HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-12-05, Page 8- .77777.7777-7 L_ 7 • 4, Clinton News -Record December sth, 1907 Ytiii7C4111 LOW $ L -Your .,..„ Foun- de tain-Pen • ' • t: If it a• a' Waterman's, .$ conti4ues. It will save you money on. every- . thing. See our big an- nounceimegt on page 1 •••••••••••• fo-co tip e%-vi,er-rz.te-rz.ep et..er-lbergb.0-te..0-4b.0-01-04.1t.er-qmr-e&emb.0-.0,0-rba Fur Band Caps -29e. 0 2 The overproduction of one of Ontario's largest 0 Cap Manufacturers cleared out to us at a small frac- 0 1 tion of producers cost and now passed on to .onr ., I w custorners at same saving. ' q O - 0 0 0 These caps come in tweed and eorduroy and t i. have a heavy fur lined ear protector and are good 0 e value at double the price, Now on sale at .29 cts 0 .rs See the 75c and $1.00 Caps (Travellers Samples) 1 00 we are clearing at :' 48 cts : IP Clothing. , . d With only ,1tle over 3 weeks left in 1907 and a stock of 0 Men's andlBoysclothingrairrizesetehiin rdo_uble what we will carry into A. ; 1908. Out it goes— p °fits, and those who visit this . remainder store during the of 1907 will be the ganers. 11) Men's Suites from -$4.50 -up.- -- — "..:_. __. Boys Suites from $1.50 up. es 500 pairs Men's odd pants from 83o tip. .• . • ' _ # Men's Overcoats from $4.50. Sep our $10 00 men's Overcoats—to clear at $7.50. , Men's Fleece lined underwear at 85c a suit. Great Bargains in. Booth • and. Shoes. PLUMSTEleL BROS. .1 -Ara,e-mt.e% -41,4%-sri>"cscn...Q•slir.G.16.41k.q.'qZ1.0•qir.,stt.‘s-eaosi..qa!fri-e-41.- 3 n..................... 1 Fred. Jackso s For inter Sho Our Stock is complete in eVery. de— partment, warm lined slioesof evety: cription. . . Heavy ones for farm wear.... ......... .; .... 2.40 Good stout ones forBoys 1.7W Dandies for Children, . . ... ..... . .. . .. 1.25 Beauties for Ladies • ' 1.00 to 2.25 Mens Rubber boots for Granby and Kant Krack Rubbers, Repairs while you wait. FRED. JACKSON . 3.00 )• Al ways Reliable " CLINTON' itanninumw. t 44 +444++++ i+++-+++4-4-4-++•+t+++-+:4-++.t+:+-+-4:tf-+++-+ $ - J, B. HOOVER. 'NELSON BALL •-+,' LEADE of Low Prices & Easy Terms We are in a position to offer you good bargains -lb -Furniture, Wir are showing a•niceline of PARLOR FURNITURE in 5 -piece and 3.pieee Suites Couches, Morris Chairg and llorriS Rockers also odd Chairs, Quartered Oak Rocking Chairs, Reed Goods, Etc. 6 If yon are in need of an extra. bed reineen her woti carr,v complete stock of•Iron BedM s, Wood Beds, Springs, at. treses, Pillows. Cotne and. see them. You will find our prices right. 4 We guarantee $atisfaction, MOVER & BALL Furniture and UANIertaking. $' Ideal tountain Pen titt- ed with a clip -cap. The f $clip-eap is a neat piece of $ e springy steel attached at .0 one end of the cap of the 0 ('pen, the other end being f f pressed snugly agaitn3t the 0 $ barrel ot. the spring. . It $ holds in touch the same way as a clothes pin and i • 0 will-keop the pen where . it is put.. See us about / V. D. FAIR C Often Cheapest—Always Bet IIITRIIIIiimuminuni1111111 'Mr. A. R. --Smith was in Toronto this wcelc. Dr. Wilseti of Zurich .was in town on Friday last, • , . • Mr. Wilson Cook oi . Varna was in Clinton yesterday. Mrs. Chant entertained a few ladies ***at tea on Tuesday, ' inspector Torrance is in 'Whigham to day attending county council. Miss May RodaWay," nurse -in -training at Chicago, .is :home for her holidays. Mr. Torn Rance returned home this • week to remain' until -after Christ - mac Miss 'Campbell, Milliner •at Seaforth, is the guest this week of Dare. Ida • Dowxer. . . • Reeve CantelOn is •attending the. De• - °ember session of the county council in Wingham Mr. Mills Shipley, who his been. at-. tending Belleville Albert College, has returned home. • Mrs. R. P. Reekie ant1Vliss Katie. of —Duttort7arethis-WeelL the_a,_ruestsr of • I%frs J W. Newcombe. ••-•-7 MrsJ R. Baker leaves on •Tuesday next for Cupar, Sask. • to visit her dau- ghter, Mrs. J R Andrews; . Mr: Robert 1VI4elcenzie of town : has secured a school the vicinity . of Toronto at a:salary of 44502 • Miss Ella . Lindsay, who has • been- heist • milliner at Brandi() for the past • season, retUrne4 home on' 'ruestia,y, Mrs L. Cree viiited for a few days t iier mother's,' Mrs.' Brice of near Loridesbore, ,who is ill. She. was ac - non -Mauled by' *S. R. Cree. 