HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-10-03, Page 4CH** News.ltasord October Ord, 19 , , Daylight I Auburn.. Porter's Hill The StowIt on Strike . . •NeVall------- ....r.„,,,..._ , ...-aper P .. • ,. • . .._4*§....tatukt.,thiL,,AgriattyikLawev. Waa favored With fine weather ".• for their annual ' Fall Fair WhiCh Was held here on Ttiefiday. and yeeteraeY and the resulb . was .4. large atteede ,,.....m..irdcuraw,_$Dionstou,,purunsua _--W-0-ate---axgr-to-.144r-thzt---Milt up-to-date stock of millinery . Ian week „and there is now no reason why any One'lihoUld go out ' of our burg for a new fall bonnet. • . . .-• • The Catharine Macdougall is confined to ter bed at the hointeot Mr. Arch. Macdeugall. We hope to leer . tit 'her speedy .. bad .6.1....... Tonto Treatment for Indigeetiou is the Itatist Silecessful. • Lose of apliebite, eCieted longue taite in tne nuelth, hem dull New Fall Goods AT 'FRED, JACKSON'S .4 ' ' • . ' Theac table 'fou, Aroused. • t040.,.t4e- l'4414'will`t"rbett° :,bidoname elaii..11. 10 , fteneotw.ltanp.aatere ,. ,34 deitgns d ceder,- tusa....WiL, '9013r 0. eerebee ofe: *won ifitft„a„tt,e1Pedee11:Prieet: to clear, 4U raper ea etneeet . Veep. . •-• : , .t • , , .. - i - . . '- • l• ' \ Window. , . . Stitici0 -:. . 1 - ihe Klee thee„neitber ffto...,,, ereekneMouuted en . the -beet Ifillstorei goners SPeelat• 6100 secured • • . .. . :curtain . - . - - Poles... .. ' .. • Brass ends, white„ , e. .. ,1 .4nee, Alite 41010' la •e, VAS .1114 -Wa0 SOINI, en excellent, indeed that it wetIld have *elected credit upon Much MAP •peetentleus Faire than outs." The frith, vegetables., Cut .flowerse ladles' wark/ et°. • made - ""rtatelY a dee 'showing.. • - . lh ,011tdCoora, too, the exhibite were UP-to.the: mark and M several °asses the comPetition was keen.: : •..The entriee nuMbered 1,10, an in- ereaSe of about 1,504 over last year. The gate recelPtS on . Wednesday at- ternoon were 12.1,0. • 1' The - Fair Was an all-aroued Success and reflected much credit upon Prost- dent' Snowden and the officers of the Society. . . ., Among the ledges Were elich voter- wi4 as „Robert . MeLeen ot Godericle and Olieer jolineon and- Harry Bea- , . - Mr: George Lminan, wive has been Mt, W. Te•Ilirldell'eeefficieni clerk for nearly a yeer arie a half, lett bit Monday to :t.sake,...e, position In/ r ark- hill. We Wish 'hitti Continued 'suseoess. in. hie new work. ... . ' • Mr. !'W j Ir' - or the S v reig ' . ac son . - o e . n Bank at Hara Is- beane on. account of the closing the hank. there. • A gentleman was in our burg- on Tthurday solibitirig.. sebecriptions. • her. Globe.. We were giVen te under- etand that the Daily Globe is. going to be expressed by the O. P. n, to Auburn so our good Liberals • will receive their daily bread in time for• dinner.... - ' • Alt unusual number ,a,ttended the Base • Lane Baptist church on Stinday to hear the farewell sermon of Rev. Mr. Magee. • .A.t the joint . meeting of the Pres- ,receterye ,, Mrs. Deweon returnedto ber netne headache at Springbankeafter spending a eonple thete of, weeks With. here Mother,,Mrs. -John trouble. P.o7c.., .. .. , , . : stomach mrs Wee Mantinuffall nt Sea:forth q '''''' . ' '.."1. : -".--- '" ' --a.'-'• - : " - - - - - - la *Pending a few daye in our vicinity with friends. . • Mro. S. Me/Ilan returned borne af, , ter speeding a week Or two at 41P- Pen• • - .. ' 4, - Mr, Torranee came home Saterdel eeeping from °Lille where be had been ack' apple re .