HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-21, Page 8415102I7119 11,6111432EFAERIBiliP=11111,
s irnme
Free of Char
Commencing to-deiy you can buy Millinery at this store at.a
s\-1" fraction of its real value and have one hat or a dozen
trimmed Free of Charge. •
„ I
; All Trimmed and Untrimmed fiats have received their marching orders; and to -day you
' • can buy stylish Millinery at prices unheard of.
; -Prices like the following are not to be had every day, and the sooner you are at hand the better
o, • the bargains you can secure,
Trimmed Hats $2 $1 Colored Wings.32c
Half a dozen or 'mire stylish Winter gets in almost any of• 25 pair only, Wings in almost all the leading colors, such as
I the fashionable shades worn this year.. Regular price up to grey, green. navy, etc. Regular price 75c, $1 and $1,244.pair.
0 $4.50 each. Saturday each ........ ...... ,..,............„., 2.00 Chum .
• • - *..... i
• .. •
Beautiful Trimmed Hats $3
P • ' .
1 About half a dozen of our fine Pattern Hats in *eh* and 30c Colored Quills 3 for 25c.
• French bit shapes, tt homed with wings, wide ribbon and 3.00, Tcn dozen large Quills in ahnost every color.' Regular price
• velvet. Regular price up to 87, Saturday
up to 50e, clearing at 8 for. 604660,6. ...... 06.0* 6166,116•6616.6 046 5
. . . BlaCk Dress Hats $5
- -
Here 18 one of the hest bargains we have ever offered in Millinery$3 Black Ostrich Feathers $1.75.
• • • Ten only, large Black Ostrich Feathers beautiful glossy Eight only, beautifully made Hats, sane trimmed with ,
, . '
I large blain
ck wg?. ribbons and silk velvet, othblack,s fine quality fibreRegular price $8, Saturday
ers with .. . .
large Black Ostvrch plumes, _Regular price up to .$12, -Sat -4 _ _ euc13.....t-.4.,- '`' ' ' '''' ' " " • . • , • • •'• • • • • • r • • il•7 6111
15 .' • urday 'morning each .00 -
, . . . ..
Two dozen only, this season's newest Felt Shapes in six, 12 Only, Black Ostrich Tips (three in a liunch) bright glossy •
'different. styles, alnun.t all colors such as cardinal, brown, • ' black and fine fibre. Regular price $2.50 each, clearing
myrtle, navy, grey and black. Regular price up to $2.75 sale...-. ... ,.....,.........4.,,.....4.-.. ..,, ..... . . 606(o' 1.215 i
each, choice Saturday • .50 _
k'• -•#71..6m
Clinton Ns
NOve miler 21qt, 1907
yu Can't Lose
clear• g sale
Commence ons Wed-
nesday. November 20th:
See Our large advt.
our Voya.- .
taxa Pen..
if it. is a Waterman's
idealFountain. Pen Aft-
• e..1 witb a clip -cap. The
$ clip-eap is a neat .piece or
spiingyteel attached at
0 One end of the cap of the .
pen, the other end being
pressedsnugly against the
$barrel ot the spring. It
$holds iii much file -same
way as a, clothes pin and
will keop the, 'pen, vhere
: it is put. See us about
it if interested. '
Often Cheapetst-Always Bea
Fred. jacksoit's..
For WhiterShoes
Out Stook is complete in every do-
. partment, warm lined. shoes .of every dis-,
. .
Heavy ones for farm weaf ....... . . . . . .. 24..46
Good stout ones for Boys •
Dandies for Children
Beauties for Ladies •
- .
