HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-07, Page 61
Clinton NewsMRecord
November 7th, 1907
lost add a ph4 of boiling
vratet to a pacl,r4g, o>s
Qlly Powder
SiS ttusfruitandwineflavors,andyonhave
a delicious dessert in a few minutes, ,
: lice IO cents, s
rale your grocer for any flavor you 100
Fifteen persons were buried alive. at
ratogh, in Russian Turkestan, b
llauilslide caused .by an earthquake..
Mailer's Grip Powders Cure. Sold
IV. A. McConnell, Druggist, Clin-
Twenty houses were blown down
one woman killed yesterday in a
urricane'which swept Galveston, Tess
Increased vigor and vivacity follow
the use •of . Miller's Compound Iron
Pills., Sold by W. A.. • 1VIcConnell,
Druggist, Clinton. •
James Heron, who wa, injured dur-
ing a fire at Brantford about a week
ago, is dead from his injuries.
a "I feel it my' duty" writs Mrs. S.
blie.. Archie Clow is doing as , well
as can be expo, t •,tl.
Mrs. Peter Keys of 'Winnipeg was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs, A. Fox.
1'4e are pleased to she Ainslhy
Sharpe around once more, afte' his
attack of 'typhoid. •
Prof. P, McKay honoree], the !silage
wall a call on Tueidee last. The
Profess r lie to be seen to be -; age
Dave Crow's little. girl, Olive was
'seriously 111, but is now 'recovering ;
at one time it •was feared an opera-
tion,woeld be necessary,
Mr. R: Carrick is thinking of taking
;his departure for the happy.`. hunting
grounds in the Highlands of Ontario,
the latter part of this week. •
Where are our hunters and: vheir
doge. Last" Saturday evening, a large;
fox carried oft. a fine springy chicken
from, J. T. }Dunes' chicken house.,
A marvel of efficacy and proxnptnoss
a remedy that does cure corns and
warts. Its name is Putnain's Corn
Extractor. Contains ea Acids,. never
pains, gives lasting satisfaction, in,-
•sist on "P,utnatr's" only -It's the
A reconstruction of the Norweigan
Cabinet has been necessitated by the
witohrawal. of M. Michelson, the Prem
ier, from' public life. -
• CAUSE. -
That's why cataitu is invariably
cured by inhaling "Catarrhozone."
The healing vapor "spreads ''SO • every
part of the breathing • organs. • Germ;,.
infecting the 'tissues'of the nose,
throat and :ltitigs :are trilled. Nothing
'is left •tto 'cause inflamratiou. Spots
that are sore are healed,•Discharge
is cleared away .and .catarrh .beconies
something• of the. past. Use "Catarrh
-Mead of Fraserrille, Ont. 'see let you ozone" 'and your reeoverr is, guaraie
know that sometimes previous to tdic teed. Two sizes, 25e• and„ $1,00 at ale`
aaange of life I :suffered .more than I' dealers.
could tell: Neighbors told me Ferroz•
eane was the only 'remedy .tnd their
advice was good. Ferrozone put a
stop to my pain and sickness, had a
direct action on my trouble that re-
lieved from the start. I safely passed
the turn, and now enjoy perfect health
and rest. No womanly medicine can
be better' than Ferrozone." Instant• re-
lief is found in Ferrozone for female
eveaknese- of every kind, 50c per 'box
ell all dealers. •
'The American Railway •:association
1aas directed its Committee on 'Steel drops in trot,. water. at 'bei -time. •Next
Rails to keep up its, search for' the morning al'1: is well; No cold, no gime
test possible type of rail. .. i lost at school, :If •PoIson's Nefeifine
is'nt in • . your home• get ;i;t there • at
once.• Healers .sell it in large 250.
bottles. • • • • . • •
Some others•mayebe glad, .but with-
out dobbt Miller's Compound : Iron
,Pills are the best.' ` Sold by W. A. Mc-
g,onnell, Druggist, Clfnton,
. Get theirs feet wet, catch cold" or'
cramps; : and ;give• mothers an anxious
time, With tliefirse shiver or sneeze.
rub the little one's chest with Netvil
rue, gargle the•throat, end :;ave ten
State 0f : Ohio
.City Of Toledo; - ss
Lucas "County., — : •
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that . Zurich
be is senior partner of the firm of F.
