HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-21, Page 5140v tuber 2Ist. 1907 t+++ " +++4++• +++ +++44+f+++ +:+++ ++++; e., MOLSONS BAN •: l l tt ORATAD BY LOT OF PARLIAMENT 1855. 1 Kalil up $3,3005$840QQQ+/," �rRY�eserveFund $3,3Q5a84Q,Q0 ` v BEAD OF1;CDt'1VlONTREAL 4 94pi WM, momioN^'M2I.O?HERSOM .. Prosident B, t'i'lirigo ,. - ViceiPresidenl W. 4. Ramsay, • • .1. P. Clep}horn, S.' Mgrigland Moister, irt, CaI.F.,C. li,enshaw, W. C. McIntyre. Jagaea Elliott, General Manager" A. D„ Durnger& Chief Inseaator and Stiperin• Out .ofIiranohen. ill. Draper, iuspeotor, W. W. L. ghipman, ,t,'E Campbell' Assistant Inspectors, SAV.INCS BANK ORPAi�TMENT'•Depopita,ot;l.QD and upwardsreoeived cart interest anemiia a a per,oeet ro date'of deposit, compounded 4.times a year SPECCIIALAea FTaNt��`IONgtn 4rabteal' yanches of Farmers' business. Sale not c, :Et DOWDING. Manager CL NT )N. *40,..t.e,00_4400.0fro,wwwvvvvy ww_00#4kot.„ Rubber Weather The foretaste. of 'winter' which we had the begilnning ,of this week makes one feel that their felt should be clad • to standthe wet. Torrneet the d¢mand.we now have in stook a fall line of The Merchants Rubber Co's fine and coasre rubbers for Men, 'Women; and the little tots. retus show the goods and quote prices.: For men's. beavy wear we have some Hex.vy.• . Long Boots made by Cote at $2.50, $3.00 -and • $3,50, They are winners, If you have any articles of . footwear, for Christmas, giving,. come in and see what we can offer you in Fancy Slippers, etc. , ..../Everything New and UP-to=date. Our Music Department is`kept• fresh by weekly , additions to our well assorted • stock of Pianos,'Organs,• 0 'music. EMPORIUM:'- SHO � � • E. S T,ORE THE PLACE WHERE. YOUR DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY • gwr"An at hMMN, i 41www AINAA o �. o �e•�•e •�•m•®•.e �,.�•e�•e °�s>.e•o.o �.e �.e �,•e �,.m �o>ra•�•m �.�m•�.e 40 +B e• Have T011 88011 4 our . Sale Bill announcing our 'Big -two -weeks Sale • ? If not It , will. a •` ou to. oneand Yget leek it over. Sale commences Saturda Nov, .:16,..: 4 A Store open every evelnin PLUMSTEEL BROSI .�j • '3 . a•o•e�•ewe•�.e•�.e•a'.ea+o:m•cso•caa.��;o�o:mv.�<a�.��.ar�,:oq•o Big Roduction. Ofothillg Salo _ S SS S S { of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits,• Overcoats, Pants, .Smocks ' and' Over- alls. Commencing to -day and ending on Saturday, December 14th 1907 • $5300.00 STOCK to pick from. 15 to 50 per cent reductions. ' 1\Tot• one price held in.reserve,... EVERYTHING ,SACRIFICED. Come ! Save money ! • Get There •.Early ! • None of these goods punched en tickets. Term's, produce or cash. ., +. . Cash Paid tor,$utter and Eggs.,, •POPLESTON E .16 GARO I IER SSuccessor' to McKinnon & Co., •,,,BLYT"HA -,►4444N4444••N44444/4N•N•N4NNN•4NN44NN4•4+ a 4. P. MILLINERY SPECIALS • In New ; Store Opposite the Post (Mice. 1 pp • Ce. ' • A• s file season is.rather far advanced we wish to clear out ou stock of Triurined .Cart. To do this we are niat'king theta at such pric . es as, we`think will insure theta speedy eras On Saturday, Nov, 15th you can buy them at the following prices : Ladies Trimmed Teats, made of hest material, that sold up to $5. for*..., x.25 Ladies Felt, h ea,. t •anrm'rd with ribbon. quills, wings, etc, that sol .up $4, for... . .. ..... 2.49 1 Children's Trini ned Flops, triintned with ribbon, et.' ... 1.(1[0 iii MISS 11, R ANTELON & COtIPANV C 4 i "The Clistii> News -,Re rd 1 FROM BUSINES. • 2 Toweling Stiecials Tyro speciols to ebaw von the way ' weare going to sell Toweling. You know we do not keeppoor qualittee, Toweling -at Bic ` 250 yards of extra gond quality "Linen Crash. Toweling, a capital • ,thing for ordinary • use, clearing nowatper yard,,,.,; .... .M, .9B Toti'eling'Sc. EDNE • SDS,Y, November 2Oth, we launches our 1etiring From the greatest sale o Dry Good in` the - ' • i . • retailing , . g - • � . ltlstory of •recalling in this.has ever been ofleled the public. at cut rate prices, for O Business Sale andannounced what will be the County oi" Huon. ° No such stock as it is a 'stork that has been bought at ` cash prices in the,best markets:. There is not an article in it that has' not been edue . in rice a are • A determined to clear out evrything,to the last dollar's worth . before February Ist, 1908, and will make the prices do the selling, It is -the chance of a lifetime to buy lily Goods, Carpets, Furs, Etc,,' at bargain prices. 