HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-10-10, Page 5i a ,F>"T October 1001,. 1901 ThosMtn* Mows -leech 4++4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++ The MOLSONS BANK XI`TC QRFW1s TFP. RX ACT or PARLIAMENT 1855. Qup!tt;t PAK ftp i13,308,849.00 Reserve 'Fund $3,303,840.00 •R , ,. MAD WKS, MONTREAL • DIRECTORS W3 MOLSON¥AOPH#,ERSOb7 .. President - St, ,W t1+Tt' ` .. . , Vice -President M, B, essay. ', t'r Olegborn. R. Markl'axtd Molson, ' Lt,-Uoi F,, O. Honehaw, Wee. 0. Melutyre.. ,amen .alitott. aeuerail Ma e . A. A. Durneerd, Chief tnseeetor and Superin- dent .ofIlraaehr,s. W. 1. Draper, Inspector. W. W.A. Chipman, r J. H. Campbell. Assistant 1iispeoterii. a nitere BANKw D PART ENT I)epoelts of .it.QO an4 upwards rls:mired SAVINGSowe a per cegt:rr4ai date of tiepoeit. tspwpopnded 4 times a year 'SPE.CI L~ATT 't'.ON'gieentoall branches of Farmers• business. Sate notes cashed or CO1160104 on favorable term. C. E. DOWDING aiiager -CLINTON +++++++4 -f++ -44+4+4++++++++++4+++++4+++f,+++ owit4NtW tOrWWiMiNwwVWVYiiIAIIMiMMIAANtiliyWiirfwWlhhiNWYyWiAillrliWi aivi Wl 55LEY WALKER. • ' I1U0H AQSS High Qual tg Low Prices, Small Profits, Quick Returns AT THE BIG, NEW FURNITURE STORE, CLINTON WALKER & ROSS FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Picture Framing Nently and Promptly Done SPECIAL PRICES N Everything newes Y$RYetbODEItATE UNDERTAKINGM Phone 28 Day or Night. DONT FORGET OUR SPECIAL $2 COBBLER ROCKER , Goods de- 1ivered lmiles free of c Watch for our ,advt.,. bout Your cana- 1 about September 15. We• If- • von have added something new. kat is WALKER & ROSS nraw4wounr1uwr,WalaWuMAl+,MPRAMMi+.4u W Mn+V1MMWMP,~41 UUwiMntXAM re 4 •taiebe•im-qtt-sto•o^se•obef olfite.e:aye-o•mes.re•it,oAtt.:ete•ii.e Ne Fall a110. \Vill1O1' C1oCViog a Do you know what is "Right" in Men's Clothing forth acoming season ? 0 Do you know that it costs "No More" to be well dressed than it does to be two or three years. behind the times in style of 't Clothing?• If you don't know these facts, you should, and .the time to • •0 inquire into the subject is now. Don't buy that new Fall Suit or Overcoat before yori do' know them. •` Come in and examine our Clothing Stock and let us explain A to you •'Why" we can give you clothing that is "Right" in quality, • , e style and St and at prices away below the lowest. - Glen's Suits from $4.50 .to $1.5, Men's Over. •• coats $5. to $18. Odd Pants, Overalls,". a Smocks, Etc., at lowest prices. A BOOTS AND. SHOES.• This department is now becoming more than a"side line" with . us, and is complete in all styles andqualitics. but we are still selling.. V at "side line" prices. Marriage* ROWNLEE-VO'L1iO•CK-In Trinity church, hayfield on Cot. 5th, by Rev. Mr, "nude, Maude,. daughter _. of Mr. John Pollock, to T. II. Brownlee, principal of this Public school, all of Bayf)eld. SMITI1--SNI LI. --In Exeter, on Oc- tober 1, Clarence IL Smith of In- , gersoll,, to Maq M., daughter of Mr. John Snell, et Exeter.. Births. • .. BEACON -.In t'oderich township on September 26th, to Mr. anti Mrs. John T. Beacom, a daughter, CARTER -Iii. Clint" on October • to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carter, a son. LOWERY-74n Seeforth, on Sept. 28th to Mr. andMrs. Alexander Low- ery, a daughter. MELICK-At the Bronson Line, play, on Sept. 23rd,• to Mr. .and Mrs. Alfred Melliek, a daughter. iIAIST-n *Ingham, on September 30th, to Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Hoist a daughter. 