HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-12-12, Page 3Clinton NewOltecorol
December 12th, 1907
• What the
• •
. Dr. Douglas i
• ' •
• Stock Invigorator i
• •
• would net be without it. est
. armerss ay. :
• •
„ 0
Those farmers who have 'tried ilie
• , a
• - •
* . •
• We expect this verdict heca.use ,I!!
• we know there is nothing bet- ;
• ter at any price. 0
• •
41 When you pay $2.50 and 83.00 0
: a pail for Stock Foods you are :
e being r?bbed, we say it boldly. •
• • 0
0 Use Dr. Douglas Stack Invlg- •
• orator and make you a pail of :
• the best Stock Food for 75 ete. • *
• •
-• •
• •
Manfg Chemist
• •
• •
. •
For Sale
J. Hamilton
Orders left at Davis & Rowland's
will be propiptly attended to.
W. J Stevenson
Cream Separators
No article on the farm pays the
farmer better than a Cream Son-
• arator. When buying, buy the best
that is the DeLaval. I. an agent
for it in this district. .
The Cyclone Fencing .
The Cyclone Wire Fe/icing has
the two great requisites --it looks
well and taste a long time. Be-
fore Placing your order let me show
you this fencing and Quote you
, prices. • -
Specialist, will be at Holmes' Drug
Store, Clinton, on Friday, Nov.
29. Glasses properly fitted. DiseaS-
es of the ey,e, ear, nose and throat
• Real Estate for Sale
quarter miles from church, • pest -
office, school and the village of
Auburn.. Suitable for grain or
grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd con. We:it
Wawanosh oonsisting of 100 'acre,s
of land, 15 acres under bush • and
the balance nearly all grass. A
brick house, a bank barn 52x60, • a
driving house 24x26 with a cement
pig house underneath, are Oil said
premises. ,,Also lot 28, East
Wawanosh, 2nd con., directly oppos-
ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres
of land, 15 acres of which are bush.
On this lot there is a bank barn
40x60. 'there are 4 acres of good
bearing orchard on the two farms.
Both lots are well fenced and . un-
derdrained. A never failing seeing
runs across both farms. Possession
can'bo given at once. Terms easy.
The proprietor is now past the age
to fame -Apply to Thomas Nich-
olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply
will be given to all communica-
tions. Oct. 671'
eigneee offers for sale part of let
40 on the hayfield Road, 1 mile
south of Clinton, consisting of 20
acres. Good frame house with st-
one cellar, bare 36x70 with cement
basement. Ea.sy terms. J. A.
Smith. 40
2, Stanley, containing Leo acres, 10
acres of bush, the eeinaleder is well
fenced, underdrained and in a good
state of cultivation. I acre of or-.
chard and emelt fruit. On the pre-
• mises is a two story brick houee
with slate roof, a first -clime fan]
house. a barn, size, 440
s„:80 With stone stabling, 4 Cement
silo 1.41e0, good driving house, pig
pen and hen house. Two never -fail -
fug walla. This farm IS &elicited 8
miles from Brumfield, 6 from 0I4a.
too and on uod gravel road. Ay,
ply on *b. premises be address
.Mbert Nat, Clinic% F. 0. 02
--ClAhorne Township
Anniversery Servicefe will be held at
the Ebenezer appointment of Nile
circuit, Dee. 15th. There will be two
services in the ;Afternoon at 3 Oelock
and. in the evening at 7 o'clock., The
following Monday evening a supper
will be given by the ladies of the
congregation. Thiswill be followed by
a Sacred concert, the program to con-
sist of addresses, readings, vocal Ana
instrumental music, Every effort is
beitig made to make these serviCOS
suceess and the very, beet aecom,odat-
ion will •be Provided .for visitors. •
your order for Fencing •before tie
ad.vanee in price. •Use the Coil
Spring Wire made by the .Canadian
Fence Co, of which I am a.gent in
this district. I am also agent for
the oelebrated Heintzma.n.
