HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-28, Page 5tgov
eWrs'Tit rR7.7,
WA' 28th e 1907
• Aliathiira.;
• :Rev. Jelnes LIVingeiene et London
VrOttebiad excellent serreene to large
coultreitetiene. te the Methodiet eluireht "e• •
„ 40A 004447e:4nd •ilt the afternoon safe '
,010414 AddIeSS in the Sunday
etellael. t was Missionary .0unday iu
• the .004- and "it.j Con0deritly
MOOted. I eC-
tbat the -reiseionare giVinge •
will .be considerably lereer than last
leate .' • • " . • .• t •
•• Miee Clara ,0911freY'' +eq. London is
. ;pimping her Ltunt, distWiftson,
- • tiebeetat one day 104 weck atul leek,-
• * bone ineone of her linibe.
- Ant:. 404 .relideet ot Wieghani was.
•Iaid to
rest bit Sunday the•*bengen-
. leen teelegterY,, in the.' person ea Maze
' •-•Ettret clerk, ret,ict el*,e late : .4entes
• • "&faedenaliL Deceased West .99', years:
of ego ,and wee thentottia• of -
, Couu-
eillcjr D. Meedenald,' wtth. whom she . •
.ltad been residing. .
— rtrak
•.00 a .wingbAni,o, eed, teepeeted . • A tA
CrOStaflitS PA$e,E1 • away en Sineilay 'grett"e".
The Caste" 141,s-Rocor4
'p1 U!ThPli
WI. Ellen Nagle, 414 4th
ex have olten heard Re-
runs, praised and it le More
'widely kumili, here than
otheeMeclietues, butff never
knew what a splendid med-
icine it really -Woe until a
few 'Weeks ago when X
taught a bad cold which
eetued 0•11, over me.
siffilse fleeter wanted tp
prescribe, but I told him I
was going to try Peruna
and sent for a bottler and
tried it. I felt Muoh better
1 the Aextromnbilic and with-
in five, days I had not a
trace' of any lameness or
her 76th year, iiie•the. Perot% of Mrs.
. Jona ,Guteet. Iler maiden name was
Cbarlette„ White, and she was born in
VIPPOatY °Quay, Ir_eland. She had
been it resident of 'Tinton county for '
thirty Years and. of Winghain .fOr 20
• years. 1 -ler husband predeceased her
N+ about 27 yearl age,. Interment ; took
Place in loncknow on Tuesday.
' A largely Atteeded Meeting in litle
intere,sts of ' the British ‘Sc Foreign.
• Bible Society was' held in -the town
, hall on Sunday overtire% at the„ coa-
t •clusion of the seevicee in the eh -arch-
es. Mr. leobt. Lockett, tpreeident, of
the Winghare braneh, pretidea. Before,
the Address arid' views were :given by
„ tile district secretary' of the sediety,
"Reve W. E. Haseard, theloliceting
Ilcees were elected' : President, „Balt.
tockart ; secretary, Jos. Eye ; trees, -
era, Rev. N. Burwase ; executive
-committee, Anglican Church, H. Dav-
is and E. Nash, Presbyterian °Mitch,
D. M. Gordon and J. N. Taylor;
Wetliodist Church, F. Buchanan and
John Kerr ; Baptist Church, P. Fish -
gar and A. Cocas ; Salvation Arra)",
A. E. Simmons and J. 11/eNevin..
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac IVIeGavin of
Leadbury spent' Sunday as the 'guests
"of the latter's Mother,. Mrs. McCully.
Miss Annie Macdonald returned
home to Staffa on MOnday atter seen -
,ding a couple of weeks as +he guest
c�f her sister, Mies Maggie Mader -0.1d.
• The Epworth League had a literary.
_meeting on Tuesday evening.
1VlisS.Bertha Artnetreng and brothers
-of Brussels spent Sunday as the guests
-of Miss Annie Lawson.
Miss Damage went to Gotierich 'on
Saturday to visit her sista.
. •
It is the unanimous opinion of suc-
oessful up-to-date farmers that the
- Family Herald ;..aid Weekly Star, of
&Ion -thee is of mote practical benefit
to. them than any purely agricultural
_journal. In addition to its splendid
,-agricultural section it is also wieldy
newspaper and magazine that • no
:family can well afford to be Without.
