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The Clinton News-Record, 1907-12-12, Page 9
a' �_ •, o , Clinton l� a�►a-��c aa�rd December 12th, l907V ._;,.1;,._.1._,,.-.� ,' _ _, . •.e..+�w.r'. • . our great 1. ...•.� * 4,k $ You ��d� �/ wwffl/ I ,i 14 1:Your ou'►-_4 u W.Mmt yp A7., la $� L .. ` r_. t �, 4QIe 6, '' 1't ''. ,, r i. n , , .;a �,� I A i a .S ..� �, .. 1. 11 � . � , , '' ''�. • 11;� " .,� � \ ,: , , -* °�f l.t ,.ls `a Waterl�aan's..C r �� ' •.!�.,A, . ideal x' A o D 9 ,1 �� n . ° gUntal- .4 en,:• �+4tt. � � ._ •,. .. _.. - � "...1 •a� a 0 with a slip»cap. The ,: ,:.:, . . • • ,, clip,oap is,a ne piece � 'A:Greatl.. at of �' � � Uc e d It wi l .'samesprin'g'y ° : continues.teel,attached at „ : . on'e end of the cap of the ".. 0 1 ,41 ° n ever pen, the other end being , �'QU. Y101e��%' O ' � �i'"" . 1 pressedsn:ugly against the1. Pure Table °Uuen►s and 'f able Na kine . { °�� �,., thing. See our i iiig' ' .^ � barrel `of the spring. It _. _ .. •• b holds in much the same Overstocked' in� Llneos is our only excuse for these prices.. They will not last long. . 5' n.ounoement • . ,• _ wad' as a clothes Pin and Better come Saturday morning of • you are needing Table Linen or Napkins, Our values .' will kelp the pen where 1.are unexcelled, and the following .prices speak for themselves, ,' it i9 tit. ' p sees about ' We Import all our Linens .Direct from the Manufacturers. ° ' it if interested. .. - p � � � � 4 on _. . _ ,� _ _ , . . - �o. -Table Linen 38� -- $L25 -Table vinen f :5p Tabrhe Napld><rs i8 f __ - d . ' 100. yards bleached and unbleach- 100 yards pure haAf bleacbed:Table ' ' ' Pare Linen Table Piapkans,. size . /-* ' a.'., _, • Often Chea est --Al a s Bes . ed Table Linen, good weight. three Linen, the very guest quality linen, ' 21x21: scroll and pplka dot patterns. • p . W y , nice patterne, Regular 50c,.-Satur-: . - round thread, good patterns. Reg o• a nice tine linen. R -Igen $1,60 per - . , .. •�✓4•r!r•ry 'Warta►: gay pricq• ... .'.,: ,..�.....1;.. .40 lar$1.20, Soturday prica..:...I....i 1.00. dozen, Saturday price...., .. 1.10 - ...-.° _ _.. _. _. , 2i ....:.,.:,...- .......... ....... . ® 5c Table .Linen 69c i.50 Table Linen $i. 0 $2 Table Napkins $i 50 0 i s pure Table i en I a - Pure Linen Table Napkins, bleach- .It D :r to 509ard. p r h e L n ,..h a ch:' ' ''0L .; ©' `.,a ed or unbleached, nice even thread d, s table This is our extra r +� 50 yards extra orality urs Tabu+ a size ,. �.;. :.....:• • . •:..:........ .•:::�• ::. , . - � ......: .. � Linen,. bleached, quality even thread,.a special.Table Napkin, a•very highly g ® cad weight, two cod patterns.: very highly .finished cloth. Regular' tinished cloth,, round thread Reg- ' ' DlREC .!c/MPORI - t ` y Megular 15c, Saturday price_.,....: .a9' $ . turd O u 1 50, Sa ay price ' I.2 lar $2 dozen Saturday price:. 1.5.0' • ✓°... IL ..a $i Pure Table Ll�nen d9c $3 Table Napkins $2.50 sfl�Q)'om�oc�� �i�e�o�®�m���se�m�q-wo,e-%.e ft•e - - 150 yds urs Ta4�le Linen, bleach- $g Table Napkins 79c " . r,; ed or unbleached, four good pat. . Table Napkins; size 16x18, several Napkins,rl lea ped • and finest very highly eD Mr. 1V. Jackson ;'was'. in Montreal this terns: to choose from. This ie' our . good patterns to choose from, a finisbe3, size 26x26. These would ' , Tiible e tra�special cloth: at $1, Saturday •g'ogd heavy napkin:. Regular $1 ;per I Make rt very handsome Christmas ' FuP.Ban& C : s , • , �: , week. price will be __ . , ........ . ,79. doze Sa rd r rice ... � p el.. . ... n, +y1? pre ReQnl r•$3,:for., ..Lt;.fa0 Rov. Dr, Stewart went to Toronto sent a 0 ...,a�w.o,r.,ea.. n.e raau�awim ,a....a.. aov.na�....w•.-moi • - .. last week. - - . .. . •...�.� e� �.....ena. ., Mss 11fab`el' Lan,cton ��isited her par- ' +' a n of Ont r'o'e lar est Travellers San�ple:s Un�lersk�lrtS-' O in the lot:... 40 diferen't st les and rices; $laci Sateen and. . a, The overNroductlon O one a l g a ents at Gedar Z alley . on Sunday. ' -- . p a y Ca. Manufacturers cleared out to ws_ at d small frac Misses Millie and Helen Cameron .of - c . orey,_ Length's,�2 only. Saturday' 33 1-3.of , - . p C- Bayfield .were 1n town. on Saturday. .. A tion of producers cost and now pas. ed on to.' our Mrs,, George Woods and daughter of . customers at same saving. . " V g r., , : ; , o Bayfield were in Clinton on . Mori- t1'3 H : i as No eI re day. , Cha stm t s for. Gait Gt�rin i�6�e are San. sad uarters 0 These caps come in tweed and'. corduroy and �k Mt. -Harry Fitzsimmons. visited the . .. ' ' - For rown ti eo le,' not in the -Count o -f• Ru -ion 'wi-11--Vau -find-a lar r -or -b tter-assorted-stock.-of.-suitabl� . j have a heavy fur lined ear protector and are gaud �,, , h1k Fat Stocl� show in Guelph to- g p p p y. - ge ' eo value at double the rice, Now on salerat ,29 tts a day• and seasonable gifts for griavt°n people and children It :would be-im . ossible to describe or quote prices' on the , p Mr. Tom Wheatley, wine' clerk at. the Y many pretty gifts. we'carry, .such lice ;`� ,' F� f0 See the 75c and $1.00 Caps. (TraVellers:Samples) 'o 'Normandie,. was' in'-Tilsonburg', ,lastI. . . . Friday: L ar. ? ; 0 we are clearing at , , 48 Cts d Mr,. John•. Taylor loft yesterday for ad e..S><lk Umbirellas Infants Silk.Shawls ' . Men s Fancy. Ties eke Collars .. , es Brsissels where he 'has secured . em Fancy. Collars .,.Fur Ruffs atid. ,Muffs : Si•lk.1'lufflers Clothing. • ;.. • 4 ploymen't:, . ,t Fine Handkerchiefs Pin' Ci�shious '. -Fancy Half Hose ' . Mr. J6: W. ;Treleaven . is ^n Lucxnow With only a little over 3 weeks, left in 1907. and a' stock of :' • a . q Fancy Belts' HallAd Bags, etc. Men's and Boys clothing mores than do- uble.wh t we w111•,carry: into 8. this week attending.. the . ental _ cit, - o G i s Si.' dk s Me Y g .•.;, Shirts is end. Braces: 1908. Out it goes -regardless of. profits,, and those •tivho visit 'this. his brother. • Fine Gloves' - . store during the remainder of 1907 will be the gainers ;;,, $ Mr. D..B.' Kennedy has been. confined ' Children's Picture Handle'8 Underwear and Ca s: .) • ° Y :: _den's' Fanc Leather Collar' p Mens Suites from $1.50 up. :.O ... .tip .his home .for a, few'. day,a with 'a WdQ Clouds and; 'TOG1,. y Fa17Cy' Vests , Boys Suites from. $1.50 up. severe cold. _ . - - - • r - 500 airs Men's odd ants from 83e u ,. < _ Fur Ruffs -and- Nluffs .. BOares- Umbrellas etC::. s n p. P.. Mrs., J: Plewes left. -title -week -for' - _ 1.s , i Men s.Overcoatsfrom $4.50. - __ __.....