . � . . . . � ,itii1d, qUi.to like gay well . '' . , ., . . . - . . � . . ­ . .� .. ­­ . ..... -... &.10 . i , , 1. , � . � 0. .. I - , . . . - It . . out Fe'run . , � I .� 0. . I ... . . - . er in.Ontario. � * . .. I 1. . .. I .. . , - ,L 4 - . Yg-gro'truly., ' I.. . ­ ... . . " . . . -- - I -- -- ., - ­­-- . . ­ � --;1------ . . � . ­ ,..: . . . . � . . I . - TOTICE.- - JS m HE RE BY - - GIVEIN - The:'atit,tian sal0­01--RoM t bQe;1t*­ . - �­ . --so .. . . , . . � ­ ..,-.-.-- I � N ­ ­ Xr. liaaC Brock,_ ,rr8 Years OW , I Birthday.: . �, . . .. . - I . ' . , f . ---- - . .­ ­­ ­ ­ I .- , 0 . - a I ,- . . . I i . . . I I tliat`,'�the 32nd annual.ffiocttfig of , the I' % , .. '. . - . . . . � � � .. I . list week," Detted ,about WOO. Mr. ' SAAC BROCK, a citizen of.McLennan . . . 4 it. i . � . . � MPM11op ' Alutual Fire , Insuranco Dockett. hAs gono to . N�w Oritarid, - .or1lByears. �60,-a . before tho United - -States . I CY,P " "101, � - .... . � . . I . I I coimty, Te.*as, has lived T ­ I . . . . . I .. . . - hristm . .1y NY ' " .. resided ,at Bosquo -Werg formed. I . . . .. -1 We wish a Merry C as I ` ....C.Ompal ill'jx 11 Id at .be 8ea:7 w For many years he - . � ... I . . . . . I . here lie Vv* ill 'spdnd', the ,Armier,-, a . . . . . . . ; L 1. . .. . .. � forlb," town, hall on Fridak, li I ­ . � Palls, eighteen milbs wesi-of Wabo, bixt . Saw 22presiddats eiected.- . ' A letter dated July 8, 1096,,7ri.tton, for - . J . . 1. . . . � . I .. .. . ."... I : . - 17tb, *�908 1. . auttary poliltion laWaiting him, 'Ejm�)* will). be .1 . I . B '�'� '�; � . . . � . - '�.. - p'.' in', 'h* . I,W at Valley Fie-ru-na'' has protected him Mr.'Brock by his wife, Sarah J.' rock, ': . , . �. .now lives with his son inAh I . . � . I I 1M SW- L . . . . . I . . . I .. . . . , at one o'clo'k - � is headcuarters. We wish' L; . .. . . fromaftsuddencha ' - ..- ". states, . . . ,. I . .11 t'. . . . . � - . 4 Mills, Texas. . . 'Veteran of four wars. .... . .04 , . . . . : C ages . . - -Ing )it *CtOrS,; CesS L - . . I I I � ,BuAnis§,: IlecoiN .. the'. ,'�. nd a� Pmfe return. nqxt. sprin' * . Incle I. . � . ­ .� � . � '.Auaitcrs and "Treasurer s. . .reports' L . I 9* - . . Last winter I had Just. koftifn I And a Happy.New * ear . . I I � . , Sorne.jime ago, 'by '.request, '� Shod a hoirlse - when 90 years up Out of * spell otsickness, when ' � . . . . . I .. I . On Monday oP last -\0�lq John Mit- Issue earne-te . . . . 1. . . .. . �. L . plection .of three DirectoTs .,�,jfd .su'(,Il .chell 'of BjIght, ' . ) . - . Waco and oat jor'lits old. 1. I theL 914P . I L a. 4 takini, Perdna." i : . .' . . 1. ­ .. . . . . . . . ,passed awayj - aged and a. stick ' with I commence � . . , . I lay . ,;sary . . . i I � � . other business As, n . be% nece. , pietifi'e, holding In.his b . Alwjip copqqered, . , I . . . � I . . � � � . 91 yeari ai�d 9 months. Tilei* *,burial cut froth thd . I . think It impro'Ve 7 " . L I L# grave, of Gener&JL Andrew Pe-ru-na. � I d my healtA yer . , .. � . , I - -- . . I .. ­ I -- ., W . .. . I ,, . . .. . . . I . I and .elfare o& . The took, place .-6n, 'Weduesday. Ars. Mit- Jackson. - '' . �'Wltness In � ldn�'sLdt at '-the ago' much." .. . '' - ' . .. I -.-- I . - ---------- :-- .. I for. the good ', . . .1 . , .� . . . . , i . . . . . . . . L I 1. . .I( ,�ornp,�ny, -' The., r0iring ' 'Directois cliWl and a . laige -family:, survive. DO" " Mr.-BrockAs a 1�dlgnified d old gentle_ L,6 I f . I I ..� L . In a postscript, -Mrs.. Brook adds: J,He L. . 11 . i . . . . , I " JaMr S 1, , . , . 110 years.,. - , .. . . .. .� . - I I I I . . . ... ire C .Qnnolly,- George. Mile cewsed- was"aii uncile, to' 1�ichard and . - the g;reatest rl .. .�- ; , � .. . ..... . . I . L L .I ... I . . and -Johil .111�tt�,�,,vllo- are .