HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-28, Page 3NOvetithar 28th, 11902 . r •—•••••.. -7,7" r 41rn Parr Tells !ION be SwItobed j City Lilfe Not so Ballots for Robert Roftnes• .134,4 momoiles agood largely: la the before •th,e adjournment tor the day deloiPinsety casts teferel sledge Wine he made a steteneent which "niornepte ',cheater at, Torelitet, 'get: week. One erily 'looked like a small sensation, edan Need St difficult 40 reneteMber , After bis wrongdedng he cleared out , simew be arranged. Omit Making pay- . to the Weet, where he remained three **natei Lenadon eleObere, years, returning at fall. Ho was • ten :wield not say leter Supplied the told- after thathe had come pack eeeeey eshow be got it.. It juet OS far as 'Tort Huron "t6 give the l'eSermsto bis offirre," A Art:tannic whole goer* twat" he would be even enae wiro had dealings With a Mr, $400 by the OonserVative party but O'Gorman, „could eat ide,n,tify the defs his subsequent .examination by Mr, seedann A "laree Week unistaChn" Staunton disclosed the feet tbat ties Milked So largely in his mentotythat Was a mere rumor wbieli be heard in At odersbadawee „ eVerythilig else. Goderich from some of his friends. " Jerry oollinn v,,p,s in the box nearly He never :nee reeelved as much es 4411 day, but did not add sleilieh that is flee hundred eenta from the -Coeserva- Anew. ()into *a • toecti ',01 merriment tives. , Wes given to tne Peoceedings be the James Farr said, he lived In Gedere ppearance•in th-who sated as deptity urning Officer in Purbarn. In the Itolmes-M4Lean the box (‘' James Farr ich but had beep recently evoeking M the lioluresseMelsean ,election In eleotion n Goderich he met Pritchett sGoterich some years ago and did 'wbo went either under the ;lame of' • efind tellot switening: Farr was an "Gorman" or "Gartett." urisatisfactoey eettnese tin many Ways, At this etage, the witness said ,he for from hi's. answerst was hard to did not wish to give evideece with- oseertain what be really. meant. Be'out the protection of the court, and fenced tde questions; mane roundabout tile the judge, get:silted. , and uncopsciously oomlcalanswers, The night beforeetne eleetion Ferr. And threugliou,t bie eXaininatiem had seid Billy Horton; intredueed him to the ,curt ringing, with laughtee. Just Ptitchett, ' 'who, told Ifirirehow to f P , switet liallots. "It was a surpriee to Me when 1 oxind eut what was going one because I biter apected anything of .the kind," said the 'witneee. Farr, iho appeared to be a reluctant "It - mess, at the request of Mr. Staunton, .game a •grathic demonetiatiore of how the ballots were switched, "Now we unders,tand," ,said .1Vir. Staunton, when the witness had plaint. . "You'll know how to do it atter this," retorted. Veer sonidatmuch laughter. , • He was supplied witle begue ballot by-P-ritchetts-tlieenight. before rth:e'etee- .tion. They severe rearnecl for Hoimee, and he initialed them and next day swilehed there, • Was Not Ane Affidavtl. An affidavit which had appeared, in a Torento paper, he said be had never sworn to at all. In this affidavti Farr :was reported to have said that Auction Sale .Register .A.UCT.ION SALE OF VI -STOCK and Implereepte.-Mr.H. O. John- ston has instructed the undersigned • to sell by. public auction at Lot 24 Bayfield Line,./Goderict etoWnship , on Tuesday, Dees 3, cornineneing at one o'clock, the following: X general purpose hbrse, 13 years, 1 Driving Mare 7 years, in foal, 1 General pprposei filly rising 3 yrs, 1 general purpose filly tieing 2 years, 1 Seeing foal, 8 • heifers rising e yr le e •• -eondttion, e heifers rising t years in good . condi:time 2.steers' rising , 2 . • ynee, in good condition, 'tin* y.35 r 'Wood binder, Frost & Wood. Mower, bay rake, epilog tooth cultivator, set diamond Itereowas -2-furrow plow, 'walking plow, seed drill, heavy ever gon, gravel- box; covered buggy; cuftlere cutter, set of heavy' double ' beefless, set of single harness Pet. all ,thes.ballots givento him were duly of heavy bob Sleighs, fanning s mill. placed in the box He 'said. hc did not se, quantity of hay and steam in barn. swear that., and