HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-09-05, Page 8w
UR milliners have r. eturned ,from the wholesale
Millinery Openings, where they, have been spend"
ing the last few weeks studying the styles for the corn-.
jog fall- season. Now the department is ready to serve
customers and executeearly orders. New fall atyles int
Ready4o-wear Hats, are. here, • and will be on view Sat—
"inlay Afternoon and evening.. Come and see than.
Of tlie best not morethan one br two cif a kind.
- The days of the farina' opening will be announced
in a week or two, but if you want Fall Millinery there
is no need'waiting until than. We are ready . to serve
early buyers now.,
The New Coats for Fall
A large e shipment of Fall Coats aree. here. Gar-
ments that are right in.every little detail that goes to
make a stylish jacket, • All tailor made, perfectin style
and faultless in fit. Of any exclusive style or pattern,
no two garments alike.
Although the loose styles promise to•be as popular as ever, this
season's coats will be found longer than those of last year. There are
material chargea•in sleeves and shoulders that decidedly alter the ap-
pearance as well. The. tendency is all to dark colors. Over checks and
stripes. in fancy' tweeds are much shown and will be very popular,
There'are some handsome coats in navy, brown and green beavers, for
those who want plain cloths in colors. black,. plain. or elaborately trim=
mea promises•to be more in demand than for several seasons',
willhave the new coats- ready on Saturday. Corse. and see
whether you are ready to buy just yet or not. Threeor four specials.
Tweed Coats at $8.50
F •
Ladies' new Fall Jackets, made from . heavy, all wool
tweeds, large broken checks in dark color combinations, full
length. loose back, handsome garments at a'; popular price,8
. each V
Tweed Coats $15
Ladies' new Fall Jackets, . made from handsome all wool
tweeds, large broken checks and indistinct in greens,.;
browns, navys, etc.interwoven. very stylish arments,
(5 00'
cut with the new sleeve and ful.length, special each ..
Black Coats $15
' Ladies' Fall and Winter -Jackets, made from extra quality,
all wool black Hersey, new sleeve. plain or braid trimmed, G OO
very full, 50 inches Jong, waists lined, each. w U.
High vClass Samples •
We Are showing -six or eight very ha`ndeome-Black Coats
for 'ernes, They are sample garments shown by one ot•
the hest manufacturers in Berlin. There are no two alike, •
and we ate selling them for less money than we could were
they not samples. They have been 'handled but very little,
as these manufacturers only call on a few concerns in On-
tario. If you want 'something' out of. -the Q►L� AND $50 °
ordinary, underpriced,see-these.coats,.eaoh., �ppL
Another Shipment of : Broadcloths
Another shipment of Broadcloths direct from the
Old Country, just opened this week. This makes our
four famous lines of this popular material complete.
All shades now in stock. As good values aslast season.
Better values than you can possibly -buy next.
Good quality plain Broadcloth, 46 incheswide, bright finish, ,
good weight for fall suiting, in navy, brown, red, green' and
black, very special at per yard. •V v
Broadcloth at 85c
This cloth is imported direct from .England, is full 46inches
wide. Guaranteed shrunk and unepottable. Has rich lus-
trous finish, and is made from pure wool. Cranes hi navies,, Q
and b•c s specialper ard...-: .85
browns, greens, redsblacks, , p y • • : ;.
Broadcloths at-$t23�
This is the biggest seller we have in our store to -day., It is
' imported direct from England. Made from line Au tralian
wools. It is guaranteed shrunk and unspottable, has rich,
lustrous finish and is 48 inches wide. We show it in navies. o i A g
browns, greens, fawns, greys and blacks,. per yard. .
Broadcloths at $1.50., , '
This Broadcloth is exceptionally fine, and has *handsome
finish. We import it ourselves and can recommend. it to
any person wanting an extra fine costume. It is made from
pure Australian yarns and is 50 to 52 inches wide.' We show
-it in navy, brown. light shades and black. Price per yard.. 1 .0 0
The Last of Summer Stocks
Now we are so near the end of selling time for
Summer Stocks,. cost and value does not countmuch
in making prices on lines wewant`. to clear'"out. We
simply want thein out of the way before fall • business
opens. All this week you pan buy
Waists at half price,
Ladies' Black r White Hose per pair 10c,
Children's "Fancy'Ootttbn• Hose 2 pair for 25e
25e Tar Hose for for 15c,
35c Black and Tan Lisle Hose 2 pair for ,.25c.
Fancy Parasols at half price, - -
White Muslin Underwear, One-quarter off,
15c, 18e and 20c Glinghatns and Chambreys 10e.
