The Clinton News-Record, 1907-09-19, Page 3..,.(LoNooN) India Nle Ale Brewed from Co- ' lected hops, choice barley malt and pure spring water, with the utmost carp. Bottled at • the brewery depots to ensure *per - handling. That is . why - Labatt's Ale is equal to the fin.: est, surpassed, by • , mope; e though costs consumers only about half as much as imported goods. sememmene , teniker 19tli 1907 The Clinton News41ecor4 ,P64' •-• For One Milli Never Penult anti Man or Men to Dictate to Ittle What I Shall Eat or Drink."—John Ransford. lettle'r tfaa reale by JqIrn,llansfoxii at the Meeting of Deanery of likireo in` St: Paul'a 041 honee, Clinton, on Friday eis neon . The eilleieet alletted to me is a 110,9e and complex one. I an nee, *leaned with its imlnertence, it Mag.' lede • the diffbenties of ably halid. n it, ray own inability to furnish' *Ay information thereon to this pat- inar audience, Lei& the impOseibil- to do anything like adequate jus- te such a question in the very PI time we have at eur disposal. 0 Most ,I can hope to do, is IV ilt•troduce one or two phases of the lect and thereby, lead to discus - from which Um* to receive ch valuable teaching. did not select this title. It is too gue for my liking* I veduld have erred something like this—The theteh's attitude with regard to modern fad, known as Temper - 0 Reform, or more correctly &s - bed as Teetotalism. Understand- 1gthat my more comprehensive • lettle explains more fully what is re,- . Vire(' of me, I will confine myself' to o aspects of this questiois ealy: est, the effeot of Temperance Ra - tin upon the commuuity in general. • Second, one Scriptural aspect of the eateme• I think if we examine Milo the .:1.effects produced, so •far as we are • 3b10 to judge by practical experience; ! •eeMd then consider or a little wheth- „,- ier the movement itself has any .°Siyarrant in Scripture, we will at y east take up two very important :phases of this ,question. I must first of all explain, that I tin going to speak not upon Teetot- eslism in the abstract, but upon Tee- •'teitalism in the way in which its eseesSrivocates and supporters are endears '?,oitring to impose it on the commu- te I will give teetotallers eredit r •one characteristic. They :lever eage from endeavouring to force oth- rs to be as. they claim themselves 4b be, viz : total abstainers from in- toxicants as a beverage. Ever sence lived in Canada it seem 4 to me •: ,';:that society, has been on the • ragged ..,edge of a perturbed atmosphere of ..edireful expectation as. to. what they •s'would attempt • next. Oiie Act after eanother in rapid succession, always rstending to one end ; the total aboli- Jion of the manufacture, importation, ienneit any man or men to dictate to like? So some bright, though. mis- Me As to What, I are to eat or drink. guided genitte enVolved the idea et two wines. And the beauty of the If they do, X will proeeed to treat theory is this, that according to them their weaned law -making with the wherever wine is commended or ordere 00eitempt it Merits. Why Because ed to I* taken, • that was fnsweet, simply X knew they haere not ,got the ialee minus any evestige of alcohol— right te do SO, ninety they are and i; and wherever wine is mentioned as being injurious or •forbidden that is a nerantr welwneanina- theagil Persal1).1Y, different thing eetirely, although the some of them, ore. But because a' same Hebrew and the same Greek lunette is well-meaning 4 do not in- I Word are used in the original in both tend to Permit nim to regulate eay7 eases. Can ' absurdity, fanaticism, vagaey go Iurther ? Let tie look at ahle it I' can Itelp it. You say these one or two passages as an example are strong words, possibly, but What of manY—Deut. 14: 24, 25, 26. 