HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-12-12, Page 7LI
I �
Clintou Nems.'Record
� I
n -'- 11416 filiftop
,, . - I � � t I . . I I V ASAVIRS a 111,
'IT:= -. - - - �- ----- ---------- --- ---. - . I .
- . I , � ..1.1-1 . . , 7 , i, . , -0 ! ll t , 01 �!"!�r!l��"�Z6,�ftr.%Uw.*�,v-owm.m*i�"."Ik�.-**.A%".V,� - - . . � I I
m; ;"; ; �� �_- --�� , --- � . " � - �� � I -7 PI-PIRROWIP-mr-1140 I - -
--0 -��;-".;;-. -,-,-4,;�;-., � - .1 .. . W I 11
i I I I I � � I . � - -1 I.. ��..�--�- I , 'j" 3 , ; ;' � ; ' " I 1,11 , I I 3 ' I I ... I ' ' 1 I I ...... I ' I '1-111* ;
. I I I I . --- . . . . - . � -- . I I I ,;;;w ,
I The watebman iii Ue Kochell.ga *, _ - 1-01 I �. I I... ", I :
' _ - �
10011ft ,&Vkmwue 11VIVI . I I
work -on the oombina,tio& '144 fire() Im �Ml 11 . I
. . ... Bank At Xogtregl otirprilled wioyoa sit, " p r n q�� � 11q . Ross' ForL,
I. . . . 11 . 1.11, �. 11 ,. I shot to frightect them And "it , Cy tired i . - The Col.b.,, " . � 010
, , .. JqA *44. 4, piot'of -, . back,, Wit, got Away. , � I , . .
WAW to 4 packov ot �1- 1"-,�-�� I It, .1 .. � 11 � . .1 tailer
. . .
0 �, . � I* 0 . I I
(wreig s - -HAvE --x ou BRONCHIAL CA'-. . . � � " . � I
' ' . .
TARRH? . . I "4h, IJ S . *
- . *1 . . I I . W
. K *%r iDn .
. In he PxoneA
.. Whi IwMk � , I . . I .
, te'S . ,. . . J .
J01111i Powde� It is easily recogulied by the dry i� - . I . . . . � . *
i cough And hoarseness,- - Not 41111�ult to , � - . I I I 9-0-1 IR" 0, 1.1.0 - � � . �V -
0 I 1, I .cure with 04tarrhozone as Kr. 'Uvier . 1. I I � . - I I . .. I . . A
.; X$:W flavor%qn.4Vp41lAY6 Rabin, of River CApalln, Que:,.prQkved, . I I I . I . .
� . . I
011 ;L14w M14tite's. I "No one Could quffer libm Bronchitis I � . I . . I 11
I 1%ft, zo. ceato. I I or YQ4 ,IV ,,more than I 414'. I had A 1141:4 1. ckJ Reproduced b1i Ptormission, Ffom ,"t
.0'. I kla - � . 0 tbO Vags of the Ca '
A* Y= grocer for Any flav , iA .cough,. Causing we great pain. My i . I . - nada Comm
, .
-mc.ROBERT QREIQVQ� ' , LINIT01 V � ^At was hoarse, 4114 1 ,had great I . I I I . . ' ' ' I � . I
. & TORQ 7 I - . . '. �
. I
. .
: . . NTP - I distre,s in my Chest. CiitarrW4= I * pano'," by R,* and KID M. Llzars,, the Authors, I � I
. , I r0a .hc,d the soro r�,pota and gave im- . I . � I
� � . c � 1 6 � I .
I . I
. . , _ lnediat.e- T It I have I . . � I . . I � . . � . . . .
, Clief. $11100 U01'tIg I I - . . . I I
r . I I . � . , . . I I . I . .
� �, not bad a ziugla attac]K." Every phy-; � . . I . � ;-1 PA I -11. PO .M- . i I .-1 - � � . . I � I-
. . * . . . � I
. - �� �� 11 .. -- I � siclan *lick, is asked �abou.t �!atarrlioz-' � , I I . � . I . . . I I . . . I
. �0: . .. I I � . I . . . �
I � �
..".."..'...'.."...�- 011ie says ,it is' a sure cure, -N will 1, (CONTIN'UID FROM LAST W104K., informal, and illegal only IiM pciirit, Of goe.3 out to the penniless Gottlers. . I. �
you ,If you . tr 11 yNhere, -, �
, ., y it.�� Sold ever . forni-sha 0 On Such; legi termediato Points,' It will. be remeni- . k .
. . . , $'To'conclude, we1lit L gin , � sf�tlo ul ffer and die, but they bered that shortly before this he had . I gALMONDAR . .
1 J. Herbert Go-lde of Metcalfe choked 25c ,%rid $1.00, . , , lik that' 'we do 'not 0 althou . I . -
ait a piece of ineat and died before fie A. I . - I 1.11. have made Out our ease by proving - ws ,gh I Could SiVO A could not pay. It is also just, -in re- been, petitioned In regard to t
;- I ,� ... � . . that- a slirewd guess, f rom, whence you -pro- gard to.the s 'bridge. ., .1 LJw , 'Th. advantage of -buying direct from
,could be relieved. . . . the cani da Comparly 63, to SAY . . , . Allustlon to Dr. Dunlo�.' I =fsictorer is np;iarenti to 01, a4
I . cured ^your infolrinatAon, but you Salary as Warden of the FO I i
I I . . Stanley, But on, a port r1ope man, the best of It, only made a fait' bar- . profits are cut oft,. and ood*
. . . t ' rests, to .
. . . i should be more careful for the future, sa ),q n
. - �., - - 'mr, .-14" th� Baill . I ' y that A writer, who*lias made Cat Mr. Jones. And Mr.* Longworth mad are 'eqld on basis of first cost., Oe af.
e loy'edw cle�rk - - - ------- ; . of gain for their lauds ; that their op-, for the opinion of dvory one that. . I ada Company affairs somewhat o� a the most of the work al I . a ford customerstbioadvaptage. , I
.11ANTE, YOU.STOMACH, TROTJBLE ? Montreal at Winnipeg, and 1 -toy --R. 1, orations 4havia- been highly, beneficial,�o have heard reler to, -it is i,hat a more ready . done, �
L . Dawson, teller in, tolie ,Crown han'k At the PrOv -most - I study states that his high-sounding and, the Inc A visit to our Fur Sbow'Room will
. . ince ' as well a.3 to al -I ' . en who toolx part in Vie 'verify the fact tbat the moSt
* ncorrect and. untrue -staturnent was tittle was more horiourabla than profit- little farce afterwards aol(nowledged � 1-11
Vhen you wake up with headache 113,urford, both Committed i�taoide By every individual. in it - and lastly, fiever plablishtd, Even. - Mr. AVidder's able, � .
. V .. . . . . I I 11% I � with a laugh, that. - all't1m deception Select, Largest and Latest ,.
and bad- tapte In the mouth, i�nmotlliing shooling. , that under no - construAiOn of the Memorandum refutes it, for he, tel s ,To return to the affairs of Huron. laid to thel ' '
oto settle tho stomach is lize,1�4. That - . 1� . Engl,lsh language can it be with prop- you r charge wass true. . Up-to-dato ,Stock in
4ull, heavy feeling InA?t be lifted, and I ... I . I'll . ric�y designated a monopoly. that the, Distriet is, indebted tO, In 4.830 the Globe said in regard to I � � . . I I � �
, .
