HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-12-05, Page 22 ..41. eePURITaaa- • essA0Olitta,(1Y • .44000440101044401000411104044 : • . a.•.P What. the 1 I FarmersSay Those InrneraWho fve Oeo.. al 4 I" o ss et . . Dr. Douglas ,.. . • .. I Stook Invigorator • vtould not be witlioutit. : e O 0 et , •• 0 0 • o • • • • • Use Da rootiglae Stock Inv*" • • 'orator- and eurelasseou a pail of • the best Stock Voedloa-75;ette a • • • • Weexpeet this vete-Viet because we know there al nettling beta ter at tiny price. , s When you pay $2.50 Red OM a pail for Stock Foods you are being Lobbed, we ea,y it boldly. • • • • ▪ • • 1 W. S. R. HOLMES • • • • ManPg Chemist • • e••••••••••••••••••••••• —RELIABILITY •• EXPERIENCEe Slabs For Sale WE HAVE FOR SALE, QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK SLABS, 01JT 16 *MIES 1sONG SUITABLE FOR RANGES: J. Hamilton COAL ORDER YOUR. YEAR'S SUP- • PLY NOW. THE BEST , IN THE MARKET, $7 'nil TON, BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE MAY 31st, A DIS- COUNT OP -40 CENTS •A TON - WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis Bs alowiend'a will be promptly attended to. — W. J Stevenson Cream Separators • No article on the farm pays the farmer better than a Cream Seo- arator. When buying, imy the best tita.t is the DeLavai. I am. age* for 13 in this district. The Cyclone Fencing The Cyclone Wire Fencing has the two great requisites—it looks well and lasts a long time. Be- fore placing your order let me show you this fencing "and quote yea prices. JAS. •APPLEBY, Clinton DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specialist, will bo at HoImee" Drug Store, Clinton, on Friday, Nov. 29. Glasses properly fitted. Dimas - es of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE—ONE AND A quarter miles from church, poste office, school and the village • ol Auburn. „Suitable for grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd on. West Wawanosh oon.sisting of 3.00 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and the balance nearly all grass.. brick house, a barer bate 52e60, driviag house z4e36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con. directly oppos- ite. said lot 27, containing 100 acies of and, 15 acres of whicheare Miele On this lot there is a baler barn 40x60. There are 4 acres Ot good bearing orchard on tb.e two farms. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never failing storing runs across both farms. Possession can bo given at once. Terins easy, The proprietor, isnow past the ege to farm.—Apply to Thomas Mach - oboe, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply. will be given to sal' eammuneca- tions. , Oct. 07' FARM FOR SALE.—THE UNDER- signea offers for sale part of lot 40 on the Bayfield Road, 1 mile south of. Clinton, cobeieting of 20 acres. Good frame howls, with st- one ,cellar, bare 36x70 with cement basement. Easy terms,. — J. A. Smith. 40 .1.0.0111•••••••• FARM POlt SALE. LOT 94, CON. • 2, Stanley, containitig 100 acres, 10 acres of bush, the remainder is well fenced, Widerdrained AIM in a good state ot cultivation. 1 acre 0 or- ehard and small fruit. On the pte- Mbies fa a. two stbry brick house 'With slate roof, a fireteelase fatm house. a barri, Size, 44 x 80 with.aitone- 0:tabling, a eetnent tile 141.30, freed drivitig house, pig pen and he twee°. TWO nevet-fall- ing wolin. This farin 18 1itlated tulles froni Ilriteefielde 11 from 014n - ton at on e. od gravel road. Are trdt. nntlis erereikee or addrefis itibett Nat, Clifiton O. Aa ealalOwn woe= lumped oft eoati Island bridge into the rapids at Nia- gara, and was carried over the falls. The ptovince of Alberta has had to compensate settlers for laud tie- quired far road allowauces. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain says 110 hopes to take Ms place in the. fight Lor Unionism. NOW IS THE TaME.