Mens Rubber biota for
Granby and Kant Krack lia;bbers,
• 1.00 to. 2.25
. •
• Repairs while you wait •
"Always Reliable", • 'CLINTON
he Myst Resident. of Huron •
Born 'rebuild July 804 f' 11 1
Pied ,.:11olni,$aville ,Niw..01410), Ntogginieu,
43 a Rtviard
About 1830 the Canada company, beo, tenuously therein for nearly thirty'
earned possessed a 'that large treet1 yeata, nite took him a good deal
of bush land comprising parts of the Irani home and the duty of loojting
Counties of Lamhbon, Middlesex, Perth after Abe farm and bringing i p a fam-
and Huron as now described, but in iiy of ten eliildren devolved chiefly up-
thoso days of old. known as the Huroti on her,. She was, energetie, fond of
Tract, Amongst the first settlers in- reading aid took an active interest
to this, tract *ere the Hoirnes family in the questions of the day almost up
consisting of the father and 'mother,to her death. With the exception of the
two married dons with their wives,' loss of her husband in 1875, to whom
two married daughters with their Ints-1 she Wal deeply attached, and the loss
bends and -three sons unmarried, thir- of three of her children at curious
teen in all. . ''' , times, she conld hardly bo said to
Debora Wellwood, wife of John ' have Suffered any serious grief orpain
Holmes, was • one of the thirteen, and during her long life. She loved her
She, the last of they, all, died in. farn, her neighbors, her ,eountry,, her
HolmeOville on Saturday last at the ehureh, but above all she loved her
age. a 101 years ,and 4 moans. She. family and took an interest in them,
was born in Fresliford, County KB: their health and doings to the young-
kenny; Ireland,• on July 6th, est. great grandchild up to the last
1806 Was married May 1833 and few days of her life.
started the same day on her wedding She ,was a lifelong member of the
trip fpm her native • p/a.ce in Ireland Methodist Church, although her Mis-
t() the farm in Goderieh township/ band was an Anglican, and all tho
Whore in log shanty, hewn log house children were rbaptised by pastors of
and brick house built successively side that denomination.
by side, she lived for over seventy- She was buried on Tuesday in
fours years, the balance of her life. Maitland :cemetery, Goderich, the fol -
That trip or similar ones, though lowing six of her grandsons actin as
often told coal be :4:ealized at pallbearers.: Dudley HOlmei of Wing-,
the . present day. Even after weary hen, Fred, B. Holmes of Goderich;
months and Stratford is reached there Alfred W, Detrott; Melvin
-was still an unbroken. forest and only W. Howell, Goderich, Harold:
two shanty habitationS 'between 'Mica% Howell, Onondaga, and. Wilfrid 14'
and Goderich.
Howell of Brantford, The services
MO husband entered'early into the were conducted by Revs. Greene,
pUbliC life of the cour•ty, municipal Fisher and Snowden all three former
and parliamentary, and remained con- pastors of tho deoesSed lady. The
of Low F'rides & Easy Terins.$.
• • • '
We are in a position to offer you good bargains in FiirnitureWe
are showing a niceline of
. in 5:piece and 3 -piece Suites
Couches, Morris Chairs and Morris Rockers "
4 also, odd Chairs, Quartered Oak Rocking '
+ Chairs, Reed Goods, Etc. •
If you are hi need of an extra bed remember we carry a,
complete stock of Iron Beds, Wood Beds, Springs, Mat.
treses. Pillow. Come arid see them.
You will find our_prices right.
We guarantee Satisfaction,.
Furniture and Undertaking.
tell•••••••••••••••••‘.•••10**114•4•1,440••••••4' $1•1.141”411.
-A. Great St.ove-chan.ce.-.
We have decided tp run a Special Sale of Stov
- 1 es and will give the following rebates 'on all 'stoves
purchased for cash , during . the bal ance • of the
1 month of November ---commencing this day. . . .
I Canada Steel Range •;leg. ,, • $50.00 for $45.00
Pandora High Shelf "
66 . Tea Yr • 3 sr , 45.00 for 42.00 • •
40.00 for 87.00
HappythanghtilighShelf" ' . 48.00 for 45.00
Tea " 1. 43.00 for 40.00
66 88,00 for 35,00
Welcome National .• 38 00 for 35.00
MOOlarys Famous Base Heater Reg,
ill , 30 00 for 82 00
38,00 for 30 00 • i
Large size • "
Bucks Prize
Rival Perfection '
., with oven •4" .
" •,• 40,00 for 30.00
20.00 fok, 2d,00
,• 400 for 10,00
We will alesoallow ten 'cents off,every dollar paid in the pun, •
chase of the following heaters I Belle Oak-Ambe Jewell -Alberta
-Winner-Royal Oak -Oakdale Iluton-all 'first class Ceal Burn-
er&-This is *great ' chance to secure a first class stove at a very
low price. Quite a few Medium Sited COM Heaters (second
hand) In good order.
t See our nicely finished Storm' Doors and ,
• •• only $1.75 each. .
sTovr.5& fiARDwAna
aMirainiamokillt tilth111111411111111111111111,
. ...
