HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-21, Page 4s • • Irene e Clinton News'Re rd 4 , Novetnitir 21st, 1 0 e ti �g Tearing Salt' 'or Cctai; : No Credit aple C a' For the next three weeks we will `rl n: a RED HOT Stock Reducing cing Sale. I3very 9 item advertised lb these, a olulnns Yr • .A • We positively must 'many y;Cas es LESS THAN cOST. This film fake sale, blot • a , genuine; stockpreu have Our $tock -reduced and turned into cash regardless of Other sales. It 'will pay you to visit th Interesting Staple Bargaiitls 10e Stripe Flannelette .:. ,.. . , . ; ,°, ; ; . 8c• 15e White Flannelette .. ..•110 • nee Crash Toweling ..,..,, ..•,.i0e • 12ac W rapperette r . , .. , , . 9c lOe Wrappperette , , 8c 5 • 0eTableLinen,'....., ,,,' See'. 75c Table Linen , ,r 59c $1.25 Table, Linen „ 99e' 15e Sateens... ......, 12ic_Prints , ,.,.10c, 25c Pillow Cotton inches 20p' 40e 10.4. a g , „ 30e 45e 9.4 A `i .-� . ......35e 30c 8.4 Shed in .. 25 Bargains in Blankets $3.75 Wool Blankets .. $3 00 4.50 Wool 131ankers.3:90 • • 8.00 Wnol Blankets 3 • ,... 5.00,.. 1.10 10 4 Flannelette Maracas ..... ,` .90 • 1.25 11.4 Fiannetette Blankets • 1:I0 1.75'12:4 Flaneetette Blankets 135 Underwear Reductions 35c Ladies Vests 25o . -E0c Ladies Vests. 9c 75c Ladies Vests ,;, 9e•• $1 Ladies Vests .. 79e Hosiery Bargains 25c Ladies and Ohildren's Hose gee 35e Boys Worsted Rese 50c Boys Worsted. Hose.:,', .., . 35e. 350 LadiesCashmereHose, .... 25o. $1.25 Sateen Skirts 96c Ladies heavy quality Black Sateen Skirts, two rows of pleating, 8.11 siza•s. Regular•$1.25, stock-redueing Sale .98 Dress Goods Reduced • 50c -Black Dress Goods., . 75c Blat.k Dress Goods. . 59e $1 Black Dress Good4 $Oe 50e Fancy -Dress Goods 39c 75c Fancy Dress Goods 59e $1 Fancy Dress Goods Hoc• ▪ ,.. 39c, irked down to OST PRIC'1'and in using sale Is .store in•the .next three weeks. Silk Waist fatMugs• . �Ci__��._... , s Cost Half Ruffs and F $75 Astrachan Coats $60 ti~ $3:5CSilk Waists.,.:. $2.75. 2 50 Silk Waists , ,„ • 2.00: 4,00.Silk Waists., . , . , . , ,301: $1.2'5, Sateen Waists 98c. • Ladies heavy" .qutttity, Bieck Sateen Waissts, very newest styles, all sizes. • RP. gular $125 stock, reducing.sale , , ,.98. SOC Ladies Caps 35c, Ladies plain and .fancy Tweed Caps with .leather or self peak Regular, 50e stock,; reducing sale.. , .... .3S .. • CorsetsReduced • 50c Ladies Corsets..,. .. 39c • 75e'Ladies Corsets..., 59e '• ' $1 00• Ladies Corsets..•.. '80e • 1,25: Ladies Corsets " ' d ' 1 00 1,50 Ladies Coreets. , .. . 1,25 Lace Curtains Red`ttc 75c. Face Curtain's ,,,, $1,00'Lace: Curtains 1.25 urtains1.25 Lace Curtains 1.50 Lace. Curtains.. e • $10.1)0 Fur Ruff..:;. ,...: $8.00 1200 Fur Ruff ... ,,. ., 9,00 15 00 Fur Ruff., 11.00 15.00. Sable :Muffs " 12,00 180QSableMuffs ... ..,...,.,, ,,,., 1500 ' 18.00 Sable 'Ruffs '22.00 Sable Ruffs 4 •, 50,00 Mink Muffs. , 40,00 • Cat—Pets. • Ladies select whole skin Astra,• , Chan Coats, extra quality satin lining, Alaska sable trimmed, Russian blouse or semi .fitting 15,00style. Regular $75, sale price 60 00 ' 60e Carpets. . .;,. 39e 75e Carpets- 59c *1.00 Carpets ; . ° ° , , . ` 790 .16:.00 Carpet Squares.— .., . .;.$13,00 • 30.00 Oarpet Squares,.,.�• 22 00 Ladies Coats , $I0.00 Lridies Coate $7.50 12.00;Ladies Coats 10,00 13.50 Ladles Coats ,,. 11.00 15.00 'Ladies Coats 12 00' 18,00 Ladies Coat's... ........ , ]3,50`: `79''' $50 Astrachan Coats $39 "" ] 25 • Ladies first quality Astrachaa 1.73 Lace Curtaius 1.50 • ()pats .snible collar and revers, 2.00' Lace uctalnce .. .. 