—TO PLACE your order for Fencing betore the adeanee in price. Use ' the Coi Spring Wire teed° by tae Oaxadian Fence 0Q. oi which 1 a.m agent in this district. I am also agent tor the celebrated Ilebitzmari aa W. Evans, I3ox 155 Clinton p,o. OVER; We have a fine display of the newest styles 'a Pall and Winter . Overcoats ranging in price froth the lowest to the very best, in meltons, beavers, twill, cheviots, serges, worsteds and tweeds. Our $10,50 -inch Mel- ton is a great favorite and is extra good ,value for the price ossamsom trlderwear A full range of Un.der- wear' in all the. leading • makes and prices. SW.etiters, 'toques, Scarfs, ets in every variety always on hand. Overalls, Smocks, ' Workingshirts,. (heavy weights) Socks, nitts, Gloves, Etc., Etc. nobs We beg to call your special atten- tion to our exeellent, etock of new fruits and tandied peels. This week webive also passed into stoek • . Several New Dinner Sets, Sets,..Odd Cups and SaucerS,,and Fancy China which are well worth a few minutes , of youe careful, inspection. ' atee;see A. D. Beaton Phone lit Prompt delivery ,•6••m• .00000000000000909000000 o THE. LEADING SCHOOL, 0 . STRATFORD. ONT. • By 'giving a better course 0—of training than that elect 0 9 by any other instit- 0 O ution in Ontario, we talre 0 0 become one or the leading. 0 O business bathing school; in 0 o Canade. Our graduates are 0 O in deltoid as office a.ssiste 0 O ants mid business college b o tatchers.* Our courses. being 0 O the beet, our graduates see- 0 O ceed. interested in your 0 O own welfare write now for 0 O our catalogue; it is frees 0 O We have three- &pertinent% 0 o Vomenerciel, Shorthand and. 0 • O Telegraphic. —"Winter +erm 0 o opena January 0 O 0 O Elliott es McLachlan, Prin.'s. 0 o 00000600000000000000000 to Z'iews4Zecov4 tiro County News'Gathered for INe*sio.R.e00. Reader Do mber Stli, 1907 Goderich. ie driven horne.--Weekly Sun. Roy Harrison'bakery, paid 05 !or 28(10 pounds ot hay on Saturday, Nov, 2341, Born—At Toronto, on. November 22, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Percy; Cornell, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. llouselander havo tat - en rooms with. M. and Mrs. Wad.. Mrs. McGuire bap sold ter residence to her uncle, Mr. McLeod; Mr. Kernighan is Wipe:ivies steadily after his indisposition. Mr, and Mrs. • Spain have removed to the house lately ocenpied by Mr, and Mrs. Alexander, Sr. • Mtge Te Wyeet left �u.Tueeday, Nov. 2Oth, for .1sondon, She ietende spending some time. with. her daughter in that city, and may go to Detroit' before her, return to • visit her sort Geofge at that point, , Mr. 'James Postlewhaite has been engaged in Ham lton for some time, He will be home fer Christmas. Mr. Tom Postlewlseite Ind with quite an aetident while working with a circular saw at Holm& woodyeril, by which he gave hie left head e good . cut. Mrs. Hamlin was called to Dun - galleon last Week by the 'sudden ills *noes of her mother, Mrs. Mcalith, but are' are happy to state that her med- ical adviser understood her case ,,and le a few days he was herself again. Mrs. Manners of Wingham also was suriimoned home to see her mother. Mr. Shaw, foreman of the W. 0, Flour Mill, bas been confined to the house with an et•tack of- pleurisy. Mr. Rdbertson• returned to her home last week after • spending a few days tbe• .aubst of her sister-inslavt, 1VI1s. Lewis Elliott. Slue came down and retureed by the 0. It, R. • to Megaw. M. George Porter attended to his 'busiiiess at his bookstore emery day He sutlers tno pain, but hies to use bis crutch still, • - Mr. and Mrs. JateeiSon Reid have re -crossed the eccan, leaving here, ori Wednesday of last week to take pas sage on- the steamslap "Eismeese , of treater to revieit their aid hoe. They intend to spend the welter Down .county. • Miss Lizzie Kneeshaw • has returned from some months' visit with her relatives at Bowmanville. • ' , Aire, john Iternigh'an was stricken with paralysis last week after feeling eao—swell,__th_ae her daughtee , Mrs. (Majot) Beek realitiaelatoe bee -hoeseetn Toronto, pretaiSing to mem' for Obristmat. • • ' 1Virt, S. 