HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-11-07, Page 2• 2 tomPIWTY44 smossososessroissepossoes 2 0t thWhae • .1 FarlaiersS • These fritters Who have tried * * D. Douglas t1ok1nv Henry- Aletter, town Trees rer of Berlin, has been suspended on account a shortage in his amounts. Eltveri persons were killed in * 'fight et a elhereli festival in Hungary. LARGEST AND Ms' ticTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. 'being the be,et this alive' eleeeinese trainingachool in Western Ontario°, Oar enrolment egate exceedthat of a year dtoe Why ? Because our courses are thomugh and prac- tical with peiaUt incha,rge of our Commercial, Shorthapd and Telegraphy • depertments. All oue graduates obtain pod poelltione. You may crater nowe. Write for our free cltalogite, Elliott it 'DieLachlo ' PRINCIPALS 6 0 0 0 0 would not be- without it, • 0 • e a 4.,.....;....1......... 0 0 s We expect this verdict because I * • wetuow there is nothing bet- ; 6 ter at any price. • • • • When you pay $2,5(1 and $3,00 2 . • • a pail for Stock Feocle you are ; • being robbed; We say it boldly, • • o ADUse Dr. Douglas Stock Iavig- 6 : orator and make you a pail of. • the best Stock Fond for II ets. • • • • • 4 • • W. 6 s • ' : W S R HOLMES fo Is • 0 • • • • • • Manfg Chemist * • • • . • - . • , .• • • • Ineeeesteetisteesetiliesioesetiose —RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE; Slabs , For Sale •••••••.•••••••••••• • WE HAVE FOR .SALE A • QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK' SLABS, CUT 16 INCHES LONG SUITABLE FOR, RANGES. J. • Hamilton COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN THE MARKET, $7 PER TON, BUT W ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE IVIAY 31st, A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TON WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis & Rowland's will be'promptly atten.ded to. W. J ctevenson Cream Separators . No article on the farm pays the farmer better than a Cream Se arator. When buying, buy the best that is the DeLaval. I am agent for it in this district. ' The Cyclone 'Fencing The Cyclone Wire Fencing has the two great regaisites—it looks well and -lasts a long time. Be- fore placing your order let me 'show yoa this fencing and quote you prices. JAS. APPLEBY, Clinton • DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specielist, will be at Holmes'• Dreg Store, Clinton, on Friday, Nov. 29. Glasses properly fitted. Diseas- es of the eye, ear, nose and throat treated. Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE—ONE AND A quarter miles from church, post - office, school and the village of Auburn. Suitable for grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd con. West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and the balance nearly all grass.. A brick house, a bank barn 52x60, a driving house 24x36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also lot 28, East Wawanosh, 2nd con.; directly oppos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 ,aerez. of land, 15 acres of which are bush. On this lot there is a bank barn '.0x60. There are 4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two • farm. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never failing sting runs across both farms. Possessien can be given at once. Ternis easy. The proprietor is now past the 'age to farm.—Apply to Thomas Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply will be given to all cbmmtmica- tions. Oct. 07° • FARM FOR SALE.—THE UNDER - sigma& offers for sale part of let 40 on the Bayfield Road, 1 mile south of Clinton.,'eoesisting of 20 acres. Good frame house with se - one cellar, bare 36x7O with eenaerit basement. Easy terns. — J. Smith. ' 140 FARM FOR SALE. LOT 24, CON, 2, Stanley, cont'aining 100 acres, 10 acres of bush, the remainder is Well fenced, underdrained and in a good' state of cultivation, 1 acre Of et - chard and sinalt ftidt. On the pre. misers is a two Ater7 brick houge with slate roof, a first -cans taelle house, a barn, Size, s 80 with stone staltlieg, a chbierit silo 14300 gottd dritrieg house, Pig pen- and hen !Ouse. TWo nover,fail- lag wells. This