'If do we final Am I atone? Go where wipe here that the Children of Israel you will and wherever total prohibi- were told they, 'might drink • was the • Prohibitionists' ,abotit the tion has been attempted, ,to be enfor- strong drink? And yet the tame word ced there you find the law persisten- is used to denote the liquid that Noah tly broken. I was in' Toronto June- and Lot drank when they got 'drunk. tion two weeks ago. I was shown What was the wine in 104th •Paelni one man's yardcontaining three large that man was . blessed with in '0i - nicely painted spring waggons. That tradietinction to the water pro sided man alone keeps these three waggons for bevereee for wild asses? One busy, day after day bringing in drink passage in. the New Testament—John from Toronto into Toronto 2.; 10. The words •hererepdered linen Junction. In Owen Sound you can men have well drunk—in the vulgate buy what drink you please—several are ."othnie homo Primum bonum In - places are wide open—and a person um mut., et ' cum • inebriate, -Menet there told me• recently he saw several tune id quod deterius est," einpha.siz- drunk on the streets. Do I blame' ing the meaning "well drunk" ant( --teetotallers for--this-I-IVIoeteemphatre-7proving-beyend—sedoubtsto- the tease ally Yes ! If they =rate pay a little onable mindthat the wine In (pee - attention to secitring a •good quality tion was of an intoxicating nAture. of drink they would do more to stop' Fifty years ago nhoever" heard or ev- the evil than all their miserable fail- en ‘dreernt of anything else but n etc tires in prohibituier legielatien. Why being a beverage containing more or multiply cases ! It is patent that less of alcohol, Let me ask teetotal - pass prohibitory • laws and vou et lers " whatkind' of wine wee' it that once as a naturalsequence hitrudtiee was made at Cana Of Galilee about so-called illegal making, %elites; ae 1 which the governor -spoke so dunking Alt All ' thretigh ine Staid it ingly ? What was, the .wine• referred to is the same thing. Melee is reitoti- in Matt: 11•1 18, 19, which even the ous. Prohibition there Is a farce pure use of as opposed to: John the Bapte and simple. Drug stores abound—and ' ist not using earned for • our Lord the they are filled withevery abominable ver 't name He would be given to day concoction American inventive genius ' there is any consistency left in a is capable of producing to give people total prohibitionist "a wine hibber." than that of . an honest beverage— Mg; proves conclusively that : if the head out of the people of Canadl as twice as mud, pee ril.' Was his salary as Minister of Public Works at $7,000 a year paid alcoholic etimulant in any other shape This paSsage- let me obeerire in pass- tgxes just. te ,n the Conservative Goverment look in down to- the appointment of Mt•. pup a few days age Maltine, Nervine, ^Femme, and all total prohibitionists. are right tl • similar beastlirtess, containing from John the BaPtist was a boner l8-96. The Minister of Custoies says ler /tinsel!. -what it all right because the Koine. are 10 to 50 per. cent Of alooliol of an man than our Lord ailr Ayleswerth Satisfied. inferior cheap grade. Men • aad wo-• •was the Wine that Timothy was to • Paying voluntarily since they, eireuld ' • men Must have it-eand so they buy drink. a little of ? .What was the wine: these nostrums. And do you 'wonder a -Bishop was to' be Modestein the -use that the average teetotaller is not • of or not to be given to? What was attractive in appearance, o far as tbe wine that the agedwomen and healthy looking subject is concerned? deacons night drink but Were not. to Do you wonder they are generally drink much • of ? The whole idea 1: thin, solo*, . and anything' het to what might reasonably' be 'expected •lie Pays. It takes a • hlinister 'et the bust ? Some youthful specimens there .1 emu those who deliberately fly in the bead at the. taxing: Department to are who look speed enough' to -day— face Of common :sense—reason—the see where • the . •voliinktre erieciple Mit youthful vtor can ever i 'hide the teaching of God's Word—end asdelib- Combe in, The people ouy goods be- Ileavlig Taxing the People .00 , Causes the Dominion Revenue, to Crow Ottawa, Sept, 1907.1 officials imported from England to operate the new tnint there, will be Though fite constituencies are, sixty-five-• Other rinployees. It will vacant writs have been issued tor! cost nearly $20.00 a year for the only two. These nominations are .