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are Showing
w Millinery
4 gain we'have new
shapes and trimmings to.
'Allow you this week; Some -
just a, little . newer and
different than- you will .
see in most places. This Al
season we are making a ,
special feature of showing
new goods practically ev-
ery week, and the wisdom
of this policy is. shown in
millinery business that is
beating all records.
If you want your hat trimmed to your order, let
us have the order as early in the. week as possible. The
next three or four weeks our milliners are bound to be
as busy as nailers. After that it will not, make so much
'•dif erence, but now . early ordering guarantees you
against disappointment oil ;i1 S day. '
The Most Coats and
The Best Coats are Here
More Coats to. 'choose fxorn than in any store within
_your reach. Everyone absolutely right in style, fault-
less in fit and materials, all good honest qualities that•
will give you satisfaction: when wearing time` comes.
The garments of five makers' leading styles are on our
racks ready for you 1•o make selections from. :No time
so good as now .to do your buying, for stocks and;
assortments are at their best to -day.
,Ourspecial at: _$. %0 ,
This coat is made from good quality imported tweeds in
.ark invisible cheeks with greens or browns the predomin
ating color, or in good heavy weight black. beaver. It is 48'
inches long, cut full and loose and trimmed with strappings
of the same material. The garment has style to' Wand the . .
materials are good enough to' make it wear to the satistac
tion of the people who buy thew: All sizes in blacks or Q
tweeds, special 850'.
Milltarg Coats $10
This ip
This—is a good garent for gtr s ade'-•froireail
wool navy blue frieze of good weight, it is cut with a
straight military collar.and front is trimmed in military
fashion with black braid and brass buttons: It is a , very n
stylish garment,sizes for 14.' 16 and ' 18 years. each 1 O nn
The same style. of coat in. red beaver at 18,.00:
Clinton News -Record
October f 7t%, i9et
You -Can't Lose $
i$ Your Fours,-
Iain Pen. •
If it is a Watmrairl�n's
Ideal Fountain Peri htt-
f e,1 with a clip -cap, .. ,The ir
clip -cap is a neat piece of
0 springy steel attached at
one end of the cap of the
pen,theother end being
9 resse snu against the '9
p ec1. g1y ga t
barrel of the spring. It
holds in much the same
i. way as a clothes pin and
will kelp the pen where
itis%put. See us about 0
it if interested*.
w•. :FAIR 00.
Often Cheapest --Always Best
Captain: H. T. Rance and Mrs. Hance
were in Toronto last week.;•
Mrs. Alex, Robinson 'and :Miss Robin-
son' of Bayiicld were in Clinton on
Tuesday. • •
Mrs,. .Fred. Downer of Loudon ' has
been the guest of 11frs. (Dr.). Bail'
this week.
Mrs. E. Watson of Blyth ,was tJie
_gaeSt of 11Irs D, B K inedy un
Monday. ,
.Mr. R. W. Crampton, Toronto, inspec-
• for of the Sovereign Bank, was •,n
town this week. ` •
Mr. J. E, Murray, who `had been vis
iting at Dr. . Thompsson's, . returned
to his home at Granton.. on Tuesday.
Mrs. John Pollock and • her daughter,
Mrs. T. H. Brownlee; ; 'of Bayfield
were_in Clinton on Monday• after,.
noon.. .
bins. John White : of Tuckerstnith whirdeparted this lite last 'week was.. a
sister of Mrs. David Tiplady' . of"
town.. . ,
llfr-bcona-rd nt"e'lon, who has been
in ' Toronto for some tune, returned
• homo;.last week on account: of ill'
Manager -Dowding aird'. Accountant
Constantino of the Molsons ' Bank
took in :automobile trip'. to;Strat-
lord on 'Monday: • •
Mr. James ('Roxy.)' Walker and ' wife'' •
, of • Godeerich attended the. funeral ,of
the late Mr. Layton on, Tuesday ;:and
while here he called on his old friend
Mr. ).:a:.'Ketmedy,
Mr. E. ville was •.the judge of fruits
at the .Arran -Tara fall fair held in
Tara last' week, ;The directors,�could
not have made.'a .better choice : to
what Ed." doesn't know about apples:.
. is scarcely, ".worth mentioning.
Mr. W. 11io1son Macpherson, president,°
` and Mr: James Elliott, general.
manager of. Moleons Bank,' Montreal,
paid • a visit to the local branch on
Monday,. They came'up `from' Tori
onto • by • auto. but _ returned by.
Mr' D. French . returned on Monday
from the Coast, having taken . ad-
vantage of the excursion( rate `:.,o
the New Westminster Fair.—Wetask,.
1Wifi Times, Alberta.. This no
doubt, alludes to the .former 'keeper
of 'the Huron House of :Refiuge.