Cashmere Hose 25c
English make, fall, weight, good, plain cash-,
mere hose. 300 pairs of them, Sizes 81, 9,, 91,
19. • Medium 'weight, soft finish, good, serviceable
stocking for fall wear, special per pair...• .25
You Can't Lase
Your oucn-
tain Pen.
If it is .a Waterman'a
Ideal Fountain Fen fitt-
i with a clip•cap. The.
clip -eat, is a neat piece of
springy steel attached at
one end of the cap of the
peu, the other end being.. .
pressedsnugly 8B
l- a ainst the f
barrel of the spring. It
holds in much the same
way as a clothes pin and $:
will keep the pen where #.
it is put, •See usabout
it if interested,
W. Q. FAIR' 00 $.
Often ,Cheapest -Always Best O
Miss. May Moore of Wingham is the
guest of Miss Lily Cantelon,
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings return-
eturned from Ottawa on Monday.
Little Miss Laura Beacom of , ,' Iar-
lock is visiting her. aunt, Mist.
Mrs. Thos. Dunford of Brussels i,
visiting 'her ton, Mr:'. ,las• Dunford,
for a few weeks.
Miss Ella Mahaffy of Shanley las'
been the_ guest .of Mrs._ Jas._MihcX.,..
of the wase. Line.. �..,
Mrs. Jas. Finch . and het daughter;
Miss Elsie, spent Monday with hon
son ,_,Mr. ..Ocorge finch ofseaforth, ..
kr. Ted Saville returned on Satur-
day from North Bruce where he'hati
• been for a couple of ;weeks buying' :
,apples -
Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson • and
daughter Bertaof, the London Road
left on:Friday last for; a twor
months' visit in . the West,
.Mr. and •Mrs Franks returned Wii on .
on 'Saturday from :their honeymoon
trip and: have settled down to the
stern realities •ol life on . Kirk
street. •
Mr. and Mrs. :Bon. Vanderburg of Kin -
lough, Bruce •county; who had been
• visiting at the forner''s brother's,
Mr. ' George Vanderburg, Porter's
Hill, werethe guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Brown: bast week.
• Miss'. 'Hattie'' Holloway, who has been
. stenographer in Barrister Brydone's
office during • the. absence of Miss.
Smyth;' is now filling a similar
position'. in the knitting company's.
ofnee, the stenographer' being away
on her holidays.
The following reverend gentlemen
• were guests . att, St. Jioseph's resid-
ence last week : Fathers Brady of
• Wallaceburg, Downey of • Windier.,
Corcoran of Teeowater, Ronan .of
Mitchell, Forster of .Mt. Carmel and •
Dunn of Parkhill. .•
Mr. •and Mrs: )Mvid Lansing •• of the
Buse Line spent Saturday .afternoon
last with ' Clinton friends :• Though
able to move itbout 1reel • and al-
most as cheery ;i's. ever, Mr. Lan-.
sing has not by • any means recover-
ed froth his serious illness' of . last
•spring. •
Misses May and .: Myrtle Mathesel,
who had been the guests of Mr, -Jas.
Dunford for a ;iaonth, returned to,
their home in Toledo: en Saturday
last. They, were, accompanied 'by.
their dousins, Misses Mabel and
_ ClettaLDwnford,.who .will 'visiettberrr
for a few weeks " • . _ -
Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Stewart -of Lon-
don. returned home on Saturday af-
ter .a fortnight's 'visit with 'friends,
in Stanley and Goderich township.
• Their many friends hereabouts, who:
havenot yet done so, will regret to.
learn that •they lost• their youngest
son a month ago. He was a bright
little. lad of, four and a half year::
Mr, and Mrs. 'Albert Kemp 'and their
soh, Master :'•;,eorge, .London, • came
up ,Saturday, and visited their rally
old friends in Clinton until Monlay
evening. Though it is but a :few
years since • +;hey left Clinton they
noted a great many changes espect
. ally among the young i'emile who
have almost grown out IA their re-
blelvtn and "Iloward trill of the Base
Line left ' on Wednesday for Taber,
• ' Alberta, to join their father, Mr. .
J, W. Hill,who ie there engaged in
the Hardware business, Their broth=
er, 'Mr.: George W.11111; who was on
Tuesday married to Miss •Lizzie,.
Carter of Hallett, left for Taber at -
the -tame time and thus the ''Base •
Line, with which the family was
Iting prominently identified, • will
know them -no more, except' as vis-
Mr. Arthur Cantelon, ' Who had been
engaged in the btilding of stations
on a C. P. It. branch line to Parry
Sound, went from Coldwater to
Toronto on Saturday to visit the
exhibition and spent Sunday" with
relatives in the city, "I had not
intended ,corning home just now,"
said Mr. Cantelon to The .News -lie•
cord , on Monday afternoon, "but
about dusk Sunday evening' soine-
thing • seemed to say that 1 vias
.wanted. The ' Same feeling came
over mo early neitt•nnorning so l
hustled down to the station and
took the first train for home and
the first salute I received on get-
tins off at -the station was, "liello,.
when do you hear about the fire ?"