it Was not tree. He Everything meet be sold. as , the • edntradiete,d a number Of the state- ' proprietor has giver' up the fareie merits and persisted emplib.ticelly that 'TERMS : All sums ol $10 and the document was not sworn to by der, cash; over that amount, •111 ' months credit will be given on aP-4 Thewitnessitansweres to. Mre-John- ° proved joint notes•,, a discount 5 per; ston, the Liberal lawyer, Caused a lot cent straight allowed. for cash on of amtsertent. Counsel had • great • credit amonnis. H. O. '..Johustou,.'ffiffidulty in getting a direct answere proprietor, Thos. Gundry, • auction- as Farr 'insisted On giving. =plane- eer. • s.i tions and would not be :prevented by the.defence, lawyer; • ''Don't fence with me," ee:44. Mr, ' johnseon Unreserved Auctionfiercely. • Ben Sale on the wag n o , " ayfielt Road' one mile. ort -h. of Ch'ee nt to 'etre hte v u- • tee ; hereeset. 'heavy draft mare, ,g• retorted Farr promptly' and the se •' yrs. 01(1, 1 gienee laughed. general purpose home , 5 • Farr, in, further "eep•lanetioie of how yrs old, 1 general purpose mare 9 yrs. .old, 1 horse S yrs old, e driving the 'document' appeared, said it , was mare 7 yrs old, 2 horse colts risingPiePared .bY• a Mr' Reid' who irisited -3 yrs old. Cettle-20 hedd of. stools :61nhisic'sklent, before %Whom theaefidavti lig a in a drug • store,. and steers rising 3 yes old, average 11°14 1,r.mie poundsee 2 newly lved cows, 4 cows I weeeeaid to 'be ...ewer's, also put his Deo , • I 'supposed to be in ear, 8 heifers‘rising natte tot. 3 yrs, 6 steers rieing .2 yrs old, 6 • 13th /heifers rising 2 years old; 1' high • mbee eth, 19u6, he made • srade bull rising 2 yrs .old, 6 spring On Septe declaration, in which be said that •aattle; 6 wellsbred • ewes. Implemente. new waggon,`,1 waggon nearly new tiie 40eument 'already' referred to. was prepared by some one unknown o 1 new buggy, single, 1 Cate inacaddie without tiny knewledge. of the , ,single buggy nearly new, 1 'Coterecilliim waggon nearly nevs: asSeet Boo, contents, . or Without its being toad -milk bottles, 1 good delivery Iv ggatil "e.''arexplained 4o him' • • . -merles: new, about 25 ton o traevti • • !',Gesege ane I were beth full at the, , i to be Cash. Terms..L-10 tits' creditl tinuI'made it;" said tic witness - on furnishing approved' jeint notes. 6, amidst • Muth "Oh, leer cent off cash On credit 'amounts. • you were bath full, were you" returned Mr: ..TOluiston: • -"Yee' ; fullas Ilieat (Laughter.) Further questloned On t the degine 'Of intoxicaltiOrt,..lit said he Weal% not say they wen& artink, .but 'lest a kind of: jagged." 7 ; A14....1-61instait wished to 'pet 'in..the two documents, but Mr, Staenton ob- jected; and Far 'caused a. good deal of merrimentSy once or twice deavoring in) have his say theeleg- - at argument on the point. In the re-examinatiOn, the witness "W's Asked if the, first document -Was read over ,t(if him iii the drug stotes "It was /mumbled over to ine,V was his aneWer. •• • • . • Witness insisted that he did not knew at all wbat he Was signing or until he. se* the,declaration publish- ed the next day in the eewspaper. The reaeon he signed the docurnent was that he understood thee lb was to clear him for his wrong deing the election, • All sums of 15 and undoes cash, ' on over that 10 months' •credieen.appro- ved joint notes. Sale to commence ;at 1 o'clock, sharp, on. Wednesda,e, December 4th.-=jarnes A, Smith, Proprintler end Auctioneer. • sesessees We bl.g -to call .your •special often; tion to our excellent -8tOck�fueW fruits and candied peels. \ - This week we havealso passed into stock Several New !Miner Sets, 'Toilet Sets, OddCupsand ...Saucers, and Fancy China !which are well worth a few minutes , Oftrourcarefuldirespectione - • , seneeen. A. D. 'Beaton. 