HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-21, Page 1a "NW 27th Yeat t • lintort News CLINT" ONTA.R10.., TIWIRSDAY1 NPVEMBER 2 lot t9q7 #E) News-Reebul'and Weekly Mail and'Empire to end. of 1908 for 4.41444444'444.4.4.4444444.44.4.401 Jtore 3 3 4 . "crueller and Optician. 3 14,111 d4ve'21ang a Vitristmas lift Verplexit* Our stock .1s'larger than ever beiore and is composed ef goods, foarni in a first, class jewelery store. •• •„ • 0041 7and inspect our stock, We Consider it 7 a pleasuie to slid* You' 04r; GOODS, We engrave goods bought here free of charge. 3.0 4.4•441444444•441•44.4•4446*444444.4 t Th, Sovereign Bank :of Canada ' te 1 Paid pp Capital tlE„;AD OFFICE, TORONTO. • $3,000,000 16 I* 4 PAS , SPECIAL ATTENTION' Ta f* tit • . .. .4 - SAVINGS' ACCOUNTS' t Interegitaid 4 Times a Year t ,•,. . E. i'Z. DEWART., Manaker. .., 3 c 1 1 rk 'tout altd•. Bru.p.efield .t , . -.. - . , ... .• . , • 4444.4444444444444.44444+44.4_ _. _._ . . _ - , , Z The Sterlittg -'Bank of Canada. 4, . Head Office,' Toronto ' • fp F. W. BROUOHALL, General Manager; * -, ., • 10 ' . Board of Directors. . . • - ...„.• 1 President. 17. T. Somers,77, Pres. Canada Grain Clo, Vice -President, 'dr W. K. George, Pres. Stendard Silver Co.. H. Vic Aikins, 31.D.; F. R.C.S: fo . Treasurer Medical Ootncil for cintario. W; D., Diaen, .Pres. W. tc D.. . 3 Dineen Co . Ltd. _Sydney Jones, Pres. Jones -Bros. Mfg, 0o. John O. Eaton, Pres, T.rEaton Cu., Ltd. Noel Marshall, Pres. Standard 3. Fuel CO; Ltd. O. W. Spencer, Gerferal Manager Mackenzie ,Man AL* Railway Systeins, J. H. Tilden, Pres; Gurney -Tilden Co., Ltd. 3 4HAYFIELD BRANCH open Mondaya, Wednesday7trand Fridays . .4, VARNA DR,ANCti open Tuesdays, Thursdays 'and:Saturdays - , 'Special attention given, to farmers business in all branches Sale notes 14; cashed or collected. Interest paid. quarterly on savings accounts, 111 .. • •te 4 WM; BEATTY, Local Manager. So ' . . . , WILL DEFEND, TO BE sm. A special meeting ot :the town wine ell was held en Monday evening to consider the attack epee the water- works bylaw which is :down tof bear- ing in ()need° Hall, Toronto, on Teueeday, of this- week. The council decided that a vigorous defence bi made and 13aerieter Brydeine t. is•irre structed accordiegly, . STILL BE TWO.• Mr, Ed. JollnPon of Blyth has rent- ed the shop at Present eeetiPied by Mr. A. MeKown and when the latter move$ oUt the former movesitt.,Teere will thus still be two hares makers in Clinton. Ed, liked Blyth Well ea- ough, but still .when the opportunity presented itself he aveiled himself of it to retura tie the old.home town_ Alf. O. A. MEETINGS. !rile, first Sunday ire December will be observed as Y. M. 0, A. Suniley, and eepreeentatives of •the Associe tion will occupy the pulpits of the various .cherches in town, At fog o'clock in the_ alternooe-a, meeting wil _ beheld in the town hall to which al hien are invited. The speaker will be 0, M. Copeland,- provinbial eeeeetary of the Y. M. C. A„ E. M. Thomass- on,' field ,secretary,, and A. Cullens organizer. •The. A. Y. P. A. orchestra and Ont. street quartette will provide the 'mete. • , WORLD'S, TEMPERANCE SUNDAY .