HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-21, Page 4s
Clinton News'Re rd
Novetnitir 21st, 1 0
'or Cctai; :
No Credit
C a'
For the next three weeks we will `rl n: a RED HOT Stock Reducing cing Sale. I3very 9 item advertised lb these,
a olulnns
• .A
• We positively must
'many y;Cas es LESS
THAN cOST. This film fake sale, blot • a , genuine; stockpreu
have Our $tock -reduced and turned into cash regardless of Other sales. It 'will pay you to visit th
Interesting Staple Bargaiitls
10e Stripe Flannelette .:. ,.. . , . ; ,°, ; ; . 8c•
15e White Flannelette .. ..•110 •
nee Crash Toweling ..,..,, ..•,.i0e
• 12ac W rapperette r . , .. , , . 9c
lOe Wrappperette , , 8c
5 •
0eTableLinen,'....., ,,,' See'.
75c Table Linen , ,r 59c
$1.25 Table, Linen „ 99e'
15e Sateens... ......,
12ic_Prints , ,.,.10c,
25c Pillow Cotton inches 20p'
40e 10.4. a g , „ 30e
45e 9.4 A `i .-� . ......35e
30c 8.4 Shed in .. 25
Bargains in Blankets
$3.75 Wool Blankets .. $3 00
4.50 Wool 131ankers.3:90 • •
8.00 Wnol Blankets 3 • ,... 5.00,..
1.10 10 4 Flannelette Maracas ..... ,` .90 •
1.25 11.4 Fiannetette Blankets • 1:I0
1.75'12:4 Flaneetette Blankets 135
Underwear Reductions
35c Ladies Vests 25o .
-E0c Ladies Vests. 9c
75c Ladies Vests ,;, 9e••
$1 Ladies Vests .. 79e
Hosiery Bargains
25c Ladies and Ohildren's Hose gee
35e Boys Worsted Rese
50c Boys Worsted. Hose.:,', .., . 35e.
350 LadiesCashmereHose, .... 25o.
$1.25 Sateen Skirts 96c
Ladies heavy quality Black Sateen
Skirts, two rows of pleating, 8.11 siza•s.
Regular•$1.25, stock-redueing Sale .98
Dress Goods Reduced
50c -Black Dress Goods., .
75c Blat.k Dress Goods. . 59e
$1 Black Dress Good4 $Oe
50e Fancy -Dress Goods 39c
75c Fancy Dress Goods
$1 Fancy Dress Goods Hoc•
▪ ,.. 39c,
irked down to OST PRIC'1'and in
using sale
Is .store in•the .next three weeks.
Silk Waist fatMugs• . �Ci__��._... ,
s Cost Half Ruffs and F $75 Astrachan Coats $60
$3:5CSilk Waists.,.:. $2.75.
2 50 Silk Waists , ,„ • 2.00:
4,00.Silk Waists., . , . , . , ,301:
$1.2'5, Sateen Waists 98c.
• Ladies heavy" .qutttity, Bieck Sateen
Waissts, very newest styles, all sizes. • RP.
gular $125 stock, reducing.sale , , ,.98.
SOC Ladies Caps 35c,
Ladies plain and .fancy Tweed Caps
with .leather or self peak Regular, 50e
stock,; reducing sale.. , .... .3S ..
• CorsetsReduced
50c Ladies Corsets..,. .. 39c •
75e'Ladies Corsets..., 59e '•
' $1 00• Ladies Corsets..•.. '80e
• 1,25: Ladies Corsets " ' d ' 1 00
1,50 Ladies Coreets. , .. . 1,25
Lace Curtains Red`ttc
75c. Face Curtain's ,,,,
$1,00'Lace: Curtains
urtains1.25 Lace Curtains
1.50 Lace. Curtains.. e
$10.1)0 Fur Ruff..:;. ,...: $8.00
1200 Fur Ruff ... ,,. ., 9,00
15 00 Fur Ruff., 11.00
15.00. Sable :Muffs " 12,00
180QSableMuffs ... ..,...,.,, ,,,., 1500
' 18.00 Sable 'Ruffs
'22.00 Sable Ruffs 4 •,
50,00 Mink Muffs. , 40,00
• Cat—Pets.
