HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-10-17, Page 2ter•PIMITY•ter —ACCURA.0Yee !�I• �e* • • DM/ DOIJOLAS • • • • • • • • • Stock • • : • I * ii . .. III 0 11111111 Of 0 0 • a * 0 * 0 O 0 se 0 * et • 0 • Tile- greetest money saver for • • the former, t • 0 • 0 41 Absolutely Harmless, Positiveln : e Beneficial for all farstock. • • s • 0 O You can make a pail of the f3est 9 - • Stock Food.for 75e. • e 0 * . .. • • • , • * 0 1 W. S. R. HOLMES i . 6 . . . . •; , Nianrg CheMi§t is • • 0 • i • • o se••••••••••••••••••••••••• - RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE, - Slabs For Sale WE' HAVE FOR SALE - QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK SLABS, CUT 16 INCHES LONG SUITABLE FOR RANGES. . J Hamilton COAL ORDER YOUR YEAR'S SUP- PLY NOW. THE BEST IN • THE MARKET, $7 PER TON; BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE MAY 81st, A -DIS- COUNT OF' 40 CENTS A TON WILL BE ALLOWED. Orders left at Davis & Rowla,ndts will be promptly attended to. Vokr. ',I Stevenson Cream Separators No article on the farm pays the farmer' better than a Cream 'Sep- arator. When, buying, bey the• best that is the DeLaval. I are agent for it in this district. The Cyclone Fencing The Cyolone Ware Fencing has the two great requisites—it looks. well and lasts a lotg time. Be- fore placing your order let me -show you this , fencing aztel Quote you prices. JAS. APPLEBY. •ClintOn • DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specialist, will be at Holinesr Drug , Store, Clinton, on Friday, Nov. ist. Glasses properly fitted. Diens- es of the 'eye, ear, nose and throat treated. Real Estate for -Sale FARMS FOR SALE—ONE AND A quarter miles from chureli, post - office, school and the village of Auburn. Suitable for grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd con. West, Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush and the balance. nearly ill •grass. e brick house, a bank bara 52x60, driving time z4x36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on ' said premises. Also lot 28, Best Wawanosh, 2nd cm., direttly oppos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres of land, 15 acme ot which are btesh. On this lot there is a bairic barn 40x60. There are ,4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two farms. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdraited. A tever failing spring runs across both farms. Possession can be giver at once. Terms - easy: The proprietor is now past tile age to ferm.—Apply to Thomas. Nich- olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply will be given to all communica- tions. . Oet. 07n • FARM FOR SALE.—THE UNDER - signed offers -for sale part of let 40 on the Bayfield Road, 1 milts south of Clinton, consiethig , of, 20 acres. Good frame holm with st- one cellar, barn 313x70 ovith. cement basemeet. Eaey terms, .-- J. A. Smith. 40 • PAR1111 FOR SALE. LO 'It 24; CON. 2, Stanley, eonteining tOriteree, 10 &OW of bush, tho rentainder is well fenced, underdrained and in it gond state ot • oUltleatimi. 1 acre of or- chard and email fruit. Oh the pre - ledges is a tWo story kick • house with slate root, a firers -clue farm housea bare, . Size, 441 x 80 with stone stabling, a cement silo 14x50, goOd driVing hdase, pig Pen and hen house. Two nowsz-fail. sing weUn Thie fatal is tiftuated Innen from Brueefield, 6 from Olin.. ton and cfn rtrod grattel road. Ape _ply On AP' premieS or. addeette Mhett Nett. Clinton P. 0. 