HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-28, Page 6.4
Clinton Nevis -Record
November 28th *907
• jell"! Powder
with true. frillt and
wine flavors le really
g0C/4 for you. • Ask
'year ,greeer ler pack
age Any of et differs
ent AVM'S. Prices, i9c,
tuttalilar assitl- to., um%
las* 4.
It 14 not only
eat, but
Tour table is loaded with footles.'
digeetible . and wholasonte, yet you
pewee gain strength. What's the troll,-
? Look within, and whet ` do you
find.? A lazy liver, eteinach .everload-
ed with work -useless work because
the bowels end liver, are not -sufficiehts
Sy active. Relief is s'S quickly supplied
by erste _Hamilton's Pins. They make
eveak folks , strong by removing the
cause ot the- weaknees. Digestipn
proved, coantipation leaves, liver, tak-
es new life, kidneys wake up,-,-,tne
'whole systedi is enlivened by Dr. Ham-
faban's rats: •No better medicine' f,
the sick gr. well, 250 at all (Walesa.
• Stir. H. Ce'Philpott,of .Toronto drep.
teed lead. at -Galt.
Mr. John Rariaford 0 Clinton, who
owns. the Ilrusugs Salt Works, was
in town on Tuesday. He is threastele,
ed with suit by John Grainger, whoa:
fain adjoiliS the works, tor damag• es
owing to the 'aCtion of the eSeapiag
•brine on n portion ot the tarm. A*
the Interesteti partiee. are fair and re-
asonable men there should be es way
of coming to terms that would" be
eetlefantery to •both •gentlernen. The
*salt Well has been in operation her
for over twenty-seven. .years, being
started by the late F. 0. Rogers and 1140_,
a Kline article in the saline line is ttli""
turned out, Brussels dairy and table,
salt being considered nurober one. -e
• 10.
No longer necessary to suffer front
muscular theumatiens. Every ease eau
be cured. Ferrozone IS unfailing as
proved by David Joimstori of Orne,
ond, On. "lSiy wSfe wae „a dreadftil
sufferer," he writes.. "Fee two years
she *wield scarcely' do any Workeller
• keuelties and joints swened, Cawing,
torture. She teok box after WV of
• Ferrozone •end rubbed the sore places
with Nereilines Improvement started
•and be mended fast. To -day she •is
quite .euied „arid we :thank Ferrozorie
• for _her recovety..st No reme•ly. more
popular wail doctors than Ferrozone ;
itdoes cure, 50 cents per 'box at all
ioduced bg Permission From In the Bags of the Canada Como,
pang," by R. and K. M. Lizars the Authors.
(CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK.' ,field prior •'..to 1838; and in • 1838, grog is scarcely fair. Among other
Her successor, the ee9oed :3/Itunese-
• tung, made her nrst round trip July
21)th,*1834. "'Her 'christening was quite
a fete. The young VanEgmonds, Ant-
• mY Dickson e and many other young
Man, walkeLsonle miles to see the
sight. Prete Sfelen Ltears stood by
John Galt the 'younger on `the detect,
Neter and Captain Dunlop, re.dshieted
as backwoedemen,, and the Colbeene
Clique and the .Canada CemlsanY Men,
all expectant mid all more . or less
pictufesqlee in appearances, • stood
about, The young girl broke a bottle
of wine as she pronounced the. word
Minnesetinig ina steed treble, end
the vessel was launched. Iler sailing
life was shorts. She was run Sato be
a United States, vessel near : Fon
Malden, and blown up. .St is said that
• her owners. wete never Ole to make
their claim for the amount of her in-
sitrance, 'LAO. .
But toads or no •roeds, the gentle-
men settlers must have their mails.
Once a. week a party of twin yvould
• make a trip, to Goderia, eonie going
by the Isekeshoreroad, en which lay
Lie -We -retell, and which continued to
lee Merely a blame f r many a day,
it* streams bridged by .n.st cross-
ways. Those whose lan lay p thQ*
river, on the road towards.Meadow-
lands, came by • the Khyber Pass -a
truly awful spot, the ePiteme of whet
,causeway, quagmire, cedar swamp and
corduroy combieed ceeld do, 'se nam-
ed by .Da.vitl. Lines. It was the seene
of many stirring • Milts. •• .