• • • •In addition to • the specie,' Tempeee aece sermons which will be given la the -churches next Sunday, it being W the oeld's Tempera,nee Sunday, there .will be a inaeil meeting in.the town hell at tour e'clock, Four . addresees *ill' be ,given. on the value of Tete' Abstinence, diVided as follows : The physieel value tiy Br. Thompson, The Intellectual value .by Principal 'ley, The Commercial value by „Mr. P. Bill, and The Spiritual value by e on of the local ministers. The r Olio are cerdially invited, ee'e A -NO.W-S-T EPI-140-6thiltar; • it has been decided 'that a new St; Joseph's church will be built neXt . • . summer tn replace the one; in white emigregation has° been worsbipping tor many years. : It : will be erected upon the present site. Per this . ob- lea Pete is , aIteacry 'on hand $3,500 taeh and as Well in the neighbor- hoo4 of, $0,000 "stibeeribetle The con- gregation is to be :conienended faze it$ ee great liberality. Tmatter 0! -wthe fundsand Ruing on with • the, building dperittiens :is the b,pable hands, of •Rev: Father Hanlon, under whcise supermte danne the fine place of worship at 't.'. Augustine, was built seen th e years .ago. IT DIDN'T COME TRUE. • '• te4,4444444444444444.t34444444,..8 4 4 READYMADEOR I 4 CLOTHING ° I DERED les. lir 1 CLOTHING 039 4. le 3 4 ii Nove ber Specials I c t 4. 1. r 3 4, 4.. Ilt • One of our • Peotainent eiteiene re- tired' to rest Very early 'the , ' other night; and after' he fell into .a restful. sleephe had -a (tree -m.7 He dreamPt that lie received :a. inessage from.... a railroad manager ;twitting nint tor take .two-weelisl.: trip . with hum :in Inc .,pei- , atn car,' that:all Ille 'expenses.- would )e: paid and that he would have the teleof his Iie Visions of the great omtort, theiriagnifieence.or stir- ouedings and eheenjoyablenese of n. rip of .this kind were Heath% ethrOugh is brain, wimp. he was awakened by he telepleone. • Ruseingeto the instrit- meet he heard a gentl& voice say ...ell het, you, Jur ? A fiat ear has been lare4 on the siding ready for you the moreittg." . It was a sad 'asap; ointment, but he will recover. ' • A NOVEMBER. WEDDING:: We are going.to offer for the balance of; goveia.. t 3 ber some Extra Good values in Seasonable Goods, P which should lie of intetat-to every-qhrewd Buyer .16 4 at this season of the Year.. .Our Stock is CON- PLETE in all Lines, which should make buying 's easy for any Man or Boy requiring • a,nything in MenWear. ' le 0 3 3 A pretty wedding took @placeat the Mme ef Mr. Peter Perdue of the iltir- n- Road on Wedeesday• of last e week viten• his lamed 'daughter, Minnie Pearl, was unitedin marriage' to Mr., John A. • W. Dadslivottli in the pres- ence of a large number of geests. The bride looked charming in a drese of white .point &esprit oyer blue: slIk. Ifer goieg awak gewe was pf •• green broadcloth. Bridesmaid ' and ,grooms- man .were dispeneed with. The eerie enemy was. performed by the Rev. WilliarnWrigh'h, Baptist 'Meister at Goderiele There:were many presents, among them being a beautiful elbek from the Jacksen MfgCoe.where the bride had been employed, and a cliair from the Menibersot the 13.eptist h curch of whieh ehe had been the effi- cient organist tor the pest ':few years. The grooin'e Present was e wad broceli set with pearls. After the company . had: Partaken of the eteripthouswedding din= the liapp,y1 young ceeple left. for their neW home fn Seatorth accompanied' by tee coee .gteteletions mid good ;wishes- of. their ineny friends. • • • The. addresS from', the, Baptist, dumb -wee' as: tellowsee-To. Map. per- dileee-We, 'the limiters+ 'We the-ohntaa, Baptist• chord, .feel that we ate dee ly indebted to you. for your serviges es organist for the pastee /. years, and feel that we cannot let this eVent past without • sortie aektroWledgement •of it. • We ask pee, therefore, to ao- • cent this chafe as a token ot our re- gard and or nur apprecPatiert Of. "your zedeviees, ,eg faithfully rendered.. Al- theUgheinetils it cattleWith it i our best wiehee ,, tor alang; happy and Prospetous wedded life 'id ryou and the hesband et' ,your. Choice. There is no :doubt bn What, out ' future liM not be without • its shadows, as Well as tundint, but we, trust that God's richest blessing will be upon yon al- ways and that. whether in prosperity or adversity that you will .alWay,0 re - the Friend that stieketb close Or Then a brother, --Signed oft behalf of the church, M. Livermore, 11 nebaker. Below will,be found a partial List of our SPECIALS : IMen's Heavy, Fleece -lined Underwear, Special at -- ..