. . . � . . the, Company 23,100, witli inta-res 9 Westerti Ontario is Here.,
-aOctite must be created. Get a Wtn- . .. ' ' � . "Gairbraia, Ist �kprll, 1836, . . . .. .tfor the friction between the settlers and . . I I I . I ." . . .
Wen of waterb some migar,:aud-the-ii .THE CHRISTMAS DINNfi",R', - Pamphlets, 'Me ,curses and Gbiclreons, I some years ; that the .offloers -and .'lie- the Cooipany, "We. cannot help think. � . . . I . Ladies". blerl'a and Obildren's Furs, of
I . . .
. -- --,- , , . pCialants 9,f the Council are unpaid ; ing that the Br; ish,Colon.r The Dundee A&V ,d tile every idescription is on our list. .
;pour. in a� stiff. dosie of- Nervilirle;- You- , In' splt�- 0 - the .,. li_aye, __a _trick, of coming home to roost. '661 architect Oto say nothing it . .,t � news- � crUser oppqe Write for Ca -rice List
1I teel t1p top Ili a few inibut's. Ner- f fact -that %e wort BY 1&45 when . tile Disfticb Council of' -4 rul the - I I -- -paper has-, -contributed to it in no all red scheme oil the ground ,that. the [ - talogue and P
dyspepsia. nieans li Vorally bad. Cook it, 6f the bluilder) aei7.i g the District small. degri�. T e , uronites
viline inviigorates, braces, tones, . put-. will not'be 1AIr for many I Huron Was ill li6t water wit! the 'Cali-. n regar�d . It ' R' -'-'-T'- .'Scelil Panama Canal. will provide a 'shorter Dundas Street I
I . . propbrty for bi� � . . . .A .. . . . RoSi4*, '190
viin and snap into - your- movemen,ts... i') lay the ada Company and the Governmerit in 1. claim- I-rQw;: t1fea to have ed that paper ,as tile mail route to ustralla. - 1,6nd[on, at, '
'You'll be fitted for a hard day's k '-b1ame.�on-1tIlc000h: 'If- tW", ,ig,,,Ilie�-,,g,,,i-,(-)-t,,,_,,,t, . . could thle_proce,ediu - iq -in -some --wa-r , -or-otiMr-, *- --tIlT --- - � I � .
. , wvtw, s of t le I— - ----. 1-0 -- -4 -- -
Mi: ' � I . ;Z__ -I-SLA-m- UICI-Organ, I � . 1. . .
Christmas Vinner, with little. appettite -we see . .. Council be without plan, estimate or Canada Company, and sevioral Impert- � ' . . I � d . I . I .
Itly taking Nerviline-notbing better, by.wi old Biiti-4h Colonisteol-' . 11 .
. - -
.. Large bottle, 25c. everywhere. _ __ . and end U with Oisiress or - nallsea. I that Mr. - Heiary Ratisfoid, treas- project, -t They -li '3t. make art estim- inent. . flings at tbc Huron District --- -- � ------- .. . ..
I I __ _ - I- any . to do.. that unlft I ate of their debtsk I -- I .
. -It-.may.' 6ot be fair for I . urer of that Council' Un.general. a 1; Ld thca 1. roject, -a CO'uncil whiPh have appeared . in. it . 41131SEX11111111111111 � .. . � . .
I . I '
� �let us hope so for thq� baRe of the most tompera.to man) has this to say: i. Plan io p# them by -taxing i be DIS.- .have been regularly placed t6 the, deb- . I . . 11 I . .
. I cook ! The discase. 43pepsia indicate, ,,In trict, the only a*ail.ible a,id. le - - it of .the Company. I I . .1 . . , . I . ... .
the.-assessnipiq returns, ,the un-' . 1�al� I . 'Brewed from w * I I I
'Thomas Richardson Of Windsor swal- es a bad. stomach, �.fiat Is it Weak. source they- know of, and much * time . ... . � . .
lowed carbolic .old in the urespnbo` of stomach rither than a bad took, and 61tivatod land Ili .Huron owned Aast and trouble *as spetif o ' Mr, Uyfidman's letter�Io. 31 .. Is I . I ASK FOR . � , . ..
. �, I .z. . . At lec �ed hops, choice 11
' * ' ' 0 lerp aniounted: to ess of - . , .bar ' malt' and'
his wife, with fatal results. , y ar by iegideitt s,eti R '-1,10 sub- chiefly devoted t6-11the drazin i !9. , �
L . Aomach there' is nothing - 257,910 acres.;, what I right, I "dark. *iaxatioil, I � I . I . . I - ley. I � I
. for a wealt i: therefore ject.' Th s you term the Bayfield bridge." I . � I . .
else equal to Hood's S,irs;%ngrill.,t. It and shaniblul legislation !11 411 J � I . � . pore spridg Water, .
. . :, .
I '. ' . . , ha -9 Mr. Widder to complain of iIl7d, - 1. In. : -When Lieutenant Bayfield advised . I
- 'glve§ Uo: 91oniach v170'r,and 4on'e cur-, . I ! your next -you, w-111 enlight!'11 . -the purchase -of 'the'-Rilife and a slm- . with, , the' utmost,"
I . I
Cb�g'hs. colds, b9arseneas. and. otlic I r tjNroqt - eg dyspepsia, ,oreates' . "nprofttive land �. of' the ,Qompany be- tlieil' . . I . �� tied at � I . . . . ,
alhnez%ts aro anieldy relleved by Crerolens? - . .api)Dtite, aild . . I dark minds * and - tuend their - ty,orality ilar site at, the Village of Bayfield car-. . But. .
. ing Unjustly . taxed *,' If Iiijustice . -h6 . . - �
tablets.tancent,upu;-box. Alldruggista. makes cating thepleasare it ,Iiould� be, Ists, pr the burden pr ex� by telling tAiern of some more. r�ady -deemed the two points sultal 16 for' . the brewery depots ' I .
. . . I . 1. . . � .1. . �... ., . esses bekivy, it Is, -and correct 4iqans of"obtainiag lrraiq � ) . . .. � I . . I �o ensure proper. . ., �
- .�- - I forts an(Y'likely places .to pe bought ' . . ( LOND-ON )' . i
. ,. . 011-1-he.rightlY-styles, by'. Mr. Widder to:pay tho'District- do -LI ,: or .i.lir, 61 -ed- I . .
. . . . . I . . . .. I �.Ipoor and ignotatit - settler,?4 .Is . � tbv 'the G6verliment for tfi�t Purpose, I �. . L . . . � I handling. That -is - . . i
-"-, I , - , I W464 ifors where they . ma� g.;t thNr "d ' " I . . .
I C. P. R, offichili are hoporiduf sai . Tile . Executive of the Canadian 'Man- . rapped by th�'alluvtng adverti;lemeti�l e-. It,was then.sup -that �these two ..., - . . � .. why - Labatt's Al� .. .
