The Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-07, Page 54 ove.wbeir 701 i907 • It 0 ••t":7'TRT'+T'r"T•T'TTT'T'TT44'4444-44T'T:TT"TTTTTT The - MOLSONS BAN ;, INOOiiPQRATED EX AOT Qh' PAR1raI,A.MENT 1855, ,.. capital paid up $3,305,$40.00 Reserve Fund. $3,305,840,00- . WAR oFFCI,,., 11'IGONTKI'AL, 1t • DIRECTORS":: a WM: MOLSUN M.AOI4iERSON. .. ,, . President S. •1i. E WING .. , . .. •Vice -President. V1rc M.•Rahway, J. P: Oleghorn, $. Markland Molson, .i Lt. -Ciel. F, 0. `Renshaw;. • Wan. •(:`:-McIntyre, James Elliott, Genera, Manager. A, D. Durngord, Chief Inseeetor and St*perin• ••1 dent of Branches. W. i, Draper, Inspector. W. W,1, Ilhipmen, •a Inspectors, bAssistant c r a�. am 1t In �.�, Campbell, r.p SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT Deposita ot.$1.00and upwardereceived anti interest allowed at S"per cent:irgr date of deposit. compounded 4 times a•year SPECIAL ATTENTION given to. all branches of Partners' business,. Sale notes cashed or col este op favorable terms, CLINTON www ..... OF INTEREST to you a7 A few Specials for the;balance of this n month : Bargain No. 1 • Ladies' Patent Calf 131ucher, #11 sizes, strong sole, regu- larZ.69 $3.00 shoe for A few pairs Women's Kid Lace Boots, flexible McKay sewn sole, worth $2 25 for.......... , . 1.75 12 pairs Women's Heavy Lace Boots, for outdoor work generally, sold for $1.25, we sell them on Saturday. for • .98 Less than 12 phirs Misses Kid Boots, all up.to-date, •- - - round toes and low heels, worth $1.25 for...:,........ , .75• We do not wish to mislead. We want our customers. to help up "Get Rid" of them before they become old stock. and'Bu Fall and Winter Stock is Complete—Comey Repairing Done "'.NEATLY " Music Goods of all kinds always carried in stock C.'HoARE, MUSIC EMPORIUM SHOE STORE THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES ITS :DUTY ' ' C pyy,/�/tA/�aiN1 ~^"ov M wMMINIVIINI/vh.AAA• vi,5 .I•ielfp The Editor, Tho News-Recotd has a number of real friends that it values very highly because the friendship expressed does not appear to be one et selfish inter. 'est. A lady or a gentleman knows of an item of news that might . happen to bo Missed by .the aclitor and promptly phones Ws office without any other tho}ight than that otimproving the, paper: These 'people give more than• a cup of water and maybe certain of a flrstwelaas wedding notice, or- obitu- ary notice or any other l;ttle compli- ment we have to offer, There are many items et real interestttlg news that tale editor misses unintentionally for he cannot, afford to run ,a detect- ive agency to pry into private •homes and, other places that are not, within his observation, mho people you know and things you know are., often unknown to him, even as much'as many of the things we know and . the. people we meet ere unknown to you. Five persons were .killed in a rail- NOTICE. -AFTER THIS• DATE WE' •-way wreck„ near Little Rock', Arkan- will pay 00 cents per bag for 'paring -sas, the other day. apples, which .must be 2 inches' . and upwards.' We .will ,also give 15 cents • per bag for cider • apples, delivered at either Clinton or Scaforth Evap- orators. This is ..•• good upNov- ember 15th. -Town & Case. ,GIRLS WANTED TO OPERATE knitting machines. Experience not necessary. Good wages paid at the start. Highest prices paid on piece work. Excellent opportunities. Al- so 2 smart boys about 16 to learn finishing Good wages. s Applyp1y at the office of the Clinton Knitting Personal Limited. Pe 1 applications -preferred, though letters will re- .ceive prompt attention. • BEETS FOR �`Al.E-•f. .t N.'P 1R. GIRL WANTED BY MRS. MAL- cdlm McTaggart. Highest wages • paid. Apply at the house. THE. LADY . WHO IN MISTAKE took; the wrong umbrella from the Presbyterian church on the occasion of the last preparatory service, can get her' ..own. by 'applying to the caretaker, Mr. J. McClacillerty, at O'Neils grocery ,:.tore. EYESIGHT. - S. L,.. TAUBE, ;Eyesight Specialist. of Toronto. will be at the Hotel Normandie, . Clip ton;' on Wednesday,:_.hlQ.vember Slth.; It there is anything whatever wrong • with . your eyesight, do net neglect this opportunity .of having your, eyes properly. attended .to, \\'. R: • Counter,. Jeweller, Clinton,- ' CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS. A simple and effective premedy for SORE THROATS AND COUCifis Theycombine h e t e germicidal talus of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps.. t iwnpo, Muss 0o., Limited; Agents, Montreal, 401 HOG FOR 'SERVICE -THE: UNDER signed has a thoroughbred Yorkshire hog `'for.. service at lot 24, • con. ' 3, Hulleit.