HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-28, Page 4diltdan higwroiRentml Nove;tatifte 7012, WLOI • • ' • • • '• - • • ., e. of Japanese Cbina• Siz large cases of direct - importation Itifit being - opened up. irb4 int comprises OoPe and Saucers; Pletes, Tea and ,Oltoeta IisteePots, Tert Sets, Sagami end Oreares. Juge, Heir Iteeelvere, Bon Robe, Rose Tars. Mustards, Pin Traye, Celery Dishes, Sett and.„Peppers, Nut Dowls, Spoon, _Holders, Rte. „ Are to. be sold at ONE- ; , TEITAD below,regulq,r prieek: ••• • ' NW, COOPER & GO, OLINTON Clinton News -Record CLINTON "-.‘ ONTI W. J. . . , . Stanley. Township. , .., • - The News-Reeord and the Weekly Mail Ind Empire' will be sent „to any address untiltthe en.d Of 1008 for *only • " The links connecting the Stonily . Of tbe present with the pioneer days are fast being broken and this week it is with regret that we place . on, record the death of Mx. Isaac Erratt wha de- parted this lifa'ne Sunday moping. Thoegh not well for sense the-•p.ase, he was thought to lee improving., and bis sudden passing came as a:great shock to the family. Apoplexy • was the cause. Born in Gederich seve/StY years ago, he early 'settled in Otanley and the greater part of hie life wa.: e spent here. Taking an active inter: . est in ntunieipal maeters_ he was 'elec- ted a- member of the towns14tnnz- . eeil and for a long period held, a seat. in that body. For seveyal year e• he filled the position of reeve 'and in:: tb.e- perfoeinanee of hs duty he enjoyed the respect and confidence of the' people df .' the 'township.. la polities he was a' Conservative and in eeligeon Meth°, dist. He is 'Survived by . his their three Stills, Samuel,- Henry and. John, and one daughter,,. Mrs.. Bebert MeOlinchey. The funeral took ace • en Teesday afternoon :to Bayfield cem- etery and, notwithsteeding . the • money of the weather, 'theta was a lam 'attendance. The serviees -ere, coeducted by Rev. Brown arid ...tie pall- bearers. were Nathan. Peck, William. Lamont, John McKinley,. James Keys, Amos Keys and W. L. .'Keys. • e • Cioderich Town !Wickert With 'Smallpox Epidemic. ' A Goderich, Nov. 25theiSma1ipoa is epidemic -here, and ovet titty maps have beeo. gearafitinted. The Wheels have ,all boot eloeterlend geperal vaccinatioa oXeitizeus. and children has heal. corde4d. • There were eervicee la the alma cites, last Sunday, except in the Rona gataolic char& the Oioartfeeg whea annoucement wee Made thal etberer woit,4 ea further earviees un- til the alfted a the disease had been checked. This is the story la a Celicielesed forte that hao created, a feeling a ine tense Anxiety bere,enChusteess has kelrered, itt Consecinence. The veil large numb er of - cease, and the mew becot people who ilaVe • been expoeed te these cases • has. created a etniditioa that le not at all. reelized. Evety step that can be .teak, ea to eradicate the, disease has been teken. Dr. Charles `A, Hodge* of the pro- viacial health deeartments is, hero, and iideleig -all than he done with the staff of the Weal dootore,: ,Heepital •aceennabdetion is • email and most -of the ,eliscasoe are being treated in pri, vete residences. • , • r Thw The cause of such a gre?, nuneber eases is due to the feet thatethose who eontracted the disease lator.ed„ mulct the iinereSsion that it was °. Chioken- pox and mingled With their friends without aesitaticai et'ha One or two case 'of a more serious chaiacter deyeloped, 'the Ontaeio autlioritiee were communicated with, and quar- antine established. The hoard of Ode - cation has issued an wider clersireg.' all the schoels, and the eouneil, haw peas' ed a bylaW that every person i.rt town niest he vaccinated withiti seven'daYS. Reeve Middleton Speaks' of ilia Trip to the Weat • To the la ditoa