HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-07, Page 8'You Can't Lose your .Foun- I twin .Peni► if it is •a Waterman's $. ' ideal Fountain " Pen i'itt- td with a clip -cap. The. clip -cap is a' cleat pieee of springy steel attached at one end of the c1,p of the' pen, the other end being 0 pl;essedsnugly,against the f barrel of the spring. Tt holds in much the same i..way.as a clothes pin and will keep the pep where it is` put. See us about ' ii if interested. 1. D. FAIR . i 0:: Often Cheapest Always llest` : ciao NewsoRecorril Noven iber `th, 103 Winter E are in splendid shape to•supply your winter Millinery wants. Stocks in this big depart ment have been freshened up with new ar- .. rivals right from the markets. Never so good a`stock as is here to -day with everything bright, fresh and at- • tractive. The newest and most,popular shapes'forearly winter wear, trimmed as our milliners knot's ,how to trim. Many new line's just added this week that will be ready for you Saturday., They are wortivseeing. Come and have a look_ at them. ' , ' Two Big Ribbon Specials Two real good Ribbon Bargains here :waiting for you Saturday. A very .unusual thing to have just now with silk and rii'ab prices on the jump. Ordered months ago from. ie man who made them; or we could not sell them for a price anywhere near as low. Chances ale it will be many a day before the can give you as. good again.. You wouldn't make any mistake laying in a supply Saturday. or next week: 'I9 The First Special Pure Siik Ribbon, fancy woven edge, 1 inches' Wide, suit- v able for children s wear, fancy work, etc. Comes in colors of• sky; pink, cardinal, green, navy, yellow, Nile green, cream. and white. Easily worth 8c a yard, and lots of places, would ask 10c for it, over 1000 yards to sell Saturday at per yard. • The Second Special Extra quality pure Taffeta Silk Ribbon, gond weight. just • about four 'inches wide, rich, lustrous finish. Comes ' in white, cream, black. sky, cardinal, navy and brown,. Our price for this ribbon is only I5c. Youmustnot c,onfoundit'_ with the ordinary 15c ribbon which you can;vet in plenty, for it is a long way better value than anything you wilt get ' at this price. Over 1000 yards of -it too, to sell, coenmenc- ing Saturday- at per yard • .0 English Mpiretie Petticoats'' ' Regular $3.75 for $2.90 We bought, these Petticoats' direct from the maker or we couldn't sell them at $2.90. 'They" are made from extra good English Idoirette Skirting, are cut very full and have wipe frills and ruffles. Perfect fitting, splendid wearing garments. We show them in black, navy, grey, champagne and sky blue, . skirts that are worth $3.75, couldn't be sold for less if 2ve bought them in the ordinary way. While this lot 0 lasts our special price is- • • • •2f �' -HowAbo a Coal Have our bought sour' Winter Y. g• y. Coat yet ? The 'earlier .youdo the better the choice, for. the best ones have a.. way "bf, •-bei ig—piek d up.,. _ first. Many good kyles here to- . day, either black or the ,popular - fancy tweeds.. Coats that- haye style and character, but priced' very moderately. • Tweed,Coats for Ladies The new stripes and plaids in dark colors, cut full and loose, 48 to 50 inches long, trimmed with strappings, velvets and braids, neat stylish garments that look' well, and will wear, 8.80 10.00 and 15.00 Black Coats Coate made from good quality black beavers, friezes and kerseys, nicely trimmed,with velvets, fancy braids or he:iaty strnppings, full and loose, and the correct length for tl.is seasons wear. Handsome garments that have style to ahem that appeals to critical buyers. at 8.50 and 18.00 Coats for Yol rzGirls .•.__.._ _._. Coats that have good style and will wear well. Far t;:nd away the biggest range anywhere; near here. Everyone imported by ourselves direct from the, German makers; Natty garments in light and dark tweeds and navy blue cloths, cut in pleasing styles and well made. All mode:'ately priced, al] sizes. $3,75 to $0.50 �p^Ottar nnunuurarimen C•antuhi 4444.—.:'lll lit, Mr. William Dowzer, Detroit,' is town. Mrs. Tait gf Exeter visited 'Mrs: .'Car- ling this week. • Mr.. G. F. Wasmann was in Bluevale on Thanksgiving Day.' • Miss Martin of Myth has ,joined New- combe's staff of .clerks, Mrs. Ed. -,Saville scent Thanksgiving in.,Wingham and Belgrave. Mrs. '.1. B. Hoover visited :.Lucia• friends on.'Thanksging Day. Miss Mollie Cuff returned to hoer school at Lynden on Monday. Miss Agnes . Campbell of Amberley is the guest this week -:of . Mrs. J. Tor- rance: ox-rance..' ,Miss Taylor of the Model school: stall • spent the holliiay s.t her home in Mr. E. Ball of the Collegiate staff spent the .holidays at Nis. home near Whitby: • Mr. W. H. Newcombe • of -Niagara Fells spent 'rhanlcsgi�ving Day ii► .