HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-10-17, Page 6GRAND TRUNK SYs EM
Clintcn News -Record
October Vtb, 1907
Add the
crowning delight to
your meal. with a
jelly .11 4e imm
'Mile Swesn
'jelly Powder
". Pale people should take Miller's
Ask vow grocer for the flavor
youlikahieth.-there are i5 -both
wine and frpik, • lie has 'it or cam
get it. Price, 10 cents.
fihr! RopeRT GREIO 00., Limited
Miller's Grip Powders Cure. For
sale by W. A. McConnell, druggist,
The above caption is the title of a
concise, interesting and instructive
book i;sued by the Grand Trunk Rail-
way Company and - which contains
a great deal of information re-
garding the hunting and fishing dis-
trict reached over their lines.
South Iluron Liberals nominated
.Jacob Kellerman at Hensel" for the
The br1ly'of a man supposed to have
been 'murdered was !taken from the
river at Montreal.
The cases of Martin -Orme
. Pianos are finished very.care-.
fully. The varnish is allowed
to dry thoroughly between
each coat, so that when the
final finish is put on it is very
lasting and beautiful.
Surely it is worth your
while to find out More about
this instrument when we are
willing to send free a beauti-
ful booklet voicing the opin-
ions of Canada's prominent
musicians regarding the
Martin -Orme
Where the Marlin -Orme is
not represented, we ship
direct and guarantee safe
delivery to your nearest
Payments arranged to suit you.
ORME & SON, Limited
(ompoupd Iron Pills.
.. ...«.-..-4-..
- It is stated that Australia will
make .Some sweeping reductions in her
revision of The tariff.
Mrs. Charity' C. Royal, whose fath-
er .:fought under Wolfe at Quebec, is
dead at P.11swurth, Me.
Deafness because usually due to
catarrh, is quite purable. In a thousand
cases this is proved absolutely true.
Success invariably attends the. use :of
Catarrhotone which has cured catarrh-
al deadness of twenty,five'years .stand-
ing: Penetratiiig through the passage
of the ear, the :soothing vap.tr of Cat-
arrilozone relieves cite inflammation,
destroys the ,=eedi of Catarrh and
thereby allows nature to re -assist her-
self. Try Oatarrhozone yourself, 25t
and $•1,OO; sizes•seld by all dealers.
License Commissioner J. J. Vincent
of Ottawa is suing Dr. Parent, • Vice-
President of the Conscryative As-
so.eiation, for slander, alleging That the
doctor said ho was influenced by, a
liquorfirm in refusing his assent to
a transfer of li.ense.
New life for a quarter. D'iiller'r
compound Iron Pills. For sale by W.
A...McConnell, druggist, Clinton.
John R. Johnston, is hexing an aur-
tion sale on Oct. 10th. We expect to
have Mr. Johnston a resident 'of ' the
village shortly.:'
Mrs. J. G. Holmes. has returned
home from a week's stay at Clinton
and vicinity, . whith'er she went a week
to attend the wedding of Miss M.
Holmes, which. took place on ''Wed-,
nesday,Oct. 2nd. ' •
a 0 n
Last week, Mrs. K. Paterson gave
birth to a daughter (still born.) She
was critically ill.for some time and
two physicians 'were :-iii' attendance,
This evening (Tuesday) she is, doing
nicely, we_aro--pleasocl..tn_lieiti
Miller's Kidney and Bladder Pills
cleanse the system and purify the
blood. For sale by W. A. McConnell,
druggist, Clinton. •
Mr, J. C. Whyte, Warden of New
Westininister . Penitentiary, is dead.
The first motor, ear en .the •.ntercol-
onial ran froth- ',Moncton to Halifax.:
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used by millions of mothers •for
their children while : teething. If dis-
turbed by, night and broken of your
rest by a sick hhi1d suffering` and
crying with pain of cutting teeth send
at once and get a bottle of "Mrs.