'MM.. Smyth and son, Douglas, who havo been visiting the former's mot- her, Mrs. Shannon for -scene ' time, returned to their home in Chicago last week. . hit and MrS... Cutler entertaned -a few of the modelites on Monday evenieg, Mr; and Mrs.- Frank Her . man also entertained ra •rannher last • Mr - Harry Ca.ntelon has reSigried ae caretaker of the Collegiate and after the New Years. he. will return to his old occupation of "on the road" 'for a manufacturing firm, • • "Mt.-Dougla-s- "-Sparits-of _Blake . is at- • tending •the C. B. C., taking -a •Course • in hook' -keening.' Miss Tena Fraser, Brucefield is taking a course in."%lstenography and typewriting. Miss. Ida Walshof the .London. Road left last Saturday to visit, her brO- ther, Rev. -A. A. . Walsh .4 • Sand Lake; Mich., and her sister, Mrst J. S. Seymour of, Detroit. • Messrs. W. S: R. Holme, 5. W. El. • licitt and C., Twitchell, representing • Court Maple Leaf, attended the fun- eral of the late George 11,obertoe of near Londesboro on Thursday last. Messrs. *john Moffatt of Dundas and • Wish Houston of Ailsa* Craig • and Misses' Dell O'Neil of Milverton and Harilet McCaughey Blyth • at- tended the. dance last Friday even-- ing in •the tirivn hall. •• Rev. Father Hanlon goes to Wallsee-. • burg on Friday to attend the silver jubilee *Of ReV, Father Brady. . He' will be away over Sands-,' when. -the seroicesat Blyth will 1,1E, taken by Rcv. Father Laiirendead of St, ." Augustine: • • Mr. E. Slaughter, who isassistant at the Model school during the .present , terra has accepted an 'engagement in the CollingWood Pablic school, his dales there to commence at the Now Year Year. Mr, Slaughter wasof fered the principalship • Verestbut preferred the Cidorgian Bay town. . '• • •• Townshipa Mr. C. Hollandhas resigned his school at N. 6 Stephen and has been engaged to teach No. 2, HUllett. We congratulate "• the trustees on securing his services as be is an excellent teach - pr and succeeds wherever he teaches. ••••••••••••• Brussels. • Not long 81110e a bogus lord of some rank mine td this district from De- troit where he bad made theacquain- tance• of a young lady from this see - lion and married her. It was •stated that his father desired .The nouple to go to old London, • where he resided. So .off they stated on the wedding tour across the briny, the lady's sis- itcceirting the invitattion to go ng. At Detroit "our lord" cleared out and has not been lie rd of sinee. FM took with him $306 or $400 he had secured From his new4ound rela- tives, It was no doubt a clear case of swindle from start.,to flntsh 8 •••••01 .1••••••••111•••••/ • • oats 15 Men's Coats 0 TO BE CLEARED OUT AT CCOT AND LESS We are determined to clear out our Men's -and women's Fur Coats, and if price will do it, and these prices are right, out they will go and quick, If yoo are Wanting a coafthiiinfor-ehanceome gets choice before sizes are broken ..$20 Astrachan Coats $13 .2 only, Ladies ,Astrachan Coats sizes 34 to 36, a splendidcoat at • the regular price $20, boughtfrom eiteltairaeveeelltetr;esetof •samples,osfat11 First ' 3.00 $25 Astrachan Coats $20 3 only. Women's Black Astra- chan Fur 00at.C3; good glrA*44:- color, sizes a° and 38. satin lined, full 20 00 sleeve with cuff. Regular 325, for . 