The Clinton News-Record, 1907-09-19, Page 4*Mglimber 191It1 1907 The Melon News -Record .0000.000.0000001• wawa.. or One WillNever Permit any Man or Men to Dictate to Me What I Shall Eat or Drink," -John Ransford, • The loileWine, letter Wall eeeh jalin getleteed at the meeting a 'the Pealiere Of, Here° he St, Patilee schoni boue, Clieton, OP Friday'at ; Permit :My Mee er Men te dictate to like ? So some laight thotigle nese me AS to What I am to eat or .drinic. gelded genius envoleed the idea of 11 two thee do I will pwines.roCeed to treat« their . theOrY is tbiAnd the beauty of the s, thaccording to at terneen lastthene calm law-maeing Wien ene wherever wine le comMended or order. Contempt it merits. Why" Becauee ed to be taken, that Wareesweet The eirbject alleet,ce te), ree e eineily flume they bave net got the leice minus any vestige, Of alc0hol-- Ny/40 elle emote ene,, eel ier right the do se, •I know they are ie and wherever wine is mentioned. as some lef them, ere. •13ut because a" same Hebrew , and the same Greek *Wee% the telleentlee of ably halide . it, my oven :to: tureeteh'' hieatie Well-meaning do not be, I Word are used in the original in both ineermateon, thereon to title par- tend to. Permit him th regulate • my 'eine. Oan absurditYl. . fanatieiSM, anyvagary go further ? Let us look at teeter audieuce, ad the ileMOSsieile table if ean bele it You say these ; One or two passages as an example of many -Pent. lull 24, 25, 26. It wine here that the Children of, Israel were told they, might drink was the Prohibitionists' fluid -whet about, the stronedrink ? And yet the same word is used to &Wee« tbe liquid that Noah and Lot tepee when they got' dente What was the wine in 104th -.Paulin that man was blessed with in on- teadietinction to the water prodded for beverage for wild asses ? One passage ie the New Testament -Jelin. 10, The words here rendered is ben men bave well drunk -in the: vulgate are "oniinis hem perineum bonum ein- em remit, et cum inebriate Wert:Lit tune idemod deterius est," • eniphasiz- inge, the Meaning "well drunk" and preying beyond a doubt to the lease 'enable mind that the wine in gees - tion was Of. an intoxicating nature. Fifty years agO mhoever• heard or ev- en dreamt of anything else but m :ne being a beverage containing more' or •• being iieurioue er forbidden that is a • Freese* with its, impotence, lee meg- fterefett Welleleceeieff-theegh 13924131Y. different thing entirely, antic/ugh the ity to do anything like adequate his- are strong words, possibly, but what eloe tie suce teleetthe the very ' me we end'? Am I alone 7 Go whe betel time We bave at oar dieposel. • - -re The most can hope, to do, is to Yoe and. wherever :total Prohibi-: eneeeduce one or two •phases pf the tion has been attempted to be enter- 4tibieet and thereby, Iced to. ems- ced there yen' elle the law persisten- Sion from -which I leek to rem, lee tly broken.' I WaS ln. Toronto June- -Me"' valeahle teachiele , I tion two weeks ago. I was shown it'dief not eelleee tbist tette. It ie tool one man's yard Containing three large Teepee tor rei likinge: I. Wield been, nieele Painted spring waggons, That L.men Alone keeps these three waggons ,litef,tered Something nee this -The env ClitereWs attitude with' regard to busy day alter day brilleine in drink the Modern. fad, ,ernowe as Temper- ireee Toronto into Toronto Junction: In Owen Sound VW -can anee Itermen, or Mote correctly des-' cribed as Teetotnlism, Uudersta,nd- buy what drink you please -several ing that My mere coMprehensive Plates are wide open -and a peison • title explains more tune where es ree there' told me recently he saw several (mired et me, I will confine myself, to (Intik on the etreets, Do I 'blathe two :Aspects t* of thie Aug:item cote.« teetotallers for this? Most emphatie- First,. the effece of Temperanee Re. ally Yes I If they emee-e•e. pay a little lorre upon the commuuity in general. attention to securing a good quality pt drink they would do more to stop Second, one Scriptural aspect of the the evil than all their miserable fall- eame. t think If we examine intio the • hibit le islation Why ileavilg Taxing the People , Causes the Domini n • Revenue o Grow Ote.awa, Sept, 1007. i officials bieported OM England to . - i epeeate the new Mint tbere will be Though free eonstitueneles. a,re, sixty -ave other employees. It mill Vacant Write have been iestlea Lori eoet inearly $20.VO a year for the only, two. Then neminat-imie are eeto 1,11rst nine, and between Atte and six. take place on the leele giving e eeei ty thousand dollars a year for the shortest Pesstiele rie'tiee' The se" Ler I °there. When Me. Fielding , proposed .Lon4onl which was uot occupied IAA to eStablislt the Mint he pronlised to Session, and those for Wellihgton andl operate it for $05,1000 a year. It will thrlaentu'olruaseca, tewlidtuiroinr lea itutit.el e2Onficit s' tiallerierarleonteh,anantdhattbiifor will lgbeps herpetsiontootimhip uNs irotetr ittini Northumberland, eThe Premier expects the, not more than half the annual °rests" Theewtrateneisdteorusbtainudi 1 build the eetablishment tor szomeo, charge. Mr. Fielding , propoSed to • riding's with this record. It Will thea 1 and one contract has been given, tor be possieleeto -concentrate the work ee67,000 leaving a great deal of work a the machine on the close conteste.1 tor others outeede of It •The eqeipe - 4 ment will wale nearly double the ce- . In a Criminal Prosecution.• 1 timate and tee« interest charge, which.. •,• the Minister estimated at $0,000 will It has already been shown how be •b more than twice that Mere °- to e the mo.nutooture of Cana& n coins has cost on an average about $10,000 to. $15,000. Hereafter the cost will be over $3.00,000 a year, # When Was He Vindicated - the Practice of holding by-electIons It Is . announced in the Government piecemeal and at times ehat suited Organs that Sir Wilfrid Laurier offer - party convenience, But no leader in ed Mr, Sifton one ot the pOsitions in Canada, or any other country has use ed its power so much as he to ob- tain unfair advantage over his oppon- ents and over public sentiment. elections may be worked in Loudon City, and it may be that the organ= ization is not yet in shape for busi- ness there, since a pare of it is in exile, and a larger portion 'out . on bail. In former times Sir Wilfrid Lawler was accuseomed to denounce • Growing Time in Taxes. , . where and obtain a tenclicetion, as he The.• 'Revenue returns for August did with Mr. Emmerson,. nor did he show that Mr. Fielding collected in iced a mutual Irked to obtain a pass prohibitory cases i It is patent that . less of alcohol. Let me ask teetotal- customs taxes a million dollars more statement from Mie Sifton in regard effects produced, so fat as we Are , „ able to judge by praetical experience; 1 neu-ie'iPlY .. and 'then consider lor a little whethe laws and you :.'t lets what kind of wine was it that that be did iii Augustelast year. . It to rumours in cireulation, as was done er the movement itself hasany once as. a nateral sequence indue troe was Made at Cana of Galilee about, is the boast of the *Government. or- in the . case of `Mr. Hyrean. warrahten Scripture, we ' will at , so-called illegal eiaking, selling wer which the governor spoke, so , feel: sans that a e million dollars inereaee • • . - drinking. All through the. Stetee it ingly e What was, the wine referred to has ' been recorded M each of Ave Absent Treatneeet. is. the same thing, Melee is tepteri- in Matt: Ile 18, 19, which even the months of this -fiscal year and that •e least take up two very important' ' phases of this mestion. . I the Cabinet lately- filled. IVIL.Pugs- ley and Mr. Graham • must be pleas- ed to •know tnat they were second choices I Sir Wilfrid does not appear to have asked Mr. Sittou to go any - ous. Prohibition' there is farce pure use et as oppoSed• to John the nape. the custome Apartment is now .