- . • " e ping Mr. Potter and Mr. Vanderburgh are busy harvesting , corn at Mr, Bottles We are sorry to bear thate Miss Mabel Newton is not improVing as fast as her many friends! „would wish. Quite a.. number ettended the God- erich fair laet Week • and reptrt A good time. - - and a dell alaggi011 feelinge- are the tYlnirtenis tif Etteatiabli 'rimy. indieate that the is On, Striate, that it is no huger lernishing to 'the blood the lullWe qua of nodrishment that the body - . - . demands, hence every organ sutlers. There aro two methods of treatment, the old. one by which the stotnach is htneored by the . use of pre-digested foods and artificial ferments, and the new • one -The Dr. Williems' Pink Pills method -by which, the •storneeh. is toned up' to do the work naterene. tended it. A -recent . cure by the tonic treatment is that Of Mrs. Jae. W. lia,s103114 Port Maitland, N.S, She says : "For yeere I:enjoyed perfect health, but suddenly headaches seized. me'. I had A 'WA tasteirt my mouth ; mY 'tongue was coated, 1 gretY Wed and oppressed, my appetite left rne and such food as I did eat enly come- A Call Solicite4 .* sell every . thing. in rloaern ' • • . Footwear • , Our • stock is ,eqkalled by' few -and excelled by one . . ' 'n • • . We'll be Pleas" ed te skew Y°14 Ointlirghstt,OChke. gcn.lognjevye you our prices, It . in your poCket - . . :' Our-faNtook of Boots and • •*. Shoes is mOstooroplete, .-It is • . . useless tospeoity. •• %We have - • •' - • r - . -• all the, very Iatefst. styles, and .at .prioes.that *III pleasai- ouTr;,13sheeirsluisetitaee:evcitin:naneecithfOatti,: (nix effot4..t9. a-oppb! ,rdiabie , 00 wear . as an unto-datef dt h ' caught the attentionof shrewd buyers Gentlemen,t • ofthe .eelebratedlairayraSphaollere? yton . , - zui•rui.ianptoeue 0,4envedryo aiwireiti(; give cannot get oetter vain% doubt- ' Wo.od or , oak, Ited Or 'Melt pc1,00,. with. rings, length' core. ot .Clinton. . . ' , . • The prtee het will be given in the byterian congreeations et Auhuni and Smith's Hill'. in, Knox church, Auburn. ..... " ' .ed Varna distress. I had severe pains in my chest. I lost all atrength and was . satisfaction. . or without ene 25c. up. . . • • R00111. . . Mouldings next tssue of The,News-Record. . . • , ' • 1Vlr.• Percy Parker of "NeleOtea, N'orth 'Dakota,. is home:on-a TiSit. • • Min Armstrong of . London is a guest at Mrs. - JameseFerguson's. "Mr. and Mrs, 'John Fraser leit on on Monday, Sept. 30th, it was.elecided to -tender a call to Rev, IVle. Foote whose home Is. near Bruceilehl. - Mies. J. Jones has eeturned to'.P41- nil'n' I ased via- 111.111°.wrsiti°t11C1-• haelrtet;°sUIP'eer-114v?. 1SE! 4:. j°11" • Wh, en it comes. to potato growing yfr, J; 'H. Snider of th, is vicinity con beat them all, at least So far as w.e have heard, One. 01 bis Others weighs one pound eight oundes ' another is .eix ounces heavier and at third tipped often seized with vomiting. At differ- ent times I was treated by some of our: best doctere but although I foe lowed their treatmi ent carefully I did not get any betteie One day while • ;ceding A paper I came across a case similar to mine which had been cured _. • . FRED. "Always Reliable . , dinunir1M4010, , • JACKSON , • t l• . CLINTON • for . 'Thursday lest for the soo. es. . the bv Dr Pink Pi Is.. I unmed Just,. the thing your rooms from which to haw . Miss Catharine ' Murray .1- Detroit • Die -B. Weir attended the tine of - scales at one pound ftfteen ounces - - - ' • - tohuencestb7eItthutshewreeigishingan5yhyoetinindh%re.5 -Williams • ' • - uyppblyesaor ii: yionpgurcibiasei.oe,rde athse your pictures. 'We have the plain 0a,k, plain or - fancy. gilt, White and Col. is •the guest of her ,nephew, Mr. Dan- • - tel .1VI, ecdonald... .ratee. the 111T3h wreocal 4essooka ton. in. Clinton on Wednesday. • abouts can heat, this, we would like rilaotte tiot hweao, me. I grew steonger day by day till ~ ' , . '040140000.- 4ewtPloweolowaeotrytiV. ors, 3 to 5ca foot. , Miss BrYdges of. ", Be grave le the guest cif h_er sister-, Mrs..13randon. • Intended for last week. ' Mx. and Mrs. W.. T. Riddell return- to hear of it, \ -!,. OWN. TAM I Ain as healthy as I ever was. I have .a . good appetite, :am *pig • 6111.1~nowooVetetAettotiot. _ e „. .. tosoaaemeottN. . . Kiss' Ina Fowlie visited. 'friends in ed troni the West on Saturday an,1 ..