-1....... ...80 Men's Heavy, Wool -ribbed Hewson's Underwear, special.... .73 4 • Boys' Fleece -lined and Natural Underwear, 'special at : 1 . • „ .2t5 and -BP .. . Men's Heavy Cardigan Jackets, special at...... . .., 1.00 - Men's Sweaters, in Dark and Fancy Shades, good weight and ' 4 quality, *pedal at.... Boys' Sweaters, in several diff6rent Oolora, all sizes, special at .. •. . .................... ... .., .00 and .00 Men'soExtra, Heavy Wool Sox, Dark and Light Grey,. special • at per pair. , . •....... ,..,.. .26 Boys' Heavy ribbed Wool Rose in sizes; 0 to 10, at per pair. ' ..ft. :..... , .. . .. .25 to .40 • Men's Heavy 'working Shirts, in all Colors and Sixes, speciai • •at .50, .75 and 1.00 is, • . Men's Winter Claps. with Heavy Wool Lining, special at..... .00 Men's Heavy Winter 011PE4 Fur -lined, special at......r .. .....,. .75 hildren's Toqu'efireLifeW,"_Shades and Styles,' at -- DO NOT Pail to See our. Overcoat Stock,. before buying, as we have -§ onde extra good vette* to offer which will triean the Saving of Dollars, to °you in:bnyin,g, "A Square Deal fol. Every. Man.'.' MORRISH & CROOKS • SugOessora to Hodgens Bros. Clothing Store •• WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. Owing teethe illness of• Rev, D. Stewart, the Women's Inetititte meet- ing will be bele at the home of„Mrs, Bradshaw, Princess street, on There - day afternoon next, instead oj at the ineme .as previously announced, The subjecta are leteresting and a fUll Attendance is requested, THE BY-LAW ATTACKED, Joe Toronto Globe et Saturday had nre following 1. The Waterwaks by- law, carried by a good tets4oeity on the 301h ot SepteMber last, is ' teeing attacked by the opponents ot the scheme, tand ease will, come' up foe trial, on Thursday , next it Oseoode Hall, Toronto. Thegrounds et , ob- jection are that no poll ,clerke were appointed ; that „the -clerk anted as deputy -returning officer ; that them -were irregularities by one of the dep-: uties, and: also that Alt 'bylaw given its third leading. too Seen. , TOO: YOUNG' FOR RIPT,,eiee Two lads ot, a,bout fotieteeme_eear.e -of age; Jaa,Lit-Wion'and Harold, sen of Mr. Peter Cantelme were cut shooting' and when on the reelwa, track neat Mr. '0, A. 'Focreeter's Herold was accidently shot Meth thigh by his companion' wet) lea about fifty yards distant from him Jack says he aimed at a, eird an that elm bullet struck a stone en glanced. The wounded boy bas sihc been under thedoctor'scare and 1 doing as well tis eanim expected The bullet has not yet been located. TIIp MEAT BY-LAW. , ltdfOLI: 4ton • LtibileArDeVsleT8.0t adveraisiu: our eon:trans are thus pretty well tek- en up this week, -hut the ads. will be profitable reading ter our merchants are quoting prime that means a sav- ing to pueebesere. ' • T1.11elteEYS GALORE< . M. T. T, Murphy, actieg or the CanadaPoultry and Produce Com - Pall; isf making heavy purchases of turkeys these days. On Monday over 1200 birds were brought in, next daY about the %Me, and eech, day • eince they .havee• line 0 pouring in. M. Murphy estimates that by Wednesday next they: will have paid out $1,000 for turkeys alone. And there is as well the expense of plucking' • tor which .five cente per bird le being paid. Tee pluekere