HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-10-03, Page 3weeweeereevw-w—"" •
October 3r4, 1907
"Frfrirr"'"'"Irgr"-7401r-""7". 7"."'"w"'"C
List of Prize Winners et the Bluth Pail Pair
Von drailght ; brood mare, Laid-
law T. Dale ; Scale ,X0s.
liteltYre Laidlaw Bros.,; two-year-old
„gelding or Ally, John Scott, Weller,
-Brea. oneeyear-old gelding or AllY,
G. T. pale; teame jdlin Dtabctn.
:Jas. Leiper ; best lour colts feated in
1007 by any regiettered heavy draUght
4ferse, 'WM. Morrison, Wine Johnston,
Agricultural ; brood mere, A. Mc-
Leod, 1A. Mean ; foal; _A. Maleod,
two-yeareeld 'gelding
ear Ally, Laidlaw Bros., S, Doelt• ;
eaneeyeareold gelding or MIT,. Laiellaw
Breee, Jelin Brown ;. team, Mrs. Howe
:ale, Jae, Forster.
Generel purpose; brood mare, W. J
-MeBrien. fi. Godkin, jr. •, foal, C. W.
74y1ut, S. Dow; two-rea.r-old geld-
ing or filly, M. Lockhart, W. G. Ross
sine -year-old gelding or Ally, John
Brown: M. Lockhart ; team, C. W.
'Taylor, M. Lockhart.
Carriage; brood mare, Adam El-
, • liott ; foal, Adam Elliott.
Roadsters; Brood Mater Thos.
Black, Thos. Archer; feat, Thos. Ar-
cher, D. Cook; two-year-old gelding
or filly, Lorne E. Butt; one -year-old
gelding or Ally, M. Lockhart; saddle
ininoe- horse, Jas Tierney ; best four colts
baled in 1907 by any registered road-
:ster, carriage or coach horse, John
Spepial prizes :• Single driver, L.
Lott, R. King, Jas. Vannorman ;
team roadsters, S. pow, M. MeVite
; carriage team, C. 'Welker.
eJudge-W. H. Hucks, V. S., Mild-
Pure-bred Durhaang ; milch tow,
John Barr, A. V. Sloan; two-year-
, "old heifer, John Barr, T. Taylor L
-one-year-old heifer, T. H. T.aylor,,
John Barr ; heifer calf, John Barr, J.
L. Scott; one -year-old steer, John
Barr, lst and 2nd; aged bull, John
Barr, R. C. McGowan; bull, two
years and under„ T. H. Taylor, Jelin
Barr; bull calf, D. Cook, A. W.
Ston; herd, JOhn Barr.
Aberdeen-angus ; milah caw, W. _Col-
11inson, A. Elliott; aged bull, A. El-
liott; bull, two years and under, W.
Collinson, R. G. McGowan. •
Grades; MHO' cow, John Barr, R.
B. Laidlaw two -rear -old heifer, John.
Barr, J. L. Scott ; one -year-old hell-
-er, John Barr, R. D. Laidlaw; heif-
er call, John Barr, J. L. „Scott, ;
steer calf, J. L. Scott, 1st and 2ad ;
two-year-old steer, J. L. Scott, A.
W. Sloan; one -year-old staer, R. B.
Laidlaw, Jas. Tierney, ; herd, John
Barr ; fat ox or _ steer, John Barr,
lst and 2nd ; fat cow or heifer, R.
B. Laidlaw, John Barr.
`Judge -Jas. B. Dickey, Stapler.
Cotswold; aged ewes, John Barr
•shearling ewes, John Barr.
Leicester;• aged ram, shearling ram,
.ram lamb, shearling ewes, aged ewes,
ewe lambs -John Barr ipok first prize
in all' six sections.
Shropshiredown ; aged.. ram, Jas.
Alton, D. Laidlaw; shearling rain,
D. Laidlaw, Jas. Alton ram ,lamb,
D. Laidlaw; aged es, D. Laidlaw;
.:shearling ewes, D. Laidlaw; ewe
Iambs, D. - Laidlaw.
Lincolns; aged ram, Jas. Chis,
; shearling ram, Jas. Chisholm,
E. Corley; ram lamb,. R. Corley, lst
-And ; ewes, Jag-. Chisholm, - R.
Corley; shearling ewes, R. Corley";
•:ewe Iambs, Jas. Chisholm, R. Cor-
ley fat sheep, John Barr, R. Corley.
Judge -Jas. Dickey, Staynes.
Yorkshire; aged boar, Jas. Alton;
brood sow, Jas. Alton, Ed. Haggitt,
-.sr. ; boar littered • in 1907, Jas Alton
-.-sow -190.7,--Jos-Alioa, F,,i
Haggitt, sr:
Improved • Berkshire I aged boar,
ThueII & ,Nicol, Jag. Alton; brood
Thuell & Nicol, 1st and 2nd;
:boar littered in 1907, Thuell &Nicol,
Adam Elliott • sow littered in 1907,
& Nicol, Jas. Alton.