farrn is situated 8 miles from Brumfield, 0 from On - ton and on rood gtavel road. ,A.p. '0)? on thi preiniseds or s.ddreieli Albert Mott, Clinton P. O. , a Clinton, News...Record Toil C0414 New for' • • dr Mvember Ith, 1907 athered ews Record Reader • " eek Gaerich Goderich, Ikisaifteeitee•••••ebarea-savsekatsealaallorallaf iker .WILL 'OATS BE POPULAR $ , FOR PRESENTS' a 1T is artistic and useful i A bald when you buy a Silvprware you want the i -hest and most servic..eable :You are assurpd of :get- your money can buy. a ting that kind here. We' a i can sell you, solid silver a or the best plated ware. $ which looks like sterling : 1 and wears almosTtas well. - Come in And sue our well assorted stock,: You Will, # ........:................4.....7.--,-+, find ti -ie. prices right. ' $ 1 . A. J. owe .. JEWELLER AND. OPTICIAN elaearaaaalevia-le.--wkwiraia,0*.ataaaa.•;•*-* . - GET '1 HE iT PAYS. . ATTEND THE POPULAR A.ND PROGRESSIVE. ketIOTT TORONTO ONT.. Corner Yonge Alexander Streeisi AND BE THOROUGHLY EISCCAT- ED FOR BUSINESS LIFE.. ALL GRADUATES- OF THIS. SMIOOL ARE .kl3SOLUTELY SURE 'OF GETTING POSITIONS. THE ' DE- MAND' IS.CONSIDERABLY GREAT ER THAN THE SUPPLY... NOW IS AN EkCELLENT TIME. "TO EN- TER. • WRITE FOR. OAT.ALOGUE. • • W. *•L ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL. We beg to call ..your.. speeiaa atten- tion to our exeellent stock of new fruite and candied Peels. • , This week we have -also passed into stock • Several New Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Odd Cups and Saucers, and 'Fancy China which ares well worth a feve minutes of your careful 'inspection. seseheele D. Beatoli Phone 111.. Prompt delivery ENTER ANY DAY- ; For a Business or Shorthand course. Positions assured' to graduates. Six • months will lit you. We' proVide- 21 teaehers and best /facilities. Write tes. Central Business College, 305 Yonge St., Toronto. W. Shaw PrieCipal. , • NOW IS T,HE TLME.-1'o PLACE your order fotFeheing before the advance in price. • Use -the - Cnil *Spring Wirt; Made by the Canadian Fence Ces of which I am agent this district. I am also agent 'for the celebrated Heiatxman Piane.r. F.' W. EVans, Bo* 155 Clintoe P.O. • . , T EL -E. -GRAPH -Y- . For Railway and Comniercial work is well taught by, vs. bur new book, "Guided by the Koy,), explains. Sent ,witlf first leeese to any applicaht eeceipt of four cents in , stamps, Address Central School Of Telegraphy, 3 Gerrard St., East, Toronto, W. I. Sham?, President, • ..1•00161•••••=imou • • TAKE RIVAL HERB TABLETS FOR, STOMACH, • tivntt, K4DNEYS AND POR CL- EANING THE BLOOD. irOP SALE BY W. A. MCCONNELL CLINTON. WHOLESALEt PROM THE RIVAL HERB AGENCY, 'KINCARDINE. About 200 township riga =Sedation ball, held in Oddiellows' Hall on Friday eVening last At this last ball, the 'young ladies' were beautifully dressed some wearing silk, eon* muslin, many in while, a few in pink, but eshite proicaninated.• The gentlemen wore fine broadcloth.; Tie Blacks:one Or- chestra furnished. delightful music and Cotillion . After Cotillion, followed, with few exceptions, until on , Saturday. Chief of gelic'e S. West- leke, oa‘xne down on the C. pe. train with . Mr -Davis, Messrs, -West- lake, Ned Elliott, SA 'Nevecome took turn about in calling off the figures. ‘"Bonnie Dundee” was a. great' favor- ite. ."The White Coekarle" was resur- rected, and "The Girl I leftAchind roe" was brought to the front pretty often. The G. T. R. A. served their guests at 12 ,a. m. with ap abundant supply of ham sandwiches,' biscuit and cheese, lovely jelly cake anid chootnate and other fitvorites. Dancing did not commence until after 10 p. me Guests °erne from Clinton, Porter's Hill and )31Yth. Goderich township made a good showing and many Goderieh friends of the G. T. R. A. were pres- ent: The'`,,G. T. R. A. Orchestra kind- ly relieved the Blackstone orchestra for a. brief time alter the midnight ,Suncheon• The members present „Miss Young, piano, end Moms: MeClusky, eiolie and Herbert Lamprey,- mouth organ. Captain Laithwalte, Harry Sallteld, and the other members of the -G. T. R. A. looked. well after. .a..11. But where was the "Odd -Auld Scotch