•••••*$ . and active' and cen attend to . my ,. w COOPER &.CO. . . . . CLINTON • ' 1 Godericii last Week, .• • Mr, John MeLeed ... oi - Huntsville,' Muskoka, arrived,home WA week • to spend a few weeks with his Welly. . . , ..: .. ' • - ' ' . - 'report having a , splendid vacation. Me, -J. Raithby is . having a well bored on his farm, . , 'Asquith & Johnston ohipped their. • nisi Carload di lipPleb to Gliiegow'sdii : Stanley Township • . . Miss Ma I Rei and Mrs. James . Reid spentra.: fee, Reid with friends near: 'Wan -cheater. ' .* . , . . ,.... . ' houSetiolh dutiest ivithout fatigue.. I . • have no hesitation in recommending Dr .-Williarns'' Pink Pills to all suf- ferers front indigestion."'• . Rheumatism, kutney trouble, nedi.. onelllarter . . • e • • off ' . _ ...0,‘",./.."-,eb.e.",‘"...","","•". • . . • Goderieh Township. . . . IVIonday. •• ' • • The evaporator started last • Thurs- day end is. employing .about ' tweeter Re*. •Williarn George Richardson. of Wyoming is . visiting .. at the home of Mr. Joseph BichardSon,. :. -, . algia . St, Vitus' dance heaeache and ' . . t i* ' 1 . k backache, pain a eon genera - 'wee - ness, .and a aost of other ' ...troubles, blood lust in , . . • . Clinton News -Record se i lel/LINTON -. ONT. - r • W, J. hIITCHELLe . ' Editor and Proerietet• ..The • township 'calincil. meets . next •• ' ' ' • • '72g, Middleton has had :a Cement pito tenet the past .. week, 'This. -will • • • • • . • • be his second site on the home tam: Ittr. John Meguire.of the '6th con. is efflicted with emallpox and has been .in .a yery. coudition. hands ..• . • - ' • , We are sorry to: learn that me, J. ' Ladd is laid off•work again with • a' sore hand. ' ' . - . • Quite a number from here west to Blyth fair on the 5:20 p. m. train on Tuesday but the rain prevented them from having tne .time they had . : : Miss Clara Richardson ' ef 'Clinton spent Sunday at the home of her fath- er, Mr. .Joseph Richardson. .. Sorey to bear .of the illness 'of. Mr, Richard Peck. Jr..' of Seafortive • . Miss Martha Richardson was on Sunday the giiest of Miss Georgina. . ' find their root in bad as the case of stomach treuble....That is why the ' De, weliams'e Pink Pits treatment is always a seceesse-they are a powerful. • blood builder . and 'nerve- teem' . Sold by all druggists or direCt from The Dr. Williatee' 1VIedi- eine •Oo Brockville, • Ont., at 50 . .,1), . .. • For two weeks longer we will .eontinne • • . . discount of twenty-five per cent; . . of lewelery made from us. • • . . . . .to give a .. • -teri ail purchases . ...dangerous. , • The township board , of health ' heel - good .Johnston. . anticipated, ' • • • Mr. and Mr tr. illiam Clarke left cent 't a o.x or six': .hcixes; for $.e.50. • • • eaken every precaution to 'a ee eer, Echlin I . : e , prevent Additional Local b pad Of elle disease,. and it is helped. . thcre...inay not be • any more cases. News The.. young .Men ip. supposed. 0 have It is reportedeleet .,,, on Fridqy far ,Corieth to visit their : and: 1 amity are going to Goderich • to daughter, Mrs. 11; A., Miller, - •• , ..live e , ,. . 'Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of jamcS, - town _Visited ett tliC lieines of. Mr... 4, • . . . • - . GIANT TRIPLETS 'Currency Bolt& and Stag Chewing Tobaceos, in ebig plugs. • 'Quality,. elways 'the same. • x •.. 0 . .. . . . . • .. . . 13 contracted the . disease in toronto..W. . , and Mr. Wm, Rathwell on: ' - • ' • • • BIBLE SOCIETY. MEETING. Where ..he Spent seireral •• tlay.s. duripg : the exhibitidn. . • . . - • ' - The annual meeting of the local . . , .. . The following appeared in...tete•iegal Upper Canada Bible- :of .Reid - • . ' 1-axillett Toolnehiii.' ' Saturday and Sunday .' • ." - .- .: . • . ' . . 