F. W. Evans, 130x 155 Clinton p.o.
For Christmas
We are showing- a .
splendid. variety of late
novelties in men's Neck-
• wear, Mufflers, Suspen-
' ders, Etc., that. would
make 'a very desirable
connection with ths lead.
ing Manufacturers give:
. us quick advantages in..
regard to 'style, and, as
_soon as tleW things are
–put on the market -they .
soon -find their way to
• .this store, for that reason
• we ask you to choose
your ehristmlts -Furnish-
ings hers, especially if
you want something out
of. the ordinary. .
Men's Neckwear 25e":
Men's- Neckwear -in
-..fancy boxes 50c
and 75c •
' Men's Suspenders in
fancy boxes 50c
and 75c .
ritifflers—all kinds,
2.5c, 54c, 75c,.$1
.and :$1.25.
. Special prices on -all
lines 'of Clothing,
including Over-
. ... •
. C. 11
Are you ready forsChristma.s. Just
about three peeks left in Which to
mil:cease, • •
You will find our stock of NEW
Our stock of China and Dinner Sets
may not be the largest OIL the mar-
ket but we.cIairte it to be the prett-
iest and best in the county for the
money. '
A. D. Beaton
Phone 111. Prompt delivery
O By giving a better. course 0
0...of training than that given 0
O by any other similar instils,: 0.
O ution in Ontario we lave 0
O become one of the leading 0
O business training school; in 0
O Canada. Our graduates. are 0
O in *demend as office assist- 0
O ants and business college ' 0
O teachers. Our courses being 0
O the best, our graduates gime 0
O ceed. If interested in your 0
O own welfare write now for 0
O our catalogue; it is free. 0
O We hese :three departments, 0
O Commercial, Shorthand and 0
O Telegraphie..-"Winter term 0
0 opens January Gth,"--•
0 • 0
O Elliott & McLachlan., Prin. 0
uron. County News Gathered Catarrh .
Is a Constitutional niocaoe
Whatever organ or passage a ties
'Captain -Feria Johnston, returned
to his home in Goderioh, this week,1
having laid up his steakner, the "NI
S. Parent," at Buffalo. Capt. Joha-
ston, and his wife (nee Miss Virinifeed
:Sturdy) wifi spend tee seasan at the
residence of the Captain'spareate,1
Mr and 1Vfrs, W. E. Johnston. I
Capta.lin MacDiarmid and son Ken-
neth, have returned from tbeir seas-
on's work on the dredge "Challenge&•
at Little Cuirent,
Mr, Wellington Edward .Will spend
the Christmas mcatioe with his pa -
here, at.their residence "Aldse
worth Plece.''
We have to thank some iiind friend
for mailing us 'a 'copy of the Weekly
edition of the Louisville Courier -Jour-
nal of November 27th. We 'presume the
pereon knew thee we belonged to the
Wontan'e Institute, for there ere some
fine receipts, which werelmblished for
the American Thanksgleireg. Day, but
as Christnies is coming in hots, we
will give our readers two •/ them,
one foe puff .pasto, the other ;.ir mincer
meat. Puff Paste,: Use the white of
one egg, one lb. of butter, and one
lb, of flour. Wash the salt out of the
butter. Use pastry flour, if v ou can
secure it. Chip a little a he butter
into the flour, add the white of an
egg, and a little ice 'water, and mix
lightly into a dough; Roll this. out
very thin, spread over it a layer of
butter, fold over and roll vain. Re-
peat this 'process until all the butter
is used. Fold up and place n ice un-
til the' next day. This will lesiire he
flakiest of puff paste:" .Now • for the
Mincemeat recipe : Try this •aineemeat
recipe ; it is'enough for 12 eoed steed
• pies -__and will keep-COolc-one anclorieL
half pounds ofbeef, whech should make
two quarteeWhen chopped, four quarts
• chopped, apples,• cne pine PeePered cur-
rants, one needstoned raisins, one
cup chopped citron, four cups brown
Sngar, two cups New Orleans molas-
ses, one cup chopped suet, me grated
nutmeg,•one table spoon elan, two
tablespootis cinnamon, One-hAlf table-
spoon - cloves, lour •cups rider, or
three cups of cider that has 'en boil-
ed .eowe. Peek 1.nto an earthen ves-
sel and keep in a. dry place. •. •
• Here is a nice recipe: Slipped from,
Toronto .daily for making the Christ-
mas Cake: Oneehaltepdund iiettereene
half pound brown sugar, eve egg,
ono -half cup • (large) inolaeees, Jour
tablespoonfulsorandy„ or *leer, rffilk,
one • pound cureente, one pound 'raisins,
six .ounces citron, •jerndre an4e, orange
peel, Mixed,' one-quarter pound dates,
one-quarter pound walnuts, pinch .4
soda., (bout as mace as can be ,held
on a ten 'cent piece), a cep • f fiour
(or thereabouts.)