Ladies select whole skin Astra,• ,
Chan Coats, extra quality satin
lining, Alaska sable trimmed,
Russian blouse or semi .fitting
15,00style. Regular $75, sale price 60 00
' 60e Carpets. . .;,. 39e
75e Carpets- 59c
*1.00 Carpets ; . ° ° , , . ` 790
.16:.00 Carpet Squares.— .., . .;.$13,00 •
30.00 Oarpet Squares,.,.�• 22 00
Ladies Coats ,
$I0.00 Lridies Coate $7.50
12.00;Ladies Coats 10,00
13.50 Ladles Coats ,,. 11.00
15.00 'Ladies Coats 12 00'
18,00 Ladies Coat's... ........ , ]3,50`:
`79''' $50 Astrachan Coats $39
] 25 • Ladies first quality Astrachaa
1.73 Lace Curtaius 1.50 • ()pats .snible collar and revers,
2.00' Lace uctalnce .. .. 1 7; : good qna litg siltiu lining, all c� (�
2 50 • Lace Curtains , • 2 00 °' silzes. Re',tiliU $50,- sale.pr lee. . 00.1.1U a`
G' •
3 50 Dice Curt -Alias , 2,75
$50 Near Seal Coats $39`
Ladies' Neat 'Seal Coats,' sable ,
collar and re 1evs, ; satin ' lined,
Russian blouse style wish silk gu4
dle. Regia $50, sale price 3 9.0
t• 0
$25 Galloway Coats $18
14 fen's Gailijway Copts rubber
lined, the best,'coat oq'the market .
.for wear. wool cuff in sleeve. Re-
gular $25, sale price 18 00
$35 Wambat Coatsr`$?9 U
Men's Brown and Black Wane -
bat Coats. Everyone knows the
wearing'qualities 'of a' wacnbat,. •
Regular $85, sale price........
29 0
.17., ),'" 4C-* 0 °ADP •iwalfrigew
$6 Persian Lamb Caps $4
Boys A. 1 quality Persian Lamb
Caps, made of whole skins.. all A nn
sizes. , Regular $6, safe price.... , . 1%UO
$20,,Astrachan Coats $1.3.
2 only, Ladies Astrachan Coats
• sizes 34 to 30, a splendid Coat' at
• the regular price 320, bought from
a travellers set of samples. First 1 00/1
coma 1 te
• get the snap atG; , .
$40 Astrachan Coats $30.
•Ladies whole skin. Astrachan
Coats, all sizes, good glossy black,."
"satin lined, Regular $40," sale
price , ' . „ ..... 3 0.Q 0'.
$20 Men!' Calf Coats' $15
Four only, Men's Brown Calfskin
Coats; well furred, good big roomer •
coats, Regular $20, sale price 1500 Q
....,, ..• a..,. . U
$22''Ien's Calf Coats $16'
•. Four'ouly, Men's 'Brown Calfskin
Coats with black• astrachan collar,
A splendid'eoat: well :furred„ and'
good. big coat.' Regular $22, sale 1 @ nn
price ULU li
$05 �Men'S Coon Coats $55
Four only,'Men's.Natural Cana-
dian (7oon'Coats, good • long deep
fur and big size. Regular 305,
.sale !trice 55'00
$50 Men's Com!. Coats $39
".Men's Coon Coats, well furred,
naac'veat skins,:not tipped, or dyed,
good big coats. Regular $50, q (� n
kale. price c .39.00
.35 .Wallaby Co ats $30
1sf en's Wallaby Coatis, deep' fi
eeelleinatohed, good big coats ai
eery .warm, 'will give splendid
wear. • Re • alar $$5,;,sate,' price
Marriages f Auburn.
LONG-RUSSEL-In St. Michael's . „(Continued from 'page. one.) •
church, Myth., on November 19th,-
floral. 011 rings consisted of a wreath
iy Rev, Father Hanlon, Catharine, a.
daughter of Mr. Thomas Russel .of. from :her old niipils of'thei,Colborne
�Morri s to Joseph Long of
�_ school''.and a • :harp `££•om Knox .choir::
-� : Bru
eels. • a
The paIlbarer, we. Messrs J. Red-
{ nioiid, • Se, S,traugllan,°'J. Arthur, T,
VULVER-SKI':LTON-At the. home :.Badcliffe, 'J, Johnston and ;), -Robert•''
•of the bride's cousins m W•.innipeg
, t son. 1he'deeeased issurvived by her
Margaret Skelton, late of, Goder-parents,three ssters and 'five 'broth-
The` bereaved' ones haven't' recov-
ered from • the loss of••Miss L"1Ili
ich, to Robert Austin Culver of.