1LBRECHT-At Zurich, on Sept,.. 25th, to Mr. 'and Mrs. John Al- brecht, a daughter; Deaths, • BE?ATTIE-In McKillop,, on Oct. 1si, Esther Iliilis, wife of Mr. Robert .Beattie, aged 62 years and 9 months. • SLERTIE=-En St. Cathb.rines, on Sept 26th, . Frederick: James Sleetli, se- cond son of Mr Wm. Sleeth, aged 30 years and 6 months. FAIRBAIRN-n Stanley,';. on Oct. 1st, Elliott Robertson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Fail bairn, :aged 2 months and 25 days, 1\1ARTIN-At the Babylon' Line, Hay, on Oct. ist, Miss Lizzie • Martin. daughter of Sol. Martin, Sr., ag- ed .48' years,, 2 months and 16 days, WANTED -LIVE • PIGEONS FO1t which .20 cents per pair will be paid: up to Oct. 20th. -R. ' Graham, Clin- ton, 3 t; MAN WANTED TO FLOVH AND do general_ farm work at ,once. -W. G. Perrin, grain merchant; Clinton. • TEACHER .WANTED FOR, S.' S. No.' 9, : . Godcrich .Township. Male or female,, ist or 2nd class •certifi- cate, duties to commence on •the.6tb of January. a 1907; :Applications personal ,preferred, received up . to the 10th .09 November.+=•••George Mudie, Secretary, Clinton. P. 0. SALESMEN TO iNTRODUCE' THE. . greatest: seller• of the year, Th' Herbert ' R Lsberry ; lflieral commis- cion ; whole or part :time ;complete line . other nursery « • :stock. The Thomas W. Bowman & Son Com- ,pany, Ltd., ' Ridgeville, Ont. GOOD HARRIS :. W00.1) FURNACE, with brickcasing complete, • for sale. -A Seeley,: PARINGY' ,APPLES WANTED . AT the Evaporator.. Highest • market price paid. --Town & Case. 91. onstance Mr. Gilbert Jamieson of Detroit is spending a few days with his Nail! Mr. acid Mrs. G. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stanley of Ilolmesville spent Thursday with friends in. the village. p Mrs. Lattituer of Wallaceburg i ,at present the guest of hermother, Mrs. Wm. Snell, Mr, and Mrs. hi. Mitten of Me- Kiilop spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Sutherland. Miss Tena Willison and Mrs. D. Sutherland spent Sunday with the hatter's sister, Miss Henderson of Winthrop., Mrs. Matt, Armstrong's little baby, is at present very sick, After a lingering illness.. Mrs. Solo - Mon Rogerson passed away on Wednesday evening at the age of 80 years. Deceased left behind to mourn her loss, a sorrowing husband, six' sons and one daughter. The sons aro Charles, Robert, Fred, John T. of Mullett, Walter of Tuckerstnith and Mrs. Matt. Armstrong of Mullett. Her funeral took place on Saturday to Constance cemetery, Baby and Mother A few doses of Baby's 'Own Tablets relieves and cures constipation, intlia gestion, colic, diarhoea and simple fevers. The tablets break up colds, expel , warms and bring the little teeth through _,painlessly. They bring health to the little one and Comfort to the mother. And you have. the guarantee of a government analyst that this medicine does not contain: ono particle et opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. -Mrs. C, F. Kerr, El- gin, Ont.,-, says`: 'Baby's Aw'n Tab- lets is the best rnedieine I have . ever used for stomach and bowel troubles. and destroying worms." Sold by. all Medicinedealersor by mail 'at 250 a box from The Dr.