1VIcaltith had thie pleasure of spending gone) weeks 1 in - Kansas, as the guest of her sister, Mrs.. Patten. Me. Chrystal, boler waiter, who had a shop here some time ago, but now of Toronto, 'aaked OUT comicil to give him., a small balms, which they re- fused. They can seareely now gave it Zurich Mrs John Deward of the 10th had the misfortune to get his right bana in the gear of straw cutter • on Monday. Mr, Win. Becker refurned on-Saturte day evening last from Saeliatchewen. He showed us a sample of wheat which lie brought with him: Rom his son's farm. The wheat le badly Roeen and is selling at abet 25 cents per awuhs et 1. . Billy sayi that tiaies Will inielY be Very dull in the Wet for a ib Mr. John G. Erb of t.he Bronson Law had quite a loss through fire on Friday last, when las smoke house, end apple drying house was totally destroyed together with a let of ap- pled in process' of drying, 1V1r. Erb had oily recently put the dry -I -route in firsteclass sliape, mat the cost will be considerable to havestaliti racks, etc., replaced, 7 • Mr. Ernest Giese has .old his farm to Mr. Simon Dietrich, for. $0000.00. Mi. Dietrich has secured a splendid farm, and will take possession the 3.st O. April. HcsaIl • A very pretty wed,ding took place lad week when. 3VIre John Jr. Doherty of 'London was united in marriage to Mus Vera Calhoun. The • ceremony was petformed by the Rev. ;W. J. Doherty, brother of the 'groom, the bridesmaid was Mise Dena Wooa and the groomsman Mr. A. J, Smith. The happy couple will take up their resi- dence in London. • Meseta hilber and Gunn are taking wise course in again visiting pats of the riding and getting in touch with' their politiol friends. In Eng- land after every session el Peelle - :meet the reereseatatives visit • their 'ridings and address the electorate—on. the acts passed end those propoded. The funeral el the late Mrs. And- rew Johnstone was largely attended, the interment taking piece in Herisali cemetery. The friends present frota a "distance were : Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Short of Woodstock, ' A. Jofinstene of Bottirica,U, North Dakota; G. Nichol- son, Goderich, T. 'Nicholson, Auburn, Robert and James Nicholson, , Bel- ; grave, Mr;and Mrs. q, NicholsonaZer- ich, Mr. and elre.John Jeleistone; Blake, Mr. and Mre: Rose Johnstone, Blake, Mr. ancl S . :Johnstone, Varna Mr, and Mrs. Rathwell, Varna Aff: o7 -c Mrs. Dowers of the: Saulsle Line,. Mr: and Miss Fee, • Ziiio1i, M- and Mise Johnstene, Varna, ,IStrea.A. Gs Schmidt, Sebringville, • The death of Mies Janatt Taylor of G A ; lt 1 0 Dungannon, Temple Clark and wife spent Sunday last with friends at Auburn.. alissea Taylo and BradSord of this $ueday Blyth. • Wm. Mole, wi and child visited friends at Port Arthur on Sunday lest. Mrs. Bradley of Wintapeg visited at the home of Jae. Wayard on Mon- day of lass weele • Mrs. Wm, aleNevin ''of St. Cathar- ines, is. 'at present visiting 'at the home of Donald MeNevin. The English church and Presbyter-. *an Sunday schools ate busily pre- paring for Otristmas tree entertain- ments. Dates and full particulars will he given later. Wm. Anderson, who has, sold his hardware business to Robt. 111clienzie, moved into Mr, Ward's louse. Mr. 1VIcianzie Neill move into the quarters vacated by Mr. Anderson ind - will take r charge of the business next week,' Hugh stewed has eecently had 4. cement foundation placed under his barn, He ease had cement floors put in, the stables and has now one of the most "upstosdate stables in the town- ship. The workmanship is or the best and speaks well for the conRacti- or, Jim Eliiote of Nile. e. John Barker is putting up a wind- mill to pump water from .his arteelan • We regret to have to state that Aire: Macdonald Sr. is not so well and is again- under inedical tteate Went. A lerge •cirele of Ir ends hopo. to heat of her recovery sate. Our former popular stege -driver of the Kineerdirie ioutee John 'Wetson, gave the eostoilice sten' others elbeg the lime