Western newspaper representatives Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for child -
Diet at Regina, and signed an appeal ren teething. It will relieve the voter
to Sir Wilfrid Laurier . for tedrtiss little stilferer ifnmediately. Depend
against the excessive charges and ar- upon it, mothers, 'there is no•mistake
bitrary methods of the C. P. R. Tele- alio::t it: It cures . Diarrhoea; regu-,
graph Go. :, I etes the Stomach and Bowels,. cures
Wi.id C't'lfe, soften; the Gum's, reduces,
Inflammation and gives tone .and en
orgy to the whole 'system. "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup"• for child
Look out for weakness or disease. r'n teething is pleasant to the test?,
See if there is not a sidcache, head=aid-is�the -prescription of one; of, the
ache, restlessness and the 'blues. oldest and best female •physicians and
`1 hese symptoms ind-eate-that yeu--need--n I 5 in the United States: Price
the gentle assistance of Dr. Idamil- 25 cents a bottt1. o y a:,; . ug-
ton's Pills. They ar: women's great- gists throughout the world. Be sure
est relief, prevent -functional derange-' and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's • Sooth•
ments, renew the life of the blood,• ing Syrup.
purify and clean the system through -i
out. No tonic so potpie', no results
so marked as follow the use of Dr. Mr. Croleil, Deputy Minister- of 'Pub-
Ilaniilton's Pills, price 25c per hux lie Works at Ottawa, is etpected to'
at all dealers. retire.
• ,+ .+
om .
til/„ (%�---=1 anal
A convenience much
appreciated by every owner
of a Pandora is the towel
rod attached to the range.
As one-third of the rod
is made of emery, it makes
a splendid kni:e sharpener,
It's always there handy
for you. You need wast,
no time hunting around for
the easily misplaced)"steel."
Bright idea, eh ?
An accurate thermom-
eter is a reliable guide to
successful baking, while an
inaccurate one is a "cheat"
of the worst
s-" Gs111iNIf' G, VAN4*UV>E'tt,
Every Pandora ther-
mometer is carefully adv.
justed and undergoes a
practical test by heat is
proven correct beforegbeirlg
sept out.
The figures, which show
the required degree of heat
necessary for the successful
baking of bread, cakes, pies,.
etc., are plainly inscribed.
in black on a white enamel
surface. so that they . are
easily readable, even what
the day is dull.
If your local dealer
does' not sell the Pandora,
write direct for free
booklet.. '`-
at'OHN, N.
So. d bar .:. ar .aud
Mt NTtt AL,
B., RAMif;. '<i>w
Berlin is to leave a British Welcome
The Lusitania, it is expected, will
make the,- trip front. Queenstown to
Sandy hook in four days and fdtewn
That does'nt cure the corn, Just
apply the old standby, Pu:.nam's Corn
Extractor, It acts like magic.! Kills
the pain, cures the corn, does it with-
out burn or scar. flet the best -it's
Gr. o Township
The township council meets on Mon-
day next.
We are sorry to beer that Abraham
Bishop had the misfortune to breaka
Vane in one of his limbs, below the
ycnee, by a fall from a'tree in his • or-
John Peahen, who spent the summer
vacation in New Ontario, visited un-
der the parental roof recently. He has
now returned to'Vic'toria . College,
Toronto. - . •
Before his, departure the pupils of
S. 5, No. 4' surprised their teaches,
Mr. F. T. Bryags, by presenting, him
with an addres and a beautiful tie
pin set with diamonds and pearls. He
is now attending the Medical College,
You know that trou?les exist which
need. quick attention, Proper , ac.'ion'
consists fn a vigorous rubbing of • tlle-
chest and side with Nerviliiie which
sinks -into the tissues' where rhe .pain
is seated,' and gives ' relief to a few
minute;. ° No liniment so clean, ' so
strong, so powerful, Results. guaran-
tecd with every 250- bottle of. Poison's
Nervi'line Get it to -day: •
An Attractive Prize List.