Arcola, Sask. "-
whose .deat'th occurc°d about - three
years ago; , and in tlieii: 'se'cond• great
California,, on October 31st, Win. sai.,row we offer tleem the sympathy of ,
George Logan, nem. B., to Elsie .the truest of friends:
M. Jackson of Toronto, .formerly
We poor •creat:ure of clay}arc some -
mf Brussel§. f
a times • prone to question God's ways
.'t lt','
and as why, 'Iia calls to Himself those
• ..rel. 9
trespassing with gun ' or dog on
what is known as "Bridgewater
'Farm", Iots 11 and 12, Goderich
toivnsltip, will he prasecated as. the
`taw directs. -Daniel Gliddon. • •
sult.ecl to .this, sphere and
Iwho have started on•a"Career of good
'works amongst which would 'be front.
generations to generations. But ' We
t be can al e
so reason. Goa
that' c
J �
}ie fnf
always, works for a purpose and those
who are gone from to are gone to ears•
ry, 'en a .greater. work In 'a greater
sphere. Thus as. each dear one gasses
NOTICE -NO MORE APPLES WAAT- from us Heaven is made dearer to us
'ted at the Evaporator excepting y that Soul and we wa`fOr •the
P P g time when we too' will. loin; that hap-
spoken for until :further not= m,ultitude:
a iy
ee Town & Case. .. ..
Needed ?
We have the Kind
that neither eur1,
Crack nor Fade. t
Mounted on 'the gen-
uine }Xarsthorti. roller
(everyone guaranteed.)
eclat Shades •
11 V'V
QL co.
The Weekly .Mail and Empire and
The Nows-Record wilt be sent to any
address for tie remainder of. 1907 and
the whole:. of 190$ .for
NT , and s. James •Riersoti of
Ethel visited 'at:.. Mr., Wes: • Beacom's
and : at .Mr William Carter's .last
week, .
'M',.ss • Mabe1•,.Livermore .of the' to
don Road • is visiting' old schoolmates
in school seetipn No: 4.
• Mr.: James: Cartwright is: doing
rushing bu'Sinese at his cider ' mill at
present.,! •
The municipal - .j of is beginningto
boil... There is • talneo fiber of
of a
contestants for • fie a eeve.ship
;, arneng
' the names- mentioned heihg Alec:
Leitch • jamasas !Simi'
d l'
, naa;5 Lel-
per. Mr. rut eali+l•.:ie. ,,lp • is 'surely
in danger.
Erne Reynolds, sen of Mr: Dominick
Reynolds, has returned fioni New (.n-
tario, •
W, 1VMrrison and J.. Drown hat'''e fici-
ished. up their ,apple packing' opera-
tions `los the season,
MissEcli ` 't
It Jenkins' has been eE:igag
ed as •teacher of S. A.S. No. Cr !it: a
salary of $375. Miss Ayless,irth: of
No. 9 has accepteda school near her
• home at Fordsvch..
Mr. M., Morrison cattle home, .fxum
Ilensall for Sunday.
)VIr: Thoma, Naftel and the neinbers
of his family who have be=en; ill are GIANT 1,RrPL E TS 'Currene -y'er,5 bb'
recovering rapidly. and Stag Chewing Tobaccos,: fit . 'big
Mrs.:'tToseph •Keeld returned from plugs: .Quality, 2rways the same.
Chicago. on Tuesday. of 'est .wee.
where she spent a few days.
:,..The -Weekly 'Mail' and Empire and
For ;Quality and Quantity ask your The-News-ltecotd will be seat io any
eiea1er for the new big plugs of :'Bobs' address for the remainder of 1907, and
'Stag and Currency' 'Chewing Tobac 'the whole • of 1008 for $1:25.
cos. One of our merchants met with a
heavy loss .lastweek when bis 'horse
b oming unmanageable, an . into a
Deaths, wire fence and broke her neck. Ile
}gavc $125 for hera .hrttmesg
a,AL;XANDL �-Itt Clitton n NOV-
Most of those who went' out en the
ember .18th, Elizabeth Gralian,
wife of . kr; William. Alexander, harvest exeprsion are home again,
aged •(i0 spars and $days. Anteing .thee late ra,rrivals . are, : Mrs.