-John W. Bayley. . WARNING. - ANYONE FOUND trespassing with gun or dog on what is ' known as "Bridgewater Farm", lots '11 and 12, - Goderich '` •. township, will he prosecuted as the law' directs. -Daniel Gliddon'. • • THE I.ADII $' AID . SOCIETY OF. Wesley Church will hold a 'Fair 'Of Nations" in 'the total haul. do Thursday, November 21st. England Ireland, Scotland, Canada. and the. United.. States, .willbe represented :b3' national :costumesand dishes: •Ir l•e will also •lie.' a;' ram o f ro ria` sTe P g tional songs and recitations. Fuller: particulars later. • 1 1 TIT First Shipment takes place from Clinton, on . ' onday,Nov. Clinton, Trice 110 per lb. live wet t T. T. 1iIJRPllY,--. .Clinton- AGENT FOR._ . The Canada Poultry and Produce Company, Limited - ' Stratford, .Ont. • 4• The Minton Newil'Record •e.. *.war...... . ►. ► u.:.. •..,..e ..► .+ ..$4.H; The Nees From r oderkkh • ELOISiI A, SiCirIMINOS, cor pondent . Mr. Will Craddock and brfdra, of f Benmiller, have taken 'up their resid-i ewe in a house, awned by 11;Cre. Emma Edward on South Si.' - Mr, Andrew Stitt has removed tot' the house on West St., formerly, met copied; by Mr. D. McGillicuddy. Miss . Helen Boyera of Hav rB aI Co 1- i lege, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving week with relativea in. town. Mrs. Ben Evans and daughter, Miess! Pearl, left on Thanksgiving Eve to i spend the holidayso at Stratford. Miss Goodell of Sebringviile spent' Thanksgiving week in town, the guest of Mrs. R. Phalen. •We oopx the following item from the British Whig of Kingston con-, 'corning the father of Mrs: Alex. Walk-. er of Belleville, now of our town Thomas Mills, ,Bellet+ille, through the'' explosion afar hot water tank$ was badly ' scalded on his legs.' : He .is tthankful he did not get the water tin his face, 'We called upon Mrs. Walker and :she inforined• us that her .father is a traveller for a J4tns and Preserve factory in Belleville, and .that he had just returned from 'a business visit to. Toronto, and calling at the •. fac- tory, found .every one so busy, tat he undertook to open the cover and the explosion followed, Mr. J. J.. Wright of the Park House received a letter (roril ` his son, Mr. Tom Wright, written at Toronto an - forming him, that he would leave that city ',on Wednesday on a business visit to Vancouver. ' Mr. and .Mrs. Chris Luk o[ Dxel$- er spent Thanksgiving week with Mr. and Mrs. Prang, .the latter a• sister. of Mr. Luker. They attended_ ._the Thanksgiving supper and entertain- ment ntertainment at Victoria street 'church. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McGregor • and two pretty little girls Lucy Evelyn and Lily Edna May, at. Todmorden, have ;..removed to Goderich ' and at. present are the guest • .of the lady's Y b parents, Mr, and Mrse Horsey. • Mrs. (Dr.) Herald and 'sons Ralph and baby Jack,. of. Cloverdale B:. C. aro the -guests of, the former's mother and sister, ' Mrs. John and Miss Ralph. • Mrs.- Herald is a. graduate of the G. C. I... R. McLean is busy changing,. the East street frond of, part of the Opera house.' Mrs. Rutledge is busy with Millin- ery •orders; at her private residence Newgate St: Division Court ,opened'in' the .Cdurt room on ' ;Friday at 9 a. m:; : Judge. IIolt, presiding., Qiuile a number of local cases were. on 'the docket, some of .which were laid,' over to thenext court. . On:Friday, dinner was served in the Lecture room, of 'thechurch, the price of. admission 'being only , ten cents. •The Ladies' 'Aid "of 'Victoria, St. churchknow how to;'go about getting up .suppers, and. provide well. for their, guests. Their• suli{ier was an excellent cite;. Miss Margaret McDairn;..td of Bruce- field *as .the guest during the Thanks giving 'holidays of Mr. acid Mrs...Thos. Boyce 'Mr. Arthur Sutherland of Auburn, spent Thanksgiving Day in town. At Knoi church a Very eloquent set mon was preached on ' Thanksgiving Day, by Rea, •James A Anderson,,. . Cyril Carrie and °Reggie. conn home froirt Toronto University. .and spent Thanksgiving at their.:respective home es. Mrs. Taylor, son .and 'daughti.r, of • Brantford'sert 'the holiday with Mr. and Mrat. Jim•Hardy. 