. .
Mrs, • Clara. Getzke, formerly of God-
erich; has, e good position lit a• grain
warehouse in. Buffalo. Miss Gatzke is
a neice of 'Mrs. Albeit J. Cox.
• Meier and Mrs. Beck left for their
home at Toronto on 'Wednesday last.
Theefeneral of the late -Ann Sturdy
beloved 'Wife • of Me. John Kernigna.n,
'P.,. took. •place, from he.e.:late 'resi-
dence '"Sunnyhotme On Deeember 2.
Rev...Jan-fee Anderson conducted , the
funeral :service, by reading • the first h
verse ..of a' hymn 1VIrs: Keenighan lov-
ed so niece to :sing,: v:Sesus leover of
My Sul," all ' present. singing the
berme •throfigh. Rev. hrmcLeaa gave
the beeedictien after offering uP • a
beautiful preYer. Rev. Mr. 'Hamilton
was also •prenent. '1 he. _tributes
were beautiful:- Ainien.g them Was a
Merely wreath from, the a odeeich
• branch et the W. 11. Woman's. Instit-
• ute Shea 'from the Sltford Sunday
sehool, on which was a • large bunch
of white clieysarithermithe, •cied with
• gauze ribbon, arid a.large vereatherom
• the family. a! • white roses, carnations,
lilieS' of. the valley,and ferns. •besides
-bunches of flowers from frienes of the
fanuly. Theepaltbearers Were, Messrs.
Oswald; Sturdy,' town, George and
John Sturdy, Goderieh township, Geo.
rge Sturdy', Admen, all relatives of
tha. deceased lady, •' James ' aidlaw,
Blyth, and William. Co*, town. The
funeral took place ,to the femily plot
hi Colhoree cemetery, .Revs, Anderson
and Hamilton ellIciating thereat, The
• funeral cortege was very largee The
late Ann Sturdy was' born in el oderich
township, on .,lovembee 10th; 1833,
• and was the eldest daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. thigh Storey. She
was one of a famile Te nine, six sons
and three daughters, Mrs, W. E. John-
ston of toWn, being thaonly survivoe.
The sons -living are. John • of, Auburn,
Robert •• ot Dungannon, • Thomas a
member of the Mounted Police, ail j
Rettelstoke, 13. C.; and Samuel on the le
old homestead, Mr. •and Mrs. Trernigh-i h
rei were married at Old St. •Ceorge's
church, . Goderice, -• by --tte late
Archdeacon Elwood on ,Notrember lst,
1855, and 'were blessed with over a
• half-oentury of elissful, happy life,
nearly all of which was .epent
"Stinneside • Farm, Colborne, the
present 'home •of their' son, Mr. J.
Goderieh Hay Township
Miss Daisy Fisher, who accompanied The report of the Medical health of -
her sister, Mrs. Fisch, to her home in ficer as, reported to the board of
Birmingham,, Ala.,is now a student health, is. as' follows. "I take pleasure
at the, Grand Tenivernity, a Ladiesie submitting 'to you my annual re -
College of Athens, TOM porti aR Medical- liealth officer fur the
The Y. .M. 0. A. Club is in good township ot Hay for the year ending
working order eow, and meet every December 2nd, 1001.