Judge -Levi Trick, Clinton.
• The -Little Ones Going to Buy
"My little girls love to run to the store
or Diamond Dyes when 1 require them.
Your dyes are a positive pleasure to use
.for home coloring, as they are so easy to
-work with, and the results are sure and
Mrs. Edward Hood, Vancouver, B.C.
Notwithstanding the verdict of the
-world's -most vie ent_colorthentista,thet,
• it is impossible to color:Wine and Silk (ani.
Inial materials) _and Cotton, Linen, and
.combinations Of Cotton abillinen
:table materials) with the •stinie dye, we
:still find manufacturers of weak and
:adulterated package dyesenittiug up end
Offering for esti° their worehlesidyet whieh
„they claim will color .any :material with
...one dye.
- 'WARNING, 'The ladies will protect
*themselves ...Awn serious losses if they-
ravoid all merchant,. who offer to tell such
Tweak and crude dyes. in ever/ ease ask
Ifor Minuend Dyes, and gee that' each
;package bearsthe words "Illitiritned
Peekage Dyee.4 The manufacturers of
!Mankind neefehave •absointely no coo.
;nection with any ether brand of dyes.
Sendueyour full address and we will
iteall you free of cost New Teddy -Beat
:Booklet, New Direction Doak and so
samples of d",ed cloth.
lerBLLS&RIC1IAR1)8O7 CO,, IxIrj
Ittoittrevar, P. O.
l3rorge tigkeys, Ed. Haggitt, sr. ;
geese, large breed, W. Carter, Ed.
' Haggitt, sr. ; Rouen ducks, W. Care
:ter,e,14,"Blat 144 efeluelee, any other
variety, Ed. Haggitt, sr., G. W.
win Orpliigtens, Ed. Haggitt sr.,
Levy; Leghorn, white, Ed,
• Haggitt, sr., G. W. ITY1,1a Legberne,
brown,d. 'Haggle% sr., Jelin Pair..
eerviee • Hetindane,' Carter! let I.
and ; Braluotte, variety, G.
W. Irwin, A. C. Levi, ; black Span
lab, •Mrs, Howrie ,• MinoreaS, Ed; Hee
gitt, 4r., lit and 2nd ; 'Hamburg;
sgrangled, W. Carter, lst' and 2nd;
Hamburge, permitted, W. Carter, lst
and 2nd; Langebans, Ge W. Irwin, A.
C. Levy.; Dorkinge, G. W. IrWin, W.
Carter; Wyandottes, Silver, G. W.
Irwin, John Fairseevice • Wyatt-
dottes, any ether variety, G. W. Ir•
win, Ed, Ileggitt, Sr. ; Andel-
usians, Mrs. Howrie, Edward
Haggitt, sr, ; black breasteh red
game, G. • W. • Irwin, Edward
Haggitt, sr. L.buil Coeliine, G. W. Ir-
win; 1st and 2nd ; Bantams', Ed. Hag -
pt., se., W. Carter ; Polands, G. W.
Irwin ; Plymouth Rocks, barred
John Fairservice, Ed. Haggitt, sr.
Plymouth Rocks, white, Ede Ilaggitt,
sr., G. W. Irwin.; guinea fowl, John
Barr, -A. W. Sloan ; collection 9f
pigeons, Haggitt, sr.
Judge -A: Ferguson, Belgrave,
Red fall wheat, Taylor, J. K.
Wise ; white fall %A -leaf; J. K. Wise,
Wm. McGowan ; red spring wheat,
J. K. Wise ; six,•rowed barky, P. W.
Taylor, J. K. Wise ;, white oats, J.K.
Wise, C. W. Taylor, black oats, J. K.
Wise; small peas), C. W. Taylor J. K.
Wise ; Itirge peas., J. K. Wise ; tim-
othy seed; J: K. Wise. • -•Judge-C. H. Beese, Blyth.
Collection garden 'produce, „- W. :'4.
McCracken; early • potatoes, named,
P. Willows ; late potatoes, named, P.
J. J. Nilson ; eollecilon of
Potateles, 6' yarietieS7P. Willows, W.
MeCrOcken ; field carrots, . W. H.
BleCraeken ; garden, red. carrots,. D.
W. Hendlton, Laidlew Bros. , Swede
turnips, John Barr, V,V. H. McCrack-
en; turnips, env other variety, John
Barr W. H. •McCracken ; beets,' . W.