Over ten thousand dollars .are offer-
ed in prizes ju cash at . the •Ontario:
Provincial Winter Fair to .be held in
Guelph from December 9th to ° 13th.
The following arc the different de-
pa'rttinents of thineate `auul the amount
of prize money ' allotted to each.:
Beef 'Cattle, $1160.00
'Dairy. Cattle, $1300:60
Sheep, $1850.00: ' .
Swine $1450,00
:Live p.oultry, h23.5O.00
Dressed Poultry and- Specials;' $0OO
Seeds, $550.00.
Judging Competition; $220.00
A total- of $10,020:00
. There are classed and prizes. for all
the leading pure • •breds• and also .for
grades, crosses and dressed , arcasses,
In addition to the cash prl.es • there
are special, prizes consisting of vale -
able silkier cups, ned'tls, ` trouhies and
goods for'eompetition in the live
stock, seed and poultry departments'.
Tlresc will have i4. value of • more than.
The specials. for. the poultry depart-
ntent will be published ilea special list
.which will be' ready for distribution
about November . 10th. Poultry, exhi-
bitors who wish- :to. •hav a their et'hi-
bits he .conipertition for . these: specials
should send their contribution to
P. Westervolt,"Secretary, Toronto, be-
fore . Octobtr 156. The " Secretary'
will furnish ' prize 'lists ;and . entry
forms . free of charge • to any . nitending
exhibitor.- •
A', well known • gehtleniaa: in Black.
Ont:,_ lir. John 'Cowan, has- dis-
covered an absol.iite -specific for Rheu-
inatism, . and write:,,: "I• was affected
With Sciatica 'and chronic Rheumatism
which I contracted years ego.. The
• disease. had a• great hold- ill my
blood; and' it was : hard to make any
impression en it. Reading, t;f' Ferro -
zone I was convinced of its merit and
certainly the best •I have ever
tried. Why. it )ust drove away :the,
Rheumatism. Even stiffened old soul-
fevers will. 'experience quick results•:
The 'reason 'is that Ferrozone ' acts
through the blood and thereby des=
troys the cause• of . the disease. Price
50e, per box at ell .dealers.. ••
Let Railroads Make 14i eye:
Meanwhile' the •railroads of the coun-
'tfy continue fp do alarge end. flour-
ishing;• business, although ,heir 'net
;profit's are difiiinisheci by reason-ofthe
' growth: of their hired charges •in ` all
d.irections.• Railroads when fairly run
for 'the '.public and for their' stoct-
holders ought to make' money., so that
• they maybe kept in.a state 'of high
efficiency . Whether. or, not the. 2 -
cent passisnger . • • rate that eo many
States have adopted is really. reason-
able or not, it was in • our opinion
very unstatesmanlike to force. -that 1 -
sue during this past year., It • • was
'right to drive railroads out -of . their
old-time control of State' politics.
It was also right to oblige thein , to:
discontinue the improper distribu'tion
of free passes Again, it was right to
use every anemia, However dr rstic, to
compel, them to abandon the. old sys-
tem • of rebates and discrimination.
It was right to contact them to tie°
-safety appliances and thus orovent the
slaughter of their own employes and
the wreaking of passenger .','rains. It
was right to enforce heater systems of
railway accounting, and tno'e thor-
ough publicity in. respect to all bran-•
ohes of railway financing ' and, opera-
tion. It was right to • .enforce tax
laws and strengthen contniisstons.
Bit% these things constituted • a souffle
dent program for the 'present and
it was 'nett at all advisable to adopt
arbitrary legislation . that could be
construed as an attempt to prevent
the railroads froth . making tnoney.•
So far a., most States are enneerned,
the 2.cent fare laws will probably so
increase local passenger traffic as not
to curtail appreciably the earnings of
the roads. But the yubcect is one that
could have it n fairly- postponed i. and
111 our judgment the 2 -tent latus. will
have prolecl , their'aelte: premature
•and therefore more lief -111H than ben.
efleial.--1"rpm 1 k Pr,tr;r;':: r1 the
World its the ,, nu rI."an Heti w of Ise..
thews for October,
John Beattie of Godericli took in
Dungannon show last week"
Miss Frances •y Brytlges of Goderieb
• visited Mende here.