0 The Thanksgiving Supper gotten up by the Ladies' Aid of Victoria .St. church was most successful. There, were Mica tallies hid in. i le lecture room and many waitere to serve the. supper. The program for the Thanks- vn i i entertainment 'was d- t� ext�e ingly interesting one hot only in the way of music, song and recitation, the addresses of Revels. Clement, Hazen and Wright, being particularly ap- propriate in reminiscences, of Chad's Iain home' life. The quartette cons - posed of Messrs, E, Belcher and sons and J;• ,Powrie, rendered the anthem "I will give them• to theo-O God" in good voice, followed by S. Beau in a wonderfully humorous recitation "Our Folks," followed by "The Labor Ques- tion," A •vocal duct by .Messrs: Sidney, Belcher and Powrie ewas giv- en entitled "Jonathan and David." Rev. -Mr. Wright followed with a very, pleasing address. ' Miss Hattie Bel- cher gave her Irish recitation ;'The. Cook,''' in fine style, and received great applause. Mr. Cook sang "A song of Paradise," and being recalled lie sang another song. Master Len Millyard accoinparliest. • Rev.' Mr.' Clement make of the duty of all Christain people to work together for the .couaitry's .gond, no matter to what political side they lean. A sec- ond ' quartette followed composed of Messrs. Ed. Belchet and Powrieand Mrs. Sillibs and Miss Hattie Belcher who rendered "Ask ine not 0 gracious Father';" very pleasingly.. 'Miss. Bay- ley gave two very pathetic Temperan- ce recitations' which. shows much thoughtful study which' will 'develop later into meio` drama; Rev. Mr, Hazen said that the holding of Thames. giving Day, dated. Irma the early his- tory of the Jews going' annually to their temple 'to offer, up praise' and Thanksgiving to their God. He also. referred to . the Puritan: "Fathers" modern Thanksgiving. The doxo1 ge, brought. the •pleasant and profitable supper and entertainment to .a close. ° Marriages FISHERr--WALLIS-At the home of the bride's parents,Goderich'toWnr- ship, on October 30th, by Rev:: T. A. Steadman, Evelyn B.; daughter •`'of Mr.- James Wallis, to Arthur C. Fisher of Ilenrniner. - SWINBINK-O'BRLEN;-In St.` 'Jos- eph's church, Clinton, on Novem- ber lth, by 'Rev, Father Hanlon, •• Mary, daughter of the late'Thokn- as O'Brien of . Tuckers•mith, • to Walter Swinbank of tho London Road. HERDMAN=SQUIRES-In Usborne, on Oct. •30th, John Herdman to -e A•nnle,.•.caughter•-of-Henry-Squirese all of Usborne. i{EFFER-CACKLIN-In ` St. John's church, Brussels, on. Oct. 30th, by Rev.M, Langford, Telford Rea, far, • . to Vino, Pearl, youngest daughter of Mr. Elijah Jacklin, ;all Of Grey, " Port Albert. Mrs, Barri Hayden and son Otway spent' Thanksgiving with her ` Sister at Ridgetown.. Miss Lizzie Richardson r ft Tuesday for Huston, Texas. Thos, Green has bought •a (cutting box with blower attached -with which lie • intends to cut considerable, amount of straw in this neighborhood: this 'falI.- John McGee of Parkhill Spent > a few days with his parents, Threshing ended for the season .. in ;this part on Monday; '. James..Ol'iver took a 'team of horses to Owen Sound this • week for to. shi p to . his ion at Port Arthur. The: rain on Sattirday• was a wel- come visitor to •thosewho are plough-' Mr: Sam Brown and: wife have tale. en up their residence in this: section Will Browna is busy putting in. a cennent floor to Jack Quaid's stable -at, present. • • Trade hasbeen brisk"ata the mill the past week, but the scarce flow of water . is not pleasant for the. miller,.: Mr. John Schoenhals.-.-_ A Pleasant evening was spent by the young .people --at Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Green's .OnFriday night. Miss 'Jean Dunbar is on the' sick flab. . The News -Record 'arid: `,'fie 'Weekly Mail etel Empire to the end of: . next year fin. '$1 25. Sam : Churchill: • of Sarnia"had -. a. gang of '."alien gathering •. logs., on the shorle the- past;' week and plaping them on skidways for the 'spring. Mr.. and Mrs. John. Schaefer and children of Waterloo are the guests of: Mt:and :Mrs,: John Sehoenhal's • 5 fold Settles in Kidneys Pe.runa Restores Ilealtb Catarrh of. the Kidneys An Insidious Disease, ,. • Many Peo ie Have it in Slight Form and Do Not Know It, Mr. Isaac Itosenzveig, 8 Darnaraia street, Montreal,, Can., writes : aA1 out throe years ago, I suffered with' a bad cold. It settled in the bladder and kidneys, causing Serious trouble. "I tried several advertised' revile - dies, but it was Perune which finally cured me, and I had taken only a few bottles. 