1 7; : good qna litg siltiu lining, all c� (� 2 50 • Lace Curtains , • 2 00 °' silzes. Re',tiliU $50,- sale.pr lee. . 00.1.1U a` G' • 3 50 Dice Curt -Alias , 2,75 $50 Near Seal Coats $39` Ladies' Neat 'Seal Coats,' sable , collar and re 1evs, ; satin ' lined, Russian blouse style wish silk gu4 dle. Regia $50, sale price 3 9.0 t• 0 $25 Galloway Coats $18 14 fen's Gailijway Copts rubber lined, the best,'coat oq'the market . .for wear. wool cuff in sleeve. Re- gular $25, sale price 18 00 • $35 Wambat Coatsr`$?9 U Men's Brown and Black Wane - bat Coats. Everyone knows the wearing'qualities 'of a' wacnbat,. • Regular $85, sale price........ 29 0 • • aE .17., ),'" 4C-* 0 °ADP •iwalfrigew h..TNTO.N;' $6 Persian Lamb Caps $4 Boys A. 1 quality Persian Lamb Caps, made of whole skins.. all A nn sizes. , Regular $6, safe price.... , . 1%UO $20,,Astrachan Coats $1.3. 2 only, Ladies Astrachan Coats • sizes 34 to 30, a splendid Coat' at • the regular price 320, bought from a travellers set of samples. First 1 00/1 coma 1 te • get the snap atG; , . $40 Astrachan Coats $30. •Ladies whole skin. Astrachan Coats, all sizes, good glossy black,." "satin lined, Regular $40," sale price , ' . „ ..... 3 0.Q 0'. $20 Men!' Calf Coats' $15 Four only, Men's Brown Calfskin Coats; well furred, good big roomer • coats, Regular $20, sale price 1500 Q ....,, ..• a..,. . U $22''Ien's Calf Coats $16' •. Four'ouly, Men's 'Brown Calfskin Coats with black• astrachan collar, A splendid'eoat: well :furred„ and' good. big coat.' Regular $22, sale 1 @ nn price ULU li $05 �Men'S Coon Coats $55 •• Four only,'Men's.Natural Cana- dian (7oon'Coats, good • long deep fur and big size. Regular 305, .sale !trice 55'00 $50 Men's Com!. Coats $39 ".Men's Coon Coats, well furred, naac'veat skins,:not tipped, or dyed, good big coats. Regular $50, q (� n kale. price c .39.00 .35 .Wallaby Co ats $30 1sf en's Wallaby Coatis, deep' fi eeelleinatohed, good big coats ai eery .warm, 'will give splendid wear. • Re • alar $$5,;,sate,' price • Marriages f Auburn. , LONG-RUSSEL-In St. Michael's . „(Continued from 'page. one.) • church, Myth., on November 19th,- floral. 011 rings consisted of a wreath iy Rev, Father Hanlon, Catharine, a. daughter of Mr. Thomas Russel .of. from :her old niipils of'thei,Colborne �Morri s to Joseph Long of �_ school''.and a • :harp `££•om Knox .choir:: -� : Bru eels. • a The paIlbarer, we. Messrs J. Red- { nioiid, • Se, S,traugllan,°'J. Arthur, T, VULVER-SKI':LTON-At the. home :.Badcliffe, 'J, Johnston and ;), -Robert•'' •of the bride's cousins m W•.innipeg , t son. 1he'deeeased issurvived by her Margaret Skelton, late of, Goder-parents,three ssters and 'five 'broth- ers The` bereaved' ones haven't' recov- ered from • the loss of••Miss L"1Ili ich, to Robert Austin Culver of. Arcola, Sask. "- LOGAN-JACKSON-In Los Angeles an,. whose .deat'th occurc°d about - three years ago; , and in tlieii: 'se'cond• great California,, on October 31st, Win. sai.,row we offer tleem the sympathy of , George Logan, nem. B., to Elsie .the truest of friends: 1 M. Jackson of Toronto, .formerly We poor •creat:ure of clay}arc some - mf Brussel§. f a times • prone to question God's ways .'t lt',' and as why, 'Iia calls to Himself those • ..rel. 9 ,WARNING. - ANYONE FOUNT). trespassing with gun ' or dog on what is known as "Bridgewater 'Farm", Iots 11 and 12, Goderich toivnsltip, will he prasecated as. the `taw directs. -Daniel Gliddon. • • sult.ecl to .this, sphere and Iwho have started on•a"Career of good 'works amongst which would 'be front. generations to generations. But ' We 0 • f t be can al e so reason. Goa that' c J � }ie fnf I always, works for a purpose and those who are gone from to are gone to ears• ry, 'en a .greater. work In 'a greater sphere. Thus as. each dear one gasses NOTICE -NO MORE APPLES WAAT- from us Heaven is made dearer to us h 'ted at the Evaporator excepting y that Soul and we wa`fOr •the P P g time when we too' will. loin; that hap- e. spoken for until :further not= m,ultitude: a iy ee Town & Case. .. .. 