HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-29, Page 64 i>,alt to
lite fide CQn
ltruction or
mot ranlles
it is a rather
difficult .feat •to '
iittccsssfully at
dies carne: time,
rf i •
yt the :arc'ettgement of the Pandora flue differs consider*
• • ahly;frorit. 'others, ' They are so constructed that the draft for
baling is also the best for cooking; the heatcirculating around
the oventwine and under every pot holo before passing" up
the chimney.
Pandora hakes an • cooks perfectly
at the same same time.
Do 1.. u. Itnow Df another range that does?
Ifyour, local dealer does not sell the Pandora write'direct
to us for Free Booklet.
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver; St. Jan
Harla fid `ros Clinton
Soldb ..� .,
Ixllie Stotherr; i a bona from Toronto
for a few Mays.
Rev. Mr. Ricks: left last week on a
trio to the .Yeast,
James Rose and wife spent Sunday
with Mende at Ripley.
Mian Miller of Milton is spending a'
few days with Miss Nettie Bell.
epee. (;ase spent a day or two last
week et his old home near Elteter.
Mrs. Wheaton of Miehil;ers is spend.
lug s few days at the home of Thomas
Kr. