The Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-21, Page 6' 417, • '11 — g"91^117."911"../t • told the crowning delight to your meal with 4. jellir made from -Greiff's Virtwitet Sivgn Jell, Powder Ask your gacer for the flaveia you like best-a:there Ave is -both viiite end fru% He his it er cae get it. Price, zo cents. 'The 30133Fr asicio 00..,Linvits41 Toronto. 3 Small purchasers are =kiniitnt-: ,e.ars purchases of stocks in small lots ia Wall -street. • Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman, the 'British Premier, was seieed with a midden and very severe illness after delivering an address at Bristol. Some others may be good, but "Without doubt Miller's Compound It- em Pills are the- best. For sale by M. A. McConnell,; druggist, .Clinton. ••••••••}IN.M•11•1,•••••••• William Jennings Bryan has "issued a statement saying that he will ea- -empt the 'Democratic nomination for President if it is offered him, but he esell not fight for' it. CrOOD REASON FOR TA SUCCESS The: majority of catarrh, remedies are useless. But one that does citre.i fis "Catarrhozone." • It clears ther lead of all mucous discharee: Putrid matter in the nostrils, phlegm in the throat, anddisease germs are ,corn - t tv F wept away. The ciuse of the sMsease is destroyed, it's results are destroyed, and the system 30 ther- toughly cleanaed of catarrhal • poison that cure is permanent. All typee • cataxrh, throat and bronchial trouble, olds and coughs are mere certainty feured by Catarrhozone than any thing atm Two sizes, 25c and .$1:00 at lI dealers. 1 • Km. Addle Robinson London-, ‘, died last Thursday at ptonlaine pots- ontitg atter eatipg potted chicken., I Mr. Georgej Ool4w.:11, '‘C” has been swon tt s 'PrOvineial See - rotary in the Manitoba Cabinet, sue - Welling the late Mr. McInnis. ' Cherie's T. Barney, Vresident of the Knickerbocker Truet until a, day or taro before •N Close' down, Commit, - ted sude in New York on Thurs- day teat, I- WHENthL.NESS COD/IES gave you near at hand 'a remedy that will .alleviate pain and help till the doctor seines A wiae 'hing itQ. have right in yoer home a bottle oi 6 ( • ••• Nervilinet) . which, gives' inetant relief,. and prevents disease froirepree,ding., Nothing knowa for the stomach and. bowels .that comperes. witV Nerviline. For cramps, indigestion, heartbernaand beatiache,_it"a jediepensable. For fifty years Pelson's- N'ervil1ne_iii_25c bet- ties. Jas been .kli• family 'standby --at • it to -day, - 'La name de St. Jean, at Napier- ville, bee, was robbed bi burglars who beat .1Vlailage1? Braulte and Ms wife, aed endeavored unsuccessfully to make the manager open the safe, . TET YOI,JT 'S COMPANION, 144 Berkeley'Streeta liostee, Mass.. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION CAL- . EelliAR FOR 1908. ' The publishers of The Youth's Com- panion will, 'as alertly's at this seas- on, present to oery subscriber whose subsonption ($1.75) is paid for 1908, a beautiful Calendar for the neve year: Four paintings by artists of • distinca tion are reeroduced by a process of color -painting which has been recently 'brought " to remarkable excellenee. The first of the tames is at inspiriag s.ea seene, fulVof the liraaty of the wide ()aeon and aky, aid the joyous rush of the homeward-beund ship. The secbrid is a line , cattle piece. The third pietutes en' old' .inill at aale: liani-teptically Dutch in treatment. ,The fourth panel depiete..a. "Girl with Roses" -aa charming face; exquisite in calor and 'expresaion. All • the pietur- es are 'worthy of preservation twig 4f - ter 1908 has passed into the good old times, • • Hon. G. W. Ross told the National" Weam.• Founders' As soci• tion t New York • • a, that the 'Unite States was really a qmited rniiiiirchy with- an- elected king. William McIntosh, a Cobalt dreg derk, died from the effects of inhaling the fumes of nitric acid. Increased vigor and.at' vaeity folio* the use of Miller's Cerftound Iron :lerills.—For sale by W: A. McConnell,. elesiaggist, Clinton. 