‘to hese nine, and .between fay and 4xe take place on thit lathe giving the thoneand dollars a year for the wrIcshiblweans°iniocct.00ciiPied last to establish the Mint The seat tor others. When Mr. Fielding proposed hPromised to Session, and those for Wellington and e operate it for $65,1000 a year. It will Northumberlant, i'aeated during the cost him more than that for wages sitting Of the House, wait for a tote and salaries alone, and Ulla will be ure day. The Premier expects the not • more than half the annual election of bis two neW Ministers and charge. Mr. Fielding proposed to build the establishment for $200,4)00, and one contract has been given for $267,000 leaving a great deal of work for others outside, of It • The etprip- meet will cost nearly double the es - In a Criminal Prosecution. timate and the interest charge, which the Minister estimated at $9will ,000 wi' It has already been shown how by be more than twice that, Hereto - cite the .netnufaeture of Canadian notes has cost on an average 'about $10,000 to $15,000. Hereafter the cost will be over $100,000 8, year. hopes to impress the three doubtful riding's with this record, It will then to possinleeto -conceetrate the •work of the machine on the close contests. elections may be worked in London City, and it may be that the'organA ization is not yet in shape for • busi- ness there, since a part of it is : in exile, and a larger portion out - on hail. In former times Sir Wilfrid Laurier was accustomed to denounce the practice of holding lir-elections pieterneal and at times that suited party convenience, But no leader in Canada or any other cietintry has use ed its power so much ae he to \ob- tain unfAir advantage over his oppon- ents a,nil over public senti4 ent. Growing Time in Taxes. The Revenue returns • for August show that kr, Fielding collected in customs taxes a million °dollars more that he did in August -last year. It is the boast of the Goveriiinent • or- gans that a million dollars increase has beenrecorded in each of five mofiths of this fiscal year and that the custome Department is now 000,000 aheed of the record.' Tine is a queer boast from ministers 'erne came into power pledged to reduce taxation, and wbo laet year 'took in When Was He Vindicated- . It is announced in the Government organs that Sir Wilfrid Laurier offere ed Xt. Sifton One of the positione in the Cabinet lately filled. Mt. • Pugs- ley and Mr: Graham Must' be pleaa- ed to know teat they were second choices ! Sir Wilfrid doee'' not appear to have asked Mrs Sifton to go any- where and obtain a vindication, as he did with Mr. Emmerson, nor did he send a mutual friend to obtain e statement from Mr. Sifton in regard to rumours in circulation, as was .donef in the case of `Mr. Hyreari. ' • Absent Treatment, Mr. Hyman went abroad in Nov- ember of last year. He began to ree 'sign his seat at the same time and kept 'at it .during seVeral tnenths, fin- ally succeeding about the first of Ap- not pay so much 'if they bought less. •But any householder knows that his 'Weekly expenses 'ere' larssr that: for- merly, not becauee he tievs more goods hut liedatise the price is• hiener. The higher, the price the more. duty ti sale or ttse of intoxicating beverages.: ravages Of teetatalism,or grose, intent- erately misquote and misapply Scrip euse they need them, -.they day. a If they tell you they do not mean', perance—but when The years conte ture, refuse • to be led by anything this, if they say, allwe desire is to , that the system 'needs building Up 'save and excepts the promptingof .abolien the bar, to do away with the. then it is that either begin to 'shbev their own folly, whose end' inevitable evils of intemperance, I say, if they themselves' -and I have yet to see 1.is to be that of the blind leading the do so describe themselves, they lie, healthy' robust looking man of 61) blind Who we are told both: fall into or they are deceiving sthemselves.'-years who has been a consistent tee- the ditch. , 1. • You might as well tsll me that th+.s1l1l hie -life. Doctor Davy, the. • . Irish Party in the House of Oom-1 President of the 'Britigh Medical As- 11o.ce much grandee than 011 this m 'il1 be completely satisfied and eociation, Said at theirlate meeting :modern nonsense are the words' oi st rest with anything short of full in Exeter, England, that a goal- ' 54.