'Phone 111. Prom:pt delivery CENTRAL . COLLEOE ot Toronto has starten thodsands stf young Men' and Women on the easen Way to independenc3 and. sn�- b give the right stub. Write for Catalogue arid plan to •penr1 the next six months with us; Enter amy time. Addeess• W. tI,,Shaw, Ptinolpal Yonge Clerrerd Ste., Tordito. NOW IS THE PLACE your "Order tor Venting before the • advatteer in price. Ilse the Coil ,Sprtng Vire made by the Canadian Poled Co, of,whieb I am agenb. this distriet. X am also agent for the Celebrated lIeirltzman Planoon 4.1', W. tetra% Box 155 Clinton P.0 Porter's Hill Beef, Ring No 1. held their annual supper on Tuesday night. A splendid program was tendered, after the mem- bers had pertalieri �f the good things provided fa the inner 'nate Here.; ' hoping that they iday have another ' supper text year, • .16 is With regret tha,t'sve, anuoutice the accident that happened last Set- eirday to,WftIiatha. Macdonald, the youngest son of Mr. Thames Macdon- ald of the elth conceesion. Ile started ler the leackernitins shop on horse- back hut hadnot gone far when the horse elippsd and fell pipning ha left leg and thereby Vteaking both •of the bones about' two inehet aleive the an- kle'. We are all hoping to see him around' again, as soon de possible, 4 ' Mrs, Harry Powell is spending a lew weeks,. with her parents, .„Mr. and Mrs. Willis,„13011. The apple -packers have fiRiabed up for another season. The crop was better than was at first expected, Annitersary, nerviees were held tit B.tht.1 .ehurch last Sunday, with., th ' Rev. Mr. Ociteu ln tharge. Mr. Oaten is statiened at 'Milvcrton. • Penal O'Cdeor, whose parents lit Dahota, thottlemseIf through the Iting at North tay end la ea critic- al condition. en 4 4 41, CHatoa News...Record' Gag as Pictured On bundreel.e of Canadian forme there are young Men and young worn - en 'who look with envy on tire lob of those who reside in. 'citing and towns: They would bave little reason for en. vy theit kpowledge Watt Wider. Their conception of the pleauree and Opportunities et city life is based on partial encl. misleading observation and incoMplete information.. They seldom see people tram the city save wheu these are on a boliday ; they know nothing of tie rush and grime of lac - tory life or of the long hours sent in narrow quarters in which the, aer is , always foul, In the oil? press, again, they read daily al the frivolous pleasures „of the nee ricb and' of. • the few who have attained sueceets, as, success is defined' in the rishul of the unthinking crettd, They 'llo not have presented to them, as a eel°, the oth- er eide of the pictute-the piuching. ee- onolny neceseary, even In the case of those with fairlylarge ip,00mes, where practically the 'whole oftese week's wage issregniesed to pay the mantling rent bill and every article of food placed on the table means another drain upon the sante educe. , Occationally, bovvevnie the other side di .the preture Is nresertied. The Vim; cheater at last week informs us that • .. • , of thn hundreds ot new arrivals in Oshawa many are without work,fucd • ave 'not a week's living ahead of them. In °Toronto, judging "by the preparations ronorted as being made by ,tbe Salvation Army and other -charitable institsitione, eirnilar eondis Users prevail. In the cities ef the United States it is the sante. COI- • lieriti'Weeicly iecently intorreed lis that • the average working:limes Tensity there Is never two weeks, irons wane, and another reliable asitirority haste stetted sethrant'i-sit::::°:. P e °P 1 el In ge" AmeT" teen centers are. id A Constant state of IintheanIcimt o tie:tthrtneetbut ilrea reletw who tic; vre ,n canes the financial rewards secured are 'the result of crooked' methods or the , return Pir . health broken in ,a tori 1 etrenuous taco for °wealth, Taking it . who hiete seen muck of both is that • on the average, the judgment of those the social and finencial condition• s in the country aro muqh better than in the town; there are not the 'extremes of riches, but neither are there the e,xtrerries •or poverty; and in the coun- try there ifs a mucb. Bouncier .stato both of ehealeal and „moral heelth therete , f und in the crowded centres. --We ly Sun. A National Live Stock Conven- tion to be .Heid, A. meeting of the executlyecorm-nit-1 tee, of the National. 