145 Astrachan Coats $32.50 • 4 only, Women's Blick Astra • chan Fur Coats, well.furred, whole • skins, best Vitirlitl-bblack' satin lined, sizes 84, 30, 38 and 40. on gn Regular $45, for 13 4 U $50 Astrachan Coats $36.50 . 6 only, Women's Black Ake, r-• `. . than end Bokaran Fur Coats, with' • natural or sable collar and revei-es, made from whole skins, good close •• • curl. A guaranteed coat, sizes 34,0 86,38• and 40. Regular $45, for., U.UU $50 Electric•Seal Coats $39 4"only,,Wonien's Electric Seal , • Coats, sable collar and reveres, ••• best quality satin lined, sizes86, 38 ., and 40, in box or Russian .blouse . • etyle, with silk cord belt, a very on nn • • natty coat. Regular $50; for... U • U.UU • • • $55 Bokaran Coafs $38,50 • 4 only Women's Bokaran Fur ,. Coats, sable collar and reveres, hest satin lined, sent' fitting or Russian hlouse ',Lyle., sizes 36, 38 00 Kit and 40. Regular $5o, UVriJU $75 Bokaran Coats $60 5 only, Women's tokaran Fur • Coats, two styles to choose from, made from whole skins. best satin lining, sizes 36; 38and 40. Regu- lar$75, for .. $20 Men's Calf Coats $15 Four only, Men's Brown Calfskin, • Coate, well fuered, good big roomy •coitts Regular; $20, se Pri9e 15.00 $40 Astrachan Coats $00: Ladies whole skin Astrachan • .,. Coats all sizes,.good glossy black, satin lined. Regular $40, sale 30 00 • • $6 Persian Lamb .Caps $4 Boys A 1 quality Persian. Lamb • Caps, made of whole skins. all A nn sizes. Regular $6, sale priee......, , . $50 Men's Coon Coats $39 Men's Coen Coats, well furred, ...natural skins, not tipped, or...dyed,. • good big coats. Regular $5% 9 00 sale price. •, 3• • $35 Wallaby Coats $3 • Men's Wallaby„Coats, deep fur, patched,- good big coats and • very ye/44'0h'. will give splendid on nn . , wear. Regular $5, sale price" U. $25 Galloway Coats $18 • • Men's Galloway Coats, rubber lined, the best coat on the market • for wear, wool cuff in sleeve. Re- gular $25, sale price ' ..... • • 18.00 , *$35 Wambat Coats $29 •• Men', Brown and Black Wain - bat Coate. Everyone knows the • wearing qualities of a wambat, Regular $35, sale price......... 29.00 $22 Mer4's. Calf Coats $16, Four only, Men's Brown Calfskin • Coats with ,black astrachan collar, a splendid coat. well furred, and good big coat. Regular 322, sale in nn . price. , • ' I ueuu •• $65 Men's Coon Coats. $55 • • a.' Four only, Men's Natural Cane.- • . dim) Coon Ooats„ ,,good long deep . • fur and big sip. Regular•sq5, nn sale price • - • , • i/U..1JU 411•1•N•111111111111•0110 • +me C:4zivroAr • . ' • . • • • ••,7 7 '7 7 7 7, 7: 7 --A.*: •• 7.. r"'' -`!•"".'"orv`r!:"'"1,17•7111,717.111 • • , * . • • " • ••- • • • . e eW:Christittas. e eree : Today we make our first display of the New Christmas goods and we think - ,.. this season's display will be away ahead of anything ever shown in this store ; • • befOre. Never have had such a variety of Fancy Linens, Handkerchiefs, Neck- • wear, Belts, Gloves, Fur Neckwear, etc., as we no have on view. We'll be glad to have you come and look through this Christmas Stock even if you are not prepared to buy yet. • • 1 • • . ;..1 A Word About . . Ifyorr have .not bought your Winter Coat yet, you cannot do better than pay this store a visit We have just opened some beautiful new Broad -- cloth Coats; inbrown,navy, cardinal, green and black. They are made 50 inches long,, in the new tailor -Made style, and some of them have the new Japanese sleeve. • These were bought at'a special price and pass them on to our oustdmers at asaving of frAci 5 to $0,60 each. ' _ • Coat SpeOtal for Saltirdrag 8 only, Blank Vicuna Cloth Coats made forthi winter's trade, the new long sleeve, bo x style, made 1 with velvet collar and cloth strapping Regular Regular price $10, Saturday each $5.00.• • . . .. . . . . ........"........................A101~21demmommuilmmolosemo4188'. P . „. . ,..itienaimminenmonN 4 ii.,. • Ladies' Readyoto*Wear Gar‘iettt . a. v A I • Dry Goods and 1 Millinery 1 •