At the .small price of one dollar :a
year it is the marvel of the newspaper
world. Any person wanting tee nest
.dallar's worth they. ever kot should
give the Family Hr4,ald and Weekly
Star a trial for 1901 The enormous
• -demand for it at this season of: the.
year' makeit neeesse;ry to rereii early.
to ensure getting the paper promptly,/
1Vliss Ross of Blyth S+undayed with
Mrs. J. L. Geddee; ••
Miss N. J. Brandon will spend
lew weeks with her brother, Rev. W.
:J. Brandon of Port Colborne.
Mrs: John Owens of East Wawanosh'
Is not enjoying good health at present,
John Shoebottom had, the roisfor-
-tune to have the axle 'of his traction
.engine broken which nece3sitated, a,
trip to Hamilton for repairs. ....
Miss Gardhaer and Miss; Hamiltoh
of Goderich township have heeling:end-
zing a few days with the latter's bro-
ther, Dr., Hamilton of Belgrave:
Mrs. Pritchaed of Wyoming and
little Louie Polley have beee flsiting
the formers niece: Mrs. River
Mr. Eli 'smith of Brussels dondatied
-the services, at Belgrave and Sunshine
:in the absence of the pastor.
We are Sorry to report That Mrs.
James Ferguson, north of Beigrave.
has been seriously ill. She is quite
Advanced in years.
se•lbAlftetaellella"Ve.'eaelb. tIWAbealasele. •
• $
. .
. In our window.. .
this wedk we. $
4 are . -showing 0
# some CHINA., .
1 marked at oast, . !
, and less, as We a
•4 wish to oiear i
'4* out these Iii.leg, $
and patterns, #
#. .
1 $
1 Issuer of Striage Licebees. $
. eleeke"-16, ties*, /Ole elieeteteissAieet
• •••••••%.*::....:1:,
. •
Prime Ionali Xalanienitielet Dewey. Hotel,
Washington, D. C. Delegateto congfeee froze
lifavraii, writes; '
4l Gan obverts:104 recommend your
Peruna as a very effective remedy tor
coughs, colds and catarrhal trouble," •
Hen. C. O. Brooks, Mayor of Stan:bury, Ohio, also Attorney fOr Fanners'
Ilea and Sunbury Building And Loan Co., writes: • •
alliaTliqhe WI/WA confidence in the virtue of Pereira. It is a great mei-
cine. I have used it and I,have known many of my friends Who have ob-
tained beneficial results from its use: I cannot praise Parana too highlyet
Cystitis Entirely-RelleVed.
NisRMattie MoA. rthur, eare of Hos-
pita, Medical Leke, Wadh., writes:
-"I have -not -written to -You -for ilme,jnzt, Oh, I haVe given You, many
werds of praise. I am -so well. I had
cystitis very badly and could not walk.
. any distance without suffering intense
' pain, but I do not have a touch of my
old suffering notv. earr never praise
Peruna eneugh; I am felling every one
• how ranch good reruns has done for
• .
Catarrhal' Head and Throat
Mrs. William H. Hinehliffe, 20 Myrtle
street, Beverly, Mass.' writes* •
_ _
-"I have taken four bottles et Peruna,
and I can say that it has . done me 4
great deal of good for catarrh of -the
head and tfirriat. .1 recommend Perms
to all aufferere With • Catarrh. do not
'think- I ever felt neigh 'better. 1 am
really surprised at the Work I Can 'do-.
Id° not -think tola touch prole.° Can be•
. . . said of Peruna
• Suffered
' With
A. S. Marsh,2128 Reservoir St.,
tos Angeles, Cale Presideut Woman's
Benevolent Association writes:
"I suffered With la ;lope for seven
weeks, and nothing I could'do or take
helped me =tit I tried perrina.
"I felt at once that I had at last se-
ared the right mediehre and I kept
steadily, improving. Within thee
weeks 1 Was fully restored, and I ant
glad that I gave that truly great remedy
„• •
eI nevek be "without it again."
Used Pe-ru-na For Bronchitis.
• Mr, Frank Battle, Jr. First street,
ear Charlotte A Jr.,
Tenn., writes:•••
"I desire to say for the benefit of
others that yonr•Peruna has moues-
tionably cured me of chrenic bronchitis.