•Mr. Hyman went. abroad in Nov- • 1 reuse first of all exPlain, that. 1 and sirmile. Drug stereo abound-ana ist nob using earned for • our Lord the 000,000 ahead of the record. This is ember of la,st year. He began to re- . am going to speak not upon Teetot- they ere filled evititevery abominable vere name He would be given to -day a queer boast fi•om ministere who age hie- seat at the same time and ' • 1 • s Mi ister of alism in the a‘bstract, but upon Tee- concoction American inventive genius if there is any consistency left in a • came ineo power 'pledged to reduee kept at it during several months, fin - taxation, and who last year took in any succeeding about the first of Ap- totalism in the way in which its is cepab of producing to give people totle prolebitioniet "a Wine bibber, 12 • -advocates and eupporters are endeav. alcoholic stimtw ulant in any other shape This paseage let me observe in pass- tgxes just ice a.s • 'much per • canade. as Public Works at $7,000 e year paid .ouring to impose it on the commune than that of an honest beverage- ing proves ,conclusively that it the I head out of the people of ity. I' will give teetotallers credit Maltine, Nerviee, --Peruna, and all total prohibitionists. are right, teen ethe Conservative Goeeroment look in down to the aPPointrnent of Mr. Ptige cease from eieleavouring to force othe 3.0 t,0 50 •per. cent. of alcohol el an man than our Lord Hensel!. What it M all right because the pkoole are I or one cheracteristic. They never similar beastliness, containing Irvin John the Baptist was a holier living 1846. The Minister of Custetels says ler e Lew days .ago ? .paying yoluntarily einee tliey weeld not pay ,so much it they bought less. But any householder knows that his weekly expenses :ire .ler ger thee for- merly, not becauee . he bees More geode but because the. priee, is heeler. 'The 'higher the priee the mere• duty se would attempt next One Act after thin sallow, and anything but ro- whit might reasonably be expected he Pays. It takes a elmiseuer et the. another in rapid succession, etways best' Some youtefte epechnens there from those Who deliberately fly in the head al the taxing Department to tending' to one end ; the total aboli- are who look sound enough to -day- face of • common 'sense -reason -the See where the volunteer- i.rir.eiple tion of the manufacture, fmportatjon, but youthful vigor can even hide the leaching 0! God's Word -and as delib- comes in. .The :people ouy 'goods bee .sale or -use of intoxicating beverages:: -.ravages of teetotalism nr gross inteal- erately misqueto and Misapply scrip_ cause they need them, they pay a If they tell you ehey do not. mean.: peranceehut ' when • the years come ture, • refuse to be led by anything high price because . they cannot •get thie, if they say, all we desire is to, that the system needs building up save ane except the promptings of them cheep., they Pair.more duty be - abolish the bar, to do away with the . then it is that either begin to show their own folly, whose end inevitably cause the duty is based on the. Price evils of intemperance, I say, if they themselves -and I have yet to see . a is to be that of the blind leading ehc. and the larger duty they .nae makes do so describe themselves, theY . healthye robust looking mane of 60 blind who we are told both fall lute' the price stall ' higher. But it inakes• .or ibey- are deceiving ...teemselveseeyears who has been. a coesietent tee- the ditch. • . • revenue and gives Ministers Oc,'.1aeion You Mighteas well 'LB me --that _the ' totallet all 'hie life. AoCtor Davy, the -• . • ' •for vain booting. . • • Mr. Aylesworte Satisfied. ers to be as they