-, lr pligiblO .. I . inan, sh6vinglow siins of decrepitude. L ' Belles.ies.L Perima receives a -great many letters Mqui - ng I , I . L .. . . . L : . . . . John Mitc�hvli-'of Grey) ,in(!. tither ,to ': " . of the, age� Air catarrhal � ' out -whit ReXuna will do. , I do not -, -, L , � ... . . . I � His, 'fimily. Bible Is still: preservod- remedy , , I ­ e � I . . I ' . . . . .. ab I I I -­ ­­ I- - I It] I , . ­. . for -re-election. -. All are-requ6s"e-d to "Mrs. Thos'. 13(71''cif -Turnberry�-all- of-:.---Snd­jt8jjo*f7j' hiS bijtE Lt ub . . . . .. answer ,iem. 411; -as 1-tbinktheY * . I - - - --- -- .1 . .. . that tbe-ftta of . - ro le�,' -' ---L -- -'. I elan *-, " . . . � A --DL-- - A_ .­ - a, .. ' -v . � � `O�W-� - -. 1, -1.1 . lZet-a-bottle - .. . L,- 'L - . . � .: . . 11 . ­ - "­ �­ -B-, -O�S­ _ . -at,tend.---Jo*hn B !,NTOL' ;i Vli,;shlent ­� - riWnAl earss, o- --- - *-.1- 0-0-6-6- -try-it.R.- I . I . , , . .:. . I -XAL% � , R 41 �� . e, - . �vjjcim, _)Vit.il - j$Ir ' Bolt, - atteaded-.the- �'%1115 w g . . . and . . . . . H ' . . ,. ". I . �-y , . . . . .. .:., . � , I X � � I . . . . . ' , � ' . I I . ,. . I " . I..... ... . ­.. . . I.....,. . . . . 1. ays, Scerctafir , . . . . . � . ' , , , I I . . . . . I .I Thos, E, ,11, I . '. :, . ftineLral.' The. deceased W" s afine. man ,: �­ I . . . - , . ,. , . . : - .,. . ­ I . . . . I . . I - 4 . . . I I ;, 1 4 .. . I L - I . � , . .. . .�.. . . d I I .. .. Ask �.o.ur� Druggist for,Free' eiulia'- 'Atm - ..'*: ' '. - .. ­ - I ind was -Videly respected. , . . .. .. 4 - . � I 1. � anac, 1908.- ' I I 1 ..14. - . ;I .L ... .1 .. .1. I L � ., . I 1. � . � I , . . .1 ... ­ .. . . ,� , . �. . . . I . .1 .. ., . I �- � I. . L . .1.. .. . STOVES & HAP,DWARE. . . . I .. : . . . John Mel-, ay, who spent. the, patt " I � L I .. . � . .. . . 1 ,it ) . ­ ... . .. . . . . . � : . 11111=011 . I I I I ;.1 , L. . I � �, I , , . rCOAX, FOR 8AIR.-LOT-O'S IORN Earl Gtcy,';jas,k I . I . 1. , ­',­- . I . , . . I , '. . nine months . .'has I � I ., . - . . . , . � . f - ' ' . I I , : , � . � , - I''.. . -- ­ -1 F , ; '.. �#' and ,turned home L far a..hbli&L�y.. Ile ' L. I CarlOW"L " I . - I . ". ... . I I I I . ....:. - . . I . I . . - ,other fced, or Cash ,it will ex- 'rL . L . . Seaforth ., i. . . . . . . - * , , . . -:. - 1. .. . . . ' - ''. . . . . .. . . L I .. . . . . , -; I (. L !.� .� .. ­ :­­ :11 . L�. .. . . L . . . L. . . L . -, -- I I ­­ ------ I— ­01.1nion; Dec.'.23,* X907.'. J I . . .. . . ... . , .. �.­ L changQ!-fQr' oilier-Lgrafti. -In so-nie Illay- Ir8tiffil ,Iiext spring.', -lie was - � Ml�'39 --ftfild _ L - ' ­ - I I . L I' ' L - ..� - 1"00#"40 I - . t. cases I to 6 months . ere . dit, ,%ill te' w6k , ldn� with Waltcr M Kar� is US -L 011, of- *G,0dqrIch,wis a; ... -meetilig of the brathien. '*of*. '. 4 . . **"******#*"$o11i 0**#*#+##*4�0410#4 c , �h co , At h. L . . . I .1 . L. .. . . ' . I.. visitor'at Mrs, "O. 'McHardy's '. last . L . I IL . Dear All-Thb �Iedp'14!s Grocery - : -- ' %. ­ - - - . - : allowed.L-�-lirl" righlu. to the eieva�- ,in; i�hcl "is �Isci v1§1ting In,-, qr6 * .. Lat1k - Nij n 0' 1* S� O' .'she, . . . i . 1. . . . ---- . . . --w . . Ve � oy now. week-. ' . .� .. .. .1* . ai aMp I . � *.? ast wi s its piatrons *and'frlends. V I a v er " �, . I . * . . or. ­1T. G. * Pc�rin; . % . . a . . . I 1, , ' week, the following ofricQrs vi ere . cj-� -Merry . OY . !, � , . . VVV##VVV*VVV I I .. 61 Th 1,ttter-,*klf bom6s�tead xiear Govau I . - "' -Uhriftwas nrid.' Hap NeZv I -, , .. . � I . . . , I . . . yen L �. , . ... I . . 1. . . , . .. .. . I , � -q .. � . 1. I .. .. ..,. , � . . . - it- .. . . L . . � . . :1 . VVVVVVVNOVVW ,vw#vwv %AAAN#%-^ft,0V##W%0V " .. . Miss. Annie IValtors, has been on, . � I .. . '. -It h U10 , ectod for 1008 . � . ...: . . 