Itis the•grandesttdiscovere of the age
for throat and lungs."
Peruna is not simply a palliative to
relieve some of of the distressing syrup -
• toma,,/t brigs permanent relief: - 1
lanosennoss.m.ke mau....a...,,,,m7;........,,,,.................4..
The Vienna AcadeMY of Science will Annual Meeting of the Huron. Li#e Stock Market
loan Sir William Ramsay a faction of, - . ,. , , • .. .
Termite,. Nov. ,25th. -At • the Union
Stock Yards; Toronto Junction, tic
run of stale to -day was 20 cars, with
e() head' of eattle-e394ttelieelir• 48
$ .
g a 0 rat m teeer ent with. 014 Boys.
The annual Meeting of the I-Iuron
Old BoW, A.0ociation of_T_0ront0 vires_se
held, oil Friday veiling last When tire
following °Inters nerd elected :
— Births.
BLACK-e•On Nov. letle the wife Of
Redmond Delatnere Blacle•
er of' the Dominion Bank, Hespel-
er 'fortheely. :of Seaferth, al a
AN -US -In Winglialmeon Nov.' 15th,
to Mr. and Mrs: Wm; elcholtoti;
. a daughter.
.•. .
HAMILTON -In Nov; 18, 10
kr, and Mrs..' A Hain I ton., a
CURRIE-In Lcindeeboto -Noverebt
• Cr. 14th, to Ree. ILE: and 'Mrs
Cufrie, A dItighter. . •
' lVlarritiges
14,. at the lesidence of the -bridal,"
sister,' etre. J. A. .sanclos6n,
ltev.. G. Howson, Joseph Lattoie
/co, to •Margaret Esther 'Watcher.;
• all Of. Winghams•
at the residence ol the bride'e par-
enee,. • elittsgreen, ' by Rev. ;Urqu-
.. hartt Kippen; Elizabeth; eldest
daughter of John Riechart to Ar,
• na Stela of Iliffsgreee.
STURDY-eCRAIG--eOn 'Nov. 11; by
Rev Mark Turnbull, Ethel Alftet• -
, tat second daughter • or Capt. Will.
, Craig to ' Lieut Harry- Oswald
. • '- .
CATI.JNG-&11TCIIELL----' At • 'Oak-
.• burn Island 6ri• Nov. 3rd.,- Bertha.,
third daughter Robt,
•lite of Atinghem to Victor Catling
•• of Coekbute •
. Deaths.
ERRATT-In Stanley- on No-vetribet
25th, lease letratt, aged 70 years
and 6 months.
• ner 2Gth, Mrs. Frances rtat•hwell,
aged 80 mare •
JORNSTONIS-In SuIntn2rhill on
Nevereber • 2Gth, • Annie, Pearl,
• daughter of "Mr., George Jobnstotie;
aged 12 years, and.7. months. t
eicTAV/SII-Iti North Easthope, on
• •NOverritor Utile Duncan McTavish,
• formerly of Takersmititeeaged 107
• years,.
OLIVER-In Illuevale, Nov. 19-th,
Mabet Oliver, aged 28 years.
RALPII-At: Gpderiche November 19th
Ettsabeth Rosa, wife of the late
John tepd 66 years,
WILSON-Af Kincardine+, oe the' 16th
• Noe., Mrs Wilson, widow of the
late John Wilson.
BEACOM-1n Goderich, on No.
• ember 18thm
, John Beacom, aged
' 03 eeatS and 11 months.
AllANNON-ln Ooderich, ton Novene
bet 17th, Arndt L. Writ3a, relict
• of the late 4,0. -Sbantion,
aged 71 years.
MeKillop, on Nov. 20th,
,• John Wilson Little, aged 85 yeere
and 2 mouths. '
LONG -At Beistol, England, on Nov.,
• 7th, 'Grace,' netoved wife of Ai-
• thur Long, ei Beeter, tged 33
years. "
CA NT ItLON-Itt Goderith town-
\ ship on November 23r4, Peter Cate
• Mori at the i go of ret yeas's. •
. -tate •••:;:!..t•
Malarial Fever For Several
• Months.