But gr. Ilynifinan, though he grunt -
bled _and, put _ grumblingsesinte fora
reidable shape, did not expect, all and
give potliteg. After. liis death,: regerd
for Ms constant :work on Me . •own
-roadside andthe: improteratats he
made Send 'aided ethers, to make, eaus-
• -The General Musical Direetor of the
• New • York schools has given inetrue-
Idints that, no more, Christmas carols
bieseung ill the schools :under Ms ()tarn..
are CURED—Waving the horse sotitutas a dollar—by
KENDALL'S •SpAviaq cuaz
No =Wet. what you have tried—nor how manY veterinaries have
failed—get KENO:L/4.4'S SPAVIN use it as directed and it will
givesperfect results. •
• Nongt Damn rms. Mots. P.Q. Sept. 20 '06.
'1 am treating two horses—one with Spayinthe other.
with Poll Evil.' I am using Kendall's Spaviu Cure and must say
••• I find my horses much improved. I have. Usectmany remedies
but find Kendall's The King of AIL" GEO. DRODELIR.
a bottle -0 forn Our "Treatise'On The Horse" wilt. give,yea Many_
a hint as to how to keep horses -free fidia'blernislies at—irdlazueness writes
for free copy. • • •.• . . .31
eels` este eees•tiY ItirfAr.c? NIS.CV4
TtUtt Vt\,,,C\11,0‘.
64210'. 420i. , ,t1F4
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
leen used by millions Of mothers for.
their children while teething. It dis-
turbed by might and brol:en of Your
test by a sick child, suffering •ad
crying with pain of cutting teeth send
at once and get a bottle or "Mrs.
SOothitig Syrap,",_feer child-
ren teething. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer • immediately. Depend
even it, mothers, th2re no mistake
about it. It cures Diarrhoea, rega-
lates the Stomach- and Bowels,' tures
(Wind Colic, softens ihe Gums, reduces
Inflammation and ,gives tone and en
eyegy to the whole system. _"Mrs
Winelow's Soothing Syrup" 18; Child
ren teething is Pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of the
oldest and best 'ferkaie physicians and
-nurses in the United States. Price
25 cents a bottle. •Seld by all
gists throughout the world. Be sure
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-
ing Syrup. @
, •
Judge 'Pichn of Montrealefined • a
theatre ,maeager ten- 'dollars for .eject-
- ing woman because • •lie :refused to
take of her hats
• .
Tellraphing 'advice is • received that
Jury ••• of Awards, JamestoWn .Exposi-
tion, • Norfolk, Va. have 'announced
that Crefid Trunk exhibit has been
ewerded two 'gold niedals and. . onp
ii:er. medal covering INSTALLING
The#btee,rdue steamer Reno aeit,ved
Safely In Port Arthur. •
James Fewhigs, 10131101-ty ( hid
of Pence of St, Thomas, is deed. '
;John SteWart wee killed by a fall
while deeprating • the .Chtiech a'• Our
Ladyat Guelph last wek.
„ • • .
"Samul Dutton, a Hamilton football
• .
player, was fined $50 for inching an enures mete, timepiece,. and abet: thront
other player's teeth out duriag a anmeets ru.o quickltr ykieved by .Cresoleno
match. tablets, ten cents per ,bca.: All druggists.
A convenience. much
appreciated by every•owner
of a Pandora is the towel
rod attached to the range.
As one-third of the rod
is made of emery, it makes
a splendid knife,sharpener,
It's always there handy
for you. You ,need waste
no time hunting a.roultd for
the easily misplace die steel. '
Bright idea, eh?.,
An atcurate thermom-
eter is a reliable guide to
successful baking, while an
inaccurate one is a "cheat"
• of the Worst
Every Pandora ther-
mometer is .carefulty ad-
justed • and undergoes a
'Freed* test by heat—is •
proven correct before b in4
sent out.
The figures, Whic oest
the requited:degree of heat
• necessary for the successful
• baking of bread, calces,pies,
- etc., are plainly inscribed.