Miss Mary Mills snent a day or two
last week with her sister, Mrs. Medd.
Mis i Frank McLean of Lucknaw,
spent Sunday last antler the parents,.
'rhe Misses Cunningham of Port- Ai'
best, spent Sunday last here witb
Mrs. W. Oliver,
A number tram Dungannon League
visited Nile League on Tuesday even-'
Ing of last week.
Mrs: Penland spent a few ditys with
ler (laughter, Mrs. J. E. Brydgea, of
Jas, McClure and daughter, 14iiss
Mary McClure of choderich, are at
present. the guests of W. H. McClure. -
M. T. Bechtel, wife and family re -
timed to Elmira Saturday last after
Spending a week with Mrs. I3echtel's
parents here,
fed. Diann returned hemp last week,
having spent a few months in the
West. He will remain home until
New Year's,when he will resume his
studies at college.
Educational. Advisory condemns sell•
oel text -books.
Mrs. Cassie Chadwviek died in Col-
umbus Penitentiary,
Prof: Todd says he believes Mars is
Doctors hold slut hope for the ultimo
mate recovery of Emperor Francis
Joseph of Austria,
A large number of French, sillagers
have been driven from their homes by
floods on the Rhone and Loire.
The .captain and fifteen of the crew
of Wellman's Artie steamer Frithiof
were lost with the shipoff'thecoast
Of Iceland.
Cassie Chadwick, whose doings in.
the financial world caused a sensation
in. America three years ago, is dead
in the Obio State Penitentiary:,
Mr, Harry Koehler's son Era took
three loads of wheat to McEwen's
Elevator, Hensall, last week, averag-
ing over 113 bushels each. The heav-
iest •load
eav-iest•load contained nearly 120 bushels.
An accident by which Roy,;, son of
Mr. Adam Faust, lost part of the th-
umb on his : left' hand occurred ` at
Kalbflei"sh's flax mill on Monday morn-
ing last: -The young fellow was oiling'
the binder and in some manner his
hand was caught in one of the gears.
Mrs. H. Wurm has purchased the
dwelling now occupied •by 'Mr.' Ferdin-
and Hess, from , F. Hess, Sr., aud
will take possession this month. AIr.
Hess will move 'to the new: dwelling;
adjoining this property. ,' r
Miss Luella Weber 'visited friends in
Clinton for a few days last week
State of -Ohio, t;ity of-
Toledo, Lucas County. -ss.
Frani{ J. Cheney makes .lath that
lie is, senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney . &, co., doing. business in
the• City of Toledo, County and state
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the' sum of O N 1 HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each, and, every case of cat
arrh that cannot 'ne• cured by the use
of Hall's Catarrh Cure -
Sworn to before the and subscribed
in my . presence, this 0th : day of Dec-
ember, A. D. 1886. A•.- W. GLIASON
(Seal) Notary Public:
Hall's Catarrh •vure is taken inter-
nally, and- acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the •systole,
Send for testimonials free.
•F: J. CHFNIY' & Co.,, Toledo, 0.
Sold ' by Druggists, 75c.,
Take Hall's Family Pills.. for 'con=
stipation,: .
helpless from Rheum***
When Rhe
znatism grips you --when you. can't walk without
crutches-wiren every movement meats agony, -
Take Gib,..
They Cure R.heulmiatism
Itis wonderful ---the way Gin Pills takeaway
the pain -strengthen and heal the kidneys -a
and cure Rheumatism, Sciatica and f uznbago
to stay cured, '
Try Qin Pills on our guarantee that they
cure or money back. 5oc. a box -6 for $2.5o.