a pleasant durprise on Tuesday of last WeeketHe -drove_ the deg' that day and had a warm handshake and .enquiry fot everyone he met, It is about scvaii months since le, sold out his routeiliere and when he gave it up he went •into farming near totonto, as we stated at that time, but later resealed hie old vocation and bought out a stage ;route from Kincerdine *to Wallserton, He maims Ms 'home at Kincardine and ais sdeily drive is twenty-eight miles ASerious Thing for Western Ranchers. A special despaich froze Winnipeg to the Globe says that no less than 50,- 0041 ranch cattle in Alberta, ready for shipment to market,. have been turned back on the ranges for winter became buyers are not prepared to handle the stock. Ono reason given for the 'Ousel of Autumn Chills Cattead by the we awl clesteeeable weather, are especially dangerous Shia year, because of the debilitatittg effeets, of an uncommonly trying summer. In their grip, the whole groom tuners— Caiarrh prockiced 7•Qagga, and over are deranged, indigestion and constipation *cent, Were are the chills of malaria, twutgee of neuntigia and rheumatism, and liability to blood. diseases like the grip, diphtberia, tYabai4, Scarlet fever, eta. It is Important to take * reliable blood medicine now to nourish and enrich the - blood, euro or prevent autumn diseatieft and protect general health. The best is Hood's SarSaparilla which makeo rich, red, warm .bioOdt- $boelThaYtialingtirteTshts.C4e100.6"tenomses. *nano. Ilan. buyers to purchase is based on 4.0 scarcity of money, but ranchers be- lieve buyers are taking revenge on cattle Prodecers for the evidence .given by the 'atter before a commission which recently. weltered- into the grin - mos of ranchers against bayed. In elly case it is a very bad thing for the anclimen. It will mean that from one and a half to two million dollars worth of property whicla they had expected to turn into *ash will be 'left on their hands' for another twelve months. This would be a sers isms matter under any eircienstances„, but it ie doubly serious in view of a the existing unfortunate situation in regard to grain, f A train boy named Bryant Young. - man man a Chicago is charged with have ng taken $1;000 of the date's money* rom State Treasurer Frank P. Glaz- er on a Grand Trune train. Weaterley R. I. to President RoNc.„- elt weighs 28 pounds, "is Or the ronze and has a mixture of wild. lood variety. a, A. 0, Smith, 50 years old, of Smit* Bros. Trunk Company, and president, of the National •Trunk Manufaaturersr A.ssocietion of the United States, is ead ee',Oskosh of pneusnonia. Fivei 't person's were inaireti, three atally, iii a street car eollision at. The difficulties which Western ramie: - Memphis. '1 ers have met iti disposing of their 1 - • cattle, added te the troubles grain growers in the West are eaperiencing in disposing of grain which is not of CENTRAL walling quality, points to the need, 01 forming an effective and far-reaceing farmers' orgeniza,tion. There 's no roe son why the ranchers of the Weat should not be in 'a position to ship their own cattle to Great Britain without any intervention by middle, men whatever; there is every reason why, we should ' have in Ontario a thorough system of jam organizatiOn by , which the feeders of :alit province could buy in a wholesale way not only the frozen wheat but the straw of the West as a' means of meeting the existing sdarcity of fodder in Ont- ario, The experience of this yeax:will not he too deazly bought if this lessee BUSINESS COLLEGE • • of Toronto has started thousands of young -Men and Women on the easy, Way to independence and sec - cess. Let us &re the riget start. Write for elatalogeo iand plan to sliend the next six mantas with. us. Enter any time. Address W. H. Shaw, • Princieal. Yonge ds • • Gerrard Sts.; Toronto., :711w477.'7111,•'?"'"7140"11b."1111•16, • • • . ' • We have an unusually fine assortment of ttitpet Squares', Com- prising all the regular sizes in • • • `080 