• in black on a white enamel
surface, so that they a're
easily readable, even when
• the day is dull.
tf your local dealer 6
does not sell the Pandora,
Write direct for free
TORONTO, motriatAta,
1dby Harland
&Ammo, lifi4
about the time of enost bitter •coms
'plaint, ,various other large eures for
similar werk,
Then follisws a series of lettere
"No. 1, Canada Company. Challenge.
to the Bi'ctish Colonist signed 'Henry
Hyndman, says s
'I have. no ,doubt the charge against
him (Me. Shade) will be 'triumphant-
ly refuted, and it will be shewn that
Mr. Jones, priding himsele on his
skill in_ navigation, has,- inaat*telant-
ing to avoid Scylla, plunged himself
and the Canada. Company into Char• -
ybdis. My preseirt business with him
• will remove him from the Straits -0,
Messina to the waters of Lake Huron
and the rapids of the Maitland, which
,cd. the council to give his widow a
year's ienrnunity from statute labour.
.Some. One, signing hinthelf tiur•
en," • f tienishes ,yery spicy ' .pamphlet
reading. :Whatever. else was- laelehig in
Coleerne, strong words Were plentiful:.
" they , go back to. the
l'Aeseltsysteni L.halkod out to them
by the talented .MreeGsatte.! let -°-..the
• noble lords remember that • the' dkec-
tors of. the .0ansas empany. have ac- ringing to the fifth • peepesitton . of
_qui -red -for ,themseIves-thestyie entleSEticlid, Theyehad . e.driveniron bars;
'title of iraPacious land -jobbers„ • ped -'through the 'squad logs prepared for
dleis.and hecksters ... .. e. a want1" of • the bridge, " atter • the workman had
inditidaal resportsibility., whiehe sees, levelled the bea With garden :rakes,"
.hOnee andvirtuealike at defianceina..used, other Methods' • eultanie:to
the Lard . ',Mho!), who May he foundthe. construction of a pone .asinorum.
eeetewheredirecting the 'energies 1. of: When reffionstreled with for placing
the Family dempaet, which is . on the bent in a -certaiti poeitton in the
-arid_ the , same thing US the Canada .. rieret, the hot-headed engineer . replied
Gent,PanYs" , 7 e * that "the --befit should he there . ir.
In. 1839 :there was Still net bridge, spite. of the river, Euclid,- the • Cot-
aad 'tne ecoiontste petitheeed. Sir borne.people and thesdevel."'
George' •Arthur . . , " that. the TOWII- .
Ales," says • Mr. 'ISyndinan,-,ealaS
ehip of sColborne, in Whitt' four peties •
for hisetainglorious. hosting- he ile-
tionera reside, le. bounded on the 'eeet. fi.eti three- powerfat opponents,- for
and south by: ' 'the breed; deep .and the first, :witliout any assistance front
rapid river, Maitland that yeut.
the -otherl two, Wheel he ethesed • • as
petittoners were ...induCed from e.a..tious 'leagued together, upset . his faVorite
cireums.tanees to %settle :on y the . land bent • on. the '1.Stli.'or Nove4ber,. -108,
belonging to • tne Seenada. CortePartyat the error was not, repeated.
more partitularlYefrom 'the . great ad, I ". l'.. • Mr. Jones, like •the Eegin-
vantages that coraoration held ouhtOs .• '
eer., appears to have studiedexchetees
emigrants,' le which • your, petitioner*. ture in Laputa.'" e •
regret' to say they have been 'miser-. .„ • ' •,' . '
ably -disappointed limb. more pattie- Thera followed "a large ,and highly
ularly from the want of a•nridgn • ao-. respectable -meeting • of the • inhabi-
roes the .Riyer Maitland, which .debaritante ami- • fiecholders of #GOtlerich,
to; Colborne and: Stanley"'. to _stake into
them from. an convenient 'aactess
cOnsideration 'the -conduct of . Henry
Goderieh, arid coneequently to s other
. parts of .. the p.rovinte, exCept. in. the .Hyndmen and others who were aline
middle of witster, when Ctodetich. hat- ors of certainstatements teineasMS
hour .thsfrozen ecrese,eind th safe for in the public :prints. Mr. • Richard
teamOn an, average or about tWQ Lowe proposed., etc., .."that this meet-
months in the 'yeat." •
Jug have reads with ledigne,tion • and
But by the , following year the fame...Ante-it; eth."