Reel." Eilen "Bonnie Dun- dee" did not get honoredeby, reel The Qtiarterly Love Feast was cel- ebrated on Sunday morning last . by Stets G, e N. Hazen at North St. Methodist church: In the a. re. Rev. Mr. Hazeri took for his text 'Aces 16-9 4./1; Vision :came to Paul in theNight; There stood a man of ;Macedonia; and prayed him saying "Come over into IVIecedonia and help us" ' from. Whigh 'text Rd. Mr, Hazen based the mis- sionary cause in a very lucid 'manne,r. The choir, 11 young ladies, sang very siveetly, the ,anthere. of "Praise to the everlasting Kingdom." Tife_.:Hyrans were "I give my life for thee,My pre- cious blood I shed," ',iWatehman tell us of the night". and. "Josus reigns witere'er the Sun." dry, in the housz foreeerly occupied by , Mrs. James Fraser. • Three different applications have been received by UM Library Board, for the use of /Some of the roores„ in the Library, 'tamely : The Wornans' • Institute would' like a room in wide') to hold their meetings ; The Shakes- peare Club for a reading circle; Knox Church Young Men's Club too have petltioned room. • W9 are • sorry to. team that the ,Graham Bros, tied their ,sehooner "Bert Barnes" bereft of her sails, in the last great storm. Mrs, W. eleCreath and daughter, Mrs. Hyslop and baby, went their Thanksgiving holidays at Torcitito, with their relatives and trie,ads. Miss Ada Allin of Benmiller, is the pest of her ister, Mrs. Craddock, Mr. and Vire. Wilda= McCreath Jr. now, occupy their new purchase...1%er. McCreath, it will be remembered, was a patient in Alexandra Hospital for sotne vveelcs undergoing treatment. Mr, George, Wyatt, forenian in an AYmeriaan R. R. shop in Detroit, spent Thanksgiving Date with his mother, ,Mrs• T. Wyatt. • • • Miss Fannie Lawrence returned in October from her vigil, at Regina with her Cousin, Mrs. Lindaay Elwood. • Mr,. Videeu has'. removed his flour and feed store to Hamilton Street. Mr. It: McLean is re -modeling the large store on East Street end will have a new meat market in, the Store, for years as a grain and feed store in which Mr. Videau carried on business for years, being the successor of the j late Mr. Rees Price. - 1 Miss Tina Macderiald left on Wed- neaday, 23rd Oct. to spend Thaeke- • giving peer, with her, sieter, Mre 1 1)6:laid Martyn, at her lorn5.,-, in Rip- . ley.' • The two followilig dates please bear itt Mind 'Friday 8th, to-morrote ;even- • ing at Vietd5ia Opera T-1011,ST: Mr: I Jordan will iltesent "Pepin the Pip - phi" which will be its first eras:mita- ' lion Canada. - ' On All Saints Day, services were eisetd at St. Peter's both moreing and evening: Services were held at St: George's. Church .'at 8.30 a, an -and' 7.36 p. m. on All Saints' Day. Rev. 0...Reidof Nile, preached a ' very eloquent sermon, at North St. Methodist .chureh on.. • Thanksgiving Day. ; • .Speeral meet:legs- were condueted • at the S, A. • Birraeks on Friday and Saturday by Steil Captain •Hay of .: Mr,. lefacdonelet of the Ottawa Civil' -service spent his Thankegivingvia- tion with his steter,, ?Km Maedonald 'et the old home,' . • ' Our Ottawa Letter Ottawa. Oct. 26t1t, 1907. The evidence ot Theodore Cooper C. consulting engineer of the Qtie- bee Bridge, brings home in ttartling fast -Son to abg. Government a large share of the responsibility fora the aw. ful fatality of August 29th. Mr. Coop-, •er is positive that the deflection in "chord 9 west," whit% happened se- eral. days days before the accident showed that it was incaPable of doing its work*, and that "it was perfectly pos- sible by prompt and intelligent action to' have stayed the chord and prevent- ed the, failure of the bridge." .