Monday evening; in the Public library
buildings The tflicers are : ... I may congratulate the people on the
• good health they have enjoyed • during
Preeident, Dr. W. T. Hayden ;
• this year, The township has been re
Vibe, Gordon. E. Wightman ; •
Sedretery, Charles Lewitt ; ! markable free from contagious diseas
Treasurer, Sidney Belcher. es. • There being Ito cases of diphtheria.
Dr. James It Turnbull end 'family scarlet fever, ineesles, or Whooping
have left Goderich for Vanceuver, bot cough, and only two or three mil
will spend Chrietrnas at "Burnside" cases of typhoid fever.
tutitel renmedoyfor
body it affects, and, requires $const.$e
mits Irurreilt
Va) ished, devitelieecl condition of thee •
East Wawanosh
William McDowell lost a iine. two-
year -colt the other day. •
Miss Dela 1VIcDowell from Goderich
has beezr visiting her parents.
Miss Phoebe Densmore atilt con-
tinues •very poorly.
' Albert McKellar from. Michigan is
visiting old friends around Westfield.
- Miss Olive Leishmari, who is attend-
- ing the, Clinton; Model school, has sec-
ured a school in Haldirnand county.
dThe home of Mr. Willia.m. Nixort of
. •
1 East Wawanosh was the scene ot a
pretty event on Tuesday of last week
when. his eldest—daughter-,-Eliza-E.,-
d -
°VMS' united in marriage to James
Plowman, a peosperoits farmer of West
Wawanose. • The •,ceremony was per-
•fornied by Rev.• A. E. Jones in the
presence of the immediate relatives
of the coatracting parties. "he ha.ppy
-couple stood 'endex an arch of ever-
greens • and roses, as the wedding
march was played by Mrs. (Rev )
Jones. The bride, looked charming in
a costume of white 'silk, prettily trine.
med. with embroidered chiffon elace.
Her travelling suit was b ue brae -
cloth, with hat of silk braid. The
presents were nemerous., useful and
valuable.. Mr. and Mrs. Plowman left
ontour,teeeveing teeth on: their honey-
bsnil,near Donnybrook.
alter whichthey re -
Meese of Miss Lou se Miller et the annual visits to schools of the town -
Farm, Newtem. •
During the early part of the yea
—1Viere.Robesome_butehere-now oceepies-considerebleectietnebance wa.s cauie
the house olio door •south ot Mr. by the outbreak of sin•allpoe in the
ver Pennington. . South Western part of the township
Mrs. Doty,- we are sorfy to state, As soon as the diseese was recognieed
still continues very ill at the ,hospital. pronipt ad energetic measures were
Miss E. A. Skimmings'; the writer taken to stop the spread of the ' dis-
of these. columns, would feel very ease. The houses, wherein the dis-
• grateful to the ?artier,: who. foundeher ease existed, were placarded,' • strict
postoffice key, and 4 new black worse- quarantine enforced and persons • ex -
ed giove. Either can be left at the posed to the disease, Va)ocinated, , and
postofdce. The key had 'a little red after complete recovery the Louse and
ribbon attached eo it. Contents were cleaned and thoroughly
The provisional school for the in- disinfected. By this inea;ns the disease
streets:in of unqualtfied Wilms will was .completely. stamped out, about
open here on the 7th of January next. tee cases °mired, almost all were of
The Public Library was opened on, a mild type except one who developed
the 6th inst. with Mr. Dan. Naltel,1 serious eye sympeorns but ty good
secretary of the trustee board as care fain results are expecte& I
literarian until a new olnei is appoinfied.1
The sanitary inspectors made their
• We are sorry to learn of the serious sbip and house to house. visits ef the
general hospital at Winnipeg. Latest villages of .Zuriele Daehweod, and
advices• say that after an eperatien
for appendicitis: Miss Miller iDrysdale and reported everything in a
provieg s im-
• satisfaCtoey conditioe. These eisits to
houses In the villages appear to ' 'he
TbieeenSteeeitnent of 'our former cirug• -
-este Mie-eje EeeDavisese ter et -host -on much 'furrn; TqatrrIlea6rd-
,siot .