1. , .1 ld�Saskatc 6"V411: .II sold it '. his . - . .. % .L.. I . .1. . I , . . I . . I . , A , ­ . Sti.. . . . L. 1.1-1 . I . I , �... . . � .. .11 . I I . I Jivery stable -in, Ei L sick list and is now : imp'0ying .-Iow-' L I ' . . � We thank . you for your . h . wors iti " , . . " . . , I . .F.,L ri AR�,� STOCK . . "I'. . ta Contirin , , . I % I TCTION ,13ALE � 1(a L L - time. -'Ghapldin Ja-m6s McMichael - - . the,sain' e' - - . I .� .. . . . . 11, . . ... , .. . L . ..L ' '. .. . . - ' ' L ly. -.He.r many f dends * Ito c, *,. o, see her . I I th".-past and sulici ance of , ' ' * I . IO L ' and Wm. McKay,..sons. of Jame§ Mc-, �., I .p . Chieftain', W., R. Smith; ''. - � ,� � . I '.. - AL . .. . .. .. v, now of , . Carmunnock, i former, quite wall again in a, short. * I . .. . . V - - - . . L . . -P#op 0. of. C 'L.' , . I - . I I . . .L �. . :L1 I . . I . � . .1 I . .. . I it . I L � ' . I . . y The I j.. L. . - . L I L'' 1:1� , . . , . - �. sympathy ot therL . L L , . I -9i . sugge . OR and , Implciilmtsi. The undersignQd - , If " , I 1:; . . , , . ,hQ$L. I 'L . ( � . Timely .L al Grey � t6 Hugh I ,. . (Phief, A. -W. Stobto; -'. - .' � . I I . . : . L ' .of this. towns lip. . 11�1� Rec.'& Fin.�See., -T Richardson; (" Ing - � . . ' ' L' , . .R. . vicini y is ex tied' to. Mr.. Treasurer, L I .Win'. , . Ballantyne - . ­ . We hopi6, -by fair'deali and strieb �. * - * � . . . .. . . . I has, been instructed -by. Aft. . � .A. . 1. . . . '. I low -and' i I It ten - . attention to'businese, to merit - our . . - . . I . I=- � I . J� ... . .. . I y ­ . L I I . .. - ,Eftariln .to sell by publib auiction; on � . , .1 I . . o4m, ou'r P09tinisticss., in',her ' ex- . .1 . . . . . . .. I . L . ,. ... . I Marishall, R. Steele - -L .Qonfidenceand a -share -in Sup I - 11 .. In all the catalogues of Christmas gifts 'L .. � , - . , Lot 35, Con. L13, Goderich t6wri,ship,., " . . . . L tended - illness. �'A . 'second i.perajti�oit . . . . - .1 . . . ply ng .., .. . I I . L there is nothi.rig,so-serig. � . .; . , � , .. . . .1 . . .. L . . � ...� .. L. I , . . . ---- I I ... � - week at- Cloderieb S - . . .. L . . I .on Vii'day- � - Dec, .2 -LiV-e-L Sto : . L ' Wa" P rf� ­ ' 'L ' 8 tandard-heareX, -.A. -SathQrland�; - L " your groceftes.- - ­- -­ - . ­". � � .. . . � I.. . I ible and entirely useful as a ,pair. -of nice flit -ting fine ghb,e6.or 11,P . ... . I .7th-, -zdrh�mdncing­ ., . I . gk Xarket:. i ' L% . L L s, e )rmed la4t ' ,,, " '. " . r. -guard, . �.W.- Gri�kye:; .. L . � . . .. . , � . 11, ­.. .. I . . . .- 'L ". I . . . . . - - . � . � . . - old ock, sharp; the, . .� . . L '� , L . . . . . . � . I , Li... � .. , Wishing . yod the: 064iplimbntsbf , . L � '. L ' , ' � ' L ' , , , ., I -of nice warm sl* . . . . ,L .. i , * � , at o e . I . I foll6iring: . I OSVjt&�' . :.. * . 1. . . .. Jr.-gUard, - Goo. 'Cardia *. - . I I &in� - ­ L:. . . ,;.: : .. ippers. ' ' . . . ". .11 . ' ' I , , , , . -ClAc4goi -'Dee, 20.-m-Cattlb­Rbc6i I . L.I. .. ; .. . . % 11 Our stock is c6ni plete iri all kinds Of Men'sand j,a dies' fine sh , L . Work hurse: 9 -years c d ; w6lt .bred..' - .. . . ' pts'l. .. I The. -township council met on Mon,� : L; L LM. I � . I ­ . ..., L.he season, we.rem .. .�. '.. ..... I. I :1 I L and . L . . 11 I oes � I I , 2,500. ; inaxicet rm 'an Ig . . . 11 . I . ­. .. . ,. I . . . . . .. L .. I � . 011 d Ill her L. ocers - -. , , D., Dr: '10 'Mackay : . i 1� . .. : . .% ,. - -warin and fancy slippers. . . . . . � � . I -� . .. ' . . . . . .0, . . . . , . I . ... L. . . . . . � ­ ' . � - . ,1. d`uP. the. year' 4 , L , I I . I . I - for F irn6ss . .. �� :, . . . I .. .. . I I . . : . I ... mare 10-yea;m in -foiLl ; well. bred t '' , , , - - -�V idelty Lodge � You . .. .. ; $ dal-jaa to ',,vin 13 b * I .. . . . . L . . . . I 1 $ 3. 