• CalamttY Might Have Been Averted. To' another question, Mr.' Cooper replied that this prompt action should have been taken either hy the ollicere of the Pheenix Company or the Que- bec 13ridge Company. Again be says : "I believe if a prompt Action. had been taken to protect the chord from further deflection, it could have been done ,by the employment of: three hours work and StOn' worth of timber and bolts, • „ Better Inepectimi Needea. • This sensational etatement • aiming from the chief engineering authority • coneecthd with the bridge. pieces , the • responsibility, en the engineers at the spot; ;or ,oe, ,those who ,fitiled to pre - •vide, efficient experts. Mt. Cooeet states that he • does not. believe that the engineer at the• work were' equal to the duties devolving, Upon thenie The 'engineer pf the Phoenite• Compare. on. the. ground was Mr. Birks; who• was killed, in Ate accident, and who was "competent in, bis line ot ex. perierice" . without the thorough trete. lag, and. knowledge -necessary Lor this important task. As to The • !Qirebee .Company's staff Mr. Cooper believe* that the only one qualified for. a sup- erinterideet . was Mr. McClure, • wile. doubtless did his 'best. , He did. not think that Chief Engineer Hoare had qualifications "as a thoroeghly erichnie eally educated and expeeiented bridge engineer!? • . • e.• ' I . • Mr. Fred. . Thompson ••spent bis Stratford. • Thaeksgivingholidays ' at the, holm of his parent's, Mr., and .1VIrs., George Thompso'n. , His 'daughter, Miew Bessie .Thanipson, did not - return' from her home in. Southameten • to attend the G. C. L. this seaeone but will come • mence 'the Now Year term,' Mr. Thompson is a nourishing merchantat Southampton and looks well. On 4Nov. 14th the Ladies Aid of the Baptist church,will eblebrafe the anniversary of the .new -Church by a '"Birth. Day" party... 14:f.h Nov. is al4 80 the .date of the `‘`Wonderland" Beneet for. the Hospital Fund, 'which the Daughters uf. ehe. Empire' wish to illetase Test.ticien'ts' of the Gederieh school were, delighted. . with :the cour- tesy and hospitality shown them while the guests last month of the Clinton Model students and hope oe the evening of Nov. .15t1r to reeiei9:- cate the kind attention. shown them in the:siST:er town. . ' Missionary Sunday will be held it North St. Methodist church on 1 -the second Sunday of December,. • Neted, Missionary peeacher& wilt he present. -- Miss Florenc,e Graham left on Mon- day a. in. to resume her 'duties • as a trained nurse, in 'a New , York Hos- pital. Miss Graham , attended the "Fee— E." 'Dance, while here, and sperit, Thanksgiving week at Exeter, with teiends. • On Monday 28th October the' Hunt: Club, composed of three -rneinbets, Messrs. Fred.' Davis, John Galt and Thos. Ileeney from their heating trip to tie Rainy District. The shooting grounds were about three hundred and fifty milesnoethwest from Fort Wm illia, two huedred ,of which they travelled by team, the remainder by steam latmele .The party shot two fine moose bulls, bringing horn& near- ly' 1.00,0 11,e. Of meat which, through the courtesy of the Captain of. the "'Scottish Hero" reached Goderich safely in the good old boat. M. Dave is litte .the head of., the moose' that he shot, and will alwaysehe peoud of his trophy. He can place it over. the doer or his &lime to peepetttate his •good manehip on the 22nd el October. 'Mr. Galt ts the proud possessorof' the ether head. Mr. Heeney sightcd many Moose, but they were at too greet raege for him tie shoot. ItienvetmeWmereemseeneemmometetweemaiiemtv .134ERt _WOO TO ENRICH THE BLOOD PKOPLE who chink good beer with theie meals can't be aenernic—thin-blooded. because beer,- so drunk,, actually soklies the food bleats that make tho blood rich. Also beer assists the stomach in getting' all the good peasih1e oat , of all the food that enters it. • Put aside prejudiee.and learn just how good, for ahnost every adult pod beer really ist *seta a I term *bleb oct•ere letter, eke, itettel, Ind atm* ,• rId hi the Oteethle nt Onterlo bretottre. tmplhei haTetatese ittette bedew meet 1Prelettk 64111,110one, trent Ontetio berhst Otte beet itt ta• wend, aunt hop.Ind pule liet64 103 ate4temettemmeknolineoriemetemeemmememereteeeketionetereett Hensa• ll . The anniversary services in connect- ion With St. Andrews chutch, ISippen, • were a great success. There was •a good attendance. Rev. Mr: Mitchell. of London fully sustained hie reputation' as a preacher in his mornieg and even' ing discourses,- while Rev., Mr. Larkin of Sea.forth gave;a: good discourse in the afternoon. The tea -meeting on Menday. night , was a great seccesra. The church was packed to overflowiing yet