Inspector Tom,'.Goderich, was in town,
on Tuesday. -4 .4. . •
Miss Mary Holmes .entertained a nuni-
ber of her -friends :at a tea Mc:Fri-
day ,evening last.
Mr, and Mrs. 1-1; W.: Erwin and -Mrs.
A. Edwards of Bayfield- were.:' in
Clinton :yesterday..
Mr. •JoSeph„Barten of Burks 1 Falla IS
visiting ,this 'titelc with hts
brother, Principal Hartidy.
Mr. • John McCaughey; • the 'popular
.landlord a the Commercial hotel,
Blyth, was ini town on: Tuesday. T
Alderman J. Frank jaekson. Of 'Barrio
spent a: low days ..:of the past weck
under the Parental roof in. town. . • •
Mrs. • Jacob Taylor and.. Miss. Della
who • have. been in LoneiOn tor
some weeks are 'expected home 'this
Dr. Bertram Jackson 'has returned
home frOrn Lethbridge, • Alberta, for
a Much-needed rest, being in .rather
poor health. " ..4.
Mr.. Sydney Johns of StafOrtli, - late
'.• of Tuelrersmith,•• ,Was in town on:
S4aaptkarsdint: t .
he • . guest ,of. Mr. Fred.
Mr.. and Mrs. Jas Carson of Caledon-
ia with M P....Senn'•of 413ranbfOrd
are visiting 'lgr, D....1174cermedy's
this week. • . ' . • . ••, • ,
Messrs. Henry Pais]: and' Joltapeei"es
have returned Nom .the. Tara, and
Wiarion.: district where :they , were
packing apples. • .. :. •
Miss ,Alma. Armstrong returned last
. week . from Londoii where she •,:had
been the, guest of Miss Luella Tanny
for a couple of weeks. • 1 -
:Dr. George Beaeonaand his littleson,
Stewart, Mt,,, Forest, were guests of
. his . parents, • Mr. and Mrs; D.. Beac-
om Sunday and 'Monday. . .1
Reif..Father lian166' was in 'St Ang-:.
ustine on .Monday and'Tnesday as-
sisting. Res Father Larendeau in
Forty Hours .Devotien sererice;.
Orange it that he has sufficient work
t home ding the • winter Months.
fle thus keine hithse1f. busy and .in
;gocitl-ohape for the • next 'Season:
.Mr.' W. R. -Countot; is still :confined to
his home. as the result of• an amid-
• :ent he met with last Week; but ex.-.;
petts to be' at his place of, business
in a few days. .
Rev; E. 'B. Smith, formerly incuMb-
•'enof the Holniesville parish, • but
who has lieen 1 or several, years
• tor at Carberry, Man.,. is _ now".
eunthent 'of St. John's church at
Saskatoon. • .
Mr Tinasler • of Teeswater was in
• town • On Monday looking over a, bust-
. tips proposition here,. He was. fay-
ora.bly impressed 'and theprobabili-
ties are that he will ere long be-
come a resident. • . '• .
Mr.• And•rew, Broder, M. P., , Morris -
'burg, Who will :addreaS public meet-
ings in South. Huron this week
•..Bayfield ' to-rnOrroW evening --tis • .an
uncle Of Mesdarnes G D.. 'and M.
McTaggart of -town. .
Me. Nikon • Welshhis been engaged
a school . .board in Oxford county at
•a salary of $400 • 14104908. The
school is it new one wi all , the
modern cl,fiveniences. He is at pres-
ent attending the Model here.
Mr and Mrs. John Lasharn of ton-•
desboro. were M town mi PridaY
• last. Mr. Lasham has nob been very
well of late and sCarcelf tips • the
scales at his former weight, but he
is just as °heath' as ever. No • or-
dinary cause •it • sufficient to distuFb
his worship's equanimity. • '
M. W. F. :Keys of Varna. was in
Clinton on Friday. Mr. Keys • only
__recently _hegan the___•-exection .61:: a
new houselfor lihriselt A on. Which he
will he, employed for it good portion,
of the winter for he is himself a
builder. In the summer there is
such demand for his services that he
worksfor others... arid then he so ar-.
Reeve Middleton of Goderich • town-
ship has , returned fronta business
trip to .Manitoba. Ile MS • a big
farm at Alexander in that province
and generally, goes up about thresh-
ing time to see hOw7the crop is
panning out. • The yield around Al-
exander is satisfactory the frost hal/4
Ing passed it by, but in the new
: provinces and, points; in Manitoba
there is a bad state di affairs. Hun
(Ueda •of ' farmers will not have
enough to keep them Until next har-
• vest, to sa.11, nothing of meeting pay.