1 „ 1- An y Window Shades Needed ? We have the Kind that neither eur1, Crack nor Fade. t Mounted on 'the gen- uine }Xarsthorti. roller (everyone guaranteed.) eclat Shades • Supplle 11 V'V .,.PE.. QL co. CL NT 41) @. r Goderich. Hullett'Township: The Weekly .Mail and Empire and The Nows-Record wilt be sent to any address for tie remainder of. 1907 and the whole:. of 190$ .for Mr, NT , and s. James •Riersoti of Ethel visited 'at:.. Mr., Wes: • Beacom's and : at .Mr William Carter's .last week, . 'M',.ss • Mabe1•,.Livermore .of the' to don Road • is visiting' old schoolmates in school seetipn No: 4. • • Mr.: James: Cartwright is: doing rushing bu'Sinese at his cider ' mill at present.,! • The municipal - .j of is beginningto . boil... There is • talneo fiber of V of a contestants for • fie a eeve.ship ;, arneng ' the names- mentioned heihg Alec: Leitch • jamasas !Simi' al d l' , naa;5 Lel- per. Mr. rut eali+l•.:ie. ,,lp • is 'surely in danger. Erne Reynolds, sen of Mr: Dominick Reynolds, has returned fioni New (.n- tario, • W, 1VMrrison and J.. Drown hat'''e fici- ished. up their ,apple packing' opera- tions `los the season, MissEcli ` 't It Jenkins' has been eE:igag ed as •teacher of S. A.S. No. Cr !it: a salary of $375. Miss Ayless,irth: of No. 9 has accepteda school near her • home at Fordsvch.. Mr. M., Morrison cattle home, .fxum Ilensall for Sunday. )VIr: Thoma, Naftel and the neinbers of his family who have be=en; ill are GIANT 1,RrPL E TS 'Currene -y'er,5 bb' recovering rapidly. and Stag Chewing Tobaccos,: fit . 'big Mrs.:'tToseph •Keeld returned from plugs: .Quality, 2rways the same. Chicago. on Tuesday. of 'est .wee. where she spent a few days. Kippein.' :,..The -Weekly 'Mail' and Empire and For ;Quality and Quantity ask your The-News-ltecotd will be seat io any eiea1er for the new big plugs of :'Bobs' address for the remainder of 1907, and 'Stag and Currency' 'Chewing Tobac 'the whole • of 1008 for $1:25. cos. One of our merchants met with a heavy loss .lastweek when bis 'horse er b oming unmanageable, an . into a Deaths, wire fence and broke her neck. Ile }gavc $125 for hera .hrttmesg a,AL;XANDL �-Itt Clitton n NOV- .Not- Most of those who went' out en the ember .18th, Elizabeth Gralian, wife of . kr; William. Alexander, harvest exeprsion are home again, aged •(i0 spars and $days. Anteing .thee late ra,rrivals . are, : Mrs. • Thomas Gemmel and Messrs, Artiur- WILSON-In Seafortrh ' on November• and William Clark all from 12th Margaret Scott Govenlock ,• the + g p Dloos�law district. They report • :the 'relict of .the late Alexander Wile 'crops good, but touched with i'•,6+ • ' HOUNIE -At Ilolmesville on Novelle -1 the harvestxcut Sion e r is • rernaining• ber °Ieth, Debora Wellwoocl, relit1 with his threw elder brothers. of the let@ Jelin ;1o12nes; aged 101 TlruC>t Logo., who Ilse hate' year: years, 4 months slid 10 ,days. . and nine months 'with his . • brother; William in the West, has ireturned.. •IIs Tikes, the country, On. Sunday last the annivs•r earsere y GARROV-In Goderich on .November die $tit 'to ..Mr, .ttnd