. .
tng b' I Ufacturers' Association, - m . , . , preoiateddebentue,�" ...k4rhad, m,.will .posed . .
ot-h We AeAmer Miunt ,Xemp I c6ting ! �;ill .of . .
. le Ottawai pasAd. ,a tho Company - stating, "no money g0biciii i,,.-,, the Points wqu)-d,h6ld sister! forts to 'I the . is equal to the Ani- -'. 11, i
mid her cargo. � " resolution 'in -favor ' to be Paid ; down,"'. takes a' twelv i confer a lasting obli. . . * , t lnlaiid� docicyard . . . Indid' Pale. Ale - est, , S . .. I I
.. . . remotest and mos , . . I . � �- pa �, �
. years ea&e of ..',v � lot 1.14 . w I
. Cf tile - MPP'6illtl�k40;'Of 'A C10iVi7riniei�t I I five or six co County of Huron, and ,,hould- �liv. cver that o 'es obedidne6 to the meteor . . , I , . .... none, ihough it ' -
. , .
,�- .a.. . Tariff Comission -un,�tbe 11n.2g - of t,be C', slofis . Ch. after visit, Godei:icb�-yoq, w.ill - receive � osts',vonsume . rs I pp y about h . alf as as imp;i�rfed goods. .. * � .,
''. flway. Coinul I ission. , - �. . I qk a heatTlFr ' )71 , , . , , * , . . I
. DO YOU GET BIL'.'�L"3 -.,', Ra. � -11 . I.. I . :. In 8 tile, e: ba fropi'li -road, kir whi W61COmc thall any man ' flag of ,Engla4d,' , : P;nctanguisfiew- I c I I' much. . .
I . : '. . rid lie will pay, over lurty dul- . 11 I. ' .ever "Bay, of �the Fallifig. . �;Ands," ... 1. �. .1 . . . I . .. I . .
. l. . . . . yet met with. It will veri .,,kelv lie I . �. . . . � . I .. . � . . I I .1
" . .
* � . I I I . � I lars- an acre., ' . ,- I . �.. In 1814, wh6n. 'hils' active' millitAry. MI I . . . .
This trouble arises from wrild4ityr ' . . �. . 11 . .. � . Thisf is tile, . pa�ty� .... . I . . I - I - 1111111111 . .
. . I . . -�l,id-.Dr-tllougikt-�-t,.-.i,,f -, Trei�Lller . I I . . . I . .
I � . . � ba -� 'I h v rl' lit to comill but who - - � I service was no longer, neaded, Dunlop . � .. . �
Of the liver. Nothing acts. .,o ilivulyl I . .. . : . I . . 9 1. . alli, I arnAuterested ffi.o�ettia.,,- ti hf�vier I � I . . .. . . .
1 5 �2;2 TH , ha$. -i.1 . - paid jils'iLxes, I I . - D - - . . I . . . � . -
I i. E �'-IRITX.PAL 113E, - . Pvcrtbeloss, I lot, ' laid on t116 'foalv4dy .!.o set that . �bad ;cb'ntracted to'build th ,road from - - `E- . : . . --- - . �.... ...
as Dr. Hamilton's Pill, rhey stir, .. I.. ... . . . .. I .. ... .. I � .the .large Corporate, body. who bought tax . � I . - . .11 . � . . . I. . . . .. . . � � . .
up the liver, rid tolia sy�eteill. -of, bile, i I Sinico6 Which was to.*rdach' that' sta- , : .' - . I . . . . . �
. - . I . . . . I . . .. . . .
11-cight of , � �%qr is -Ir I . ; ion. The work was' one - whic . I I � I
. Pahl ' nature's lit Is Ad. ali"aar�,- andretVI it - ,,,,,,,] matter ,,it rest, . -1 beg to Aute., ,that,, t. . . I I
tone the i4omach, give appelito and power Slowing. down�-7'vitality ebb ' � . - . � Ili I ill�>iead of a Percentage,, .,- rtareive . 141 . .4 Ila, . I , . . REPORT, OF THE: KEEPER '.'- * - . . �
. Ill- thri, QnPro((tjctite-.Pii�e9iof. . , I �
.1 . I n . tan sW dkt- fixe s' I , , , 45 0 'envied .biru, involving sueh hard- . � . . I .. 1. � . 1. I . I . . � � . I., ..
sound digestion if you feel lrowsy-.and . d a ary, so "hat, be tile amount. n. . I . . I . .. . . 1. . 1. . .
: away; euduraxce - decreasing. 'Stop the � to tm *Poualds, and in - tile to� ��. .. � Ienc I . ' � . ,* . I � I . . I
bad tempered, 'Dr. Hitmillton!s Pills, ' ' . n pl )t I bf taxes .more:'.or ,less- , r-alu,,,, ,, ship that his� experl ,es in *the Huron ' ' . OF THE .. . . I .
rogrQs,s Of d000,y, tone up " lie weak (I Goderich �-03 IiUD ' , I W) . .no I . . ... I -
-- P .- . .. .� I per -acre, whose iriw- I ' terwards must have seemed as . 1.11 I ,. . � I .. . ' I ' 1. 1, � 11
will help you ix� Once, taken at nlight; ic.n.ed. nery I i difference to Inc.. Nl� � i , .c.:s0ii 'l(.1. ad- . I. . . � ,� . , '' ' '. ` " '
o c�ntie,,�,, jill-part vi -or to, stalmeftts itild iO!�r6sts drain the, . � - -it-,cam- i - an clid,frorp . ...� I . :-HOUSE OF REFUG16,i, .�... . . 1.
, � . . . .. . I chil4's � play � e o. . I . , , '' ,
0od5 :1 d-rening, you .is, -'bat NVIle'l -I' .wa ��,,'ueh . . I . . . I -
Jrou're well by niorninig. Tion't . be' �irin the..crisis.I.Coulity, 'of every shillink of ready � � 'the apgall-Ing ihtelligence that Peace ',' T i ' i ' ' q., Inspiect . or . of InAiistrial :F . . � . .
afraid . the . . ,-m-pn�iia�e'. for . , I . a glaring. attempt t., , '! - . 1, ' 1 6 John Torrance, -Ee ai,�And . - - -
Of DT. Ifamiltun's, Pills .""they Best mearis lot ��e'6uildblk is -found � ' p-:i)-i,*-,d-1h�, log
- ' . . .. � . Ila IIIOAV�' ' . -Not - a .sing - le District . Coull- � ry . , ... large . had - been 'doncluded, betAween His Mal- �* . . . ..� - . I . . . I
are riald-don't gripe or n . islature And the -count , and a - - . :�,- goose of Refuge for County of Huron'-. . . I �
.1iuse,%tc- Feirov,one; it bri&htenp 'up'.tlic whol . flal 'i�atol)atez, : is - a , - I . .. . . - . . .. �
. . . �cillor, or indkvid* �' I � ..; .. �. - ..
. . .
