HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-21, Page 2F l " ,-.At Oug ACY.- +milllreIR mploso isoopei lessor :� ' the s l'FaritiVrsSay I • Tnu'se farmers: who lave tried 411• I Dr. , Dougias . • • • Y • tockInvigorator .1. • • a - fli' t 0 t to • , would not be Zvi h u . l , • •. • ' -.We expect this verdict because r • p 7 'sive knew there is nothing bet- s et' ter atony *ice, • st et •• ; . 'When you •pay $2,50 and $3.00 • .e pail for Stock Foods you are • • heing;lobbed, we say it boldly. •; O Use br. DauggiaR Stock envig- • 2 orator andmakey.ou a pail of : • • , the hest, Stock Food for 7o ctee • ai, • dr, • IWSSUR. • OLM .S H • ,,ii'a .. ?:`- ,• •. i'.' r •1 ••' Ma'n f Chemist • •. * . f ,K • • • • RMe•••••a!a sa la•• aeiaae•s •-RELIABILITY•• - EXPE);tIENCE- Slabs► For Sale • WE HAVE FOR SALE A. QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK SLABS, CUT 16 INCHESLONG SUT7ABLE FOR RANGES•. t - J Hamilton COAL ORDER .YOUR 'YEAR'S .SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN ""'THE MARKET, $7 PER ek`ON et BUT IF ORDERED AND PAW • FOR BEFORE,MAY 31st,, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON WILL BE ALLOWED. . •�' Orders left at Davis & Rowland's will be promptly attended to. w. e7 Stevenson • The ear fere (let ., i • uta, her Bret trip to Chars 1 rd I.AROEST" AND DES' CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT,. Dy beteg the best this school, has become the largest business' training school in Western, Ontario. Our enrolment again tweeds that ' of a year' ago. Why ?. Becauso our courses are thorough and prac- tical with specialists ,in charge of; our Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments. All our 'graduates obtain 'good potions, You. may enter now. Write, for our free catalogue. Elliott •ft McLachlan ` PRINCIPALS. ti The Original to ,44,Sho'uld Auld • Acquain- tance Be Forgot." Ernest Shipman and Wm, Colvin present .. Ian• Macleren'e ,Beautiful Scottish Idyl Cream Separators No article on the farm pays the farmer :better than a Cream Sep= arator. When, buying, buy the best that is the DeLavail. I am • agent• for it in this district. The Cyclone Fencing The Ceflone' Wire Fencing. has the twoogreat requisites -it looks well anti 'lasers 'a long time: Be-, fore placing your order let me show you this fencing and quote .you prices. , JAS. APPLEBY. Clinton LE. C .1,14,44010 • DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Special t, will be at Holmes' Drug Store, Clinton, on Friday, Nov. 29. Glasses properly fitted. Dimas - es of the eye; ear, nose, and throat treated. Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A quarter miles from church, post - office, school and the village of Auburn. Suitable• for grain .or grass. •Lot 27 on the .2nd con. West Wawanosh consisting of '100 acres of land, 15 acrd under bush• and the balancer nearly all grass. A brick house, a bank barn 52x60,,. a driving house ewe with a cement • pig liouse underneath, are on • said premises. Also lot • 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con., directly oppos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres bf land, 15 acres of which are bush.On this lot there is a• bank barn 40x$0. There are ,4 acres ot good' bearing orchard on the two farms: Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never failing . spring runs across both farms. Possession 'v once. Terns can be giver.: at on easy. The proprietor is now past the age to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply will be given to all communica- tions. Oct. Or FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNI3 R- signedr offers, for sale part of lot 40 on the Bayfield Road, 1 mile south. of Clinton's consisting of 20 acres. Good fraine house with Or one cella barn 36x70 with cement basement.. asy terms. J. A. Smith. 