hecenne very expert- and some of ithem, lutve finished up twen- ty birds per flour, .but ot wigs° they can not keep that up. The birds: are being, .boxedeup and shipped to the West •. • G4LaiaatGWWedTeSSCi:y.Qtaev-e(InlinT73-'s nesting of the 'meal- Poultry Aseociatien was Yi oneof the most interesting of the f series so far, Twenty-five Game birds e were entered and the competition s was so keeu that it oceepied • Judge . Carter more than the usual length of d time to clegide upon the prize-winnees, d Games' are Mr. A. J. Grigg' S special- ty and he won both cups, 'Mr. John 8 Rienheine second. The Iatter won one • at tbe specials as Well and Mr. Grigg the other. There was e large turn- out of members, among the- number the Durst brothers of Been -eller. The - next. ineeting will be an •the evening 0: :t.eohe Wednesday in Deeenter when all verietiee of Rocks will be 0 WESLiffly S. S NNIVERS ARY. The S. S. anniveeiery service's held lit Wesley ' church on Sunday lasi Were in all respects suceessfal. There _wet_ aelaege-attendanee- at -the atirie service, the church* • was' eomtortribly fillrd inthe afternoon and in the ev- ening, erowded, 'rho. address ofRe. ,s; T. Bartlett of • Sackville, N. B., were such as' were expected !role one occupyieg the prominent position of associate 'secretary • of Seriday schools, The afternoon sessian was,- presided over ,by the .superintendent, Mr. A. T. Cooper who heels brief remarksstat- ed that the average attendance, was 3e3 and that the school. is ii. a very peosperous cnthbon Rev.' J. Greene a.ssietecl ir the eeerciSes and addressee'. mreise delivered by the9Paator and by Mr. nartlett. • The school choir, with Miss Doherty at the organ; 'rendered several cherusee and a duet wae .gieren by Misses Andre* :land Cook. '•.fe the eon call the number in each:elate...wee en and 'the teeter_ in attendance as -well. The day'' colleations amounted ie seventy-five dollari. In the crowd- ed •congregation ih the evening thee were inany, present!, from -the other elnirches i re. town • ' •si A. meat bylaw passed by the demi ell of .1891 has beep. ,the eithlect of ednsiderable talk .during tee .past few days and TeeeNews-Record has .neen regitated to publet one of the claus- es' *bleb reads. as fellows : "peat 00 • meat in less •quantitrres than a quarter carcass shall be sold on the streets of the . town of Clinfort or other pule; Iic places than • the Market equare, anil jickMe can -bo -dorm Iteintiet-bei-ln-- seeded and • the head of the agintel shown. . • • A. reward, of ten dollars is offered toany peiSon giving evidenee of any etre having offered 'ter ealean animal ths- eased eh. any way, WILLIS CHURCH."' • • ' The tepiC at the Ceriselan Endeavoe on Monday evening ••wat ''Ten,nytert.', .,IVItts Grate' Toeran,ce g.i&t eketoh • of his lite and Alle$ Amy. Gelen' gave' 4 •review of his. works. , also gave a dCS4Vilitti60 of "The PrincesS,'''. one 'of his- poems. Misses Eileen Hoover •and Jean Chidley thee ;sang "Crossing the Bar," one: Gil the poet's best known productions. 1Vlise Late Smyth Wilt:have: charge of the meeting ,next Monday evening. "Bev'. E. A. ,..Aelestrong,. ,assistant secretary,. of Fordo Aliseionse Toron- to; ga,Ve two interesting eleeourses0)1 Seirdey last, At '.the :evening , service yess..Kate.Secitt, Sang n Selo; in. her live' pleating matinee., • • . , .The ladies • et the W. F;M; 5; ;will hold. their regular monthly meeting in the leetute room ;this., .everiirig; Miss Thompson will . have the devotional tente.and :Miss K. •:Mellage.;•art " the 'nitisioeary topic, " , • . 