HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-12-12, Page 2ee% --min—A COURAOY.- 41/0•0•11011011••••••••••••••••• Wh.. at .the FarmersSay • Those farmers 'who have tried • • • Dr, Douglas • Stock Invigorator • • • would not be without it, • a • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We expect this verdict because .111 we know there is nothing bet- ; ter at any price. , • • When you pay $2.50 and tom • a failiot Stock Foods you are 1: being robbed, we say it boldly, , Use Dr. Douglas Stock Invig- orator and make yon a pail of the best Stock Food for 76 cts, • • a • We So R. HOLMES f • • Marirg Chemist 6 a • • •••••••••,•••••••••••••••: ..-RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE -- Slabs For Sale WE HAVE FOR , SALE A . QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK SLABS, CUT 16 INCHES LONG SUITABLE FOR RANGES.• J. lihmilitcou COA ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE MAY 31st, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis & Rowland'e will be promptly attended to. W. J Stevenson Cream Separators No article on the Zarin pays the farmer better than a Cream Sep- arator. When buying, buy the best that is the DeLaval. I am agent for it in thee district •The cyclone Fencing The Cyclone kire Fencing has the two great requisites -it looks well and lasts a long time. Be- fore placing your order let me show you this fenceand quote you prices. • JAS: APPUElly. Clinton DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specialist, will be at Holmes' Drug Store, Clinton, on Friday, 'Nov. 29. "Glasses properly ttted. Die:W- es of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. ' Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A. quarter miles from churele post - office, school and the village of Auburn.. eSeitable for grai,\.. or grass. Lot k on the 2nd con. West Wawanosh consistin,g of •100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and the balance nearly all geese. A brick house, a bank barn, 52x60, a driving house z4x36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con., directly oppos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres of land, 15 acres of which are besh. On this lot there is a bank bare 40x60. There are 4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two farms. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never failing spring runs across both farms. Possession can be given at once. Terms easy. The proprietor is now past the age to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply will be given to all communica- tions. Oct. 07° FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER- ' signed. offers for sale part of let 40 on the Bayfield Road, 1 mile south o/ Clinton, consisting of 20 acres. Good frame house with st- one cellar, barn 36x70 with cement basement. Easy terms. - J. A. Smith. 40 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, CON. 2, Stanley, containing 160 aeres,"10 acres of bush, the remainder is well fenced, underdrained and ina good state of cultivation. I acre Of ota chard and small fruit. On hepre tnisee Is a two story brick house with slate roof, a first-class farm house, a barn, siZe, re,80 with stone stabling, a cement silo 14:30, good driving house, pig yen and ben house, TWo Meer -fail- ing wells. This farm hi situated 8 miler; from Dritcetleld, 6 froth ton and on m od greVel. toad. Ap. on fit° pretrlised ite Wrote -4ftert Nett, Clindten P. Colborne Township Anniversary services Will he held at the Ebenezer eppointment -of Nile circuit, Dee. 15th. There will be two services in the afternoon at 3 oclock and" hi the evening at 7, o'clock. The following Monday evening a supper will be given by the ladies of the congregation. This will be followed by a sacred Concert, the program to con-, sist of addresses, readings, vocal and instrumental music, Every effort is being made to make these services a success and the very, best, accomodat. 'ion, will be provided •for visitors. NOW IS THE TLIVIE.