of The Nemo-110ga r - ... Mr. Editore-Leaving boccie aboua a month ago, I wa8 on me arrival ' at Alexander„ Mom i met by the smilieg s... -face at Mr cWs Yeornane and other friends, ' , Alexander le a well-paintea little town, with five• elevators. Wheat was selling at $1.04 two days before my Arrivel, but an act:omit of elle depros- elm all over the ceuntry the price ,dropped, but it went up to 95 ceata before my depaature. : Tie firet morning vi.aued On my lold friend, Mr. 0, M. Yeomans) why lett Alexander a feeareas ego icr Dryden but soon feand that throe is #w pleee like Aleeander so eetemed, never more. to eeam. - „ - • Western kindneas as . geherally acknowledge and it certaialy *antis the beat to and eci, many . Ittene,s. tb:eown, open to you), when far froM . . , . Yeur own, - • After a clay's rest 7. drove to • the Duni and found threshing all uotte alid the teems rushing the ploeghs. Diive Mg •on I was or athan akeasell 40 eee my first friend in' Maniteba twenty- five years, ago in the person of laar. george Chesiey, who as busy clean- ing up his 'yaidsa fiPut In that horee and' let uti have a Oat," 'was hie first salutation and 04 going into the house I was very pleased to See Mrs, Cites - ley looking so well, Sbe asked me- it 1 temembered, ceiling, there the first spring they moved „tn. Then ; theirs was a little house on a homestead, but now it es a beautiful. home with every rlloderrictonventencit. 'Varna The Nevee-lrecord and' the Weekly Mail 'and Empire will be,eent' to any address until the end lof 190.8for only $1.25. '• . Tlic tonship council Meets next IVIondey and as the Duran award drain Will be 'time fox eettlenient, ' somewhat lively time is expected, a Mrs. Alfred ...Assiffn visited. Myth Wends. for a few days last week„ re- turning horn e eni Friday ' 'eYening,. brining back with her, her eldest' eoat Master, Albert 'Austin, who had, been liviSig with his grandparents 1, ..Serear •Bly-th. . e unetter of our old roAdtitts passed into, the- beyond. on Tuesday in the Persote of Mrs. W. Rathwell, Sr., at an advanced age', She Was 'twice married; ..her first hes- hand being Mr. MurraY to whoth ehe ps_S, the. following children : Mrs; Andireiflitide.:Derse,-P-alrisee and Angus of thiS township, Mrs. • Sa,ile-ri---01- Toronto and Mrs, '(Rev.) Murray ot the States: .The juheeal 'look -Plaea ..on. Wednesday :o Bayfield cemetery, ;Belles Davidson and Brown conducting the services.. The- pallbearers Were : Henry. Doveson, Joisn Stevenson, Wil- liam 'Cla.,i1rte a, Jahn Rathwell, Es-. , • • I en. a . o ess one. AnniVerSary services in connection j with the Methodist church Willebeheld tan Sdiete,y,. Deeeniber 8-th, and on the foiloSving evening there will • be. 'the t esel' fowl supper. This" anniversary Occasion • has always been a success with our Methodist friends here and for thiS • year We are looking torwate4 to an even .better than has been. lyriss *Clara Richardson al Clinton aa• speet Sunday at the home of Mr. Jos-. • 11* • eels Richardson'. e • • Mr. Herberts of Seafortiespeno alma day in this vieinity. • M. and Mrs. L, Clarke .everei fie Clietqn on Monday ori business. . Bev. W, G. Richardson and • Miss Maggie Ric,hardion of Arthtir spent 1 ° Sundey at _the -hake �f Mr. joseph Richardson. . Miss Miunie Webster spent Sunday at t e home of Mr. James. Reid. • .1 • Ms Lily Dunkin was a guest" at the home of Mr. H. Peek. We are 'informed that .ere this week's issue is 'printed, ilia Valentine Wilds, a prosperous young farmer, will he 4 married to • Miss 'Sullivan. of Dublin, , We avish them a happy journey thre' life. . Miss 11. Johfistene of London 'is Visiting with her sister, Mrs. Albert Robinson. • ° • Mr. W. Peck spent Sunday "at, the home of Mr. L. Clarke. • On Sunday night. the