of ,the Canada , 'Company's Maitland The meeting .• then dispersed in a
'bridge had gone farther • abroad, as the "quietend orderly'. manner'the the-
re'll:Ay:Mg-. 'extracts from the Bettisti ord 'signed .by Js. Straelian and • Join)
Colonist show. The Seiretenstances ai.geatte, ' -* . •. • ' . •
:which drew :stiohwritings forth was •
But Mr,. 1-1Yedrafte coateeded in. his
that Mr. • Absalom .Shade; member fee
Galt,had in the Hi:Mee said "That, next- letter . that, all -resolutions flatt-
ering te,' the Company, • and ee derog-
. the Company had paid • 13 lts. :per
atory to himself, were menufactuted
mile for mining and clearing' out a
toed, one • Chain in Width, from 'W11- in the. ComPanY's• ofliee and his bro-
'mot to Goderich, ; that the, tender for
tle say,
because the persen tendering had
the same 'work at L40. had -been rejec-
lie ineeting is to be -called. On every
refused; to receive three-quarter pay., occasi cm' that en answer to the chall.
ment in lend, and the person doing .enge c't• Ph' Jana6 make its aP.Peats
the work had accepted that eonditiore • anee, there. will- •.be a 'heavy account
against the Company for extra, wear
of . Sunday clothes, in edition' to the
Under -Secretary's charges for th'e.dis-
trihutien of ereg• ,• the red cross
• flag waves in Our; hearts as well. eta
ovtr our heads , •the loyal Melte
• ty, as some have called it . •. •
I take this opportunity • of stating
that I bear no enmity to the Canada
ComPany, and halie• no persenal._ 111
will against Mr. Jones.. . Let
the Company for the future earry'Oul
the true spirit et their chatter, and 1 -
ant eilent.".
•The gibe abotit the distribution of
papers is a bill dated 1833, reeeipted.
Toheowine with Mr. Jones was in danger' and there being no
• Lie S6 DOI town elerit to moderate heir wrath
To 5 gallons hrandy-23 S2• (Toronto not having then got 'its
To• 6 betties wine -.- •Ll 810 1)0 charter), It raged against the em-
end so on, the eliarer beleg Dr. Dun- pany awl all that aided, aaretted, com-
ity. The data throughout does net forted and assisted it, with unlimited
warrant the Colborne side in influlge fury.; and the effects of that fiery, in-
ing in jokes about grog to the OW- dignatIon was not confined to the pro-
ment of the Goderich side. As - one •'yin lone, but reached London, and
old settler says, "everyone was Just iif the most unpleasant effeeth on the
like' everyone else in those days, for well-being„ of some pf the Company's
they drarik whiskey, every halt hour, highest officers M this country, For
and there' was no exception." .That -thereet--of-theetrovititit-Ssthey looked
there were some eibetitione testimony on the undertaking with the ,most be
allows to Henry Hyndinen, and a
• choice few. •
he may find as • deep, and dangerous,
or the colony, or not, did undoubted
harm" to them : like the silversmiths
of Ephesus, the felt that the "craft
The le \ter from "A Huron," I oil -
and though not so salt, ranch More owing Mr. Ilyacimants, is not so
bitter. . . . The tadating .peaceable 'in tone. He calls. upon the
enge to you'; (the British Colontety press aed people to he still on their
"of the 23rd February, 'that the goaee "„Let them bear in mind that
more the official conduct of the Oan- one-seventh part' of Upper Canada' has
ada Company and, their Cornmisgon- been most unfortunately , left to ' the
tender mercies of tlai association •
. and send ng their moneys out • of
the province • .• . . thrusting the:
minions into tile, L•egislature end mag-
istracy of the country, they. employ
parties exceedingly well paid,„ sur-
rounded by 'beets 6f teols and pera-
ers in this county is enquired • into,
provided only the result of these• ee-
quiries be Saithfulty Communicated,
the higher willbe the situation ot the
Ccitapany in rhe. ()etiolation Of the
• "This, i`er,, is. a ehallenge which 'I
Public. . • •
Will not 'suffer to pass unnoticed a sites, men. teed ay the teeth whet fol -
.challenge I never expected to re bow their employers as the:crow fol-
ceive fiom the. Canada:. Company' and
lows the: carrion.'
which will -be cheerfully, answered. -
from all parts of the province, tsearitypsooraf rofy c rival etdhie.
esP'e-c-e, Br4itishPaPCLOrloncis°tn
ially from, the devoted Huron, ' „
The first bridge hi importance as in tor, "He is te men little chap alum',
the Size of a Itanted mosquito, with
extent is that across the IVIaitland at
the amiability of a •,poteepine_aeidethe
Goderiela which the Canada Company
heve-been so 0,11-1i0W;Slia1l7b-e well lestliteneseeterssW67great white beat.
built that its erection has aceueied Ho has the whole, wisdom of the
country under his tongue; which ,, is
thole nearly Ave years; and therefore
procured it thename ofSuspension placed on a Met in the Middle and
' ..