• lqrs. Sue M. -Morris, 2914
Patterson Bt., Nashville, Tenn., writes :
•* "Lastiell a severe attack of makrial
!error Uhl me up for some months. dvfy
condition was serious' for a trine And
the doctor Who was attending me did
not seera 8,151e to cope with the trouble.
• "A neighbor advised me to let the
doctors prescription • alone and try
Peruna, extolling its virtues to' the
skies, and I am now ready to do the
sern,e,lor in„three daysI was much. bolt -
ter and in ten days 1 was able to be -ap
andin two tiveks every trace of malaria
•had left my system. .
"I now rise Peruna off and on when in
nee4 of a tonic and it braces Me up won-
derfully." • .
"The Doctors Gave Me Up."
Mr. Lewis Kitchen, Hulington, Ohio,
"I cannot thank you enongla for the
good your Peruna has done me. About
sir months ago I could not leave my
bed, and the doctors gave me uli'saying
Ant I had, consumption and could not
live. Then a friend recommended
Peruna to me, and commenced using it,
"When I started to use your..Perwas
I weighed 11,1poungls, and now I vveigh
172 pounds. 1 had been sick for ten
years, and was so sick I could not turn
over in bed when I began the use of
Peruna.. I think it is the greatest med.
ieine of its Woe.
"I aan• new „feeling well and hearty
and would not be without Perugia,"
Weak and Nervous. .
Mr. Charles Brown, Rogersville, Tenn.,
writes: .,
"I feel it my duty to write you a few
words In praise of yotir Peruna, have
tried many different rentedies, but have
found that Peruna Is the greatest tonic
on earth, and a perfect system balkier.
ob, friend advised me to take Peruna
for indigestion, and it cured me in a
alert tire°. I was very weak and
nervous, could sleep but little at night,.
but Peruna cured that tired, all.gone
feeling, and made me feel like a new.
man, ao 1 heartily recommend It to an
Who are weak and run down, Peruna
*ill give new life and energy. 1 ewe-
notspeak too highly of Peruna, and will
not forget to repoznmend it on, every
hand. 1 will answer any lettor,from
those desiring to know whath
Poruna as
done for me." ••
Systemic Catarrh.
Miss Marie -Lesser, 928 W. 88th street,
Chicago, writes: •
• "I am glad to give a good word for
Perms, and I hope that all Who see
this who are troubled 'with systemic ca.
tarrh I was for years, will profit by
it. had tried many remedies, butnone
did more than give Me temporary relief
and some did not even do that. I took
Peruna at the suggestion of friend and,
was more than pleased and surpilsed at
the results. I am now perfectly well
and strong." •
e-lon, -.?resident, J. St Willisene E.
. •
• 1016ody. IJ.epLyon:
President; W. tie Groves' • • •
-Vice-Presideirt, ;T. •GeSoole •
• Treeeurer, Dr. Stanbury
7 Secretary, -E. Flocidy
Executive" Connxiietee, IVIasor. tele
WB.. Scott, E. J. B. Dunean; W.
1VIeraggart, elate?, A.
• *McLaren, „le S.' McKineon, K.
• McLeod, : F. W. McLean, %- W.
Sloan, Teothwelle W. le Lid-,
• ham, F.- S. Elias, J. Daiis, R.
• ' 'Walker; H. L. Anderson' and J.,
. 111a,rks. . • • ,, •
: a- • - . • •
t It 'wae. ete.cided to Melte e greet out
• of the funds of the •.atsoeiation 'to the
beset -tele at Whigharn and Goderieh of
fifty dollars. each. •"". . •
logs aud 10 'calved.• , • .
With .the lightest run of stock for a
season past, business was of necessity
Of -a very quiet Character at the Union
Stook 'Yards market terday. Out of t
to tat. of: twenty ears el stock offering,
there was probably net mere than, a
ear of.export cattle to be ..picked out,
and these only of poor 'qtrality. That
theri. is,- boweeert, a. demand :forthe
export trade may be seen from the face
.that c the buyers Of export cattle are
out and picking teteadetol cattle.. from
the larinets and shipping -there direct
tbrongli from country points to the
aabeerd. One Pun . alone •last weel
stimped en. 'this . way from different
. points about forty ipads a cattle.