angel of Death • again came :and took one of the old pioneers in the person of Mrs. Wil- liam Rathwell Sr. The deceased hat been fairly well ep until Thursday' of last week when ; he was. taken ill with a paralyfee stroke which Caused° her death. The funeral atook place on Wednesday to Bayfield cemetery. We extend our sympathy to, the bereaved fartgly. . • • ' Mr. and Mit. Edward Johnstone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Welsh of Clinton last -week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stephenson and Miss Eva left lasi week to take up their abode ink London.. Their host of friends in Stanley while sorry . to see them depart wish'. them" sticeese and happiness in their new home. , . Summerhill • The angel of death visited eur, on Tuesday and bore away, Annie Pearl, daughter of Mr: .6eorge John- stone, at the ago of only twelve years and seven. months, 'no. funeral will take plat* op. Thursday afternoon to Clinton cetnetery. The bereaved ones hav,e the eyrripeitif Nen the 'corn - :randy. a a $. • t The Chairman of the Con- gressional Committee on Finance and Panama ,bonds std Government certi- 13e.nking ; titillated the iseue ' of licates qoitic unwarralifed. • • ..oht to protect railroad property from Vic violence tyl strikers on thi% East Indian Railroad, liritish troops have been ordered Among other. old Meads be met were Me., and .11/Ers. Leitch and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Chesley, and family. • . , elt certainly was convenient to call up the neighbore •en the telephone and it was rather a surprise to find my voice recognized by my faieruis theugh unaware of. my arrival: Mr, Chesley is a wealthy man. , • „ • When visiting Mr, 1: Skinner, an old Clintonion, r was again struck by he wonderful . advancement of Western life.' A homeetead. to begin with a few: years ago and eOW one of most beautiful falaxia In the province whiter even this year leas yielded a big crop of No. 1 hard wheat,. While _the, returns from the Alexa,n-: ilia' district are ;geed, I am sorry • I carnet say the „same for the.entire• eWest. There IS re(ieh frozen wheat in the Country, that it will euse the coming winter to be a very hard one With hundeede of the settlers., and for Some it will -be almost iinpossibee to get through •until the next crop:. •••• - • • , , As .regards the weatthee. :I will'mere ely -sa.y..thaat it was ten degrees be- e loll/ zero and I thought-itetitne to start East. I had a pleasant'trip on my way home aud Wes in °good com- pany, Mr.. Roblin, . the• Premier of IVIanitoba, and "Mr.. Cowan, one of, the big contractors, being of the party. Xre Roblin takes great interest in grain and he says that -Alexander-is one Of the. best points in the wole • • By the Way, :mesa' Mr: Roblin made ais first trip to the West he was• aecoMpanied by the late Mr 'air, father of Mr.. James •Fair of Clinton, of whom the Premier spoke in ferias of the •deepest .respect. . • . JOHN MIDDLETON. 'For (Suatity antleQuantity ask yattr • • • dealer for the new big plugs of (Bobs'‘ , Benmiller • •e, as tied l,eireeney' • Chewing ;i'Obac • • Hilisgreen - . A qpiete hut- earetty wedding took Place at the" home of Mr. Joan We - chart on Wedneeday last wheth his eldest daughter, Elizabeth et as mat- ried to Mr. 