H. Meerackee, John Barr; sugar
beets, Laidlaw .Bros., T. II. •Taylor .
mangel wurtzels, • long, W. H. Mc-
Cracken, 'E. Haggitt, Gt. ; mange'
wurtzels, globe, W, 14.' McCrecken ;
mangel wurtzels, intermediate,
W. H. MeCracken, J: J. Mason ;
pumpkin, 'W. It McCracken, E. Hag-
gitt; sr. ; squashe. W. H. McCracken
red onions, W. H. MeCreciteti ; yellow
onions, W. II. McCraeketi• ; silver
pickling onieps, W. H.. McCrackeo ;
white held beees, W, MeCroeke.n
field corn. H. H. McCracken -citrons,
D. W. Hamilton, Ser, .11. 1VICCiacken
cabbage, W. H. McCracken, P. Wil-,
lows ; red pickier% eabbage;: W. H.
McCracken ; cauliflOWer, W. H. - .Mc-
Cracken; eelery, W. H. -IVIcPricken.
Judge -Wm.• Warnock, ..Goderieh, A
• -•
Crock butter; Adam Elliott.,
Plunkett .; -butter, 10 lbs., in rolls,
Wm. Plun,kett, Adam Elliat • butter,
5 lbs., in prints, Adage Elliott, WM.
Plunkett dairy • eheese, J, k.
Wise e-eatraetede-honelfred_tree. -
honey in comb, ' Alfred Carr • hofne-
made bread, D. W. Hat:nil-ton, Wm.
Plunkett ; plain 'tea biscuits, Adam
Elliott,"Jas. Potter; maple syrup,
A. W. Sloan, Laidlow Bros, ;• Collec-
tion' canned or preserved fruit; D, W,
Hamilton,' W. -II.. IleCraeken ; grape
Wine, home-made, 'W.• H. McCracken,
Misss M. Livingstone; tomato cate
sup, Wm. Plunkett, J. K. Wise.; pick-
'mixed7-MIV-1VI. 'Livingstone,
W. Hamilton ; any other kind
Wm. Plunkett, D W. Hamilton..
Judges -P. Cantelon, Clinton ; Miss
Green, Loyal,
All Wool flannel, Mlie II. Wise
Wen flannel, Idiee P, Nott, Miss
Wise`; all wool Mankato, Jas. Potter,‘
Miss P. No; ; union blankets, Mies
R. Wiee, 4. K. Wise; coverket, arta.
Pottee ; rag mat, Miss P. Noel, `Mies
D. Symington ; yarn ellat, Miss iL
Wise, Mrs, Harrison ; rag carpet
. Ise, Miss Wiso ; stock
earn, Miss P. Not J. K; Wise.
Gowan; (b) for children under aide
een year et 'Age, Earl Kaiser, Rhee
Rottett; (e) for children under eixt.
een years' of age, Clara McGregor,
'Mabel Swann.
Judge -Th. G. S. Long, Blyth.
By J. M. Ilainilton, Myth, for best
herd of grade cattle -John Barr.
By J. M. Hamilton, Blyth, for best
herd of Durum Cattle -John Barr. 6
By Stone fk Wel,ington. Ponthill
Ing Nurseries, fur ten largest eppleseeee,
W. Sloan,
Special prize ofteeed for five eaeli of
the ten following karieties of apples;
viz., Northern Spy, King, Baldwin,
Ontario, Rhode Island ,Greening,
Golden Russet, Ben Davis, Wagner,
Seek -No -Further, Canada W.
Sloan. (The object of this prize was
to collect apples.tor, the purpose of as -
siting the county exhibit to be made
at Toronto next November.)
For business men's displays -len -
Orel store, Poplestone & Gardiner;
Lace hanclerchiets, Mrs. Harrison,
Mine M. Livingstone; button holes,
We. R. Stevenson, Wine Plunkett
speeimens of patching, D. W. Handl
toe.; gents' mitts, Mrs. R. Stevenson,
Mrs. Taniblyn ; pillow shams, Mrs.
R. Stemson, bliss P. Nott; pateh
quilt: in cotton, Miss, P. Nott, Mrs.
Tdmblyn ; patch guilt in cloth, Miss
P. Nott, Miss H. Wise ;silk deilt,
crazy, 1Virs. R. Stevenson, Mrs. Tam-
blyn ; crochet quilt, W. H. Mc-
Cracken, 1VIrs. Howrie ; kniraleitodgqtinilt:
Kiss P. Nett, Miss Sy
pair woolen socks or steckingg, home-
made, IVIiiss P. Nott, Mrs, Stevenson;
erase= work, Are. Stevenson; Miss
P. Nott; ,embroidery on bolting
cloth, Mrs. Stevenson, 1Viiss, D. Sy-
mington; embroidery on silk or
satin, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Tamblyn;
kensington embroidery, Mrs. Steven,
son, Mrs. Tamblyn; Roman eru-
broidery, Mai Livingstone, Mrs. Her-
rieon ; parlor sereen, Mise Not* sofa
cushion, Mrs, Harrison, W. A. Car-
ter; fancypanel, Mjs 11. Wise, Mrs.