Wb•Altr'lbAbb+11&"44b,'‘Ifr'460 :. . CARP SQUARES Unitins, Wools, Tapestry, $ Brussels; Velvets and Wittons • /Oer stock is larger thee tee care thcakT over. Welire offering .special prices to clear out these geods. !fyou are in' need of Carpets Or .each way. I.,inoletuns come and see one stock. •Tarming_ls.' a Profeasion - • , Mr.. G. C. Creolnian, rincipal g • Stanley took place en Saturday. She, Shine'stirPrising Aatenients in rehires-- has been ,ailing for some time and bore her suffering with Christian resigna- tion. She was eery • ifiehly esteemed by herrelatives and a' large circle of to any ether who may ask for it, friends!. for ere. Chrystal lived here for -years, • but did 'not have sufficient weans of his own to enlarge ais busbress. • • • Grey Township. Geotge JOhneton awl. bride ar-a ' rived here Rpm Montreal on Novemb- mrs. Dockett has returned herhe ea 22nd. Mee Jaime* ie Anthe em- from e visit eo friends in Mt ,Irorese. ploy ;ot la• 13ecket4; te we are sorry to 'seer of -the airless'.4gricaltural Calia6" showcd hila' a . • , rs. a Birth—On November to Mr. • Of lgre. Careba.ndful of 1VIanchutia. barley as. .- and Mrs. Robert Hogarth; a earn 1• A•nuinbei Of our „faixacra havehad ' tuatoSity, eighteeri years ' ago e To-dp,y ...Mr. and Mrs, Sneed haye "iernoeed ' the power straw cutter ' t eesee la hall n milfibtracres of this . same bailey are grown in 'Ontario. That 13 the pretty repidence ow ted by' their beans the• eaet few weekt. ing the students of MelWaster tersity, on eThe New Agriculi la.st••night. • . Eibrth . . -Uni` !Physician champions Caud)i xii:ei&-ger 'Adam .Shorta lies; beets kat voletal third member of the 'Conelliaat- --. _ • "At! its Wotst, •candy is 'riot half so The oat crop 'in 'bit.tri ) hitsese dangerous as hash, soup oat_ af a • 'tion Board o investigate • the . dispute • . increaseds 20 per cent. by saentific t •• n• the Gland Trunk Railway methods," ovet •• Whet was in earlier stook pot, :breed' pudding, or any other between times, when the soil was in ite virgin richness. This means ia treteey tweety million dollars in the fernierssep ckets. ' A fellow student. at the Ontario Of the sacred mysteries wrought out RaiNay end its telearaphora. of stale and decaying odds • and ends, which are Worshipped by many model housekeepers," says Dr. Woorie fluechtheon, in the Christmas Woman's BEER BUILDS BODIES Mew Companione '"Tee substitution 4).URITY Of •starch for better or cream, to givc. body to the cheaper creams and pas- tes. While eery disagreeable,: is, ale- • • Mr. Ms Loathed. • , I About the time Alexander Macilon- Mise Lizzie GibaPn has returnedf.,rwe ald of the % fotath concession died his be visit to her brother, Mr. Jack brotaer Donald of Vancouver B. O. Gibson, Seek., • and was. present at also paid aiaturc'e debt. He had been the marriage of both her neicys, the ailing for along time ; formerly he Mises Laura and 'Rube Giheon a.te lived in this township. -• their home _Miss Laura liecomitig ale • bride "of Mir. Nicketsbn •-of- ta' Appellee and Miss Ruby, the bride of Mr. David Elliott, ..1-IoImesville. 'The two young ladies are grand -daughters of. Mr. Robert Thompson. Mise Gibson • . P . g . 'Allan. • ' • Mrs. W. Gray ThOmpson has. return:. ed from her visit to her mother, Mr. Beal of Si,. Thomas., - Mr. Bob was in Toronte last Week. . Mr. Percy Malcolmson has moved his family to' Godeeioh, The steamer Cenadien left our port last week with 'ono hundred and tee bushels of 'wheat, , • • , Miss Mabel Rutson 'accompanied her sister, Mrs. Malcolmsen, tb her nest home atWalkerton. Miss Ida Thomas is laid up with Ide Thomas is tied up With symptoms Of typhoid fever. We regret to anneunce the death Of Mrs. John Kerte:ghee valid.' tsar 'Waco on Friday afternoon last. Major and Mrs. Beck and . Mrs. Parkhill came up IrmiCroronto on P,a,turday. Mrs. Deck had just left her mother in appatently 'improved hearth. Mr. Bishop is •• now in splendid hialth after his eery severe attack of appendicitis. •-a. : Doty is*at present a patient in hospital, We hope she may soon el -better. , No service in, our churches Was a great trial to our church- goers. • Brucefield. Mr, Geo. Turner, son 61 Mrs...las. Turner started for the Old Couetey last week. Mrs. W. 4. Roes was suddenly cal- • lod to her To.ther's, Mr. Little, death- bed last Thursday. Mr. Little was over eighty years ot age and lived It the township of Itteltillop, near Win- throp. The !Imolai took place on S tt td Morrie. TOuritship.