1VIrs, J.: W. Reid has . returned froth On • Saturday Iasi Mr. James Tighe Visiting friends around • $te .eielens. . West Tuekersmith. • ee CameJohns left, on •TneSday . On good hotight from us, Repenting is our specialty - • . • ' branch of the colutnns the..Mail and EMPire . of Society will be held' in Wesley church Saturday last and will: be ef ineereSt next Teesday cyming when 'a deressee to : Putney in •this township : • , ... . be delivered 'by the agent., Rey.• .. ' '' departed this life after an illness of • 'Mr, , Rufus Keyes spetre Sunday. at for -ils.Oronte...to..ettene t,40;•D' eicooss' about three years:. He Wasa waive his home' on the Babylon: Line, et .this• township where he was ' horn, ' ' ' ' Senpol,. ,. .. - ' . • .. - Mrs.. Edward • Turner Of. Clinton. is . will I.V.. P., Cliiiton-eQueel S ed eome S. H. Owen and the local: ministers. , • timber and. it. saw • inill.. The ;perches.; . . . , • • . . , er ' was not - eo.' remove more .than oae- BAPTIST OFIURCH. • , _ .., • half of the timber 'befell:0' theli'll'erice Next Sunday the Rev. Mr. Merrill- was paid Finding Ahab' ilie•-eerehas, field secretary of Baptist Sundae er had taken neerlY, all ..ef the theber schools for Oaten& and Quebec, will and had ally- peid .$200 en aecoxint of theeemlpit. After the tho I went to lawyer, earl, fifty-two .yeare. ago, - one OE the niern,.• ere o e • atge aim y and eon :ante e. , •epenhingea few days '''at. the hone of b I' 1 • f *1 . it: il ,... Blake her see, George. . , . •all his life to reside on the 'home,stead • . . , • , . • •• . . on the :' .eth Com I•le had a .• ,quicir ;Children'S. pay Was obeerved in . the Mrs. "Amos Townsend 'has been on tate • elle eves of an effitele•naftere F'resbyteriao- chinch on Sabbath when. :t1 e sick list the. put week, - .", ,- 1Mr:• Frank '.. Layton spent • Sunday which rna.de 'everybody e 1its friend . the pastor delivered a special address With. 'Hensall friends,. ' . . • 1 The largely, ' 'attended . funerel. :took to: the children. , , . ; , '• " • • • . MiSs....IVIaud Plewes left ' on Tuesday • ,. , outlet.. . , ... . . ' - . . jew eller.,-•Etc., 2 ChntOt2 . . • • ' • • • . ' • .teereeleolletAresesIverweeeletekeeeele totoe•Wee occupy evening price, a 9 1 • , . • 9 • service theft will. be a questioe and atter ' •some. letters and intere.ews, pie:eel:in Monday, service beteg. tad in .Farmers welconied the .:ain whiell for. Exitek Where she will spend • a .See Jeseph's••church;Clinton,, and the fell on Saturday and now .ate busy • • "1."14/..,11.414?.r.- . • . - - . , meeting - for Sunday seheoi succeeded in eating eeash, and a : week before retureeng'.hOnie ta, the IaMily " • answer workers. ' ,eeee note ..for ,$6.15.• in .settlement of . i my claim r- the land .the interment in the plot in St:. lair ploughing'. e • : . . • , - . Soo . Joseph's eqtricterY ' of ' this toWnebile A few ef ger. reciiie tea in • Base . Mr ' ". Walter Macdonald. and IVIrs, • 'Officiating •chae,..., .. ,• . • . . . -• • . . . . COMING CONVENTION. • The county convention -of the W`. to be held in Wesley . own • • oa-,,vbfav. saw mill. is,:. and ,i, lot. of lumber and weed.: The purchaser, at' the Mill:. has. for iedee nie, - to, go ilOoe the place. the , priest - being Rey.: fled fair On Wednesday. .This ,ends Layton and 4amity spent Thins- Father Henlon, - The pallbearers were the • fairefor this yeer. .. .. . :. .„. dee . at ...the home or Mrs. , John .Mee " ' ' - • . - • John, Shannehan, C. M. Brown, W. gr, Norman .Brehnermatt :attendee Cowan of - Stanley. . -Merrison, D, Reynolds and O. Flynn. the funeral .of, his little cousin, Alvin, • • ' • .."."*".a•!•!•••••!'04aa••alt**444,••••••••!. • . • • • et • , ar atm- a.. e.• .... church on Thursday Inext.. Several 'outside speakers win be present and Have. 1. the • right to go epee...the lann? and y me. e ,my *weed .and timber .. , . Among the mourners were the fondle- who was lard to rest in Bronson . .. iff,Artni_r_ pli, c's. ing brothere.. and -.sisters of zthe ceinetery c.o. Feiday. last. -. ::..... • VigweAllia'''Yp a OWIISEkip , . . . . • •... -a' - Iii lidei: ' Stroeldeletenotepayethepcoste-,:that---1 _ _de', . . --ceiteed-1--efts:77-P.