'The frozen wheat from the West is not keeping well and shipments de- teriorate very 2apidly. STOP LIMPING, CURE*TI-IE CORN Quickly done by Pritnam's Painless Vora Extractor. Acts in 5me day, .causes no pain, removes every trace .0/ soren.ess. Fifty yearn cf success proves Putnam's is' the best. • Refuse substitutes. The ' eastern' Canada pulp and paper manufacturer. ineetilig • in Montreal, -deeideetato_eak for an export duty on pulpwood: - At a meeting of the Conservatrie Associ•ation held in London, England, last week a platform was adopted ad- vocating preference, p-Orteetion and a broadening of aaxittion. Larne Horses certainly do need keetuers spavie cues. , whether it's from a Bruise, Cut, Strain • Swtqiittl or Spavin, Keivreieers will lanteness-,quickly-completely. CCiPAR, SASK May 16th 'o6.! " have used Xendall's Spavin Carerfor' • ••.4. and find it a sure care," Intaum U. ADAMS: 'Price $1-6 tor 4: Accept no %dun- tute. ,,rree great book-- "Treatise on the Eons"-.freefromdealers or 38 Br. B.J. Kendall Co. Enosburg Falls, • Vermont. U.S.A. „ The new wireless atation at Three A report teiladian Schools .gives ait I:fivers has been openedatariejee percentage of deaths froni • • - • tabereurosis._ • • ,• Coughs, colds, boa' -song, and other throat i Cherles Raymond, a clerk pf Noll-, :ailments aro quinkly relint;ed by •Oresolone .._ ..re a.... was :barged . With forging' six.' . tablets, ton cents 1..or'buz. A:ldruggista. ebee: s and. relnanded. • . -. 1.4111(1.411...01.11101MOSOCIIIMIONIIMILIMIO OL Fl E A LL NIGHT The good housewife always, feels likebestowing upon, the Pandora a cheerful "good morning." Why? Because the Pandora always has 4 niee bed-, cf hot cOals as a reward* fel- checking •ofr the •clomPera. cloaely before retiring to resL 11.111 In five minutes after turning on the drafts she will have a good, strong fire. Should she sleep two or three hours longer than usual there will still be a fire ready for her. The fire -box; flues and dampers ev'e so scientifieally arranged that the Pandora cab be, aaa'10 74%27474i' regulated to hold et, fire from ,24 to 38 hours. Pandora owners never have their sleep disturbed with:" dreams Of malting a new foieit the mornieg. If your local, dealer' does not bindle this most perfect of ari ranges, write direct to us for Eree BO.Ohjet* caar Undo*, Torogio. tionitard. 'Montag. Vancouver. St. Joho, Unveil) 144. Sold 13r Harland Bros Choton a . • Okada Newo.Record e Colborne Clique," n the Pioneer Daus , November 21st1901 Reproduced N..; 'Permission From in i#e_lbaiiiiE; of the. Canada Como tinny," by Rs and K. MI Lizars, the, Authors. e There seemed to be a simultaitemis up stream, as the crow flies, meant Before•,the days•it the Colborne, of flour -a valuable whith they diviig, . iikiesAtiou At , 1833, 1834, and 1835, who , ooir up the Ross farm yon must wade tour- of ChiPPetea Indiana with the WOOS! . , ging to the -Company, in the London PlIffeul(),,,rets. imagine anything more i movement towards Goderieli of WWI): not one but many Wettings. There was Clique, the pepulacew was Kno daY eel with brother and brother -la -law. their lands•in the tOwnehip ranted ' in 1 teen times. Handsome Colin Ross, es of . five bears. For a trion'tb,, Salt oglee•picture, was long centered in one likely to deceive the purchaser by its "honor of Sir _John Colborne. Many of standing six feet four, never bothered eerie had been the only meat, so the i keel whiClf,-"once- -laid, remained rot, appearance than a kur Garment. them had been -1"rxends at home, and • to jook for a ford, but walked straight Indians were inset on every side. The tin on the he clr E t. th , were by acquaintance or correspondene Lthrough, so the story goes. Another It's the Weaving at it that prove the oe known' to Dunlop, the prime mover,. COThornitea_a_araded up to his middle by his book `The 'Daeltwoodsman,'' waist -button, 1imit and in other ways, in. peopling the The Ross farm, in which hIrIcY3101- forests of which, he was yet warden. was a partner, did not last., long. These families soon becaane fused into They built their log house, and when a strong federation, known as "The the building was finished they began. Colborne Clique," anti -pathetic to the their telling. The first tree selected was very- near thehouse ; the two new settlers set about cutting it in such an 'ignorant way that it fell ov- er the new ' house and 'mashed in the roof. It is said that that was the ltst 9f the RossaKydd farming ven- ture. • INSS9 • rtinf Manufacturer & Retailer Furs of ity. gentlemen with f Mines in the years a saying that it you wanted. to -erose brought out by the karrivala of- a party The fleet of boats presurnabl het y on- . • . One of the higgeet factora in . this basineee hos been. . a • Company. From petty causes of an- noyano3 and also through the principle that blood is thieker than water, thin - lop, gradually lost faith in the fatter, eased to be Wardell of its fore*, and finally severed his connection with N, to tan, or he turned, into ' the head and froht of its enemy. Before The ina,ttei 'of bridges was 'he pri- agivep, him for gallant cendetet in 1812. i -chief was a fine looking warriq, 'ware, to be given to affairs by this Ankle ing large silvermedal with a figure vessel doubled the •price of .land of• George the Third. which had ben ono day. Wearred--by much asking, he stepped PONTINUED NEXT WEEK. upon the heaviest carea-Ne---end-agraee- fully, waving his bend to maimed •at -1 tention, began an oration. He was Very animated, and pointed often. to. Mexico has. ceded Magdalena Bay, on the West boast of Iowa California, the cows and Oxen belonging to the ;ertetntrit-Canadian, h: station. for three years. to the United States for a coaling said, -"Indian very great hunter, kill, • plenty bear and der; white man kill • beef. Sometimes Indian very hungry, I ,see his white brother, kill an ox. He quickest quality. Every pelt that lefts into our garments basabeen very carefully se.; lected. At the present time our large aai showv owns are crowded with ,all the 711 latest noveitiee in ' Mink, Royal Er- mine, Sable, Fox, Bear and Sehirrel, We make a specialtrof ordered gar- ments of kinds. Fur or Fur Lined. n&ReteeaLlet. ROSS 196 Dundas Street Ont, this toole .place, Ferguson says of the mary difficulty laminae without them:asks for piece, but white man say, 'e • 0-4. the T,ha Company and its offitlers "I found no grist code be got to the mill. No, no go away.' By and iare give • . cough & cold I-1 But the road provided or travel hrhimpaunch and say, 'Plenty good for f blackguard Indian.' If Indian kill bear) Waite man say, •"Yo u my friend, give me a piece." Indian great -hun- ter, he no tell his white brother to • • wait for paunch, but give him leg or . reeheir little tuppezmY mill down on some• good piece." • I the Commissioners eommunicative and truly obliging. Dr. D., who acts as • Warden et the Forests; has spent niuoh. time in their depths, and gives the seria jocis in the happiest .style, :when recounting the progress. and hdventures in the backwoods. The Canada Company, I shotild thiiik,• as calculated. to forward the gdnetal in- .terests of the country, althbugli there are certainly those who think ether, wise; and if it phall.continu&- to • he Prudently.• adminia tered will in tithe Yield handsome returns. The exer- tions made to facilitate the transpert and settlement emigrente, 'and the liberal'terrne held out, caenot fail •to ,seoure the confidence and, goodwill • of intending settlers." 13et as • late . 1835, The Reformer romOrks that, • "the English preps is skill devoting its attention to Canadian affairs. A long, lying artiple from 'Blackwood's. Magazine isanow going the rounds of the Tory journals of both provinces" "Why)" asked the elder Mrs. I-Iynd- man-once • of Dunlop, 'lerhy did you *write as you 'aid"? You niust have known that all of "The Backweeds- man" was not true.' . "Oh," was the reply, 61, know 1 didn't tell .the Ath a but I •warited good settlers of the bet•ter :sort." The •Hyndmaeee • Lizars, •Kippens, Lawson, Clarkes, JohirGalte• jun., and . 