their was enough:. and 1,o; spare 01 good 'things, to eat.; The prografil'Ale was of ,a high order. The singing Miss Martin peel the local' quartette Was also highly apereciated. • Before the close, the tnortgage representing 41250. was placed: on a tin plate and burned, indicating that. trice -beech. was free frem cleht, , • . On Saturday afternoon last I -L. Mc- Crostie happened with what might luiVe proved a serious accident. While out shooting the breech. of his rifle 'Amy Open and the powder , blew °hack into his eye,. but fortunately the pupil escaped. Dr. Macdrarmid had to scrape the eye to .get the grains: of, powdei. remtived, If blood poisoning does not set in •he • will likely be able to re- sume his Work. at the bank in a few days. •• . •• Durieg the past -twelve years the Can'inneial Hotel has taken fire sev. cral time but lertueately was always discovered in tithe "to save the build- ing, On Thursday afteriwon, While standing in front,' of the ' building, David Cantelon saw censiderable sitioke and detected .an. otter of burning wood. His suspicions were aroused and he went on a tour of' investigat- ion, On entering the passage leading to the 'kitchen, heefound the .flames climbing up the partition in a, most vigorous Manner. Giving the alarm, a number of buckets of water. were speedily"applied and. the old building saved onee morelFhefire is suppdted to have been cansed by rats endeav- oring -to here their cigars. • . Tbe Misse Yuill arrived here trate Auld 'Scotia �n Wedneeday• night of last week,' and were gladly Welcomed by their mutate, who have been 'look, An forward 'totheir arrival s with late go expectations;.... . Wiss 'Marjory Hoped left last Mon- day evening to visit .relatives in 'Co - ,burg, where she will remainuntii her parents move to Torontti. Her young friends bade her farewell with sintere regret. Mrs.. Richardson and sons, Linn and. John, and daughter, Mrs. Digean, at tended the funeral 'of the late William towers, whichtook place last Sunday after a. service in St, Mary's Church, concluded by Father Tobin. While working ate his onions on Motley morning last, Wm, Buchanan was seieed *itha stroke of. paralysis and has been confined to his bed ever Since., He had a very severe ettaelt and his condition is causing .bis family and friends much artelety. The new Catholic church at Fort Williren, valued at $15,000 has been destroyed by fire. • A three-year-old daughter of "Mr. 13en Simpson of Belleville was fatally burned on . Sunday. • • Starblitig Statereents. Further Mr. 'Cooper .testified that his instructions had not been followed in all peeticulaxs. He had '• asked that the large travelter: be 'removed from the .projecting arm, and was; told that it wield be done when the smaller one was pet in. ..,Ite plaee. He Ad , net) know until atter the 'collapse that both , travellers were on the bridge at once. t Again ,Mr. COopersay* that the pre') paratlort of the. plans . was ides meth; hurried • and that the Work of' • eon -.I struetionwas. too Muchrushed. to admit of proper care. • • Hi; also makes the striking statement. that:in making • the plans he was given ter ,understanej that the resources 'were "limited; so, that it, was not a question of the beat! bridge Possible, but ..of the best bridge wbch eould be madc'tlimitcd amount 'of ineney. Goveenmerit ReSpOrisibility. • This beings' us to th:c Tloatertrinent responsibility.. The. Derninion .Car-•-• a.da was ;paying for .this bridge: Ah ready the Government has :been, /had responsible for $7,000,00,0 %which soon will • be .raised to . $9,e00,000 or $10,7 .000,600 while the.Coinpany.. dries not claim to have •expended quarter of a million, and probable bas not .con- tribeted. $j9,000: in cash. Olie bridge is To he a reat public work, a eom- Mon • tho.rouglifare for all . railways,. treaenways And vehicles orossine • the, St.. Lawrence below Montreal. Gov- ernmeet ispayirig for it.. Government ntends to . control ie for the 'benefit, of the putlie. Yet. there was ;no Gee-' errineent engineer td see that the ie was getting a safe bridge. There vas ,prectiaally rib Governmene.surier- vision of the plans,: 05 the bridge