Stevenson •, piano or table scarf, Mrs.
Hoverie, Miss Nott ; drawn work,
Mrs. Harrison, W. A.' Carter; honi-
ton pr point lace, aVIrs. 'Harrison, Mn
Tamblyn ; novelty in fancy work, W.
A. Carter, Miss. Symington : crcrchet
Work in silk, Mrs: Harrison,
Sterenson; crochet Work ire cottee; -
Nies SyiningtOn, Mrs. Harrison ; bed-
room slippers, hand -made, Mrs. Tani -
Opt, Mrs. Uarrieon ; fancy toilet set,
Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Not* footstool,
Miss 'Mee, Miss, Nott ; applique work
.Mise Livingstone, Miss Nott; fancy
pin 'cushion, Mrs) Harrison, 'Miss
Livingstone; fancy henderchief case,
Miss Nod, Mrs. Howrie ; xneuld work
Mrs. Stevenson,' Miss' Livingstone ;
kettle(' lace in cotton,. Mrs. Steven-
son, Miss Symington.; knitted or
trochet fancy wool shawl, Mrs:- Har-
rison, *Miss Wise ;one set crochet
table mats, Mrs. Reverie, Miss Sy-
mingeon ; one set of deifies., not more
than six pieces, Miss Nott, Mrs. Tom-
blin; battenburg lace, Mrs. Harrison,
Jas.: A. Anderson; fandy glove 'case,
Mrs. Harrison, Miss Livingstone, tat-
ting, Mrs: • Stevelliell, Mrs. Howrie
ancy 'netting, Mrs. Harrison', . Mrs.
Tamblyn • Queen Anne darning -Mrs.
Hat•rison, Mrs. ,• Stevensonif gentle,
man's collar and cuff, case., MiSS Nett;
table centre piece e Mee. Harrison,
Mrs.; Stevenson ; • table cover, . em-
broidered.(5. o'clock), Mrs. Harrison,
Mr4. Howrie ; tray elotli, Mrs, Steven: -
'son, Mee: H-arrison ; tea cosey, Miss
Nott, Mrs. Harrison ; picture throw,
Miss Nott, Miss Symington e lamp
screen, Miss Symington, Miss Living -
tone ; laundry beg, Miss 'Symington,
Inc Harrison ; shopping bag,. Mrs,
Harrison, Mrs. Stevenson ; etching
on any material, "fine or course W
A. Carter, M,re. TamblYn , knotted
bed Spread Miss Wise Mise Syming-
ton ; mantle drape, Miss Nott, Miss
Symington ; slumber robe, Miss Nott
ltrs, -Howrie ; teneritle lam, Jas. A
endersoe, Mrs. ' Tainglyn ;braid
liowele-,--MisseedOt • ch-
ing Mrs.: Steeenson,• Mese Floweie;
collection of ' ladies' work, twelve
pieces, •Mrs. Stevensop, VS: Har-
rison. • .
Judge -'-.Mrs; W. J, Fyle, Blyth.
Work by 'children under thirteen
years of age; It. G. McGowan cro-
-Chet-we* in woiel, It--1VIc4ovetinee
work, plain or ornamental, R.
MCGoevan. •
Judge -Mrs. W. • J. Pyle, alkth.
Apples ; six named varieties of wite•
ter apples, A. 'W. Sloan, Jas. Potter;
four , named varieties of fall apples,.
Jas. Potter,- A, W. Sloan ; baldwin;
A. H. -Jacobs,. It. G. MCGoteaa ;king
of• Tompkins., A, W.. Sloan, R. ., G.
McGowan; northern Spy, W,
• Sloan, •Re G. ' McGowan e .Rhode Is-
land greenings, A. W. Sloan, A. FL
Jacobs ; ribston, pippin, A. W,-.Slean,
John Scott-; russett golden, A. ..,W.
Sloan Re G. McGowan ; russet Rox-
boro, A. W. Sloan; .11. G. • lteGowe'.1:;
seek -no -farther, R. G. IVICGowan, A.
'W.. Sloan ;Wagner, Wm. ••ifieGowen,
A. W. Sloan; Ben Ditvie, .4, 1.1, Jac-
obs, Wm, McGowan ; Gravenstein, A.
Jacobs, A. W. Sloan; mammoth
pippin, A. W. Sloan; talmae eweet, m
Wm. MeGowan, R. G. IVIeeleevan ;
Mane,. R. 0, McGowan, A. W. gian
maiden' blush, A. W. Sloe"'; Snow
A. W.., Sloane Jas.- Potter
Ontario, R. G. McGowan, A.