•Williams' Medicine' ' "' 'Hallett .Township. The members ,of the ,.Tighe family have •a.11 returned to .their >.espeotivo homes, . Mrs, Jonn Britton•has returned front an extended visit in Seaforth. • . Corn cutting is now the order .of the day. The crop isnot up:to the aver - The` Conservatives• fared very well et the,''•court of revision held at Loon- desboro. We • were -successful in, add- ing• 5 navies in as many appeals. The 'Liberals put on :two; The Con- servatives struck off 17 out of 23 ap- peals while their opponents • managed to.' get . two off. • BARGAIN : DAYS - SATURDAY, Monday and; Tuesday; Oct,. 12, 14 and 15'. are' I3ergaln .'Days at, Coop- er's Book:Store Clinton. B'ruce field:. . .Y • •Barry Aberheart has moved to Pe- trOlia, ' Mr. George Hart met with • what night have been a serious accidents While driseing on the -road he Met Boyce' and McCormick's traction .:en- gine and when just dose to the engine the horse took a, sudden start, tarried 'round and upset the buggy, hut did no damage •except bruise Mr. Hart pretty severely.', Jesr,ie Ua nger visiteil,Lher home f Saturday aturday until,Monday B -e Sure-an-d-S-ee These -Goods -Before -you 13-1.1y13-1.1y--'ay' Mrs Simpson (Rev) Sison has rented John Swan's house and intends moving into ib with her son Cecil and.wife. Mr, William Ross, who has -Sold his. farm in StanleV, has rented J. Snider s :house and will take possession on :Nov, let, - Miss Lottie ,Prime is visiting her father in tba village. John Rattertbnry- spent a few -'d with his parents here last week.. DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, Specialist, will be at Holmes* Drug Store, Clanton, on Friday, : Nov. • .1st. Glossas properly ' fitted,. . Diseas- es iseas es. of the eye ear nose and throat treated. PLUMSTEEL:RQS. 4 •®•e•®.e•®•eo.e e•mewomclib.o°omots•cb..moro.tDbci i.a,.3illecat11 • 4 1 Ladies' Undcrwear. Ladies Autumn Vests for 20c, 5 dozen Ladies' Vests, made especially for fall .weather,.in. tine medium weight, specially priced at each 20e. . Ladies Heavy Vests and Drawers at :25c., 5 dozen Ladies' Underwear, in good heavy weights for tvinter. • 0 wear, buttoned front. plain and Boston ribb, slightly 'flaked. an d , soft in finish, specially prroed at each 25c, - 1 Stanfield's Uuderwear for ladies' at last • year's values and prices. Standfield's heaviest weights in Vests and Drawers, none bet- • ter, none heavier, at each $1, $1.10 and $1.15," • . Stanfield',: Needle !Knit, medium weight, soft finish, el each $1, $1.10, $1.15 and $1.25. Penman's 'Unshrinkable Underwear at each 50c, .75c and $1. "„ I Big stock of Ladies' and Gents' Pura to select froitn Only guaeanteed furs in Fur Costa sold. s s Cash Paid for Butter' and Eggs. • • POPLESTONE .& OARO1NER. Successors to McKinnon & Co., t3LYTH H Furnl to re • Bargain Prices s, quarter cut, nag finish, up holstered seats 5 , Dinin room Chair . small, 1 ar, set 310.60. ad+ ParlormSuitei;,'rtofa, arm cl,1ii1.1ie3 , 2 reception, fancy' figured 0 covering. $21.40. . Bed room Suites, dresser with'bevel glass, wish stand, bed, $12,50 In this store goods are turned over so quickly that the styles have .no`'time to 'grow old, ' J. H. ClIELLEW, . •a . Blyth ... m .