ng at their preeeses had
is•annettnced to Mise Marguerite Mabel nowe
Johnstone of Toronto , been .visited by :the inspectorl i would
Mrs TupPer of Toronto ie pending ,
advise Vett not only should the back
. s.
, c
a few weeks with her mother, Mrs, losets be examined but
Duffyards and
. the celjars, stables, out betties, wells,
. . • •
eta; should be thoroughly' iaspected;
We are sorry to slete that 'Vie. and.
MeiCharles Chisholm lia.V&1 een ca.11s° that no deeomposing animel • or
ed Ri
upon ' to ese eheir iittle child by
. •1
vegetable Meteor or filth- 'of any kin&
could Possibly eseape deteetion. „.
death., It is a short ',hue "ince we
noted the birth of baby Allen Warren'• 'on the whole this community : is
Chisholm •'one of the healthiest placein 0,nte
Mrs. • Tom. Bates 'has had• agate to atio.-Jas, Le Wilson; M. H. 0.
go to the Brantford hoepitai fur treat. ' • • .
. •
--Died-Cn Deeembex-th,-Emile Marie • Morris Towatthip.
ton, wife •of Me. Oswa d F. Carey. . .0 • •
1ier;•-1.1ugheelVIceila.th -et Too Tito --:.tbe Sunshine Methodist.:: Sabbath
:flounces' himself iste eanifidatefor the Seheee will hold their annual Christ -
hoard 91 Control of that •city Tile is mas Entertainment in the church on
a brother Of Me William MclVlath •of Wednesdaye 18th inste Therewillbe e
ehe.Beyfield•Road.•°- . • good program' inoluding a Christmak
tree, lunch .1411 be sereed.
..We ere glad tie -Sear' ot the se .cees
of Mr. George, Lethbridgein'ifiig ap-
poieted • organist -and •ehoir ieader, in
Knox 'church at .0"elt. •• He V.`42 a VE#'
'capable organist •Setox chereli here.
Mrs. hae 'eetureed e.i her
home' in Brantford afterspending a
few, dayswteh her relatives :tere, af- cess.
ter aetending, the funeral :of -•her never-, , Several families are havinge
ed mother, Mrs. }Telenet. of 1I•dmes- with ineasels but we hope fe
vib• , e. . • . results will follow. '
. .
. The Women's.. Inetittile will be en- The'emeifortmble xesidenee
tertained teis eftetimeri at the home cillor Mcgutcheelt. ens' been undergo-
. .
e s e wt
red. 'with
of Mei: -Magnus s Swanson, the preei- ing ,impeovements; .. • •
dent:.4A fell attendance is' e emsted. ' Mrs. Jame Nichol has heeri. Verji
ill but lice many fiends tris
soon he convalescent. ••• ' .
Thos. Clerk has been bethe
a Swelling on his left ereee l
, •
• '1'he trustees . tie Belmoic •school lieee
'engaged the seru
eices• of Robt. Dane,
eon of .Win.. Bryans, for the, incothing
year. Mr. Bryan& is no* at the Mod -
• tee wilke l maa good teacher we
have. ito doubtand we .wisle him suc-
a sieg
e serious.
of Coup-
• treatment is relievi ng. the erOuole and
• -Clerk will eoon be 0, V. •
flood in here visiting. • her
• father, Wm. Little:, who •Is, and'
callu'lg' on old friends : -The Visitor
who ''was a former MorriSite, who re-
sidesin Miehigan. • ' •'
The trueteee of S. S. No. 1, have
engaged Miss Mary Scott as eeachee
for next year :it a, galaxy cf • $34(e.