• Clinton. Mrs;:' Smyth and tittle son Douglas 'of Chicago are at her mother's Mrs. Shannon's. Mrs.. Campbell '.of Vitporia has been visiting• her son, . Prof. Glenn Camp- bell this week: • Mr. and Mrs. John -Hartley visited the •former's old' htririb . at. Wroxeter bn Thanksgiving. ' . Miss. Della Taylor left. on • Saturday" tor London. to remain in that ' -City 'for a, couple of weekS.' Miss E. • Chidlcy, student at the Tor- onto Normal,' ' was' 'home.for • the. Thanksgiving holidays.' Miss Jean. Scott 'gave an: Halloween party to a number of her friends on Thursday evening last. Miss Bessie Marseilles 'of Wingham was'•the guest for a ,few days of last week of: Miss Reynolds'. • • Miss. Clive Moon of Londesboro was the guest for a few days •of •' last week of: Miss Clara Steep. Mr: Thos. Kearns spent' Sunday ;and. '...Monday at Godcrich as the guess citMr. James McClacherty Mrs., S. S. Cooper and her d#ghtei: little Miss Beryl returned on "MMon- dayi> ono 'c, visit to Toronto." Mr. R. W. King of the Business . Coll- ee, Wingham, -spent the 'Thanlgiv- •holidays at Ks home -here. J: Moffat, Roy. liellyar, ;Roy, Bast and Wash Houston' spent" Thanks- giving at their homes, in town. , • Dr: and Mrs.. Thompson and Masters Fred. and Charlie visited friendsc in St. Mary; s on Thanksgiving Bay, Mrs. LaFortune and daughter Lillian of Sinncoe, were guestsover the holi= days of her sister, Mrs. • G. E. Hall, Mr: and Mrs. A.Icx. Rbss of Wingham were guests of the former' -s ,brother, Mr. Hugh' .Ross, of town, •last week. Mr. Melvin Dodds, One !Of the • Clinton --•-Model:-asehornl•-s•tud4nts a�-- tXl�at..:.:.hi� home at''Winthrop •with, the rnieaa- lc's. - Mrs. •William Maxwell and her daugh- ter Jean of -the Bluevale Road were' guests of her brother, Mr. W. Bey; done. last week;• b Rev. W. J. • Jolliffe gave, an ' address at the anniversary supper given in the Methodist church, 'Seaforth, on Thursday evening last., • Mr. J. B. Kennedy returned to De- troit .on Monday after having been a guest:at,tho •parental hoots,, Mr. • and Mrs. D. B. h trnnedy's Mrs. P. Muteli Sr. df Auburn and Mrs,: James' 1Vldteh. . of.. 'the same place spent .•-Thanksgiving holidays at the home of Mr. Walter King. Miss Mabel. Doherty, commercial spec- ialist . in the Whitby Collegiate spent' Thanksgiving With her. par- ents, Mr: and Mrs. George Doherty. Mrs. John Johna'tone of Rattenbury, street was the guest of. Mrs. James McClacherty and Mrs. Strdughan of Godericlr on Friday and Saturday _.last.._;...._ .._ Miss Kate Webster was the guest of ,.-'Mts. W. A. Beacom at Oarlock .the past°week and With Mrs. Beaeenn and family visited, at Mr. Robert ._. Pearson's at Ethel, Mr. ,and Mrs. Hebert Maxwell of the Bluevale Road were the guests on Thanlcsgi'Witig Day of their ,dhtigh- ter, Mrs:, ,flugh Rose:, They are pi- oneers of the township of Turnbetry and Mr, Maxwell was one of the small. minority in that . niumcfpality who supported the House of Refuge project when it wad first mooted, and has lived to see the people of Turnbetry unanitrious in its favor While here Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell visited that institution and were touch pleased .with the tidy and well nixanaged appearance of the place. a r , DIRECT IMPORTER,! .. '"'�" ° c4/IM7-0114 oNr jpa,- z. zdio -,ArR,.....,, ,..... r 7• atiiri atj the y o. Of our immense Seven Tray Sale. Nave you,.takcu advantage of ibis sale sale ? And do'yor realize the tact' that every item in this athertisement means a saving of 33 i-3 V, per cent on evey dollar you leave here, Coppers make'' dollars is an old proverb, and a visit to this store Saturday will cotivince the most skeptical that there is truth in the above. proverb':° i2%c Printsfor 10c " 10 pieces good heavy weight , English Print in dank blue, black ' aid light colors, fast colors,: regu• rr lar 124c, for 4,44,,4.. .,...., . 