. They just "cure" -that's all. . . .1 . . 01 , ropudia . tor , ;, [Cpypffate- body trying' t�,:evade .the .. esty ,and the-Nnite'd Staies,,.:.,.ala'thc . 1. -to submit the to . . . - . I
.. b6ng, imparts. 1) oy�ri �sttcngth,' V�gor. .,that ,ftillsylvania dl* . � . , . . I . . 1; beg illowing repori of, trnpq grown, and ' .
. . Old , e p , . -i.lictlOh' 6, f0g8'to. the, C; I . s-, m I tto which 'he belonged.. Wa',, .1 .. I... . 'kd� -011 Indpatrial Farm during'theyLmr-19M: . . I 1. . -
. . -is - , I . pay.mont,.of ilieft just aii(II'Ll-lal t,:=9 . r,giment . , . .. I
.. . a ..ushed'hack, tvvent�, years, t c 'A .. all Ida -Otilll: ' J vm,�jd�r mo-�ied to England. A change Ili the . . I V!ol , ,8n.e - .. .. . - . I .� . � .
I - the reliance of. Youth is r6tored . Iny. TIOW� ;Ile' by every.dMaginable qlc%i,,,c . . . I . . . , . � 11 . .1 . . . . . � . �' ,� ". . . �� I.
. I � . . I , vla� Pi , . a, can Mr. ,,�1(1.1,ers- .. I I . -a. debarred theni, I roln .. , . I.. , I . 17 tons* Mailgolds. � .. , .., , 1000 bus,h 1. ,- . � - �, ' I
. . .. � or, %Im .��' ablisl, U� . "y it.a duty. I owe myself, ^aq lvell as date, of departur , Hay .................. , , . .1.
-and n6w.11f e�-t . led: Yo - " thoy have: flirown, the publi� burdexw . . j!cining*-in tit gi�atevt action of. - . , . . I Oat's . � ....... 4.... 15Tb6sh Tornatoea ... i "., . 4� �:. ", . . .1 . .
A new irorf�inarwfacturinrr company. ill try Fer . . . � . I I �A.hc Dis.trict of which.1 ,tin aa"(,fl; ' .moA . . , J3arl6y ....... *.-... ., 180 11. t, Cabba,ge... .:-i 3 . :. � . ....
' , r(jzone,..50G at all.doalers. from fliemse.Ives. upon' othets who Cali-: - .. . cgr, I I . ... ... - . 1000 bead " ..
has been organited 'at Saskatoon. Cap- - , I .. .. . �, '. I I � . ate " 4vAt'vor .Vrn times, "and his Gxitce, %the great - . .. . .1 .� I
. :1! I.. - . not rcsis� 211 it. .v�ould h ,. the real .4%01ti, ,Ll:.i. " - .. ; . , Potatoes. i ....... " 375 11 - .'Apples * ...... ..... .1 . . �
jtaL $r)6,OC40. . . . � . aic ,been Duke, w6Ud.liave bwn, fioiic� f -fie -worse .. . . .. 221iblis �
. . . I . ' to disabuse the�njublic'mind ot & dis�, . . .... . I . 4.4 ''I Ri�d Raspberries.,.. 170 I , - - ,-" , "
. �- � - � . Onions ....'... 851 �
, - -
. . - . .. . . � ... tinin- ej�opgli',. Ao ftxalv�-jbat' -a-ssertion . . - * . i- As . qts.
. .. . I . : .,. . .. . of from fifteen to tWcnty� Lhousaud* of . - Garden Carrots.,- . 31 i RugarBeets.$l " .�,-. - - . - �,,
. I . . , . � . 'Vi4d
I . . . ,P�� tance, and ,Although Mr., N er sta�e& . , I 3 acres 05.03
11 - � . . - . .net.
. . . I .
-.-.- Foreign Miriiste* Hayashi . I when the Coi 'pany c. ,iaxes � ate id. � .. I , his.Vetefaii troops, on whom: fie Could ' - .' � Ga�&iI..Beets. ........ 15 �"` � ' J acrii Oorn Fodder . .. I '.. , , I I.
. I . r I . . . , - I" e� that. the -so-.id nenis 61, ' . � r . .,. ., . . I . I !;. . I 1
. "I . . . for � so far'froni .. - having . orne . S(711140 ... arenips.i .......... 15 ' '
. A CA ' 'ING ' ' - ` -gli,kn.Rbil. .6q(101 Lemle' b , any hono�rable,'Inemb6'r's ' - tlepend..'! 'It'was late I . * . . li �
ux ver, . . I � .. . W4411](1:1,9ve licen' .a -.,ot-,Ierwj�6 ; � j, .' "' Rogsi, li 76 ,vOigbt .. - $Ig� 20 � .
� -
S10 OF POISONI , ., .. . I .p4e -- I— port of th�-biirdm'iAh6y--h , a . --Turqips-;--, - �;-�.: -15!)-i�! �- -I.--.--- .1 - _ . .. . I .
I .; - . � '� 7- - I—. -
. . . _ bat'oouriwces.� that em-iffration to, - axt mado'-difter - h -0 -they-.reavd' - Ul!�-vi- - -- - and ,DunlOP---.Conel'ude,,s---ly.1s.� lon",hd In-' 7� - . I . I-,--..-- - -, -- --''. ". .
pfrt7�, _ a . I—— - �', -
. .o ' x�ct , einoran- , I . � .. I . . � I .., . ." . �... I... .
Not unfrequoutly caused oy .6h . . nionvy-.butcf.1t,, chafgingthe, Dist . . . 11 . teresting account oi - tdiat v6ar by 14 � . ,�.11 -All o w, . 1.9 Wos.t,respecitfully submitted. , , . ,
I . I . . - .. .� . - God,' he ' . . . . . ... . . I ... -.:.., � : .* - I
- - cap CaR,.tdawI11,"be Azmfted- �. .' All� Cahadiall..rate ofinterest six per dum. and Dr, Dunlop's. dcyplic�c. 1 feel '' ' "' " f hich , . I
. . � I
. .
2cid corn salve. Be ,;afe and, ..Use � . .. . . . . � ., . philos,ophic !'Thank I managed' , . . . . . � I .. � . . . .!
. * ..
, ' .... .. I . . I �� . . cent. for I just As' sure that Lad tlle, 1-oal tillill' - 11 .. . .� � . . .: I . I I '. I . . .. . . -Al TC01,Keeper. .' . * '* .. ` .
Putnam's Corn Extractor. �4'rely � -'!,. . . . . '' ... ; . the,.m.onek lc�t .t6 Luild -the.. been knowli--to "ill, tlr', bill . W( iufli 16 -do withouf us."... . . I .. . .. pli. . V ! ..
� . I . .., . , .� 2:hol that they ca,14= . 1-,. ,� I . . ,. .� . . . . . 1, . . . . . 4: � :.., . : . . . I .. . . . . . . t. ;
vegeliable, harmless and always cures. - . r) V, � %U�42i-:X,J4 have passed t,b'6 .)p'!jer I fi)V.-C'�Ii; eaSily ' By tfiis..tiln , . . I . � � , , '" ..,. . . . . ... .
'' ' , . I .
. . . .
. I .