-TO PLA.CE your order for Fencing before the advaece in price. Use the .Coll Spring 'Wire made by the Canadian Fence Co. of which I am agent in this district. I am also agent for the celebrated Heintzrnan Piano. - F. W. Evans, Box 155 Clinton P.O. 1 "1111,10111111111111M Furuishings For Christmas 11111111.1111•1111111 We. are showing a splendid variety of late 'novelties in men's Neck - Mufflers, Suspen- ders, Etc., that would make ".a very desirable Christrnaspresent. Direct connection with ths lead • ing manufacturers give us quick advantages in regard to style, and as soon as neW things are put on the -market they soon:and their way .to this store, for that reason we. ask you to choose _your Ohristrbas -Furnish.- ings here, especially -1f you w,a0t something out of the ordinary. Men's Neckwear 25c Men's Nedkwear in fancy boxes 50c and 75c Men's_Stispenilers in- fancy boxes 50c and 75c rlufflers--ali kinds, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Special prices on all lines of Clothing, including Over- coats. mciasamas Jacobs e Are Reg • • ' Are you ready 'for Christmas. JUSt about three vveeks left in. which eo . . purchase. ' • • • You will And our stock of NEW FRUITS and CHRISTMAS GRO- CERIES • "FIRST IN QUA.L'ITY,'" Our stock of Chipa, and Dinner Sets may not be the . largest oil the mar- ket hut • we claim • it to he the prett- iest and best in the county .for the money. • A. D jeaton Phone 111%. Prompt delivery • . 00000000000000000000000 O 0 O vin• 1,EADIN0 SCHOOL. 0 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. O 13y giving a betier course 0 0..lof training than that given0 O by any other similar instit- 0 O utionOntario, we lave 0 O become/ one of the leading 0 •0 business training school; in 0 O Canada. Our graduates are 0. 0 in detnand as office assist- 0 O ants and business college 0 O teachers. Our eourses being 0 O the best, our graduates sue- 0 O ceed. If interested in your 0 O own welfare °write now for 0 O our catalogue; it is free. 0 O We have Ike° departments, 0 O Commercial, Shorthand arid 0 O Telegraphie. -"Winter term 0. gimps January Oth.ft- 0 O Elliott St McLaehlatt, Pries. 0 0 00000000000000000000002$ • crinton News -Record pee - arm County 'News Q4there December 12th, 1907 .fOr ,N.eTReccrd Readers Goderieh. .Captain , Frank Johnston, returned to his home M Goderiolt this week, having laid up his steamer, the "N. S. Parent," at Buffalo. Capt. John - sten, and his wife (nee] Mise Winifred Sturdy) win, epend the seasan at the residence of the Captain's, parents, Mr and Mrs, W. E. Johnston. Captain Macpiarreid and son Ken neth, have returned, from their seas- on's work on the dredge "Cliallengee at Little Current. • Mr. Wellington Edward will spend the Christmas Facatien with his par- ents here at their 'residende "Aids - worth Place." We have to thank some eind friend for mailing Us a copy of the. Weekly edition of the Louisville 'Courier -Jour- nal of November 27th. We presume the person knew that we belonged to the Woman's Institute, for there are some fine receipts, which were' published for the -American Thanksgiving Day, but as Christmas is comang in haste, we will give our readers two ef them one tor puff paste, the other ;or ,n-tiaceF meat, Puff Paste,: Use the white of one egg, one lb. of butter, reld' one lb. of flour. Wash the salt out of the butter. Use pastry flour, if v ou can secure it. Chip a little' of he butter into the flour, add the white of an egg, and a little ie water, and mix lightly into a (lough. Roll this out very thin, spreadover it 'a layer of puttee, fold. over and reit egain. Re- peat this process until all he butter is used. Fold up 'and place cn iceun- til the next day. This will iesuri the flakiest of' puff toas•te. Now for the Minoemeat recipe : Try. this ,aincemeat recipe ; it is enough for 12 %mid sleet pies, and welekeep. Cook:one and ene- half pounds Of _beef, which should make two quarts when, chopped, four quarts ehopped apples, ne pint prepared cur- rants, one ,quart. stoned raisins, one cup chopp_ectsitrofour-cupg------brcrwt Tiwo cups New Orleans Molas- ses, one, cup chopped suet, ae grated nutmeg, .one 'table spoon - eglt, two tablespoons cinnamon, one-helf . table- spoon cloves; four pups. eider, or three