The Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-29, Page 8"..!.,:'411 4., Y.'l.� ,J. r a
First Showing of
Fall 'ressGoods
nittSfi Goods for fall are here. .,lig assortments of
the season'a most fashionable fabrics. 'Moat of them
imported by ourselves direct from the European max.
1etk, ala mail cat ea: bought direct ffOtli tin mai who .
blade i h m, `thereby saving the middle man's pmt:
it is .no exaggeration " to say that no. such collection.
has ever bee on our counters, and youwill find a
wideness of choice here that is equalled by few, if any,, .
stores in tiAis part of Ontario, Broadcloths,, Panamas,
Voiles: and. Fancy Shadow' Plaids: will be strong fea--
tures. Our showing of each is excephionally strong.
Conte and; look the new fabrics :oven No need at all to
feel obliged to buy unless you wish..
Speaking of Broadcloths
A fashion Writer in one of the leading journals says
"In Dress 0•oods, Broadcloths- are the dominant factor for
autumn gowns, and are being shown in various shades, and
even in some igures; The indications are that next winter
Broadcloth -will have full swing for streetwear, evening cos-
tumes and wraps,, hated. on the a est•advices from the leading
centres." We have prepared for an exceptional demand for
these popular fabrics. All the fashionable shades are here, and
pricea are based on last season's values. Our leaders are the
three hues we sell at 8.5e. $1.225 and $I.50.
Broadcloths at 85c
cloth isimported direct freed England, is full 40 inches
wide, guaranteed shrunk and unspottable. Has rich Instr.,
• ous finish, and is made from pare wool., ()canes in navies,.
browns, greens, reds and blacks,, special per Bard ............. • 85
A Broadcloth at $1.25
This is the biggest seller we have in the store today. , It is
imported direct from England. � Made from fine Australian
wools. It• is guaranteed shrunk and unspottahle. • Has rich
lustrous finish and is 48 inches wide. We -show it in navies, .
browns, greens, fawns, greys and blacks. 'Price per 'yard. . ..
Broadcloth at $1.50
This Broadcloth is exceptionally fine, and hasa handsome
chiffon finish.. We import it ourselves and can recommend
it to any person wanting an extra tine costume -It is made
trout pure Australian yarns and in 50 to 52 inches wide. We I C nn
v brown,light shades and: black rice: per d 1.5
show it lona y,g ,p P y
Shadow Plaids $1.59
Handsome effects in"Shadow Plaids. pretty color oombina-.
tions that are striking and unusual, and will make very'
effective costumes. Suitable for separateskirts as well
Special value at per yai d.., , ...::. ......
50 ..
Aprons for:27c
40 • white .Lam n:.Aprons, .with bib of cambric
embrohtery, shoulder; straps,made from good ma- `.
terialq. Good \length and. .full width. Imported
by ourselves direct from %England.. All new this
week, regular 40e, special Saturday each.....:..27
4 Saturday Hosiery Specials
• Some Saturday specials from the hosiery counter:.
We want to cleanup the odds and ends of the summer
stocks. There are six or eight weeks of Cotton hosiery
weather ahead of us yet, so you will get plenty of wear
out of them this season.
At 10c a lair .
800 pairs ladies' and children's Cotton Hose, . all sizes, : good
weight. black or white, regular -12ic and 15e, clearing Sat-
urday at. per pair. ■.' O
Children's Hose two Pairs for 25c
75 pairs children's plain and fancy cotton hose, tans, dt blacks
and colors. All children's sizes,. A:elean•up of 15e,:20e'annn
25clines, choice ofthe lot Saturday2pair tor
250 Hose for I50:
60 pair ladies' plain Tan Cotton Hose, all sizes, standard'25c
qualities. We don't want to carry them over so on Satur-
day you can take your choice for .
Black Lisle Hose 25c
Ladies' black or tan .Lisle -Thread Hose, very fine qualities.
absolutely fast dye, regular 85c and 37jc, clean-up on Satur-
day per pair , ... ....... • ....
' Still a Few V Vaists ta.Sell
Still a few waists to sell, , perhaps 20 dr 30 of
them. Every one is this seasons style.. We never
carry waistsfrom one season to another, SO have
marked these exactly half their former price in ,
order to make the selling sure. While they last you-
can buy $1.30 Waists for 73c
2.00 Waists for '$1.00
3.00 Waists for 1.50
Boys'. School Stockings
The boys will be gettingback to school next week:.
Likely they will want an extra pair or two of stockings.
No better school stocking made than ,our famous lines
of ribbed cotton hose at 25e per pair.