-. Paul, ,Quit you like men and be separation from England and literal uncle of his who drank a' bottle 'of strong." . Act as men who know laOwt, perfect ludependence. It ie:' not in port wine eve' y day of Inc life ate to use the good *gifts ot God With - them, neither is it an honest teeto! ed to within 4 mos. of being lea' Out 'busing theen—and :strong in His t-1 .. allex to be satisfied with anything years bld. That 'light beer cofttaining grace and in Iits streftgth to resist ;short of what I have described. •fitee 21 per cent. of • alcohol with bread temptation. Prohibitory- "legislation one time they thought they were ' and cheese Was scientifically better has no support in Scripture, But we Strong enough to impose their fad than the feeding of bread, tea an 'do read '`Blessed les the Man that me. upon the whole Province of Ontario; ' jam which nor ,forms the dietary of dureth temptation," • . at one time they inflicted their ideas so many children. The effect' of Tenn: ' ' upon Counties, this Was known as perance Reform so-called upon the . the Scott Act—and when County at. community is bad : It ' produces a ' uunganaoa.-. _ ter County repealed, in the . place of contempt for law ; it makes some de - earning a lesson • as sensible mcn eeitful, some liars, other. perjurers ; • Geo. Bradford anel wife returned *mild and should, their last move 4i it floods' the locality with the wont hoine on Saturday after. spending ' a P select localities, no Matter how qualities of drinks of 'all kinds ; and Week in Toronto. .'small, any locality that has the POW- I in depriving people in 'part of what' Mrs: Gem Collinson and Child spent er in itself to take upon itself a bur-; a merciful Creator hite provided and a few days this week at the home of den grievous to be borne of this ; intended them to use as a stiinulantr Mrs.' 14eWhinnY• nature, and by agitation, by methods it drives' them to the use of • noxious T. G, Alien made a business •trip to Mere or less questionable as to; drugs such as °pieta.' and cocainePeterborough where he has an ieterest their honesty, obtain the requisite, in largeetirelier limite ntimber of votes in its favourThis' . , To consider the second head brief- miss NeVins returned to our village ., _e , . * pleasing- feature is :known as IY—the-SeriPtur4Fsa-shiet'of-Alris-tine- iiii:• erWiTraganrebee • high pribe because they cannot :get them cheapthey pair more duty be cause the duty is 'based en the price and the larger duty.. they nay makes the price still higher. But it neakes reveeee and gives Minister.4 for:vain. boasting. • . • •' Mr.- Fielding's Mint. It is announced that besides A. 'meeting of the Ontario" Reforni 'Association was held this week Toronto. Mr. Aylesworth took oe- caelon to say that Sir 'Wilfrid had. selected "the ebleet man in eight" when he passed over all thte Ontario Menibecs and prcmoted gr. Graham, Mr. Aylesworth would say that Sir Wilfrid did the game Wnen he paSeed over. the members elected and celled in Mr. Aylesworth hiineelf, but his party • is ' not how unanimously of thet opinion Tho Minister of Justice indicated the value of his own. opin- ion when' he heaped high praise oe Mr. Hyman and'. endorsed, the. cone duct of •the Ross Ministry irk its last days : He made no remarks anout • Mr. En:ma:Son, end . did tat expIain :how disappointed Sir Wilfrid, was . nine when he eould not get Mr, iiften: • Recorder Dupuis of Montreal denies that he. has' made any proats in time bee dealings, as charged by Mr. Deur:. assa.. BLUE PILLS NO LONGER USED. . When the stomach needs cleansing; the bowels increased activity, ;the liver additional power, don't use mer- curial pills, try Dn. Hamilton's ,Veg- etable composition, extremely mild yet pure to flush out all Impurities and Wastes, no. remedy is so well adapted for fainily Use. Positively a cure for biliousness and sick head- ache unfailing in constipation and how;letirsenele enetce tio ood indigestion, no •medicine is so univer- Aally needed. in every . home ar•Dr. Hamilten's Pills. Goon for the old, 'the young, , the sick and the ••well ones, , ihe benefit of Dr. Hamilton's' PillCare manifold, Sold everywher? in 50c.1 boxes: Local Option. Mark, will • you, these; tion. I find the consensus of. biblieal ChAs. Elliott's millinery establishr. lbealities are not selected .on account teaching is against prohibitory legis- meets • .. - , •. 