W. Sloan; Pewattkee, R. G.
McGowan, A, W. Sloan: wealthy,
John Seotte R. G. McGowan; Can-
ada red, R; G. McGowan, Jas: Foie
Cr ; culverts, John ,Stott„ Jas. Pot-
ter ; Alexatider, Jas. • Potter, Alfred
Carr; 20 oz. pippin, A. W. Sloan,
Potect ; any other named var-
iety, A. II, oJacobs, Alfred Carr;
erab a,pplee, One dozen, T. II. Taylor,
twenty varieties, named, it G. Mee
Gowan, A. W. Sloan.
furniture, J. IL Chellew ; hardware,
MacPherson Broe.
By Frank Metcalf, Blyth to boy or
girl under eighteen years 44 age who
correctly names the gieateot number
of a, set ot apples -let Bella Potter,
2n4 Maggie McGowan, fird Walter Me -
Gowan, 411 *pea M. Pottier. (The
object of this prize was td encourage
the boys and girls to study fruit care-
fully. The competition was preeeeded
by an interesting and instructive talk
on apples by Mr. Metcalf..
By McMillen Co„ Blyth, to pg.,
eon awarded the greatest number of
Arse prtzes for huttereeAdam Elliott.
By The Myth Standard, for the
best two loaves 'et' bome-made bread
W. Hamilton; for beet 5
butter-Leidlew Bros.
By Blyth Percheron Association,
for best colt sired by "Gervais" and
foaled in 1907-1et IL Godkin, Jr.,
2nd and 3rd, T. IL Taylor,
13y Wm. ugill, Constance, for best
colt sired by "Haokard" and foaled
in 1907 -Thos, Archer,
Zurich Vali Fair Prize List
CIAO 1 -Draught Horses.
Peal draught, John Campbell ; 1.
year-old gelding or Ally, J. Dearing
W. Drover, J. Dearing,;. 2-year.o1d
Elliott Bros., D. Taylor, Leo Foster
3 -year-old, W, Love; Span Mares' or
geldings in harness and `wagon, J
Class 2 -Agricultural Horses.
Brood mase accompanied by Joel,
J. Campbell, L. Restemeyer, FL Vol -
land, Sr.; Foal, L. Restemeyer, El-
liott Bros., II. Volland, Sr.; 1 -year-
old gelding or filly, le Beichert, Da-
vid Schneil ; 2-year-o1d, Cf.- Coleman,
R. Love, Ross Johnston; 3 -year-old,
Witzel, R. McArthur; Span mar-
es or geldings in harness and wagon,
E. Gies, J. Decher Sr., J. etagere
Haugh, H: Rader; Fat cow or heifer,
En, Rader, ist and 2nd, 4. Rader; 2 -
year -old steer, P. Laniont, IA and
2nil, E. Rader ;. Yearling str.er, E.
Klopp, D. Haugh, E. Klopp ; Steer
calf, D, Haugh, . W. MeAllister,
Rader; Fat steer,' p. Lamont, lst
and and 3rd;.Jersey eow, E off -
man, Frel. Remmel.
Judge -H. Smith, Exeter.
'Class 8 -Long Wool,
Class 3 -General Purpose.
Brood mare accompanied by, foal,
0. Walper, 1'. Decher, . Joe Foster ;
Foal, E. Bender; A, Hooper 5.
Saraxaa ; 1 -year-old gelding or elly,
F.. Willert, W. Smith, Leo Foster ;
2 -year-old E. Rader, Elliott Bros, W.
VVitzel ; 3 -year-old, J. Sparrow, F.
E, Rader; Span mares or
geldings in harness and buggy, J.
Dether, Jr., J. 13looh, II. Neeb
Class 4 -,-Carriage. Horses,
Brood mare accompanied by foal,
D.. Schnell; 1 -year-old gelding or filly,
D. Sohnell r 2 -year-old, D. Sehnell, J.
Hey; Jr., W. Smith ; 3 -year-old, , E.
J. Wolper, E. Cudmore, W. Smith •
Span mares orgeldings in lierness
anel buggy, C. Welker, J. Farmer. ;
Buggy horse • in harnese and buggy,
P. leIcteaac; B. Smillie, it. S. Ruby.
Class 5--Roadsteie Horses.
Brood mare accompanied .hy • foal,
J. Dealer, Jr., 0: Greb,J, Preeter ;,
Foal, b. 'Schnell, J. Decher, Jr J
Preeter„; 1-year-olcl , gelding :or. filly,
R.' Oarepleell, E. Ester,. Jos. Foster';
a -Year-old, W. Pfile, E. 'Weiner, A.
Foster; 3-year-eld, P. Fassold, C.
Greb, J. ligan; Span mares, J.
Decher, Sr., Hagen Bros., .,W. T.
Ttuetnner ; Buggy -horse, A. Buchanan,
J. Ireland, Joe l3renner ; Lady'driv-
' er, J. -.Ireland, E,.•Cudinoree P. •Fes -
- •
Ornament or. vase, Miss Living-
stone, Mrs. Stdvenson ;'hand painted
plaque in oil, Mrs; Steveilson, Mrs..