Boys' Ribbed Cotton Hose, made from absolutely'IAEA dye
cotton yarns, seamiese feet, ' extra qualityfor rough wear,
all'?aizes, special per, pair.. \
A Finer Stocking .at 259
'very, fine Ribbed Cotton Hage, suitable for girls' wear.
absolutely fast dye, seariiless feet, stainless, black, tan or A C .
• white, epeetalperpair�.,\..\,.Yt,IY...Y.Y.......Y...Y..•ttt•• 1LiJ
cr.r ro , our•
You Can't Lose
Your Vounav
tain Pen.
If it is a Waterman's ,
ideal Fountain Pen Fitt-
.bd with a clip•cap, The
clipreap is a neat piece of
springy' steel attached` -at
one end of the cap of the e,
pen, the other end, being
pressedantigly against the 0
barrel'ot the. spring. I.' .
-holds in i same a
much the ttl>0 .
way ae a clothes pin and i'
will keep the pen where..
it is put. See us . about" f,
it if interested.
W. D. FAIR -•CV,
Often Cheapest' -Always Best
Rev. B.. Clement was in town on
,Miss Leona Potts is spending a week's
• holidays with Friends in Goderiich.
Mr,Henry Baker returned last week
after • a few months, absence io the
West. .
Mrs: Adam McMurray was taken ill
while on a Visit to her old home
at Gowrie./.,
Mrs. Swann and Miss Stella Swann
visited Mrs, Aunie Abbot in Bay-
field• last week.
Mrs. W. J. Auster,. after a'fortnighb's
• visit at Mr. Casels'„ returned • .to
Detroit on' 'Saturday. ••
Mr. Peter Cantelon and his daughter,
little Miss Harriet;; telt Tuesday` for
a few days stay in Toronto.
Miss Tillie .Clark and her sister, Miaa
Annie, of Godericl were guests the
past week of . 4 1rs. R A. ':Belt.
Mrs. A. Hooper, who has been in,
poor health for several ''weeks, is
,now visiting . her mother at Exeter.
Mrs. Brett and Mrs. walker of Tor-
onto. were the guests of Miss Nettie
Beacom -for a few days the past
' week
Mrs. F R. Hodgens and .her little.
daughter expects t0 leave . this week
to spend a fortnight at one of the
• . Muskoka resorts. '
Miss Vera • .Mennen, Who has been
spending., the mast three weeks in
town, returned ro'ler`home in Lon-
don on Saturday last.
Mrs,; W E. Doupe and her: little
daughter,.: Lynette,. left on Tuesday
for • a • two -weeks visit with; friends
in Toronto and.Orillia.
Dr.' Agnew leaves this week; for the
'West where he purposes: continuing
the • practice of his profession.: He
will beback late .in the fall.
• Mr. T. Jackson Jr.- expects to leave
to -morrow on a business trip
through to" the Pacific coast" and
will ;be absent :Lout a.month.
Dr. Ed Harvey c'f ' Norwich visited
Dr. Thompson, an old, college. mate,
this week. He had been .attending.
the C. I. re -union . at Goderich...
Mrs: John Callander, who nursed' her
mother, Mrs. S. Davis, for many'
weeksprevious to her death, return-»
ed this week to her home . in Petro-
Mr. S. Davis and : Mrs. , George Pay
left on Tuesday for Manitoba where
f$r.a couple of months or so they
will visit, among Mr. Davin' sons
and old' acquaintances.
Mr. and Mrs. W.. t%. Lough have been'
at • Vanleek Hill since leaving Clin»
ton, but expect next week to start
for Vancouver. Mrs. Lough has
been ill since they Left here.
Mr. Fred. Joyner, who was an ,em-
ploye of the organ factory for four,
'teen years, has moved his family to
Smithvifle near Hamilton where he
has bought"a barbering business.
Mr, Frank. Hamilton and his son, D.
C. Hamilton, 'of Liverpool, England
were in town two or three .1.a y�
this week. Mr. Hamilton deals • ex-
tensively in apples and eame - over
to spy out the orchards, as it
• acre, ••
Miss Elena - 'Quest iso visiting ' her
father, • Mr.: John Guest, antiMiss
Edna Guest is expected ort,: Satur-
day. The former is a student at
Western University and the latter
studying mediefne at Toronto Un-
Mrs, Alex. Bell, Mr. Geo: Bell ' and
little . Mi:s Maggie of. Goderich' were
guests at Mr. li•.. A. Bell's one day
last week. Mrs. Bell is eighty-nine
years of age but drove to and from
Clinton and seemed not at all fatig-
ued by the Journey.