-� . -- • • 1 . '- a 'Watford where shy intends •cinainin ' fB See our $10.00 mens Overcoats -to clear�at.$7.50. .. ' Fur Cap -'g :Gauntlets Men's Fleece lined underwear at 85c: a suit. ;; . • .. for some tLme. . .. . ' .. • : ;. • 0 M.r. ' David. Lindsay, 1 tvho ;has .'' been . ., . , d Creat Biinmins in Boots and Shoes-iianiesttia3ng war.,Wetiaslciwin, ,Alta, ti.''. ''l • ' `' a returned' home last week,:. "t . d 0 Mrs -`' J`, S Smeltzer of Whitechurch..0 . y ` , . a .. ,_ I 13 bho BR.gilest fp,a few. days of her'bro- , thea; Mr. R. Baker . of town:I . . , � I I . aPLUMSTE EL P�, el► Miss. Jessie."Suddick of London .and- ,-11 11. _. . ;� _f �, (� - 0 .1Miss Chesney of Hensall, area: W41ting11123! _ oo©mot,eo��os"macs.©voce©�°c�oo���a+`�er`',m`a►9 at the Home. of Mrs. Bawdcn this ® t weclr, _ _ 0 e r ® ® Miss Elsne Clark, teacher, Pelham . Centre,'a .farmer student of the Ck : C -41-11T? N • I., is. the guest of Mr's. Thas.. K'eartis - this .wcelc:' ` .. 11 . .. I.. Miss r . • • Chrlstms- G - � o, ...s . ? '' .� . . __TTT!�t___.... .'Myrtle t'le Pearson. . of :G oderich to.wnshp,was rile guest.for,a few.. � - _ r - - -- 1 . ,: - - . ' w'' . days of the.past i0k'of •?Miss Des- .1. . si'e AldEwen. , '. At Firbd*.� J GUIJIl/SO11 Mr. Prank, -0 Nell arrived from Moose-' • • .3a on Monday ovening He 5aya . - . . , . 1-i " w . 't'he weather .out Wes6-is.and , q.bright but very cold. : '' . ll orf . o� p We are showing a beautiful range of goods•snitalile for Mrs. John' Hartley will not receive Y ..., Christmas rifts, and if you are undecided as to "what you . a .... will remember your friends with. ' "SETTLE`IT NOW ". again this year and .not lints!.' the • third; Friday of January.. After that ' ' and come and see our immense stock.. ..... v r s dry third acid fourth F?ndap 4� •the wo .. en s and : Ch'gldren S nto r C-ovts t®-.,. be'__ %. S I td `..:for Less -. -; . _ - ..,., aktlil You will have no Difficulty in Making -Your month, j�/� •Mrs. Jas Fait,' left for.Etim6ii than. .Cost.br. 'i g.'' Selection Here. _.' .I. tion, Alta:, ori .Sr,Friday last where ' . There is nothing more suitable @ora Ohristmas Gift than,► „Ghc intends remaining .for. the winter. ' .S.. n' this ..Fall • . a dale commences • Saturday MOrlllu g very . Garment i . ew . s� .'.. with her' daughter, Mrs li.' J: 1VIc- . . no *aid- - • the. styles w�l] show whey,' . . Dec•' 14th ani continue. until r Pair of Boots, a Pair of Overshoes; a Warms Mr. D. Cantelon.loft on Satttrday: fez you See them., . .every garment s' S.O�d• • , '� . , pair of Slippers or Felt Shoes, Ove> ' ' Toronto and on Monday for, ithc.. • gaiters or Leggings., • . West with several carloads•of apples., This. store has'en'o' ed a • ood season's business in Women's. Winter Coats., by giving the newest styles at. . He expects' to be back' . ,tie latter y g " art of this week � - the 'lowest possible prices, It is,''the'refore, ' with some hesitation 'that, We announce'a sale of .this •kind but; be- • Have you tried the Kant Krack Rubbers? They. are ' p . to Dr (,roods we find it absolute! neeessttr to turn this stock', . Mrs. T: Kearns, and her nephew, Mr.., ing surrounded by sales of all kinds pertaining y , y y. the best. Every pair gusirauteed. See our •Buckle Stab- p. proof Rubbers with solid heels for. 1.75.. Will. Nimeus, went`to,•Tororito: lash' into cash at .once. We Venture to 'sa no lot 'of stylish .ready.torwear {Garments were ever offered in.Clinio' at such. ,•Thurstic,y to. attend. `the funeral' of $ WE -LL' DEM'OhLS•TRATE '1'0 3'fJU WITHOUT A 'DOUBT THAT NE-WCOMBRS, TS __ __ .. the. former's sis r -in-law, 1NrS. W. '. ridic>xlous prices. ' E . , - .. .• ; . Cox, who iia s d away .leaving a :THE BEST.PLACE FOS WO . S SND 'C)EiiI . ..N S.:CO.ATS . .. .. .I. • FRED, j JACKSON',"_ :.family of five"young •children, the 1 E D a V A�./:� V� youngest; only .two. -years of a e. - h 1.. R . . •• V g ,. ri Mr. Fred. Elford, a prominent . mem- a , ,,Always ell Reliable" bet of'tfi0 staff of t1io:Macdonaidln•. $1l$ to $25 rWeed:cOatS $io.00' Plain cloth 'coats $10,00' „Lot,Number Two.' R a CLINTUNI. Stituta near MontTeJal, was' in town y g' 9 q• ' € :' ,� .,Ten, or twelve :benotiful tweed coats, 50 Ten 'onl hidics Broadcloth , Coats, i Fourteen onl Girls Coatta, ,to tit iris 7 - Saturday. calling. Orn..old• friends,. Ho. •. inches lqn ;made :with silk velvet and Navy, Blue, Cardinal, Myrtle and ..Brown, to 10 years. of age. A lot of prettyetyles in all .. also went up to la1s former.h'ome at' dee :la ells,, most of them. made with bias made from beautiful all wool Broadcloth;:-thai colors,' regular price $C50, gale price, . $2.60 s Holmesville._This week 'he is at- strap in s, lined with Farmer's satin, The fin=:•you ciwnnot buy. under $3 per yard, all tailor' PP tonrling the Fat. Stock Shi�w at' ' . est tweed- coats we have dyer Hh:;.vit, aril the,'niade styles,. reyrular '.price $15 and. . 1 cacti,•. L-ot. NLlillb+1 'Three. . ++++++♦ ��' +++♦++++++ ♦++ +♦+�-+: - newest colors, including. navy,.l-r,:owti, grecri, 8ale,price, size 3E to 38.........% .. .: IO.00 . $ Guelph., etc. Regular price $I5, $18' to .$`?.5 each. sale _ sive only Girls Uoate,, ltf to 1� years • . Mr, A.. J. Grigg went to Guelph .. on rice.. ::'.,... k:..:.. �..'......:l110.00 Ij 'r Ins in Bl' Cl'CO ts'.• mad feom 'fancy English tweeds and plain ;: J, B. SOUV ER. • , NELSON BALL Tuesday oro 'attend the •big poultry P' ' • ' $ %+a. >a $ t styles, ' Show..11e will th 'r t �Ve are showin a fine assortment of Back Alhe new st ebate shown this season that ' cloths e e see he best 9 g collection of birds''that cairbe Bath- $13.80 COats fOr.',�'�%' $ cloth coats in..all tile, riew styles;: we have .too, ,Bold.up tq $6.00. Bi►rgain... man kinds to describe here but if you need a,: - S-1 Brd ithe p,rovlince, and it.will also ! Y.Just ,►bout 10 winter. caste, made from...I- r. stylish black cant ave cab suit.you and save you Same 'Mline>� l`)n 1•ur8 ,afford him . `•silks' upp'ortunity . of beautiful all -wool -cloth in small wixed: pdterns _L A D money, . Prices,$5.U0, $10.00, $12.W to,: i 6.00 . - 2rectsngl geld' comparing .notes with and plaids, all the col''or comtiinatfone ih Green, We 'have 901ne a8tcnshln BaI'- . . . • , . the lead'- ig ,poultry ' faneibrs .of On- Brown, Grey, Navy, etc, trimmed with d velveth, •' saris cloth etrappings. and fancy raid.ma a with Bargains in Children�8. gains ti0, offer in Furs -and now . i8 of L,or6V P'rlces & lay Terms ° nr tvithont collars. Lined to waist, sleeves 'a1- �ilAts. Mr. and Mrs. W, �J.- Paisley t n Thurs- - so lined with Italian satin. All 45. to 50 inches the time tc� }JLty t118m while the stock -. dc, last. attended the 'wedding of lou . y g a. sizes 32 to 42 Iieigular prier $13.50, Here's" the greatest Btlr 41111 ever is large, 1. Weare in a position to otter you good bargains iii Fri gHture.'We their nice, Miss Tilde trkGuire, . sale price ................::........ . . $7.913 g • g , . are showing a nice litre of daughter of Mr. ,lobe 'McGuire of ' offered by this store. In Uhlldren S •1~Uf 1Uf>FS and Stoles.; , . PARLOR FURNITURE Howick, to Mr. John, McLean, a St Iish $10 Coats for $ .00 - Coats: . V . ' . R prosperous 1arme'r of the sante town- .y 5 Wa place on eAle About a dozen or snore o>! in 5• lees and lece`Suftes .. ship. While away Mr. acid Mrs. 12 only Ladies' Winter. Coats,' made from Lot No. One our best, Fur Rubs and Stoles, that . P ' 'pk Paisley also vlsltcd tiro former'`s pretty ° $10,00 at the, low price of...,.,...... . - best Canadian '.L'wrede, in r y plaid and . ' ' Couches Morris Chairs and orris cke .s , Paisley stripe Affects, all color Combinations, such ,as 15 drily Ohildreri'it winter coats made' froth � i ' r • k R4 r brother, Mr: David Pa s eq of near All other. Furs reduced In rise., • � ,, T sty list.' grey, fawn, gteen', brown: etc., 49 inches (ong strong English tweeds in -navy blue and fanny , . p' . , „ also odd Chairs uartored Oak ockin • • ` a rind trirnmed with stta pings, etc., no better, mixed colors. All • .new this season, re ular . . 'R g ' Mr. '10, G, Wasmann airrivedi, rather Coats made at $1,0-00 pp y g price • � Fur Coats', Stoles, Rufl`s, Throws The will soon oat the .$•L:50 each: You'll have to be -on and � ., .. Chair.4, meed Goods, Etc. ' unexpectedly last Saturday dvening price:........................I......... 6.00 earlytabuy'themat.z........•,�........ Loo ' r es, Muffs" etc, tape in Mu 1. . . and is' •the guest of hist parents, Mr. : . I . If you are in need of an ti�xtra boil remember vvo'carr 9: • ' and Mrs. G. F, Wasmann. He came complete. stock of iron.11eds, Wood Beds, Springs, Mat• through iron, I,os Vegas, New 'Mex- treses. PilIIowa. Come'and see them, ico,. without a'break in tho'journey � j�e y I y G 1. (r OOC1S ot! 1,50b miles, Mr: Wasmann is �ihti. ..Y You will find bur prices right • .• southern representative of Lovcrin We guarantee 5atisfactioni. do Browne, wbo'Icsalo grocers of tho . r , . . . ...cit of Chicago. • . beady-to-Wdar and �._.__ _1. HOOVER cc BALL . . Garments' Millinery Hen,aall 1. Mfss S. 1±:. r,l,.,.ityrc is visiting a .. . ' Undertaking. friends . in witigham end TeMs tot o' , Furniture andJ nde>t°ta with wh®m wl,i will spend the tow ♦+++++++++++.+++++++++++++4++f+++++++++++ # q weeks that xetnain of rile old oar. . . M ... . 4 .. - , .. . . . . I I ,, I , . I 6, ' I. ♦. . ' N p... yy . `.' E