'host of others were of the Clique ; while , some among the Eng-, lish contingent of geetlamen emigrants' tliough nut of, the Clique, were anti - Canada Company. The Clique . had friends on both sides of the river. Dissatisfactien . began early, Chiefly from disappointment •at• finding things not. as the Company's Maps and il- lustrations M London end Ediebash led pachasers to expect, in many case& because ' reality :did. not tally with scenes ,coniured up, by -imagine- Froade says somewhere thet 'when the Wise and goed are divided in opinion the truth la generally to be divided, top.. The young so uo on the long outwardevoyage beguiled the hours with "Robinsen CruSoe, .It therefore seemed but -*.a. proper part' of the expedition whew:they saw, on the 'Colborne _ read, a eost. with Sign pointing the wa.Y to Ju'On Fernandez.' The .emigrant who had so called his phoe became, known, and lived and died, by the name of ,Cruibe To complete the illusion, he had a man Friday. Minds, young and old, were in: ,an inflammable. state!. The first arraignment against the tr Coanany carried three indictments : bridges, reads and Mills. One tale told that iii then Londoa office, OS a inducement ea. t� intending purchasers, an illustrated map 'Showed: .a • drawe bridge at the mouth of the river ; beneath the • town of. Goderich 4 fleet of , vessels rode in the liarbar ; the draW Was •open, and a fine Vesaal was passing through. ,What they found was a Highlaed . fisherman plying between the Ridge and the Goderich gide, who charged a York shilling as: hie fate ; Sometimes he was there, borne -times not, but in either cape, "she would not be long whateffer," and the C'olbornites were often dependent up - roil a friendly. Wien or squaw to pad- dle them aceoss., • Dunlop, as usual, was independent. Once when the Highlander Was absent, he called no Indian", hut took an inof- •fensive cow, that , was chewing •the cud of reflection on the bank, .by the borne, and when he got her Well in the water sprang upon her back Ho got over safety, and eomparatively dry. The complaintantfirst heard publicly was Henry Matters monda: ed so far as . to see a floating bridge at the same point, which parted in the 'middle. to let passing boats through. Strangely enough, the only person to come t� grief was Mr. Ilyn- Milan hinrself`: Ile fell in in brOad daylight ; hut his character was, like Ceasar's wife, eibove reproabh. "Ah," and either meats, It too had its 'hart- and mucous surtaers of the system. says one who remembers the oir- en times ; and a fresh -killed beast was Send for tesMnioniala free: . cemstance, set it had happened • to seen cut up and k part, oechanged for! J. Cheney Si Co.; Toledo, 0. any ot the rest of us they'd bare something owhieh would furnish vp.r- Sold bY all drngffiste, '75j. when the rice was crossed, and the Mill'itself„, were, unequally unsatis-; factory ; the roadway was often. an imp.assible series of mudholea. Get a bottle today from your druggist. . , it doesn't :Ore you QUICKER than anything . you ever tried he'll give you you money back the Flats was worked by a spring, .e -a The CompanY's stares 'furnished an-. it coulde't always. run:. `Twas just a . ether ground for coMPlaint. The sett- I Shaileh'skicis tbeI'rbheasts, shaefeenstc,usruirnegstcaonudoluiatcedstsmoidedsicfoirire3f4oryey4orz chjaire4nrudagcgoisutsgh_s little two-tone ." an co 1dlets could find no ecimmodity there hut sec., e-oc,,, and $1.00 a bottle, Naturally it 'did •iitet supply their fish. alleadowlands, "the Lizars home- dernand for . flour --Which one tangly "'stead, and •Leriderstoie the Ilynitinan; • ' put, as • their own estimate for use, place,haeame centres of discontent and . at • one barrel per week, ,•as sometimes proteist, The . British Colonist Ol AFIEUIVIATISIVI ALMOST. KILLED tliere •was little else fer focid. I Torante, the paper,: of -the :lay, was ' ' HER, • . ' . [ ."pyper's mill was a . humbug ea a .•called upon to issue article's setting mill: We did the best we could, add forth grievances, Mid the Musa et FOX years Mrs. S:.Stahischmrdt. of ground our own wheat in a coffee -min home *rote parilphlets, saulbs and Humberstone, Oat., was a Martyr to , stone .. in the • .