02 Party plate glass workers are o strike for higher wages in Montreal. The Quebec Bridge Commission leave lo-merrow ,or New Yoek and Phoenix.ville. The body of Aire. Cassie Chadwick, who died in Columbus Penitentiary, is being brought to 1,Voodstock for Empecor Praneir Joseph of Mastria is eonsideeed in a v.ry serious eon- di:non to -day. Scenic railway and "sboot-the-chute es" blew down at Toronto Exhihition grounds,' caue(ng $20,000 damages. Hamilton gentleman given $00,000 to Vietoyie thlieersity. George Wrigliton, O. P. 11. engineer, was sentenced to three months' int- prisounient for negligene: in the wreen at Butler. . The Lusipetia, reached New York in four days and twenty hours, and nova bolds three records. Seaforth Another of Seetorth'e esteemed resi- dents passed away on Saturdayeven- ing last in the person of Mrs, Jam Crieb, aged 55 years.' The deceased whose maiden, name was A.gate Grant, was the reliet of the late John Oriole and although she had been ill far some thee, her death earne very. suddenly at the last. The late Mrs. ern* was .0l a kindly and pleasant.- disnesitioa and had a large circle of friends. She was a thorough christain woman and a faithful • member of the Methoidist charcha A fernily of sons and daugh- ters are left to moura the loas of a loving mother and the sympathy of their Many ,friends • will be extended Jo them in their bereavement, The children are, four sons, William • and Chester ot Seaforth, John ,tf Mich- igan, Earl ot Manitoba, and four daughters, *s. ().r.) Fowler of Clin- ton, Mrs, Oallauder of Hartney, Man.,. and Misses Nei e and Beryl at home. A sensation.'wes caused at a recent meeting of the Lindsay Board of Edu- cation at whinit the resignation of Mr. J. 0. Harstonee principal Of" Lindsay Collegiate • Institute was asked • for. The principal handed • tit his resigna- tion and et was • aCeepted. Previous Os; going to 'Lindsay Mr. Harstone taught in the Seeforth Collegiate: In- stitute. He has been, principal Lindsay for twenty-one years.• :- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Morrison are here from Lowell, Mass., visiting the formers mother and other telatives. They expect .to leave' soon fpr Mon- treal *here Mr. Morrison has accepted a position for the present He May locate in Torento at a later date. LARGEST AND BES. CENTRAL STRATFOteD, ONT. • By. being • the. beet this school . has r become the largest businese training school in ;Western Ontario. Our enrolment again exceeds that of• a year ago: Why ?. Because ' 'Cur courses are thorough and prac- tical with specialists charge of ' our Comthertial, Shorthaed •and Telegraphy departments. Alt our graduates obtanr good poztions. - You man. "enter new. Write for our free catalogue.. Elliott 11,. McLachlan . PR INC1PALS E CO • We beg to call your special atten- tion to ger excellent etock of new fruits and candied peels. This week.we htve also passed into stock • Several New Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Odd Cups and Saucers, and Fancy China which are well worth a few minutes • of your careful inspection. • ' A. D. Beaton Phone 1.1.1., PrOropt delivery • ENTER ANY • DAY..„ • Por a 1 Business or Shorthand course. Positions • :assured to graduates. Six months will fit you: We provide* 24 teachers and best faellities. Write us. Central Business College, 805 Yonge St., Toronto. W.Shama Principal. • NQW tS THE TT.ME.—TO PLACE your ostler for- Fencing before the advance in price, Use the Coil Spring Wire made by the Canadian Pence Co. of whieh" I am• agent iti this district. I am also agent for the celebrated Heintz:rime Nano.— P. W. Beane, Box 155 Clinton P.O. TAleE RIVAL HERB TABLETS' FOR STOMACH, LIVER, ICIDNEYS' AND FOR CL- EAN/NG THE BLOOD. POO SALE ttY W. A. McCONNELL, oLtyrox. WHOLESALE PROM THE RIVAL HERB AG -EN OY, KIN OA RDINE TELECIRAPHY, Por Railsetty and Commercial work is well • taught by es. Our, new book, "Guided by the Key," explains. Sent with first les.:on to any applicant on receipt of four cents in stamps. Address Central School of Telegraphy, 8 Gerrard St., East, Toronto, W. Shaw, President. Clinton News-mItecord uron 'County NeWs.Oathere- •.for N'08-.ReOrci Readers Goderieh. Mr. James Williams and family of Ayr nave taken the house on William street, formerly, owned and oceupied by Mrs. A alter Leve. \Vilna:us is a eoope We d the pleasure. Of receivieg souvenir ea wit he beet wishes of the seas 1- 1. r, and Mrs. J. A. w Gilmour, eattla ash., with colored illustration of the "Totem Pole" in "Pioneer Square" in that 