4 geographical position niar on ace. lation. Teetotallers . find an ' evil' con- . RI E., Manning; wife and child- have ' 'count of being celebrated as placeel fronting theift. There are many, theirreturned after spending a couple , of seee-telseredrunkenness is rife, nor on ae-1 name is legion. But they can only weeks in Muskoka.' They report ...ea count of anything else but one, cell I see One—and that is drunkeeess, and excellent outing: • . . e •- ' .. . we 'carry Local Optiott ? And so the ' in their streplicity they think et is. Mrs. .B. J. and Mise Olive .Crawford surface of Canada is becoming dotted the head and •front of . all evil." , I - have returned home, having' •spent, the. with Plague snots, as I' will Proceed find drunkenneet condemned, butno summer .. with the .former's' brother, to prove. It has alwaye been a won- I where is the drunkard .spoken of with 'me. Wilson, Of Shatsyille, N. Y. .der to some why if Local Option is , the severity . that dietinguishee . the Ed.. Itobinsen, who.has be,:n a such a blessing for Townships where' words applied to lying lips, which 'ere resident' of our tillage for about a there is little or no drinkiftg, ' said to be an abemingtion to . the year, moved . with his family last for villages and small towns which Lord. Finding this evil, they seek to week' to • Goderich, . adr. Robineon has• can be similarly described, why is tte combat it their own .way—not God's Secured a position with 'Mr. Morrow., not a good thing for Cities ..• Why way. The apple in the garden was a .the. butcher. • ' I . . '• do not Teetotallers carry on a vigor- ' -temptation to our first parents. Go I Mr, Little, who was here for It ous campaign M Toronto, for in -I knew it to be so, lie told Ad 1 ----aiil --ae3- 'cOuple of 'weeks relieving Ite.E. Man - stance ? I will tell you why—be-, Eve so, but He .. did not reinove it. ning duringehis. vacation, left on Wed - cause It costs money. Not long ago' The modem teetotaller however cares., nesday • last -Tor :Sehringville, Where he that wonderful man Alderman. Spence little for this—yeti cannot teach them. 'will be engaged in relief work in m- at a meeting called for that purpose anything. They know it all—and so • neetion with the Sterling Bank. . in Toronto, took up a colleclion to the secret of success is to remove the . start the good came, and received a; cause of temptation,. I , suppose if - . response equivalent to ten cents per they ever succeeded' in ;this direction . head of those appealed to. fee is they Would proceed • in others. Mon e • The .Shortage of Fodder reported to have said "My friends, I ey would go next,• betattee people lova ., that settles it. We can't Start a loe- . it :Me if: not meaut in ridicule : • Una 'man in Vgestern Ontario tecent,. el option campaign in Toronto on a' it is et legiti•mI offered his entire herd of cattle at ate.' logical .sequence. es:2e s„ ound. 10c. bards." If nothing else, Spence Women would ha ' sr ve to go. Every- ''' u " . . is humourous. In places when Local thing that • . icings man to do evil •Another, In Eastern Ontario, offer - Option has been installed, what de: must go, and then. you Wptild have a ed to hand . over his herd of 12 . covvs vie find ? Will any teetotaller under- ' epinstese, boneless', miserable,int' oh condition' that, he should get back take to say that its inhabitants are i tried wretch, without any Power of .five in the spring in lair order. • . etnielore truthful, more chaste, More resistenee never . ha,vin'g keen tried. The II. S. Consul at K generally honest than those of otheingston was communities ?. Is there any reduction of an inirentive` genitie and lie:ding the r 1 Tfie teetotaller iS however somewhat . offered 12. eowe for $100. In drinking—does prohibition prehib. teaching of Scrititure opposed to his 'Up in the western part of the Prov - it ? Is the law kepi? Or is it, as we: pet theory., in later days he brought 'ince eighttwo-year-olds were offered all know It to be—thati teetotallers. forth What It knoWn as the. two Wine at $80 for the lot. . themselves are not more truthful,' theory., Throughout Scripture, in E. .... - u. Inure, ot North Simeoe, cut more pure, more generally honest both -Old and New Testament, v`r° 43 tons of hay from. the same acreage than others—that where Local Ops, read of , wine and strong drink. These which:last year .gaere 100 tons. tion is today, drinking goes on a's be ' are not ideirtieal as We can, see by foe only not quite so openly,but in Such passages as . Dent. 29 : 6 A reportfroin IVianitOulin says. that, ' some places just as openly, and more' "Neither have ye •drunk wine ot all crops save peas have been practi- se, than before—that teetotallets strong drink". The temperate use of catty destroyed by grasshoppers. Gar - nave .suceeeded in one thing, putting e, tither or 'both is enjoined, as' the, den truck and