40 - onnre rier ush tile Town Hall, Clinton. , Friday Evg., Nov'. • 22nd•, Original • Kirke La Shelle ,_Production 20 Notable :Cast of nate� Quartette, ',Pipers, err, Etc, 75c, •.50c and 25c. Seats on 'Sale, Fair's Book' Store. FARM id i SALE. LOT 24, CON. 2, Stanley, contai,Iting 100 acres, 10 acres ofbushth remainder is well' fenced, underdrained, and in a good state of cudtivati fi 1 acre el or- chard and small fruit. do the pier Mises is a tis story o Brick house with state roof, a first-class farm house. it barn,. .size, 40 >r 80 with atone Stabling, a cement 1 silo -x30, good dritifng house, pig pen and hen house, ''two never -felt- ing wells. This farm is situated 8 tt riffles from I r rcefield, 5 trot Olin.. �, t r �, on n d gravel rottd ton and A fitly on Sb� pre rmiiles or addre n ,461hert Nott, Clinton P. O. 02 GFT THE ;BEST. IT PAYS. ATTEND .. THir POPULAR AND' PROGRESSIVE. ELLIOTT TORONTO, ..ONT. • Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets. AND 11E' ; THORO'UGliLY EDUCAT- ED FOR Bt ISINESSnLIF'. ALL. GRADUATES OF THIS SCHOOL A:RE ABSOLUTELY SURE`'. OF GETTING POSITIONS: THE DE MAND I$' CONSIDERABLY GREAT.- ER THAN THE SUPPLY.. NOW IS AN EXCEI3LENT. TIME TO EN- TER. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.. W. J ELLIOTT,';PRINCWAL, w Clinton News -Record, County News. Gathered November 21st, 1907 dor News-Reeord Reader , Goderich,, Goderich. Mesa Daisy Fiseber who accompanied The late Mr. Jelin Bell of Blyth, her 'sister, Mrs. Fisk tee her Wenn!: at was a valued, correspondent of The Birm'inghaen, Ala., . is now a stiudcut News -Record for the last 20 years, at •the Grant University, Athens,' Tenn, Miss Gibson • team Hamilton is the bright-1o41ng younglady who is °pre siding' over the business college here, Mr. ' and Mrs, William McNevin (nee . Miss Stokes), and family are leaving St, Catharines to ' settle in Konora.. Mrs, McNevin is at.Pr'esent the guest. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sand- ford Stokes, Dr. Bourns, whose .. marriage to Miss Mary Doyle, eldest daughter lot Judge Doyle 'will be remembered by our readers, has recently been ap- pointed special medical officer for the city of Seattle, The medical depart - meat of that city Is taxed •to prevent the spread of the. much -feared bubonic plague s 'made • its appearance ue whichhas from the East. A beautiful moonlight night must have been an augury of good luck to the Clinton Modelites who visited the evening Modohtes on Friday nin g -last . Tho "At Home' was a perfect 'success in every way. The Goderich Modelites spent considerable time in Mrs. Joseph •Brophey, who has been the 2nd Book of Samuel r8,••-17: : decorating Temperance hall' the In- dangerously i11, is now ;quite well, and i "And they took Absalom and cast stiletto colors„. blue and white doing her` babe too, ! hem into a ;great pit in the. wood." v the m a. Above h Mr. Cl me , duty in draping ithe wall Major and hers.. Beck were called.. e' nt said the death tf, a^xrian platform the old "Un'ion Jack" made from. Toronto by the' illness of MrS., was the standpoint ofhike life, for a . "Banner Picture", for the wall, and Beck's father, Mr, John Kernighan: • others .to take a lesson from.. He Ab- e number of small Union Jacks were. mr. Duff librarian has been con_gave a very nice summing ip ` of Ab - UR�AND'R,NKA,Wnv; • SYSTEM: CALIFORNIA _MEXICO FLORIDA are •-the favorite. WINTER RESORTS. Round trip tickets are' issued by ' the Grand Trunk Railway : System "giving choice of all the test routes, rs Cooc Len iilyar an ams din one' Wayand returnin an- Warnock ,and Retta .Clark renderea gCo.,P P . The ' chairman Rev. Mr. Wright, then Co. ort aid for . price: 3 boxes for g glively duo In the Arena Marchintroduced a noted . person to the $1.25• Send for a free sample box, other, 1 information may be obtained Mrs.