cups of cider that has 'e'en bell- ed' down. Pack 4ntoan earthen ves- sel and keep in a dry place. Here is a nic'e recipeclipped from e Toronto daily, for making :the :Christ- mas. Cake : One-half potted butter, one half pound •,brown sugar, eve eggs; onelialf cup (large) molaises, • four tablespoenfuls orandy,, Or your Milk, cine pound currants., one pound raisins; .ounces citron; iernewlid._ orange -peek- mixed, one-quarter ;toiled dates, one-quarter pound walnuts, :pinch, el eoda, (about as nincle as can he held on a ten cent piene),. e cup. • t flour (pr thereabouts.) • . • Mei. Clara. Gatzke, fornierly of God- , . . erich, has , a good •ecesitien iu a grain warehouse hi Buffalo. Miss Gatzke is a neice of Mrs. „Albert J. Cox. • : IVIejor and -Mrs. Beck left for their home at Toronte on Wednesday last, ' The funeral of the late' Ann Sturdy beloved, 'wife- Of 1)4. "John koreignam, teek piece ercirn herelate resie donee, December .Rev. James Aedeeson condueted •the funeral .service; by reading the first verse of a •hynne Mrs. ICernighen love ed. so' much to sing, Jesus JeoVer of My Soul," 'all present sineing the liymnithrough.• Rev. Dr. McLean •gave the benediction -after Offering up A beautiful prayer. Rev. Mr. Harnilton was also 'present. The floral tributes •were beautiful. kineng, themwae a lovely wreath frorn, the (7 oderich branch of the W. II. Woman's testae ute ; sheer from. :the Feel:toed Sunday school, on which was a )arge bunch et- white -cheysaritiennens,efied With gauee ribbon,. male large wreath ftoin thefamily of wbite roses, e,arnations, lilies of the valley, and ferns. besides benches of flowers fromMeads •ef the family. The pallbearers: were, Messrs. °maid .Sturdy, 'town; George and John Sturdy, Ooderioh township, Geo- rge. Sturdy, Aubute, all relatives of the 'deceased •lady, • James % aidlaw, Blyth, and William Cox, town.. The funeral took place to. the familypier in. Colborne .cemetery, Revs. ndergon and Hamilton' eafficiating thereat. The Juneral: cortege was very large. The • at Ann Sturdy: wee born 'in• (Oderich townehip, on •Coverriber iOth, 183a, .and was the eldest daughterof the late Mr, and Mrs. Hueir Sturdy. She was. one of a family, 0. nine, six sone and 'three daughters, Mee. W. E. John- ston of town, being the only. survivor. The sonsliving are 'Jobe ot Auburn, Rebut cif Dungannon) Thomas a member of the Mounted Police, at Re'velsteke; R. C.; and Samuel on the 'old homeeteed. end Mrs. Trernigh- an Were married et Old St. t'eorge's church, Goderich, ' , by the ' late Archdeacon Elwood oneNovemeer lst, 1855, and were blessed with over a haleeentuey of blissful, happy life,. nearly all trf ehich was spent at 'Sunnyside? Tarn), Colborne, the present home of their son, AIr. J. Norman Kernighan. By their, mar- riage four children were born, three daughters and one son, Ellen, (now deeea,sed) who martin,' Dr. Armstrong now of Mitchell ; eraggie, wife -of Major-Deek, Toronto ; and Mrs. II, L. :Montgomery, Moose Mountain, Seek whose husband is the younge“ son of Captain Montgomery of town.... The late Mrs, Eernighatt wag- a very val- uable member bret4 tris'. Instit- ute here, always. thee and attesting her friends' With her qu. int original sayinea ; her Mete abounding with hoepitality, and elthengh she had been indisposed the pest year, efie always managed to attend the W. Teemed- ings, and was very eldom absent hone church, or meatinge the Xiad- ie' Aid of Knox 'ii&i she was a faithful and devoted Mettilier, and will he sieeerely mourned by a great number Of telatives, 'den& and aCqUaintencee in town and country Goderieh Hay Township East Wawanosh M.ss Daisy Fisher, who accompanied, The report of the Medical health ot- her sister, Mrs. Fisch, to her home 111 Acer as reported to the hoard of Slirmingliame Ala., is now a student health, is as follows. "I take pleasure the Grand TJniversity, a Ladles' in submitting ' to you myAnnual re - College of Athens, Tenn, pore as Medicalellealth officer for the The Y. M. C, A. Club in good township of. Hay for the year ending working order aow'and meet every December 2nd, 1,901, Monday evening tn the Public