500. yards of nur very bei t Oi ash The whole stock is going to be nolo and you will save money. on everything you buy... The sale is a genuine one. Tows ing. 10c Orash Toweling, •• y This is a • that is Basil . worth 12. c, it is alt pure linen and The only reason for it is that we are refit -Ging from b cannot he bought today to retail• s quality easily business in Clinton, : N.ow that we have announced this fact we 'at 10e per yard, 500 yards of it to ,want to get, through with•,the sale as quickly as. .oss%,ble, In order to wind upall the•details of .this business reit at. , ....., .08 q p early . . in the New Year: Here are a few, just a few, of the bargains,: Embroideries 12ie J 500 yards Embroidery and -In- sertions, Lawn, Muslin or Cambric dozens of different patterns, great big cleaning lot for this greatest of Sales at per yard ... , . °, . , .12 having on Mantles Man estoe seer ced. Price ,reductions off every garment that means big'saving for buydrs. Not a las'; season's garment, in the lot. All must be fold. Here is how we are go- ing about it Tweed and Plain Black Mantles $5;95 Black Beaver Mantles selling at $7.75 Beaver and Tweed Mantles special for sale $8.75 Beaver and Tweed Mantles speciial selling price $0.75 .: . Plain, Beaver and Tweed Mantles, ex- tra goodfor sale $7.255 ' A few very line quality Black and Fancy Tweed Coats at special' prices • Fur Jackets rued Fur Lined Coats all reduced. Extra big bargains in. these =Saving on Prices in Millinery;' .11 Real value•nr, cost not, `eonsidered in narking sale :prices in the.Milliner•y. Ever", Hat and .eyery piece of trinarn-. in'Milliner selling tune will soon be over so we must make prices specially attractive, Here are sorie of them: t; r'e'ply,. must be sold.. y • Trimmed Hats Half price We have at least 40 or 50 Trimm- ed Hats in' the showr•oonp' to -day. All -trimmed up. specially for this seasOn's trade. You know t he kind of Millinery we have have ' been • keeping. • Thatis the kind yotucan' buy for exactly half price. Every • Hat no 'natter what. it sold for•is .being 'cleared out at egactly half • its regular price. Special lot at $1.50 20 only Ladies 'Hats. 'ali special - iv trimmed up'for this sale. Rego-, • •'Jar $3 and. $3.50.values, all'this sea- sera's shapes and colorings, special for sale.. •1:50 Any UntrihlbledShape 690 .. • Yotsr'choice of all .our. Untrimm .ed Shapes, blacks and colors, regn, _tar -$1,25 and 52, for ,sate special .69 Wool Tams 15c •'•'50 only, Girls Tans O'Slienters, plain and fancy colors specials for • sale...... .15 • • Great Bargains in Carpets • No room here to €Ive : you. any prices. µ We will ,just You -know that this is the Ribbon store of the town. mention two specials in Lill- Now is your chance to buy someat prices away below oleums. , regular.. These are but hints of what you . clan .do while. the sale lasts' tThereis a New Red Ink Price on Everything in �'. g the Store. - That, Price is a Money Saver. Bargain Prices on Dress Goods Hundredsof yards of the ,seasons best ' Dress Goods 'sacrificed in price for this great sale. Broad lotus; Venetians, Panamas, Violes and Tweeds; correct and popular fabrics for Fall and Winter wear. Not a'yard: _in.the entire stock ;that has not been 're -marked and,a n., eR red ink . price put on .it. Just a few sample bar- gains here, Wool Plaids 39c 4t• • Fancy Wool Plaid Suitings and' Waist in s• the popularular clans and Tat tans incudect in thisrlot,splendid wearing' materials, special sale priceper yard . . , . -39 A Clearing Lot at 4'8c 30!) yards. Black