* J. A, her gave tWa• Scotch He bad never taken, any, Doctor's pee scriptions until the day, before home in. that airy alter •a pleasant death. Mrs, Felker took her Thanks- visit df :some :Weeks, the. guests of giving dinner at ids borne on Thanks- thein relatives, Mrs. Torre Bates town, giving Day and her father was. ap» and Mrs: Allen Warren, Saltfprd, pa,rently in the best pi •health, Ile George Diesett hes purchased• 24 dried on All Saints Day, '1st Nov, bead of young cattle, and placed them, 1007: Mrs. Felker feels the loss of on his farm in Colborne to feed.. t'henr her father ve>;y keenly, for the winter: George has an_. eyc The. eapaeious frame storehouse, to business, . bunt by the late M. Ilumber has At Brantford .on 16th October, to been removed, by his son, Mr. Henry Lieut, Charles and Mrs. Chisholm, a Humber, to his lot on South street son. . to be converted into �a .double'tine- , At a banquet given by Maitland Tent, M roofer Lodge Mr Ben: Townsend hasyresntaced his a Log one evening last wick printing Office 'to the premises, one. Major Joseph Beek was presented with a D: D. G, •M's regalia as a: tribute door east' of the postonice. of affections to the oldest officer el Mrs. J. C. Harrison has received. . the' lodge. The•Tresontation was-•madet from her son, .Reginald, a copy_a£ .art. by "Cbionel• Vercoe, Mr. Tye was pre - advertising er, hDipper," � a. "Tile - l P � •rented With a Grand �iiegistrar's re - which -gives a description of the drug ilia fn recognition of his valuab1 store in `the 'city of Ottawa, of .which g g he is the manager: ',services to Frernasonry, , Mrs, Howard, who spent '.the sum -1 At' North street' church en Sunday mer..h rwith her patents, M . and ast Rev B here r l the.Clement Owned e Pp, .a h.d at Mrs. MUichison, is now in England, both services to good congregations.. but will spend the winter in Paris. For his text in the evening he chose Goderich Mesdames Cornelius. Moore at "Roser dale Farm, ,Sterling, Mieli., • and Charles" Shearer have returned to their much eiievidence. Evergrea s too, 1 ' the us . for f days, e o a ndtohouse o � fifew y, delighted the eye in many 'rtes._ _, of from an attack of indisposition. the building. Prinemal Tigermade a Car - most capable president, taking great We have to thank the Misses. Car- interest. in the liroeeedings, his ad fling and other .young lady students of dress, though brief being to. the: point the Goderich Mot1el . school who calloci stating that;it was an everting of. re-' upon is on Saturday A. M. with a creation, as well as of welcome, Miss • little tribute of.their good wishes. Carling -gave . a beautiful instrumental;: Next Thursday`Nova 28th 'is the solo, at the . cominencementl of the' American 'Thanksgiving Day and those musical part of'the program, arid Mr. persons who wish. to: send souvenirs Reggie Biaokstone gave his :first ate: to. their American cousins' will please tempt at playing 'a cornet solo before- 4 keel noxi Thurstiay.in mind. • an audience:. Mr. Cook , sang the, Mr, George Porter- has returned from Mrs. �fh hes. a rchasednc, formerly :of "Et'real . City" in good voice,and- some months stay at Dunsville. He .Bayfield, nils• purchased 'the Nous"e fox y g Mr, Wightman sang . "The' Admiral's.'' is not yet able to attend to business. Broom, . Both vocalists were encoreThe Birthday anniversary of the new: ed. ' Miss' Macpherson's' recitation gave B'apti'st church was . held on Thursday much pleasure to the audience, and evening last in the • town hall. The Miss ITateie Belcher's "I'M the Cook" west, end of the •hall was draped ''in received a storm of'. • applause.. Miss • red,. white and blue -bunting end dither Murray did herself :and the 1Modclites- side of the window had 'email' ill' Union great credit in her recitation, "Las Jacks fastened to the wall the wind- ca" which was. heightened. by -Mr: awe. being- covered with the souvenir Jordan accom.panying her .upon the :quilt .formed of 20 white blocks on piano, .Miss 'Murray ' received" a very each of' . which the 'names of; 10 per-. hearty ' encore;, Thh addresses of , Priri}}- sons were worked'• in scarlet: ,A very , • cipal Hartleyf-bt: the,' Clinton . Mod, l good program was .presented,: the first Eouldla t Wear Pools.. Dr. Strang • and 'Inspector Tom were number being a'•trio by -the `,orchestra, fitting for the .oceaston.. :Miss Olive followed` by a. piano duet cleverly' ren; If. ygit -suffered with'a bad foot; so Smith rendered the solo `'`Love Me he h1':s tt Clark (l ;bad••that. it, an• uld'not•hear'. anything , doted t is es •Re a ar ark, to touch it and then some .tine sent .and the 'Woarld :Is. Mins' in a. beautiful Grace Warnock, who responded. to . a manner which( brought her a hearty very.heart . encore. Miss Coj��jp� ne ..• you a small .sample. 'box: of Zarn-Buk encore. Mr. Chapman- of Clinton re-: sanin' sweet voice,' "The City `Lter-1-half of wh'i.li • scaled you after 12 ceive:d :the greatest applause .of the nal:".' Mr: Ecotrin ton'cam'e next Withy months sufferi*ia;.' What would you evenin for :his: 'pleasin renderiirg of his beautiful cornet Solo, Tra r. I say ! Why, exactly oldie Mrs. ' Baps g g o o, i'rI.ltasrte Jeanlauis of. Venka ek ill said the 'vocal .solo, I Love to Sing the- Tramp, ' T,ramp, with -variations, his e Hill, when finishing her letter viz: salom's grand ideas, and told then v undertake never to t ndex a e things for •which they are not prepared to earry out. The sermon was very earnest and s;ip- cere.Message of good wishes train, the preacher. The anthem was "God isein His, Glory Templer' At the''affertor, the beaufliful voice' .of Mrs.. Dawes . was heard in her nolo, "The Ninety and Nine." Her high _.notes ate very. pure and yet her voice is very powerful. Nile lVl What is Catarrh? Thousitnds of P o $Si It is art inilane (anion. of the rxtu:ooue membrane, aril ";nay affect the nose, " throat, iltornaoh, bowels, cer bladdetr. NASAL. CATARRH iswostoommon, often coming on so gradually that it has a firm bold before it. is,easpeeted. Catarrh is aggravated by colds, but. 'depends on impure blood. Where chronic it is liable to develop into eon* gumption. It is therefore very'sentoua. . The true remedy for catarrh is Hood's• Sarsaparilla, because it purifies the - blood, and removes the cause, effect+ng• radical: and permanent cures.. Begin treatment'at once with Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold b druggists a here. 7 4 P+ Q. l,• TiQOly CU„ Lowe, as better. t Miss Alice Reid, sister of Rev. J. � C. Reid, has arrived at the parson ,* age and will take up her abode at the pars nage with her brother. f c - La Air, and Mrs: McDermott o li aisle have moved to the farm which they recently purchased from, Mrs. I1. •Girvin and are getting settled in their new. home,. • A Dangerous After Mr. and Mrs. Q. C. Curry celebrat- ed their "tin wedding" last week, Mrs.' Will. • Finnigan is not irinptov- ing in health as fast as' her • many friends would like to. see. Mrs. John Dustotw,- who sustained a severe fall from -a stepladder last week, ;is, we aro pleased to say, much 100 Doses Ono Dollar. repared b Zurich _- An . important , business change. • took place here last week; 'whereby Mr. Ileitnan Well, who has been in busi- ness here since the year 18,73 disposed of his furniture and harness business to Mr. Charles` liartleib, Mr. Well re- tains business. . the piano and a g b es. An unusual thing • occurred on tie toren of Mr. Moses Geiger a few frights ago when some, dogs worried -five pigs that nod been running in the s s killed the i a 'i w , ;chard. One o o pigs. and two other's ' are likely to die. Mr. Geiger ` states that the right pre- vious he had to get up and chase ,some dogs from his herd. of cattle. The Lutheran parsonage is under- going repairs, The uew pastor, Rev.. Maas gf,Preston, is expected to ar.. rive in .a few weeks. Mr.. II. Well has received; the sad news of the death of bis sister, Mrs. Hunsherger, . whicli' took place very suddenly