9, 71,: ENTERTAINMENHT„, The annual entertaihment giVen uii dee the auspices' Of the :-Collegiate, In- stitutc hoid hi theetownehall ThUreday eliening Deceinbtx 5th ,• • . 'epleedid. evening's entertainment is • being- arranged. Colon& Begin' gersell has consented to ,give hie cel- ebrated humorolis' Irish Monologue; Frieed Pete" Which every :One Who enjoys e laugh and e emir! story should hear. The: Brantford Exposi- t& in referring, to Piely Fri3nd. Pat" says ."The audience was convulsed -With laughter, thateinfected the meet 'staid, not so . much at . stories, though they were =teeing enough, as • at the illimitable Maittree of the:racon- teur. Probably the leett?for aclitteed his .greatest when his portreyer. tif Pats lowly home ahd. his patting from his. family, was beard in a' deep stillness and hush, broken only by en oteao,onal sob,. in such startling &in-* teast to the hilarity of a few morne dts previotie. . . • • ST. PAUL'S •CHURCH. . • The A, • Y. P. .A,<, or St., Paul's -church metas heuai on Tuesday, even- ing, with a large attendance. The 'preeeedings onerted with the • teading of the ' ethe last Meeting. Miss Shirley 13awden was unanimous- ly elected to fill the office of record- ine-secretary and Miss. Hattie' Ilona - way WaS Chosen aS eorrespondingeseeree tary... t• Was decided to hold a bee, eat itt nineetion with the thuree and UW owingeommittee. wee - ---- -choseh attend to ail matterhAn edninction: ewith : 111feedames Hill and Hart- ey, Misses Cotelough, Herman; 'Cleft. and Prendin and 1VIessrs...0. ilerman, C. Rance, .0., Johnsen" and J. Mitt - ley. This- committee will also de- cide the date. Miss Berton Wee eleee ,tedetreasurer ot the tialaar. Roe C. R,, , Ginnie' gave An. addrese nn "Wit and ' Humor," Ile showed that a distinet, difference exists , be- tween. the. two words, 1. that healer le something said width. is ,amusing and causes us. to laugh, whereas wit •seinetliing cutting, hitter and coats. • tic and mak-ea the person at whole, it is directed feel 'Very uneornfottable. • Ile, illustrated AO wit and humor .of. nearly all the Oriental countries and showed that a greet many of the • jokes whidh appear today as new, bad their origin in anelent writings, some of them being over 2,60,0 years old. TIM LOCAL AIA.RKET. Wheat 950 to 07e. Oats 45e to 470. Pepe 80e to 85e. . • Berley 60e to 05.0. • Butter 250. Eggs 23e. Live Hogs Sq.M. "THE COLBORNE CLIQUE." O. Page 0 ot this •tssue we give 4 an extract from "fa the Days' of the Canada Conmany;" entitled "The Col- borne clieue". 'rue, hook el copyright- ed, Ifue eve are reproducing the ar- ticle by permission of the euthoie, Re and K. Me.Lizars, To all wee ,a,re ipterested In reading a the pioneer days of Huron, .and what resident of the eounty is not, these colleens will be perusei. with pleasure and profit. MODEL STUDENTS, EN(+AGES. Fillet). stedents now. in attendanceia at the °Ilc* Model . bike s3cured • schools for next year at salaries ng- ing $350 to $450, as. tellelVs Tillie ZintMete,--- township Wallace; Gowanstoivn ; Vera .Glenn, towatip Proton, iidalk ; Reta Keys, town- ship Stepn, Credetha ; Olive.. Letsle mane Ode of Ilaldimand ; 'Ella Ma- batier; tow im Goderiehe Clinton; 'eeet7 tie ' township' Egremont, Penn.; Stella Nethery, 'township. Mono.; Orangeville; Mary Seett, township Morris, Elelgravg e Gertrude Thompson township Stanley, Jessie township leforrisi: Blyth ; „Archie Campbell, eneer tt. Foret .; .Dodds, WItOn;. William • Manning, towpship IVleaesee, Learningthe -; Wil- liam Oliver, Seaforth,; Nixon Welsh, Winship, Blenheim, Galt, 'LITTLE' LOCALS..' • • • Mr. 11 Wallace, late et Chic,age has installed the Wohderiend iVfoiring .pie :tut _ t, show and. will glee .in entirely hew program