- • 1V4re. Geo: Smith, Morris, ha e re- turned 'from an aenjetable visit with Mrs. and Miss Kereagee,n at Bnden. The Cole drain debentures oiling ior • , • g years and ,bearing five per cent. • interesa Were sold to Miss Agnes Scott ae par. Miss Kerr, who is now teaehing at the 1Wilier school, will go to No. 11 in Howick towels -hip, for next year. On the' 13th .Novernber Rev. A. 0, Wished tied the matriairmial knot be- tween John Munnings of. Colborne and Mrs. Alex. Cameron of Morris. Only the immediate relatiyee were in at- tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Meanings left for their home near Beni -Miler the fol- lowing day. Mrs. Munnings' soesawill eontinue to manage the farm ' the fifth 'line, their sister • keeping house for them. ShePpardtcm. nos, Eleahor Dougherty returned Sunday evening last from it week's The Alaskan peninsula has been Cev- ' visit with relatives near Bennaller. ered with sverel inches of ashes, eve- . Frei* Hayden moved his aawaig tiently velca.nte • mean's., two and one-half den -lays', increase the farmers' income. When a farmer pen s 'an .secasional Winter eveniag in picking oat the plum, grains Roan the shrunken ones an hie seed Wheat, he is increase% his yields tinder ordinary conditions 20 petecait. • " • . - • By sowing ie the Spring clops • the'efellowing rotation, and one week apart, the farmer realized 40.8 bushels to the acre, waileathe same grainsawn another rotation • yields only.' 35.1 ushels to theacre, Ora loss of 5.7 *11 bushels. The first retation is, wheat, oats, barley end pees, • the second is, :peas, waeat, oats, barley. The average wheat crop in , Oetario for the last fifteen years has been 20 bushels to the acre, while that cat the United States -With their good farming land fo the south of. s, and With • all the Western laud, le way 12 bushels, or a difference' of 8.4 Wallas te, the acre: The questa:in 'eatetaIly arties. what is the cause? Mr. Creelinan pro- ceeded to explain et by stating thet the pioneers, of this proviece were of hardy stock. TI,ey had hem . and, es the country became smore and more cultivated, bettet, method,s were found, and knowledge Increased. Farming has now become a profession, through the khowledge of scientific principles it demands. Yesterday it was a business. • reaclatie to Colborne Mid cut a lot of wood for Mr. Moser, Mr. Hotton and others. , Miss Mary Goaloti is at present in- disposed. Dr. Gallow of Goderieli . is ' attending here • Her many Wends are eitterely hoping fox her spcedy coVery. As lVtiss McLean has done such good work for, the past two years in the school here the' pupils and their pat- ents are ranch pleased that She has decided:' to- remain another year. 4 few from this vicinity attended a. dinner party given by Mrs. James Hayden, ot Port Albert, iti honor of her brother, Arthur Bennett of Chi - «ago, Nebo Was visiting relatives for The many friend.q of Mr. James a 4ew days. Thompson will , be pleased to heir that he is recOvering and will be soon • around again. .