.3. Cheney & Cu.,- doing tipsiness in Mr. James Hiigan of the Parr. Line,
the City of Toledo, County. and Static. re,°early diaposed'• of a well=mated
Ex -
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay heavy team to.` 11fir.. Handford of Ex -
the sum of ONE IIUNDRED DOL- r_icr, for over. 94'0O.. Before the drop
LARS for each and every case of i ' ers s, Mr. Hagan refused ° $500
,ciatarrli that. %tihot .be curedj)yle.Y[oT_tt.e teat•. •
me of Hall's Catarrh OureeeFRANK • A feiveter-o-ii—firsie Vie of me;
Sworn to before me and subscribed ' Meyer; ire agele• .' • . :Connell anit
In my presence, this 6th day of p.- .1. Kiptn', .packed. ten barrel's et 5.p-
cember, A. D. 188o, ples ie one hour end twenty -Aye MIR -
A. W. GM.; A*ON, [ irtes. This . is t•he record .ep :to date':
' Iall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter, I et at our. office a turnip., weighing
n ly, and acts directly on the blood Da lbs.,- a garden beet nearly as heavy,
an mucous surfac s, of the system. ami a fed, mangold „of neatly twenty
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.1 The Misses Cantelou, and Miss
Sold by all dtuggists, 75e. - • Smith of Cluitoneewere gueete at the
Take' Hall'e Family Pills for con. tierce of Mr. Thomas Johnson on
ii ,rrirr"....wasesusfs:Neueauszarcestwomenearnsuftwar
'The good housewife alWays feela like bestovAnit upon the
Pandora a cheerful "good morning.". .
Why? Because the Pandora always' hap a nice bed
of hot coals as a reward for checking, off the annMers
closely hcfore retiring to rest.
(urning, on the drafts she will
have a good, strong fire.
Should she sleep
two or three }lours longer
than usual there will still
be a fire ready for her.
and dampers. are so
seientifically arranged
that the Panclora can be
never have their sleep.
making a new .fire in .the
If your Ideal deafer
&ea not 'handle tbli moat
perfect of an ringed, write
,direct to us for rree Booklet,
Aold by liar arid Eros
The 1% ethocli,t people held as Maass'
giving •dinner in the church on Thurs-
clay. evening Iast,''efter Which an ex-
ceIlent programme was rendered.
On tiSaturday last, Thos. °Vlirehouse.
and gang mit lei ,I I43'. of apples in
81 hour., et 'Phos. Dav'ldeon's crehard.
Thos. declares that if the apples had
been a good size they •copld have put
up 80 bblsi, la the saint'#acne;
Rev.. Kenneth J. Beate, formerly
of « Whitechurch,, having taught in
School' No. "3, Culross, has
been appointed -assistants pasta in the
Elm St. Methodist Churcli,'Toronto,
The Crowe ° corresptfndent of . • the
Goderich • Signal reports,thusly on the
Cihurch anniversary services there :—
"The pulpit was very ably filled by
Rev. W, A, Finlay. of Whiteehureh,.
assisted by the pastor,. Rev. W. A.
Smith. Too much praise cannot -be
given, to 'Rev. Mr. Finlay, for the very
able manner in which each ' of hid
sermons, was addressed to those pres-
ent. ,Seldom has a'. minister here .lett
such aC good impression on a conga.
gatiee as he has. This singing was
excellent, both • that by the Dungan-
non choir and '.also Mrs, Finley's se1-
ections.' •
The tionest`Physician is Anxious
_ to Itt's and: Uses the_ Best
-- • Available Remedies.
...The proposed legislation throngb
the Deminion Parliament for the rege
elation, of the manufacture and. sale
of patent or Proprietary medicines is
of the utraoat importence; and it ia
receiving a great • deal .of attentien,
not. only by the proprietary medicine
manufacturers, but aIso by the leading'
remediee welcomes, the bill as • a step
in the, right direction.•The discussion
has brought out the f act that the bed
'tinent approve of. and prescribe Psy-
chine in cases of the most difficult
character. In a recent instance of
very serious throat _and lung trouble
the patient hid been. usieg Psychine.
Twe leading United Staths specialists
were consulted, in addition to two
-eminent Cauadian. physicians. Upon
learning what the patient was' using,
a' sample of Psychine was taken Ana
analSzed, with*, the. result that the
physicians Advised its .contineanee.
They prescribe.d no ether medicine hilt
Psychine, with the result that the pa-
tient has fully .tecovered and is a
splendid walking and talking • adver-
tisement for the wonderful curative
power ,of a remedy that *ill "stand
up". before. the keenest professional
•up of the system and 'restorer' of all
wasted conditions, .Psychine has no
equal,e and the hest and most earnest
physicians recognize this fact.
" At the age of 25 laY fangs were' in i.terribio
state. I had la grippe the year before ; it settled
on my lungs and I kept steadily growing worse
till I,got down so low I was in beti• for six weeks.
I had a consultation of dot:tont, and they raid they
could do nothing more for me. Then started to
use Psychine. I took the medicine for More than
a year. It certainly did wonderts tor me. g
pow as strong as I WU before ray stobleas."