'city. Mr, Grearge McMullen has heti a new stone foundation built under his pouth street residence, and other improve. Merits are being made there to, Miss McLeod, plater of Captain Mc- Lqed, . left this month to reside in Vancouver. Mrs. Kerniglien of Myth and datia ghter spent a couple or weeks. in town, the guests of the fortner'slather, Ad, Huckstep. Mrs.' M. H. Morrie re• turned On Wed- nesdan from her trip to London wherd she was the guest of her cousin, Nis. Barclay (nee Margaret Gentles) She also vieited Mrs, MeGarva, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Swats. were Lan- don yisitors last week. Mr. Johnston of Wiarton was 4 Goclerieh visitor last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Jame e Jonnoton aud faintly, -who have resided on South street - ter sbme years, now occupy the fiat over Downing and MiteVicerts shoe Store. •• Mrs. Hall's new resideece on Ilti?th street is nearing completion: • It is of cement brick, trimmed with red ptes- sed, brick, and has quite a substantial appearance. . Mr.' W. gevine; .so long in the eiu- ploe of W. Sharman, has opened our e shop on Hamilton street. Hodgens Bros.' new store had le have a Coa,t Of pitch put upon the felt roof as soon as the tall rains eet in. Possibly the long sunny sumMer season, caused the leakage. •. . Mr. Picot gee° upbaking 'to gpas cok upon .a: steamer, and tiring cd the. Water: is now an aesietant at Ho- • tel Bedford. . • Mr.. Morningstar has hat built himself a little.round • house in hie orchard, Whether • for making and storing hie preserves in, we do not knoW. The plums. were sp plentiful thetehe could riot. get .,eale for •them, se lie. '.'boiledthem down." • • . • We. have mach pleasnie in notik the • promotion of Mr. flush ot the Bank of Cohimerce here to the ..Winnipeg branch. A hush has fallen OVOr the ladies fair here in eonsecinence.• ',rho. "Two Mace" couln Dot 1.6-Ve the harbor during a recent . storm Which caused them a greet loss, their nets being' weighed down with fish, hut the delay gave them time to. spoil. -Mt. ., Proudfdot' .and Mrs. 'Proudfoot spent lest Week in Buffalo, • returning to town on Monday.' 71Vlee Hutchieon gave a 10-el•Y tea to hr 'friends at nGletegovan"- on Tees-. day of iast Week, in honor of • her daughter, Tem on Montreal. • . Mrs. A. Rhyitas and • dauglAnt, Miss Ethel, will spend the' winter at their East street residence,• • : Mr: Duff, librarian of . the Carnegie Library, •;v:ae ,in the classiccity, learn- ing the :Stratford eyetern •of elaneify- ing lists of -books; • etc. . J. Tutt arrived ,frOm het season s- :visit at 'Boston on, illeriday, 7th October; where • tshe with • Mrs. (0aptaie) Keeneth Campbell., register- ed' with Captaiti". Oemnbell. at. The "Maverfek" on Noodle Island, Eat Boston., Where his dredge the..."Ete • gene • Bryman' is engaged. Mesdames Tett • and Campbell enjoyed :their vie - its Very Much,. 'Revere Beach" being te_ot, the e teulestexeeoetee..oh. the Atlantic Coast, the illtneinatien ;bee -mg • unparalleled: To visit: Boston they had• to go 6 miles through • beautiful tunnel under the sen. funnel was lit with electrie lights. East Boston has 275,0110 inhabitant. Mrs. Tutt Detroit before. re, turning to her hom.e; wide while in that eity,, was the gue'' et of her daugte Mra. Eugene Allen, . " • At St.. Peters ebhurph on Sunday afternoon, the twin babes . of Mr. and Mee.. efeCarthy ieeetved their names m . in bentieFraneie Patrlek,' and.