The Clinton News-Record, 1907-09-12, Page 6J OLDS FIRE ALL NIGHT The gooid o h usewife always: Feels like bestowing upon the Pandora. 0 cheerful "'good morning?' Why? Because the Pandora always has a nice bed of hot coats ns a reward for checking off the dampers closely belVeeetleittlf to rest: Itt t#Pininietes after turning on the drafts site will have a good, strong fire, !l Should she sleep, hr two or three hours longer than usual there will still be a fire ready for her. - The fire -box, flues , and dampers are so scientifically arranged that the Pandora can be Clinton Newahoeaord Lost Their Lives. Changes Asked in While nt The Exhibition Municipal Act Toronto. Sept. 13.^ --Two, Exhibition At the cntnina, seselon of the Local vreitore, Mre. John Shannon and her House several important changes in daughter. Mrs. Alex. McEwing, last the laws affecting titutiieipalities will. their lives throng eutrocetiron by gee bee eked se a result of the proceed - in their room Taut night at the .Osgoode lugs bf the Ontario Munieipsl Assoe Hotel, at 112 Queen street west. The dation at Thursday's closing motion women were eleeping together in rooni at Toronto, 5, un the first floor of the hotel. The husband of the . younger woman and his uncle bad accompanied •the women to the city and they were sleep. lug in it room near hy. The party ell carne tromp I'Iuroncounty, some ten or twelve 'riles north of Seaforth. Mr. doh' Watt, an uncle of ;Mr, Me Ewing, stated that the party bad left home yesterday morning to visit. the Exhibitiou. They arrived in the city at noon and engaged a,,, i.°soul for the women, the last one Inn at the Os - geode house, and a bed in an other big room for the men.' After taking dinner they went out to the Exhibition and remained there all afternoon and even- ing. On account of the crowds on the titre at night. they did not. get back to their hotel till after eleven o'clock and the women retired between 11.80 and 12 o'clock. • • Warned to be Careful. -901.53-1 regulated to hold a fire from 24 to 36 hours. Pandoraowners never .have their sleep disturbed with ]reams..of making a new fire in the morning. If your local dealer does not handle this most !r. perfect of all ranges,owrite direct to us for Free Rooklet.• it s 0 • to, ilitLondon. Toronto. Montreal, Winnipeh, Vancouver. St. John, .Hamilton ' fold byHarland Bros,, Clinton Oma\ LONDON, ONTARIO. Chartered to act as: Executor Administrator ' Trustee Guardian of Infants' Estates. Committee for the Insane . Financial Agent for Individuals and Corporations Assignee Receiver, etc., and as Agent ;for any person holding any of these offices. T. G. MEREDITH, K. C., President. HUME CRONYN, The young than went into their room to turn the gas off for theni and he warned them to be careful about using the gas. He btated this morning that he turned the gas off till the flaune.wne extinguished, but .lid not turn it till it was turned off tight, He then was. going to light a match' to snake sureit was all right, but be could not find any. The woineneaid there were two on the dresser but he did not get them. These matches were- not there this morning so that it is possible that'one of the women may have tried. to Light the gasduring the night. Advantages l Life is Perpetual •. Cannot become Insane • .. Never becomes Sick - Never takes a Holiday Does not Speculate Financially Responsible Years of Experience .. Conse:rvative`a'nd Efficient • Management Charges no Greater, often Less, - than allowed "Individuals.. -.. 3. W..'I:ITTLE, Vice -President. seemetimewesenweeereseesoseerssoser WESTE No Response to His"Knoek. Mr, McEwing arose about six o'clock this morning as he was accustomed to early rising on the farm. He went for a walk and after returning went to call the women. There.was do response and the.door was locked. Ile became alarmed and roused the hawse. A Mr. Wells, who boards at the hotel, went out on the fire escape and raised the window and climbed in, finding the room full df gas and the jet turned on. The elder of the women was dead and the daughter, though still' living, died a short time after.. Coroner Dr. J. W. Grey, 482 Sher. beurnestreet, was notified and after an extamivation. decides! that no in- quest was necessary. McCabe & Uo., of Queen street east, were called in and the grief-stricken husband and.his uucle are returning hotue with the bodies to -day. : The younger, woman was'just 22 years of age,. and JV r: Mr.1VIcEwmg and bis wife n 1 Watt lived in Hallett township and Mrs. Shannon lived a few miles away in McKillop township. • They ails egistered as from Harlock, a post office north of Seaforth, edit.. and Mrs.,'" McEwing had -been married only a year. Among the principal recornmenda, Hone were ; That only property own- ers be allowed to vote on a money bylaw,, to the exclusion of the leasee whose lease extends over the period of the proposed debt: that municipal elections he held in December instead of January,inunicipalities to effect the change where desired by •ts-law; oris piens and -specifications for new remodelled buildings be submitted to the a a•oper officers and signed by a competent architect; that neunici• palities be given absolute control over their highwsyse. that all actions against the usunicipalities he tried without juries, A proeosal to do away with all bonuses was also car- ried. A motion of Ald. Wilson and Davis of Ottawa. that the municipal and. Railway Board he given power to are prove of money by-laws, was laid over, Controller Hubbard, strongly opposing itteeAn.