ant colored . Dress Gonds, a' collection of • various weaves and colors, regular 75c, $100 and $1,25 clear ing for sale at per yard.... ,, : , . , : .4.8 Our Best. $1.00 Dress Goods 736 : Your choice orour best Black Dress: Goods that sold at $1.00 per yard also all'colured Dress Geode at :the same price; ,- positively not one stogie yard reserved, . If they sold it $1.00 you can buy there now at per yard .73' $X•gS Broadcloth 87e This is thern B adcloth that bas broughtA ta n more business sin ess than any Cloth we ever handled it is poiitivel', the best value in the trade at $I,25•per yard . We have it in all shad- es and Black for thrr, rearing from business sale you can take your choice of the lot atper ';yd • Hundreds of Yards at 39c • Hundreds ofyards of plain and fancy Dress Goodl, blacks • ..and Avery color we have in stock; plain and fancy weave, regular"50 and 60c Hued: clearing tne'ni outat this retiring from business sale atper; yard ...., '.•....,. Saving. Prices on' Silk Every yard or. Silk reduced in price. You great. • ets chance to buy a waist or: dress ata .bargain; . Not: • • Bdsieru Bargains: Twc•Specials Every pair in the• shop re• marked, r and yon can savewmodey on them all, Hunareds of ,Fairs at 19c Nearly 500 pairs plain and ribbed Cashmere Hose, fall and ^ winter weights, splendid wearing stockings, selling at this great sale at *our choice per pair... ,:....;.• .19 50o Hose 39e 'All our standard S0cRose, ladies or -"children's sizes, plain:• or fancy ribbed, Cashmere or lisle, cleared without any re- serve whatever, your choice of the 50c quality for Corl'esponding:Reductions on every other pair in stock. Art Sateens .15e • Fancy Art Sateens and Silkoliens just the thing for conn ferters,draperies,'clearing at per yard 1!5' Plain Sateens 1 i C Your choice of all our Plain Sateens, blacks and all colors: standard 15c qualities selling now at per yard .11 Reversible Cretonnes 106 ' Heavy English Reversible•Cretonnes, 36 to 42 inches wide, splendid colorings and patterns,' clearing now at per yard..: a9 :.10 • English Shaker 10c Nearly 1000 yards extra heavy quality English Flannelette, .splendid.aisortnient of fancy stripes, you know the ritiali- .87 ties we have alwaye kept, clearing there now at per yard... .1 .39 a piece reserve& • All go at prices. like these; • Japan and .English Silk 39e. • Every yard.of-English and Japan Taffetta in . stock "blacks • t>,nd'all colors for waists, trimmings and fancy work: `,Clear- ing out et your eboice per' yard anadian.Flannelette .6ic 20 -inch heavy Canadian Flannelette, a real good cloth and a good range,ef patterns, clearing now at per yard., ....... .08 Heaves Fl ▪ sting .10e ' Heavy Canadian Shirting, fancy checks, fast• colors, two -- • qualities cleariug new at per yard:... .;10 and -11, VTrapperette 11C Hundreds of yards"of Fancy,. Wripperettes. new patterns' . and good qualities, dark. or light colorings, clearing per yd.: ' .11 Great : ar • ains` in .�. .g Lin ens„ :39 • You know n... reputation for keeping good linens No need•to- Best' Colored'Tafetta .6sc • Your choice. of our heat colored Tafetta. Louisiune and Pail- ette Silks the'silks' we .sell•the most of for'waists and trim. minge. .No 'question about, the wearing qualities for we have kept tee same makes for yoars, regular 85e choice for sale yer yards... .63 • Guaranteed Tafettas and;Black' beau:' de Soie 78ic Our best $1.00 black Tafetta 8 ilke every yard fullygitaran-. teedf suitable foforwaists, full dresses or underskirts; :also our famous $1.00 (hack peau.de soie, a silly' that is easily worth $1.25, all we have of either qualities.clearing now 'at per yard- .. , : . :78 ., Saving ,on Ribbons • 4 'aro-wide Linoleum 40c • p'er. Squars Yard Our'•rtandard regular 80c cloth, imported by ourselves direct from • the man wbo tirade ir. Good pat- ,y,�ll Silk Ribbons 4c terns, special for sale •- per: square yard .4 0 Bete Ribbon 1e Hundreds of yards of Bebe Rihbnns, all the'wanted shades • in