'Kea Stelck of rhis plage. The eeeemeny webs 'et:stormed • by Rev. Mr. teipihart of Kippen. The young Couple . have „taken lip their ebe we on the grooms ' farm adjoining the vil- lage, aecomapnied by the :best -wishes of their maey Irien es,. • Miss Lydia Sherritt, daughter of tin John Sherritt, ex,41 •1'., of Stephen 'and her cousin, Miss Miehie Sterritt, who are both attending the Clinton JVIodel clagel spent • a, iew days with their cousins, Mrs.. en Turner, , • • Hullett Township. Mr. Thomas Quigley of Seatotth vi- sited •Hullett friends last Sunday, ' Mr. and Mrs. Domieick Flynn visit- ed friends in tae township , of Me - last. Sunday. Mr. Erne Reynolds, who reCently re-, turned frcan Neve Ontario, is not yet enjoying •the, 'best, of health. He had a had attaek of typhoid fever from whieh tecovery not' always rapid. GIANT TRrriLiTs ,currenoys and. Stag Chewing Toba,ecosa big pluge. ualit *eels the Bathe. Londesboro 'A meeting of tile -Temperance work- ers of Hullett will beheld in • the Methoci4st ehureli, on li`rliday afternoon of this Weak to organize for the LoOal Option campaign. Mr,. 13. Spence of Toronto vil1 be present. In the evening. 'a noise:meeting will be held In the same place when addresses will be given by Mr. Spence and others.. 'With this meeting the campaign . may be -Said to haVe began in earnest.. The Teinipertinea Workers ate Confident that, It they have a proper organization alit:Act will' be ustained. Wire George Roberton was- taken ill aboutott week ago and on. Monday his conditiod was so serious that he was taken to London 'where at operation was performed by leading surgeons. On Tuesday he wattle worse and his wife and mother were sent for, the 'doctors net holding out any hope for his .r,coVery. , Epworth League seeviee wad held is usual on Tuesday evenipg at 8 -o'clock. 'There as a literary program. , Rev. »V» A, , Smith, ,of Dungannon; Areached very acceptably at Benmiller 'church 'on -Sunday morning last, tak- ing for his -'text St. John 1.7-19e Mr, .and-IVIrs_eL T Newell and fam- ily, of Goaerich, Sundayed ea pleas- ant View residence, the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mot:1ring. • ,. H. aveOne Doctor . No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one then stand' by him.- Do not one, consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his obinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or hot, just as he says. Ws publishour ficr-minish slooi101 fr ni our mectioinlis tiers" :Ws urge you to consultor your Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the house. lust one pill at bedtime, noVand then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. How many years has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all about them. ..7.45okits by. tit* IL 04 sr0o,‚ Lowill, Mau - The Best Situaations lent situatiops will be available With renewal *if 'industrial activite, ies an the early spring. 'It you dee,, etre one, you must eater now. sharp, snappy courses 'for those - whose tim» is limited; and the broadest and most , comprehensive cur,riculum for those who woad 'a attain more than ordinary success. MA/14 voguilms in Commercial Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Seri vice, Matriculation, Pentuanship, Write ,for particulars :to Clinton liniiness Collcgo , GEORGE SPOTTON4PriticiPal Cliniori Business. College odgens Bros. Retiring rom &minas Sak. V VE YOU ON EVERYTHING this is not a salegof a few odd lines picked out, And marked at small reductions, -but a GENUINE OLEARING SALE of the BEPt DRY Gobps STOCK IN CLINTON. \ • , No matter ivhat, your Dry Goods Wants may be, you can supply them here for less money than anywhere else. Everything in this store has been reduced in price. - Positively nothing reserved except spools. Everysingle'article in this big store going at prices that mean a positive saving for those who buy. It is not hardforyou to tell the saving, for on every article; besides the original prjceo you can seethe new price marked in red ink. liere are some hints of the' way . the whole stock is going. • • Sairings that Count on 1:: • Ellg Press Condi Saving s • lee 'Shaker 8c Hundreds of yardsof beavy Cana- ' than Flannelette, fast colors in