Mrs: Charles vices were heldI in i iib ivletlrad he (*arrow, a daughter, eburelt, Itev, iV.. IM. !hitt being the g ciffrc•iatieg minliter. His ger/ on% IIAl)Dl Ni--tti Goderich on Navemb'er were, good, delighting all, The music 8th,. to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mad- was fund:1W by the excellent choir. deli, a Son., • At the' morning service 'hey more Oli':1)ON•.ilt Ashfield on Noverabr than kept up their reputation of fork 8th, to Mr. end hire. Arigus'iGordon !fuer years, The offerings Swire in the a diiughter. • •neighborhood Of ,!iffy sic Bare. son, aged 85 years and 7 months. Willie Gemmel, who went out with o $liths. ConstanceBrucefield • The Weekly M it1 and Empire. •and The News -Record will be sent' to any address for the remainder 'o& 1907,. and the whole. of•1908Ior $1.25. Mr: S. 'Sutherland has'"piircliased-a. nein :organ from Mr. C„ Hoare' of •Cliti- • .511Ja"m es • Sten'le" still "keep • Very - Y.psr e • poorly._• Mr, and Mrs. Alfred' Young of ()sp- awn •aro spending 'a couple of weeks yisiting friends •round here. Mr. and Mrs:• J.. T,' Staples of Sea- forth spent Sunday as ,the• guests of. Mr; anda.-Mrs: William Lindsay, Rcv.'1Vir. Durrant cif Benmiller'e will preach. here next Sunday af.ernopn at 2 30 o'clock • Mrs. T. Po1la d, Mr.Jetties ' ir , Suth- erland and sister spent. Sunday' last visiting friends at Ethel: 1V1essrs° Thos.' :McMillan; J. H. Scott S. McMichael and W. Thompson pass- ed through our virtue/last week with The Weekly Mat and' Empire : and The News -Record' wilt be sent to any address for • tlie.'remainder of '1907 And the .whole. of 1908 for .$1.25. ' e Mrs." Ll ie; George '" is visitinghes g sister in -fav in Stratford: Mrs; Risebury of . Brandon, .• an aunt al Mr. William '.C'ollins, hasg ot:sett- led in her flew Moine. ' We understand she . intends • giving lessons in painting. • The many friends, of: Miss Alice Rat-. `tenhury, - • daughter of Mr,' William, Rattenbury, • will be •pleased to hear that she is recovering' from the injury s1re. received, Rev, Mr. - EPl . atr}ck of r P '`o onto' oc» •copied the: .pulpitof•the.Pi:6.00 1mi c arch Gast Sunday; both : morning and vetting. r n enn It was ea muni " f g.. m on Sun - 1 d .. I a y Rev, Mr, Budge of Hanover, gave 'a lecture in 'the Presbyterian church here on Monday. evening. 120'' head of .cattle which 'they , intend • to, feed, for the winter among them: They 'purchased thein _,in the vicinity of .Luckilo v, . Londesboro, A • meeting of those interested in op- posing the repeal' of the Local .option by-law in, the haseiue'nt of the Method- est church, Londesboro, on 'Tuesday afternoon next at 2 o aleck. Baby Smiles One mother happily expressed her opinion 'of Baby's Own Tablets when she said "there's a smile. in every dose.", In homes where the .Tablets are ttsed there `are no cross, fretful sickly children. The 'Tablets snake children well and keep them well. , They cure 'indigestion, colic, °costil• nation, di arrhoea teething liig troubles1 and all the other h minor .ailments 0 -of childhood. They, can be given with' absolute safety to the newborn child,1 for hetl ilio ler ha s t the g ansa nee of. a government analyst that the Tab- lets do .not contain one particle of opiate or poisonous soothing stuff.: `Isn't such a guarantee worth some- thing to you,, mother ? The Tablets are sold by allmedicine dealers .or may be had frotl'i The Br. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,' Ont., • at 25 cents a box. • ,FARMERS, DON'T MISS IT ! Few term house's: in Canada will be found without the Family Herald•and Weekly', Star, o1 Montreal,. Those hones that do not.reoefve it are J-{ sing a =eat 'treat. The Family herald and Weekly Star is to -day easily!, :Worth ten times the subscription price, to any fernier. Its va1Ue ins. fact cane' not • be over-estimated. It is a won-! fuI• combination of a weekly news-� paper, family inagasine and an'.agri-1, cultural journal without t:ti equal; Farmers!, if you do . not read the, Family Herald and 'Weekly Star, of .'Montreal, you should give it a. trial during 1907. Do not wait until Jan- uary but, remit one dollar now • and you• will never i egret it { • Blyth • The ,Weekly Mail and Empire and TlieN'e ww - s Record will be seat to any, 'address . for the remainder of 19071 and •theh w oleP 9' 0 1 0$ for $1,25. .75. St, Michael's' church in this village t Was the scene, of a pretty wedding on s Tuesday: when Rev, Father ,t1anlon t llerfnrmed the ceremony which made (1 Joseph Long ' and Catharine ` Russel man and wife. At theconclusion of •e the ceremony the bridal party drove. I to the. home of the bride's parents l Mr, and Mrs. Thomas •.Russel i:f t.he' township of Morris whore tiie Weddin:n h feast was in readiness, • Rey, Fattier n Ilftf?Xon .was : one of the guesth and in' W fttifig 'Orme' proposed the health . of m the bride. Mr. and Mrs, Long havo taken n n up lns k CC ft ; 1russe1 r friendsgo with them. '„te besttivisles of their numerous 10400,00.0040001,00100,1 Colt orne Township P The Vlri ok'ly Mail aiul Empire and The News -Record. will he sent to any address Cdr the rimaind^r of 1007 anis the whole of 1908 for $1.25. A Chri'stnles entertainment, will 'be held at Bethel church, Colborne, in the interests of tile Sunday ' school. on Monday evening, 1)ecefntler 23rd, The decorations i t tlriS and program will be up to- former occasions and a good time 'Is expected. Remember the, date. • • Porter's Hill' The Weekly . Mail and , ntpire and The News -Record will be sent to any address 'for" the remainder' of 1907; anti• the whole of •1908 for .$1.25, Th , e oyster • su ' er hel ,. Plc d . i y Reef. ling No 2 on (Friday :.evetiiri :last: g was•:a' success .in evexyway.; except the. oysters which. lid: not •arrive. until the first train the 'next da:•*. ' Miss. Sarah ...et reteirned on • Satur- day 'after a two. week' . x i .;t v, tli her sister, Mrs f:. Newt:» j. • Mr. A..:F.Johns visiee • r.va• d- L � t .-,aoro' friends on :.seal 'lay last. ' Make New Mood. o d. These Is: What Ar. Williams' Pink Pill R- Do.-T41at a Is Why' They Cure So Many Diseases. ' MT:ETING OF' HURON ' COUNTY Council. -The : corporation : • of the County of Huron will meet. in .•the . . council chamber in the town of God- erich on Tuesday,• the, 3rd. clay. , of:. • December next.' ° .. at ;3 o'clock, p, in.' .: All accounts against the county re quiring settlement ' must be placed .. with the, Clerk by December:the 2nd. --1V. Lane, : Clerk.: Goderich,Nov; • 18th, 1907. Auction: Sale Register Unreserved Auction Sale on the Bayfield Road one mile north ofCline. ton 0 horses -1 1 • heavy draft mare • 8 • • yrs. old, 1 generel puLpose horse 5 syrs .old, ]: general purpose mare 9 I yrs. We; : 1 horse 9 yrs old, 1 driving mare 7. yrs old, 2 horse bolts rising 3 yrs .old. . pattle-20•, head of stock. steers. rising 3 . yrs old, average 1100. pounds, 2 newly calved cows, 4 cows sapposed to be in calf, G heifers rising 3 yrs, 6 steers rising 2 yrs old, 0 Meters rising 2 years old, 1high Le l.' ,: grade bull.rising 2 yrs 'old;;''6 spring. J c'attic, 6 well-bred'ewes, • Itnp leinents. -1, new waggon; 1 waggon nearly nate c 1 new buggy, single, 1 new 'tnaca(ldie, 1 mingle buggy nearly new,. 