HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-09-12, Page 7Clinton News -accord
September 12th, 1907
The f▪ -ood}totSewl£e always feels likebestowing ••u on the
Pandora a cheerful "EoadMorning:"
Why? Demme the Pandora always has a nice bed
of hot coals es a reward` for checking off the dampers
closely ha retic#rig to rest
fi r:
ln,. -.fiva;if :minutes after
turning on the drafts she will
have a good, strong fire. III�
Shquld she sleep 14i�
two or three hours longer
than usual there will still IS'
fire ready for .tier a
The fire -box,.
and dampers are so
scientifically arranged
that the Pandora can be
regulated to hold a fire
from 24 to 36 hours.
Pandora owners
never have their sleep.
disturbed with dreams of
making a new fire in the.
. If your local dealer
does not handle this most
perfect of ali ranges, write
direct to us for Free 'Booklet.
London. Toronto, Montreal. Wiooipee, Vancouver. St. John, Hamilton
Sold by Harland Bros.,
Lost Their Lives Changes Asked in
Whip at The Exhibition ; Municipal Act
Toronto. Sept, 13. -.-Two Exhibition
visitors, Mr's. Julio Shannon nnd her
daughter, Mrs. Alex. McEwing, lost
their lives through suffocation by gas
tel iet 112 Queen street at
wet. The
women were sleeping together in. room
0, on the Bret floor of the hotel.
The busband of the . younger woman
hio uncle had accompanied an
ied •
women to the city and the were sleep-
ing in a room near hy. The party all
came from Huron county, some ten or
twelve miles north of Seaforth.
Mr. John Watt, ata uncle of Mr, Me -
Ewing, stated that the party had left
home yesterday morniug to visit. the
Exhibition. They arrived in the city
at, noon and engaged a room fur the
women, the last one left at the Os=
geode !louse, and a bed in another big
room for the men.' After taking dinner
they went out to the Exhibition and
remained there all afternoon and even-
ing. On account of the crowds on the
cil,rs at night. they did not get back to
their hotel till after eleven o'clock and
the women retired between 11.30 and
12 o'clock.
Careful. •bCa
Warned to a eful.
The young man went into their room
to turn the gas off for them and he
warned them to be careful about using
the gas. He stated thissnorning'that
he turned the gas off till the fiarne.was
extinguished; but did not turn it. till it
was turned off tight. He thee, Was
going to light a match "to make sure it.
was all right, but he could not find
any. The women said there were two
on the dresser but be did not get. them..
These matches were not there •Jiis
morning so that it is.possible that one
of the women may have tried to light
the gas during the night.
No Response to His Knock.
Chartered to act as :
Guardian of Infants' Estates.
Committee for the .Insane
Financial Agent for Individuals
and Corporations
Receiver, etc., and as
Agent for any person holding any
of these offices.
T. G.
Advantages :
Life is Perpetual
Cannot become Insane
Never becomes Sick
Never takes a Holiday.
Does not Speculate
Financially Responsible
Years of Experience
- Conservative. and Efficient
Management . '
Charges • no Greater, often Less,
• than allowed Individuals,
At the carving eeesion of the Local
!louse several important changes in.
the laws affecting Municipalities will
booked as a :result of the proceed -
Ings if the Ontario Municipal Assoc
Onion at Thursday's (losing session
at Toronto.
Among the principal recommends•
Mono were e •That only p
ro ert
ors be allowed to vote on a money
bylaw. to the exclusion of the lessee
whose lease extends over the period
of the proposed debt; tbatt municipal
elections be held in December inetead.
of January, tuunicipalities to effect.