1 0: • 12/0cinghams fir.10c 10 ppieces Oheck Ginghams Drees Stu 47 inches wide, in blue and.. white, black and white, -pink and - White, in three sized checks, fest colors,_ regular 12 ,saleprice, ,,.,. U 15c Apron Gingham , lir„ Bine and White Check Apron Ginghanas. with, or without bor- 11, der, regular 15c, sale price.., : • 1 10c Stripe Flannelette 80 ' 32 -inch good weight Flannelette in assorted.stripes, pink and blue, ' AQ regular l0c, , sale price. • iU v !2'c; Flannelette Shirt.. ing 10c • ' Dark Flannelette Angola, Shirt ings, good width and weight, regu- lar 124c, ,sale price '12%c Ti weling 10c Crash Roller Toweling, heavy weight, plain or red bolder, regu . lar 121c,•.sale price....,.. .. .. 10. 15c Art Sateen ,11c Ten pieces Art Sateen,, all new patterns and colorings, good weight. splendid glossy finish, re- gulag 15c,, sale price..... . , . •... . 12%c Wrnpperettaec • Ten pieces Fancy Wrapperette, good heavy weight, new pat terns, no two ,alike, regular 12lc, sale' .09 price 50c Table Linen 35c Two pieces pnbleached Table Linen, gond patterns. pure, even, round thread, regular. 50c, sale .35 price. . iJ a Q .50c Stripe Eiderdown 25c Eight pieces Striped Fancy, Eiderdown, splendid line for chil- dren's :Coats or ladies dressing n „ sacgaes, regalar 50c, sale price.... •LS r. Flannelette Blankets Reduced. • First quality Flannelette Blan kets at the following prices ; 10.1. , '11.1.. 1:10 l2: . .... 1.38 .89 • $1.25 Black Sateen Skirts 98c Ladles Black .Sateen Under. skirts, two flounces with dust frill,, good quality sateen, all sizes, re, gular $1.25, sale price...—. 9S_ 50c Children's Vests 35c Children's Fleeced Lined -Win- ter Vests and Drawers, all sizes, regular 50c, sale price... r.. , .... IOU 50c Boys` Hose 35c Boys Black Ribbed , Worsted Hose, heavy weight, all sizes, -re- q gular 50c, sale price $4.75 Children's Coats $3.50 Children's light grey :Tweed Coats, well made and- prettily trimmed, fancy' buttons, newest styles, regular $4.75 and $5.00, sale 3 5 n price . $12 Ladies Coats $10 Ladies Black Beaver Coats: self collar; correct style, three-quarter . and full length, full skirt, regular I.00 A •$12, •sale price. . l! $12.50 Fanclg -Coats $10.25 Ladies;Fancy Tweed Coats in , dark ,brown and Oxford '- grey,, piped with green velvet and black braid, velvet . collar, regular np $12.50, sale price:... 10.25. 4444. We Have Mang Other Bargains not: Mentioned in Above List lac iris For oneday only, Saturday; . Nov.'9th, :we will sell twenty-five ladies' Black Vicuna Cloth Skirts,' made in Three of this .,season's Newest Stales'. Istra in s buttons,'etc. Sewn with 'silk thread,' and, the' very• best fitting' skirt Trimmed with pp g , made, all sizes 23. to 30 inch waist, regular price up to $5,00 each. Saturday..,. • Y_ your choicev..,•.......•.•......ti.• ..l..•...•.•r. ...c•'. f"solos. ...r.. .. i?iv ...;... l .o••..' �, I'.. Along with the above special skirt offer' we place on sale an extra good bargain from each department in ,the store. . 35c Underwear for 25c . • It dozen ladies Vests .and Drawers,' Turnbull's utake, re- gular price 35c, Saturday �. 35c Heavg Ribbed Cashmere Hose 25c 8c Print for 5c 2 pieces only. Navy Blue Print with white stripe. Regu- 25 lar price Saturday • 150 'Flannelette; 1OC' 3 pieces, wide English Flannelette, good washing colors, Regular price 15c, �laturday..,.. , . ,, 4 4 4 4 , 4 4 4 4 ..... ,10 •20 121c Shirting 10c 2 pieces Plain Stripe and ()heck Shirting. Regular price:. a 12e, Saturday. . • .t 12 dozen ladies and children's heavy' ribbed Cashmere Bose;'all sizes up to 8, with double knees all sizes on sale 5 to 10, regular 35c, Saturday, ........ • .. 50c Suede Gloves 25c 20 pairs only, Ladies' Suede' Gloves, fawns, browny and greys. Regular 50c, Saturday ,t t • 1 --25c. Taffeta Ribbon 15c . , 1 100 yards Colored Taffeta Ribbon, 4 to 5 inches wide, in a number of good colors. • Reg. price 20c and 25c, Saturday • .25 $1.25 Blankets $1.00 • 20 pairs extra heavy' Flannelette Blankets, white 'and grey.' (These blankets are very much heavier than ' the ordinary kinds). • Regular price $1.25, Saturday -- .i5 i5c Wrapperette 10c • • - . yards onl Canadian- tnerican Wrapperette in, Hundred 9 g ,y A n_4__.. lar ee-10c.: _ -•- .'-- ' a number of good colors ane# patterns, Regular � 1' Saturday �.. 4444. a , O 85c Dress Goods for 50a 800 yards of this season's newest Dress floods such as Venetians, Panamas; Crispines, Serges, etc., • in all the • colors shown, such asnavy, black, brown, green, etc. All - -widths-from-40:to,50- inches, .--. Regular priceup to Saturday ..w.., .1.0 1.6.0 • Ladies Ready -to -Wear Garments a Dry Goods and Milliner 4 4_444 ..,. Y, i .. ... /IV Lv. AN,414 `- .. 4. s.