+ther resolution wean that which proposed the changing of the Assess. ment Act to equalize the .• assessment as between a retailer and wholesaler; also one from Peterborough asking for two year elections of municipal coun- cils.half to retire each year, Wee, The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend • EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND. IT PROFITABLE TO GO KNBAENSHUE'S AIRSHIP daily,'and a full list- of Attraci;Ions, hill-111613hy-af•-Mu ic. Fireworks after program each evening conciuding with wth that rand display, THE SIEGE- OF GIBRALTAR. " REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Send to Secretary for Prize Lists,' Programs and'alt information: W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, 'Secretary • London Sept. 6 - Clubbing Offers • The News -Record and Weekly Mail and Etnpire, one year.:. ..$165.• .. .. Weekly Globe. ..... 1.05 .. ., ., .. is 41 4. .. .. " .. Family Herald and Weekly 'Star....105 Weekly Witness 1.70 . r' Sun 1,75._ 1.00 . • Farming World. .... • Y .... Y1.50 61 Farmers Advocate and - • Home Magazine 225 Daily News, Toronto ! • 2.30 Star .c ...... ,2.30 Globe as 4.25 Mail "..Y ....:...... . .. r 4,25 World ,. . •. i, ...,, 3.00 Saturday Night . .: ,.,2.85 P.ree Press, London. ..,.Y ... , 3.25 Free Press, Evening EdltiOn .., . Y.. , .......:2.'7t . " Free Press 4 „ .. ., ., a. ., .l .. 11 1. .. Advertiser ..,When..your busineSt' "beco•ttes irk some •and distasteful,' you are pot well. Miller's Compound Iron Pills will make it a plea'stire to attend to Wished to Wed , Royalty Montreal; Sept, 7. -The contrition of young:De.Bildt,, the Swedish nehletnan whose sensational attempt • at suicide in the W indeor'Hotel a few weeks ago aroused international interest, is said,New 'lite for a • quarter. Miller's b his .friends to show .little prospect ,• y Compound' Ir Lrlls. For gale • lay of pe.reanne t improvement_... ' 'Ws; A. Met onnel Orli int Clinton Itis known that the De Bildt fancily\ r , have been :.cotnumnicated' with. but every possible effort; is being 'made to preys nt any further publicity 'ill the, matter.- 13arote DeBiidt was at tine tirue minister to the court of St James hut is now rabidly be•in Rome No •statenteut.frotn De Bildt himself has yet been madepublic His friends say thet.his .inelaneholia end its sub- sequent suicidal developments` Was consequent npnn an unfortunate love affairs. Ycaung.l")e Bildt,' the"story runs h ' nss-on t be-daaugliter- of a royal Neuse and : believed them to be returned, . . ' ' Such a marriage. however. could not he arranged; end after touch Traveling 'De • Bildt ,collapsed in Montreal, and attempted to take his own lite. Patient Crazed By Inhaling. Oast Washington, Sept.,4.—One ensu war{ taken -to a hospital. a. second to the ppolice etatfon, .a third is home nurse ing a batterad face and a half •dozen women are recovering graaduyily from bed ewe of nerves because a dentist tried to extract a tooth this morning. The tooth is still in the jaw of the. patient, who is the map in the hos. petal. George' W. Bowers, a mild-manner- ed, peaceful young man, carpe into Dr. R. B. Leonard's•ofllce and. said that he wanted a molar drawn. He sat meek- ly in the dentist's chair, until Dr. Leonard got him under' the °influence of gas. when all his mildness disap- peared and things began to hipped. Some hallucination; due to the in- fluence of the gas, took possession of Bowers. As the dentist was holding the rubber cap over hie face he sprang suddenly from bis chair and smote Dr. Leonard on the jaw in most unfriend- ly fashion. 000 acres of wheat by that frost. September 12th, I9ax Western Wheat Will Bring Good Prices- The following is_pot of a letter from. 3. L. R. Parsons, I3,A., D.L.S., west - dent of the Parsone Oonetruction and Engineering Conapen , Limited, 1te. gina, to hie father, Major W. Paarsuns, oronto, dated Grenfell, Bask,, Sept. 3rd, and just received. I have just `driven down here front the farm, where I spent a few days looking things over. I was delighted with the looks of things there, About 150 acres which eighteen months ago were wild land covered with smell scrub poplar and willows, is now a waving field of grain. The wheat is very fine, in the best places standing five feet high, and. Averaging about four feet. There was a devast'titing front snfne tew days ago which did a lot of damage, but thio high rolling land': of wine escaped en tirely. It is not quite so pretty as the flit prairie, but " one man aiz pules west of we oh the low flat land, lost Dentist Gets a Licking, • The crops are all two