- Jo'4-1 Daill cf �4.ratfo�d,' 'an 'cligineer land for three qri four,. e th' -ee; ,tit's transr , ., I .. . REPORt:-O F - T 11k INSPECTOR' . I .
Irlsist on "Putnam's." . . , I., . .. I. Mr. liVidde'r-at-' as it did the...Low;-��j ailel I trust ,aa- I c 13 . G, , I ' ' .' I . I � . . . . . . .. - ... . 1. ... . I. . - . . . I . ''. . . . .
on. t , ,-,abash �Jailroad, was scalded taches great tinplortance to Dr. Dun- I . port Jrom'Penbtang to� Goderich,haA . I .
. . I . . .1 i *de�brs iii a ,'" If ioh�'at P.aAalo.. I . - .,- - -- ---- ther N -U L.. If - �111r. beeft sold at aue oil, - 4 . . .� . . OF . , ,' - * . ' .� I ,. . .
. , t). I . 01 3 . op's defence, writ,t-.n 'n 0 session will , ljj*,) - it . . ti and a great re- I . . . THE - - . I . ...
. , . .
I I . . 1112 years agol �- �Vidder , * * in duction fiAd taken place in 1he"navAl ".. I - . . . ... . . - . . I . . . .. . � . .
I I Nine cm4il!33 , of tinitv4. Stat.,s when he was &Cciiirig -a handsorne; . would . dev6te - M4% 'energies, I . . . ' I . I .. I
. , I 1. I I.. .. . . . .
- Liberal M.' 'P;,. ,,rjors . . , 0inchig tfi� Wt . s. I - .. I HOUSE -OF REFUGE , , . . �
mr. Henry Lovell, 11 ui,sV con' a inh , � .
I h#c Aarted *for Oo'ldfields, salary from the -Company: 't ,I airts of*Toronto And Jlt -t" , , -S�frl . , I . . . I . I . . .. . I . . I . ., :
for Stanstead, . I . � . I t Goderich is - th6 b6t, tetna i military -Posts; u ..I . was . I . . . I '.�11
died at COAticOO O.. 'X,eV-, to' in intain order I ; the Irilloffig strike' � . , . I , . Tothe Warde i ' I h � . . .
.k a ri . - .o,ery one Ali perwing it th, be boat I "UsAx- thought�-thht -':Godeiiiell and B�yJiOld '. -'� . - . � . I . 11 Q,P : I., � '.
' . . . 4 1 . I I � I .n ond Counc I oft 0 County of ld � .
. . . . I .. . *
Quebec. Ili his 'Dight7teth year. c aup.-- there,,,. - .. . ' , * , - - *,. 11.1 � oilliply",a 6imrIj written -tdve,,tis , the! i:proPosed railroad. to' 1,4RO-Hur Were ,61igible-p6int" ' "Atfons. �� . � .. . I . . - .. . � I f , . .
� 11, .. , e" I .. I .
. . . . . . ; . GENTLEMEN.— Inspiefor,ofthe Hiouse Of radus.ry- . . . I
. . � I .. .. I - ' ' -4 for fortifit . "... I ! � , * " , ,
� I I
. . . I I
. ---- � !�.! 11.1 I I . . . I inelit, hl� the sbape of a repIv to sDJIIe 'i . on.. 60...One would.,Vispute..AlI6 COXC4316t` S;ii. John Co'lliorne ...'and".1staff, visited � I., ... , I . The . e I .1 .i. ". 1. . . �. I., , . , -
. ? 1: , - And'Re'fage of W6 Coulity,of 11oron. . ,.,.., .. �. �!
. mm"wmmoomn ness oFfits statements and fic �ivoufd botli. plaoei:s. Standing. on OwetVS . :. . :
. � I . , . �- - .
I . ., �, � - . . - .. I ,. . . . . iespeetfully.prelients the. � , . ..
. , I � .
. . . .1�liliakinai� slaniiers � at- th-, . . .. i . � I . I I .
. . .. I .. . � . I . .. . - , b Coinpany, I . I ' .
. I .
. T o �. w fn-� ,esu iind those. point at Dayfield' the. Gbivern ' said - - ' . I ... . ., ..
� - - . : could not.be 'fO;Ind, "in, Parliament be serving. his u a Ler follo win g.as his. report f or t . . .
" . . I -1. . I . . . . . . . I O1r . . I he year ending 30th 96y,� 1907. . . . . .
% I 1. .. . ,, , -6 � . �, I .. . . . . � . I . . .
�� I I .,. of "his empl yers , much -more than' I . I .'' "
. '
I 11 '' ., 1. . . . . . .. 'or. out .of Parliament,,in ilews�papers, "C by tbat.'.hr� h.ad nev6i seep a. placd ,better . . Total bomber of inmates admitted since -opening of House :NC .'
� .. . � .
''. . 4deavDring to evade taxes that Soon;- ad - X mber of in � " * , , I
� . ngwfianging ' *speecbe%' .1. -or *priVato . apted for delince, ,or a better:- ha 4tes 06 lit -Deceniber, 1006 ....... ;...... .* ". , 6i I . - -1 .. -
. . . . Mete. -afl else fails - -s,lal " I ' . . 1: , cir'or la1ar will have'to be paid..-- . ar . '. - . " U ra n , � -, - I I I . .
- ". I I � bonr. God6rich i-�as.about to be ho , , " .14umber admitted for Best time durikig.year..... '...".. ... 17 . - .
" . ... . I . conlruUnications" .6 Ohe . ottou'reads . . � n- i
I .. 1. . I g.1i I i "In � conclusion,'I �think *,hat Lf Mi. o . . . Nuhi bar reoad Witted after Absq66e.....-..,.,, ... I - ... � I . ,. 1� -
I I . . S E: .� liow7�-da' .. - . red With -a segond V-1�0. from. vice- - .........,.,. I . .d .1 .- . I .
. . oring year s 1.?., �... .�., . . 0 ., . I . ..
. . -royalty, after. Sir Francis: Bond ad, ' I -Number of deathli during the year ............ 1.,! � .. * '. .... - '16 ..
. . . U 1: . . I in Bin , sh ..newsp'apers ys'. Governor Franks and 4r. SecretgLry � . - , Nutn0er born- in Houte d i . t
� � . . � I . I . .. . : Vher,� some vendor -of a vermlluge or . , ' ... . . .14c, - . . . -
�� I ' ,Wonderful hair i-6 . I - to be, 9, very mild, but � . . Numbeir'kbisconded during the year - - I I... . .
. . .1 PeTry. of -St. 1161on's,- Loodon; A - : who'llappea -
. . ; a J'S .Spayig C , . . .ppre . rs . . t I . .
I � . . storative.,, vnilts hN, .ciAte the:'itcts- and doing& of the. Can active . I .................... :..... 0 . I . . .. � . .
- � .
..17 ofil -,N - . re. - , Qignation - at unprin�ilpl I ca 'riv is;' - .. I I by inclination f r - Nombdr discharged during the year'... . . - . .. '...
I ��,mmnhl --- CM I . 11 U, I . . . . .a Ada -Company'lli- this countr If th " gi,an, -unfitted . I - . .. I " . .' -.- is - , - -. I.. I
. L ' ..