- Mary Helen, Rev, Fr. McCrae officiating. Little Mary • Hetet:, was robed in white silk,. trimmed with lace aod. insertion, and • Francis Patrick in 'GI robe of white •crabroidered . The od-fathers . were Bert ItiaeEvc-' and John Grfflie, and the God -moth- ers Mary MitenVoy and Mary Griffin. Quite a number of pitons ,Witneseed the baptistn of the twins at ,St. Pet- er's ehurch. • arta and Mt. Garrote tuineunce; the • engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Kay, to Mr. Joseph Garai= Stand - art (Petroit)—Saturdays Mail and Empi re. ••• Goderich Rev. James A, Anderson condueted the services both I:earning and twee- ing at tile. opening servieee ot the new Presbyterian church in IneKillop. W. Platt and family are now resid- ents of Detrdit. Rev. Or. Clime gave in address on Sunday afternoon, in the court room en "Temperance and Moral Reform in the Methodist chutch" was the sulet ject on his three Sunday addresses to good congregation. Miss Prances Ila,rgitt who was ill for three weeks of fever at Vietorie Hospital is quite betler now at her bome. Mrs. Grant of California was the guest p of Mrs, Captain Gibson, and eMLoorusigi ne j. at the latter's residence', Afton ames Wilson, her aunt atm A lovely "Farzwell Tea" was held in the parlor ot Knox church on Wednesday of last week tenter the auspice's of the Ladies' Aid of Knox aunt. Mrs, Grant Of California was aguest at the Tea, in bonor of her t. Mrs. Grant 'left last week for New *4 York, en route for the Golden Land. Mrs. (Ceptain Gibson and her daug- hter, Mrs. James Wilson and two • children of "Afton Lodga" lett this • week to visit Mrs. Hays (nee Itliss Tina eneldrern) the former's daughter, • at Hampden, Virginia. • Mrs. Lang and daughter, Miss Mad- eline were the guests of Mrs. Strongh during their visit to Goderich, 'Which • they enjoyed very much. Their home is iuLofldon. Mies White left on Wednescley for Buffalo to visit friends, before return- ing to her home at Cleveland, Mise White while here, registered at "Rose Lawn," and on Friday of len week, Mrs. Strongh gave a five. o'elpck tea, 'in her honor, the table being pink and green. A number of lady • friends. .were present. During the evening, conversa:- tion flowed: • freely and the gramo- phone selections delighted all: At Knox church on Sunday • Rev.: David Carswell of MeKillop officiated at both morning and evening serviees; The many friends here of Mrs. Evans now resides in Vancouver launch:nig outlet° real estate buying and selling. We wish her sueeese, like New. York' Fletty. Green. 4., •• • Mrs. Duncan Cameron •has removed to the fiat formerly occuPied by the late • Mrs.. Campaigne. .1 -Ter daughter, :Mrs. Arthur. Yule -and . • two • children, • are spending the season with her. . Mr. and Mrs. Allen Warren of. Salt: - ford have been the • guests ot Mrs. Charles Chisholm, Brantford: for the past six weeks. * Mrs. Walter Sillihe had ,hei lands blood poisoned, hut they are getting better rapidly. ; •. •Mr. and Mrs. 'Tom Bates had their adopted baby__clunetened_BIea.nor Bry- son. Rev. Mr. „ performed the • baptismal • rite. The little child l's „growing beautifully. Quite a number • of guests were invited. te the christen- IVIr. and. Ants. Everett apd lUie babe of Wingham were the guestt last tvcelc of. atm S. Werner, • The steamer Saginaw and the Meant- er Hopkin e left tin Tuesday, after un-, loading their cargoes oi coal. W, Thonnein Wate itt Buffalo last week on business. . Miss, Dultnage f Sa. idary'e is now occupying the place in the Collegiate lestitute formerly held hy Mr. Meyers mathematical master, Manager Megaw of the'W, C. Co'l Mill, Was in Toronto last week. The Missee Mary Dunlop of Toronto University, tend Eva, one of our coun- ty school teaehersr, are now at the Pacuity of Education Toronto, whieb Is affiliated with the University, end was. when first formed the "Normal College" Hamilton. airtiy—At Chicago, Ill., on Sept. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. reed. • Hunt,' (nee Miss Bertha Hillier, GoderichN, a daughter, Died—At Goderieli on Ilth Oct,. Kirkpatrick, in the 8Ist year of his age. • Mr. Bryon is still in town. • • : •Mrs. Draper •niter the death of het heehand, Mr. Williarn Draper, wabie tunexat their late residence- on Tuesday 2dth September; accompenied hea.son Williarie to his • lime in Toronto • Where .she intende foe the present, to resida, haeing'sold • all her furniture. • • • . We find that 'at the last meeting of ' the • Zurich 'school hoard, a report from the principal showed that truan- cy wae' on the increase. In a „city not fat from Godeeth • the pollee of- ficers gives all lovers of trnavy, an official whipping:. . • The annual, election of A. :X. P. A. tookplaee on 8.th Oct. in St.. George's S. S. hall. The officers for the cont. • ing year are '.'