1i e Stock Aeso-1 elation was held . on Thursday, Nov.. 7th, at the office ofthe Live Stock' Commiesiondr, • Ottawa, to conelder the calling of the next convention of! „that body. -Thi meeting Was attended by the president, Hon. John Deyden, Toronto, the ,Vice President, Mr. Rob. ert Ness, tioteick, Quebec,. Metdre. A. Gigaelt, Quebec, •Arthur Stettnetend Greenwood) Out, end. tip secretary, J. G. Rutheeford, Live Stock ;Cores miseioner. Owing 'to Meese the sec- retteey, Mr. Westervelt was . unable to be present - Hon. Sydney Fisher attended •the meeting dtring the early part of thp• day... ' Arrengentenes were Made for' . the holding- of • the next„coeventlon at.01-. stawa- on •-Febeuarysenth, Stiland7,th next. Then) dates were, selected so as to permit ehe breedere feom Western :Canada and also pone 'the Marittirre :provinces to attend the. meetings of the cattle, ailed -Valid swine assoole- tialts; most of which 'will be held the end of •Janstary aed , during the first few days ' Februery, as also the Horse 'Show and meetinge of. the Horse Breeders ' A•sseelittiene ' which are arranged for the. week- f. ellosvieg, in:ogre:11 for the ,cenveetion was enterreally discussed but net definitely Arranged. number -of subjects will probably ,be dealt with, but it it lik- ely that the peintieel discussionwill '7be- on. the advisability . of -amending thc regulaeirms governing the admis- don to Capeda tof pure bred .tock.' It is also proposed to take up • anti discuses the .test mope of retaining ler ow Canadian breeders. the Canadian market .foe pure bred stock. and .it is • probable that numter of apecielly- prepared papers on . this reibjeet will be sultinitted. Tne futures of °en .ex- port teade in pure bred stock will also he discussed, while, it is expected that considerable light will sbe thrown , ,our export tra,de in meats and , Anode food products. , The fact that dile majority of :the live ittek meetings are to be hold Me- , mediately prior lo the-coeventiern will render it possible for these bodies to definitely iestruct their delegetet is to the stand they • are to take on. theyer, Isere subjects likely to come up „ for discussion. While .this eadvantege will not be ,shared by, a number of the horse "breeders% associations, it is to be booed. that: the latter will • • hold epecial executive ine.ctitigs for thepurs pose di instructing -their delegates to the convention. , The new inturanee bit is peace -Wale ly ready foe presentation to Parlia- ment.. Six Nations Idians • mlebteted the hundredth anniversary of the death el Brant at. Brantford,. - It is reported ttat the Mani -Via Governmeat -may includes a State scheme of telegraphs'in their new t reilione , • PROVED AFTER FIFTY YpARS. The test. of time -bas proved that Putnanns..bere eitrattOt ?sires quick, a, with less discomfort• •••arid more , thoroughly the/Pearly-thing else, Con - tarns no no acids, ,is -purely vegetable and absolutely enaranteed. • Itisitt on putna'ny's only -its the best • . ' Mr. "and 'Mrs. Ward; Of near Belfast, visited at JoRyan's week.. Mesteritlla ercy Shields, of near- Shop- pardton, enjoyed it most pleasant Visit here last week. . • • Miss Wilson,- - of neje Wingham", itt. present, attending the MOdel school at Clinton, visit: d' hero- Saturday and Sunday of last week. • Last week II. Brown, 0' :Port Al- beft, the, well-known cement builder, was In our midst . with his gasoline engine and cement mixer completing .a large .11dor ender D. Lawson's largt barn. New postS lia.Vc been put. in for the stalls old two gutters have been constructed With drains under them. The beeement as it is now aurimionimmaiiimmomP Dunpinnon. Percy Sanderson made a buSitees' trip to Teronto last week. ' ' E. Fisher and wife Carlo -w spent Sunday last with friends heie. Moe. Smiley lett on,Friday list for Port Arthur, where he will spend -the winter„ in the lumber v000s,:, Howard Case, ..tehe Roberto and Miss Birdie Dionine-. of the G. V. ' sneredlast Sunday at their homes here. David Glenn returned beta& last. • week „after _spending- it couple ef irionthespecking pplet-tn, the -vicinity Wm. Stuart lett last ween with ' gang of men tor T: G. 