pinks, greys, tattles, etc. Special for retiring sale pee yard, .. , .00, Cotton Bats 70 Fur and Fur Lined , • illudreils and hundreds of yards of tbe season's / Coats. , . best Dress Goods gaing at sale prices.' ' Not a yard in If you have any notion at the stock that has not a red' 'ink price on it. That an of .buying Fiji, or Fur price it a gerittine money saver. • ... shotild not miss the Chance Dress•Goo Lined-Jack6ts this .winter you as 48c . .. : . . . .. ,. . , , . this great sale afforai.4 We , 25 0 yards plain and fancy Dress- Goedsirlacka and colors, 48 regular 75e, $1 and $1.25, retiring eateprie,e per yard- .... I laaliclle none but reliable 4:Nal- ., ,.. . .. , itiee and have reduced the Silk Warp Henrietta' 87c .• . , 1 price on 'every one in stick so - - . ., . • ' _ . • Very fine gnality Silk Warp Henrietta rich lustrous finish, that 'the saving counts tip in in black and everling ehades, . regular $L25, retiring sale 0 7 coialrs.Jiu,s,t two or,. three ex: .Psrige peryard tmpies_, Bet , ..., ...,...8..7tadesiAstraChan,Taekti,uade fromeho,teictedakins,tepEiedyed. ..c,. . .. ,... .... . ',. . • . i Nu i i Our famous all wool Venetian Cloth im ortell by ourselves Regular $55% for retiring sale, , 4509 direct, madefronevery fine Australian wools, London , Ladies Astrachan. Jackets, made shrunk, blacks, reds, blues; browns, cream and, light shades. Q 7 finer extra good skins, Columbia Sable Regular $1.25; retiring sale price per yard . ,...... . . ; . .. U I collar and reverS, very choice fiaernent. ' ., • . • . • . Regular $45,for retiring sale 32.50 131ack. Ladies Electric Seel Jackets. a very Panaina,s 45c. , • stylish coat with /Columbia; Sable col- Good quality, this very populer cloth, eh pare wool, winter . ▪ 45 fitr and revers. Regular. $55, for re- weight, black and navy. „Special for retiring sale ; , , . • 'tiringe942 -ale-each ' . . - . ' , Ladies Fry Lined CoatS, full 46 inch- $1.06 P8,11.alllaS 73C • i • beoncicloth, dyed coon collars and re;" ' Extra, quality Black Panama .Cloth, very Wide, made from ' yeres. Regular $135, for retiring sal the best wools, absolutely fast dye. One otthe hest cloths we 7 1 each • * SP 2 handle, for retiring sale per yard ...........e .. s .. . . ., .... , . .. .. I al Ladles Fur Lined Poets, 48 inches long, outside ot good quality broad- Black and Colored Panama' 390 . -Clothe Austrian Sable (miler and i.e- . . veres.foi retiring sale.— ... 31.50 All Wool Panama Cloth in black and all the Nadir* all•and Other Fur and Fur Lined _ rinter shades, good weightand width, a splendid cloth to on ewear..--Specialfor ;retiring bale price :..-: jackets that we have'not room .... ... .-............ . . 0 g' ' . . - -..-- -- .--.:._. • . .. " • to mentiOn. here, :all reduced. Red Serge 19c.. - • All wool Dress Serge, suitiliie for • waists or children's'. n tion as above.," , • - dresees, nice shade of red, for retiriug sale, per yarde....... .6 O. loth jackets; »-: --French Venetian Cloth:63c • • . • • -Over 100 Ladies and Children's Gar- •• Pure Wool Frepch Venetian Suitings, esoft finish, good • ments left to sell, best styles, ii# week, weight for suite and skirte, black and all the leading shades from $2 to $5, While this the greatest . • : Shirting. in . sale of Dry Goods in fluron County * ' and fancy tweeds ail at aesaving ittl • 63 Large size good quality American Cotton Vats, make spleedid comforter fillings, Special for retiring sale .07 Better Bats 140 Our largest and best Areerican Cot- ton . Bats,. very clean and free from impurity, special•laege Size for retiring and each. , • .... . . .. .1 'QUIlt Savings - Just roomto tell of about 3 here.. But every quilt in, the • store is reduced as well. Large Honey -Combe Quilts, soft finish, 'free from dressing, a