- ,.r'.s. .. ` ►•• . '+eCriii:'l..l1w +bv:.•'6%'•'vii.^eis.•ii..sste MUNI a 2VI] SS CLETA. FORD (Standing -Intermediate Piano with honors. at the Toronto • Conservatory of Music.) . Is,. prepared to accept a few ' pupils Piano and Primary Theory.• Apply at her residence, Mazy street, Clinton. A:SITU1TllI P • At a good salary awaits every grad- •.ante of the Central .liiisinessCellege. 9, petieiiee pro% es thin •poeitively... Enter any time, • Catalogue free. Slum!, u, Write W. E. S a Principal, Yonne and Gerrard Sts ,. Toronto,. Canada, •, - This eel We bog to call yoitr apectal atten- ion to our excellent stock of uew milts and candied peels. This week we hive also passed into stock Several New Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Odd.Cups and Saucers; 'and Fancy China •which are well worth a few rniniiteg of your careful inspection. A. D. Beaten Phone M. Prompt delivery Mr, Watson •and bride visited his uncle,- Mr, ,Robt. Watson, ' on their honeymoon. trip. ' Rev; Ohas. Mustard is holidaying at home at present. . The many friends of. Miss Templeton will he pleased to hear that she is able to be around once more. (,mite a number passed through here oil their way to Bayfield Fair. Mr Albert : Nott left•here last week for the boo with a carload of horses. Blake The following reporeshows the vela tive standing of the pupils of S. S, NO. 9, Stanley, for the month of Septem- ber: • Sr 4th-lrahel Manson,: Ethel Zapfe, Myrtle Manson, Sr 3r'd•-Jaynes: Eller, Mikie Kennel. Mary Jane;1'Ieyers. Sr 2nd-Odwill Nicholson, Emma Bechter, Emanuel Moyer. Jr. 2nd-=J'nhn A. Meyers, Percy Zirk; Katie Oesch.. • •• Pt. grid-Lni'ne Manson, Roy Mc - Beide. Clara Zapfe, Pt 1.t-AlbertFinlay, Clarence Hall Ada Kennel. Pt 1 h••• -Willie Munson, Gfladys ilall, Lillie Meyers. G. S. Howard, Teacher Report of C11nitort Model Scheel Clinton Public school honor roll for September, 1937. Only Woes, taking high standing ere puhliehed. " DIV, MODEL Jessie Elliott 80 per cent NettleMitebell79 Stella Nethery'70 Minnie: Shel!rttt 74 Evelyn.Tipfady 73 Robert i3ryans 71 Harvey Young 08 Tillie Zimmer 67 Melvin Dodds 67 Nixon Welsh 07 Lydia Sherritt 06 Arable Campbell. 66 Bethel. J:atnieson 05 Weida Stevens 83 Ella Mahaify83 Alfred Posli1i' 61 Beta Keys 60 Vera Glenn e0 John Hartley, Teacher PT. DIV. I Over 70 per cent Edna Levis: Dell Millar From CO to 70 per cent ' .Annie Walker • Erma Andrews Mary Jackson Effie Pickett Margaret Manning Violet. Barge Irene Mann Bessie .Walker Ray Cantelon Elgin Mason Fred Cutler• Fred Rumball - • E: Slaughter; Teacher 2nd DIVISION Senior Class Eddie Nickle Lizzie Ford John Hall ., Daisyy Copy and Willie Carlingequal Lawrence Greig Maggie Wheatley Jutafor Class ace Walker, Ernie Graham Fred fiord. Morwennom Judd Sara Agnew ' John Levyy. -Harold Morrell Roy Rice• Lizzie Macpherson, Teacher ' 3rd DIVISION.. Senior Class ' . Manley Shipley Maggie. Eason • Jean. Morris Earl O'Neil, Stewart Scat:t •. 