—President, Dr. Hayden; Vice -President, •James Carrie ; Sec- retary, Miss lieeney ; Treasurer, Re- ginald Tye ; Executive •Committee, Misses LeTouzel, M, Wefls arerShein beetle. Organist, • Miss Annie' • Wells ; Literary COinthittee, Misses Laura Craig aiid Lathe Vivian, and, Dr. Hayden, and -Jathee Carrie. • .. Mr. Bert O'Donnell, of :Wingham spent a eouple of days in town, the guest of •Mrs. S. Warner.' He left for Galt on Monday. . Mrs. Weeley, McLellan who returned with Mise Sharman from her visit at Denver Ieft . on Monden :for her home, after a pleasant visit with her sieter, Mre. Bogie town and at her old home in Colborne. Mrs, MeLellan also spent a week in Clintoe, la is 17 years since etre. 'McLellan left Goderieh. • Two actions tio• damages arising out. of the accident at. the O. P. R. bridge across the Maitlanel river bere last .October are entered 'for tfikit at the jury sittings of, the high court for this county which opened on 'Tuesday before Chief Jestiee Boyd: 'rhe steel - dent occurred on October lath 1006. Ooderieh Mr. ,Warren returned from Brantford ' this week,„ Mrs. Chisholm not a being well enough for her mother, Mrs. War- ren, to leave. .. Mr. Bishop, who is a patient in thel hospital, is malifug good progress in the way tfl recovery., Append:clew was the cause of his illness. , The second house being built by Mr.' R. Parsons ismaking, great headway. Miss Stratton is Op. the staff .of Miller's Scotch store. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant 3.1eGregor. returned last week.from Guelph and Tooivrirsti.t. jt• awe Dickson (nee Miss Helen had the boner to win first prize at the fair held here recently for the best Huron scenery, original. Rev. Mr. Clement officiated at Vic- toria street chureh. last Sueda.y even- ing • in the absence of the pastor ' and chose forbis text tbe, 10th verse • the 4th chapter of • the 2nd- .Epistle 'of St. John. The sermon was most con- yineing and must carry conviction with it. . The choir gang With great anirna-- tion. Rev. Dr. Chown of Toronto oc- cupied the pulpit of ...this ,thurch in the morningarid • thesevening he preached in North street .ehurele • Heasall Last week Fred. Manua disposed of Iii s tonsorial business and fittings to .Jemes Logan, who was. WI recently . in his employ, for $800. 'Fred, during the three years and a quarter in which ho has run the shop, had bent up a line patronage and lest year took in nearly $1,500. . -• 'At the Liberal 'convention her last Thursday .Mr, Jacob Kellerman : of Dashwood was eelected as their mei- ielate for the Legiehtture. • A number of thefarmers ot this sec- tion. are complaieing of their being as- sessed for the Hay', sWamp drain, The Village of Heasall was • also 'ineludA :hut ' could not be got at on- aeeount' Of difficulty of assessing each The Whole aseessnient .would ainount:to 17 • een.tper acre, which would a- bout' 2 cents per let and' dinided over a term el years ovhieli Would reduoe i to a: quarter 'Of a cent per annum. - The cbuncii I. meeting , on Monday night last Was an occasion. oi • More than anuses.): interest to the presentation to the,. council of petit. - ion by. 1.10 'pi the. ratepayks asking: that no action be taken•tri, de - [end the appeal to the courts of James • Coleworth to quash the LoCal Option by -lame The. tolibering 'addressed the . eouncil on behalf of the petitioners, Geo: McEwen, ,C. Me- Donill,.A. Brandt and ethers. They all stated' that: thc law was not en- forced, that the lack of accomodation was .driving business•Jrbm; • the WWII and that the _working of the law was having a --demoralizing . effect on the cenunutinje. Those , who spoke in One 'pbeition to them and urged the • come en to delay .potion were ReV. S. Toll, W. Stoneman, Dr:' Ferguson tind