ertelt* night. eedmiesicle five cents.. • ' Alr. Adam Weir, of Hullett; died this' meeninge, the funeral takes_place -on Saturday -afternoon. - • Constable . WOO has returned te night duty again after -doingday see •;vine Ide spine. menthe; W. hudeon and He Glazier tied for the *hie at 'the •shoottrig gallery last weel ! and, in the Shoot off the first mentioned, won by a score of •28. to •e6 Points. . -Mr. C. S.. Ifelivka,• recenely re:urned trent South Attlee, Will eiddrets: the League. of Ontarto, steed .church net Monday* evening on the ‘evanOlization at Attie*, , Bonny Briar J3ush will be giVen the town- bell' on Friday .eeening of, this week, not Monday next es . was firt arranged for and which has led to' some confusion, short, time ego Mr. ,Hugh T. Seale of Hensel' Contracted cryeipelas, in tits right hand and in consequence had to layoff wotic. A. few days ,ago Air. A. }Teepee et town sent him a ehecque for $11.70: IVIr7 Shiite new thinks that je tliesee time of high pri- es ; when • a their. :can't Work it iswell sometimes te 'have something: 'eemitig ,,/.1•,to• k6ep. th.p wolf: froni the dopier . 1 CURED BY. CLAY. • , :Death:of Mrs'. Willi,anv. Alexarider. • • Itjs :Wile sorrow that we i :tee this week to record 'the (teeth of -Mrs. Wil- eiam Alexander who passed into, eterie: al rest on Mender evening. • She; had 'been< 111 • for a feithight °with pneumonia but bad • ::IecrIvqred: sufficiently to be able 'to Move al ound her 'home, • but a relapse. " came Item which she never rallied and at the lime above mentioned 'the silver • eord was broken. The deceaSed was born in the town- 1 ship of "Kitley In ,the county of Leeds in 1847 and when se:lien 'years of. ego 3- see ceine with beeparente le this county ,They fine settled, lit s •i and subregitently , moved Ws the town- ship ot Goderich 'where they lecated c Upon a larrn en the- 12.th concession.. • In April MI she. was united In marriage, to her new sorrowing parte nee.' The first fie& years of Welt' mar -i tied lite Mee. and Mrs. Alexen.ter ti eat on the 2nd Comte:al:on of HuIlett‘e they teen moved to the 7t1i eencession ot Gederich township, and twentiy years ago, they thtieed te Clinton where they have ever since 'resided., e • To Mi. and Mke. Alexander tWo children were bore,.,Mre. John Geed of Port Huroe, arid Herbert el< : of Clinton. '• • Mrs. Alexander was a lite -long member •of the Methodist Palace. and 'since canting to Clinton a 'neither • ot the Ontario street churele She was a devoted and sineere Christian Wom- an- and a tender and loving mother 'Whose departure is an irreparable loss to .the bereaved husband and family. She is surVived by her husband, their frwo children, her father, Mr. George Graham at Goderich teeenship, who has reached the advaidera-eTiit nbiety- teettlyearse heretisee?,---Alrs. George Tayloe of Detroit, and 'her letothets, • Jahns Graham ot Goderielr township, and GeOrge and Henry ot Yale in the state of Michigan, all cif wheni to gether with Mr. Green of Port. Minns and Mrs.' John tiliott and her daugh- ter of Olevering in the county of Bruce are here for the funeral which , will take place this afternoon. The • bearers will be the fallowitig six mentere of the Ontario street ,church: James SieVens, Lune Tyndell, Mend 'TiPledy, John Gibbings, A. 'D. Beaton and •Jareke Vattegniond. Abotit •tee casket In the darkened home are Many. ante' °fittings from sympathising Mende, a:Meng the number e beititilta wreath kern Mr. Herbed W. AleXand- ate fullow-ereployee in the machine room at the Organ. faCtory, To the bereaved family the shIcere sympathy of -the entire conanunity is extended, Mess. Ida -Twitchell, dengetere of Mr. end Mrs, 'Jahns Twiteh011, of' Clinten, ;is reported to. be practically cured of .hip .diseaSe, atter having been com- pelled to keep her- bed for ever• ten years. Miss Twitchell attrileites- het etiee the• uee of blue whieb, it Cleimed, i. el produced such• excel. 