Mr. and •,Mrs. W. Jackson and _ "Dr.
and Mrs. Sltaw 'are taking in the
annual excursion of the Canadian
Ticket Agents Assuoiation to '; The
West.. In the absence of;'the seer-
tary., Mr. Jackson is . •assuming. 'the
duties and looking after the details
Dr. Smith and Mr. William: Elliott. of
".Bayfield were in town on ~ Monday..'
Tiie`Dr. was pleased to report :that
'John Maguire of Godcricli township,
who has had a bad attack, of man -
pox is now recovering rapidly. in
former days the Dr. Made a close
study of this dread disease and was'
quite confident of bringing his pat-
ient through =t; hut though he has
taken every precaution,:The fact
• that he is treating the case has, b�aen.
playing the ,mischief 'with. his gener-
al practice. Physicians ntit unfre-
quently. have experiences of this na
ture 'and though •it shortens :their
cash it lengthens their credit.
11fr. Byron Waldron of .the London,
Road. leaves .in a few days on the
return ,trip to Bluefield.% Nicaragua,
Central America,. after a ;couple of
months holidays at the homestead
and visiting: friends in other parts
of, the province. pie has been ` in
Nicaragua for a couple of years . or.
so, but has not' yet grown to like the
country ..well enough to remain there'
any longer than he continues to do
well. The bulk of the 100)04 are a
• mixture of the Spaniard, Negro and
Indian, but it does- not 'necessarily
follow that 'only the goodqualities
of each descend to the offspring.
The Intre bred Indian when first
brought in from the hush and be-
fore he tomes under certain "civiliz.
ing influences"is said to be, the
most reliable of them all. "INC lteep
good - hours down there," said Mr.
Waldron to The News -Record. ; "we
rise about 4.90,, have dinner at 11,:
and supper at 5. 'ren o'clock genet,
ally sees us in bed. We are near the
equator, you know,and the days
are shorter than with you here in
the summer time and they do not
vary very much., Climate? we have
all tate way from torrid,to almost
frigid. Advise i young man to .gd
down there with the hope of better-
ing.. bit condition ? Well; no, 1 don't
think 1 would."
Tweed Coats at $15
We show -a dozen or more'extra. good styles at this price in
striped. and checked tweeds: - Colorings: are dare rich.,
shades of brown, green,, navy, and red thatare so popular
this winter. Of no single styes have we more thantwo gar • -
ments alike. Ti hurried with same ,material as body of the 1 G nn
cot or velvets and braids,•each lit, NU
Black Coats at $13.50
-This coat is made from imported black beaver, is frill length
and bas a very full skirt. It is triwmed with braid and lined
to the waist. A black coat'that has a.good appearance and j 9
style to -it at ani, i1eiate�price.. All sizes, each 1.% a5!!'
Some Handsome
andsome Coats* oats
A splendid collection of high-class garments
ents.in fancy
plain colored and black beavers and kerney'cloths. Practi-
30cally two dozen styles toselect froinat SIB $30 and..:.2.5
• The Children's Coats:
For small children and girls up to• 15,and 16 we show a collection
of winter coats that we are satisfied is not equalled anywhere in
this part of Ontario. They are all imported direct from one of the
leading makers in Berlin. The styles are absplutely right materials
• good and prices low enough to .make values right:
Some of our Everyday Specials
Goodelizlrrglr-value ever;,roue-o theM-to••be brand----
ed special. Some of our .regular everyday prices for
thoroughly dependable merchandise. •
Cashmere Hose Winter weight, 25c—Ladies Black' Cath.
mere Hose. plain or ribbed, fall and winter. weight. • 'seaixt-•
less feet, and good strong servieeable stockings, foot proper-
ly shaped, all sizes per pair .. ..,. . .
Ladles' Vests 25e—Ladies' ribbed -vests, shaped waist, open
front, long sleeves, soft finish, 'winter weight, garments
that will give satisfactory Wear, drawers to match, special'
each .. ..
Ladies' Vests 50c—Ladies' Vests. winter weight, fine ribbed
a mixture of wool and cotton that is; warm and serviceable
and will not shrink. soft finish, • high neck, button front,,. 5 O
drewers to match at per garment
Towels 2 for 25c—Extra good size Linen Huckabaek Towels
hemmed or fringed ends, plain or colored borders, a splen- Q{�
did drying towel for ordinary eyeryday use, special....2 for iFrV
Ali Linen Toweling 10c—We buy this toweling direct from . .
the maker and it costs 10e a yard wholesale today, It is
full 18 inches wide, extra heavy weight, has red border and ..
we can .guarantee every thread pure linen, The best general
purpose toweling we ever had. We cannot.pnsgibly dupil-
cate it again for the same price for at least a year, poselbly
more, as linen prices have advi:nced very. much since this
lot came in. • Special per yard. .. I ..:. .............. . 0
•class Toweling' 12 o L esvy'iiati line Linen Glass Toweling, ,
blue or red check, 23 incheswide, makes a splendid drying 1 A
towel. Special per yard ...•
. . L a
Venetian Cloths 50c—Good quality Venetian Clothe that
will make up very effective costumes and give satisfactory
wear. Al[ the popular colorings in browns. navies, Cream
and black. Quite the hest value we have been able to find
at per yard ... ....