J. C. Stoneman.: The- first' dealt with the moral and reli.gious anpeene. stating that the liy-law had.not ag yet a lair , . . . show; That eircumstaue.s, were w- gaiiist it lintathat 'tine 'was' theeaso. with all great referms. Dr. , Fereeson 'leered that •the Outten would render themselves liable by 'taking action and. advisedtheth to'• go SIOWly in 'the matter. J. C.,' S toireiriarf thought the counbil legally boned to defend its. own • bylaw: 'The diselission at times wax- • ed warm but • ihoSc present appeared -to brook, no delay and every ..point made by the supporters'at tae petition was, cheered to the eclio7---ThereLlwas loads .of fun and right all ..alting • the line: The _nghthig however was dune •with the tongue,.although oat one time it nearly took a pugilistic, form. Tilt& e of the couneil voted in raven -of the request on .the petition and Iwo for delay. ter a time—Observer. . . . • Drial Negreit Your Skin DON'T NEGLECT YOUR SKIN. A healthy skin is absolutely essen- tial to HEALTH, HAPPINESS , and BEAUTY, and the netural %Ind never - failing Way to keep a healthy skin is to treat all innieies and eruptions prempflii • with Zam-Buk. 'Zam-Bek contains only the each saps Lod Juices 6f healing, health -giving herbs, and lig therefore, Nature'e Own Skin Remedy. • ZAM-BUE CURED. Mrs, A. E. Gardiner, Catalina, of • Miss K. M. Bartlett, Monteeal of Eczema, Mrs. • A. • Harrison, • Kingston, of Blood' Poison-, •• Mr. Alfrid • lafoWnr Toronto, Rheumatism. Mrs, Coggin, Wapella, (S.A.sk,,) of Abscesses. •" ef A ear,with booms at one end was. be All Skin Diseases yield to 7,ani-Buk, ing used for raising a gantry on the Obtainable from all deuggiste and bridge, when the car and gantry top,- stores at 506 a box, Send lo Zani- pled over and tarried . some' of the workmen with it to the river bed be- low. 'Engineer IVIeddaford was killed outright and several others were in- jured. The present, aetions. are brought one by S. Ede, on behalf of the wid- ow and children ot the man Who was killed, and the other by one of the in- jured men, himself, namely D. Lynn, Mr. Ede's aetion is for $10,000 dama- ges and Mr. Lynn' suit. ts for $2,000. The defendant vs the Canada Foundry Company, Wellhead the contract for the construction of the bridge. • Ano- ther action for trial at the sittings of the court this week is that of 8. Bissett against the Guelph & Goderien Railway Company or damages owing to his cattle gettmg out of the past. ure through twee being down, thretigh the fault, as alleged, of the railway company, Buk,, Toronto, for free sample box. Just, put out this offer, write eatne of paper, across it, 'and mail, with 10. stamp to pay postage, • I eilevaeftesieeeseiseese.en.-leelie,ehAseeseesli,leeela.eteeise• lleala *lege 4 few days ago as Rev. Mr. Currie of Walton was driving home from the Brussels Fair on the Sedorth Road be met two young men driving fori- iously towards Brussels. He was not able to get out of their road in time and the result was a terrible shock and wreck. Mr. Currie was ttilrhrrwlinb . out tl uelt:iilioavbeurggtb buggyand aungdgy. 111.A.3 veterinary Was called in and found tbe horse seriously injured. The buggy was badly broken. It is said it will take nearly $200 to repair the loss. The family of Mr, George Greee, has been plunged into heavy sorrow aid bereavement by the death of his fourth daughter, Minnie A., on Sunday. I.: - ceased had, been in poor health for some bele and yet tbe end came soon- er Johan was expected. Gorrie was her birthplace. Mter an Illness of sixteen months Mrs, Jas.. Gaunt pained over death's river at the age 01 65 years. She was a native of England end came to this country in 1851 and in 1865 she was married to her now bereaved .part - net. As a pioneer of the township she bore her •share of the toils ineid- ent to early settlement in a • new 'country and proved herself a faithful •and affectionate wife and kind and. loving mother and .was held in esteeni • by all With whom she came in contact. A year and a half ago