• There . was gad 'demand for butcher
cattle to -day, but thetkind Most wane -
eel was Scarce. :Very few cattle etched
More:than, $4, with one ot tete picked
out. here arid there at $4.25 to e4.50.•
Medium butcher eittle • were steady at
$3.50 to• $3 75 arid common cattle t
$273-0 to $2.75. Canners from 756 • to
• Mr. Charles Troyer, tat :cellectbr. Hogs -The market is decidedly Weak,
of Ray,: received taxes at Hensel'one dropping to $5.25 for best selects. at
day last" week and not fin•ting ac- Country points.
commoilation had to make his head-. Export trade tteady to firm.
quarters at Jarrott'e • livery , barn. Butcher -Market steady or choice
There seems to be something , butcher cattle at $1.25 to $4.50 for.
with the focal mitten business nen • in anything extra. Medium butcher stet -
that town or they Wald havo, dy ,at eecent declines. Oommonett
longere this,.. proveled hetet cattle easier. _ •
• aceomodation • for eavellers . and Good butcher Cows 0.25 te $3.50
transient eisitors. The , proltibi- Sheep Arid larnbe!--tVlarket steady.
tieiniets are dealing '• local op- Lambs • a littler eaeier, Lambs are
quoted et $1 to $5.25 per ewt. ; ex-
• port ewes, $3.75 to $e.
Light stocker -Market steady at
$2,50 to $2.75 ; choice, $3.25 to $3,50;
good stockers wanted. ,
tion a very black eye .ty tneir eaere
lessness,-Zueich I lerald.
- Mr: Charles Witmer had a narrow
escape from being tertously inetted
lest week at the farm ef eir, 11. Volt
land. Mr. Witmer testa -ea in 1.1
• threshing and in solne way several
rails oil the over -lay 1,ecame eittodged
and in getting out of elm. vete I:wile
• bunipee the top of hie head 'againet
Ile,avy feedtts-Demand foe distil-
lery feeders,' not so, active, several
buyers being already, filled up. Bells,
$2.00 to $2.5t ; steers, 1,000. -to 11100
its, at $3.20 to $3.40.. •
a POSt and received e tinalo • Bogs -Market weak awl lower. Guru',
• and Co.'s quotations for this waken
•1"(1' Seim aa`i IN" e$5,00 to $5.25 at outeide points.
Hartung have n'tiotted toielits, 'I. Neal- '
• per's , dwelling, west of the school, The '
vacant house Will shortly be cecupied
by h young Couple of town, it is Uhl.
Mr, tiender of Zurich ha,s been ne-
gotiating to lease the Commercial he -
tet with a view of running it, but we
'Understand he could not make teliSbee
tore arrangements'. • -1
Mr, B. see Phillips his +lisposed of
ifie farmotx„ the end line • to Mr. 0.'
'McGregor tit itear Kippen, for $6,500.
Weunderstand •Mr. Phillips, conteme/
plates 'toying to IknsalL
The New *Methodistchurch shed
Whieh Was 'formerly opened lest week
Is 1500 feet lag by 50 wide. The Walls
are of cement miXed with etone; The
gables are built up squetre with the;
Ptak of :the - roof, whieh is sloping.
Tbe immens,e, ttructure is lighted by f4
six small wine -gee; at tbe side e and;
attend larger ones 'in the gables.
There are two sliding door, Oho in'
the (entre of tech gable. rim strite-1
tute is the largos, of 'the kind in this
$ecti,m, and eest about $1,6'.111.
Mr. W. H.'Leeson of Wychwood,
Ont., eaye: "Por 2i; years I suffered
from Eczema. My body and legs
were covered with spots which itched
and irritated terribly. my ito
d. von to the knee were likeone
toms of sores. Than) disohargerti and
were very unolement tout from the pain.
I had tried all kinde of remedlea (saves,
ointments and embrooations) and came to
the cooclueion that nothing would Cure
me. A sample of ZAM.13BIE was given to
mo ente <106 and I applied 0' to a small
pat.% of the eczema. Thin did ,no some
good and I obtained a tuft entiply of the
balm. The fleet box wag eirovidation te me
aa to ZA.M.DUK'S power. It took away
the smarting and redared the irrilation
nn') Honing. It toOk eettoriti hOiteit of ZAN.
to work it mire, and I ani glad to nay
that in a fow Weeke it cured me col/10104v.