-Cateree Chaelee and Potato diggifig iteV. •MentS, hat -- I good' litograirinio preiiii: have been to On aceount ..-, ...117ii-Oyir7fti. order , . Mr. an evangelist, 'of .. ed. Representatives from all the, unions in' the county are expected to • be present. Tea will be Served' in:the church to the delegates. „ • , _ • •FLOOD(. put •-ots his , not lienig.:ep to hie agreeeMet. e. .. A ns -Front veer ' statement 'of -.' the ;'- - ' • d . . ' • ' . • . faces, I eannot Se:a-any reee•on wilY you shOUld not go upon' the, teed' and Edward Tighe:: Bay City,. Miele : The sere? is -. . a:. good .one tionsiderieg been. holding "-ITN-iv:el' -meetings at egre.. -Tighe, 'Owen :Sound .; William the, long epee; 01 dr0011.. .:. .- • . . • ,bethel Methodist.. church.. The [meet- • . •• • i • , • • - T In of • • ' ,' . . . . . . . 'nue 'for sOne Tighe, • Goder ch , . Mrs- . , i • Mrs. Keyes is .at-peesent on a. visit ings are likely to cone. . . . • Toronto, and Miss mare Ann eiel to friends in, Michigan. • - ' time. -Mie' ‘I. - Fe' HackWell ••is pre- • •Thonias on the hemestead. The .dee • • • • . . . Peeing to AO Out to British Colienbia, " , , . . . . . • . . • ...In a .few. special lines.: • Granite Wear, --.Special. low' , . • prideS.; SO1116 Slikhtl-St damaged; but givit -trainee at' .4 • ., • - ;. -, • ' ': WO price. .oee .the reduction :,-- . , '.:.-. • . • • . • • • . , .. . ...„, , ..., . . GOLD WATCH FOR. ED. - At a meitiegeof the Heron. Old Boys' Association Of Torontc. ' held on Friday evening -last ; Mr .• E ‘--.• Floody, honorary 'president, was pre- sented with a beautiful ., gold watch,Syrupor in recognition. of his servitee to ethe, 'I'd be rernore anytimber Or Wood Which - -. longs to. yoe„ or •ffii anything else you ivish to do, preyided You do not in- terfere With . the purchaser'e•• 'hi t . rig 0 the saW.-iiiiil, or take any of' the 'Wilber which: ' vou sold to him'. '(2) .• • . . . There has not been ' any „suit . You did nol. bring any action against .the ceased .Wite- a member., of 'the' Catholic but will Wive. the .fatiiily here • , for metual • Benefit Aseocietion in which . . Drysdale, Some ' time -Miss ..• Florence Stone he held an. insurance of two 'thousand . • who has beeti working near Seaforth, • " ' , dollars.- ' • • .. -.. ,, . - ' • .... It is our eid. duty this 'weekto roe has returned..-e;Mr. Findlay McIntosh: A . ver 'pleasant ' 'gathering :-.4ei. la 'et the death f a • old' resident of had a bee last Monday hauling. tore y-1 f 131 th el th d• t .- °I" • o • a -• one. of • the e asses o . y c o is . our village and pioneer . of Hay .town- to "the . silo; The'corn is much .later Sabbath- School took place at the sthip in the persen of Mr e 'P.M Duch-. than usual -Mitchell Bros, have got itaidente:otiLyrsg_tig,tt • on • .ine T-heLdeteeased--•nall ieaeheite-e-a- re. busaY-- .e. I '. : ' No. 0 Tea, Kettle, regular . . ... . .... , : ..., ...'..e......., .. ; ...•.$L25 ior $0.88 • ' ' Kneading Pans, regular ..... .. . ... .-. :....... ... .. .. ...... 175 for '1.25 . ... Kneading Pans, regular. . • . - . • 1 50 for 1.00' • Divers., regular ' • 25 for .16 _Water Beseis, regular ,. . ' .25 for .08 , • • Teepees, regular ... . . ,.. .... ..•,.'.......... • .50 and .60 for .:25: • . Milk jugs regular' . ' .: . '. • - ' 1 .25 for .10 • • . Pie • lates, regular' • • . .. .,...*,....'...,1.,....: .. .'..- .. .:, . .... .:12 for ...08 • P-uddit*P-a-nso.egular-,-.7:-.-....,,...:,...: • A RSDei s • ePir . / as a token .pf their %pod will to- ward him. The presentation was made by Mr. B. J. n. Dineen, bar- rister -, in a very complimentary -7.1-,1 rase", , -thefefore,' .e.you have no rieht• to „claitn ' costa from him. The i settled the ei tte b t ..ewyer . a r y accaP - ing tte• cash, and note, and did • not • the - new--,threshing-odtfit-ancl-a Saturday last when , their teacher, rifie.oid 'age .and vias up to tete years cegaged tnreshing.