library Wilding. The Mimes are : ,„ • I may congratulate the people onethe President, Dr.Hayden ; geod health they have enjoyed during Vine, Gordon E. Wightmen ; • this year. Tne township ha e been re- Seeretaey, Charles Lewitt ; ! rnarkable free from contagious diseas- Treasurer, Sidney Belcher. es. • There being no ewe of diphtheria Dr. James L: Turnbell and 'family m scarlet fever, tamale; or whooping have left Caoderich for Vancanver, but eough, and only two or three mild will spend Christmas at "Burnside" eases c4 tYPlicid Farm, Newton. During ' the early part 'of the year Mr. Robeson, butcher, now occupies considerable disturbance was caused the house one door south of Mr. OIL- by the outbreak of smallpox in the ver Pennington. • South Western part of the township. Mrs, Doty, we are sorry lei state, As soon as the disease was reeogeigee• still continues very ell at the liespital. _prompt and energetic rniis were _Mis E.- A. Skimmings; the writet taken to stop the spread of the dis- ef these -columns, would feel very ease. The houses, wherein the dis- grateful to the .,,parties who found her ease existed, sere placarded, • strict postoffice key, and a new black worst- quarantine enforced and persons ex- cel glove. Eithercan be left at the posed to the disease vaccinated, and pristoffice. The key had a little red after complete recovery the eouse'aisi ribbon attached to it, contents were ;leaned and thoroughly The provisional school for the in- disinfected. By 'tine means the disease steection of ; unqualifiext.officers will was- completely stamped out, • about. •open here on the 7th of January 'next. ten cases eccaired, almost- all were •• of The Public Library was opened on a mild type except one who developed the 6th inst. with Mr. Dan. Naftel,1 serious eye symptoms but ly good • secretary of the trusbee board as care fair results •are expected. librarian until a taew one is appointed.1 The sanitary inspectors. made their We are sorry to learn of the serious • arinuel visits to schools of..the town illness of Mies Lee se Miller in the ship And °house to house visite of the general hospital. ,.at Winnipeg. Latest Villages of .Zuriele Dishwood, and advices say that ' alter an piPeration Drysdale and 'reported everything in a for appendicitis rdiss• Miller is. hie satisfactory coeditor'. These aisits to to 'be 1 prlovhienghousen the Villages appe engagement ot our fernier tireg-; s iar • tench a Matter ‘.1 term, many people "gist, Mr. J. E. Da.vis, ear ef Erosion not knowing that their precifises had is .announced to Miss. Mergiterith been visited; bY ho iespecter, I would . Johnstone of *Termite. . advine that not only should the beck Mrs. Tupper of 'Toronto "lg spendine ee_yaere_le__and_chosets -bee-examined—Vet . a few weeks wAlelegeenether. rere Duf!-1 the cellers, staliles, out houi.e, • ..' ' etc. 'should be thoroughly laspec d We are sorry to stete that ler. and • so that no " decomposing animal •• Mre. Charles Chieholm have 1 een call -vegetable matter or filth of any jcind ed upon .to loose *heir little' child by • could pessibly escape detection. death, It is a short thae ' we e . ' noted the birth of baby Allen .Warren On the• whole this cOmmunite is . • on of %the healthiest: pieces in ° Ont - Mrs; Tom Bates 'has had ario.e-•Jas.. L. Wilson, M. H. O. . go to the &milord howtal for treat mrits. Died -On Decethber. 7th, ErnflY Marl- ton, wife of Mr. Oswa d •F. Carey. 'Vie. Hugh kcMeth et The leo an- nounces: himself Ce a candidate for the ChishOltn Morris Towaship. The. Sunshine Methodist Sabbath School will hold their . annual'. Christ, - Board of Control 'of that city. He is maa Deteetainment in the church On a brother of Mr, William .1VieMaeh" Of Wednesday, 18th ine.t. There will be • a- iheeleeefield - 7.7 - good -p•rOgratri including 4 Christmas We are glad ttote.ae tha se.evei tree. lunch will be :servede • of Mr. George 'Lethbridge in 11 nig aP- The truithes of Delmore school. have • peinted. .organiet and elite: 'leerier in engaged. the services of Robt. Beyaine, eon, of Wm. Aryans,for the inconiing year Mr. Bryans iri tioiv at the Mod- el. He will