en -1' gineer of the Rail*ay, 'Department has estined;' 'While the • Dominion • reiraine, seration, went before "Partiament • and' oht4ided. an appropriation et all the! money remiired, it allowed- the Bridge Company to make the contracts to • settle the designs eof the • bridge or I not provite proper. stiperintendente to inspect the • work of construetto.n.., • In .fact the whole thing was lett as. if the .Government and the notion had it, . interest 'in the matter. • Mr., Graham's Satista.ction, The, present Minister of Railwaye made a 'statement at the time ot the, accident in whieh he- said that ethe Government had done right in nob in. teetering with the constructiet work, Thus he claiined, the responsibility for the' •accident had broil avoided. Now that we have heard the eVidenctel of the Government bridge engineer. Mr. Douglas, who said that the teat' I ter was taken out of hts hand's, and of the/consulting engineer, who states that, there was no proper superintend- ence and inspeetioa, we begin to see what this escape' from responsibility , means. If the ", GoVernment, had pro.' vided adegttate inspection, according tos71/fre per ideas, he calamity would have been avoided, the bridge4 weeld be in place and •the vietims would be alive. The work might have gone on to eornpletion, and two or three • years time have been gain d. Public outlay of some, $10,900,000 Would have become prothietive alt a hutch earlier date. A Io ss of mil- lions would have twee avoided. But greater than all 'mime four score men ' who perished in the digester, ,might ••••.•01,••••••••••••• ..:Autumn chins 1 Caned' by the Wet and eltengeeblre weather' we especially dangerous this - year, because of the debilitating effect* 1 - orate uncommonly trying summer. In their grip, the whole system suffers_ CatatNrItt reue 741= and liver are deranged, indigeetion and conetipation occur, there are tires chills of malarlit, twinges of Pettralgia: .•„ • 4 and rheumatism, and liability to wood. . • diseases like the grip, diphtheria. AUCTION SALE OF ,FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, HaVing rent- ed lusl'arnrrthaT-UliderSigned has Ile strueted Mr. Thos. Chunky to sell b public • ' at' Lot 54, Maitland Con., Goderich Tee on Monday, Nov. llth, the fols lowIng Spanemares dritifig horse.; driving mare, 4 years, sired by Jini Corbet ; driving mare, 3 years, sire ed by Jim Corbee ; 5 cows ,supposs ed to be le cell; 'steer 3 years old; 4 eteers tieing years; 6 heifers . rising 3 year! 2 steers rieing 0 years'; 2 heifers -rising 2 years ; 4 calves ; brood sow ; 3 store Pigs ; Masseyellarrie binder ; Deering mow- er, rwayly new, 6 -ft cut ; Frost 4 • Wood seed drill ; bay 'rake; Maseeys Harris cultivator; Icengaroo gang plow ; 2 single plows ; Bell seuffier ; 4 -section. barrow; light wagon, pole and shafts;,fanning mill; bug- , gies ; lumber *-agon ; low wheel wa- gon; set bob -sleighs ; hay raple; number of cedar' pteet; a quantity • et hay and straw.; turkeys bens , geese; forks ; rakes; chaias ; and numerous other articles. 'ash for . hay and- straw:. Terms :—A11 sums of $5. and. under, cash ; over that amount, 10 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes 6 per cont. discount -on credit arateirnts R. J. Dreper, Prop., T. Gundry, Auct. • e, . • • AUCTION SALE OF FARM, STOCK AND IMPLL: MENTS. 'The under - °signed has received, Metruotipris. from. Mr. A. 13, Stephenson to sell by publie auction, at Lot 8, Concession • (3, Stanley, two milet'• south of 'Var- na, at 1 p.m,. on Wednesday, Nov. • Lith, the following r 4. Heavy •dealt mare 6 years old in ,ftiai ;general • Purpose horse ten years. old ; driving • mare 4 yearee.old ; driving horse,' 15 years old ; heavy, draft colt, 2 years • old ; driving colt, 2 years old; hea- vy draft colt, 4 months old .,• • 4 ,gow's Supposed . to be in Calf i Far- row cow ; 2 tWo-year-old heifers ; 2 two-year-old steers; 3 eyearling heifers ; 1 yearling steer ; Yerkshiree boat; fat eow ; 0 'young ,pigs six weeks. old ; A number of hens ; 6-44 • Peter Ilamiltori binder ; mower; 10 -foot Maxwell rake nearly new ; e two -furrow Kangaroo plow; lend roller; Verity plow; set four -sect, - ion Diamond.' harrows ; cultivator.; Noon disc harrow, grain thlI • smeller ; fanning mill ; see sleighs, lumber wagon,, top buggy, . gravel box' hat; 'rack ; e -seated dein-. ocrat ; Cockshett plow ; e -set eoube le harness ; 2 etitterS ;' 2 set single harness;• bag truck ; buggy leith pole and necItyoke,.; ,a 'welter ef grain bags .; 2 milk:. calls ; Pavorite- • churn'; Chatham incubater ; a nuans er. o new cream Pleats ; .a quantity of Timothy hay.; . 