1 covered d Milk waggon. nearly new, about .• . 300 milk bottles, 1 gooddelivery waggon nearly new, '•about 25 •toes of straw,' to be cash. Terms. -10 mths credit on furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent olicash on credit .amounts, All sums of $5 and under, cash, on over that:10 months' credit en appro- ved joint notes. Sale to commehee at 1 -o'clock, sharp, 'on Wednesday, December nth. -James A, Smith, • Proprietor and .kuctioneer. When' persons have not enough blood or when, their :blood is weak arid wat- ery,'the:doctors name the trouble an- aemia. ' Bloodlessness is the cause o many common ..diseases, such is Mal gestion, palpitation . of the heart, • .de bitty, decline, neuralgia; nervousness rheumatism, : and consumption, Th 'surest signs of poor blood ani pale nese, bluish lips, cold hands an feet, general weakness, low spirits and headaches . and backaches. If an- aelxlia is not checked in time it will probably develop into consumption, There is one certain 'cure for ..anaemia -Dr. Williams' Philo Pills. These pills actually make new, rich, 'red blood, which fills. the 'veins and bring new life to bloodiess� people. In proof of this ',Miss Mabel Clend,ennin Niag- ara Fells, Ont., says'.: "Fore two years 1 sufferedfroth anaemia. I was• weak, thin, had no: appetite, 1 somir times had distressing headaches and felt 1 low °s.. . tr PtiedM heart _ t wo 1 My ea, ct palpitate .violently ; I Could do n, work: aground " the house ; I became 'very pala and my nerves got unstrung. The of r Ctsf 0 iwo good doctors failed o heap me. I was its such a' pitiful tate'. e One day a friend•urged ane to fy D , Williams' . bink Dills held I id so. Soon I saw the pills, were wiping Inc and by the time 1 had talt- n Laine boiis 1 'Deas .dompietely cured. ,had a, good ' appetite, gained ill weight,, hadn't an ache 'or ;lain, could cep • well and ant in far better ealth'now than I ever •was. I can- of speak too highly of what Dr. lelliarn' Pink. , Pills,ltave done' • for What br. %Villtams' 1 }nk 1'l11s hav • 1': done for Dis i• 141 ss C1 endenning theyhave done for thousands -they w1 V','onaldolla• for you. -But you tnus�t� get the genuine with. the full anis l) fl . mtht{s" Pink Pills for I y ale Peolple" Wrapper arotil►d � eaery box, tt a ,your dealer has not got the genuine • pills you. can get thein at 50' cents a 'box or six boxer, tar $2.50 -•i front the 1)r. Williams' Medicine 06., Brockville, One butte _ u; t'tiSe. Hurry Out sale of Clothing now on A, it A, R. Smiles,' true friend of the • farmer. Remember the stand, oppo. tiite Molsons Rank, Clinton. A Destroys 1'airGerms i2erentdiscoveries have shown that falling, hair is cased by germs at the roots of the hair. Therefore, tostop falling hair, You must first completely de- stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair Vlgor,•new .improved formula, well certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature.. ' ' .foes notcharige the cobor•af the hair, oratul t I►►t b bowl). bottle Shaw it to your S.� dootar ,d:ikeft i about !t, LBondo 6412o -rot Recentdiscoveries have also proved that dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp. Therefore; to cure dendruff, the first thing to do is to completely destr oythes e dan- druff germs.'T ere tlesame Ayees glair Vigor will give the same splendid results. ` --2CMtoby*a0.0.A,yerbo., Imre% eistiemea e • I