Morpeth, eat:
pmnonnced Si -keen, is the
greatest of tonies,/building up the sys.;
tera,....,inereasing„ the appetite,' purify -
directly, upon the throat and lungs;
giving:tone and vigor to .the
system. At all druggists, 50e: awl $14 -
or Dr. T, A. Slocum, Limited, 179
Orel Township;
Messrs. Armstrong have been visit-
ors at James Arnisteong'e, 10th con.
Owing ta the Quarterly, meeting at
Ethel Sabbeth there was no ser-
vice at Roe's. The service at Union
was'in the evening.
Saturday of last week, 1Vires • John
Engler and daughter, Dye o,
Paw Pew, Michigane arrived on, a
viSit to the tamer's perent:s, Charles
and Mrs Rozell
Last week. bliss Laura Cardiff, eett
fttr a holiday, visit at Winnipeg,
Cypress •Rivbr and other points in
Mailitoba with relatives and Mende,
Weehope she may have au enjoyable
Saturday of last week MiSs Eva
Bryans was assisting in picking ap-
ples. She etepped on a limb that, aihs•
contact with terta iirma, and exper-
ienced qpite a shaking Up, It WaS not
the fall but, the stop that hurt. Her
many friends N4s11 her a''sPeedy re -
Invitations are out for the marriage
of Dr. J. 11. Jackson, of North leat-
tleford, Sask., end Miss' Ida Hainlyn
Bagshaw of 'roronlo, on Nov. 8th, at
2 pe, re., at their reeidence, 477, Mar-
ian St. Dr, Jackson and bride will
parente, Jno, and Mrs. Jackson, Grey,
before leaving, Mt their home in the
West. The Miley friends of Dr, Ja,c,k-
eon will he glad to meet Idea aed his
to .liegin with, arel. it'e more, because.
iblefferes • with digestion, renders you
susceptible to infectious diseases and
boesets is what you need,:. Yoti •e•t•
.:crease liver. activity', testore the bow-
eure..donstipatien end its eteendant
evils. leeiston having only -Dr. liem-'•
il ton's • Pills of „Mandrake and Butter-
W. T. Noble spent. Senday last with
Clinton fiends. , •
•Mr. end Mrs. E. McDowell Di God-
erich spent last • week 'with 'Westfield:
Miss Phoebe -Den:selore spent a. feW
Geo.* Taylor and lady, of gravel -
road, spent t.Tuesday, afternoon at
Alex. Scott's, nth line.
Jno. Moss; 6th -line is recovering
nicely from hie fain train an. epple-tree
in IL Densinore'S orchard, eome time
and • hes . purchased . fame/leer Blue -
engaged on the fraine or "IiirC
. who has been en -
peed with R. Corley -for 'the .past
two years, remOved his, family and
where heehai secured a good position,
Miller's Kidney. and Bladdet Pills
Cure . headache, indigestion, rheumat-
ism,. and all ailments caused. by affect-
ed. kidneys and bladder.' Sold by W.
The Dominioe Government will eh -
Mrs, Winslow's,. Soothing Syrup' has
Peen -usedebyemillioneenfemotheraefo
their children while teething, It ,dise
turbed by night and broken of you:,
rest by a sick child suffering awl
crying 'with pain of cutting teeth Send
at once and get, a bottle of
little sufferer immediately. Depend
upon it, mothers, thste is no miitake
about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regu-
lates the Stomach and Bowels, cures
Wind. Collet sottens the Gums, reduces(
Inflammation iind gives tone and en
ergy to the whole system. "Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child
ten tecthingis pleasant to the taste
and ie the prescription of one of the
oldest and best female physicians and
nurses hi the Veiled States. Pried
25 cents a bottle. Mold by all drug-
gisteethroughout the world, Be sute
and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Smith- ,
lug Syrup.
Belgr sve
Miss Tessie 13alliday visited her
sister in Brussels.
° Charley Bell ie having the interior
Of his hone#c remodeled.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wray visited friends
;at Tara and Dobbinton last week.
Belgrave valet mark -eta :eeWheat,
$1.02 th $1.45 ;, peas, 83o to 850
oats, 50d; barley,, 600 to 70e. .
M. and Mrs, John, McManus of
Fdmoeton, Alberta,: ' iteti last week
with Mr, and Mrs, Corlef. .
• R. Corley, stock breeder, shipped 21
thoroughbred Lincoln sheep last Sate
urday to L. H. Neil of lateen.
Mr. and • Nirs. Campbell of the 1st
line, Morris visited with Mr. and tors,,
Lou, Williams, Belgrave, last Friday,
C. W. Lawrence and his daughter,
Mrs. Miller Proctor, spent nksgiy -
ing among friends in Buffalo.