• Thomas Gemmel and Messrs, Artiur-
WILSON-In Seafortrh ' on November• and William Clark all from
12th Margaret Scott Govenlock ,• the
+ g p Dloos�law district. They report • :the
'relict of .the late Alexander Wile 'crops good, but touched with i'•,6+ • '
HOUNIE -At Ilolmesville on Novelle -1 the harvestxcut Sion
e r is •
ber °Ieth, Debora Wellwoocl, relit1 with his threw elder brothers.
the let@ Jelin ;1o12nes; aged 101 TlruC>t Logo., who Ilse hate' year:
years, 4 months slid 10 ,days. . and nine months 'with his . • brother;
William in the West, has ireturned.. •IIs
Tikes, the country,
On. Sunday last
the annivs•r
y GARROV-In Goderich on .November die
$tit 'to ..Mr, .ttnd Mrs: Charles vices were heldI in i iib ivletlrad he
(*arrow, a daughter, eburelt, Itev, iV.. IM. !hitt being the
g ciffrc•iatieg minliter. His ger/ on%
IIAl)Dl Ni--tti
Goderich on Navemb'er were, good, delighting all, The music
8th,. to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mad- was fund:1W by the excellent choir.
deli, a Son., • At the' morning service 'hey more
Oli':1)ON•.ilt Ashfield on Noverabr than kept up their reputation of fork
8th, to Mr. end hire. Arigus'iGordon !fuer years, The offerings Swire in the
a diiughter. • •neighborhood Of ,!iffy sic Bare.
son, aged 85 years and 7 months. Willie Gemmel, who went out with
o $liths.
• The Weekly M it1 and Empire. •and
The News -Record will be sent' to any
address for the remainder 'o& 1907,. and
the whole. of•1908Ior $1.25.
Mr: S. 'Sutherland
nein :organ from Mr. C„ Hoare' of •Cliti-
.511Ja"m es • Sten'le" still "keep • Very
- Y.psr
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred' Young of ()sp-
awn •aro spending 'a couple of weeks
yisiting friends •round here.
Mr. and Mrs:• J.. T,' Staples of Sea-
forth spent Sunday as ,the• guests of.
Mr; anda.-Mrs: William Lindsay,
Rcv.'1Vir. Durrant cif Benmiller'e will
preach. here next Sunday af.ernopn at
2 30 o'clock
• Mrs. T. Po1la d, Mr.Jetties
ir , Suth-
erland and sister spent. Sunday' last
visiting friends at Ethel:
1V1essrs° Thos.' :McMillan; J. H. Scott
S. McMichael and W. Thompson pass-
ed through our virtue/last week with
The Weekly Mat and' Empire : and
The News -Record' wilt be sent to any
address for • tlie.'remainder of '1907 And
the .whole. of 1908 for .$1.25. ' e
Mrs." Ll ie; George '" is visitinghes
sister in -fav in Stratford:
Mrs; Risebury of . Brandon, .• an aunt
al Mr. William '.C'ollins, hasg ot:sett-
led in her flew Moine. ' We understand
she . intends • giving lessons in painting.
The many friends, of: Miss Alice Rat-.
`tenhury, - • daughter of Mr,' William,
Rattenbury, • will be •pleased to hear
that she is recovering' from the injury
s1re. received,
Rev, Mr. - EPl . atr}ck of r
P '`o onto' oc»
•copied the: .pulpitof•the.Pi:6.00 1mi
c arch Gast Sunday; both : morning
and vetting. r
n enn It
ea muni "
f g..
m on Sun -
d ..
Rev, Mr, Budge of Hanover, gave 'a
lecture in 'the Presbyterian church
here on Monday. evening.
120'' head of .cattle which 'they , intend •
to, feed, for the winter among them:
They 'purchased thein _,in the vicinity
of .Luckilo v, .
A • meeting of those interested in op-
posing the repeal' of the Local .option
by-law in, the haseiue'nt of the Method-
est church, Londesboro, on 'Tuesday
afternoon next at 2 o aleck.