claimeetheinselveseeiteereer elicaP grade.. Men and wo- was the wipe that Timothy ,was to to be, viz : total abstainers frem hee men must have it -and so they buy drink a little of ? What was the wine. toxicazits as a beverage. Ever since these nostrums, And do you wonder a Bishop was to be Modest in the use I lived in Canada it seem to me that the :average teetotaller is not, of or not to be given to ? What was that eociety, has been on the ragged attractitre appearance, so far as a the wine that the aged women and edge of a perturbed atmosphere of healthy looking subject is concerned ? deacons night drink but were not to direful expectation as to what they ' Do you wondee they. are' generally drink much • ?of ? The whole idea • Irish Party in the House of COM -1 -President • of the eiritieh etedical. As- How much grandee than all • ehis m tell be completely satisfied and inciatiOn, said at their late ineetingeemodern nonsense are the -Words of at res ith anything, short of full in Exeter, Englaiid; eteat, a great:. St. Peelle, ,"-Quit -you. like men •aend be separation from England and:literal , :. uncle \ of - lii who drank a 'bottle ef . strong." Act as men Who .know how,, perfect independence. It is not in port wine' , evei day of his life lie- . to use the port tilts of God With- • ' them -and strong in His ' 4. Meeting of the Ontario Reform 'Association was held this week in Toronto. 'AIL Ayleewoith . took oc- Caeion to say 'that Sir Wilfrid had selected "the ablest men: M ; Sight" when he passed over all the Ontario Membecs and premoted Mr. Graham.. Me. •Aylesworth would say that Sir Vieltrid did the. same when he 'patted over the members' elected and called in Mr. Aylesworeh • hinieelf; but his party tenet unanlinously ot. that opinion. :The Minister of Justice •indicated the value of his own opin- ion when . he heaped high praise Dv Mr.. Hyman. and!. endorsed the con. - duct of the Ross. Ministry"in its 'last days. Ile made no remarks about 0 0 6 • • • o 00000000 • 0 • o n Constunption is less cl,padly than it used to Certain. relief and usually complete rearverY will result from the following freflbflent . Hope, rest,. fresh 'air, Mal Scotfir Ernol.siors. AIX IMILIGGIOTO; 5004. MID *UM Your savings are the safeguard of • your future, You want to • place them where there le no -chance whatever of losing them, You can do that by depositing them with this COmpany, or by taking out Debenture for •$100, or :more, for one or more years. By law no depositor or debenture holder eitie lose one dollar of principal - or interest while any • assets remain to cover investment. Tee assets of thls. Company exceed $11,000,000, so that there is no thence et loss. In fact- there Is no financial is- stitution in Canada which can offer You more absolute certainty • of safety, Correspondence will be gladly entered into with those interested ° in banking by male Ns, Loan & Savings -Co., London, Ont. mr. Emmerson, end did eot exp!ain Mr. Fielding's- Mint. , how disappointed Syr %bleed wae It is announced that besides Mee weee he could not gee lele, eaten, , :them, neither is it an honest teetok- I ed to within. 4 mos. of -being 100 , ' Recorder Dupuis of Montreal denies • . .. - allele to be satisfied , with anything years eld. That 'light h t ' ' beer con auntie grace and in Hie strength to rS1S • t - 1 et hh' eiM- short of what e have described At, zi per .cent. of " alcohol with bread temptation. Prohibitory. legislation thaa as -rna.de any Peo:Its in one time they thought they, were and -cheese was ecientelealle better has no support in Scripture. But we beedealings, as, charged by Mr. Bour- strong enough to impose their fad, than the feeding of bread, tea are; de read "Blessed Is the man that en- aesa. ' * . upon the whole province of Ontario:: jam, Which now forms the dietary, oi dureth temptation." at one time they inflicted- their ideas so many children. The effect, of Tem:• . epee Counties; this was known as perence Reform- scee,alled •upoe the ' . • - the Scott Act-eand when County, .e.1-1 community . is bad.