• bellowed .' ' Op. of a "Sweet Goderich city rheumatism. •"I wan '...ego. stiff and a lame 1 could scarcely walk"' she writ- fixedron the wall, or pounded it with ' parodies. . . . • • , stump." : .., • . . • ' ' 1 So sweet an pretty, . • :. • , . Others crushed it between two ston-I‘in sereno ditty 1 ' It's praise can deelare.. • es, and made a• kind, . of Porridge, and t.: - baked in kettles a Mixture which red The stores Where the fish axe; eembles bread inasmuch - as ,it • Was " And tae greatoinnuasioner-. made from wheat, and some - : hangry • _ • , • ' , • heavier arid .look the picture 'of health. J.storiee went round of now Int!, coin 'ro-day .I am well, feel stronger, weigh ones up potatoes 4Iready a men.tla any did not keep .faith in doing work hi the ground,. Mr. Mc4ult•Pa'Ale' on .17aith; if kept, : would destroy these dug and in • die ibutIng money, .i.,hich Whether , tonacular 'or' inflammatory, the Huron Road. once . tried. the' schronic 404o,therwisc, Feirozone .. does periment ' oi Pending his little •girl • ex-' causes of conipla:int.cyNtte.'tseo; said the cure ifieumatisin and Sciatica, (,.fre Per with the ,grist. :He maintained' that Colberne- Clique • th - ' it. was told how, ori a. licit ' summer he eleotric light plant lia-s been aut- y John Longworth,' orie. of the , . . bo =r• a -I •• dealers.. ' de Mg repairs ' during the past . , • 'Stand ng still , it was ialrnets and net disagreeable- . And doh*, 'itottrink with a deal of *Wirighttin . • ton, hut the rule adopted _was. ' first 'da, , . i ness Which caused the delay. Theinia ... ekill.n- . ' . • ' ''. was certainly inidegua.te for the .etis- a come first •ser,yed. At. this time • the- Kings, oaana :to wee ,..,, 'ea One • pf the dYne.Mos met with family was. 'entirely out Of ' flour, and the Company's . , . , horse. He' knew therwould not keep been. A' warehouse, '!looking • as, fine aS • . a an ac tnt, and os a result its use - he 'sent his daughter With the sack of 'fiddle: "a Inside the big .door, in the fuln done. • A new machine has wheat balanced . heMre • her on the shed, Sat" John Crawley, one .of ' the 4,-,'r ered and will be installed as Company's Men. The latter were all :soo af.s poseible.. In. the meantinie; a child waiting ; and the small horse: / . 0 . Irish, the Saying. on the Colbormaide li• •'?' sera are Isked to be economical woman accordingly returned :the same sill' 1 being that none, other inied. apply , ,is evening, at a foot pace all the way, .emially, on the Conipany'S side, at ' Y :the light as poasible. . was . averred , that. Dun14 'had Vowed the Scotchishould-drive the Irish 9u of the country, •, • ' :‘ • ' • .. . "What are yeu doing, *.Jcihri ?"" •• "Nothin', sore." • , '. . 'Gallagher, aho'th'.ei employe, • was upstairs, also in the shade,and also idle, ..-- • . . • ., "Are you there; Paddy?" "Yes; sorr.n.- 7•,!Aspliae.p dipwri?li,a..7t. *..il are You pirig, . ye : "Helpin' 4ohn Crowley; .Sekr.'; . . "And where, are you ?"' ' • .. "Above you, thank god, sorr." es, "An attack striking my. liinba made walking impossible. Friends and . doctors gave. Prescriptions but .1 only. got relief from Fernazone. I -took twelve boxes and gained from the'first. with her quantity of flour. The father *ould have probably been• kept. wait, . • hig two . or • three days, Alexander Young .made as Many, as seven or eight trips after ten: beshels of wheat. Sometinfee he :would return with it bushel, soroetireeS With none at all, the excuse being the rush , of • work and occasianally the lack of Water, for the spring. which feed it sornetiMes gave out. .A site was staked out for a. new null, and hungry people Were shown the. stakes, and promiSed theie Would be no delay once it was up. Tfalt; new mill.never grew.. beyond the stakes. In a letter written. to the British-.0olonist, _Henry Hyndniati en -1 the direr by the action of 'he north- guso4 and his management oThe bar formed at the entrance to logizes the Honourable Aliam.. Fer- ,rest wind caused the swamping • of f- - four -schooners_*.which attempted to Fergus settlement. 