'entered:its: tuna elie le new, able . te be eat on crutches and hopes ia time to be completely cured. "Miss Twitch- ell- is neiv 20 years old, and •whcn lade girl of .7 fell off a sleigh while, out Playing with some eoninantions ler hip wee injured .and hip joint ditt ease developed; with, the resell, that he was :confined to her. bed, Treat, merit after treatment was tried, rere no tire' was effected. About fear years age an aunt from Toronto ceme 4' tO 'isit Mr. TWitchell, and.. suggested' that the imp be covered with blue carte. $dine clay was (teethed froma wood.e near the hotise, and the 't,reatenent ccimmeneed. Immediately • there .was"a noticeable imprevonent in Mies Twitchell'e condition, and the apple catnips of Clay were continued: Very slowly the girl began to improve, and after our years. Of continuous ' treat ' went, was elde le 'get up this siiramer and „ alk "oe, crutches. She is contin- ui • , ,to improve, and .it is exeected that she will beall• right again..-eLore don Advertiser, •• •. • Auburn. • The Weekly Mall and Empire and The News -Record will be seat to any address te't the remainder Of 1007 and the whole of 1008 for $1.25..• " • The trustees of S. S. No. 5 have engaged 'Mr. A. F: Johns of Potter's Hill aeeprineipal for wee year at it Selecry of $550. • Mre J. Naegle has engagea for the winter riot Mr. A. C. JaekSon .to helphim pin his chopping niiti Ott account of the good "supply of water now, farmers will net heVe to , watt long at the • chopper here to have their grists ehopped. Moreover, Aro chic is sure to make a good fob. The evaporator ha e 'enough apples to keep them utitir the third week in, Dee center. eilr, C. Aequith epent eieVeral days in Parade last week.• • •1V1r, Joe • Irwin left Mr Redyard, Mich., -on Monday. • ' Mr. G. Latripman, who has been working in Parkhill, has returned to work for Mr, W. T. Riddell. The Riad ASeoetation has scented ten new Ross rifles and. the men find them very aeauraf.4., A ,toatn "intend going to Oungannon thin Week, et New Advertisements, Money 8aving-Tozer's--8 Immensee-A. R. Smith -4 ;Canty Council -eV. 1ane--5 Big,. Clearing Sale,-Tozers44 U1 g Clearing el'ale--gozer'e-t Auction Sale -J, A, S7iiitle-4 Free of Cliarge-Neweente's-8 Winter Shoes -Fred. Jackson -le Gift PerpIexteieee-We ft, Hellyer-1, Retiring ..from Businese-Hodgen'see5„ ,. • Baytield. Tee' Weelc13'sr Meg and Empire a pL The News -Record be seitite f,any address for thnerimeileder or 1047i 'and the whole of 1008:10 • The apnuar meeting of the, BlYileld, braneli ellt 'the Bible 'Society will be held in St. Andteves duirch on, Wed- '7 negday. evening. Rev., Mr.. %Ids . in the village. ; • .•._ Mr. W.,40Lettheinit•Miss Edith Val- . etotimenitelitYrs:1:(1.arJS:e14.4'E. ::le:71sittinSgu:itrdiaeYelsiitttt' .• Mr. Jobe' Whitiden • i<lrp-wej =MEd eaelead; of eeaparated stock oatisfeting of 500 boxei to Winnipeg on Monday4 her parents, ,and, M. James tmit.uxirr,sgss,exosni.::::6•0: London is viettieg: Moron' lett. fast week tovi,$0.1sviltf4iraleinLdsfeLiitnisDeeitnroslphivto.mcmri; on and iyiz.JoivivorrAnde, License Ingpector tot g.euth Huron were in: .Bayfield on Teesilay. " Alma J. . Tippett returned home :on ' • onday alter spending' the pest few e• Lis visiting friends tit Mareie oity,, Mich.; end London, 'this province. : • Mrseet Rouatt and sea James r6 turned Iroin London, -eels week and • witi in f.u,siurc.inake. their hopte;in this , viflage.'YsArly __ license has -been-granted-. to the Albion hotel, e' the Population . of. the village baying beee found to 'warrant it. „ • Mr. Cutler, painter of Citation was in town last week :putting. the finish- e touches to the cosy .lenne of . Dr, • and Mre, Weeds: A puliAle meeting Will •he held . .itt the. Winehail on Friday eventng of this 'eieelc tobe addressed by Mr.. A, Broder, M. P., of Morrisbitrg, Del • Chisholm, 'M P., Wingeem, Mr. B.' D. Gunn of Seafertlt and,.Mr. Hakry, Eilber,• ,M, L. A. Theecheir will be oectinied: by 'Dr: -Nadas, 'out worthy. - reeve. It is expected that there will ' .be a large attendance to 'bear the public questions :of the day discussed: . The News -Record until the .end • of ' the year tor ten cents • ee •Je Malcolm ReSe, ,aboht fifteen years ot 'age, arrived abotia e`,..Week. age from • Manchester, England, gihdele in the emplOy. 61 De, eiledele. rleelTsi a bright • and .stirring lad and' has the maktngs. of:a good. Caeacliezie.:He. 'is A &Oat . sWimmer end hes daily m,edelse anti -prizes' and tee chamiiioriship, fee.undee. fifteen, for England :Fp jtela,rid,k,1-1i4 • " fatheEi too, :is very eiSfielent.jtj the • svater and purpo$:Ne.. teeing what has Only once been.accorepliShCf4 •tha.4-•is swifirining across the English Channel., 1-10 has -*TO several close relatives the Ayrshire and Setherland 'Highland-. , ere, one, of the neted regiments.itt the British Army: A1114411.4 • .' Asquith and Johnston .11nishe peck. • ing apples last Week. •„,.. • . • Miejs, T. Riddell spent last Thum- • day in Toronto.. « , • . ' e Mr. and ' Mrs. J. Carter and:Willie spent Sunday at Albatoie . . Mgr; i3litnche MeIlveen of. Aliso: Craig and •Miss Gertie Mel3rien ;silent $un - day with „relatiVeS here. •• ' . Mr. R. Magee le engaged gravelling : • the main 'street. . - . .. • Miss 'Ridge of Manitoba spent seed - al' day s 'with Mrs.' ft. Phillips last• • weck Mr. S., .1clilinand family moved 1t. ' GOderieilt on Tuesday. Mr. R. Robert, • .. on has bought Mr. Echlin's bailie an. . Will Ineee in shortly. • •° • Death at Mise Pettersoitee-After an itinesS eXtending • over nearly for ' •years, Mita Elk ,May, daughter -of Mit, .. Donald Patterson of East WaWattesh, .aged 31 years, missed' away a.t hex home on IVIondity, Noveinber . elt,11,, IShe was born. here and her etboal days ,. were • spent 'at the Attbur,n school. Later she attended the Cioderich ea, legiate Institute and attar obtaining • Ja• teachers' -certificatS 'taught sehtzte at Donnybrook. It was then that Miss c ' Patterson :developed the •,gueilties that not only marked her as a. leader of childeert, but as a model , young lady.. Her talent as it singer Wait not wing- ed arid until the time of her 'ill.nOSS 7she-sarLILono- of the, best -wields... lie this county. Thie talent was the stay of Knoe church thoir and her less to. • this body . and to the oluireh iri gener- al has been and will be Tong !At Atter attending the Ottawa Xormal Sollool • Miss Patterson taught • at Yotrng's school, 4iolborne, until the eturrnter of 1004 *heft she' was com- pelled, to resign. 'and 'go td 'Alberila in searee a bettor healthThere shete- Maine& until this Suomi& .. When find- ing, her - health tnitt improving' ;AO dame home. Her condition then 00,fitee- ed to Improve,' but only tor *.time,and ahe answered the tall at the , 7 tliCat 'reacher to a higher class and bnitt* 1,'Ite funeral, which ltoolt place last Wednesday to- Ball's; eetristery, wag largely attended; The emir fees wets Conducted by flev. Mr. le, .3 •Of Birth and Rev. Mr: Ni- of Cargili.,. Itti .(Vontintied ini page four.)