9.0 to $6.25 ; �cows, $2.75 to $L4.50 - - - . . us- . No. -55, L 0. O.'., F . . � S . �L '/'. . L L . . ` I ' . . .1 . .. , . . . � . I ­ ..: I .11 I 1. . .., . horse. coUI.iising 3 )rn�rs ; well bred ; L . .1 iness. From. piciaht indic4tione it� hc,A'C�a- nl'getin ( S, al I � L .. . . 0 "; , . 11 . . � heif . .. .1 L I .�UJIS, $2 60, gin the Oddiblow H 1 .. ... - . I .. . . 1. I L . w� . . . . . . .. A.' D.. SEATON % , , i . L Note a few Pricep, . I . , . I . L' -1 ,3' co S� suppos- qrg, ,$I'21.50 tdr $3.25 .. I , .i ' ' I . L . . . . -­� � � 1: 1. . iffly'rising � *.Year-, - would.seem. that there.are:11kely :'-16� lasit oir L . . . ., . . . . .1. '. . ' 10 K-90,; ('41ves, :$3 *.to.$7 t stoc�itn ­ . . .1 . . "fight. Tlie-Iollowl .L . . � I . X I . .. I .. ing C S,wpre ..� . ­ . . . . I ... 0 . . � �-. ., j� I . I - .- ­ . . . . � � I . . 1. . . : I. 11 . ged .to � be - fti7- calf,; dry cow.; - thxea. . .. . 6ha: -o. , 'for l:b ' ' ,.' � .. I , , . s .40 to $ be scItne . ngea in, tho'persormel ,, .11* elected .08 �" .' L ' '7 . I I and feeder i $� . 4...50, . . - t L ' ' ' ' '. . . 'L . . L i � Men's Box Calf Bit. War:di lining, felt sole. rubber heel, price.$4.60 - '. � licifeis, 3 years old-; � steers. tis-ing I th jeouncir. nex year. - - . 1. I '. ..� . .. ; . I ... . . I . � . ... i.-- .... �,­J'. . 'Noble Gi,'brci R.5 , �' I.. - I ' . . Ffogs-Recft.ts. ,.- Sa,0.00 . I . . � . .. I . . I I . .8.5 , - " pa -'8 ' . ) . . . L . . . . .. . . . . . . ... E WANT - - 1;' - . - Men's Felt Congress Flexible leather sole.. price: .... .. -0-11 - years' 0 . maj�kct -9 . ... V.L .* Chas. Sochnei"; , .T!,M8ER' FOR S - . . . . . . . . 3 ld.; if 3 �'months: bid . L . ; � r . 0 R b , . . . I . .. I.e .. _ . . . 41P . A ,Q I . I - Men's F.werett, a nice Plush slipper, price..... , ....... ;.�...­.i... .75, C.- . I . , . 'I steady ; choice heavy shippirig., .$3.45 � �m I G�, Bro. Wni. Tf6imaa -',* . . ty of - cholice H , eirilbek and Bai�woaj - . . I iceable slipperi pri . . L L wl ; a, r .. .. r I . . L , . I � .L -- . - store pigs ; 1.00 to (ina' . I . . I ... . .. . I . .1 . � I ., I . I Men's Kid Romeo, a good sery ce...'......... 1. .1.50 - . n4Uy of to $4.40 ; butchers',. 14.46.,tor'' $4.1-5.' r . . � I � I`R=-Sec�,,. Bid, Clas. -Alberhart;; * . for site. Will be sold oft.the ktithn .. ': - L r . r r . . I . Men's Chocolate Romeo, turn sol�, a beautiful slipper, price.... 2.25 . . hay and. -strdw to be cash ; - Frost & � ligtit, mixed, $4.30 to - $4.35 ; * choice . I . I . Dungannon&. . L, . . . . . Fm--Scc.j B'io: Cl . . . . I . . I I I � . . L L Ladies Felt House shoe flexible, soles, pi We . ................. . : 1. 10 - . . Wood bind . good Workink order I I I . I .." . . , iasi Braadfo6b - - . or. In* ,the. log at the bush, logs - to, V . ' - I .. . I I I . , , ! . . . . . . L . . Ladies fancy SlipRers ai . ........ ........ L ......... j- ' '" . 'r "ll; h -O -$4,40 ", pacliing, $4'W - H . , . I Treasurer, Bid:, J. 0. Thom, S , . . L ;-i e .. - Me, ' 1' ig t,. $,4-3.5 Lt . � . ., �' ' scaled I before - leaving the premlis4. � ' � . 135 - I Cormick'zowet, nearly lj(1.wL,' b ay o d - - ". . I I . P 9911 abkirk . � ,i . . . . L � " ­ , , . $4.35-; pigs, $3.,75. to $4.25 , i I .9 M; D.., Dr. - F. : J. Ifurro,�;s.r L * , . . . . . . bulk of - Y .BlyAh U . assis' in . . I .... . . . - Ladies Red Juliettalippers at .................... .. , $1.*'and .q'%'- r e Mond hario%'jL;. fan- .. O F r particulars. apply . 41*1 . . r ".".50 . r rake I s � Dia - ' - I L Mrs. G-C. ff�L ' 1:�L I or further 44-1 .. Misses warfn slippers -at ............. I ........ L.. c and - .00 - . . Y I - s. .;�. Youn& during the lic;.tid * . . � . ....'