'Phe Mills there oross. Tho Canada' -Campany' 'applied had been burnt down ; but. as s'oo'n. to *the Legislature for permission to as the rubbisti was cleared away, new levy tolls on incoming vessel's', in or - mins; Phoenix -like, appeared -"would der to obtain interest on .thexperuli- y that such a man. were.a Commission - urge, tufa necessary on the 'barbel:1r. Tho cr Of the Canada Compan, to bill was thrown out, the bar increas, FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS ed, and the slimmer of -183e eaarP the • • ' . • • Minnesetung •laid up Within to the Mrs,. Winslevee Soothing Syrup has great): cost °of the CoMpany as . well been used by millions -rn! mothers for as the incenvenienoe of the' settleratheir children :whileteething, if dia.; Flour, in consequence, was eight or turbed by night and brollen of you nino dollare per barrel. The Com- rest by a sick ehild suffering and any got a lease , afterwards of the crying with pain Of cutting teeth send 'whole harbour, 'and charged wharfage at once and get a bottle Of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- ren teething. ft; will 'relieve the prior little sufferer • immediately'. Depend upon it, Mothers, there is PO mistake about it. It cures 'Diarrhoea, regu- lates the Stomaeli and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the ,Guins, reduces Inflammation and: gives tone and n e orgy to the whole. system. "Mrs IVinsIow's Soothing Syrup" for child ren teething is 'pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of .the oldest and best female ,PhYsiOitots and aursesjg, the United States. Price 25 cents tile. Sold by all drug- gists throughont, the World. Ile, sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soeth. ing. Syrup, @ McKenzie's bridge,. which has 40210 ..duty in Winghain for many years, will he repaired by a. steel struetere 'neit year: Ip. the meantime, it. is tieing .repaired to make it aafe for the Win- ter. • t. • Owing- to dull • 'tittles; the working staff: of the throb factories' of- the'Can- ada, Furniture Manufacturers, Limited, has .been considerably reduced. Be- tween thirty _.",and thirty-five ,hands have been laid off. - Mr. L.-1-1.arditi, for five yeas agent -for the Grand • Trunk •Railway in Wingham, leaves thM week for Brea - ford, where he has been appOinted agent. . NionelseLi oontractor, 'has • se- cured the eontrafor the 'new., p'ost olliee to be erected in Kineerdine. .-The large new steel bridge iouth of lbw -on -the-Beigrave road,. will, be conipleted about the ir.iddle : next: week th , to ose landing goods.Th ‘,ey had the water's .edge ; but the river, heAng naVigable,' could net :be mde aover to them. But the ; Rattenbury's paid fourteen dollare for their first baxtel State Of Ohio ' City Or Toledo,' . 1 Lucas' County, - Frank J, Cheney' makes oath, that he is soder partna of the flrin of F. J. Cheney St Co., doing business in the City at Toledo, •County and State the repair of softie slight damage eg aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the Goderich mill, which has been the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL - closed for two months, and Lee' LARS for each and every case .ol knows when.it will be Open aga,in,' catarrh that eannot be cured by the Mrs., Pyper, wife of the millet, was 1.40! Hall's Catarrh Oure.a-FRA.NK it sister of "Stout Mac," Macdonald CHENEY. of the first surveys. I3ecause Pyper ...Sworn to before me, and 'suliseribed was a Kentish -man. and had married in my presence, this Oth day of De - a Hieland wormun Dunlop nick -named cember, A. D. 1881, hlin 13ally Pibroch. Mrs. Piper was • - W. GLEASON,- as ingenious as lier brother, 'but ,(Seal) Notary Public, knew less English. Although would Hell's Catarrh Cure Is' tame inter. often be laden with venison, pigeons natty,. and acts directly on the blood gs said, "He's dridit.: but rib one ever said that of llenry The Maitland was.. it stream with freqemit wintliegs. To go across its meadows and ?ere the water farther crIESOLIENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A 'simple and effective remedy tor sopn THROATS AND 'COCA:11V '1•11(y• combine the germicidal Alituo Of oreseiens atilt tse soothing propertien of slippery elm