Scott is vow ateeed ince at
the Model School at Clinton. •
.•. • • •
Morris To
'• Mr. Harry Duncan is avvey to Lind-
• say :ror a few weeks visit,
Measles..a,re visiting at the homq of
Feancis •Metuteheon. ••
•• •
• Mrs. Hugh NfeKinnon of Geer was
visiting oid friends on thefourth, leit
week. ••
Captain Torn Trethewey .oerived at
is :memo last week and -will remain
until after Chriptinas,
Captain and Mr. Will. .Teetheway
will spend the 0hrietimae " holidays
here with Captain. Tore and Mrs.
Trethewey... •• : • '
. •
Missionary service n were heideen the
1VIeeliodist churches WV Sunday, the.
preacher being the Rev. Dr. • Etheer-
eon a missionarye in Japan Ion seven
years. Rev. G. F. Salton also assist-
• .,
Mrs. Henry Horton with imite indis-
posed last week. we are are sorry to
note. • '
We' 'were delighted to learn that Mrs.
Philip el. Horton. (nee Miss EVA Ach-
eson) delighted. a Breckville congregae
tion by her beautiful renderng plf the
lovely sacred Isolo, "Open the Gates
of the,' Templee) -
• The death occurred last Friday el-
tern.00n Of Mrs.- John Kernighan, one
of Goderich's oldest residents, at the
age of 73 years. She euffered,a stroke
of peralysis a, few • days • ago and
gradually seek. She was one of •the
Sturdy larnily, a la.rge and well-known
faintly:• in this disteict. Samuel Stur-
dy of • the Heron Road; Goderich
township, is a brother of the deceas-
ed ; Thomas Sturdy of Revelstoke 13.
; •JOIni Sturdy of Auburn, and
Robert Sturdy at•Dungennon are
ther brothers, and Mrs, William
'ohnstone of town is a sister., while
sweet' Sturdy is a cousin. hesedes
ee husband, Mrs. Kernigthan leaves•a
family of three children, Normen
Kernighan, 6 well-to-do .feriner 'of Ben -
tether; Mrsr Joseph 'Beck of Toronto,
and Mrs- H. Montgomery in the West.
_Norman_ _ Kernighan. • -13-y• :Altair -mere '
liege four children wore eerie three er
daughters and one sen, Ellen, (now ta
deceased) who inarried' Dr. Armstrong st
now of Mitchell; leaggie, wife of on
Major Beek, Toronto: and. Mrs. IL L. o
The Theletinas Nirrn-bei of lie .West -
n Rome Monthly, • Pest out, • Lott-
ing eighty-four pages of Christmas
odes, Christmas pastimes, ideas
how to make useful tionmemade
hristmae gifts, the whole beautifully
Ustratecl arid encesed in a handsome
ver iti colore,
We desire to call ihe attention of
r readers to the fact that we have
ebbing aerattgements with the West-
rn Home Monthly. Thew of our
bscribers who send in their sub-
riptions for the two papers Now
ill receive it l',1•11* • ol the Western
orne Molithly Christmas Number.
Montgomery, Moose Mountairi, Sask.,
Whose husband le the youngest son of
Captain• titontgomery of town..., The
late en
Mre'ernighatt was a very val-
liable member of the Womans'TnstU-
ute here, alwaye cheerful, and amueleg e
her friends with her quaint original • se
sayings ; her 'home abounding With .se
hospitality, and although she had been ,w
indisposed the past year, she. itivfays
.managed to „attend the W. T. meet- •
Inge, • ami was very 'Odom absent
from church, or meetings of the Lad -
it& Aidof Knox • • $iich she
was a faithful and devoted member,
and 11;111 be sincerely mourned, by
great number of tela.tives, ‘tiends and
acquadatanees In town and tountry o
• Tortured Daynnd Night.