weeks late, The dentist was almost floored, but recovered and sailed in. . But he couldn't land, while Bowers, wild-eyed. and raving, ripped in one blow after another. It was too much for Dr. Leonard, , and he shouted lustily for help. ,Dr. W. H. Wunder, another dentist, whose office adjoined, ran in. He thought he was a rescuer, but he turned out to he a martyr. • With one swing et Dr. Leonard, who by this time wap groggy. Bowers knocked him down. Then be greeted Dr. Wunder with both fists, • Instrument cases and chairs were tossed about the room as the two hien went at it but the gas held out and business. Sold ny W. A. McConnell, , Bowers kept up his pace, Dr. Wire - druggist, Clinton.' • der got all that Dr. Leonard did. Mrs. Bowers and . number of wo men patients° were in the reception- room. While Dr. Leonard was get- ting his beating they paid little at- tention to the scuffle from the inside room, but when the dentist- shouted for help the door opened and . Mrs. Wunder saw her husband rush into his doors, she shrieked. All the other women shrieked and started ina body for the door, there being only cue exit front both offices to the hall. • Canada The banger Point. Of Empire Vancouver, Sept. ,7. --"Since the de- feat of Russia the internatiopai•denger• scene has been shifted from notbern India td the Pacific eretet of North America," declared Mr. Hamar Green- wood, wood, :member for York in -the Ii t .,h Home of Commons, at the Canadian Gluh•luncheon today.• . '` Since Napoleon's' wars Canada had. been out of the range of international polities„ he said, but since then the. western end of the North. American continent, the coast nt British Colum-. bis, had conga directly within the pur- view of the Foreign Secretary. The empire was scattered and vul- .nerable, he said, and he hoped no reek leads deeds or words would hamper the Foreign Secretatry in• preserving Belt - jab Columbia to the empireand tn. the domination of the white race.: Their niajestic empire .could' not he unified but byelegreee,•for an 'empire was not a business. It dealt with the Heat and sentimentsof men; but he wascertain that the outcome of the present Ori- ental problem . of British Columbia Would be .settled in gond bine to the satisfaction of the 'province. It could not, however, .'.be:done- with the rush that some urged, . In remitting, prease•do.so by. Express Order or• Postal Note, and address W, ,l MITCHELL, THE NEWS -RECORD, Clititor►, Out The Toronto World and.The News -Record for one year fuliz $2.50. Serious Losses to Farming Iii' the partialcrop failure`. which faces-theP-ro-vince-of-On tairim-this.year. and the Canadian' West, Canadian° far. Mere are mit alone, in not obtaining,. the usual returns for their arduous la- bors. The best information would in- dicete that this isan off year, almost throughout the world, in crops.: Thro- ughout Europe the conditions are any- thing but favorable, and. Russian .re• ports' are tinged in the Moet pessimis- tic stratinr • There is this satisfaction, that lower yields will -be partly. recompensed for• by a higher range of prices. In Ontario for instance,; wheat is now selling at 15c a bnshel higher than it was sit this time last year. Oats are easily. •10c higher, and barley will •bring, nearly the same advance. • - The prevailing opinion is that the incoming winter will be one of excep-. tionailly bigb prices for nearly all the commodities that enter into home con=' sumption. The Ontario • farmers will suffer a distinct loss from that of last year andiieveral previous years hi now a foregone conclusion, President Mc.` Ewing of. the Ontario Farni'ers' Aseoe dation estimates that this will run into as high es 580,000.000. This amount may possibly be overdrawn, but if his estimate is anywhere near.theorrect figure, it rept esents a stupe us loss 'to the whole community.w ich .saga only be made good by curtailing itf all br *riches of business, • - • The advance iii, the prices of all the cereals is a total denial of the opinion which some would advocate; that an average crap is to` -be reaped. Wheat, cern and oats have advanced, and are advancing, by leapt and !sounds in the 'speculative market. At Cbiesgo yesterday, 'on• top of the recent Advance, wheat rose 2c a bushel corm over le a bushel and oats nearly 2c a bushel.. For the latter two cereiiils thea;e are nearly record prices on:thie market tor.thia time of the year. • When it is considered that the tight• nese of the money market compels forced selling ou the part of many`£ar- iners, it meet he admitted that t'here.' is a substantial foundation for the present range of high primer for these commodities, They have not caught up day of the late start, and cutting will not he gen- eral until the second week in Septem- ber, so that there is still a big chance of the grain being injured by frosts, but the wheat is all past the "milk stage" and a frost will only prevent the kernel front filling nut and would not spoil it for .seed or for milling pur- poses. It will, therefore, be ',.commer- cial product, and "frozen" wheat will this year sell for as touch as the No. 1 last year. f aun, however, counting ,on No, 1. as they have not been frozen out in the Pleasant Hills for twenty years, and I should not he able to re coup myself for all the improvements I have put on the place by this crop, and the next crop should be a big motley maker, Enliven the e Scene. They met in a crowd at the door-. way and struggled, screaming in a panic, to get out. For. a brief time they were engaged in a melee which eclipsed in spectacular interest 'the fight which was going on withita.. Fin ally they all.escaped,- with .torn -.clot ing and bruises, and .fled•. froth the building.. Wunder stood It as long as he. Dr.