• 'tents now falling due. And there
phasel 'ot the sitnatIon which
do not appear in print but which
will for some time have a depress.
fug ,tiect upon thi West.
$1.00 Softs Fronted
Light and Dark Colors
'till sizes. • *
For 75c.
6. •'
'attendance at the inneraf Was Very
large, both at the home and /he
cemetery. Among' the many tributes
sent by sympathising friends was a
sheat Of ripened grain. ,
The Weekly Mail and Empire and
The NeWs-Record will he sent to any
address forth e remainder -of 10071 and
the whole of 1008 for $1.25. ,
Death, entered our midst on Saticv
day and took away Mrs. John Holmes
in her 102nd year. The funeral. took
place' on. Tuesday to Maitland come,
tory, the services being conducted by
Revs. Snowden, Green. and Fisher,
There were many beautiful floral tri-
butes laid upon the casket. The fun-
eral was very largely attended- from
farand near. Among 'the relatiyes
who came frorta..t. distance were Mr.
Goderich Township
The Weekly MA altd• EnitArlt.0.4,41t
The News-ReCord Will be Sent te any
•Address for the remainder ,c4 19G7 aua
the whole of 180004101-44144,- -
Master Dick Elwood, fell from a free
one day Mast week and gave one of ,
his legs a bad break.
Miss Mabel Rtiethwell IS at pres.
visiting relatives in Toronto. ,
-Mr. Frank Perdue and sisters Fter-
ence and Kate hpent Sunday with
friends near lirucelield.
Mr, Randall G. Cole has returned
from a pleasant trip to lIamiotap
Man.,and. is at present under the par-
artaroot on the Bayfield Line.
nThe many' friends ' ef Mrs.
ley will be glad to hear she is recov,
King frora her serious illness although,
not as rapidly as we would wish /to
see. . o.
Mr. Howard Miller, who has bees
teaching up -in Tew Ontario, returned
home last week, 1Vting, fairly weir
considering the serious attack of tyr,
'phoid fever of six weeks duration.
His many friends are pleased, to se(i,
his smiling face- once- more.
IVIis eta Keys;" who is attending,
the Olin on Model, visited reeently
Rudd and son of Alma, Peel county, h.er uhele,e,, ivie. ry. celeyo,„Bayfi ,
Rot'. • Mr. Fisher of Lambeth, Dr,
Holmes and son of Detroit, Mrs. Beek bine' Her I'LllY fr/tilds willb
church, ei White- ed to hear that she has been en
of London and Miss Holmes
by the Creditort school board for the.
Moving -into the village. ensuing year at a salary of $4`45,
MrNWTrewartha and wile _ant
Mr. Arthur Stephenson and family
, . .
''''''''. of Stanley spent Sunday at the hot*
' Mr, Walters and bride of Mt. For- of Mr, S. Rathweil, ''
est are the guests of his aunt,, Mrs. A supply of good water has been ol)
John Trewartha, , twined at the well on the grounds
Mr. William,Mulholland visited the school of No 9' section at a den*
friends in Sea,forth. and Walton the of seventy-four feet. The well wi
past week fox a few days. ' cost the seotion about am
$1.25 Extra Qualltg
,Soft Fronted Shirts
All the Newest Stripes
• and Checks
For $1.09
• For Your Next $ult of Maclie Order Clothes ?
• •
, .
. .
. • . . . . •
. .
. . .
• •
I .
• ' • ' - • .. '.• . •
ere is. our hance
• • .
t'or the next ten days we ofcer you your choice of any of our $20 suits for $15: No cut in quality
of trimming or workmanship. You run nO risk. We cmarantee.perfeet fit.
. •
HoW• about: an extra pair Of. Trousers ? .25 pairs of our regular $5.00 and If5.50 Troueri, made
• . . • •
• ta your measure, with oar best trinaroings. *While these ldst our price will _3.75
Wear our Up-to-date .Clothing'' andbe Stylish.
• • We are sole agents for the Indistructable-All.TRIAN COLLAR for men.„
t• New Winter Shapes 50d $2.50 Black Ostrich Tips $1.25
momolo=e1S01 4161SIMP
; Garments
. .
• Ory Goods