---1V.Ir; Thee. Murray. M ''' Murch, was presented' with. a sturdy,•. -m II lees- as elected councillor by acetamation a. , industrious : an. . .e w r" • • • - '. • iv, teayelling case. • es to mount his less a widow and.. a „at the election last Monday in :t. , : . large groeve-up 'family besides grand- place of Jamee Ryan whci • testgned. ' .... . .20 -for. .14-." •Slop Pails, regular • • ' . ' . . 1.25 for" .88 • • • Water Pails,. regidar '• • . , ' • - .. . .85 for .60 • Preserying Kettlesreigelar ....., . .; . - . ................: • .50 for .35. , , Preserving Kettles,':regular . ... • - . .85 for .60 • Preserving Kettle,regular .......• : -..., see..." .......• 100 for .70.: s• • require:, lo pay any .. children and 'great a speech and was replied to by the recipien t in very feeling terms.... Othe ,purchaser coSis... The settlement will have to be . geand-clilhren " , * • yttli-." • numbering- eloso to a hundred. His • • • el complimentaxy addresses were made by prominent members of the AS- sociation. The Huron Old Boys' As- sociation are flouxishing in 'Toronto with a membership of over 560, and a good surplus in the hank . ... ' Carried Oift in .the terms-. made . hy your Solicitor. • : ' . Arthur WelSh :, and *Pero), Cole " ate he fair a o emelt as wee r tendedt ' tGd • H•t,' • 1 and while' there the. former • was per- . • • , • _ ded t t k II .sua o a e -a. pu - on. a •patr ot t'll d ' ' • ' 'others - .s i yar s on which w ere test- ing "Give, this , • remains were laid to Lest in St. Me - and - •Mrs, Emigh are e'siting Peter:s cemetery • on • Teesd;ty last. • ' • • ' • • - • ..• • •• ' heir son Willuen in Brussels for a. We •Mitefid . • our sympathy to the , t• • .. 1ew davs • •• friends in their bereavenient. • - • • .. . ' • ' • ' ', • • citizens inrend ta,k- Friends in the neighborhood have • 'Several of our . ... . . . .. • • . . ; • , • • • mg in the 13russels fa.r on .14 rulav. received inVita,tions to the marriage , The platform' at ''' tho C. P. E. .sta;- of Miss Maude Pollok and. Mr..-Thotrf-4. •• . . ' •• , ir • F .. or Lung • . 4,.. . .• . w w • . l• t, O a b 1 e s . . ek- Great Snap•to Clear Out, . 14 squares brick pattern metal siding, ....$2.25 for $1.50 • - 1 7 sqoaees Wire edge roofing' complete, regular.. • 2.50 for /00 ' 1 . • 11 sqUareel-ply rubber roofing complete, reg. 125 for 1.85 • • • . • just the thing for •sheds ot chieken houSes. • . , . . . I MARRIED IN TORONTO, In the home of, Mr. Mrs.. Josh- their' strength: .it trial, Aahut," geld Percy. ."Yes, tion has .been eitencled which ' has as Brownlee which is to take i lace in made quite • an improvement, • Bayfield an . Saturday *mkt at •• 1.2 , • . • • • • . ' . „ i and ila Hamner, 240 . Palmereton Ave.. Toronto • the marriage of Mr. John M. Imrie of tho Imrie Printine 0 0, -°. and son of the late 'Joon Imrie, • ani their daughter Lizzie Hamner was quietly cerebrated Sept., 18.. Rev. Dr Turnbull officiated, owing to the ill- ness of their own pastor, Dr. Gilra.y come alone' added . the, oft& of the etillyardet Now Arthur is it's modest .ae he is stalwart but he finally con- sented and in a Twinkling ti still- yards Were •so stretched that they went all to pieoes,, one pert striking Percy On. the forehead, 56 cutting it that the wound had to het:itched, , The sacrainent of the Lord's •Supper o'cloek, , .. • : . ' .. . . , • • is* to be. adinieistered in. St.. Andrew's Mr. Haug' Howard called on friends Presbyterian . church edict. Sunday in Hensel' on Sunday hest. ' . • • .: • ' .. . morning. . Mi. Jas.. S. Delgaty delivered • a 1V1' - . '. ' Sat -i dd • •-t 1 I . ' Mr. Will autry left on very. mpressive a ress a, p s ,ear- try. for Stratford where he 'expecte eis on Sunday last, • • " • " a . - ..; to -get a psition ' • . - 'rho auction eale held • on Intirsile,y • - ' " took tho f A M G le eio • ' Qui te a number of our • cittzenson arm o r. . Geo t.. fay w as . . 