In nay opinion, ZATV(.111.11F IS WOItTil
All Skin .Diseases yield to Zam.Brik
Tiaras ruts, Dims end einem* rapidly end
it "Maurer% Feet Aide ideteetteeeteee*
cures PUei. lthen.
maim and Setatioa. FRt 14 it' x
thitaine. eta dienppear at 140 omen),
ZAM.Itt.71'C'S tenth it it with it. fasten
la NW! Pabind in..” Mon mnr
box at all draggistt arid CO„ Toronto.
stores, 11 3' 4
•tvoderich Township
. The .NewStRecord and the Weekly,.
Mail arid Empire -will lie,' emit to ariy.
Addrese trete :the' end ot 1003 for only
-$11-25- ' ' ttesese •
It • is with 'deep • regret that we ehis
Week receird. tbe :death. of Mr. Peter
Cantelon of the 7th coticesSton which
took place on Saturday morning. last.
He. had-, not been -in good health. foe
some months, but it wee not .*.• " until
the *week previous that- he was taken
seriouely ill Ale that Was .possible
.1gra.:5 done . but it • was in train and
deetle "mercifiely released hiei IrPne
sefferingethat xo Mime skill' could
cere. He is survived by his with two
daughters and three 'sons, Robert in
f. II; ,Harry Corey, Sarnia
Tiinnel, and Lorne, Goldie and Bertha
it }ionic. He i also .sureived by. one
sister., Mrs. eleotge• Statileyt Melvrp
Mech., and one brother Samuel of Bad
Axe, ',same etate.• Mr. 70anteleg , was
a matt of strict setegeity ; be wae
• big hearted ,and arid had a hest
of . friends. and • no enemies. 'He was a
staunch •"Ponsertrative and a memba of
'the Church of tengla,nd. he had also
been connecte
•t-gt7 7ear•
r Man s. connected with
6 Gang, e Order and was a member.
ef L. . L. 189 of which he had been
master for several terms. • The einerat
took place , to Minton cemetery,oti
Tuesday and was latgely attendee
notwithstanding 'the inclemency of the
weather. The pallbearers were John
Cox'. Sr. and Jr., John Woods, 1V,m,
Currie, John Iludie •and Robert II.
Elliott. The • stryttes of the Anglican,
church were conducted Rev. sMt. Ker-
ney wblie the burial service, Of • the
r Order was, read over the„graVe
by Mr. Geo. Vanderburg, the Master,
of No. 189, Mr. James Connolly act-
ed" as , master of eetetattiee. Mr.
•Robert Canteloe of Windsor, Mr. and
Mrs. 'Corey of Sarnia Tunnel end Mr.
S. Cantelon "of Bad' Axe ware home
for the Muerte.
• Council meets at 10 o'clock on Mon-
day the first day t beeentber. .
e • •
thizry out sale of •high grade tailor-
ed $12.50 suite for. $7.50. Hurry out
witl your cash. -A, R. Smith,' true
friend of the farmer, epee Ate' the
Molsone Bank, Cilintote
Mrs: Macdonald 'and daughter, Anna
bell, • who were called to Toronto
• mime days ago to needed the funeral
of 4 friend, returned oit Wedeeeday.
Mr. John Drysdale speat a few. days
Visiting in the neighborhood this week.
butehering is new the order of the'
day and'the toed illutthere ate having
a busy tinie of it.. •
. Miss Sara Mien left on FeidaY het
for Ilaiteiton where she intends spend -
it% a tow weeks' Vacetion.
Several Irtorn this' neighbothood at-
tended the funeral of Mr. Isaa
an oid and highly reipected- resi-
dentof the township of Stanley,
Auction Sale Register
Wedneetitty, Deeenihet 4th4 nt lot 10,
eoneession 14, auction sale' of latni
stock.esChartee Berebridge, proprietor)
Times litown, ametiebeer.
Tree Com of Dtraease.
Va•ila claps 03304 every ailment hi
inipposed to be inittled, by' Ogees. .