'Alleles busk Peterboro' county. They will be en - 'gaged durieg the win* in taking out, lumber froth' the besh •which Mr. Al- len purchased last spring: A, number of mon from here will follow' in a few days. M. Nrninger, who has been eerainct- ing the . butt factory tee° for a .couple of seasons,: has . rented the ,gerin eral store at St. Augustine. 'Ile has purchased the stock from Mr. 'lleeGuiso :and will continue the busieess there. The Convent School at leelleeille , wan burned. ' • : • The Grand Trunk las announced a seeond-classrate of .ten dollars be- tween Chicago nlia. New York, effec- tive Notember 36. ' • • • Whine racing !or i tow *he Escort fouled the towline al the barge Her - risen in Lake Ontario, near Niagara. The tug's pilot house wee sweht off auhe went irety fdsdclnront of fitted up will make very edinfortable Harrison, was toppled over and sank quarters for Mr. • Lawson'e stock. Mrel "with C-a./et. Dunlap and two other men Brown was assisted by Hairy Lead-. Maetial law is praetteally forne den and W. Brdwie " • • in Lisbon. 11.,••••••••••••,..1* Of, Oirlhood'and .Sw`c,ote.r Entrasi3On are linked together. The girl who, takes Scotes a(on- has plenty. of rich, red' blood; she is • plump, active and energetic. The reatort in that at a period *Ur& a girl's digestion is weak,- SooteS Emulsion provides her with powerful nouriqunent in ,easily digested form. , It is a foo ti that builds and ,keeps up a girl's strength. ALL lellOtiOISTAI SOce AN $11.00.1 *40.40.04144$444414440444.404.10440 , Mavis Township. Next Colleen meeting will , be Odd ork Dec. 18tit tosclose up the Menaces of thehyear.. Min Maud Bryans, 4th con., return - ,ed last week 'after epetuttng a moat en. joyable Visit with friends in tlie Queen City. A feW mop new steel bridges will require -4a be built 'in Morris towns:44P in 1008 as eonle of the old ones are del videdly shaky now. Tax C011ector. Proetor turned in $2,360 to Treasurer Brandon as tire result or hiatiret roend o notificatrion of thin year's talree. There is over 16,009 to colleel, It le said Miss Milligair will rquue 0,,Ixosition at Daehwood public sehuJ after NeW Years: She Is,at proent the t4ea,eher in, .the Andiserters School," Ord line, *where she bas . many friends. • The Cole Drain, whieh starts on lot7, North half con. 7 a,nd empties intO the -river Maitland on the Arm- tron,5. toxin, ,llth 11e, and whbse length is 0,370 yards, has been let at 22 cents a. yard e to. Messrs. Me - Whine& Matthews. Total expense'of erain ,will run about $1400. The work will not be completed until treat year. Robert 0. Rogerson died at his bore ,e 17 dowden Place, Jp.mestown, N. Y. on Thursday, November 1.011, 1007,.'at 1 a. at the advaneed age' of almost On years. He was born'in York, England came to America, about the year 1854 and lived in the vicinfter of BIrthroliti:, until the year 1800,twhee he followed his sons to Jamestoveh, N. In -es - Friday -,Of last week Maty wife of Robert .MclViurray, 4th line, paid Nature's debt, aged 66 fears. Last Monday Nelson -Maunders .ar- rived- home Irons I acato.on where he has becn fanning, on n short vfsit. . • Orey Township.' Walter.Sevageeorthe 6tla line intends -giving up farrefeg to go into thelivery business. Mrs. R. Doclrett is visiting in Mt •Foeest and Pioctoe, Mrs. William Bray of the 16th, con. keeps quite poorly. • ' Hyslop. of the l4th cotteession is home fro the Wet. • • There is agitation for it; 41ove next _Year' to have tile Bea,uchaimp'lliteli pro- perly cleaned out o .that its Jell ben- efit may be . secured. . . Revival services-- are en progress . at Roe's 'church •with the pastor In con- trol; but bo will be aesinted by others: Quite a, number of farniern have been loosing theie 'fowl. There'iat s -daset- cion as to the thief. : Alma' Bishop Ce the stlitt con, who had his leg broken sense weeks 'age is now able to iiios-e about on crutches • . The lase meeting of the township council for .1907 will he held on the .16t1iof Deeember. , A -new barn has been erected on the. farm. of Jolt's Reber -Laois . one the 1Gth eon. Mr. Robertson did the cement work himself. . - • One day Iasi week' Mrs c' Salm Mc- Kinnon had the• misfertene to through a trap door in • the tarn and damaged.'several tibse • besides' . re" ceiving:e bad shaking up. , • Tee teas Wee of S. S..Niel have re-engaged S Ralph L,angdon .for the en-. suing year at a eatery of, $500., A number of cattle and dee& were bothered with soknething aide to 'pink eye which.. has came(' the death of .several animals. The ailment cau- ses a we1hngein (be head end. neck; Ore etes• and the beasts aneeted grow quite seiff, The eeterinere eke not appearto know. what 'it ;is. accident uecurree• .on November .21st2by;whicit,iaeorge Madhan oE the 17.th7ebri,. Was wounded in time leg by :a, rifle' •being accidently -discharged at the shooting match at • Andrew Mach- an's. The ball went .into MS' leg rind struck the bone between the knee end the ankle: It was a'peemattire dis- cirarge, s • Jet .the late ineetirig of the municip- al counall • a resolution :Wee passed au- thortzing the ,payment of $20 .for • the aPI)rehension and conViction of any eerson persoes found realty, of stealipg towl or grain witein the township , Of Grey. This was 'nought 'about owingto various depredetionS throughout the municipality intent. The local Board of Health of Grey. hat decided to issue a writ gains% Samuel Holmes Jr. and wife and .Joseph Mimi, who. were residing on lot • on the 2nd cons dusing the small• port epidenaic ht, that part • :of the munielpaliti last Spring, for the sum of $120..00, for medical an other attendance, whichthy refuse to pay. The Rat and Bradford battles, Who were also laid up "With the dieease, offer to pay their share of the expense. These cases cost the towirahip so far $454.15. • A. CASE, IN -WEST ARICHAT. Mrs. A. P. Ferguson a well-knoWn Cape tretonet, bits cured medulla, by Catarrhozone. Her- statement is convincing,: "Although, I was troub- led for yearsit was onlyrecentlyo,that tried CatarrhoZonc. When an at- tael?parrie X got my inhaler and invar- iably got quick relief. 'Peeling satis- fied Caterrozoite would cure, I eon - kneed the treatment till 'ore bottle was' finished. I didn't use more be - cease I was cured and the asthma was igured." .Catarrhozone is sere deatb to asthma and bronchitis. ' Try it and be convineed. Tsvo iae, e3c and $1 at all dealers. tit Stirty dogs* elostly prize- s winners, were burned to death at Rye, New York, last week when the Brookside kenuels were destroyed by fire, wuraq THAT COLD COME'S, - How is it to be cured? Thle meth- ' 0(1 Is simplicity itself. Rub the chest • and throat well with Nerviline, two it as a gargle and take some in hot water before retiring along with one of. Pr, Hamilton's Pills, Nast min- t Ing finds you refreshed, free from cella • and bright as a dollar. These house. bold remedies ate wonderfeAly and,certainly wont fail In your ease. 'For sale at nil dealers. 1 44 • ..•sso..see&* eitMaratoLnastaJ. llatioesca • Skterable All Irlos Time? Dull header, hee-,tedle sirita4-hater., the sight of food -dotal sleep weit.iartirold out ta the morning -no heat for work? • GIN, PILLS will matte you well youp144047* are affected -either tbroagh over— work, exposure or diseame. It is the Itsidoeyetbat, are making you feel so wretched, Gin Pill* cure aids. kidney., --make yon well and etrong.--give yon alt your old time energy and 'vitality. Cheer 13_11.-4414 Ulm Gin Bills. .5cie. 01 box -6 for $2.50. Sent on receipt or rice it you!. dealer does not handle them* scut Orani CO, - mimosa, MAW 410 4.93, nei A, Weleh, Of lcingston, Ont., Mr. R. R. not, West, 'Peterbored 44)34e9as:srt obTftesi:wsaidz and gtol t, _servoebrbaelr itenso r at will move the Prairie will second. address In tiara:0,100ot its Comanolie and Mr. B. Limed of Lap Tni-4, CANADIAN 70TORI4L FOR ' NOVEMBER. The November ' Moe Closes the see. and volume of this populae illustrated monthly. It contains the esuale de- lightful selection of picturese-meny ol thein fine fun page ones--ineking up in, all about one thousand square inches .of ,illustrations. Axnong 'tb:e 'most notable c res are An English thatched (prize picture) and a splendid elec.