's cherrif. Pectoral -cer- Ayer tsinly-, Mires coughs, colds, b ' hid ••consumption. And ronc s, it 'Certainly .strengtheas wek • throats and weak lunge. • ' - • ••• There can be no mistake about •••••••••••••••*.ett•1144•••••••••4•010.••••••!.e.•••••••• . -CHEAP . STOVE • . cw. R . . • .1' HOUSE . . • •• 1 The bride who was dreesed • in •her travelling suit of dark green oloth, awl: another piece struck the stillyiel. man herder' ' than lie cared to expere - How" the ' . • G d ' I d Wd d d ' E .6 thi g t in the• fall fair at. o eric i an Wing- a eci e success. 4 .N .ry n •w en ham lest Week. : . • " at eieeeedingly high -prices.. . • . • this. ,You know it is true. , And • . • - -. , . N. . • with hat to match and carried white ienee. crowd did shout .. • .. . , :- • --4 tt h h 1' - *e't . • • • Mr. Will teco .w a ap ,, men vt. i - ' PHU' own dodos.. will say .so. . t+++++++++++++++444-44+++++:, . . roses and xnaiden hair fern, yeas ate. tended. by her sister, Cela M. Hare- Ares when tha yeeighinb machine went to pieces. neul its. Owner got hop.ping . re • • an.g Y • '' - . . : ing friends in -town • for e iew• daYirSi..' left on Saturday tor Lucan.* . .. , • Hullett Township. ROV. Vit. flintily officiated ' the St little boy badd terrible cough. ll tried eiveudeeer z could beat ot. but in vain until x ed Ayer's (Merry Pectoral.. The drat :deg be was better. and be steadilyinsproved ' . ' • . . J, B., HOOVER, NELSON BALL ner, as -bridesmaid, in a simple ae ' • ee at - Harvest Thanksgiving services • at A very pleiteent •'' and large gather- .unlit he was pellilakt wen" -.ma& 0. 40- 61110.11. Alt011, M. . . of bisque eollenne and carrying pink . „ • , . roses. The groom was attended by hie 'i ,ther, Mr. James hide. ' The ' Holmesville' Heneall on Sunday :Lek,. . ing assembled the other evening at'the Mr. Armitage of • London officiated residenee ef Henry • Young. This was nos trfa,L . A.Yer 00.5 xxv..711. Mau. A p iaaantaot t ' 31 SAMPARILLA. gilt ' de was a Id „, .... to the bri go watch and chain, to the bridesmaid, a „ crescent of pearls and to the grooms.of Next Sunday will be the . anitiVer. sar ' • ' i th IVIethodist church. y services n El in the Etglish church last Sunday. occasioned' by The resignation of Not - Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCaughey vif man Mina, the popular teaeher of thC 'Ith'L k USS N1211•• and e antnicreia attendede Luoknow) . . . ., o , time an u e e tiers rkry..... . , . Terms ' r man, a pearl stick Pin. After e- freshments Mr, end Mre. Rev. • James Huseer of Pcirdwich will . evening. ch morning and' prea, g ' ' h hasd ted the 1 1 ' • fair on Tuesday. • w o con ue s e • se mo ni a h I' ' ' • t- • • . .1, e ,, 0.. . . F • held their teeuler• meet- highly satisfactory manlier' for more I I Ith Ay• .s, Keep 'MOWN° s raga ar w r • Ma and thus haftan recoverY• Low. Prices fSe. Easy • wereeserved, Imrie left for 0, motiths ttip in IVIns- . . t Mrs, Hall. of Clinton was the gues . , , leg in IVIIIne's hill on MOrtdie night, than tbree years. The chair on the • . . • • We hi a to bargains in Viiraiture. We and on their return Will -live at, of Mrs: A. J. Courtiee last 'week. . occasion was ably filled by Wne, Jack- ....et...-. are position offer you good are Showing a like line of . 