• .1.-t produces • a lell-Keelele11011. •BLUE PILLS NO LONGER USED. ter Ceuety repealed' tefor law ; it. make i some dee • --------------------------------------- When the 'stomach needs el ansin • , c g, G Bradford. and wife returned , . • ,. . .e , Yearning a lesson as Sensible Men ceitful, some urers ., co. , the bowels inereaseu activity, ;elle would and should, their lase move ii it 'floods* the ecality with the wort home on.Saturday after spending, a liver additional power, don't use .mer - to select localities, no matter • how, qualities of drinks of all kines ; and week in Toronto: ctirial pills, try Dr. Hainiaton's Veg.- small, any focality that has the pow. I in deptivieg people in parb. of eiteat Mrs. Geo. Collinson and child spent etable composition, extreniely mild er in itself to teke uPon itself a bur- 1 .a merciful Creator has provided anti a, few days this week at the. home of yet sure to flush out all impurities den 'grievous to be borne of • thin , intended theni, to use as a ' stimelants Mrs. eleWhieny. - • nature, and by agitetion, by methods ' it. _drives 'than to the tise of -noxious 'I'. G. Alien made a business, trip to more or less qUeetioeable as to 1 dregs such as opium ' and cocaine: " Peterberough where. he has an interest their honesty, obtain the requisite • ' - • • in. large timber' limits. , • eeumber---ebe-votes--iie ets-favour, Thiel_ rro cc:meld& the second • head brief- Miss Nevins retuened to our village ..- last pleesinge feature is known ae lee- 1 -1 -ill) i'lefe-ire- 'a-Kleectieteils geese and teen again etee----itetheebeereed eel ' Local Option. Mark, will you, these 11 lion, I And the consensus of biblipal Chas. Elliott's millinery establish - localities are not selected .on account 'teaching is against prohibitory legis- ment . , . - of geographical position net en ac- : lation,- Teetotellers; 'find ate evil core ge E. Meaning,' wife and child have count of being eelebeated: as nlaeesi 1tonting theie. Thera are many, their returned after spending" a couple of eitienteditikenness. is rife, Mg on eel name is legion. ' Atte they can only weeks in Muskoka. They, repore at see one -end thee . is drutikeneeee elide excellent ' oeeing. • count of anything else but one;-. -can - we 'carry Local Option' And se thel in Allele sineelieitY they think tt is MM., B. J; and Miss Olive Crawford' surface of •Canada is becoming' dotted the head and 'trout of all evil." 1- have returned home; having spent, the with plague spots, as I' will proceed fink dprnicerines1 condemned, but no- stiffener .. with the former's brother, to prove. It has alwaye been a won d Where is the drunkard spoken of ,with me. eyesore of gijortsvgib; . N. Ir. der to some why' it -Local ,option ,. is :the Severity that dietingeishee the • Ed; -Robinson, who ' has been a such a blessing. fot Teweships wherel words applied to lying lips, which are • • • • ' • resident ot- our village for aimed- a there is little or no drinkieg, I said to be an aborningtion to • the year, reoecti e with: his fie -lily elast for villages and small towns which Loyd.: Finding this evil, they seek to week to GOdetich, Mr. Robinson has - can be ' similarly describee; why is it: combat it theire own way -not God's seeueed a position with Mr. Morrow., not a good thing for Cities ? Why way. The apple in the garden was a - the beteher. . .. . • do not Teetotallete ea-rty On a vigeretternptation• to our first parents, Go 1 Mr. Little, who was here fee • a ous campaign in Toronto, for in -1 knew it to be so, He told Adana anil . 