.' .
Bridge.". He goes on to show that talks at beth ends
in September of 1838 he.had _expressed; • So 14r there •w,aa no public defence
his opinion of the workmanship tf Of the °meetly, of . vihich:Dunlop Was
the bridge to Mr: Jones.; and
taeseby ae member and wbicli he „must hale:
annoyed the latter . so that be feared heard roundly abused in his own house
:the Commissioner and his fidue ,Achas and ell along his Country eide. He
tese,(Joha Longworth) Would' , have prepared 'a document_ for.,publicatiOn,
pitched hat '"unfortunate crease from. • a copy of *hien we here give.; but tor
the Baron's Hill into Lake Huron,"
The anger of . both was seareely. un- ,some unknown teason it never saw
the printer's °Mee; andthe intended'
natural, perheps, s As ilyndman nubile yiedication lies, a tattered, dis-
echarecterized pet their • ignorance as bele colored. relic in pale blue pa • d
• • #, , an
-browned - — -
that causeways ' forwhich. the Cent-
pany paidififteen siiillinge per rod, give
ingthree-quarters •in land, had been
tendered foe at .tensMllinus cash.
Theiefere, as...1t Was -money that s. the
Company promised. the 'Governnientte
spend, the Corapeny was now. only
entitled to receive from the Governinent the - sum of .forty -poets and
ten shillings pet . mile and 'eod."
Those persons who quoted the-"tal-
enthd Mr. Galt's able management."
evidently, forgot that he himself noes.
tett that his chief •road was cheaply
construeted ender this seme- system,
But at, that time th6 '"Autobiogra-
phy” was mit before . the Canadiae
rilissionet ..Joties replies to
Mr ,Shade at ,length.: " Indeed it
is difficult to imagine that, a • man ,
eould be found base enough to melte..
such It charge' unleSs, he had ludisput-
elk evidence • to support it, and 1
which had himself .horoughly invest -
gated ; and still.more .dillicult it is to ;
conceive th&t sail a 'Charge so grave- i•
ly assertedi,. should have no foundation i
whatever in; truth, arid that it was
nude purely from Personal ad -vite
ritpre rtiotivcs."
Tip records -howth, sums of iet10
fer four Ile,' bridaes : '017317 for a
road to 'London $145 tor four lipid-
;. SS:1117 'for .openitig road te Bay-
. • "The Canada Company.'
. . . . .
"Moralists and 'casuists itt all ege• t
haite held that man is .an uncharitable
and .vied,ittive animal. This..,:e true to
e certain •..extent„ but not by any
•meahs. to the extent that theee gentle-
• men ' Would have _us -suppose. When
. .
neither . reepect,. nor., feat nor • envy
have a swey in his mid, manis
forgiving.' an ..animal as emitd be
desired. The .knave i 3 forgiven . his
erlimts when they have aefely eenduet-
ed 'bini to the .gallows-eotgiven by all
ffoni •the:•thoder-heatted .giel who weeps
the untimely .fate ot r..-"pioper young
man's, to the -stern judge who • • seas-
onS thc.. unpalatable tondeinnatien .of
his • perishable and wterthlessbody
w.ith. ati emphatic prayer efor. the fut
ure wellfare of his preciotis and im-
neartal soul ; Irwin: the kind-hearted
prosecutor • whom a seas of duty
•corepelled tobriete him .to jestice, ;to
the mawkish, reatidlin Pathon. Who res
'cords his exemplary penitence and the
pleasant .freene of mind he exhibited
betWeen 'thesentence. and the *execu-
tion, for . theedifieation; •as the
• merit hath it,- or, all persons in , like
casetoffendbeg, end who peeves to the
satisfaction of all -whose ,heetts are
'not hardened by.. Conimen sense that
the prophet Bala,ant was a much !great -
or • ass than that on • which he :rode
when - he 'preyed . thethe "might' die
the death of the .righteoue and.