The ladies of the Bolgravc Metho-
' dist circuit, sent a box of canned fruit
to the Deaeonesse.home, Toronto, last
Re -opening • 'services in connection
with Brick_ cluirch, East Wawanoeh,
wiff he held oe Sunday and Monday,
- There are a large arnotint of apples
being shipped- from Belgra.ve thie sew -
son. The prices are very good and
will be tile means of distributing eon-
,siderable money in the bountry„
Clegg 84 Co. shipped a' mixed ear4
Ind of lames and hogs; on. Monday
last: Hogs are $6.10 per nil. They
'also sideeed-s. car of lambs from Wing -
ham on Saturday, Armstrong 4; !
Compaey shipped a car on hogs on
The regular Quarterly Sacramental
sersice for the Belgrave circuit was
held at Sunshine on Sunday last.
. The Quarterly Official BOard met en
Methodist Chutch mei last Fridey end.
appointed new officers, Which are es
follows : Preeident--41rs, Chas, Gras -
by ; Secretary—Mise Pearl .Proctor ;
tors-aMrs. Thos. Proctor and Mrs.
Wm. Piaelr. They have about $175 oel
sold hie farms (100 acres.). on the 7th
eon. of East Wawanosh, to iJohn Folks
for the neat even of $4900. The faem
'is a very good one. .Mr. Niehol has
purchased the Wm. Patten farm, • on
the ist con, of Morris, near Bluevale
stetion for a good round sum, wit is
well built on -and a firet-class farm. .
Wilkinson, who has Ince le the
employ Of CorleY tor a eouple of'
Irears, has engaged with' L. Neil of
Lucite, breeder iif thoroughbred stock, .
where he will be in charge. Mr. ned
Mrs. Wileinson and family left on
bldnday last. for theit new home, We
wish them 'success, It will be rortierta
tiered that About two years tigo' they
Thanksgiving last Sabbath at
and Union.
Our Purchases in Persian Lamb
This season have exceeded • that of alformer l yearsi: >in Qrde
that we might secure special ° advantage in quality and
2value. This, condoned with our manufacturing facilities
place our Persian iamb garments' before the purchaser at
the, lowest possible cost.
.k.,. visit to oats Spacious Show Rooms will reveal to you tbe
• Ct
largest Stoop of Dressed Shins and
• ready-to-wear Fur Garments in. West..
ern Ontario,
We make a specialty of ordered garments of all' kinds,
Fur and Fur•lined, '
Write for catalogue and Price Twist,
Grey nwaship.
Mr. Granville Haight, formerly Lib
eral candidate in East Elgin, has been
appointed Collector et CuStoms at
. 'The 10a, acite farm of Hagli Porter,
1,0t1S Con; has been leased for a 5
year term to John Grasby ot Morris
who gets possession. at once. Mr.
Porter has announced' an auction Sale
et farm stock, implements ••&c. tor.
Thursday NoVembet 7th and, will re,
I Move to BeusselS for a time: They
are old resideeta of Grey, Mr. Porter
having lived -there 33 years and will
eatery With them the good wishes of
the communrty.
Last week Mrs. Marsden ' Staith,
Mise Iteartaa and Eli. Vas at Toronto
attending the marriage of Miss. Gutgle
The world
wide soccess of
Cure hes been
.won because
this remedy
can—and does
1—cure Bog and
Bone Spavin,
Curb, Splint, Ringbone, Hony,Growths.
Swellings end I,.atneness..
"I used Kendall's Spavin Cure
on a 130g Spavin, which cured it •
Price $x --e for $5. Accept 120 subsaute.
The greatboolo—"Treatise on the Horse"
--free from dealerS or
Robert, manager of the carpet de-
partmeet in the Siinpson Co. depart-
mental store.* Ceremony took place
at 4 pe rre on. Thanksgiving Day at
the home of Loftus T. Stark, 290
Geece street, the brids's brother-in-
law. The many old friends of the
bride in this locality, will oe a unit
in exiending to herself and Inesband .
happy and prosperous sail over the
matrimonial sea.
Coughs. cold., hharseneffik and other thIoet
tablets;teeeents per hex. druggiste.
• Single fare,in effect. until Nov, 5th,
to all points in . above district induct -
I Also ..to certaan points in Quebec-,
New 13renswiek, Newfoundland and to
Swett Ste. Marie via Northern -Nev.
Tickees good entil Dee: 7th or until •
clese *of Na,vigatlein it earlier by
steamer Iines:
. Fat. thare4iaixj4eibt19107:And the :whore .0f.1.9.00:
will be sent to any address in Canada
Ito won
Cliuton' Out.