Baby Smiles
One mother happily expressed her
opinion 'of Baby's Own Tablets when
she said "there's a smile. in every
dose.", In homes where the .Tablets
are ttsed there `are no cross, fretful
sickly children. The 'Tablets snake
children well and keep them well. ,
They cure 'indigestion, colic, °costil•
nation, di
arrhoea teething liig troubles1
the other h minor .ailments 0 -of
childhood. They, can be given with'
absolute safety to the newborn child,1
ilio ler ha s
the g ansa nee of.
a government analyst that the Tab-
lets do .not contain one particle of
opiate or poisonous soothing stuff.:
`Isn't such a guarantee worth some-
thing to you,, mother ? The Tablets
are sold by allmedicine dealers .or
may be had frotl'i The Br. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville,' Ont., • at
25 cents a box. •
Few term house's: in Canada will be
found without the Family Herald•and
Weekly', Star, o1 Montreal,. Those
hones that do not.reoefve it are J-{
sing a =eat 'treat. The Family herald
and Weekly Star is to -day easily!,
:Worth ten times the subscription price,
to any fernier. Its va1Ue ins. fact cane'
not • be over-estimated. It is a won-!
fuI• combination of a weekly news-�
paper, family inagasine and an'.agri-1,
cultural journal without t:ti equal;
Farmers!, if you do . not read the,
Family Herald and 'Weekly Star, of
.'Montreal, you should give it a. trial
during 1907. Do not wait until Jan-
uary but, remit one dollar now • and
you• will never i egret it {
• Blyth •
,Weekly Mail and Empire and
TlieN'e ww
s Record will be seat to any,
'address . for the remainder of 19071 and
w oleP 9'
0 1 0$
for $1,25.
St, Michael's' church in this village t
Was the scene, of a pretty wedding on s
Tuesday: when Rev, Father ,t1anlon t
llerfnrmed the ceremony which made (1
Joseph Long ' and Catharine ` Russel
man and wife. At theconclusion of •e
the ceremony the bridal party drove. I
to the. home of the bride's parents l
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas •.Russel i:f t.he'
township of Morris whore tiie Weddin:n h
feast was in readiness, • Rey, Fattier n
Ilftf?Xon .was : one of the guesth and in' W
fttifig 'Orme' proposed the health . of m
the bride. Mr. and Mrs, Long havo
taken n
n up lns k
CC ft
friendsgo with them. '„te besttivisles of their numerous
Colt orne Township
The Vlri ok'ly Mail aiul Empire and
The News -Record. will he sent to any
address Cdr the rimaind^r of 1007 anis
the whole of 1908 for $1.25.
A Chri'stnles entertainment, will 'be
held at Bethel church, Colborne, in
the interests of tile Sunday ' school.
on Monday evening, 1)ecefntler 23rd,
The decorations i
and program will be
up to- former occasions and a good
time 'Is expected. Remember the,
Porter's Hill'
The Weekly . Mail and , ntpire and
The News -Record will be sent to any
address 'for" the remainder' of 1907; anti•
the whole of •1908 for .$1.25,
Th , e
oyster • su ' er hel ,.
Plc d . i y Reef.
ling No 2 on (Friday :.evetiiri :last:
was•:a' success .in evexyway.; except the.
oysters which. lid: not •arrive. until the
first train the 'next da:•*. '
Miss. Sarah ...et reteirned on • Satur-
day 'after a two. week' . x i .;t v, tli her
sister, Mrs f:. Newt:» j. •
Mr. A..:F.Johns visiee • r.va•
d- L � t .-,aoro'
friends on :.seal 'lay last. '
Make New Mood.
o d.
These Is: What Ar. Williams' Pink Pill
Do.-T41at a Is Why' They Cure So
Many Diseases. '
Council. -The : corporation : • of the
County of Huron will meet. in .•the . .
council chamber in the town of God-
erich on Tuesday,• the, 3rd. clay. , of:.
• December next.' °
.. at ;3 o'clock, p, in.' .:
All accounts against the county re
quiring settlement ' must be placed ..
with the, Clerk by December:the 2nd.
--1V. Lane, : Clerk.: Goderich,Nov; •
18th, 1907.
Auction: Sale Register
Unreserved Auction Sale on the
Bayfield Road one mile north ofCline.