Harrison ; piece of burnt work on
leather, Mrs. Stevenson, Miss Living-
stone.; piece burnt, work on *pod,
Mrs. Harrison, eltet Howrie ; picture
of Huron county seeriery, Mrs. *How -
de, Mrs, Harrison'; painting •ori bolt-
ing eloth, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Steven-
sop ; cups and saucers, • heir dozezi,
hand' painted, Mrs,. Harrison, Mrs.
TeMblin ; platesihalf dozen, hand
painted, Mrs, Stevens* Mrs. Hartle
son ; collection. 'of oil paintiugs, 1Vi1se
Agnew, Mrs. Stevenson ; collection of
water color paiiV:ings, Mts. • Steeen-
son, Miss Livingstone ; *pre paint-
hig in oil, "Mrs. Haerleon, Mrs, 'How-
rie ; figure. painting in water color,
rs, Harrison, Miss Livingstone; ani -
Os grouped or singlet in oil, Miss
Agnew, Mrs, Harrison,'; animals group-
ed or Single, in water color, Miss Liv-
hegstOne, Mrs. Ilarrieon ; landscape in
oil, Miss 'Agnew, Mrs. Stevenson;
landscape in water color, Mts. Steven -
Son, Mrs. Howrie ; crayon drawing,
Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs, Stevenson ;
drawing, Mies Livingstoae,
Howrie ; collection of pen ant ink
sketchee Harrison, Miss plying -
stone ; speeimen china painting, Mrs.
Harrison, Mrs. ;-)tevenson; hand paint -
ink, on silk, satin or pittele Mrs.
Stevenson, Wise Liivingstone ; peinte
Miss Livingstone. • Symington
Judge-Miss Manias', Ripley,
Winter pears, E. Haggitt, sr., John
Fells ; fan Pears, • P. Metcalf, E.' e,g,e
Haggitt, sr. ;, tamed- plums, any L'0
'Variety, ono dozen, F. Metealf, w.H. Pc
MeCrackene collection of plums, P.
Metcalf, W. IL leiteratken .twelve
tomatoes, F. Metcalf, .Itte. A. Ander- 7'
son ; eollection of grapes, A.
Colleciton ,of foliage, Mrs, Penwick ;
ea.niums in bloom, J. G. Moser, IVirs
nyvick ; fuschias in bloom, Mae
niviek, J. G. Moser;, hanging bav-
t, J. G, Moser, Mrs. Fenwick; dis-
ay of Weide in (tower, in pc*, J.
Nieser, Wm. Mason; table bouquet,
G. Moser, Mrs. Penwiek • collect-
ion Of dahlias, Mrs. Fenwick, Miss
Judge -Win. Warnock, Goderich.
Competition in writing and drawing
a) for children under ten years ol
Rebecca MeGowati Mary Mc.
Jacobs ; four bineehee of grapes, any
variety,eleliss D. Symingtbn, Miss; P,
Nott. •
Judge -Robert TI1tott,Goderich.
Wooden pump, -P. 'Willows. -(
Judge -Andrew McNally, Myth. o.g
Aged ram, G. Penbale, J. Haberer
Yearling ranf;• G, Penhale, W. Bat-
tier; 'Yearling ewe, G. Penhale, lst
and 2nd; Ewe lemb ram and ewe
having raised la.tril? in 1907, G. pen:
hale, lst aed 2nd en each class.
Class: 9 -Fine Wool,
- Yearling ram, A. Duncan ; Yearling
ewe; A. Doman, • 1st and lind ;,
sheep, G. Penhale, A. Duncan E'we
having raised lamb hi .e907, A. Dun-
can, lst and 2nd; Ewe lambs, A.
Duncan, lit a.nd .2nd,
Judge-4-Thorrlas Prior.
Class 10 -,Berkshire.
Snowdensen Bros. too7 'firsts le`this
Clasp 11-:Taneworth.
Snowden Brostook e firsts in this
el4udge-Thomas *Prior.
AaCsg:a.esi bIe37a-Yr, 7J1:koshhni'reE,n,gland ;
boar,Jobe E , rigland
Class 11.
Pair Homburgs, W. Battler; Ply-
mouth rocks, W. Battler, W. Love;
.Wyandottes, W. Battler, S. .Bechter •
Sleek sparush, W. Battler ; Dorkins,
W. Battler ; Red caps, W. Smith, W.
Battler ; White leghorns,, . E. Gies,
W..Loye ; 'Brown leghorns, G. Claus-
itts lst and 2nd ; R. 1. Reds, •G.
Clausias, E. Gies. •
Class 15
Pair Pekin China ducks, Snowden
Bros., Aug. Ehnes ; Rouen ducks, G.
Mums, W. Battler ;- Ducks, W.
_Battles Snowden Bros • Geese, G.