makea good taacher we have no doubt end :we wish. eine suc- Keox •church ntnett: He wsr. a very Capable' organist relax chureli bore. Mrs. Howellehaee return:id her home in Brentford after spending a •few.days with her .relatives. ;nee, are cess. ter attending the -funeral Of her ter- Several .families are hOving a siege ed mother,' 1VIrs. Holmes of Holmes- With measels but we hope uo serious vele. .. „ . •• • • results Will follow. . . • The Women'sInstitute will he en- The 'comfortable ' residence' of Coen- . tertained this "eftetnode at tee Wine cillor MeCutchebie ha e •been undergo - of Mrs.' Magnus- Savanseh,. the Prese: ing iMprevements, • .. dent. A .full atteridance is eluestepl. Mr7a., James Nichol has been very : ill but her many ' friends truet.she.will soon bp aonvaleseent.". ...,, - Thos. Clerk We been. bothered :with 'a swelling' on his •left. a.k.a.'. 'Medical treatment 'is rellevling the _eauole'and Mr. Clark will eoon be..(). K. • .1 Mrs. Be Hood ls here visiting her tether; Wm. Little, who is and Missionary ser ices Were held • calling on ' old friends. The viSitor • m the who was a former Morrisite, who re - Methodist churehes last Sunday the preacher being the Rev. Dr: Ember- -sales in .MiChlgan. The inistees• of S. S.• No. 5, haVe. Son a miseionary in Japan. far eeven engaged Miss Mary Scott as teacher years: Rev; G. F. Salton also aseist- ed. • . _ for -next year at a salary' cf . , Miss e Scott is sow in, attendee:a at , Mrs: Henry Holton was 'quite the Model School. at Clinton. posed last week. we are are, sorry to note. ' • Captain Tom Trethewaje azrived et his norne lest week and will remain until titter Cerieemae. . Captain .and Mrs. Will. Tretheway will spend the . Cheistmas. • holidays here with • Captain Tom' and .erfre.• Tretheway. • ee • ' William •McDowell 'lost A . two- year colt the other day. • Miss Dela MoDowell from Goderich hes ben visiting her parents. . , Miss Phoebe Densmorestill con- . Unties very poorly. Albert MeKtilar , from Michieae visiting old friends around Westfield. Mies Olive Leishman, who. Is attend,: mg the Clinton, Model school, has sec- ured a'school in Haldimand county. The home of Mr. William Nitwit of East Wawanosh was the scene of a pretty event on Tuesday of last week when his eldest daughter, Eliza E., was united in marriage to James Plowman, a peosperoite farmer of West Wawanosh. The, cereraony wmeper- formed-ley ReetT- K. -ET -Jones in the presence of the imtnediate relatives of the contracting Partiee. The happy couple stood under an arch of ever - ,greens and roses, as tho wedding mareh was played by Mrs. (Rev.) Jones. The bride looked charmingein a costume of white silk, prettily trim- med with embroidered chiffon 1,..1ace. Her travelling suit was of blue broad- cloth, .with hat of silk braid. The presents were numerous., useful and valuable. Mr. end Mre. Plocernart left bythe evening train on their honer moontour, after which they will re- side ,near Donnybrook, • " Tortured Day and MM. • " • 'Ceres. Piles. . That them is no end' to the'healing . . powers of '7,am-13.uk iv beingdemee- strated. every day. Mr. Julius Glacier .• of Denbigh, Ont., wat todured_da Heeding piles, , bad that he says • "I •could find no cenifort st.anclieg, sitting or lying deeen, ,and *as unable to do any Week. One •day rny eyes. „rested upon e kittle sample box of Zam-Buk.'. I piked it up and read the wercla CURES PILES. I started using e Zarn-tek that night, end before I coul'd. purchase a laxge 'box 1 irraS already cured; and HAVE NOT BEEN ' TROUBLED, SINCE. You mak. publiab this if you wish for the benefit Of other sufferers.' Phis IS (-rely oneof .the many Cases where zern- Bier has healed Mies yelien ell else.faii- ed. Why. do. .you go on suffering when asuch a• Seileedid reinedy_is, :near- at - • '•• Zem-Buk healasores, cures eczema,, skin eruptions, .ulcers, ringworm, telt, barber's rash, blood poison; :tad leg, Salt rheum; abrasions, abscesses, cuts; hems, scalds and ali side' injuriee and :discasee. Of all steres and . druggists at , ric- cents,: or • from Zam-Buk 06, 'Toronto, for prim3 bexes for $1.25i We were delighted