the lot Clearing out at yet.yard.. Extra Quality otic . Exta quality 4 -yard -wide . Lino- • leuw, excellent pattern, very heavy Cloth, for sale. per square yard, . .46 • Good quality pure Silk Ribbons fancy edge in all the. pop- ular shades special for the sale at, per yard. , Pure .Silk Tafetta Ribbon 12c This Ribbon is worth 20c per yard, is good heavy quality, pure ilk,' extra good Width for Hair Ribbons, Bows, etc. White and all colors, for this great sale per yard.... A11 our Plaip Satin and Tafetta Ribbons at reduced prices,• .01 fell.yon anything about the•guality of goods thatare here to -day; Every., yar.;t has to be sold, and the hestlinen.baigain•you are.likely to get for:.,. many ai.;day are here, These area few samples: UnbleachedTable Damask 2oc` • 200 yards good weight and quality Half Bleached Table, Da- mask; capital.thing for ordinary wear, clearing at per Yard :20 'Heavy 'I able Damask 32c Extra heavy quality,Unbleached Table Damask,.` imported 'hy ourselves direct from the>rnaker. Qualities that will stand no end of hatd wear, clearing at per .yard . .02 Fine•Bleached Table Damask 68e Fine quality bleached Table Damask good weight and fin- ' isli"'one of our hestselling lines, imported direct from the • maker, clearing ,.,. .68 .Best Bleached Damask 95e Our best garde of full bleached Table Damask, beautiful Cloth, splendid patterns, bqught: direct from the Maker, man who made it, clearing now at per yard •,,..,... , , • r • .9 • • Towels all Reduced ; Not a Towel in the'store but is reduced in price. °Pgsitively no reserve whatever. No room here tp give • you prices, brit if you have Towels to buy for a year 'cotne it willipay you • Ca to buy them now. ' • .12. NIt•••N••N•N•N41/►NNNNINieNNN•••N• •N• GreaE~Shawiag afs I Great is the word to use describing the saving Watch for the Red on Furs. :We must sell them all. There is not a. doubt about that. There is,. not a poor piece or an ' inftrior,rade in the whole lot and you can depend hk•Price on Every absolutely on any of them No room here to des- cribe them, but if you have any .ration of Fur buy- ing we will make it well worth.your while to do it ` here. Here is a special bargain: A t Math orRuffs $11 thing. It's the New Price., The Sale Price' The Bargain Price. • Extra high grade Isabella, Pox Muffs and Neck Ruffs. • Also some very handsome Alaska `SableScarfs with Muffs to mateh, extra duality. , Regular $i•6, for this great sale each .. . .........A.. 11.00 ; Here is Another -Muff $4.25 ' son* very handsome Isabelle,, Opposum, and natural t IMuskrat Muffle, well made,tbiekly furred, stylish and . serviceable, special each for sale, ........... .......... 4.28, • We have a.number of high-class Nestk Scarfs and Muffs, These will all he cleared out at bargain prices. There has been no snob Pur buying' chance ;n Clinton before, , •••.,+t4•• N*i4 .e, NNti44,N••NN****t,N/r i Table Napkins Every Dozen Table Napkins and separate:,;Damask Cloth much reduced in price. We are determinedto clear them •a11 out, and thereis many a bargain waiting tor you. • t .B,uttons at 10 per Dozen .A thousand dozen Dress and Mantle Buttons, attl sizes and • color's. Dozens of different lines, clearing them•alt out row at your choice, per dozen.... ... .. •......4•!“114•••• .01 .. 1 ,...4,044.••••••••••••••4••••••••••‘••••..4••••••44 Kid Gloves Over X000 pairs Kid Glovers to self, and every pair a'har- ' ' Karn, This is the way they are marked now. Your choice of - Z . All our $1,00 Kid Gloves for . • 82c i ,All our 1,25 Kid Gloves for 98c All our 1,50 Kid Gloves Bor.,. . . . • • • • $I,10 You know the kind of Kid Gloves we keep, and, there are no better sold anywhere at our regular prices. 4444N•Nr•NN44N♦N4444i0440,4N44444 N44 44.4 ••••••e 4N44OK* 44NN•.••••4N4•4N4N44N4 Prints i0c ' Every yard of .print in the store, standard 12i'e cloth hundreds andh hundreds of yards for this great sale Clet.ring at per yard i 0e. 444iw444444+444440444•4i •••••••••••• •••••••••••• •: .. 4 .,