.... ., ninK mill'; scuffler ; �.-wheclhaftoiw.* - ,.Sales' $4.3.0' to $1-S-5. - - ' . . . � .. L 4Y Rew . Mr: und ea.d of Ex-. 1. .Samue . . Childs Felt Ba , . . � � ; .S - 11. .. , . L . ..'r .1. . I etcr,'are ,visiting. fric , . I Reid,'Varni, or J. T. Rei�..? , 1�., - 1...L '. L I assorted COlOrb Of R-d, Brown and Black, price .40' . ' ; r heep-'7RcccIptr,,;60Q0 ; market, film, "I I .. . . I . nds in t . Bradoileld. � . � � i .01 _ * L, . . . - .. r L . � $1.5 LJIC, PoSi- -- -. ------ . I . . . . ' . I A 9' . : . � I . 'cream separ -- 0 lainbg '95: t - MISS " . .(eli L . I . I � . I �..L� .. .. � . ... . _�,, . I I , -Pliv - :. I . . - I pulper .; cutter ' set b0slidighs - I wwn, . , . I . 6-$6 jMla, Ryan. has.ta,i . � . - . r . . SPE01 L.V RMES IN HEAVY UUBBERS. L - ' - r , atdi,! li�i�y churn ;� cat'- . , P : - - ' . , . r I . ­ . I . � t! n of clerk An the book rSt Atli . .1 .� � 1111111111111111111111111ill" .' - L . I � . I I .. . � yearlingi, 44. to. $4.60. , . :. to , I . UrC, - U. I . I . . . . ". . . . . .1 7 ­ L . I L `:`* - Men s High, laced buug,.proof, solid heel, rolled edge, extra . penter bench..; disk harrow ; .' seed, I .. L . '.., I., . I . . . :. aftdr the' Christr6s. rush.- . . .* . . - ' . ' . . . . 1. � r.. r.. . . . I 1. � . ­ � i - L �r . .; , , r. L . �wlig(*Jin;; milic. wagon .: I.. .. . . . ' " ' . , � . - .. heavy ole, our price ... 1 :2.15 r lumber , . I � . ' , . I I . , ..... L ................... !..­..... - 0 Ill ;� . r - -- I - .. . �. Miss IsaLL Niyijis:,rctiurnc� .,o Goder-, ' ' . '. . L �� . ; . Men's two buckle rubbers, snug proof, solid heel. rolled edge . ' bu gy. Terifis.: i All sums of --- 15- .- :- . - . ., r L I L . .. I . . . .. �. ' . .9 . . � * .. 1. I .. ich last, Saturday,. liavilig. closed. the. . .1 .. , � . r . � . .Bifft.L ; . . . . . . . � , MeWsextra, heavy sole, extra good value at .... 6.:Lg:..:; ......... 2.'50 . L! . L and "deri cash. ; ,over that amount L ' .r I I . : . : I . , . L.:,: .1, - niflunary. rocim!y, witil. - next � se"Lson. I .. . ,LEAF. �r... 1. . . ... ... �j I . . LOOS E - -' I . I I . L two buckle'rubbers. snug, proof'r rolled' --d e, jow heel, . L I . � n - nths credit,^ wiJ1 be given on - ' , , 1. v . . . I .r I'. . . L r ine,mo - L , . .. I . . � � . . . . . - ec- . . .. . � . , . . L ... .. COLQUi-IOUN;­I� .1seaforth, �on D . I . I . . . 11 jt�bta limited quality, while thev last. price. . ..* ... '.'.. 1.98. . appr4p& joitit notes. A -, discoilfit , . . . .1 ---L. .. 1. ,. q - I ' . . .1. , . . .1 . . . . . . . I - L . ,r . ' . , I . L I .t , , ­ , .. . ember l4th-, to .Mr. - and 'Mrs, G eo. . . . . .. � . . ' ' . * 6 . � ' j I . - Ike ef,'orq. buylng.. I - *. � pii',ijr, cent ash- on � . . . . L...r . 'L . . . � . . , - o , . .. ., I Colqui1011n, � a. 1:01,1, r .. . . . I-— 18'!YOUR� -CORN TROUBLESOME',t , . ' . - "' , , .�: - , 1. , 1. . - : . ' I . ' : .S - , .., . . .. . . .. L " . .. . .1 . N INNE,Rr-ln 0.,a r It, oli'D6CC111ber r ''JI'lly not Care it-eriadicate: it with .1 I .� ­-!�� - I .. -, � credit amounts. R. A. Hearn, Pr(� , .SK I - . I �' . It will V` ou. to examine the goO6. b ' . . . ' ' ' ' r I . : .. .of' ,p - - all6wed for c , I .. . i6it' I 'LED I L . . . . . ... �'.. I . - .. ".prictior,: Jakies A, ,Smithj.Audtio'n-: r LGER :­ YSTER. I I MPOflIUM r "." , *, '' r , L , ' * , . 16 ind Mrs, JOhn lfi� . . Extractbt I No pain I . 11 . . . . .1. ItIi., *to Mr. a Sk' I�utftahl's ddirli ' ' . I . I � . . . .L . . cer, ,�­ � - - . . � , . � � I .., . . . . 6r of Clinton' � � . r , .OrL sore -11P 't, . I'), . - " a , mtaiantee. . .1 I . . p . � .1 I . MUSIG"I * . ,. . - .. r � . . n , a son. � . .� . u. tain .9 . is "'I - L� . . . . I . : . r ., . . . I . . . . � . ,. .1 .1 . I I I- . I . ... . .