Class 6-Durhem. Claueius, Vi Battler, Turkeys, Geo..
, • • Clauslus, Snowden -Bros ; Toulouse
Cows in Milk or in calf, E. Rader, geese, Snowden Bros. ' •
1st,. .3nd and 3rd,•2-yeareold lieifer,1 .•
E, Rader, E. Klopp, E. Rader, Year- MANUFACTURERS
2heiferd,3rd Bull calf .E. Klopp, W., McAllister, Horsem
(hamez) prang
nd.. ari; 190,7, E. 1Ceopp •
J. Chambers, 2nd and 3rd ; il
*Heifer: °rs° shoes' died' L. thrs•ng'
telt 1007, H. Rader, • W. McAllister, Judges -Jacob Sararas, Zurich; and
- Lyv ,yeeezelCreditop.. '
Class 7 -Other Than Thorobr:d:
;Cows in milk or in calf, 14, Rader
E.: Klopp, L. Rader, 2 -year-old leg- G. Broderiek,... Zurich, G.' Schroeder;
or, E..Klopp, E. Rader, H. Rader ; Dashwood.. 2.50 Class -H. Bossen-
Yearling heifer, D. Haugh, eV. MeAle berry, Grand Bend, C. Eilber, Zur-
lister, ; Heifer ealf, .H. 'Rader; D. ich, Noah Sararae, Zuriob
400i,a,'Neuwsip-°4:shieanse iiaextractmali
nourishMeot from her food,.
She took Scoti.,s Zmatsion,
hod a, pouiad del in weight,'
ake Care of e Dollars
And ihe Pennies l'oho Mee of ihenisels.
/ea all very well. to save the pennies, but get into the Way of
saving the dollars. They ecoune up faster. Consietent eaving wlfl
place you teyoad the grasp of need. mr
Interest is paid quarterly upon deposite, and Huron & Erie.
,Debentures earn 4 percent, per annuee.
Cash Value of Mortgages •
To al Assete. „, . .
Paideup Capital....., . • .........
Reserve Fund • 1,600,000 00
There is no stronger Company with which to do business •ia
Canada. Correspondence gladly entered into.
$10,050,973 25
11,1030214 92'
4,900,000 00
Loan & Savings Co., London) Ont.
Mayor. Coatsworth Toronto is My wile is having the best of healkh
confined to his home through illness; I
, . . Milleree Compound Iron Pills did it.
For sale by W. A. IVIcOonnell,
13roekville fishermen locate vessel • gist, Clinton,
thought to be elaymaster'e ship, the
"Ensign", stink in the tear ei 1812.
Many have. tried to devise corn cure
•equal to Petnam's, but after fifty
years nothing has come upon the Mar-
ket that so paisilegsly cares corns and
*arts. -Don't' 'experiment, use ihe
best, and that's "Putnam'sSe•
The Bishop London, Efigla,nd,
played 'lawn tennis . with ieresident
,Roosevelt last 'Saturday. -
They eat something that Ilisagreei,
catch cold,have cramtis or Collo, It
there is pain just apply Nerviline,-=
it's: good to rub t and for the in-
side, its most comforting, Lfieet to and
• pleaaant, you can't fine ho e.ehold
Panacea to equal Poison's
Used With satisfaction for balf eerie
thry and in better demand evetk clay
bedause it does stop pain, ease suffer-
ing and cure' 1 he thorisands- ctli. one
ills that. co/1st-a-fitly arise in the fam-
ily. Large bottles at all dealers ,,for
A young Russian hunk himself with.
a belt and two towels in the Grand
Trunk.:railway station at -Montreal,
For all Kidne and Bladd r
lee try Miller's Kidney and. Bladder
Pills.' For sale by W. A. McConnell,
druggiSt, Clintpn.•••
. New Zealand's proposed fariff
probably be cut down.
' Everyone needs something
to „create and mainOin
•strength for the., • daily
round, of duties.
e .
There .is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter,' the
pu xity led merit ot Which.
,has been attested. by
chernisis, physiCians and
experts at the great exhibe
'ire caused $35,000 damage. in Tor. -
A $400;060 ica4areaker will be Pu • Onto last Saturday • morning: ,
.the Gulf of St, Lawrence. . • •
• A bitter 'feeling is arising at Kink -
,Fanners' :-W. Egleson, Corbett,
Ascertain its cause and the cure is',
nt hard to Mid. Look to the stom-
ach and bowel*. Are not yon con-
•stdpatedi , ieeit yeur 'liver shiggish,
istnt the stornach failing itt is
sion? What you need is the
sing tonic in2uence of Dr. -Hamilton's
Pills. Their effect, is lasting because
they ale all the ailing organs, , flush
out all unhealthy matter, and 'tone up
the ' stomach. • Witb Dr. Hamilton's-
Pilis ?our otomach gate a chance t�
recuperate, and does so ,euieely. For
real buoyant health use Dr: Hamil-
ton's Pills regularly, 25e per box at
all dealers. •
Canadian rural life is presented , fa
a realistic and wholesome way try
Anisort North In "Carmichael'," the
notable Cahadian story of the year;
publication of which as a serial hi
he Farrnees Advocate and Hann
Magazine," of London, Ont., is lust
being begun. Its teaders are to be
congratulated upon the literary, treat
in store for them.