at'Cathismet, Washington,. at the age of lf6 years. • nor - o nod . occupied Mr. Iy .w bpd. up2 dby ., and Mrs: John Oke. Every member ' . of the Tilt: family, has •'now ; left Goderich, Mr. W.: Tilt' and family' being the': last:to join' the Detroit contingent. Mr: W Tilt'" was presented by phis Goderich 'friends :with a tribute .: of their regard. ' • Old Songs.';' - The Glee Club:. were fn little daughter, Miss Viola, accompati- their glory- arid sang three jolly song's: icd him: in` a delightful manner. Being Promenades there were many and be-. recalled:. they gave "Edinboro' Toon"' fore . n idnight . refreshments were.. pithgreat .vim. Mise' Rose Aftkints served and... much enjoyment' 'was. reading' "Virginia Walker'; was well not'iceahle.''• vin •' reflectin <niuch credit u 'on, t ie g1 ,. g p, ,, Young lad •.: ,Mr.- Re. htman of the, A truly social event:' was. the At y . y g . Ilosne" given 'nyethe•:Ladies' Aid .of- G, C. - I. has a very. resonant barn' Knox church it or ler . that the• • '.con -'.tone voice, and iendexed The. Ad= gregation might .have. the pleasure of miral's Broom" in'. good Style ,For Meeting and extending the.right hand encore he gave "Asleep In C1ie Deep", of Fellowship. to the new members a followed by.the 131aekstone' orchestra. number ot whvnl have joined within:}'Miss Keturah I;irown gave her pretty • song Highland 'Mary, to -her usual the past ,few months: . The program Chapped, Hands, Scal Irritation Fes- was shorter than• iisua'1' •account ot ploasing `manner: Mr:' Len. Mtilyards. P , it;Id th ,. instrumental 'solo Was' well executed'. tering. Sores, Poisoned •Wounds,.: etc.; another• entertainment 1. a Mr. '.Cook finished•• the' program, 'with .yield to ,'Lanni-Buk:: same evening in Temperance lull. Mr. • „ Cook sang in...Very:'voice "The : a fipe, rendering tf the vocal solo.:"The : n'or' Piles, . Rhetunatienn etc., it ean- Coo a g . goodCe Gift.'t The accompanists -were -Mess- not be equalled.. All druggists sell . t Eternal "City. The Misses Gra.• 1 ,• , M' d' ` r Ad • .50 cents` a box, ' or from The "Zpin.suk ' THoANK YOU A' THOUSAND TIMES There aro browcii of others in tlje Domini' who write. , nice things to and* .11 r•• ::, ' , i cF 11.inYious that you. should know aboutam- k Z .Bu ,• the: 'iidarvellouso`Healer. We pess`'their ex- perience On' Prom time, re time for the help of ether sufferers, ZamrBuk. is the. great Miracle, Worker; . Heals • where . all else fails. All skin, troubles, such aS' Botls, Ulcers Eczema,.' ' Pirnples, Buntline Sores, Ful i y. from • venalS in her 'usual inspiring manner, F R. IXodger's, Town' Agent A. 0.Pattison, Depot. Agent Or write J. 1). McDonald .1). P. A. Toronto, Ont. audience, in 'the' person of Mr. Tom• enclosing lc, to' pay postage. • who he said would r: Jordan ' rendered' several floc• Gundry, instrunientals . and ; Mr.' Blair gave inn a dialogue,which we called a "Monolo ue," ''Of comese•bis son was' One :of his Scotch •readings. The C. E '' g g" 1 in which he was promise ne ing • , the eastern end of the lecture 'room;. The threshing machines. will all be with• the . $20 given for. she names ..`•laid away.' this week, :.the season's 'worked upon it' $27.25, Then for the II Work 'being done. • : sale of the tickets they: got' $—.1 Measles are very prevalent in c this' Lovely refreshments were served .. by ;• section, but there has been no serious thin Ladies, Aid' Of the Baptist..church• I. results so 'far. ' Mr. Dean .has a •Very neat ':and corn- The last Mee ting,:of.the Ladies All pact looking storehouse built to hie'Society of. Bethel was: held at ,the groeer'y.. • l •Methodist Parsonage,, Walton . on Mr. John L. Aitken and fatliily' •' of Thursday evening last., an enjoyable Willowhurst are.removing from,their; Limo was spefit by these excellent. lovely residence, Huron Road to the ladies. ' house on. Britannia road owned ' and Mrs. McEwen' of the Postoffice sfore