- . = . � ". .. . �.. . Decembei: 'it, I.. I . r ! - The Only Canititer al li L � .L . I L I � . .. . I . .. L , L , on ­ . L ,§chocil wesi-o 11 I. . . . . 11 . . 11 - I su�dessj try'. ; ... r -": �. � ' � - - ci , � r I - I .. . - . . d &4: ­" TIERNEY-In, S6atorth. L 11 . . 'r . � I f Toronto using t 6 above. . . � .SHr 4� . I I . I � . .. .. . L I r T4er_' - - . - � . . � I ..�� . . I . . . . r L � ... Aloderwofflc6 Work of Actual Canadian -W fiole� . I I I . ... � . . I I ,. . 17th,- ' to Mr. bLnd Mrs. Henry : L ­ 1�11 � I L I .1 .. . .rf. ., -P , cedure. . q r - --- -- . q of r . . I � � " . , . . . .. .� L I I .. . . A,le-;h -gra tiates Canadar!s Groijt6o:t , . . . I . . 00 000-6,41 '. . .. . . 'LL. . I . � I . . . - .. . . . . , . I . - a L , . . '" of'fligh-g-rade Business Colleges because our students' I I .0 PARLOR n0y, a �a�p;htcr:,­ . I it, Y or . . 0 h A" r' - E tiuseFf"Ijlng d 'I d I I'. . . . � . . . 1. . Chal ' I i . . .. r . . - I I .. . . 9 L DALE t --In Ijullett,. on December 11th,. . i8 . YOUR CHEST "WHEEZY ?11 . .. . '.11earn to doBy doing," Bach atuden t hits loose leaf ledger, b ' THE PLACE WHER E YO DOLLAR DOESITS DUTY : . I . *. �. , . to Mr., 1. . I - . . . .. m,r - .ill L r IQ* r . L �, .Tr M'. � I .0. and, Mrs. Geo. C... Dale,, . l, .. Tightnes-.3 And whetzing mcAins y(?ur . . . 46. �Nrwi PR and chal!ke syste . I , . I L. .: ' . I . n r . card s-�steib,'bauk bdok - 'fills -out scor0s -of - - q q . I .. . � L . . . . otes.'drafts,, deposit slipso cheq6es, itateme�tsj leases. Mott I . r AOV~ft%O kA - AA A - � A A A A A AAAAO�A 0 .. . . . I o . son, .. 1. . � . trouble is deep-seatekl.'. TO delay . is I' . . � . . . . - I . � � . 1. - . r. I . 77 . . 41 From Jan. 2nd.'. E ntQr * -11INM5TON-In Win*gham, 6n Decembn dangerous.. . r Inflammation: inuslU �UV 1*­11.1.­'­* geo.'receilita, s'bipping.,bills, etc,', ejo. Ourstudents do fkltlulail - - ... .. - 1. - i =F- L . . th . ' . 1. . .. jr . I . I 411SWess.from the first day, . . I .. L. I . .. . ' . � :� L . . I. �. r 4*1'.any' day f(x 10Tg a".-Alort -O.. . '' er .15 , tol-Mr., and.Mrs. .A. . . drawn 'out at once. Rub the. throat . .' .. . . . . . . . I L.. . � . � . .1 I., . . � . . ..ft .41b. ft,�w -%. -'w -%,-q. ­%�� -ft,-%�-%, -%,- . %.-W,.%�ft., . 4& .WM& - � %,�qw , .1 L I I . e course. L'_ ge I tolif a 'son. r . r., "chest, w . . , L L . . . . I . . r . ))�. Catalogue: & � . 1-1 ngs ... Ad . . tth Mcrvilinc, and put cn. . . 1� 0". - . * YOU r 0 . . ... . L - . r I . . . . . I .1 I ,. I . . . . Or r6lidy. Wr'.te for itr !y . . . . . I r . 11 � a .Nerviline' P6rou.s. Plaster. Relief L L . . . . 1. . � I �- - I . I ' , .' - " havi, of g. collqge *-� I . t� . . r. r . . . 6 � any idea . - comes in -a,n hour. -The couiltetixrl , . . I . . .''.. . � ; . . : . ' . r I. �: * tourse.. Ad L dicss-.-W, !1-1. 0, ARE - YOU SUBJECT, TO. COLDS ? 'ant effect of. the,plaster relieves the ,GREIGG. SHORTHAND . � . I . I - � I ' - . . ­ .... . I 1. . I � ,-$ 9� Shaw, Prin�ip,al, lbentral -a Then, don , t . L load y6ux stomach with . tightness. and strain,, draws 6'ht the " . .. � .. � ... . . �. - - .'ANIP I .1 .. L .. r ...... � . ., �. . . 11 I . . . . . . . * ,r . $ BigShoe Depapt.itent . . ' e Business Cdlege, Toronto. 4 cough syrups. Send healing. .Medj�a- sorcnes':�, easelo the pain, The lycne- . . L yr, , " ' , I . . I .. . . I . . ' I I , L .� . L. L I , * I , . I . � 1 6 . , I . . 0 tion. through'. the JWstrilsto-send, it Ili- trating qualities'ol' Ne.rviline enable . . TOUCIf T ; . ...A*- I . I .. . � I . , &0*000006r*@r0*0*4j tor PA . . r I. . � PE wv,y,, RITING'.' * I � .r . 