'couple of weeks' -relieving R. E. Man - stance ? I will tell you why -be. ,. Eve so, but ele e did not 'remove it, ning during his. vacation, left' on Wed cause it costs, memey. Not ling ago' The modern teetotaller however cares nesday last for '§ehriegville, where he that wonderful .reo,n• Alderman 'Spence little for this-lott eetittot teach them win' be engaged in relief work in con - at a meeting called for that purpose. anything. • They 'mote. it a11 -and so -... , neetion with the Sterling Benk. in Toronto, took up 'a collection to the secret of suceess is to remove the . start the good c;aese, and teceived al cause Of temptation. I suppose ifeee response equivalene to 'ten cents ' per thee ever succeeded in .this direction head of those appealed to. ele is, thee woad . pro -aced in others. mom The Shortage of Fodder and wastes, no remedy is so well adapted for family use. Pesitively a Cure for bilionseess and sick head- ache unfailing in constipation and bowel trouble, exceptionany good for indigestion, no Medicine is so enueere eally needed in every home as .Dr. Hamilton Pills. Good for the °lei, ethe.,young, the sick and the well ones, -the benefit of 'Dr. Hamilton's Pins:ate • manifold.; Sold everywher? in 506. beets: Hensall OnlVednesday of lent week a very happy event took place at the lesice enee Of the bride's.. parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. W. VVebbere when their claughtee Annie E. Wes unieed in niarriaee With Celle Hudson, formerly of - Here esaletiatenow_05 'WorIdstoek. Rev. E.. F. 'MeLe Smith 'officiated. The event took .place in the parlor Wheel was handsomely decorated. At the ap- pointed hoer the . bride •etithred lean - eine on the arm of eer lather while Mrs Robert Strong played the wed- ding. march. The . bride was arrayed. . in, blue site and -Oerried a boquet ot earnatiqns was supported by lVhss Ida Hyslop of 'Seaforth and the brooreebY his 'brother. • Our citizens. one and all felt iiicere I : regret over the death of Jellies Stew- art which took place at. the Commer- . cial ,hotel, where he has boarded for ye= on Saturday eeenirig. The de- ceased was born in Scotland in 18.20 and in 1849 came with his pareets to Usborne township and settled near ' godgerville. He was married soon elect to Miss Muir, daughter of An. drew Muir and settled on a farin in 8teptieh township. His wife died about 25 years ago. -Since that time he has resided with his broth& Rob- ert, but most of tete time in Hensall. Everybody liked "Jimmy" as he was commonly called. A very genial pleas- ent; intelligent 'man he made friends to whom he was intensely loyal. Ile read much and was very bright. Itis creed was honesty and uprightness. • He Was taken ill a week beat° • his death under somewhat painful cie-- cumetances. On Sunday morning Dr. BroWnine, coroner, and' Dr. MacDiar. mid Made an egamination but signed a certificate, attributing his demilse to natural _caUses. ' James Wright' of Wyorning is visit-. lug his uncle.. JarrieS Carlisle... He was. "telee«eptPleteyeeet,...teeneSelionthrate;end. ti, ieelrittlEeTtteele"Xteeteleeleitte` 1 ago and left 88 years ago ter the States, Where he runs a ranching pro- perty in Weenning, • Theta was no !Jensen. when he was here, Rodger - elite being the business centre of this section. Wm. Itesheo, the Indian who Was arrested on Saturday night for giving a war danee on J. W. Ortweia's vet- anda was rettlened to town on Melt. day and brought before Squire Petty. Ile pleaded guilty . and Was fined $1 and costs amounting to $12 or 50 days in jail. The Indian took the this 30 days and the chief took hint up to Goderieh. reported to - have eaid "My. Wends,' ey Would to next :became people love eO , that settles It . We can't gut 2. Mi.e. it. Vele in not meant in ridiettle : One man in Wstern ntario recent- 'offed hist entire herd of cattle at al option campaign in "reroute Mt a' it is a . legi14 timate logical sequence. '.2U an aronnu, ., . 