At druggists or by snail. 99
The remains of Mrs. Cassie Chad-
wick have been !troughs td Woodstock
for burial by relatives. •
Rte CURED -leaving the horse sound as a dollar -by
No matter what you have tried -nor how many veterinaries have
failed -get KUNDAI,I,'S CURE,, use it as directed and it will
give perfect results, •,
- Nor*a Dams DES Boxs, I'.Q., Sept, 20 '06.
"x nm treating two horses -one with Spavin -the other,
with Poll nvil. I am using Keudall'sSpavin Cure and must say
I find my horses much improved. I have used anany remedies
but find Kendall's'The King Of All.'! ono. neonnur .
el. a bottle -ii for t'3. Our "Treatise On The Horse" will give you many
a hint as to how to keep horses free from blemishes and lameness write
for free copy. 31
Clubbing Offers..:
The News -Record: and Weekly Mail and Empire, one year.: ......$11)5
Weekly key Globe 1.05
" , Family Herald and Weekly Star....... ..._1.65
• .o Weekly Witness L60
" 411/ Sun 1,75
" " " Free Press 1.75
11 " Advertiser 7� ,1.60
. 11: 1$ Farming World 1.60,''
11 '/1' 1 -A'
V..... __. - _... narrneelsdvocateca4.- _ _... _ __.. _.. __
Home Magazine 2.25
Daily News, Toronto
11 •
2.30 ;
Star i. 2.30
Globe 4 4.25
Mail " ..... ..,........ ..., 4.25.
World "
Saturday'"Night 2.:35'
Free Press, London, . ... 3.25 .
Free Press, Evening Edition 2 75
In remitting, please do so by ,Express Order or
Postal Note, and address
Clinton, Ont
Jessie Winger,, a Bertie iiiovenship
farmer, . was bound and robbed in his
The steamer Amelia, reported . mis-
sing, is safe at Prince Edward island.
Mr. R. L. Borden is at Medicine
NOV. 5th,
To points in 'I'emagami., points Mat-
tawa to Port Arthur, to Sault .Ste,
Marie and Port Arthur via Northern
Navigation- .Co. to Georgian Bay and
Lake Superior points vis N. N. 'Co.
'(to points on N. N. Co extra charge
will be made for meals and . berths re-
turning) to certain points in Quebec
N. B. N. S. Nfld; '
Going .Oct. 24th .to Nov. 5th.
ToPenetang, Midland, lakefield, all
points Severn to North Bay, Argyle
to Coboconk,, Lindsay to Haliburton,
and points Madawaska to • Depot Har-
bor, all points, on Muskoka Lakes;
Lake of Bays and Maganewan River,,
All tickets good returning on or be -
p Dec. 7 t
h 1907or until close of
avigation if earlier, to .points reach
ed by steamer lines,
town or depot agents in Clinton • or
from .the district pasdenger agent at
Homeseekers Excursions to Manitobau
and 'Canadian Northwest, Sept, 24th.'
Oct. 8th, Oct. 22nd :-Tickets , good.
for sixty days,.
Tiekets and full information may
be obtained from.
F. R. Hodgens, Town Agent
A. 0. Pattison, Depot'Agent
Or write J. D. McDonald 1) P.
Toronto, Ont. ` •
Are situated on the direct line of
the Grand Trunk Railway on Tins
day Oct._ 8th to Tuesday Nov.. 5th,
tickets will be sold at -single fare
for round .trip to all points in. Tern
agami ° where- fishing is good and big
game - abound. Full inlformation and.
tickets may' be obtained from the •
HE Weekly Mail : and Ernipe and The News
Record will be sent to any address in Canada
for the remainder of ` 1907for the • small sum of one
quarter of a dollar.
The. sooner you snbscribethe more you
get for your moncy
Ciintgs •Out
** - o- 'r111.