10000 . the :��agesr that are subject to it to, -soak to .th6�very­corol of*-' the - I ­ . . . .. , � . I . . I . � .. . r I . . r � . . . colds and catarrh. U . I . . . I Whiter Shoes',` ' ­ � I * - ­ . L . I I as� to, do this trouble, and you experience a feeling . . . . r . 91''. � . . . . � . * . ,rt � Taught bv the mO.s1Y*i&ly expi�rj - in Ontari4; she . . . . . . I . , . . , with, Catarrhozone, -which, cures ,a of warmth and relief th proves..the. is alSoLa John. R. (, enced teachet L . . r I I . . I., graduate of reg& the author, and highly L Wonjen'F imil Children's Felt SliplIeL t(, $1..r , 7 - cold fit ten minutes.- Even to ' the dp.nger is 'pasti. For weak chest,' sord - . ... . recouidierided by bim. I rs 2Ze I WANIVED-A GOOD GIRL FOR 6E X- I ' LAst year our Stftiog6tphers Were all . I Ladies and Children's Felt, and Felt 0 ' $� lungs goes the healing 'Vapor of 'Cat-- n ency to colds, the.. � '. - - r .placed within tin days of -graduation, Mady of tbe�Vyoutjg �: . � I ), - Lined Slioes $1 t -$2 I eral liciuse. work. -Apply ILVIrs. T. arfliozone-all 111tough the bron�hja�l N- frawing $7(X) t I I - I Cbildren's Dongola Shoes 60o, 75% $1 0','.25 andl,50 �1. -, ... � -Jac (Sol), Sr-.- - '­­ "r - I erviline Treatment beats al1r.others, . ladles now ( 0 $8W pie, yeare It -is freely adinitted :,, I . I . I � - Women's Dongola Shoes $I.!% to 3 b6 I .. � I r , � .. . tubes . nostrils and" air: passagcs�-- try -it. "I I. r . that we train tho. most rapid and accurate. r . I � . . . r . Women's HoavySho,-4 $1,10 to 1.76. . I I . . . . r . I ­ � I .1. ,; . . . 7 . I I I . .1 I . 1. 1. . . .. .. I ' in(, Sboes $1.50 . . I . 1 . . r � I every .where a traco of disease re- r - � - . r. . - I ... . r I I I . .. r . , � ,, M � � . . . 11, ,,?n ,,, to 4.00 I .. . . I : d. r I � - - �. - - . Depar . I . 11 . . 0 r . 11 "" eavy Shoes,$I.35 to 2 85 . . � . .. ... . .-�.., ,., I I- . � FARM FOR, SAf4E.- ' ,main$ will Catarrhozone Ifollow. . .. . - : ' r . Our Telegraphy rtment . . . � . . .. 1� . . .. . r ' Boys' ine Shoes $I.Zo to.'2.()()* ' * * " " .1 . . . IJO P " ("L'Z You'll not have colds., nor will you ' ent will ' - . ' . . , Boys, eaVy Shoes 7513 to $1.25 r . j � I . the 11th eon. df ';odetiell townslu.p 1 . . I The Saskatchewan Govertift), � r . r ' , I - . . 5 suffer, from, sniffles), bronehitig dr I . . �, � W011 quipped, Railroidi are shot Of.operators, and galitriog I . . 0 . . . � . . . . I consisting of fifl acres, 36 aLres throat trouble it Cabqxrbozo appeal against the exeniption of the - e advalicing"raplilly. , _ r . , r . . . . - I - - .- .. . . . . I . �, . .� . . Pk0we4, r(� acres in fall wheat. 'A' I . lu G I . r ii& is used , ti.. 1). R. ill. that Provifted. , I � . . r � . .'r . I .. . I . . . , . . ; . I .1 I ,,, t d 9 . � I . . I I . I I . - re it to-. Ity. 2,cts and. $1.0p . At . . Wide Attefidance I I � . I . . I . � OIG STOCK *OF FURS . � . V 'r farm is in a good at to,-61,palt.1vatr 'Irl'I alers. . -..- . , I � I . I I . a ­ " . - de . . � ! , . I . � .. ion. Good.brick house, t,on 4000 � I . . or- . . . . � I . 1 .11.,".. ­ 11 Z .. . . . � Swdept'attenr"ng� 0­jj1'­6hjLjj) 'from � almost evorv, countyin . . ­ I ­ - I � ... - , � I ' The I , . ., - , Ontario I . . 1 -$ . I , Men's Fair Coats $20 to $75 . I . . ..,., I I 16et I w1th-,ston'e' foundatioll. EG S. . � ; 11110Y trom AfAnitobAl Ssiskatchewan. Alberta and . . I Men's Fin, Lined Coats $Mto $75 ' . . . . It ' YO . Br;flah Columbia; somd,fro *in the United StAtes, Unk1hrid an(! - - . . Ladies Fur Coats $20 to $50 . . ­ . I I placei;gabout ,jmileS from Clinton. A E, I U SLZ'EPLVSS, NE RVOUS The Central Business College Of . . . . Scotland. We train MOM Young People than any other man-; :. -1 . Ladies Far Lined-0oats A50.to $8,)'- , . . . I For sale on. semonable U,.nns. ti'or Two horrors crowded 4rito *-no. lit,p,- Toronto Will re-openlop the rugistra:t- ., . I Agenient in Western Ontario. I . r I . F ur Rafts, Stoles, Oiipiorine4, Boas, Muffs,*froin 1.75 $17 * . .furtlici particulars 'r Ifly tj I, Os - the product of poor. digestion and - a . on and fiception. at now ,students, for . . 