. lifiding-public' against I I � , ' - 'N . I on Ist 136ce ln� ' ' I
� . 1. . ca. - 0 .1 'ininates in,11ouse er, 1907 ..... I -80'. . . .
.1-11 . .. I . utions a 'too -co , . P�I ' 1eY- revolutionary tiMes" had - ;iiade " his' - . . uintier of . - I .. .1
' '
. Bone Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, Illoodand to� .. . I . . . I �ave Common'.. .gratitude; L. they � will hasty -exit., The 'Godeekel '.. . � � ;. Nqmber of inale's . ......... !. ... ... t t" . .,oll. I V I . I
. I � . . . I . rol
, §pavini Tho, roughpin - their -tricks and sland' M* and . winds, send-.thcm all. out a 6plash.uniforil of I Number Of fenialq6 ,6 ".... .. . I �
Curb,'Capped Hock, especially if. of lung itaudhig mind obstinate--4ill u what lris'speclfio'ba3 .been finished In"'1835 ,the *.,jauch. dis- - . I � . I ........ I .... i�,"i.., ..... :29. ' .
. . 1. p .. I . I . . . .. 11 .. � . . .. . � . . .
not yiJbid to ordinary liniments or blistirs.�* . mal Penlisylvania'drab) of- joliuilI6 re- Cussed briage. . I . I . I
� � ,. . .. . . . .done.in the.way of -'expelling intruiles I was.. up, and,. � acqording .. . Ad ibitted during the year fiiini a' - I
. . . ... . . I everal nainicipaii.tleis, as . .
-aprdinaryzemedy that i ; pudiating eat, .With ' a corfesPOnding to the Colborne Clique, wa-s'.as i usat- : .. . , . .
KENDALL'S SPAVIN CVRE is an exh . . &Ives . from the'internals . ,of .the rising gen- 11 . . . follows: - - 1, . I .
extraordinary results. It '�urea old, stubboiji casetr that rnarty ti eaver . �l . ", .. . I . '. I ,� I
. tnes I I . eration, Or' enabling -of-sulfible' dfinefisions,- tile isfactory as. �. possible*;: and It -was � �.. ; I I . . .. I ., I .. .
� veterinaries have given up-ta,kes away every sign of lanletie s -does not . . ! � a. ldrge brF.ss onci hoped that. the .Pyc.aceustomod to gi . ve . TOWXgHIPS�G6derlch 2, Morris -1, ' Colborne 1.
sear or kill the hair -add leaves the I horse so nXand smo,tlis . . - - gentleman to out -rival AbS,11DIII in ill-, I . I � . . . . *�
o. baldbeade�d old - buttM -should be * . . I
11 I . MaAng on I Howick,li Hay 1, West Waw.anos'h 1, Tueker-- .
. ., . . . . . I . .
. I . . - . �. I .,. . . 4is�lity�of ne- . - . . I ' I 11 the, figure of a "Cute stern glances to the inhabitants � of . " r . swith 1;.Stanrey 1. - ' . .. . . . . I . . I I . I
� -. . I'' . . . . � . I . 0V hair. . ..- � .. I . It . . . 11 .., . . . . . . , I .1 I , I I
. I . . . -i '130buko. Xgui, -9ept. -,o6 -, . . ., 1, ... . . I I Zap" holding out his rilgh,t*hand,'With Varl.-Dioman's'Land Would be'equally � . . I . o. I �
. I '
. "I have used Xendall's Spavin 6re I 10t, 2o.'yrar&. :,., , .. . ,�. , ..* " In' - ihe two Iong'columns Y04 -have, twelve yvarp�. lease. In* itf his' ]oft hand ..3evere .. in GWeriell. Sit 11 " ' . . - *. '. TOWNS AND VILLAGES-01inton 1, Seafor(h 1, 1. I 1. � . .
. and it never -failed the once.,, IOH,q r;i, X,t , , .1 I devoted to "The danada Company and. b�hind his back, holding 4 deed, �Georgc`tAr . Exeter 1, Goderich 4,,Blyth 1,. He"sall I.. . , - � ., I
. . . c XXA. - I . . . . .. -the , � I . . � .� . .
� . I � . . . . I c 14uron Tax Bill" th&re ar., thur ,made his� visit, and.was feted by . . I . . . .. . � I I � . . .1 ' . . . .
. .
. Write for noted bo6k "Treatise on T . . many -motto.round, "I Wish you, may get tyle Commi' . I � . I
. � . . . Itted during tbe*.year * ' I .
every page, he 'Horse -something Vrortli kno*ing an . remarks that ,night he . Chi .. . ssioner.; a .. , cortege . con- 9a,tionality of Inmates admi � ,. I I
Sefit frer.. Kendall's sraviu Cure is sold by deidets evtrywbomre At . . . I ected to, ij��' � ... . I . I . I I I .
� ,. . I . I I . . . . . � ) ,s'l.sting of the Canada Company . . 'Scotland 3, Ireland 2 EDgland.8,'Ca I .1
$I.abottle--6fGrM , . I , . .. . . . dtafi, - � . . nada 5. . I
. . .
'. . � � ... . �; � 33 A) ' ut one, sentence'liAnTnot be n0sed av- I . 1 .am, mr, . - .. . all mountedi rode ithrou' .', the � to, ' * of.dayE . . IF I I . . � I I . .1 . ... 1. f .
gh ,A, - � - Number ,.' board of inm4tes....�.....'... ......... I . 31734 : : . .
DR. S. J. KEN.DALL CO., ,- - ENO!iBURG f*ALL.Gi VERM01'r. O.S' A. . '. ler,. Vio. "Yet this.'dark, t.ixa',ioq hav- - - Your Ver� Obedient Servant'i ,*,' .." .4, ness th6re, was to -see - ' .' Nomber of days' bQAr(f keep�r's familv and' help ... '. ..
. , -
F22mmmma . I I I . � 1111111111111111111111 .. I . I . ifig.,foi,its:. obiect the 6p�64§1on ol:t . �% � . : "-. qEjq-RY , 'R I alid� , is bus -i ... . , * . � IZ3g-. .
. I -. . . �. . �. . . � I . lanada Coinp"V , . 1. ANSFOR,D that -Government money spen inpub- , : . Average nuimberof inmat4 during t6ey.ear,..,.,,....,, . ,,87 .-
- ---- .. . .. . Ah C , 'Treas ' t � a
,� . V ,, without �Ian, , � :
I .
. .. I . I . !!!!!!!7-7- � ivjthout 6tiniat.1, I withOu t, Vrt)�ect , . is, 'Thtough' th. urer Huron Distriet." lio,works'was. judiclou-sly.us6d he ' ' 'Average numbervilth kee'piir's fawilywith, help*aaded' . go, . ' � . �
. I . . P
. --L-- ------ - . I ...; . , ,; e pros and con.s,.of the Was no doubt gratified at the soene . Total exp6nditure:on R6ose and Farm .......... � ...... $W-188.9,4 '. . ,.
� .