the change where desired by 10 -law ;
ti plans and -specifications for new
or t•einodelehu ldiuge be submitted
to the proper officers end signed by
a competent architect; that owlet -
polities he given absolute control oyer
their highways ; that all actions
against the municipalities be tried
without juries. A proposal to do
away with all bonuses was also car-
A motion of AId. Wilson and Davis
of Ottawa. that the municipal and
Railway Board be given to -
prove of money by-laws, was laid over,
Controller Hubbard strongly opposing
it. Another resolution was that which
proposed the chainging of•the Assess-
ment Act to equalize •the• assessment
as between a retailer and wholesaler ;
'also one !rem Peterborough asking for
two y..ear, elections of municipal conn-
ells,half to retireeach year,
Mr. McEwing arose about six o'clock,
this morning as he was accustomed to
early rising, on the faint. _ -He went for
a walk and after returning went to
call the women. There was no response
and thedoor was locked. He became
alarmed and roused the hAnse. A Mr.
Wells, who hoards at the hotel, went
out on the fire escape and raised the
window and climbed in, finding the
room full of gas and the jot turned on:
The elder :of the women was dead tend
the daughter, though still living, died
a short time after.
Coroner Dr. J. W. Grey, 482 Sher -
bourne street, was notified and after
decided that extiuii
nation no in•
quest was necessary. McCabe & Co.,
of Queen street east, were called,' in
end the grief-stricken husband and his;
uncle. are retie tiles ;la.in.e lith-th:
bodies to -day. `..:
The younger woman was just 22
years of age.
Mr. McEwing and his wife and Mr.
Ui and
lived in �Liallett township P
miles a a
MShtanuon.lived a feww y
in McKillop township. ' •
They allregistered• ars. from•H.trlock,
a post office north of Seaforth, •
Mr. and Mrs.' McEwing had been
married only a year.
MEREDITH, K. C., President. J. W. LITTLE, .Vice -President.
HUME CRONYN, Managing Director. •
The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend
full list' of Attractions, with plenty of -Mus-
ic. Fireworks after program each :evening..
concluding with that Aram], display,
Send to Secretary for Prize Lists, Programs and all information
W. J. REID, President A. M,' HUNT, Secretary'
London Sept. b-
Clubb ling• Offers .
The News -Record and Weekly Mail and•Etinpire, one year.. •.. • •$16
Weekly Globe
Fainily Herald and Weekly Star . . .. 1.135
Weekly Witness 1,60
tun 646.. ............ • 1.75
Free Press . • 1.75
Advertiser •.• 1.80
Farming World ....... . 1.50
Farmers Advocate and
, t
. a
Home Magazine 2 25
Daily News, Toronto • 2.30
Star ' " :. .... ,..,... •,:2.80
Mail • is .. ........ ...... 4.25
World ,a ,,, .... 3.00
Saturday Night " • • • .:, • • 285
Free Press, onden ....... ....... . 3.25
Free Press, Evening Edition ............ 2.75.,
When -your business beco•ttes irk-
some •and .distasteful, • you are not
well. Miller's Compound Iron Pills
will make it a pleasure to attend to
business., Sold ay W. A. McConnell,
druggist, Clinton. •
Mrs: Bowers and a
Wished to Wed Royalty •
• Montreal, Sept4.-The condition of
young Le Bildt, the Swedish nobleman
whose sensational attempt, at suicide
in the Windsor Hotel ai few weeks ago
aroused international ipterest, is said •New life . for a quarter, Miller's
hy.his friends to show little., prospeetr Compound ,Iron fills.. For gale by
of permanent impt•oyerent.
Patient Crazed,
By Inhaling Oast
Washington, tdept.,,4•---Oae rua'n was
taken -to a hospital, a second to the
police 'radon, a third is home nurs-
ing a battered face end a, half dozen
women are recovering gradually from
bad Cases of nerveo because a dentist
tried to extract a tooth this morning.
The tooth is still in the jaw of the
patient, who is the man in the p to hos-
George W. Bowers, a mild -manner.
ed, peaceful young man, carne into. Dr.
R. B. Lednard'e•oi lee and said that he
wanted a molar drawn. He eat meek-
ly inthe dentist's chair,, until Or..
Lieonaard got him under the influence
of gas. when all his mildness disap-
peared and things began to. hopped.