41 . r r . I � . r . ' . I .. Fur Oaps 2.60 to $10. 1 . � 4q . . C61clough, Holmcs�illa I". "O. b3-, -fpoisoned �ysteni. There is just -'One Ithe winter Term on January 2nd. I &vernge Aitnatioh tAket), b�y our gniduatos JA . r. . I . � I . .1 . . . r I I . I . not excelled ; we i6vite . ill' $ � I �- %, I cure for ,this terfiblc.conditioh�Pleftty TfiLi school employs: a staff j.,j twenty. cathpaftison. Individual Insiftiction. Day students attend night classes : . . ; ­ - CH12,1STMAS gTOCK-Full of evo.ryt.bing gotid, ,The largeWt � I I of food -but Yviind you, food. property, four tca6herg� With several -extrtj as. free, and may take all of the tibove courses. . . . .1 . . . 'ibollecticip of goods,for presents .yet sho w n by,us, ),. I I . . digested'; tha0s thei difticalty, to im- sigtants during 'the Winter Months . . . . . .1 : . � I . I r. r(� ANI . . . - - I ... r . *- . . I . ­ ­.. . I . I 111A�0 AN' D' ORGAN TUNI,\ D 1,roxo the digestive power of' the when. the attendance io largest. Tile I . . . I . r ­ . . 1. -- Cash Paid, for Butter and Eggs. . . . � 0 nepairing.-The undersigned 'S stonla(1,11. Get... :rich nutritiow� blood, * courses given are modern an WINTIRP'TERM BEGINS JL ANUARVr�,r) � . . I � I � d ihe � I , . . I 0 lacliarod to do all hinds -it piano ,�Strengthcji the syptem and drive 'out t6sultS P176(hiced are best .shown in . . I � I . . . . . . . r . ' * . Aw * and organ tuning.'and repairvigi ,and oisons,-Oim. conito v-1tality, endut- ,.the ., succeg., . I . I � I r., I , AR01 E 1'eing a mall rof practical ext4orictice, .p . -and satistactlon 6njoyed . ., . . . I 0 POPLESTrONE 06, a Or ' ocs -all this I by the gradwiteg of thil; excellen6 � In. . WRITS,,,r- I . ..I. I , . . , po - ­.; . , �. .. aflcc,. Power Ferrozone d ' 0 0 jj r &6 � , . . . I . . .0 . -� 'is able to guarantee s�tistactlon, and more, It' malces atelc people well, I stitul ion: The - vew '�Iatalogue. Just � 11, may I)OL lef t ill tj fr . $ Successors to McKinnon & Co.,,. . . " BL-�V Orders , efr . . I I ­% TH r ' �-eltic W10ple ptrong, chaTigea "nerves" I fronj tile presn, CS on excellent Clint * Bttslness�:* C. fle-v,t!, - . . rie or one . 0 . V.112; " I --- I .. . . . nierly occupied by Mr. T.!4ans'fo'�d,. ond insomania, Into robust licalt1w, itittl explains in de,l-all the. 4:Vstejjl01t4 I . , ,;' . $ . e GF.O. SPOTTON. . , . �r" .# Aft'.4h. -III.-ft'-ft. ftw-%� vw.qk. -W� *W -41i. -%--� *'-ft";%0"� -ft'-ft.-Oti.�4&-oi,� 0 Ontarhy strwt, Combo Llock.-Ed. I Take 1Perroz(jne and leafth is .yoam. I work Of all dqpartini,nits� Of this great I , . PRINCIPAL. . - . '.I ,�- J. Iloward, Ciffiton.. - , '110 .Celftq ht kill dealers� I ,. ­ / .. . . . : . . .. I . � . .school. . I. .., I . ..... ... �. -...1.1. I 1. I ---1 ­­ -1.----..r ...... � ... ­ ... I- -r-'r..... , ­ ­ , ", � r f '. I . . . #A � I . . :.- . ---11-T - I I .1 i - - , , , , I � I - : : : , . : I - � 11 I i. I : , 'I "D I I ` � I Nl/ecil 4 I . I I . - 1 $ 1 In Is 4 . A . 1. Ili , . 1: � I . . . . . r . I I � .. 1� � 1. I .1 I I . . I . . I � . .. 1. 0' e . . I I 1� .1 �. I . . .1 . � I . , . I . I I., I . � . I L ,k,..,- .. I 6 I . . V. . . . . tp . I .. 11 . - I � - . I L . � I i, .I- . .. I. . .. % � . - I 1, . � 11 I . % I .. . . . I . � . . r . . 41 . Z, . I " � I . 1� I . r' ' ' . I . . .. . . . I I I � .�. I .. U . � I . 'I I � . r J.'' r-- , '' r "r ­ . r . 1. . , � . - -1 ­­ 11-1.1-1 .I.,"""" ­­­.­'­'­­­, .­­­ . I-. I I,- .11 � 1, � ­­­ -