Just think of the enormous sererg-
thening power Ferrozorie poesesees,-,
eolk.sider what it did for II. V. Pott-
er, well-known in Kingeboh, "1 as
subjeet to spellie of dizehtess. Poi
eight months I hiid intense pain in
my right side between the shntildere.
I was almost incurable with,vteakness
and la.ck of vigor. Often I teatette
ate any breakfast and felt miserable
all day. Nervous, easily mined,
troubled with heart weekneee, I was
in bad shape.. Perrozone re/toted end
nottriehed ine back to health in short
order." Witatvver your Weakness MeV
Ferrozone will cure. Price 500 per
box at all dealers.
Presence of Mind bna Body.
. An official who has' been long in the
service of tee government -at- Washing --
ton tells a . good Story of the time
when Hamilton Pish Was. Seeretary.
of State.
Mr. and Mrs.Pish had, according
to this MOO; a grand air, an old-
fashioned courtesy, that introduced a
new note into the Washington society
of that time. It is said that Mrs.
Fish eometinaes eatried her high idea
ogfulico9urtict.far-that esy too far -at it was
tele of her rides, for instance, was
to returnevery call Site receiyed. Her
husband was continually holding re-
ceptions and to thee) out of courtesy
many Women would come who had no
desire that Mrs. Fish should call on
them -who Were in no Position to re-
ceive. her properly a she dih call.
One such woman attended a Fish re-
ception, left her card, and a little la-
rteirsh.wwas honored by a call from Mrs,
It was a beautitui, mild atternoon.
The Fish equipagei, all a -glitter in the
wintry, sunshine, dashed 'down the
narrow street and halted before the
womanT-shab be, Tittreliiiiiie WWI -
Inimical jingle of silver, chains. The
footman leaped from the box ailed pp -
cried the carriage door and Mrs. Fish
The poor woman of the house was
itt a dreadful predidamente She . was
alas, kneeling on the sidewalk beside
a bueket• of hot weeet. Her sleeves
were rolled back. She had a Scrubb-
ing brueh ih one band and a cake of
soap ifi the other. She *as setubbiag
the front Steps.
Bending graciously over her, Mrs.
Fish asked politely
"Is Mrs-. Henry Robinson at home'
And Mts. linty Ilobineon replied •
"No, inum, she ain't" and went on
serubbinge-pctober Lippincott.
New land has bom discovered north ,Insurance companies for delays in
of Fort Mappherson. : paying insurance.
Three, Cuban Generals have been' ar- Grip Powders Cure. For
rested at Havana for plotting or'airst sale by W. A. McConnell, druggist,
the: public ,erder... • '
Pim les ace Sores
ttA) a eeminon, trouble. Impurities which should be thrown off from the body have a
tendency to remain in the vs! ern, thus c/ogging the pores end giving rise 1.0 all eorts of
disagreeable skin troubles. Zara-Buk applied to
the skin has a meet wholesome effect. It stimulates
and helps the skin to throw °Cony impurity and
restores the skin to a healthy state. •
"Zain-Ruk• is the best household balm ever
brought into a home." Such 18 tile opinion of Mrs.
-Sarah McDonald, of Dim (Oat) She says: -"My
little girl had a severe and obstinate rash on her
skin. I applied Zam-Buit a tow times and .the
skin trouble which had defied all other remedieS;
Wont away like mag1:3.ft ' •
Zorn -link cures Xerema, Ulcers, .ScrofuItt, Pois-
oned wounds, restoring Sores and all Skin Diseases.
Rubbed well in it zazo-13ok is the finest olubrooa.
tion for Rheutnatism, ,Seiaticu, etc. Of all stores
and druggists at 60 cents, Or from Zam. Belt Co..
TorotitO for wino. 3 boxes for 31.25, (0. B. Pulford
You want to learn bookkeeping so
that when you finish your course
you wilrfeel sure of yourself, don't
you? •
That's the -way we will teach you
We will thoroughly histreet you
in the theory of bookkeeping and
then make 'you apply your theorete
ical iniewledge in a pritetical way.
YOU Will know the Correct way to
enter up every conceivable kind of
a transaetioti by either single Or
double entry.
You will know every phase of
Modern banking rnetheds.
You will"' make good el io ectual
business life. And, do you know.
we cannot supply the demand for
our graduates?.
Large, illustrated Catalogue free.
afietboritif rlitelitere Educators'
Aiseeisiflea. Principal, rankle*