'Willie Walker Harold Oen telon Will•ie Routledge , Junior Class Elmer. Beacom•. " Pearl Glacier Lizzie Car•ttr;. FredThom .son . Thompson Irene'Wilkin • George. McTaggart, Clifford Hailancl Gladys Manu. J, Wilson, -Teacher 4th DIVI ioN • , >. • Senior Class Roy Forrester and Roy Graham equal ,• Lena Holmes'• :Lulu Connel. • Willie Britton Gladys Cook Irene Gould ..1 tinier. Olass . —Celiti-B,eacoria Violet McGuire • 'Harvey Walker Wilfred Dickenson Lack Kennedy • Olive Moore . • Roy Ireland • v A. • Oantelon • Clara Chidley, Teachers • 5th DIVISION enior-Olsss (Lnter-mediate-II)--- Helen .Rodaway •• :.Violet Argent . Arthur Grant • LorneNeilans ' Willie Routledge Glen Pardue • Percey Wheatley. Violet Cook • Austin Nediger Junior Class (junior II) Harry Shaw' • • Margaret McTaggart Merle Moore E'ruily Cutler • Clara'I:'witchell Eleanor11IcKenzhe r - McKillop Township The auctirsn sale at John Dundae.', WAS held onTuesday hist, Thomas Mr : Thomas• Brown, the people's auctioneer, con.. ducted it. Miss Minnie Parker of Toronto was visiting friends in this section last week, Mrs, James Davidson is . very 111 with but slight hopesof recovery. A. large number of persons from here attended ;t church opening at Stretford on Sunday last. Miss Florenog Story, who bee been residing at Seaforth for some time, is home on a visit. Ernest lblirrrson has bought the550• 'tete ttlaee of It. A. ,Bell. There is no buildings on it and the price agreed on. is $2,100, oat DIVISION $enlor (lass Harriett 0antelon Mary Uiggiu Clinton Cook Wilfred Crich Bernie Hall Irene Dole Larene Langford Milton Streets Poster Copp Junior Class MWfilieKDoherty Ret'bie McKenzie 54Gtnsfleld Cook (leorgia Kaufman. ' Gifford Beaton. R. Vourtice, Teacher 7th DIVISION Senior Class Kathleen Dorzer Lois Holmes Alice Peckett Lulu Bailey Erskipe Evans, Nellie Kemp Eva Brown • Mildred Cook Junior Class Hattie Greig Mary Chidley •• Elsie Greeks Hanna. Argent ..Mabel Marshall Wilbur Welsh - Earl Steep Claud Higgins M. W iftse. Teacher sth DIVIS 4th Class. Herby Wkllie Munrir•shalldry . Alex Agnew Peavlfe Gould Eugene Southcombe 'F,rank Biggins Orval Murphy 8rd Class Murray McNeil Wilfred Seeley Berl Livermore Merritt Nediger Edna West Mergie McLeod . Irene Carter • Taylor, Teacher Stanley Township Mr. and Mrs. 'Aharew Dunkin spent' a few, days last week with friends in McGillivary township, Miss Maggie Clarke, Goshen Line is in Clinton' at present learning the art of dressmaking. Mr. IJeiberts of Seaforth was the• guest on Sunday lost at the home of Mr.•H. Peck. , . Miss Anna: Whiddoti of Bayfield spent ;,Sunday last :at the home .of •Mrs. John Reid Sr. • • The News -Record will . be sent to any address for the : balance of the year for fifteen cents. •. The following ."is the September monthly report: of S,S No, 14, Stairley •the names are in.or•deeOf. teerit.: Fifth -M. M Fisher, Rena McBeath Aggie.Geititnell,. • :..:. -FITSHORT HISTORY 4 ..irks Casa V armee fwatarr4 Oradiraleyr Ovrr onn .87 Ps-ra•,s, A REMARKABLE CASE,. 