I -- ----,.:��.�:, 1 said in the absence -of all� these to �be Whole ,discus ' -eart -of provisions. -&lid fuel on, hand ldt Dec, 1907 2094.00 .' .;
� � . . I �. .. . . t ... .. q . " - . .. . . . � . . $ion the reade,r',q b of labour at pier and bridge. ,�ud in- Add value . . . I I . . . I
T . . .
,�'I.s 1 �- . � 1: I ill 1111114 . I I.. 1. . � � . '. 11 . .... I. I.— � ., .
. �� . . I . , -"
. . . -- -- -------" . .. . . . . . .
R M"', , . � .. " . . . � . -:,----...-,, .. . .11 Total expenditure ...,�..,. ...:,�'.� ..., . I
. 1. I . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . � .. I 7k -n w7n!�".S--�!- --tn�� N!!!M . . .1 .. ... I ... 18W.84 , I
. . .
LZAD . � I , Stato Of Ohio, . . � . i . .. � . � , Di,duct permanent improvqmetits'and ca pital account $497.48I . ' ' . �
� . _ ' I.. . , I .�,,' � ,. .. ... . � L . � whiNchlitch. . 1, .. . .1 � � �r- . .1 Olin ,'A - Steele,..�a madman, shot * �. .
. I . I � I
, .1 . . . .. . � I - .... .. 481.33 .. .
� �,, I � I . .1 . . .. . � .... �, .. . . . I . . . I City Of T61ado,. - . ss � , , , �two labor ieadors in tho Massa-Iluscits . ProduF6 sold during 1907 ........... . .
.. . . I � . '� K�1'�n *hand'lst
. . . � Mrs,'11offinian,, Manitoba, h; spend- .., Lucas Clouroy), . � I . I - S � .. . Provisio0s, produce, new.cl.6thing an .. � - I I
...., I " . - tate Houseaf �Iastdtl last week, Onq I .. Decem ber,'IW7,as pai, inyentory... b ...... I.... i . . I 1$16.16 . � - -
�, l 0 - ,., .. ... . . . I
� .
i I I . . . . ing- a few w&k,,,I�.at tile. home, 61 her Frank J. Cheney makes Oath 'that bftl.icl inen'will pro.bably',die.. , Unexpired insurance.. ; � ....... *. .'. ".. . . �, J
, ') � I . . . , � . ... ��.... .1. 0250 -
I 4.) . .% ., . " 2 . .. 1. % brother, �Vln.' Paws6n. .. . , 116 is senl0i! partner of the,fi I .. . ,. I .. '... I . Received froin payink inmates.. ... ....'..". . .. I
. - I ' ' " , . .. � I I—, 944.00 o
i I— I I . '�Z Mr. and, Mirs., Bulger. o: . - rm.- of F, .. - . . I . I- Othef receipts -teaming 21.1%', hib' ' .
. f Manitoba J. Cheney & On.,. doing bust Neatly four huridked men *�Trt -011- - or(J.45'.t.....�....,..., -48.0 . ', .
I I -' . tiess 'in . , 1. * , � . . � ! . I .
� , SPECIAL' I are honi.c �to, ,spend the winter withAll tombed by: explosion$ In two coal I � . . . . . .. . . .... .1 I �--
I ,I I I . . , a the City -of Toledo., CO(Inty.aiLd stato . � ... . . . � I . �. I . I I. .. ..
. � . . .. . I latter% mother, I,Vlrs. G. TuMoth of' mines at lvolla�rh, W., �-a.,- .:atld Af I , I . . . . I I � . �. �. 3819.81 I
ffl� � . I . . : aforesafd,.afid that satd.firl�n will -Pay � . t is � I ... 1 � I . I I .
� .
I ,("LUBBI I 11 the village. � . .1. ... .1 . the sum of . ' . t�011ght that all have patishad , Amountexpended foreupport Of inmates.,- .:::.,,.-.,.. $4864.03 :' .
I .� 1. IN. � s. blirelibuse . t.,AI ONE - H UNDRE b DOL- I � . �� . . . - . - .. . ' ' . .
I I Last Wednesday, Thb, . tS . for. . . . . - . I � Average expense per (tiniate. per day.. 1. - I 1. ...;.. . 1151-3 , I . I
il I , " I , I � had a bee aiming wood, 'and in. the- cata oath ind �Overy case of . � . . I � . . � I I .1 . . Average weekly expenditure per. infroLte. ... . . . ... �. � . . . . 1.071 � I I . I I
I ;OFFEF'k 4 . rrh that cann, ' I
I . I 1. . . ople S,00at the il� . ot be cured - by the Monks near ... Plikov, Russia, CiTove off . - . I . I . I
. . I .6yetAng .the 'y6ung pe ,; . I The experldltut:4 on Ifouse -hrid"Farm accounts . is as . follo I
. 1. I � ' �sle , . I e ah. .
. � I - and dancl Of Hall's Catarrh Oure,t-VRANk a bond of b, dits Willy Attacked their . t � , '-
. . I . t! lie with in , ' ' I '78 ''
. . 1. "I . llg**' ' J CHENEY* ' ' , mol,asIrl, and 11Oo18 1,,11,11,�A Ilia -,,Ib, ' ' ' '
I The t ' -y Bros. are givi'lig their en- ' , . I I . -Capital'ateount ....... � .......... ; ................ ....... $ 487.48 . ,
, :1 The Cart . . . I b s and 'put them to thO. �wotd. . .,
. ;- tertainment, cow,isting' of moving §wOrn to before me and - 91lbseri-bod cr - � I .. . -JUired help, bouse.and farm ...................... ..... 255,80 1, . ..
-1jitturds-gu(t songs, S � I � Stock'and Implements .... - -10. ....:. 1. 1. 100.00. .
. ��. , , ill tile- FOrest"'� fr� my Presence, this Gth. ,da� of De� � , A .. I . SalAries-Inspeet4or, KeepLa, .a.nd ... M. la.teou ......... . 005,89 , ,
VESTERNIOME MONTH ,, -1 " Hall (in Friday evening. A good time' Comber, A. D. 1886, . I' . I . � . .. .. I- ! . .1
- . . I
I ), � , �. Is expected. ' ;.. , 1. . � . I . A.- W. GLE ASON, . I � . I .. I - � . .�. . . I . . 1. . Vhysiciarl'� salary abd appliances ...................... 2S4.58 6*4
" . Repairs to building and furuiture ...... � ....... . .... ' �
. . WI14NIPEG . I . � . I I .. .... I � 828.27
� � I . I .� . ... .---- �� *. I (Seal,) . Notary Public., . . I . I . I .. I . Provislonp And clothing ................. ... .:.,.. 2811,67 . I
AND- .. I . . � . I . . . . I I I � . I � . .. . � . I 1. . I
. � . I I I . I . Fuel and -light ... ........ .............. o... 1. . ....'. 101115i .
.. . . I 1. . .. I 'ff& ,RLI'V� IftL R" uwt(s 101 nairs Catarrh ;Ctro is taken interi, , . I I . , I)Oatage trid stationery ............. � .... A."t - . . .1
-y IDTIk . I I 11 . . . I 1. I . . � 00 a to ( in � 19Z , I r 1. I 1.