1iI feel that it saved me, and ft core tainly restored me to such perfect health' as I had not known in years. "I have good reason to give your remody'my highest endorsement:. It cleaned out the system, leaving me well and strong and feeling better than I havein years." CATARRa of the kidneys is a very Mitch neglected disease. It is not until the disease has a firm hold upon the kidneys that the patient begins to realize that there is some de- rangement of these organs. The slight backaches, the feelings of lassitude, and other warning symptoms of kidney disease aro overlooked. - They are not serious enough to detain the patient from his regular work. ' Even when he 'INTERNAL CATARRH' discovers that REACHES THE•KIDNEY,S• the kidneys are affected, ho does not recognize the difficulty.us being caused by catarrh. Catarrh is sometimes so very gradual . in its approach and its earlier symptoms cause such slight discomfort that it is t-notnoticed.'•:-- • - •-• _ However, when it once firmly seated in. .the kidneys it becomes it difficult disease to exterminate. : Indeed, catarrh of the kidneys is more serious than: catarrh affecting some of the other organs of the body: . In the kidneys it is liable to terminate i • Bright's Disease or diabetes, both of Which are recognized as very serious ailments, if not fatal. . The thing to be done, whon•catarrh of the kidneys is discovered, is to take some internal, systemiccatarrh remedy, one that reaches tho very source. of the catarrh and removes the cause of the, dimeulty. ,. Suck . a remedy has been found in Parona.. It reaches catarrh, no'.n atter TIOMPSON--In Goderioh township.. on November 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Thompson, a son. i. NEIL. -7n Exeter, Oct. 240, to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington .Neil, _.twin. boys. SCOTT—Ill .Brueefield, on Oct. 21th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Scott, a daughter. , s Deaths'. HAYES--In•ii , Clinton On November 5ti John Hayes of Zurich, aged 63 u , years. OrrLE- in 7 ori Novombe= 50, Martha Beilby, relict of the late Thomas Little, aged 75 years and 1 monde BRthOIts-+-In Exeter, on Oct, 23, . George 13rooks, aged 65 years, 9 months. DOW—In Ioxeter:. on Oct. 27, Annie <1l i •yre, wife of Alex. Dow, aged 51 years; 4 months. _ ' 13AI.I.--In Winghan, on October 23rd, ' henry Ball, aged 80 years and 5 months. . BARR0'N-In tMoKiliop,.' otn deb. 25th, Alexander Barron,' aged 84 years. McWl lNN14iY-In Dungannon, on Oc- tober 250,. Sarah Morrow, wife of the late Andrew IVMeWhinny, ag- ed ged 50 years and 3 morrilin;. NEWTON-Iri Ooderieh township° en Not ember 40, Mabel, daughter of Mr, Clenn Newton, Morris Township. The trustees of S. S. No. 10 have re-engaged Miss .Belle: Henderson, of Brussels, as teacher for 1908 at a sal- ary of $425.00. ' This speaks well fax the satisfaction Miss llenderson 1s giving inthe. section. Severalimprov- rnents will'be mete at the school -su ih as a well, Stes a :.-_ 6 ,.....The...N 1 or;cr and ' the._:.VYeekly. Mail and Empire to the end .of next year for $1.25, • The attention of the township Council has -been called•to the danger- ous railway crossing where the', C. P. R. line passes the 9th.line near. Blyth, Net 'only does the railway run diag- onally over, the road but a large bank of earth obseeures the view so that a person has to getalmost on the cross- ing before a train could be seen. A -large su1 i will be spent on ••'he '•In . ' .ai. improvement of the -Swiss al q the tesult of the recent plebiscite. Abraham Cohen and . his mother, missing , since Oetbber .14th, were found dead in a New 'York tenement. Tho two -year• -old daughter of Itev T. 4. Roger of .Oruro is in a critical Condition Irom drinking poison. President Hu -tilling of the Detroit 'United Railway, has sent money to entieal -to'-.-pay the, expellee of an investigator to come to Detroit -in the interests of Montreal shareholders: Professor W. H. Schofield of Har- vard, a graduate of Toronto UniVer• .sity, yesterday delivered his lecture as exchange. professor to Berlin: Un- iversity, • 1. MR. ISAAO. ROSENZVEI4. where it may be' located in the body . . -whether in the more exposed mem: braves of • the nose and throat, or -whether in the remotest part of the kidneys. That Peruna is at once the safest and 'most reliable romedy:for catarrh of the kidneys Is proven by the many testi monial