'KKR, ARTHUR TREMBLAY, 8 St. Alf•Lramos street, Mont Pleasant, Qne., Can., writes "About three years ago, catarrh in its mostserious form assailed me. "I consulted a specialist who pre- scribed medicines as constitutional treatment and a liquid to use locally. "This gave me relief for a time,; but scop afterwds the disrturn. "I was then safferingveryseameuch, m appetite hartarleft all and sic as growing weaker. • "I had frog read mhs. re• garding the caresuently ,node pabyp.Pleteruna, and although somewhat dubious as to its doing, me any good, 1 deckled to try a fewbottless„ - "I had not taken Perana for more than two weeks before a • marked •improve mentwas perceptible. L "As I continued taking the remedy, the disease gradually disappeared and in a few months I was'entireiy rid .of ,: the nauseous malady:" . Stanley Township Seri. Fourth- Jno. Kehl, Oda fo: •: Beath, .las. Germneil° • Jun. Fourth -Sarah Rathwell,• Han-- nab an-nal Dinsdale. Third -LL C. Kehl, A, 'Irl, Jones, W. M. McBeath•: • - Second 13. -Annex Hood, Ida Rath well. • . •. Second A. -A. McMur trie, J, N. Hood, L. Wasmann. • First Parr -Anna Fisher,. Gracie: •Ross, •Oecil. Johnston. . The hest spellers in the monthly spelling matches were :-. Fifth--;MurrayFishee. ' Sen. Fourth -Oda 1McBeatli. - Jun. -Fourth -Hannah Dinsdale Third -Herbert. Kehl, Second and Bt-Anda"M, Horid. • Second A.-Nelsoe 'Hood, vNv1/ V WIINVVNI/M111 io. w1/i1.1/Vb1/wN.vV1A!1/0oo • Farmers, laborers,'mechanics, business and professional : nen. Men in all walks of life. Ladies and gentlemen: Boys . . landl;irls and the little:' tots were all taken ; into consideration • ° in our fall •buying, and now we have a complete range of ;all . that will he required to withstand fall Mud .and water "and .` intetstuslr-andsnowi h some-of-t-ke-oprettie " 'designs in Fine Footwear for all .. ea k at least pity f lbsP. ectio n, • ' Repairing done Neatly and Promptly:: e . . _ rrt.i n •--..- .th:..th oxlg w.incen_evenings..,..._co g-on_apantEL.-, your thoughts will neurally ' turn to entertaining. IMusic is the best method of entertainment: We can helpyou, ialos Organs, , O ga s, Pholio,graphs, ` lJtc,, Etc:, in abundance. . • 1-10AREI' MUSHOSIO E. E:STOREMPORIUM THEPLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLARR DOES ITSDUTY • ,Edna planning, TeacherI 1• osevoieetevVW1hM/1M/1 /VWr/ViVWWvais 1a 's vti111: 011.1 °v.•1►-tr ilbAb. +rr, srolb. .v110'1v.11. 1►/41.Awf •e;41ays •*rl•••►•}A•• • Less Than .Hale Price bale AT ,d. TWITQUELL'S:' FOR - 1DNE ONLY Co>lnmencin Saturdaym 4 g morning, Oct. l2th, and closing. Saturday, Oct. l9th, at ten o'clock, we will put on sale 9 '65•Pairs Girls' Laced School Shoes • in Pebble Grains and fine Dongola:Kid, sizes 11,1I1..12,.121. 13,131,.1, 14, 2, 2), also 60 Polus of Girls' Button Boots for School same sizes and qualities, 125 pairs in all. Regular: prices $1,25, 1.50, 1:5, 2.00 will go on sale YOUR.. CHO1CJ' • FOR ONLY* 15 CENTS . .r We will also offer tot' We a lot of Women's Shoes and Oxfords at about the same disonunt, as well as Men's Ruhhers at 50e, worth 85c and $1.00. ' Ladies Rubbers at 35e, worth 00c. Glirla` Rubbers at25c, worth 50c. , «. Call early and get dist choice as these are genuine bargains Uolxle'in on' Saturtiiay°morning and see them opened up so that you may examine them for yourselves. Twitchell, - Clinton 1►. ri► y►- ++ ^ ► +M+1► . r li. r -^dlY t► 1. i v1. s +i. ► M R Vii. wi. 1 1i "tom 410,4. 11011 'r