72 Olive Ave. • Mrs. Dale of Constance is the guest of her daughter, IVIre. Will .Connell. . Miss Sara Nesbitt the • son, of Myth Who in his usual felleiti- ons manner, called on a number of' the 11 Or t -13 8'ness Go ego T i. in. on u 1 Painless Teethinc - - FU NITU E PARLOR R R -.... COntfilliCe Miss Sadie Campbell "or Seaforth spent Sunday the pleat of hr encle . e, Mr. D. Sutherland. • • - Mrs. J. &Moe and daughter -Spent Tuesday in -Seatorth, • z • Quite a num here ebbe ded het front ' • ii ' the Myth fait, Others, intend to take,. in Brussels fair, . . . • . Was guest of Miss G. Iebbutt tor a few days. •• ' There wee a. magnificent geranitint •having. over 70 bunehes of bloom on 't1 heed in the Church tor Sunday/. ' .. . P • • „ (Mrs. Mulholland deserves great:praise for the Way in which she tool% after the placing of Rowers. irethe .: 'ehurch • , e'verr•Stludalr. ' • . • e ' , • •'' ' - • • ' • • The Gun Club intend holding their annual dinner on Wednesday night at the Hohnestrille House ' ' • • • The Womens' Institute held their ratepayers for addresses many of „ , There is no period in baby's life whore. responded and spoke in glow- Educates to teed the. living de- ' • ' ogre-esti/0 age that mothers dread More than teeth- nig terme, of the efficient manner In mand's • of a et . . big tine. 'The little gums, are tender Which the school had been cenducted. , IVIost exacting, . modern city. of- and inflamed, the child sacra and is Prominent anion * thOee were esre. flees delighted with our graduates ele'epless and cross, and the Mother is Watson, IrPtIng, Watt, Wells,. trYant, • Our usually tvoin out carrying the child; Merris, Sanderson and others, all, of (mint trains more manag The 11Se of' Babrs 0Wri Tableta all- Whorn expressed deep regret at :` the 'young people AontiallY , than any lays the . inflammation, oft . 010; delfartilre of - mt. • i‘iturCh. ' The most • •.other in Western,- Ontario.. 'We tender swollen gums, and btings ' the impertent event of the evening ' Was have incorporat,ed the counsels of' teeth through painslessly. Mrs.. r41. 'the reeding of an address by J. Watt . Sainte, ,St, Rose de Lima, Que.keiyee Axel the spreeetitation Of a gold watch. - our T,EN TEA CHEES into. ofte If '• 1 '11 loth reed unmet • Who 6, o "When' Me baby was eutting hie Chain by mt.,. Young, to which 1Vir.. S - - , : in 5.piece and 3-plece Suites- 0 R . • couches, . orris C ars and, saris ockers ' M - ha' ri " . 'also odd Chairs, Quartered Oak Rocking' • - .. Chairs, Reed Goods Etc,' • • .' . ,... 1 - • 'if you are in Peed of an extra bed••temem her we carry a -complete stock. Of Iron Bechl, Wood Beds,. 'BOririgai Mat., ' noes. Pillowe. Come and see then]. . . You will find*Our,priceS•right„ .. . VV6 Satisfaction. • - • For Quality and QuantiO Mk PAU meeting last. week at the home of Mrs.' Mulholland: Them was a .. : teeth be was feverish, •eross and did Itturelx blade' a suitable end feenrig• tourses . for ...price of ate, DaY not take uourishment. After reply. Atter partaking of the luntriti-• attend niht classes guarantee ,1•141.01.41........* dealer for the new big plugs of 'HOW 'Stag and Currency' Chewing T0bao OM - - a-- good attendance„ , • 'Mr. John McCartney returned home after spending the suma tri p ends in various laces. giving students may, him• Baby's Own Tablets he cut six fel supply of provisions catered bV '016 free. PALL TERM. 'from snpr, teeth without' the least trouble. I ladies and the nun ing of a hearty and. any icine for vote of thanks to Mr, Young for his , h live never used medicine an I di 'd I fti- any Time. n vi ti children I prize so higbly as the Tab- hospitality, they retired to their re- I a II- .struction. . . . • . 400V ER & ' BALL 11 • I ' MAN WANTED TO PL01,111 AND do general farm work at once. -W. 4-4 TI,r .4.4.,.. 5.5.5+ et i. MV4110Nli d 4a Oil rtf,Ail Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland attended the Wooden wedding of Their sou and wife ih Clinton On Titestlay eve .. I ...A. let.,." Sold by all medicinedealers speetivo homes. Thomas, Murch ot or by mail at 25 tents a box from the Stratford, has coneented to fill the Write for wants Onld Catalogue. Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., limit- position Vacated by his son, and han * ill. etr.i. 4'441,5.545 1.u%. 155.% 5,1,11.5r 5,5,1+51445i 45 Art 1 , , F . - t • • arid Under aking. urn . . ' • 11115 h' lltLvW11% •iflISJU ;1I4II5, r