10e. baste." If nothing else, Spence Women would have to go. Every - is humourous. In places where Local thing that tempts man to do evil Another, - in Eastern Ontario, eller- Option hasbeen instellode whet do Must go, and then you woeld hare a ed to handover his herd of , 12 cows• Wp find / Will any teetotaller under-' spiwless, bonelese, misCrahle, *• ua- oft condition that he should get back take to say that its inhabitants are i tried wretch, without an Power of five in the spring in, fair order. :-'44more truthful, more chaste, More tesistance never having been tried. ' • • Lithe lie, S... Cense' _at Kingston was generally honest than these of other! The teetotaller is however somewhat communities?. Is there Any reduction- of an inirentive genius and finding the miere.d 1- cow') lot 100. .. in drinking -does prat-Al:aim' proltib.., teaching of Scriuture opposed to his Up in the western part of the rum - it 1 Is the law kept ? Or is it, as we ; pet theory, in later days he brought ince eight two -year-olds were Catered all know lit to be -that ' teetotallers fotth what ie knoWn as the two wine at ette for the lot themselves are not mote tratliful,1 theory, Throughout Scripture, in E. 0, Drury, of gorth Simeoe, cut more pure, more generally honest both „Old and. New Testament, WO es tons a hay front the same acreage Athan others, --that where Local. Op-, read of wine ettd strong drink. These ' which -hist year gave 100 tons. • tion is today, drinking 'goes' oft as be -1, are , not identical as We, can see by . -toee only not quite eo openly, but in such passages as Dent: 21) : d A reportiroin Manitoulin says that some places just is openly, and marc "Neither have ye drunk wine ot all crops save peas have been pratti- sti, Mum before -that • teetotallers strong drink". The temperate use c,f cally destroyed by grasshoppers Oar - have sueceeded In one thing, putting .a, tither or both ifs enjoined., 19 the ,deti truck and pasture!), as well as or - law on the Statute „Book that 15 wrongful immoderate use of either or dinary field trolls, are all gone. treated with derisioe and eoliteinpti both is, condemned. The teto 'Wine S. II. Bellaine, reporting from Chat - 'They are sueceeding in bringing up • a theory is a fad of modernism.. It ' ham, says 'that the barley crop is ` generation acenstomed to open viola- arose nut • of the quagmire of IneOne small, oats are a pod- half crop . anti tion of - leve, a dangerous thing to sisteneies into which the Prohibition- corn very late and light /day with. And whir, 't Me we a law-. ists floundered. Preaching total P50 1550 comniunitY I' Par front it, but hibition they: found themselves up During the five weeks endingwith you begin at snrattuary laws, , yoa against the difficulty of wino at the August there was only one rain in Pass laWs 'that a , man ''s consaienee Lprd's Supper. They were met with the vicinity of New Lowell, says J. meta etlheeribe 10, and you at once such questions as, if it IS •TIong to V. Murary, and thiq did not go more make laws that will he Violated on drink wine what about the Lord's than two incheo iit'is tb, ground. i , any mut evtly occasion: 1 do not Supper '1 Did not our tord partalx Pastures are very poor wit%hardly hesitate to aVoW in the most Public and give? Did Ilr, not mike 'and give any second growth; and whtat i Wt . trimmer That 1 for out will never at Cana ot G-allee ? And many sn,cli is being -eaten by grasshoppers. , Made in styles sad at different prs, but only one quality -the best. A piano is hough( for a lifetime of wear. Wel *Antal* all artin-Chise lanas to be perfect in -mitered. tiOn and to Impart, ht tete with. age, lastead of weakening, as ordinary instruments do. • Where theStaurtin.Orinst ..Piano is net represented, we ship dhoti and guar- antee Mato denitrify tO your , neared station, Irt.f.ey pert,of Clineehe Write for •deteelOeles baakiet, paces