Our Special Broadcloth 05c—Thiels an extra good quality,
48 to 60 inches wide, has rich lustrous finish, made from.
pure wools. It cornea itt the new shades of brown, navy,
green, red and black: We never sold as gond a cloth for
this money before and are eatfefledyen catthoteasily match
it for value. Special per yard. • r..r'.rr.r,rrr... .. r�5
Extra Wide Shtiker Flannei-Extra wide heavy Shaker
Flannel,. -a- good_assortlnent flannystripes in pinks, blues, ! n
greys, eta Fast colors ,at per yard V
English Flannelette 1.20—Our wellAtiown make of !English
Flannelette, extra heavy weight, soft fluffy' finish, 82 to 31
inches Wide, neat patterns in blues, fawns, pinks and greys." l
Colors that stand the wash, qualities that stand the wear, yd , 12 z
Grey Flannel 25e --Good quality -wool Grey Flannel, plain oir
twill, dark or light grey,, *soft make yet firm and strong. No n'
questksn about wear being sat[sfactittp, Epeeial'at per yard i
English Apron Oinghains-In all the popular blaze and
white cheeks, ilii to'45Inches wide, More. absolutely fast; 15
imported direct, special, per yard............. ..,..., a to r
Millinery 'Special
October 18th. to 28th only
A Special Consign Tient of High Class Mil inert' Creations •
This event will be in charge of a special saleslady -direct from the manufacturers and de-.
-signers, The 'Wright Hat Company, whose reputation for Style at a Price," and a` Women's
Wrights" for women "are known!, as a fashion standard all over Canada, Come to this opening
on Saturday, October i9th.
.Fashionable Fall Mantles
LadiesFur' Lined Coats
Our showing this season is the best and largest .it has been, our good fortune to present
to our customers '
Splendidly Tailored Coats for Ppresent and later use. Garments
that duplicate the exclusive_ features of high priced models
Black Box Cloth Coats $7.00
In, three-jarter length, self collar,full back
and sleeves, with cloth straip` ngs, vex -,niiiY
p .. Y
style, price - $7.00
Black Beaver Coats $12.00
Ladies' imported 31ac • : eaver '.,oates, tai ore. ,
style, full back and sleeves, self strappings, a
beautiful coat and our leader;rriee----- $12,00
Other: Black Coats' at $I0.00, $13,50 and $18.00
Ladies' Fur Lined Coats
Ladies' Fur Lined Goats made of good'quality
imported beaver, --Alaska -sable-;collar, 'natul al
rat Ailed body' . and sleeves, a very exclusive
style, price
- - $75,00
A Good Warm Coat
Ladies' imppalrted-Bearver'Coat --Col i-Mbia sable
_. ur,. collar wool astrachan, lined and :interlined
'with rubber, pretty..: styles and make, .a :good
warm driving coat, price •
Dry Goods
ale of
'inter Coats
For one da} only, Saturday, : OCt•. 19th
We place on sale a beautiful assortment of . New Winter
Coats, 45 to 50 inches long, in :a'dozen of the season's new-
est cloths, including Brown, Navy Blue, Grey, Green and
Cardinal Mixtures, made with velvet collars, trimmed
with strappings and fancy braid. Coatsarelined to waist
also sleeves lined. Every coat brand new, „worth in the
regular way up to $15.00 each. '. ill sizes, 32 to 42
One: Dag Onlg :$10.00
75d Dress Goods for 50c
500 yards "pure all wool Dress Goods including
panarbas, Voiles, Serges, Crispenes, Venetians, Rox' •
snag, etc., in colors of brown, navy, cardinal, green,
grey, etc:,`ranging in width from 40 to 48 inches, suit-
able for suits, dresses a.ld separate skirts, regular prise
up to '75c yard. The Best. Dreis Goods bargain of
the year. ' For one day only, Saturday, Oct.. 19th,
your ohoice per yard
New Shapes in MillinerU
Another shipment of the new- , -
est designs in Millinery is now
ready for your inspection. ,A11'the'
leading colors such as brawn, myr-
, navy, -
vy, c halnpaglle, etc-, are re-
presented, and just enough of a
kind to -riveyou a nice'assortm n
g Y assortment
16 choose from - .
Dry Goods
Y.Y ai_ AA-. r.v A A -..i .Ya it. .I[ a.