, I I ).8, nally, and acts direefly on the blood . J: ,� B � inma e.etc ...... ....... 4-1 ... 1:1.;.. - 10. 10 *
SNIREC4 RN111P . 4 � ..� ALMANAC .., �. . I and - . � . . , . I . I I
0 . . " , 9 r .1, T&k'll� tal exp 8 10 , -
THE .N.EWL . Mucous Sutfac,-s of the. sypten . .. Inciden en8e i i��; .......... � ................ "" 107,75
. . . . :, , . Is ready- for delivery . and xoels all Send for tesiUnl,onlals free, I 1. , . � . X . 1. . I a Puk)dr.y accoun ts fe 4 ... .......... 4.4 ... 4 ... * . ....A.w 177,67.,, 1 I , .
THE tWO-00ft ONE YEAU Oft . .. ' . - � I . I I te I -1 .... �. I - .� , . I
. q ,
. I , 1 foriner ooltiorl-s in 'beauty ".101- Value.1 .. F. J. Ch0110Y & Co., Toledo, 0, . .9stablished zgv , . . I I Total... t� ..................... I 4 ... ii�4� . .0588,40' .
. I .%I .� I � . .
'. t 95 11 ..... . ., The oove� is,a. beautiful ftsign in Col- f gold by all druggistz, 70d. . " Doting the year's1do has been teceivea for future maln-
-4-�---- . IT- - � . 11 - tile 6tire . ;,00k 1�, full of, fihe it whoopl up. Broichifis .\ I I . . I
. � ... or$, � Take Hall's Family pills for �on- telinnee of paying patients In addition to the amount noted .
er -'Z-- . � I 111) jwjt�. �oes A§�tr�)llornlcal ,mgvravings -!11P.at1P-n.,--�---- . I 1-90-04h,-- "N ,AdW;-9Wdkt1L- - - � ah(q)-Ve�,-:-.L � , -*- . ----
I - . .
'VE WESTEAN'HOMt MON11 ILY hill lahg heert reebgniki 11. � and Interesirng matter'. - C I 1g. I 8 � I I � . " I . I . I . . . .
.. � As the grtalisf illuslialed home magaline publ,iiheo in CaoAda, and is read by, ... "I . TIIC�s Weather foreen � sts coln,IfLde, for . � . `-"". 4 .. CrO301016 IS a bo p JOHN. TORRANCE, Inspector, . � - . .
.. I '. I . . 11 I r I .
I over )5,000 families tvety mooth, . . . I r ,. i .the whole year, ,,�cely .ilug,trated.. I I io - � I . � 1�bes it not okeont V'loid e e,dvi- to fireathe 1"'n 'To the Warden and Mbinbers of County C ,ounell,, Hqron - . .
I l(contains a woAlth a(leading fit(16, tailotiats for inen And w6mth, able I . The bodies of ,. thirty-two "'dyto cura distAss of the breathinj oAgana � . I I . I .
arliclos on leading 16610tis, while itt ow dozen orriote depaturienit, undet I ,PrIce by inaft 14 35c. Word an(i . miners "thLan: ta Uke the rtmedy into th s otqtua�li . ..
the X�aoftlt , Itt"109 litcauso tha air rtodercd strongly onf 1� GENTLHURN-Herewitti I suhnift the report of tbo '.
11 1. s, the Ile rl1t. flicli's fit ptic Is qui4d over the dkeaqed surft(c6 wah Physician of the'Rouse of U'Pfugo for 1007. There hit-ve been no .
Worb. V, I* ,0 have been recovered froii _
gotial storidaed hesdings. Art! iwtatiog And hell)(tit (o the indifilievs 14 tvdry .i- monthly. magazilic, contains All ,Ilix inine, near llittsbul:4 where Ifie ex. so �ry brrt�, IwIg ptolonged nod constant trtat. WdurinK'IheyeAr. The n6vVaddition fulft All the ro-
� hoffit. eitdd. I I . I * eV4 t I emi
,� r. .t innnily * - I I weather f )recasts frutit worith to plosion occurred ,. n 8 t ment. t is ov uabla to mothers wish sivall e p 116
. - -tone iflusirAtions . und�y .0glit. . I .. . qusites for the com(tirt lif the lylml%tes. Although theremitS,
lhaL_q6 IWtWqlnt mvet �� I 1),Autiftil lialf . " . . . . . chil,frah� .6 . he a greater litimber of doath,4 this year, quite it number Came .
- . Month, together ,ytth a vast. amotfut Those of a e6mumptive . I
of farm, randt, d7y, town 7ndtounlry teenpi, made Itany Phom lakeIN by out . 1� . . .1.1 --� -....* I ,5�166
own dricial photoittaphen io the i1tovincts of M3v:it,)b.i,Sa�kateliewan,Allittia I I f the be"t family T.,ading. Whe pric . � on(lency find Intraelliate �� I in it dying cond ition,un-d otily liVed it fow dity.A.- �,
� . C . .1 . rMief front piught or in I . . The nouthet.of death-,4'wAs Id.. Theep wero 8d ypa .
Afid (Infigh Cohinibm � h; M a yeal!' and oti� o1nianao goes Fifty thoilsand mill-fiands it- - St A iad co,,ditlofts ot %lid' . - ---- -- . ra of
11 � Ode Suhscr; . Un are ottif is lakt advitatage tllfiis SPE61AL OFMA NOW, Witb 01011 si,lbsel'iliflob. AddMs, �Vord Petersburg Walked nu � . (hroaU 1' I . . age. The youllgiiicl-7--veiiirs, vrl--e-n,-v'-Cl-it'-g-o--t-l-g-e--,'i3.i-ytt$trti;-- -- - -- ------ ---
- 11 . ! t on a. one -day - 66id by drugg SO. I 1% The causes of death were-Goneratilecay 4,' Consumption
I " . . 6 and W(;rI;&, Publ)sbing, Co., twl 1,0. Strike last Week 4,(I.show their syni- Send postal for Uookflet. ,� 11 � " k I goitt,02"bpi"vlltsllditt,t)ettial"L,ttllck,1,2, pneamontal, beltrb .
0 Pages mid up, 60, ... ciist Nlreet, .14t. Imi0q, Missouri. �Vrlte pathy - With .ne'rnberq of lbliC 8000f1d, , tRt1.V11iNG,AtlLM CO., ,,, 4 Ll I: dy6ontry, 1, i � i )OPlexy 1.
I 1; . .... . .... �� , I for rat(, oil alin,inac-,; ill ,pl-1111tties. Dufna Who are being triod :1� ellarg-o'l Liajil:(A, Allditta, Siont. I Ml of Wall iq resI)#%.CtfIIlly fnilimitted. .
11 . I . , I . I P , Ireal"Caoada, Sol I q
L-- I � .,-�-. "' 4 Agents jvaiite�l. I I . . (41ligh treasoll. L ,.,� 11 .
I I . . . . . . . . . I . I . J. W. SHAW, Phyilchttt,
. I . . I I 11 - � . �, .1 .� I
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