Some hallucination, due to the In-
fluence of the gas, took possession. of
Bowers. As the dentist was holding
the rubber cap over his face he
suddenly from his chair and smote Dr.
Leonard on the jaw in most unfri'end-
ly fashion.
Dentist Genii Licking..
number of wo
The dentist was almost floored, but
recovered and sailed in. But he
couldn't land, while Bowers. wild-eyed
and raving, ripped in one blow after
It was too much: for Dr. Leonatd,
and he shouted lustily for help. ' Dt.
W. H. Wunder. another dentist, whose
office adjoined, ran in. He thought he
was a rescuer, but he turned out to be
a martyr.
With one swing at Dr. Leonard, who
by this time wag groggy. Bowers
knocked himdown. Then he greeted
Dr. Wunder with both fists.
Instrument cases and chairs were
tossed aboutthe room as the two men
went at it but the gas held out and
Bowers kept up his pace, Dr. Wun-
der got all that Dr. Leonard did.
men patients. were in the reception -
room. While Dr. Leonard was get-.
ting his beating they paid little at-
tention to the scuffle from the inside
room, but when the dentist shouted
for help the door opened and ;Mrs.
Wunder saw . her husband rush into
his doom, she shrieked. All the other
women shrieked and started in a body,
for the door, there being Only one exit
from 'both offices to the hall. • •
Women Enliven the Scene..
Canada The banger
PointOf Empire
Vancouver; Sept; ../.:--"Since the de-
feat of Russia the internatiopal danger
scene has been :shifted -from nothern
India to the' Pacific coast of North
America," declared Mr. Hamar Green-
wood, member for York in 'the British
II i:se of Commons, et :the Canadian
Club luncheon tceday. 1
been out of the range of international
pblitics, he staid, but since then the
western end, of the North American
eSitit-icenent; t-he-eNapoleon's• ware Canada had
bia, had conga directly within the pur-
view of the. Foreign Secretary.
Tlie empire"•was scattered and .vul-
nerable, he said, and he hoped no reek-,
less deeds or words w
tld hamper the
Foreign Secretary in preserving Brit=
'lith Columbia to the epire and to the.
domination of the 'white race. Their
Majestic empire, could not be unified
but by degrees,. foran 'empire was not
a• business. 11:' dealt. with .the lives and
sentiments of men, but he wail certain
that the outcome of the present Ori
ental problem of . British Columbia
would he settled in gond times to the
satisfaction of the province. It could
not, however, . he done with .the rush
than: some urged.. • ,
Western Whet Will
Bigg Good' Prices
The following is ppart of a letter from
J. L, R. Parsons, 13;A,, D.L.S., presi-
dent of the ParNone Uonetruetion and
Engineering Compal
gins, to his father, Major W. Parsons,, Limited, Re -
Toronto, dated Grenfell, Sask., Sept.
3rd, and just received,
• I have just driven down here front
the farm, where I spent .a few days
looking g th a ^
in over.
I was delighted with the looks of
thing* there. About 150 acres which
eighteen months ago were wild bund
covered with small scrub poplar and
willows, is now a waving fleld of
The wheat is very fine, in the hest
placeo standing five feet high, and
Averaging about four feet. There WAS
a devast+eting frost some few days ago
which did a lot of damage, but this
high rolling land of
mine escaped en
tirely, • It is not quite so pretty as the
•flat prairie but one gran six miles
• It is known that the De Bildt family
have been domteimicated`:with, hilt*
everypossible effort. is being made'to
preventany further publicity in the
Matter. Baron De Bildt was et one
tine minister to the court of St James
tint is now Said •to: be in Rome.
No statenieat from .De Bildt himself..
has yet Iipn made public. His friends.
say that his melancholia end: its sub-.
srquent suicidat developments. was':.
consequent • upon an unfortunate. love
affair(.Young;De Bildt the story .rune-
-had-•cet his 'affections .•ttre-daugh'ter
of a royal house and believed them to
be returned.