and tetras Mei revile*. ORMif& *OK Limited. er OTTAWA, ONT. . Anybody who has the " determine- favorable impression on an employer tion" can become a good penman if than the neatness and legibility a he or she will intelligently follow an applicant's handwriting. our instructions and practice an hour Write for our large, illustrated free or so a day for a few months. catalogue. It explains our.Business .Penmanship is of far greater am- and. Shorthand Courses in detail.. portance thanmost young people Shows the -value -ofeen education in. realize. ' a school which is a member t3f the , We know from intimate acquaint- Business Educators' Association. . ance with business men that there The demandfor graduates in isn't anything that creates a more greater than we can supply. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members olii.of uctiosit cipa Educators' ' J. W. WESTrErinitVELI.T. Asi.oidos. ILUISMINF146•1310 ONO g •The Ne we-Recoed. and Weekly Mail and Empire, one year........... 6e 46 . 64 . 46: \ 4, •• 66 66 , 04 • Weekly Globe.- -.• ............ ..... . Family Herald and Weekly Suer ' 1.65 Weekly -Witness• ., 1.60 e Sun 1.75 ' " Free Press ... . . . . . . ... : ... . „eel 1.75 " Advertiser -1.60 " Farming World. . . 1.50 , "•• Farmer's Advocate and , Home Magazine 225 Daily News, Toronto-. . . .. . . ....... ... . 2.36 Star . . .... 2.30 Globe' , Mail • , 66 4.2.5 World " Se turday Night •. . .. . . Pipe Press, London- 3.25 Free Press, Evening Edition .. . . . . ........:,.,175 In remitting, please do so by Express Order or • ' ' Postal Nate; and addresg ....W. :MITC171-P:IL • • • -- THE NEW -Si -RECORD, Clori, On My daughter has improved ee much that you 'would scarcely know her - Miller's Compound Iran Pills did it For sale by W.. A. McConnell,' drug- gist, Clintom • Fire insurance companies are retitle - leg their risks in the congested die, tritts of Montreal I used to be continually tired ; mole I am strong and well -Miller's COM* , . pound Iron Palls did it For epee by W. 4. MeConneil,, druggist, 'el:JAM:it The _body of A. H. Birks, engineer on the Qnebec bridge, was tome in. the •• ' ttee„..emeemeauseeeneemsempreo (LONDON) , • • Brewed from se- lecteci hope, choice. barley malt : and pure Spring water, with the utmost • -car. . Bottled at the brewery depots • to ensure. proper-- ..i. handling. • That In .- - Indid • why Labatt's , Ale . . : is equal. tothe fia.;• , „ est*: „surpassed", by...- 1 d% ' Pale -Ale. -,,?-...r -.4 0,-;^' . e^. --e : , - :. .. .. none,;*,,,- thcitigix„ i,.. colds eonsuMers only abotit half as much as imported geode. On Saturday night just atter IZ o'Clek as chief Whiteeide' arid. Ernie • Stem', were going honie they espied all . Indian kiekitig With great vigor at . Mr. Ortwein's deer. the_ &let 004 bilin under arrest_ and procuring a •1 buggy took. him to Exeter, where .he , WAS inearcerated over Sunday. The ' boys just arrived in Exeter in • time to •see the small evaporator at Fretd* eeetown being burned. Where alltelse laib LAIC Kendirs Spavth est Bode Spt1fl, PJngbObE SplIflt, Blood and' Beg Slavin. Thoriatiltyia__„ Curb, Capped Roth, especially If of longetinding and obotiaste,-Idn not yittcl to ordinary liniments or blistete. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURS is an exitioarditeery remedy that Om ertreordineiry resent. It cures old, stubborn esite* thot veterinaries bave up-..taltes away every sign of lammoo.-0 aot icor or kill tht haat--and leaves the horse soon& and. smooth. 4. Brom*, Mao, Sept. SAI "I bairn used itendsilw Spavin tute tor no years.. lend it toter fake me coste," Jong megionu,„ Write for noted book "treatise On the Itoree".-6MnethIng Worth knowing WA *very bilge. fleet free. Spe.vitt Cure Is sold by dealers everywhere It $1. bottle.,.6 for td. SS le. 4. RINI:tele. CO., • 4 It NOSINUM% PALLS. VIERNIONt. 1.0.5 /144