newly buil„ b}; Mr. Dustow of Nile ,. has got in a niee stock of fell ' and Mrs. James Macdonald was visiting ;relatives last week at Nile.. winter goods. Albert Dundee and. wife who were Messrs, Raymond Macdonald, youn-1 shook u as well, as sever 1 'hurt. b gest sole of 'Mr. D.. Macdonald', clerk P C' y y mining tench driverrt hn n of the Surrogate Court;. Ernest Jor- g away are both. dan, son of , the late .iViajor ' Jordan, l able to Be around agairf. , Thrift Burnside, and. John Bale, met Munn Bros. still continue grinding gram, the grinder is situated •in their' the Toronto Contingent in, that . city, sawmill. , and all left for•Canton, China. on ,t 6.th • November. Mr. William Acheson has tenants iii both now houses, Mr'. Will Diedrich iii one, and Mr. Speirin in the other. 1 "Mt. Robert Elliott may be seen Postmaster Dickson had the leis - daily on' his bicycle, whether the side- fortune to fall while walking along walks are icy or not, • Main street one morning last week,; J. Grant MacGregor, C .: E. " and and, as the result, his left arm . was u - k i enured. N bones were broken hut eros d upC ifs cot= o b en ab MissMcGregor,.0 1. tage, their 'summer. residence, anal Itis wrist and hand were •badly swool- registered for what time whey remain len item the effects. here at the ,Park Hous ' ' i Mr, W. J. Hamilton; who has been Tho tug Ariachne arrived eel'' Mote conducting the . Grip House for the (lay night of%iast -week trona .Port Hut- past three months, has sold out to Y Mr II rr L rttoch< r, in a a tin 1x, Mc en b y on Captain A L a a e , bringing• ice her hero to winter. This Canada Furniture Company's ' 1 The tug loge, of Sarnia Is here factor ehiah rias been mining only picking up loge, along the.lake shore. eight hours per der fee &vexed weeks, The trig Evelyn, Capt. Murray has made a further change. and a week `which. has been. fishing in the Geor ago laid off over twenty of its eitt- gran Day left Tobermoray last week ployes. for Goderich, Mrs: Neil Shaw' last week received The Sons of Scotland we "trust, will weird of the death of her mother, . oelebrete St. Andrew's Day in some which occurred in the • State of Ore - pleasing fashion. "Dinna forget" the gond .The late Are, Marcos had been trate 30th November and. as it tails visiting her son at Salern, Oregon, sins' 2n' lioaitt'•fyi a song • of the Souvenir Quilt for •McKillop Township: Society: spared no p g d $6 Z5 fit - .EER* IS- GOOD .FOR • MOST '.. FOLKS (HARDLY ANOTHER BEVERAGE FEEDS SO WELL). 0 EER really excels milk as a food -drink for most grown people. And many, :many P P y people cannot digest milk easily, because it is : so lacking in solid food -contents. Moreover, milk is 'so; liable to contagion "that: it is seldom pure when we get it in the cities. But Ontario - brewed beet' is really pure' brewed •in :cleanliness, of sound' materials, in a :sanitary way, and b°ought'.to the user in the same fit -to -drink state... Beer' Is. NO Stimulant Drink beer with meals and at bedtime, as an item of diet that will help the stomach d4 its work better, and will feed the body esides. Don't choose beer as a stimulant, though,—if does' of t:"ntain enough ialcohtil for that. Use it isle food -dunk t at:3 d}cets lazy stomachs .to do their work well, and so • helps t het -more good out of all food. Deer Males better Nerves Ontario beer is riot only deliciously appetising and refreshing, because brewed of pure malt and'hops only ; but, besides, all kept in thepower that hops ossess to repair nervewastes is k P p r p these brew. That is what makes beer -so'particularly good fregularly,what en -to drink doctor for women Ask own he thinks of beer for your household. Dungannon. W. Little returned to the village. : week after -: •ndiri 'a f�months 1st ate e e a.,p g in New Ontario..' • • Walkom's two" brothers . from Kirkton spent a few days in our vil- lage. last week. -ort a visit to Mr. Wal kom. Mrs:' . Mallough, • of. the Mallough House, rrtiirn'ed'.last week from Pais- ley. She was accompanied by Mrs. Glover, who is apendleg a few days) .at her former •home here • • Missionary services were eonducteci iii the ,Methodist church last' Sunday by Rev. 0, R. Durrant of Benmiller: Mr. Durrant'spoke 'in• tho:evening on missionary .