Such a marriage. however. could not
he arranged; And after much traveling
De Bildt ` collapsed in Montreal; and'
attempted to take his own life.
In remitting, please do'so by Express Order or
Postal Note, and address
W. J MITGnE -,
Clinton, Ont
west of nee on the low fleetland, lost
600 acres of wheat bythat frost.
The crops tire_ all two weeks late.
They have not caught up a day of the
late start,and cutting will not be gen-
eral until the second week in Septem-
ber, so that there is stilla big chance
of the grain being injured hy, frosts,
but^the wheat is all past the "milk
stage" and a frost will only prevent
the kernel from filling nut and would
not spoil it for heed or for milling pur-
poses. It will, therefore, be a conimer-
clal product, and "frozen" wheat will
this year sell for as much as the No, 1
last year. f am. however, counting
,on No. L as they have not been frozen
out in the Pleasant Hills for twenty
years, and I should not he able to re•
coup myself for all the improvements
I have put on the place by this crop,
and the next crop should be a big
.money maker.
They met in a crowd at the door-.
way and struggled, screaming in a
pane; to get out.. • For -a beiief tithe
they were engaged in a melee which
eclipsed in spectacular interest .the.
fl ht which was.oin_ .on within., Fin-
ally they a escape •, wit tore cot
ing and bruises, and fled from the
Dr. Wunder, stood it as long as he.
could and then.seized
was lying on the window sill, After
several efforts her managed to get in
some. blows with the hammer on
Bowers'°head. Fearing his • life was
in.dauger he kept it up : untill Bowels
fell to the floor unconscious.
• They took Bowers to a hospital in. an
'ambulance. He hos a compound frac-
ture' of the skull. : Dr. Wunderwas
arrested and released ;later under hail.
Dr. Leonard went home when he was
able to andsaw no more patients.dui-
ing the day: ,
The doctors say Bowers will recover.
The dentists say he will, have to go
somewhere outside .of Washington •to
Ws A.. McConnell, druggist,' Clinton get thattooth exti acted.
Serious Losses to Farming.
In 'the partial crop !enure .which
Wei the Province of On trio this year
and the Canadian West, Canadian. far -
niers are • netatone in not obtaining
the usual returns for their arduous la-
bors. The hest itifortnation would in-
dicate that this is.•an off` year, almost
throughout the world, in crops. Th'ro-
tighout Europe t he•conditions are any-
thing but favorable,: and Rtissi,en re•
ports are.tinged in the most pessimis-
tic Rtratin) - .
There is this'satisfaction, that lower
yields will bepartly recompenser} for
by it,higher-range of prices., In Ontario
for instance, wheat is now selling at
!flca bnshel higher than it was at, this
time last year. Oats are easily 10c
higher, and • bailey will bitug nearly
the same advance.
The prevailing opinion is that the
incoming winter will he one of excep-
tionally high prices for nearly all the
commodities that, enter into home con-
sumption. The Ontario farmers will
suffer a distinct loss from that of last
year and several pi evious.years is now
a Foregone conclusion, President Mc.
Ewing of the Ontario Farmers' Asso-
ciation estimates that this will run into
as high es 880,00000; This amount
may possibly be overdrairn, but if his
estimate is anywhere near the correct
figure, it represents a stupendous loss
to•tbe whole conrinunity. which can
only be made good by curtailing in all.
br snches of business.•
The advance in the prices of allthe
cereals is a total denial of the opinion
.which some would advocate, that an
average crop is to be reaped. Wheat.,.
corn and oats have advanced, and are
advancing, by leaps and bounds in the
speculative market.
At Chicago yesterday, on. top of the
recant advance,wheat rose 2c a bushel
corn over lc a ushel and oats nearly
2c a lrushal• For the latter two cereals
these are nearly record prices on. this
market for.this time of the year.