„. n. t arwaker is thought to have Miss Mabel Turner visited friends 'in tiensall from Saturday until Monday. been drovvned while skatinig it Kenora Meg. Brown from Kent has beeroAs- A proMinent "Soo" eitigen wea ar- nine; her brother, Mr, Alex. Mustard, rested on a charge of being' e *Sleek and othsr friendo. Hand," • solutely hanidees, and like the us of rancid' taritter, or even' cheaper . fets, aoch ee suet and lara; will ptometly reveal itself tp the unaluneed palate: In Lee candy is peculiarlir protected from matiyadulteretions and dangers . by the Yery delicacy and Of the .fiavor• demanded of it. ; , • "At one time: arsenic was said ea be ueed to give tees green col& to :the 'cheaper grades of candy, tut it was never 'common, and has peeped out: of use entirely since the introduction of 'aniline. dyes. "To sum up, candy when eaten " in moderate amounts and towards. •• the close, or shoftly after a meal. is. a' hmenless and often beneficial adaitioti to our diet. • "While a. liking for it is perfectly , netural ,and wholoomee an cicessive craving is generally a sign of disease. Those young. ladies who are 'aid. • to live chiefly upoo candy and eicido do net owe theta artier to the candy they- eat, hitt th some definite morbid aondition, :Most generally based upon a, leek of prOper exercise in the open air or bf suflieient sleep....This shortie be corrected by proper hygienic or medical means., end then theirsnormal appetite for more substatitiel 'foods Wal return. Failing this, •it is pee - featly idle to' try to . cut off , their supply of candy. They had better eat that than nothing, which will be their choice until their, normal condia- . reetored.a The dimard Line, ft is: teeorted, will carry emigrants to Canada from, Ontario beers are pure, above fur more .pure than Most of the milk sold in cities, because made under con- ditions. of absa- lute hygiene. . . . . VAL UE Boiled potatoes. contain hot near, ly the nutriment that is. in puke beer f not feed 'Most folks so well, nor digest so thor- oughly, LAZY stomachs mean poor, digestions they done. work hard enough to ex: tract the good of one's food: Beer* is a food - drink that makes the stomach do its work better, because it incree- ses the ilow of the digestive juices and gives the storaach mus- cles more strength to do theirevork.. - Beer* is better for runa down -people tlianmedicine; andfor thin -blood- ed people nothing else esillenrichthe blood so surely and quickly. Ask your owh doctor if you hadn't better drink beer with ,y.eur meals. ' *BEMIS torm *Mail borors Inger, ntia, portor, and stoat t. ind, in tho proeUse of . Ontario breiveft, beverages, sande %me6t. most hqglonlo condIttona, from Onterlo bet., IV (tha best In thaworldt matt, bops, an& Mire Watot. In two we'elts twenty-five college graduates, lour college professors atul two clergymen have become conduct- ors oil the Pittsburg stied ear lines. They claim they could get no other' the continent. woik. onsmossa FEW WOMEN ESCAPE the vain ort ,WOMEN of rough or chapped hands dm, Ing the winter sea -On, and meet outdoor or business people antler mere or less. Hands that Are suffering from the Wintery weather mite be restored to the smoothness .of health by judiekats applications of Zant•fluk, The 'Min° of Zstn.Buk tither as ti protettive, ori oOrrebtiVe, cannot be over estintated. A box should be on every dressing table. OkiAriPEO FROM FINGERS TO EU:30W non'. r Walker, of 14 Manufacturer Street. Mee. tree), wnelt* 'with itioshirt sleeves rolled • Up hbot•O ,his( elhow. mt.(' passing from A warm room to the biting :old es rid e oolitted to do, ho get the Worst WO of el6er0 it Minds and arms. From his fln$:cors to his elbows was ono mass of raw fle,h with bed hero and there. , tie tried several kinds of salve, but nothing relieved him • until he tried Za.t..Thtic. 'rhis "took &war the burning atui smarting elm o.4t onco. The tracks began to heal htld a few applications of the balm cured hitn. His hams and alms are noW smooth end soft. IZAM.,suK OURES wed poison, oute • bruises, old weendo, retinae Adrok. tdderFt,. boim.. pike, eruptions, toson eares, ocromn, itch, (mamma hands, barber's rasli, bdrnta. !foal .A, thetanatism, neuralgia, do. Bold by All tirtittgintn mut Atetem at SO eento a. box. or from Mtn. Iltik Co., Toronto. a boxes for , . .. , FREE *FRiAL BOX .6.. tree gavot° box will to stint you on nimiicntion. Junt midi thio coupon with Id, stamp to Zoort•Bilk Co. Toronto 12 z 2 • • Sees