pastures, As well as,or- laW on the Statute _took that is wrongful immoderate use of either or (Unary field crops, are all gone. treated with derision and contempt. ! both is condemned. The two wine, they are sneceeding in bringing up a theory is a fad of modm ernis, It S. II. ham: says Ilellarhy, reporting from Chat -' that the barley, ceop is generation accustomed to. open viola- arose 'nut of the quagmire of flacon. small, oats are a good, half crop ant. tion of law, a dangerous thing to eisteneies into which the Prohibitioa- play with. And why 1 Are we a law- ists floundered. Preaching total Pro- corn very late and light less comniunity ? Far from it, but 'Within they - found themselves up During the five weeks endings with you begin at sumptuary laws, 1703 against the ilifficulter of wine at the August there was only one rain In pass lases 'that a rnates cotseielice Ikortt's Supper. They were,met With the vicinity of New Lowell, says J. tannot subseribe io, and you at once such questions as. it 10 10 Niforig' to W..Murary, and this did not go more make laws that will be violated on drink wine what about the 'Lord's than two inelie!,) in'o the ground. any and eviry oCeaSion. it do not Shipper 1 Did not, our Lord pariA,, Pastures are very poor with hardly , hesitate to avow in the most publie and 'give ?' Did TI ot melte and give any second growth, and what is left . manner that 1 for one will never at Cana of (hike 1 And many snub is being'eatert by grasshoppers. tignsall •On. Wednesday of last 'week a very happy event took place at the resist. mice Of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Webber,* when their. daughter Annie E. was united in 'marriage with Colin Hudson formerly of Hen - Sall but now of Woodstock. Rev. E. F. MeL. Smith officiated. The event took place in: the parlor signet). was handsomely • decotated. At the apl pointed hour the bride entered leas - Mg on the arm. of her father while Mrs. Robert Strong played the wed- ding march. The • bride was arrayed' in blue silk and carried boquet of carnations was supported by MissIda Hyslop of Scaforth and the broom by his brother. , 44140410•40441144040114404 Cousumptionis less cladly then it used to be. Certain relief and usually. complete recovery will result from the* foilowing treatment; Hope, rest, fresh air, and—,...Ccote.r Ematsion; ALL. optimums /too. AND 01,9o. 4.1604.010104040441044104404 • • Your savings are the safeguard of your future, You want to place them where there is no chance whatever of losing them. You can do that by depositing thein vvith this Company, or by taking out a Debenture for $100 or more, for one or more years. By law no depositor or debenture holder can lose one dollar Of principal or interest while any assets remain to cover his investment. The assets of this Company exceed $11,000,000, so that ,there is no chance of loss. In • fact- there is no financial in- stitution in Canada which can offer you more absolute certainty of safety. , Correspondence .will be gladly entered into with those interested . in banking by mail, ts.• \ Loan & Savings- Co. London, Ont. Anybody who has the "determina- tion ' can become a good penman if lie or she will intelligently follow our instructions and practice at hour or so a day for a few months. Penmanship is of far greater im- portance than most young people rea1' We know from intimate, acquaint- • ance with business men that there isn't anything that creates a rnore • favorable impression on an employer ' than the neatness and legibility of an applicant's handwriting. Write for our large, illustrated. free catalogue. It explains our Business and Shorthand Courses in detail, Shows the value of an education in a school which is a member of the Business Educators' Association. The demand. for graduates in • greater than we can supply. FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Members of Business Educators' ' J. W. WESTERVELT, Association. Principal, Loudon. wasimamer. Clubbing ffefs _ • The New'. Record and Weekly Mail and Einpire, one year• .. ..... .$1 3.,--s • r. e Weekly Globe • , . .........,.,. L6.5 ' 11 6 4 Fain i 1 y Herald and Weekly' Star 1 05 14 66 1.6G 46 44 Weekly Witness 41.6: Globe Hui " ,. . - .. 4 25 175 • .44 14 ' " • Free Press , . 1.75 64 4. Farming World .. .. .. 11....P6e0 - Advertiser .. • •, 14 Farmet's Advocateand e • ' ticene Magazine 2°25 . . , : " . • ' latrily News, Toronto • 2.30 Star " ....... ....... 