• •
Zam-Buic Cuxes Pilis.-
--Thee-there is. no end- to thethealing
poteers of Zatn-13uk isi being deinon-'
strated 'every day, Mr. Julius Glacier
Of Denbigh, Ont.,was teetered -day
amd night with • blind bleeding • piles,.
• ect bed that he says • "1 amid find no
eel-11feet standing, sittieg or lying .d0Wri
and was unable to do any work. . One
day, my; , eyes rested upon sa tittle
sample box of Zain-Buir: 1 piked it up.
• and .read tee words, OGRES PILES,
I etaeted 'using Zam-Buk that .night,
land before . I could purclmse a large
box was •alreedy cured,. and HAVE
You may publish this if you wish: !or
the benefit ot other sufferers:" Thie is
only one-ef the -calmly sues -where Zeaes
'Bier has healed Mips witen all else fail -
'ed. Why do you go on suilerieg when
such e pimp& remedy is "mit at
hand' • .• : .
Zam-Buk heels sores, cares eczeraa,
sken eruptions, nicerse ringworm, itch,
• barber's rase; blood poison, end •leg,
salt rh.elim,1 abrasionsabscesses, cues,
hurt's, scalds and all nein injuries and
• diseases. Of all stores and, druggists
at 50 cents, or frone Zam-Buk Co.;
• Toroeto, for price. 3 boxes for $1.25.
rey Township • .
•• We are pleased • to hear that Levi
Whitfield, 12th eon., who •lead, the :Mid -
fortune to break hie knee cap some
in,onelis ago, in able . to get around
with geed prospects of the complete
restoration of hie limb, „ •
•Mrs. Geo. Smith, 'Morris, has re-
tuned' from an enjeyabie visit • with
Mrs. and Miss. Kernaghan at Baden.
" Miss Ker,, who is now teaching at
the Miller school, will go to NO. 11,
Howick township, for. next year.
The Cole drain: debentures calling
for $1,731.40, • metering in 10 years
and bearing 5 per cent interest, were
. sold:to Miss Agnes Scott at par.
W:e are soreto state that Mrs Jas.
Nichol has .been on the .stck list for
the past two weeks ; We hope she will
soon be o. k.
The trustees of Walton School have
engaged Mr.' Dodds as t.eacher of our
school foe 1906, He is at present at-
tending the Model School.
Mrs, Gideon Rood of 'Michigan was
called home last week owing to the
serious illness of her father, Mr.
William Little oejelegvaleatterd,
ing the Model School at Clinton, has
secured a school in Mono Township,
mean Orangeville, duties to liegin • at
the Ne W Year. ... :
R. MeCutcheon, councillor, is
'overhauling Ids line residence on ' the
Oth Iine. •
• Grey Township.
James Denman, eon:Sector, ee with
a loss by fire Monday night. lt :Tents
feat Mr. Denman.. Is at present con.
ducting operations en the 'sty" Cor-
ners dealt' improvement' and for eon-
venience had erected a canvas' 1.94
• width in some manner WaS it.qtroyed
. .
.Irire swept the east' aide ..1 Main with the contents. •
street and the ;teeth side of tetrat Ave We have heard Of a few tanners in
enue at Alameda, Sask.,cleaning out Grey who have- .litters t pigs)
the business saotion and catiqing a loss 'owing to the declining market and the
$200,000: • high price •of grain. .”
blood, which keeps the roomette mem-
brane in a state of infismination, and,
causes &debilitating and
ivedischargellsoheeduhe, rengin:noises,Parti deafness, weak eyes.
riching and revitalizing the blood, re-
inbves the canoe and effects termanent
?Curs of all -forms. of caters ..
Floo.(I's-Sarsaparilla • .
Pa a conatitutianol.fferne0 •
Sold by drueeista everywhere.
ioe Doses One Dater.
--of -Toronto-bee started- thousands - -
of young Men • and Women on the•
easy, way to hidependenee and suc-
cess. Let us' give the right start- •
Write for Oatalogue and plan. to .
spend tee next six inonths with
us, Enter any- time. Address W.