latter • end be like unto .seeing.
that had „he- needle these enlightened
timehe must •have 'known that • .he
might . have rioted • in sin and self-in-
dulgence until within • twenty-four
hanrs of his death, and then,by the
help: 'of- an 'evangelical parson, have
died a death of eoniideftee and. 'emu-
ance in salvation 11,10k0 firrn and sure
than. the .majority of, the . righteous
ever are favored Withal. • • •
-"But. human forgiveness, • like all
,sublunary thins, hath a limit ; and
• Whatever remiseion may be botowed
'On, dimes and Italie, the world knows
none. for .that greatest. of sins in its
• decalegue, Success. If prosperity
comesby- good fortune it produes
siniMY envy, and the arrow that
Wounds carries'its salve along with it.
• "We may reniark• that there is ••e
...special -providence which watches, and
priite.ets the. interests 0 tools', and WO
Muddy thank • God that we 00 no:,
one of the col:potation svhO eajoy-such
an entlable privilege ; but wlfere
proriperity arises from the condect and
judgment, gall le added to bitterness,
'for the very fact Infers • a %updraft),
in the offendingaparty, • which., as rt
lowera us In our own estimation, in-
flicts the deadliest wohnd on our own
self-love, which is, of all parts of out
moral organization, the Most sense
tiVe and easily Irritated.
"The Canada Company is, a fair ex-
Rmple of these eioral truths. When it
first • commenced its operations in
this colony .it was an univetial favor.
ito with all, save happy few
who tsurrounded pro -consular
'throne and basked in t14 refleeted rays
of majesty that emanated from it.
These $t9.W in, a moneycd company
who bought what tlfey and their
friends were in the habit of getting for
nothing, a set of Mello -pets who,
whether they did good toethemselvee
nign aspect ; firstly, because it ann-
oy4c1 their betters, end secondly, be -t
cadee they considered It as the pro-
ject of a parcel of Cockneys to whom
God,had granted infinitely more money
than wit, and *they saw that -theit op -
Jos' tors
finnufacturer ik Retailer
•'One of the biggest factors in build-,
ng up this business has been quality.
*One can't imagine anything more
likely to deceive the purchaser by its
appearance than a tior Garment.
It's the wearing of it that.peoves the
quality. Every pelt that goes into nor
garments has been eery carefully foe-
lected. At the present tlme_ourlarge
-showroom-A sire croWded with all the
latest novelties in Miak, Royal Er-
mine, Sable, Fox, Bear and Squirrel
• We make a specialty of ordered gar-
ments otall kinds. Fur or Fur Lined.
Write for Catalogue and Price List.
Ross 190 Dundas Street
London, Ont.
•eraticins, hoewever long or short mlght . .
be their continuance, Would be the
means of impartin to each of the
parties what they individually were
so eminently in need, of -as money,
they rightly agthed, has a natural
tendency to gravitate frorn the p,ock-
ets drthose who do net know its.val-
ue into those cif such as Providence
has 'blessed with so much sense as to be
• fully aware of its fmtsortanee and util-
ity,; and wisdom, they know, wben
bought at some cost, was always more
valuable thee who • ;More •easily ae-
mired. Accordingly, the Company and
its officers were in high favor;• their
healths followed those of the King
and the Governor (and Omethees -witil-
nHfepl9.is than
Other) at , every
public • dinner in the provinle, and
nothing couldexceed the cordiality
with'. -which • they . were reteelecd, so
Jong as it was the • general pireon
that the colpny nad everything to gain
and nothing to lose by them.
. "Mit these halcyon days, like those
of the golden age, have gone by. It
• is supposed • that • the Corrigan), has
been eminently prosperous, . those
who bate pitied the fools and pocketed
their money, now feel that they hate
been grievonsly,injured by the 1:esult
pf the ,pornpany'e proceedings, belying
their predictions, and tlterefere it is
naturally and .neceesarily abused and
vilified- on all. hands. 'Of course, • in
this proceeding there is much that fs
false represented es true, and much
that is true exaggerated and diettiet,-
ed. It. must therefore, be our duty:to
enquire • into' what this corpotation has
done, ends for the accusatiens tbat.
heve been btought against it are just.
or unjust. •.• . . , •
•A farereaching plot iagainet the dic-
tatorship haS. been discovered in Lis:
bon and the police have seieed ' 700.
bombs and made 10 arrests." . •
s, District Judges ler Alberta' and
Saskatchewan heeee, been appointed.