2' buffalo robes ; ladder ; hinder,;" whip ;I •Gtirney den' sCales, Capacity 1200 lbs. ; wh- eeibarrow ; a euantity. of wood ;, a quantity of heusehold furniture con- sisting of stoves, tables, bed -steads, and other effects also forks, chain's, seades, hoes ;and other sfriall atticlcs,:' all of which will be soldwith- out reserve as the prespriet6r has m. sold his far ' Terms sufns of $5 and under, caah ; over that nibunto 11 pionffit' 'credit w:11 bd given on approved mut nOtF;s, 4 per '• mint per annuli iliscetiut• oe ttedit , A. .tteelt Oie be, prop ; Theis. 'Brown, Ahets. ' Morris Township; ' A manure be was held at ;the. farm . . .of Elijah Pease east Saturday after-. noon and .49 loads hauled. out: Richard Armstrong left -last -• We' d- nesday • for • the Northland- hunting -ground for his minuet deer hunt. s Monday ',of last. week Dan... Denman, thenled 31 barrels of apples at one' load to Brussels G, .T. R. It was a bigload that will: not often be beat- en. " On Friday evening list, death claim ed another of the •Oldes tr' residents of bkKittop township in the person . et- . • . Alexanaer rsarron. eceaee reached the ripe- age of 84. years. .The funeral took place from his late bane, lot .10, con. 7 MoKillop, to the Mait- landbank cemetery. typhoid, scarlet fever, ete, Lt IA importentSto take a reliablehlood .wedicing-now-kineurishend..eurich the. blood, cure or prevent anteran diseasea and protect general health. Tbebest ia Hood's Sarsaparilla which makes rich, red, warm blood,. benefiting the whole eystem. Sold by all Ornagfets. ustDosas One Dense., Fall & Winter OtOTIEING! We • excel in Stylish - Suits and Overcoats ter men &boyS. Our stock of Clothing is large, strictly. first.class and excellent value. The more, you make' compatison, t h e more satisfied you will be - to buy. here. 5 Underwear -.Our Underwe'ar , stock: is complete, consisting of. all the bvst makes, and all weights and sizes.. •Note.: -We 'are especi,. ally prepared to meet the demand for extra laige sizes. 14.0.!j-,-Wor ing Outfits. Shirts, Overalls, Gloves, Socks, Smocks, •Etc., „Igtc. Iaeobs MORRIS, ToWNSHIP. • ' We are sorry to hear that Miss, Mabel McCall nag, been seriously ilk with peritonitis the hospital at. Toronto. .Fler. iriother left for the - Queen city last Saturday. Miss Me - Call's friends hope -she She will soon be. coeValeseen't, . • couple of deer have been feeding on the farm A. .Te Cole, 6th line, during the past tew weekse, being seen , 'with Mr."Cole's cattle on various oe- canons. They evidehtly knew the close season: was on, They had better , be careful' between Nov, 1st end 15th.' and sleep with (we eye open (LoNcroN) Iticlia 'Pale Ale Prejudiced and unscruptilous vendors may suggest others, hitt gontnareft itia/N Way 'you will—ruitity, freedom from acialty. palatableneas:-Labatt'is Ale is suipass• ed by none, equalled by few—at about half the price of best imiorted brands', leb•Albk ibeilb•AbAlwq1.,.•• "%Air; $ Pianos, Organs, and Sewing ',Machines a We handle the Gerbard-ileintznian Pianos. The Bell and Dorninitin Organs. Wily years' tet go. to prove that instruments repeesent the highestastandard of excellence. Every Instrument Guaranted Ten Years, have heen saved. Mr. Graham Inayl1 rejoice over a responsibility whiehii fondly but vainly thinks the Govern -1 ment has avoided, but he 'would have, heti more cause, td 'satisfaction Peer a' catastrophe averted. The stave mill at Poreet hag* been destroyed by tire.• . 4111.545•111Y1445.40111111. • Sold om easy ..rerins.. • • 0 ° New Raymond And Nevi'. Williams Sewing Machines, Onsran- teed 10 years. Von save from $8 to $10 in buying a machine at this store 11 CtIELLEW, Blyth