•gorine. • • g
-.The medics," profession as Well as Um
• people; immix to nave gone Mad over tint
germ theoryof' disinteie
The universtaefear end dread Of rilev
ease 8.0025 1 becoming a yew terlove
matter to the welfare end b apt:4400e of
• Dr* Hartman bas conaletently cone
tended throughall the else and ;sprea4
of the germ theory, tbet mosediseaSea
arenaused by cliMetic influenees.
loer instance, oatehing cold is-respon-
• sible for more than one-nalf of the ilia
.to whieh bernen beingsare.. sebteet.
• Danger of Neglected Celde.
e, SceVieefslt,
enally becomes settled in. some organ
ofthe body, and chronic (Meese is etc
sletw dosee of Reti
Aina in the 'begin.
ning of the. gold would.. have_ eartel. -
'mon.ths Of 8uering,s well as great ex-
pense for thatmerit. 1
• Perham is a reliable rebid' for cold.,
etimost everybody knows this, • • .
• Instead, of trying to- dislodge or. kill
some imaginary germ,. if Peruna 'was
used at -the proper time its tonic( proper., .
ities arid antiecaterrbal q,rialities, would
soon coirvince the patient that he has
tonna the eight remedy. , •
A multitude of letters .are received
testifying to thie.eact.
; Keep Peruna in the nonae. The it
wherever cold or oliniatio affections as-
sail, artdeickness in thehousehold,w111
become:greatly lessened, it not entirely
prevented.' • • 4
, Catarrh o' the Stoniach. "
Mr. Ohristlan Efofmann, R, P. '
• Slatington, wrftee: • '
•• ePormany years Bettered with ena...
catarrh of the stomach. X3Vaa coughing -
day a:id night. After having tried,
three doctors and- many remediee, One of
your alraanaes °ante to my:hand,- and 1
bought' some Reruna. fio far I have
taken six bottles, and I. have not ant- • .
fered With catarrh this ourbiner. 1 am
cured and Perms, did Lt.!? I give Perrino. .
to my children when they feel bad, and. .
yoa should see how. healthy they are..0.• •
Noe, Throat and Stomach. •• •
wrre.s. r.e1;• .
bert B. ier. aft, Lowell,. Ind.;
. .
•e,a long - time I snftered
Chronic catarrh of the nese,threaten
stomach.. I would continually take
cold,and 3:4,8ton:tech was in bad. Condi, -
tion.-- I trttly ;smeared untoldmisery.
took :various reedicineseand tried the •
treat:ft:tent Of several pff,sicians but
felt no better A friend' advised me th .
take P.ertna.*' wrote to •Dr.:.1Iartmazz,,
who proscribed treatment. As soon as •
I commenced to take Panne I,was-eur- '
prised at the relief it gave nae.: I kept on. ,--
tta:sinxigdwit•nariscured."tilIhad,takenthirteen bot.i•
. The deatfi' occurred On .Weeeteety,
- evening of last week of Mr, 'tone Wit -
sot Little of the township of :tl.cKillop
• and who well and favorably
• known througliplit, thiu tliStrict for a
number of yeers. Be tad 'hashed:. the
goad Old age oftlee Yearand had been
in failing health:ter several .y! s.0 He
was an • Anglican' aed a Vole ere Aire,
. .
• 'Drysdale •
, . , .•
The Misses 'Castle and F. Polio&
. •
of Bat/geld, spent a few' days in the
neighborhood as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs,. Howard.
Mr. P. Durdnd has returned from
the West where he spent+ the „ tharveSt
• meetes, .
1VIr. Mark Drysdale has severed
connections as farm laborer -end has
now teturtied. to lima in Iletisall.
Wedding bells were ringing this Week
and we join in wiehieg the .young coue,
pie happy, and prospereus lives
eetber. • 0
Quite a gathering assembled at the
horne af Mr, James S. Delgatty, on
Thursday evening test when an enjoy-
able. evening was spent. Mr. Delgatty
was Miele the recipienb. of a well-filled
purse :As Partial 'compensa'tion for his
services :rendered as' preacher to the
assembled gueets. . .