When it is considered that the tight -
begs of the money market compels
forced selling on the part of tnany'Iar-
niers, it nitist headmitted that there'
is a substantial foundation for the
present range of high priceu for these
• A good Motto, since the hanging of
mottoes is alrr approved fashion of the.
day -to put up before every . sewing
society, every corner &tote crowd, and
to hang front every' village steeple, is
the Ninth Coaninxndnlent, "Thou shalt
�,�iy� . +t+� ' "j' +�w 1"x'1
not bear false withers against thy
The Toronto on V o V N orld and- is h neighbor." This IS the eomancan ofleenatai
of good people. Men and women who
• would not hurt a fly, think nothing of
News•- eoord fpr one year sticking the knife of scandal Into a
YY year nenahhnros bark ; And trettone• who
''.:12.50.. would not strait a'straw takea flendish
pieiceiire in t oLblai
.LU.i.- , frame.
State of Ohio, ray of -
Toledo, Lucas County. ---ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes *tb; that
he is senior partner of the arm of F.
J. 'Cheney & co., doing business in
the City of Toledo, County arid state
aforesaid, and that said iklrn will pay
the sum of ONI. HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for each 'tud every case of cat
arch that cannot De cured by the use
sof Hall's Catarrh Cure.,
or ands abed
Sworn. to before e me b�
in my presenee, this 6th day of Deo-
eanber, A, D. 1886, A. W. GLEASON'
(Seal) , Notary POW -
Hall's Catarrh, Clure le taken into`_
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous. surfaces, of the systeup
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co.,. Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c..
Take Hall's Family Pills for cora
• A witness at the inquiry concerning
the Quebec bridge disaster . said . there
was a Brack in 'one of the• steel arch--
CS. •
Thomas Clark, a Farmer of Brant-
ford, township,. was killed by a tree -
tion 'engine craslauig through -a bridge.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used by millions.: of mothers for
their :ehiidren while . teething. if •dis-
turbedby night and broken• of your
Immigration officials at Ottawa
are puzzled over what to do with
elglttecn• Chinamen in jail at Sydney.
who paid no entrance fee 'to get Into
Canada. •
Miller's ,Grip Powders Cure, Sold
by W. A.. McConnell,' druggist Clinton
The number of typhoid fever cases
in Vtl'innipeg is much .fewer for .Aug-
ust than for the sante month last
Miller's ' Drunk Cure is $1.00 per
box, _ For sale by all druggist. Sold
by W. A. McConnell,` druggist, Clin-
To know the
'�Sn law :, piasee it. Send
your name and
Orme . address to -day
and we'll mail
®®o youadescriptive
ing photographs
• ofthernstrument
and tellinghow
it's manufactured.
es and man
prices, but only one qual-
If the Martin -Orme
Piano is not represented
near you, we will ship .a
piano to your address, an
ally part :of. Canada.-
Write 'for prices and
terms. Old instruments .
..exchanged at.a liberal
valuation. .
ORME' & SON, Limited
crying ;with . pain of . cutting teeth send
at once and . get a bottle• of
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" fol;
ren teething. It vittrelieve Abe poor
little sufferer e immediately. D
upon at, mothers, there is " no mistake'
about it.: It cures Diarrhoea,regu-
lates the Stomach and. Bowels; purrs.
Wind Colic, softens the'Gums reduced.
Inflammation and. gives' tone and,en-
ergy, to the Whole • system.. "Mrs:
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for coifit-
ren teething is pleasant to the taste!
and • is the prescription of one•of • the
oldest and best: female physicians arid
nurses in the United States. • Price
25 cents a bottle. Sold by alb drug-
..gists throughout .the world. Be.. sure
• and ask' for'TMrs. Winslow's Sooth•
. ing Sprup.aGo' •
The.. Family Herald. and Weekly Star, the
greatestweekly newspaperon the. conti-
nent, and The News -Record will be sent
to any address in Canada I for the renaain-
der: of 190.7for
or only 35 Cents
Send your name and amount to
. a.
Clinton, 0i