The fire to which allusion is here
made Is that width partly des-
troyed one of his dwellings the c
ening previous,
DiRtGT 1MPouerTRs cLrnoronr, 01V7
.2.25 White Duck Skirts $I.SfJ
.$2.50 White L.ustre Skirts 495
$S;OQ Blue Lustre Skirts $3.73
Saturday •We are laying out our i,ustre and o Skirts for . quick sale. • Every w
Skirt • beautifully made and correct style. This will be a chance to secure
a good Skirt at less than cost, Remember, Saturday only,
• $2.25 White Duck
Skirts $1.50
Duck Skirts,.t w .o styles,
White'U ckyl ,
beautifully made, correct style,
all sizes, regular $2,25, Saturday
$2.50 White Lustre
Milks $1,95
White 'Lustre Skirts, • steam
pleaten to hip, latest New York
style, .all sizes, regular $2 i•0, Sat-
urday only ............ .......... 1.95
- $5 Blue Lustre Skirts
Blue, Lustre Skirts, extra quaI.
sty, •.two good styles to choose
from, stitched with.silk, beauti,
fully made and trimmed, regular.
$5,04, Saturday only...,........,, 3.75
20c -Black, Cotton Hose
two for 250 . •
Ladieb'•fast blank ;Cotton Hose, -
seamless feet, full fashioned, sizes
8f to :10, regular 20c,...
20c and,25c Tan Hose
two for 25c
Children's Tan Cotton Hose,
plain and 'rfbbeil, sizes 5 to 8, re-
gular 20c and 25c , 2 for.
Ladies' 50c Lisle
Thread Hose 39c
Ladies' fancycolored and black r
Lisle Thread one.. full fasbtoned,
seamless feet, sizes 8i to 10, regu-
lar .3s
lar 50e, Saturday. • .
.Ladies' 750 Fancy Emr
ibll'oidereci Hose 50c.
Ladies' Fancy Embroidered Lisle -
Thread Hose, silk stitching, sizes.,
8i to 10, regular 75e, Saturday...,. .09
Lace Curtain; Sample. s
Traveher's samples of Lace Cur-
tains, assorted designs, worth up
to $2.50, per pair. sample ends.....
Special . at the
Saturday .Special. Men's.
Outing Shirts, soft - fronts,
stripes plain . and colors, all P
sizes, reg. 75c, Saturday 50c
•••••••••••••N+•••• ••••••!•
Lace Curtain. Samples
Traveller s samples : of Swlsa and
Brussels Net Curtains` worth from
$3 oto $10per pair, sample ends.," .35
$1 and $1.35 Waists
for 70c •
White Lawn Waists, embroid-
eryfront, nice One quality liwwn,
regular $1 and $1.25,. Saturday....; .79
$1.75 and $2 Waists
for $1.50
White Lawu. and Mull Waists,
very prettily trimmed wit lace.
smart designs,' regular $1.75 and $2 "
Saturday .................... i.5
f $3 White Waists
for $2
Ladies' White Mull and fine
Law* Waists, trimmed with fine
lace and insertion, all sizes, regular
$8, gaturday 2. 0
$3.50 White Waist
for $2.50'
Fine .White Mull Waists, trim-
med with valenciennes lace, very
newest styles. .all sizes, regular
$3.50. Saturday :... . ......., .:.... 50
Dry ,Hoods
I:tl ► otters
Today we announce theopening of Fall Business. and. we've prepared the' greatest array
• = ___ tapleeand-Fay, cy r_y Uoods ever shown in this store,
New Dress Goods, New .Silks, New Hosiery„ Gloves and Underwear, New.F=
and Winter Coats, New Waists and Skirts, New Furs, New Millinery, Etc., Et r ., ,
Many lines have advanced considerably.in rice since last year, but 'well do our best togive:you. the best
a y n ... look . price , .. and oftenas you latah ...
value possible. You•. are welcome to over the new goods at any time as . . �
No need to buy unless •.: you are satisfied, 1
y .
This Fall we have mada extra preparations in our Ready-to-wear •Department
with an immense range of
Women's and Children's • Coats, Raincoats, Dress Skiets
and Waists of every kind.
y greaty .' g never
New Styles are herein will found�in- can
stores.ro you natliln ' better
w y
Our Nlilllners have returned "from the Millinery Openings and are. ,nO
'prepared to look after. any -early fall orders. . n