Mr. Blake Ileteer; who has • -been:
cementing with Mr. ' Howard, is
now home feeling hone the worse for
b .
otirson ..b
eefuened from the -West 'Where they
spent the summer and have eoiv taken
up their abode on their fine farm on
the 14th concession of pay township..
meeting of the shareholdera and
.iE4hns oi. the Holmesvillp , Cheeee
and rig,* Co;,. Ltd., :will be
held in Holmes" ble en 'Friday, bee.
• 13th; at :2 O'clock for the purppseof
• closing up the business of the past
season, the elation of officers • tor
the coniing year and the transaction
. of any general bueieess., The con-
tract for the ice supply, • and ',ale
' thesale of the buttermilk . mate- be
lee, and it is expected that btisteeSs
• of great importance, to the sharehold-
• ers 'will be presented. It is esPeeial-
._ .1y. *trod that evere.ateeleholder Will
.he present,-L•james Corinollir, prese,
dent, 'A, j. Courtice, secretary',
The News -Record and the Weekly
Mail and Empire wiel be sent to,. any
address tintil the end 'of 19.08 fok Onise
Mr. Thomas Kyle,; who' has been out
West ler the last two maths, 'arriv-
ed hOrne last Se-WT(1437e .He reports a
• eery good grep- -in the Saskatoon
but money to move the crop • is
scarce. ,
• Mr. Geo. 'IVIcItay, who sold Ills term '
on the 2nd con., Tuckeesinith, to Mr. "
Weir of Dakota lot $7200 held a sue-
ceeeful 'sale on Tuesday, of last .week; •
.but -owing to a hitch having Occurresi.
in the sale of tnelarm, Mre. 1VIeleay
.iseetill the owner, • ;
. •
Messrs'. A. McGregor and stele" .0f,
Tueleersznitht bought tee 1.00 , acre -
farm belonging to Mr. a S.Phsihpa
Of Ray for $0500. • Vile is an exeel-,
lent farm and is well Situated. •
' • .
Next Sunday will' be Sunday. sehotil
Missionary Sunday in the Metnodist. , •
church. Mrs. i, Rove. Gould, Presby-
terian missionary from 'Formosa, will 01
address, •the congregation an male:Sion '
work there. Her little daughters will
sing in Chinese. Everybody welcome. .
The Rev. Ilaseard, Bible Satiety
Secretary, Toronto, was preaeet at
the annual meeting a the 131yth
branch of that • saiety, tele en the
Presbyterian church last *idev ewe,
ing end was well attended by all de-
nominations. Ille amines Was file-
strated by lime light views oii the
progrese, • of the Bible,. The largest
collection for • years was piven oy the .
audience, over $15being laid on the '
• The following officers , Wese elected
for the ensuing year :
Presideety John Wilford,
Secretary, Alex. Elder. •'
• Treasurer, T. W. Scott.
The old bet year's dtreeters were re-
eiscted with a feW new Ilainee added,
• Cellectors were uppotrited for village
and country.
Rev. 5.` Anderton, IVIethoditt mine
istei• of this place,. luta been •holding
special meetings it the jaeitton them%
during last week and also this with
• during last week and also *thia. with
:geed roseate -to-the -Members ,antleade
hermits of that appointment,
• "
Capital paid up $3,365,840 00 • Reserve Nand $3,303,840.00
+. Wel. M OLSON mAorghusoN s ' .." ; ,. Prosicion
t'r S. II. DWING ,. - ..ghoen II. M. ..... Viee.Presidenb
W. M. 'tenuity, J. P. Cleatieleind Molson,
• Lt. -001F, 0, Herialiew, 'Wm. 0, hitintere.
.. ,r. . Jordon tlitott, General lVfanoger, A. D. Cartigord, "Chief InSeecter and &merle-
•+ • dont °enmeshes. W. II, Draper, Inspeetor, W. W. L. Chipman,
J. It Campbell, .41,agletact Inspectors, • .
$ SA VI•NCtle BANK or.PArteriviet.rr nopoattm of 411,00 Itad upwards teeeleed
' nee interest /mowed at 3 per ee»t,frotn date of deposit, eompountiod 4 times a year
+• SPECIAL. ATTENTION given tea branches of Aimee bueinets. Said
4. notee cashed or coliected un favorable terms.
4. . •.• •
4, Ct E. DOWDING, Mexteger CI,IITON