and rico. rive, Your druggist or ftom us, ice in stahrps. .11:fnitSai MIMS Co., Limited, Agents, Montrear, 445 lay. in One no exchange the, . Take Han s Family nip on for e. killing of her husband's pigs, Mrs,i.stiPallecr Pyper offered the other "some of my : sow's mutton for a quarter of your . . n7yelfeislemlietY "ettihuerothlornonattria, stine: daernwto.00iti iiridsafitqlyini:thtitaempItjer(it- groundhog. was caught and shored With a. imegry neighbor, "and oenter.a more to murder his wife and Mtn eomrnit-• tasty morsel, * That saw at the em m ted suieide. igrants did not know hoW to make . • best of what they had did not 'cross Vire did fifty thousand dollars' their mint14 ; the . Canada Company, 'damage to II. It. lye.; & Co.'s prem - was the root of all evil, ises it Montreal. Alfred- bliintim was. killed liy an -el- . ectric .shack 'lletto0 Mines. • 6o6 A band, of outlaws in. the Island of Formosa: Ictiled ten GOvernMent ol- ficers„ but were. repulsed .with heavy lost: • . Prince Charles .Of Bpurbon aind Orin - Coss Louise of 'Orleans were ntaxried on-.Satarday at Woodeekton, Eaglandf • „ The American Federation of Labor On Saturday refused to endorse Gov- • ernment ..owrierahip • of . railroads' .and mines. . VALUABLE MEDIC PRESCRIPTION • Recommended by a Neil -known Toronto Doetor, Whose LoVe for Humanity is Oreater than . His Prejudice Against Pro.• prietary Medicines. The followi-a very Valuable pre.... scription, by an . eminent. and success- ful physzeian; will ,be• appreciarted . by many who are suffering from is grippe, cold, cough, pneunionia,-or any throat, . lung or stontach trouble"; or run-down i ' system; as t is a certain cure, and , wilt save many a. dodoes, bill. It is ' tamest a certain- preventive as, well "When you feel that you are taking cold 9i have chilly- feeling or aching in any part • of the' Body or head, ot feel week,, tired, dizzy, unfit for Work, , pain in the head or back of. the neck, dtt,c()) not . neglect these dangerous:.symp- ms; but send immediately to your druggist and get a bottle ef Psyehine (pronounced Si-ketai), and prepare as.. follows: -. 1" "Psychine, 2 teaspoonfuls. "Sherry, whisky or water, 2 tea- ' .. spoonfuls. "Choice of the latter can be made , according to the jtidgment and pre- ference, of the patient. .' :"Mix thoroughly" and take regularly ( before each meal and at bedtime." This prescription has been .used in thousands of cases and has been so universa Ily_ successful that a number of leading ihYsiCiani-regularly- pre-__ a soribe Psychine in their practice for any of the above troubles, or any rufg- culty. It ie .the midst' reliable and ' down, wasting or constitutional di - valuable' home eemedy. It tones up the entire 'systein, giving a feeling of yenthfulness and vigor, 'adding many years to the life of those who use it. " Yearn ago I wasalmost physical wreck and was suffering with lung troubies. Friends and neighbOre thought X would never get better. I began to despair myself. Losing faith in my physician. X procured another one who recom- mended theme ot PSYCIIINE. It wa.s surprising beyond description the Offeet it had. I seemed to gain with every dose. Inside of two weeks 1 was , able to attend to my houseWork mgafr. There are no symptomilftfseltujimplargprout Me Yohn, N.B. "I had been Buttering from La Grippe. My lungs were weak and Iliad& cough, but Payable •cured me." • lats. BSAN, • Oheapside, Ont. Psychine can be procured from any druggist *at 60o. and $1...00..lt is 0. very • Mr. "\Vilfiani Mitchell of latitriSh• was Dominated ler .the Legislature by , the Liberals of 'Lincoln. A strong resolution against the Government's ,Four :sharp 'earthquake shocks we felt at Manila on, Saturday. • • , .Three thou.;and ators and aetresses aro said to be outoof work in New York,. ort ti:ONOON) Undoubtedly the beat brewed on. the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and -by awards of the world's great Exhi. bitioosk, especially Citiesoo 1893, where it received nineiyesix points ont Or a possible hundred, mueh higher then any oilier Porter in the United Stales or Canada.