good weight, one of our best selling lines. Speeial tor retiring sa e $3 Qiiiit§ $2.25 ' Good quality Marseilles' Qtrilts, large size, many patterns. splendid weight and finish. Regular $3, special for re- • tiring sale e 2.215 Extra' Fine Quilt 3.38 Elam fine»Marseilies Quilts.. large doublebed size,, handsome goods, Re- gular $4.50, retiring sale each 3.38 • • ,Crptonnes 100 Good qualitIr English Cretonnes, nice patterns in reds, greens. and dark- •colcies. Special for retiring sale per yard 10 .. .. ............... . .10 - Roman. Satins 190 ur well known Roman Satin: the best value in the trade, richt-1110A finish, black and all colors, ter lining ' " and fancy work, for retiring, sale per yard.. ...,. . .19 lasts. • . • ,••••••••••••••••••••••.••••4311.44•4410*******•••••• Best quelity Caria.d Ian Cotton Shirt- IVIillineru • • . Sil aving • coforsi. many patterns. ' Regular 15c in , heavy yeeight, guaranteed fast • , for retsring sale special per yard.. .11' No.doubt about the saying on Mill- . 200 yards of frontline French Taffeta Silk, every yard . • eery. ,••We are going to, clear the stock , raranreed by.the maker • also heavy bleak Peen de . OXfOrd Shirting 86 .of Millinery and the prices will do the. • ow, imported by ourselties. Silks that sell in most' ' . business. This is how we're. going at it; " places eer sue. Our special 'elosepricehas bcen $L .. 7 0 • Good quality English Oxford.Shirt. • t. 1 4 For retiring sale you take our choice per ard •., •••• . 44 I 0 ing. heavy weight, .guaranteed fast t Baby Bonnets A Price , • Y • ' ' Y ' • tt - li w h d . " . fp ' , - • t • , , . - colors, many pa erns, will as an Muslin" Silk,and Vyoolen Baby, Bon- ...+4,.............................................. 55weais well. • Spcial for sale per . nets, assorted sizes in spook, no matter' . , . . . . 5 . • yard.. .. . . : .. .... . . ......e....... .013 , . mhat the former pi5Ice, while this sale if • • . .ou Can Save on Furs- Wrapperettes.10c lasts far exactly half price. . ' ' -Trirnmed Hats %Price '• • • English and Canadian WraPperette, ce Dozens of Trimmed Hats to sell at Genuine„baigains on Furs. Each and every we etc. blues ' greens, browns, reds and half price mark. We know that the Millinery. has te be sold in the next • , in the store naarkesl down for this.. great sale.- e sim-. .... ........ .10 W black.,SPecial for retiring sale per webk or two. Regardless ef value -we ply must sell them and will m. the. prices do it. Trimm.ed Hats $1.50, .• new patterns in . and•toral design . for ladies, These are made up from es ; -duree dresses, etc. -Regular c eiong Alaska, Sable Scarfs; the genuine article, very thick n n ger eetfring sale perey.eee... .1,1 the odds and ends and Maiming% All 'are good Style amdett $1.50 are one of close fur, nicely trimmed with good tails. Regular $82, foirretiring sale special .1. .. LUNUU Kirnona i...,.,..... ..1 •-▪ • atterns suitable for waists, wrappers.; offer you your choice of our handsome you have fu 'buying to do this winter do not forget to f Virrap.perettes 11c hats for HALF Their Former Price. , cone herd •first. These are a few samples of the way Fine quality. imported 17Vrapperette, An extra special let of trimmed Hats We ale se Llin.g them • : s itable fin drresing' saecniese, chile 15 lities the biggest if not the biggest bargains of the sale. . t, Genuine sable dyed Coon Scarf, thick close fur, .. looks al- Extra heavy Mamie!. • patterns.that well. Regular $12, special for retiring sale each 1 sacques kimonos ete For retiring ' [sleek and te Ostrich Feathers. • • • - . s. sale priCe'ner yerd. claring at big reductions. A splendid ' Genuine Alaska Sabfe Scarfs made frone good quality skins, stdek of tliein noon haed to he clear- nicely trimmed with good tails. Regular $16.50, for re- s 12 50 Bed Ticking 19c • . A Skirt Saving • Black Coney Caperines ' • ° . . the popular stripes, in blqe and white. Skirts, very stylish. eolendid garments ` Black Coney Caperines, high collar, good quality, regular 0 fl n , ,, for knock -about, wear. Regular $3, $4.50, tot retieing sale each ......... S. ............ . ... UsI/U -Jaime Oi.lcloths 20c „$3.50 and $4, fee thie great retiring " • d OstriglrFeath.ers • most as well as the genuine article and will wear just a.s 9 00 are specially suitable for" dressing ed out before the sale is over, tiring sale :each .. ... . # • Best quality heavy English Ticking,' 25 Ladies Black Fancy ',Tweed .• 5 Special for retiring sale per yard .19 • ' sale each .. 1.55 • enuine Shore Mink Scarf, good length and quality, hicely 5 25 Best, q uality American ' Table Oil- .cleths, soft finish, dark and light, col- . . marked. Regular $7, for reeiring sale each,. ors, for retiring gale per You Can Save on 0. ir Ssole, comes down well tver ehoulder, wide front 7 50 , W s • Laneus I • 11 i/Vaists at Half Price • Curtedns Splendid bargains in Lace and.Tap- estry Curtains. geri4loe money saesei 9. , NO doubt about that, These goods ,were irnported by ourselves direct fermi the Maker, and at their original price they could pot be beaten in the' trade. They're selling now in this way: $1.25 Lace Curtains retiring sale $1.,60 • 2.00 Lace Curtains retiring sale 1.60. 2,0 Lace Curtains retiring sale 2.00 8.00 letee Curtains retiring salesee,2.0 Pin§ 3 for 1o0 Thousands of papers of pins, good good English Make, 305 pins in each paper, retiring sale 3 papers for •4 I Poys nose 27c Boys Hose, ribbed, double knee. spliced 'heel. Regular 35c. for retiring sale per pair.f ••••4(::“111,61.1'1,rori • 2 .Pear143uttoris 70— , . gOIldoeeks good quality Pearl Buttone aseorted sties, 2 and 4 holes, Regular 10e, laate and 160, for retiring Sale per 101 All Corsets Reduced • Every pair* of Coreets' in -the store Hap ft new price on it. All our standard ' lines that yoa knew well the price of. We bave marked thorn this ,way for this great clearing sale a • . Comte fee. retiring sal 30c 76e Coreets for retiring stile 67e , , 1 00 Coreets for retiring sale Rae " ' 1.25 Corsets for retirleg Nate tale Vataimmate * •' • an good length, Regular $11, for retiring sale epecial each A' Great Saving . 25 or 80 Ladies' Black Lustre and Flannel Waist , a „ entire stock of winter gartneetta sold regularly o at $1,25 to $8 for this great sale you take. your eheite of ,the lot at .. ..... ...sexAcrLy HALF PRICE ..1104141•44•.....4040*...0.40.ttio4414,40•4*******4.4. There's a New Price. A Red Ink Price. A Bargain Price 'Or! Everything in this Big . . We had a big stock of Lin- ens of all kinds and are clear-, ing them all out at genuine bargain prices. If you have linene to buy for a year, bu7 -them now and save money.' Red TableDaidask39e Turkey Red Table Darnablt, par-. • ,terns of red and green. Special for re- . •tiring sale per yard... 4..44"r" 4439 75c 1)ainask 55o Very heavy. quality 'half 'bleached - Table Dernask, Otto of the hest lines • we eVer cerrieds willeetend no end Of hard Wear. Regular 75e, for retiring sale per yard.11011,10..446.•••*reill, 608 Eleaoh. bamask 45o Good quality hell bleached Table Store !,),4matagik just 4 °ear, tle in et?Irieng fl' everyday . Regular 00e, re r ng sa e per yar • • Turkish Toweling 12i- odgens Brothe et Importers, Good (aridity Turkish Toweling', rsheavy eveight. Special for retiring sale peayard ................... All other linen stock, Tettle Linens Totvelings, Denersk Clothe and Nap'. . king together with -our immenee stock eiintowt of Farley Linen, all etang at bargain , am prieee for this,great sale, • • • , • . . ,‘ '