We. Guarantee
to cure' your cough or cold
No "ifs" or "bias' ---jtist
.: straight staternent-Shiloh'i
Cure. will cure your cough
*or cold and do it quicker
than anything you
ever:tried, or your druggist• .
will return. t,he, purchase.
price.. Get 'a bottle to -day,
and cure that cough or cold:
• The Canadian Paella Railway. has
large parties of surveyors at work
locating two lines in the State or
Washington, ••
The new Irish 'University bill being
prepared by Secretary Birrell will
propose the establishment of two new:
Universities.. •
Estqblislt;d 2:879
'Whooping Cough, Crottp, %Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
• Creselesi Is a beon to Asthniatics
Does h not seem more etTictit;e to brialhe inda
• remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to eal,te thWiemedy.into the stomach?
Ii,cures because the air rend e4 Strongly anti.
septie, is carried o h diseased surface with
every breath, g•vin ged and,coristant treat.
• ment. It is mvahm b mothers with small
Those of a consuMptive
tendency find immediate
- reliif from cOugha ok in -
limed conditions ,of th'e
throat. • '
• Sold by druggists.
.• Send postai for i)001C1-4t.
Limited; Agents, Mont-
rm,1, Canada:: 307
' The testimony of the otlicials bt thee
lehoenix Bridge Company was . taken
by the banadia.n. Royal Commission
and places the full responsibility for
the Quebec Bridge disaster on Theo -
• .
He tedIS hen dead, a sense of neu•
ale, headache and , nerve . stratus .
He is on the verge . of breakdown :
through everwork and . lack of exer-
cthe. These r difficultrea are best over-
come by Dr. Hamilton's .Pilis • which
Make the . bowels active stimulate kid-
ney and , liver • and thereby free the
system from impuritles.
To revitalize and stimuli* 'e your •
whole being, to retake oil lethargy and
tiredness, nothing , compares with 'Dr.
Hamilton.'s Pills , which, make, good -
'geed. health, good spirits. Sold
• everywhere in 25 tent boxes. •
L1 L acunrdecsocuOglhdes:
Shiloh's Cure is a safe aed sure •
cough and cold medicine for
children. It has been effecting
• cures for 34..years. All drug-
gists -2c,, see and Sado.
, • 607
.., •
Chief of Police -Gibeatt of Vardun Vete
lined $20. by Judge 'Cifoquet et , Mon,
thttalIrth•opt interfering in a fight hi-
• The Grand Trunk operator at Stets
ensville was robbed err $21 by. a s'.ra,n-
ger who entered the otriee anti cetera
hint with a revolver.
'rho 7 men killed in the explosion
at Dryden were all Austriane.
. ,
• The Canadian patrol steamer Vigil: -
and captured • two American fishing .
boath and a gasoline launch at Old,
Hen Island on Lake Eriee •
dore Coolie's., the .coftsulting engineer.
• State Of Ohio
• City Of Toledo, ss
• Lucas County, • -•
• Frank J. Cheney makes oath thatt
he is senior partner of •the firm of F. -
J. Cheney & Ce., doing • business in
the City of Toledo, County -and 'State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each and • every case of
catarrh that cannot be Cured by the
use iff 'Hail's Catarrh Oure.-VRANK
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in in presence, this 6th day of De-
cember, A, D. 1886, '
(Seale)• • Notary Public.,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is fa,ken inter
flatly, afel acts directly' on the blood
and mueous surracvs; or the system.
Send for testimonials free. •
• F. J. Cheney es. Co., Toledo,' 6:
• Sold by all druggists., 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pine for con-
The Ideal Beverage=
A Peep ALE,-'
, palatable, full cif
the virtues of malt
and hos, and itt
sparkling condi..
tion, is the ideal
beverage. .
New %ellen (eternise; ettneunee its ,purity; and
judge., let nese, ono teed look no further.
; ......nziteA-roctusittrui#