she and her canie to reside in Lower w • Samuel Hoclgskin was 'killed in a railway• accident near Fort Erie. James Burden was killed at Atter- elifie white working on the M. O. Re R The' Grad Valley ,RailwaY Company will •build several extensions hi West- ern Ontario. eteleeeepesaaneeeeese-ria-e*-06-emeesseesees iiver- WILL ALWAYS BE POPULAR . . FOR PRESENTS . •, •: :1 T is artistic and Useful s- 1 and . when you. buy $Silverware you want the $ best and most servimable. ' You are assured of; your money money can .buy, $ $ 'ting that kind here. We 0. • can sell,you solid. silNier. $ e or the het plated we. )-which looks like sterling .$ and 'wears ilmost as Well. Come in and see our. well $ assorted stoek.: You will . find the prices right. JEWELLE• R • AND OPTICIAN A. -1.01110C • GET. TFIE BESfe .IT PAYS, . ATTEND THE POPCLAn AND • PROGRESS/VE., ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT.. • Corner Yonge and Alexander . Streets. • AND BE THOROUGHLY EDUCIAT- ,ED FOR • BUSINESS -AU! GRADUATES OF - ,TIIIS SCHOOL ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE OF GETTING POSITION& 'PHE DE- MAND IS CONSIDERABLY GREAT4 ER: THAN THE SUPPLY. ,NOW IS AN EXCELLENT • TIME TO EN- TER. WRIT FOR CATALOGUE. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPA.L. October l7th, 1902 Dyspepsia Is ant indication that" the stomach mid other dgestkve ars weak. or ted. it. causes so end of aches arid pains and is most. comma where Pao* holt. their meals and Harty and worry Is they do in this cotaitory. Hood'sSaisaparilla cures dysperia—it, hal *"o maglotOuth thk disease. For testimonials of reinseindols aims sand for Book on Dyapvi Fitt. C. I. Hood com6 TAws41401116 • 11 • Wingbarn Some thne ago Mr. A. Gernmell while driving along B Hoe met with ant accident through a defective cutvert, and bis buggy was badly broken, and the horse injured. The matter was left to Reeve Musgrove of Turnberry • and Mayor Holmes of Vilingliam. The deci- sion is that Wiegham and Turnbeety eaCh pay $70 damages, that $140 in all. Twenly-two persorin 'were drowned in the weeck of the steamer Cyprus on Lake StiPerior on Saturday. , megaimmilimissomigatratowtrwiimmat• ropu.011E: or Men and Boys • • Our. new 'Fall- Suits and Overcoats are now in and we are ghowing a fine range of both that are light in price, fit and • wear. Our $10 Suits are Winners. Our $10 Beaver .Over- coat SellS swim= : 'HATS The Celebrated English Fur thoroughbreds, in all • the newest styles' and • shapes are 'Bow here for your inspection. We will sguarantee color .as, long. da there is any hat left: • AlAys .a full line Of working men's hlris, Overalls, • •--Smocks, Etc., Etc, • TAILO RING ., Do not forget our Tail- c4ing Department if you want a natty,. 1Tellatting_ ordered Suit.. Goods alt • the very. newest. We consider it a, plea- sure to show our goods whether you buy. or not. 11,111.1/111.111 aeo s The Ideal Beverage ASK FOR • A PALS Aix, • palatable, tun �f • the virtues of malt and-. hops,' and in sparkling condi- tin. is the ideal (LoNotiN) . •': Now when chemists announce its purity, and judges its me.rit, ono need look no further.. F'urnittiii :B-aigatri."7--r-16-e-s.7 The evaporator Voxbory wa.1 burned on Saturday. I Grandt 'trunk Pad& ()facials repOrt f valuable' coal lields on the Cbmpany's property at Telqua, 13. O. Prince Albert bye -election, the first held in Saskatchewan as a new prov. ince, resulted in the election ot Mr. Bradshaw, the Equal Righter, by one nrafdrity, 1 der have deelded to separate, Spanish physicians fear Xing Alton The 'evangelists Torrey and Mimi. ee may be suffering from eoneumption. $ " Dining room Chairs, quare( eut oak finish, niihOistercd seats, 5 , . . . . .... Mall, 1 arm, set $10.00, , . SIn this store goods are tIrned over so cittiekly that the A over,Tallatliktes, eon), arm chair, tricker, 2 receptioti. fancy figured .• , illed room Suites. dresser with bevel glass, wash stand. bed, $12,60 'styles have no time to grow old. " $ Blyth $ 6 CHELLEW, 4-1 • !"