Mr. Jas. Dunford is in Galt this week
attending the nigh Court of. the
Ancient' Order of Foresters as the
. representative of the District com-
prising the following Courts r Clin-
ton Mitchell, (f•oderieli; Wingham,
Seaforth and• r:incardine. -
Mise Seaman, who .occupied the ptil-
pit of the Ontario, street pulpit with
much acceptance for the past four
-Sundays, left for her home int
Blenheim on Monday. During her
stay in towii she was the guest .et
Mr. and Yvlrs. David. Tiplady.
Mr. Jacob Taylor of town and Mt..
Israet Taylor of London have re-
turned from Toronto, where they
competed itt •the dig bowling :tourna.
ment at Woodbine under the colors
of the St. Matthew's club, Toronto.
The two gentlemen took third pato
•in the doubles, and had the honor
of defeating Messrs. 'Wigntore and
Willison, two of . Toronto's leading
bowlers. •
$225 White Duck. Skirts $I.50
$2150W1.ite Lustre Skirts
$3.00 Blue Lustre Skirts -43073'
Saturday we are laying out our Lustre bird Duck Skirts for quick sale. Every
Skirt beautifully made 'and.correct style This will be a chance to secure
good Skirt at less than cost Remember Saturda y , only.
$2.25 V 'hiteDu k
Skirts $10`
White Duck Skirts, two styles,
beautifully made, correct style,
all sizes, regular $2.25, Saturday
only. , ...
$2.50 White •Lustre
Skirts $.1.95
White Lustre Skirts, Steam
pleaten to hip, latest . New York
style, all sizes, regular $2:60,. Sat-
urday only.... ., ..... , ...... 1.98
$5 Blue Lustre Skirts
Blue Lustre Skirts, extra qua).
.ity, two good styles to choose
from, stitched ` with silk, •beauti•
fully made•and trimmed, 'regular
.85.00, Saturday only... ;....... 3.75:'
200 Black; Cotton Hose •
two for 250
Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose,
seamless feet full fashioned, sizes
8 to 10, regular 20e, .:...... :.2'for_ .s0
20c and 23c Tan' HoOe
. two for 25c
Children's Tan Cotton- Hose;
• plain, and ribbed, sizes 6 to 8. 're-
gular 20c and '25c .. ..2 for
Ladies" 3Oc Lisle.
Thread Hose 300
Ladies' fancy colored and black
Lisle Thread Hose. fullfashioned,
seamless feet, sizes 81 to 10, regu-
lar 60c, Saturday
Ladies' 73c Fancg EM. ;
br. oidered . Hose 50c
Ladies' Fancy Embroidered Lisle "
Thread 'Hose, silk stitching, sizes
81 to 10, regular 75c; aturday..1.. .89
Lace Curtain Samples
Traveller's samples of Lace Our -
tains, assorted designs, worth 'up
to $2.50 per pair. sample ends:.... .25
. 1�N���Nsl•N�es/lNl�Na�Nl�N�
Special at 'the I
Saturday Special. Men's .:
Outing Shirts, soft fronts,
• stripes and • 'plain0 1 a
c ors•• Il
P -
sizes, 'reg. 75c, Saturday 50c
11111111101,1001111111111111.11 .1101111.1111118111
Lace Curtain Samples
Traveller's samples c.f Swiss and
Brussels Web Curtains, worth from
$8 to. $10 per pair, sample ends. . , . .35
$1 and $f.35 Waist's
for 79c
White' Lawn Wilhite. embroidd,
ery front, nice fine quality lawn,
regular $1 and $1.25, Saturday... , 70
$1:75 and $2 Waists
for $1.50
White Lawu and: Mull Waists,.
very -prettily trimmed wit h• 'see,
smart designs, regular $1.76 and $2
Saturday 1.50
' $3 '.,White Waists
' for. `$2.
Ladies' White Mull 'and fine
Lawn- Waists, trimmed with fine
• lace and insertion, allsizes, regular
88, Saturday 2.00
$3.50 White Waists
for $2.50_
Fine White 'Mull Wrists, ;trim-
med with valenciennes lace, , very
newest .styles, all sizes, regular
$8,50: Saturday 2.50
Dry Goods •
f€SS U:O
The greater part of the New Fall. Dress Goods are here and are now being, shown
for <the first time.
New Panamas
New Venetians,? New Broadcloths,
New Batistes, New Taffetas
in all the leading shades such as Brown, Black, Navy, Myrtle, etc., ranging in
price from 60c to $1.50 per yard.,
This Ready -to -Wear Department of ours is noted for the great variety of garments we can
show our customers, and at prices to suit all pocket books
Never since this store started have we had such an immence range of Skirts, Raincoats and
Silk Waists as are shown here to -day.
if*you wont the best there is in Ready-ito wear Garments try this: store
. Dry Goods