H. Shaw, Principal.
Gekrard. Sts. Toronto. •-
. and •
•. pually
•ssaaans o sem:passe mite pee •
And prepare for first-cless hugeness e
positions such as are open o tnt
stedente. Hundreds • of
dents are going into good posi-
tions every. year. Let • us train.
you for one. We will de .t right. .
Gth, 1508; "Write • for ,cittleene
and gee 'Wherein we excel ordinary
• business cdlleges. Location f eel- :
lege, co. of Yonge -arid Alexanier•
Grey Township.
• Mrs. D. J. McDonald, a daughter,
and ion, of Vaimouyer, B. errieed •
here last . Monday nightand are .now
Visiting at Mrs. Alex. McDonald's. •;
The husband *et the visitor wan a bre,
thee, to the late Alex. McDonald of
grey, both paesingavier quite recent-. :
ly. Mrs. McDonald and tattily will
not return to the Westbut Will take
up residence in Toronto for a, time
wherea daughter is: eitending cellege.
The trustees of Duke's school havie
re.engaged the services of Miss len&
lirel.Cay' for 1908 at a salary cif' $450.
She is giving good. Satsfaction. •
° Will, -Lamont,,wha Was in the *est, •
for several months, ,arrived Lorne last
week looking first -'class. .* reports,
Ida folk out there enjoying good health. •'
• The series of evangelistic services
.hring held in Roe's church has closed.. ,
Last Sabbath morning fifteen ' new '
members; were received and many; more
'may follow• . •• *
Rozell id.Detroit Is 7.4:)111131- for •
a.holiday of a month which he will
no &tube' enjoy. "
: •
OT six people in a thousand (and those six
• have either diabetes or gouty tendencies)
can get anything but real good from the use
of good beer with their meals, Because
that kind of beer (and no other kind is braved in Ontario)
benefits the whole body of the • normal adult,—enriches
•the blood. Vitalizes the stomach, makes kidneys and
. •
liver, active, builds flesh and betters nerves. :
- Beer Is Not A .1Viere Tonic
'Good beer, drank with meals and at 'bedtime, is not merely a. '
tonic—for a tonic. simply gets one part of the system to. work
better for a while, by stimulating its activity, while beer, rightly
used, does the whole system permanent good. "
BedrBuilds Up Thin Folks'
• . • .
That is why good beer id such a notable flesh builder, and why
it is So effective in changing the too -white blood of aenemic
• people into the red, strong, healthy blood of the vigorous. It
has qualities that are very valuable to Women, especially.. It is
distinctly NOT an intoxicant, nor a hurtful 'stimulant. • 'Ask
your doctor if beer wouldn't be good for you as an item of
• daily diet.
. '
* idEER is, a teeth which covers lager, ales, porter and stout and, in the protease- of Ontari• o
brewers, unpile, beverages made under most hygionk Conditiona front Ontario bailey (theboat• in
the world) malt, hope, and pure water,•
Illnall1=10.1111111011110.1400.0040.00020.7010080.10. '
"illW,13."11Yab.,421.,C10, .4b.,4111b. vti, Akberib, -tty,.ca,„:41,...436. •
prd Christmas Presents
r . ,
Furniture will he very 'popular for presents this Year. Vire have 0
anticipated yoor Wit nth by laying in a largo Stoek6 of the most beanti-
fill furniture made in Canada. On account of hard times among the
manufacturers, We have bonght, these goods at greatly reduced prices
And purpose giving our customers. thebenefit of.,our good hexing,
. .
Patine Snit:es:Couches, Morris Chair.. rollit7 Reeking. Meek Oahe
Arias, beaks, Pictures, Easels, Small Tables, etc, Special prices tor
80 days.
•tTj. H. CHELLEW, Blyth
40.601~4601brii. "Airkli.lOorltosolkoe,04646:"46.A6o1b04601460.464