2.30 . . ‘• . Mail • " 4•.215 World " .•. 3.00 Saturday Night e ................. ...... 2.35 Free Press London. - 325 Fi•ee Press, Evening Edition 2,75 ac • In remitting, please do so by ExpreSs Order or Postal Note aild address' W1 J. MITCIiELL I DM ELY P 1 L. I. 4kt,s.41,1ii5E.smiriCIAE—cao-111141;4.5",:SCi41 '014,11,110110,1!los' Made in various styles and at differevirprices, but only one quality—the beer. A piano is bought for a lifefinte ofWear. We Warrant all Martin -Or: Pianos to he perfect in conittisee tion andtolmprov.Inione with. age, instead of weakening, as ordinary instruments do. 0'Where the Mattin-Orme Piano is not represented, we ship direct and guar- antee ode delivery be yOur nearest station, lu any part of Canada._ - Write for IllsooliPtivt booklet* pikes and Menne, it*0 Ott request. itis SOK, Lkitiantle * OTTAWA, ONT. . Our citizens one and. all felt sinceee regret over the death. of James Stew- art which took place at, the Commer- cial hotel, where he has boarded for years oil Saturday evening. The de- ceased wee born in Scotland in 18e9 and in 1849 came with his parents to Usborne township and settled near 'Rodgervillle. He was married soon after to Miss Muir, daughter of An. drew Muir , and settled on a :farm in Stephen township. His wife' died about 25 years 'ago: Since that time lie has resided with Inc brother Rob- ert,but most of the time in Henna. Everybody liked "Jimmy" as he was comnionly called. A very genial pleas- ant, intelligent men ho made . friends td whom he was intensely loyal. Ile reed much and was very bright. HIS creed was honesty and uprightness. Ho was taken ill a week before his death under somewhat' painful cir- cumstances. •Ori Sunday morning -Dr. Brownine, coroner, and Dr. Madness mid 'made an eeeatnination, but slatted a certificate, attributing his demilse to na.tural .causes. • - Janie e Wright of Wyoming is visit- ing his uncle James Carlisle.. He was • 1 tiVrftreV-PITY:"41 Ott jet9gthilor""ilit s; ago and left 38 years•ago for the States, where he tune a ranching pro- perty in Wyoming. There was no Hensell when he was here, Rodger - Ville being the business centre of this sectiOn. THE NEWS -RECORD, . Ont • My daughter has improved so Much. that you 'would Scarcelyknow her— Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it. For sale by W. A. McConnell,..drug- gist, Clinton. I used to be eontinualle tired; mow I ant strong and well—Miller's Come poued Iron PHIS did. it. For sale by W. ,A. McConnell,, druggist, Cl:ntont • • Fire insurance companies 'ere redue- The body of A II. Birks, engineer ing their'risks in the congested els- on the 9aebec bridge, was found lir tents of Montreal. the river. samemenomminemim•Me ASK iron Wm. Kesheo, the Tnilian who Was arrested on Saturday night tor giving a war deuce on J. W. Orte'vehe's vet - :tads, was rettirned to 'town. on Mee - slay and• brought before Squire Petty.' Be pleaded guilty . and was fined $1 and costs isinotinting to $12 or 80 days in jail. The Indian took the the 30 days and the Chief took him up to Goderieh. On Saturday night just after 1.3 (*leek as chief Whiteside and Ernie Stacy, were going home they espied an Indian kieking with' great vigor at Mr. Ortivoin's door, The chief planed Mtn under arrest, and procuring a buggy took him to Exeter, where Jie Was incarcerated over Sunday. The boys just arrived in Exeter in time to 'see the small evaporator at Frail- cestowii being burned. Where altelse fails welt Kendall's Spavin Cm Bone Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, Blood and Bog ThorougbPiree Curb, Capped Hock, espetially if of long ttenduig end obittlitate-endll not yield to otdinary liniments or blisters. KENDALL'S SPAVIN cuRE is an r.eleaortlisutty owned, thet Ores ettritordinary results. It mote old, stubborn Was thet Man teem ventrinariet have given up -stakes &wee every sign of lam tiet tear or kill the htur—and leaves the horse eound and smooth. nnamo, Man, Sept. '41 have used }tendon's Spavin Cute tot 20* 7**m- • o:id it rover failed rnd ewe." jont;1nc1UtNN. Write tot noted book 'treatise On the }}otte“-lonittlibig worth knowing ea *Vets* pose. Sent tree. Itendoll's Spovio Cure is sold by detlets everywhere at Si. 0L5baittle-41 for 1, 33 bn. O. J. KENDAL. Cnr., litermeinte tOiLLS, nommen nee A.