- tete. from the recent • photo co peas Mon the new • Minister of ublic Works, the Bon. Wi1Iiaut P re, fine portrait of Mre. step ; the seven Canadian P aince Coe- federatioe ; a liege of snapshots of Alberta Indians; pictures of airships, balooning-and wireleies telegraphy that are worth •: eolutries of descripeien ; the Prince of Wales On the grouse moots ; • it spirited Algerianilar titre ; and a fine fun page portrait of Sr Thomas' Lipton, the famous yaehtsmandfurnerous other timely picturesi-fashionsrpraternsoretvs the month, Wets on. Chelitmae gift - making, and other interesting 'features make up" a most interesting number. Annual subscription, $1:00 ; single copies tin cents. Next issue,' (the Christmas Number) will probably dm- tain about 1,500 square'inches of fine etchings. The Pletortial Publishing Another 'loser uprising le sr* to bethreatening in ,Clhinas _ _ The jury ;trying •Steve Mama at Belhaven), Idaho, disagreed and was discharged. ' , • " • "Business Knowledge" and "Bush" are two essentials succesi. nttend PziaOrr TORONT04..ONT. • And prepare for first-class business positions such as are epee o students. Hundreds of er • stir dents are going into goods posi- tietne every ye. Len us, teat): t. • you for one. We will dot rights- - WINTER • TERM OPENS .1AN. • 6th, 1818. Write . for cable:ewe- end see wherein we excel -ardinery businees collegea. Location , I eta - lege, cor. o, Yonge and Alexaeine • 4 -.-streets. W. J. 'ELLIOTT, . PRINCIPAL, The Chutch of Our Lady at Guelph , was re -opened last week. Mgs. Slime retti was preseet at the ' cerenetey. A coroner's jure "at Pembroke, -found Engineer Hendry •responsible for th Moorlake wreck. - 404, TIE SOUVENIR STEEL RANGE I is the delicrlit of every housen4ife, whe• : ins ever tied on.. -; • • it "Jo:messes the 'full capacity of: a regular kitchen naive, but it requires only half time room". • • It is fitted withthe famous aerated 'oNeri, which -- Li. se constructed that a flow of pure, heated oxygen passes through it contineally when the range s in' eratiob. Its deep fire-boxiholds.the fire easilY over, night, and no ashes can accumulate to choke the draft. Its grates can be removed without loosening a ' THt Gi.Y4Ntle.-TILDEN COMPANY Hamilton • Montreal 413 • innipeg VaT4nonN'ter Davis it Rpwla.nd .10 7,-clinton • The speedier a stenographer can • by the "sight" operator in glancing typewrite a letter the more valuable from notes to keyboard ,and 'back to she becomes to the busy business notes again -a considerable Item in man., . • a day's work and'a severe strain on • Practice does a great deal, but the eyes as well: • . „ correct* fingering and the " Touch Our large, free catalogue tells more System," which we teach thoroughly,' about our stenographer's course and • are of paramount importance. giva much valuable information When the "Touch System" is about the diplomas of the Business mastered the operator never looks at Educators' Association. the, keyboard, but keeps her eyes on The 'supply of our graduates is not her notes. She saves the time lost equal to the demand. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, • raend4ers Of Business Educators* •1 W. WESTERVELT. • Assoriatioa. • Principal, Londor; .C•iiatommon•••••••••monmammum•••••••••,, 4orame••••••••••■••••mim•ammeammr....t...orat: oose An Executor hat Will Not Die „ It is serloira though or an executor to carelessly manage an estate, and not maintain 'an tip-* to -date reeoed on his invest -meets and expenditures. But, !adipose' he should die. Coniequences might be • serioua. Anyway, it Would costsitteney to get affairs le proper order agaia. Unless there was a second living executor, it administrator would have to be appointed, whith is additional . erspetise. • Thi e Cottosany makes an honest, capable, etperienced executor. * Strict account is rendered of every dollar invested or expended in the interest of an estate. , Our books oho* notv wisely and 000tiOrnipally we have dischaeged Our trusten !MOW the exact value of an estate t6date. Furthermore, thia Company cannot die* become sick, altdreond cr speculate,, I It is always within easy reach when required. dOr. respondence invited and promptly answered: Managed in connection with, the It11r011 gtie Loan and Savings Co. Loxpott ONTARIO. Tol • •I