to learn' that Mrs. Pkilip II. Horton (nee Miss Ilea A.ch- •Morria To • eson) delighted a Brecirville creigrega- Mr. Harry Duncan is away to Lind - tem by her beautiful reederng olf the sey for a few' weeks visit, lovelysacred solo, "Open- the Gatea • Measles are visiting . at the home of of the Temple," . ?ravels McCutcheon. • . . . ' Mrs. Hugh 'McKinnon of Grey. was visiting' old friends on the fourth, this week. • : Mrs. Geo, Smith, Morris, has • re- turned from an enjeyaele visit with Mre, and ease Kernaghan at 'Baden. Miss Ker, who is new teitehing at thelVliller school, will go to No. 11, Howiek township, for next yvar. The Cole drain deberitures oalling for $1,731.40, maturing in 10 years and bearing 5, per cent interest, • were sold to Miss Agnes Scott at par. 'We are sorry to state that•Mrs.Jas. Nichol has been on the sick •list for. the past two weeks ; we hope she with. Soon be o. k. 'The trustees, of Walton school have engaged Mr. Dodds as teacher of our school for 190e. ie at Present at tending the Model S'ehool, Mrs. Gideon Hood of Michigan was Called home last ,Weelc owing to the serious illness of her father, Mr. William Little of Bluevale, Miss Stella Nethery, who is attend- ing the Model School at Clinton, has secured a school in Mono Township, mear Orangeville, ditties, to begin at the New Year. W. H. 1VicCutcheon, couneillor, is overhauling his fine 'residence on the 6th line. ' The death occurred last Friday af- ternoon' of Mrs. John • Kernighan, one of Goderich's oldest residents, ;at the age of 73 years. She suffered a stroke of paralysis a few days ago and gradually' sa.nk. She was one of the Sturdy fathily, a large and* *elf -known family- in this district. Samuel Stur- dy of the IIiiren Road., Goderich towhs•hip, is a brother of the demis- ed ; Thomas Sturdy of Revelstoke 13. 0.; John Sturdy of Auburn, and Robert Sturdy at Dungannon ate other brothers, and Mrs. William Johnstone ot town is a sister, -while Oswald Sturdy is a, douein. Besides her husband, Mrs. Kernigilian leaves a family of three ehildren, Norman Kernighan, a well-to-do .farmer of Ben- mUcr Mrs, Joseph Beck of Toronto, and Mrs, II. Montgomery in ilie• West. , TIM) ,CHRISTMAS NUMBER. •The Christmas. Number of the•Weste ern Home Monthly, lust mite ton - tains eighty-four pages of • rhrititneas stories, Christmas pastimes, ideas on how to make useful home-made Christmas gifts, the whole beautifully illustrated ••and encased in a handsome cover in colors. • We \desire to call the attention of our readers -to the .1 act that we taVe clubbing arrangements with the West- ern liome Monthly. Those of our subscribers who send in their • sub- scriptions for the two papers Now will receive a ewit, the Western Home Monthly Christmas Number. Grey Township. •James Beeman, coni,ractor, ., et with a loss by fire Monday night, It :xems that Mr, Demean is .1 -it present On ducting operations fel the ‘-tim Cur - nets drain improvement and for con- venience had erected a canvas trut Which in 501110 manner was ',"troyed Eire swept the east side ..1 Main with the contents. ... street and the south ride of Firth Av- We haee heard of a few 'ante s in \p,t time at Alameda, Sask., cleaning out Grey who have tledWen; of the business seetion and causing a los owing to the deelining market and he of $200,,000.. high price of, grain. .,. 2. Gro TaWaship • .. We are pleased to hear that '1.,e'irri Whitfield; 12th con., who had .thc Mis- fortune to break hie' knee" cap: • seine months ego; Se able .to get around with good • prea.pecte Of the complete restoration of his, Iimb. • .„ Catarrh Is a Constitutional Plasma Whatever organ, or passage of thee body it affects, and requires a cone* tutional remedy for its permanent cure. It depends on an impure, impover- ished, devitalized conditiou .of thee blood, which keeps the mucous mem- brane in a state of inflammation, and. causes a debilitating and generally offen- Rive discharge also headaches, ringinge noises, partial 'cleafnees, weak eyes. Hood el Sariaparilla by purifying, en- riching and revitalizing the blood, re- , moves the eause and effects permanent cures of all forms of central: Hood's Sarsaparilla 48 a Constitutional Remedy Sold by druggists everyWhersh 100 Doses One Dollar. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE of Toronto has started thousanda of young Men and Women on the • eas.,y; way to independence and eseeelecteliemkUyei the right start. Write for Catalogue and plan top spend the next six months with us, Enter any time. Address W. H. Shaw, Principal. Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. • "BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE" and • '"EVERLASTING - peony •ssaeons oe srepuessa oete ale ELLIOTT TORONTO, OR. 'And -prepare for first-class business. - positions such as are open o peo. . students. Hundreds of • er Stw dents are:going ...into • good posi- • tons every year. Let 'us train.. you for one. We wilt do et right.: ' WINTER TERM OPENS JAN.. • 6th, efeeleeeWrite•----for-cetel-yeue-- - and see wherein we excel orthiaare businese collegee. Location ••t ol- lege; cor. of Yonge and Atheanier streets. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINOTPAL. • Grey Township. Mrs. D. J. McDonald, e daughthr and son, of Vancouver, B. O., arrived . here lest Monday. night and are • now visiting at Mrs, Alex. McDonald's. The hushaed of the visitor was a•hro- ther to the late. Alex. 1VIcDonald of , Grey, bete2preesing 'away quite -recent.- lf Mrs. Mcporiald and family wilt not return. to the Weet,i, but avi1L take up . residence in !Toronto ' for a , tiine• where a daughter is attending college. The trustees of 'Duke's school. have re engaged the services of Miss: Lizzie. McKay for 1908 at a Salary ot $450e " ShOs giving good salesfaction, Will. Lament, este was it the WeSi-, for several Months, arrived learrie last', week looking first-clatS. He reports hiS folk out there enjoying good healeb. The series ef evangelistic services, 'being held in Roe's church has closed: Lase, Sabbath 'morning fift.een new ineruh'Cts were received and many, more may follow.. Ellen 'Rozellec,f Detroit is Lome for a holiday Of a raorrth Which be Will no doubt enjoy. • EER., . BENEFITS THE WHOLE BODY, (NO OTHER FOOD -BEVERAGE DOES THAT MUCH) OT six people in a thousand (and those 'six have either diabetes or gouty tendencies) can get anything but real gpod from the use of good beer With their meals. Because that kind of beer (and no other kind is brewed in Ontario) ". benefits the whole body of the normal adult,—enriches . the blood, vitalizes the stomach, makes kidneys and liver active, builds flesh and betters nerves. Beer.is Neot.A Mere Tonic Good beer, drank with meals and at bedtime, is not merely a tonic—for a tonic Simply gets one part of the system to work • better for a while, by stimulating its activity, while peer, rightly used, cloes the whole system permanent good.. Beet- Builds Up Thin Folks That is why good beer is "int-fi a notable flesh -builder, and why - it is so effextive in changing the too -white blood of aenernic people into the red, strong, healthy blood of the vigoroos. It has qualities that are very valuable to women, especially. It is distinctly NOT an intoxicant, nor a hurtful stimitiant. Ask , your doctor if beer Wouldn't . be good for you as an item of ' daily diet. * BEER is a term which covers lager. 'lies; porter and stout; and; in the practise of Ontario. brewers, implies beverages made under most hygienic conditiona from Ontario baey( rltho beat in the world) malt; bog*, and Owe wetter. 302 rsimsemilimsseismsaimilismMissemempi -gselRee44:441.-"4. cti.-*/4;4/4,40.,411s,^qa.-^u:s."‘Si..-IzrAil.,401,-Ss..sts..11s>.41r Christmas .Presents Amirlommormararmerk Furniture avill he very weeder fm' preserits tide year. We have anticipated your wit rite by laying en a large Stock of the most beauti- ful furniture made in Oneida, On aceount of hard times among the manufactueers. We have bought Hittite goods et greatly reduced pi lees Sand purpose giving our 0u:dorm-Is the ,benetit of our good buying. Polio:- Snitriz, CollehrA, Morris Obairg, Fancy Rookers, Ainslie CribineteeDesks, Pictures, Eusela, Small Tables, etc; Speeial prices tor $ SO days. e It CHELLEW, OlYth