0 horses -1 1 •
heavy draft mare • 8 •
yrs. old, 1 generel puLpose horse 5
syrs .old, ]: general purpose mare 9
I yrs. We; : 1 horse 9 yrs old, 1 driving
mare 7. yrs old, 2 horse bolts rising
3 yrs .old. . pattle-20•, head of stock.
steers. rising 3 . yrs old, average 1100.
pounds, 2 newly calved cows, 4 cows
sapposed to be in calf, G heifers rising
3 yrs, 6 steers rising 2 yrs old, 0
Meters rising 2 years old, 1high
l.' ,: grade bull.rising 2 yrs 'old;;''6 spring.
J c'attic, 6 well-bred'ewes, • Itnp leinents.
-1, new waggon; 1 waggon nearly nate
c 1 new buggy, single, 1 new 'tnaca(ldie,
1 mingle buggy nearly new,. 1 covered
d Milk waggon. nearly new, about .• . 300
milk bottles, 1 gooddelivery waggon
nearly new, '•about 25 •toes of straw,'
to be cash. Terms. -10 mths credit
on furnishing approved joint notes. 6
per cent olicash on credit .amounts,
All sums of $5 and under, cash, on
over that:10 months' credit en appro-
ved joint notes. Sale to commehee
at 1 -o'clock, sharp, 'on Wednesday,
December nth. -James A, Smith, •
Proprietor and .kuctioneer.
When' persons have not enough blood
or when, their :blood is weak arid wat-
ery,'the:doctors name the trouble an-
aemia. ' Bloodlessness is the cause o
many common ..diseases, such is Mal
gestion, palpitation . of the heart, • .de
bitty, decline, neuralgia; nervousness
rheumatism, : and consumption, Th
'surest signs of poor blood ani pale
nese, bluish lips, cold hands an
feet, general weakness, low spirits
and headaches . and backaches. If an-
aelxlia is not checked in time it will
probably develop into consumption,
There is one certain 'cure for ..anaemia
-Dr. Williams' Philo Pills. These
pills actually make new, rich, 'red
blood, which fills. the 'veins and bring
new life to bloodiess� people. In proof
of this ',Miss Mabel Clend,ennin Niag-
ara Fells, Ont., says'.: "Fore two
years 1 sufferedfroth anaemia. I was•
weak, thin, had no: appetite, 1 somir
times had distressing headaches and
felt 1 low °s..
PtiedM heart _
t wo 1
My ea, ct
palpitate .violently ; I Could do n,
work: aground " the house ; I became
'very pala and my nerves got unstrung.
The of r
good doctors
o heap me. I was its such a' pitiful
tate'. e One day a friend•urged ane to
fy D , Williams' . bink Dills held I
id so. Soon I saw the pills, were
wiping Inc and by the time 1 had talt-
n Laine boiis 1 'Deas .dompietely cured.
,had a, good ' appetite, gained ill
weight,, hadn't an ache 'or ;lain, could
cep • well and ant in far better
ealth'now than I ever •was. I can-
of speak too highly of what Dr.
lelliarn' Pink. , Pills,ltave done' • for
What br. %Villtams' 1 }nk 1'l11s hav •
done for Dis i•
141 ss C1
endenning theyhave
done for thousands -they w1
V','onaldolla• for
you. -But you tnus�t� get the genuine
with. the full anis l) fl . mtht{s"
Pink Pills for I y ale Peolple"
Wrapper arotil►d � eaery box, tt a ,your
dealer has not got the genuine • pills
you. can get thein at 50' cents a 'box
or six boxer, tar $2.50 -•i front the 1)r.
Williams' Medicine 06., Brockville,
u; t'tiSe.
Hurry Out sale of Clothing now on
it A, R. Smiles,' true friend of the •
farmer. Remember the stand, oppo.
tiite Molsons Rank, Clinton.
i2erentdiscoveries have shown
that falling, hair is cased by
germs at the roots of the hair.
Therefore, tostop falling hair,
You must first completely de-
stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair
Vlgor,•new .improved formula,
well certainly do this. Then
leave the rest to nature.. '
' .foes notcharige the cobor•af the hair,
oratul t
I►►t b bowl). bottle
Shaw it to your
S.� dootar
,d:ikeft i about !t,
LBondo 6412o -rot
have also
proved that
dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp.
Therefore; to cure dendruff, the first thing
to do is to completely destr
e dan-
druff germs.'T ere tlesame Ayees
Vigor will give the same splendid results.
` --2CMtoby*a0.0.A,yerbo., Imre% eistiemea
• I