• work le • Newfoundland, Where he .spent a -number of year;- the.. wore:.. Rev, • W. ASmith had charge' of :Mr. Durrant'.s work on the Benniiller'"circuit: • ' here passed 'eway.On,Sunday of 'last week a resident, of'West Wawa nosh: in the •person of Mrs.. Fred. Grif- fin, at the age of forty-two years. The deceased had been a resident of Wawanosh for only- a few " months', formerly • refiding. in Ashfield. Tito. funeral. ot4'Tlrursday was conducted by Rev. W. A. Solidi; -the temente being interred in : Ilope' cemetery,. Ashfield"., The bereaved bane the sympathy `of the surrounding' country: • ' Seaforth. BEER i. s term which covers Inger, alto'. Onhtno e a t iter x d ! striae of for' anther f months, prior And stout; and, in he r en b o Tian i g out Will dispense a a to : 1 possibly they w eri rk • p ° pn Salida as d9' l, •�° y p y Wrnw:on impales g rssew ntado under moat titter conditions faint antatfo barley (thb bast in Wb world) msly hops sod purr wstar. >fOi xvith any. 'entertainment, and celebrate `whlclf site lead been living, with Mrs. it with Diving service. Shaw at 'Egniondville. • le • • 14 GRAND TRUNK EXHIBIT, :JAM- ESTOWN EXPO$I'I'ION. , • advic is received that Telegraphinge Jury of 'Awards, Jiimestown Exposi- tion, Norfolk, Va. have announced that Grand Trunk exhibit has `. been awarded . two gold medals and _ pnc: stiver medal covering INSTALLIL*1G OF... `EXHIBIT, PHOTOGRAPHIC SCENES AND- FISH"AND GAME dispite. Seven men -.were •killed in acollidion. on the • Canadian • Pacific: Railway, near. Bass' Lake. • CENTRAL • BUSINESS COLLEGE of Toronto has 'stated: thousands of young Men • and. ,Women on• the easy way to independence and sue- cess. Lot us glue the: right start. •'Write. for' Catalogue and plan to spend the next sex months .with us. Enter any time. Address W. '.H.. Shaw, ,Principal.. Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto.: • TAKE RIVAL HERE TABLETS ' FOR STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS AND FOR CL- EANING. THE BLOOD. FO1P. SALE BY. W. A. McCONNELL CLINTON. WHOLESALE. FROM THE RIVAL HERD AGENCY, KINCARDINE. r, OVIR COATS! We have a fine display of the newest styles of Fall band Winter Overcoats ranging in price f o,m the, lowest to the very hest, in rheltons,beavers, twill"; cheviots, serges, worsteds and tweeds. Our $10 50=i&ich Mel% ton is'a great favorite. sand ` . is extra good value for the . price lldorwear A full range of Under- wear in 'all the leading makes' and prices. toques, Swef4ter3 SClrfs- Mufflers, ' Cardigan :Jack- ets in every variety always on hand.: Overalls., Smocks, Working Shirts,. (heavy weights) Socks, Mitts, Gloves., Etc.,: Etc. acou llS We beg to calf :your. special tttten-, tion to our excellent stock of.new fruits. and candied peels. . This week we leave also passed into stock, Several New Dinnqr Sets,, Toilet Sets, Odd Cups and Saucers, and Fancy China which are, well worth a few minutes: of your careful inspection. A. D. Beaton Phone 11.1.E Prompt delivery NOW. LS THE TIME. -TO PLACE your order. for Fencing before the advance in price. Use the . Coil Spring Wire made 'by tile: Canadian Fence Co. of which I ant agent , in this district. I ani also agent fox the celebrated ,Heintzman Piano.- Evans'"B x 15" 1' .O. . W. n o Cin P I" to n S.' O, Our stock is longer- than we care �o rr fz t ea y over, We are offering Linoleums Como and see ottr stock. CARPET SQUARES We have an unusually fine assortment of Carpet Squares, com- • prising all ,the regular sizes in • Unions, Wools, Tapestry, Brussels, Velvets and 'W it totes $ J. II. 1 t