� could and then seized a hammer which was lyingon the window sill, After several efforts her. managed to get in some blows • with the hammer on Bowers' head. Fearing . his life was in danger he. kept it up .until•Bowers fell to the floor unconscious. State :of Ohio, my 01 -- Toledo, Lucas County. --tis, Frank. J. Cheney makes Atli that he is senior partner of the' firm 01 F. J. 'Cheney & co., doing business the City of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said flat' will pap the sunt of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each utd every ease of cat arrh that cannot tie cured by the use 01 Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J.. CI•tESNEY. , Sworn to before me and eubacribed in my presenee, this 6th day of Dee - ember, A. D. 1886, A. W. GLEASOIN (Seal) Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- natly,a and acts .directly on the blood and mucous surfaces, 01 the systen Send for testimonials free. P. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, t?, Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall, s Family Fills for con- stipation. A witness ail the inquiry.concerning the Quebec bridge disaster said there was a Brack in one of the. steel arch- es. Thomas Clark, a farmer. of Brant- ford • township, was killed. by a tree - Hon engine crashing 'through a 'bridge. FOR OVER .e.IXTY YEARS: Is rs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. H dis- turbed by night- and broken of: your q rest by a sick child suffering. and crying 'with pain of cutting teeth send u t ice andget a bottle Mrs' a o to of Winslow's Soothing Syrup" forchild- ren teething: It will relieve the poor t• little sufferer immediately.Depend De end upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea; regu- late's the Stomach and Bowels;: Aures Wind Colid, softens the; Gums, reduces Inflammation: and gives tone and en- ergy to the • whole system. "Mrs.' Winslow's.: Soothing Syrup" for chilal- ren teething :.is_pleasant to the tasie: and is the prescription Of one cif ,.the oldest and best somale bhysiciana and nurses in .the . , United States. ' Price 25 cents a bottle. . Sold by all drug- gists 'throughout . the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup.. '�` '. Immigration officials at Ottawa are puzzled over what to do with eighteen • Chinamen in jail at Sydney, who paid no entrance fee to get into Canada. .Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by W. A, McConnell; druggist Clinton They took Bowers to a hospital in an ambulance. He has a.compound frac- ture.of the. skull.. Dr. Wunder was arrested and released later under bail. Dr. Leonard went home when he was able to and saw nomore patients din- ing ' the, day. The doctors say Bowers will recover. The dentists say he will. have to go somewhere outside of Washington to get that tooth extracted.:' The number of typhoid fever cases in Winnipeg is much fewer' for Aug- ust than for the 'same month last year. • Miller's ' Drunk Cure Is $1.00 pet box: For sale by all druggist, Sold by W. A. McConnell, druggist, din - ten, imarteseeTo know the nd MartinOerme ;. pianp you must •`it fi your name and 0 address to -day ' and' we'11`.m. J!ianos55! ofthe instru,nent and telling. how' it's. s,. manufactured. Many styles and many prices, but only one qual- ity—the best. . If the Martin -Orme Piano is not represented' near• you, we will ship a piano to your address, in any part of Canada:-, Write for prices and terins. Old' instruments exchanged - at a liberal valuation. ORME & SON, Limited OTTAWA, ONT: - _ ._...8—• Scandal A good motto. since the hanging • of mottoes is atrapprnyed 'fashion of the days --to put up before every • aawin society. every corder store crowd, and to hang from ovety village steeple, is the Ninth (7n1111nandinent, "Thou shalt not hear false witness against thy. neighhnr." This is lite common offense of good people. Mon and women who would not, hurt a fly, 'think nothing of Itet.iekfng the knife of scandal into a neighl►ns°'a back t and ps'ranna who would not,eteutl a straw take it fiendish pleasure in t ol.tai bath*. The Family. Herald and Weeklk Star, the greatest weekly newspaper on the conti- nent, and The News -Record will be sent to any address in Canada . for the remain- der of 1907 for or Only 35 Ce Send yourname and amount to NewstoRecord, • W. J. MITCHELL, •w Clinton, Ot tt. 4..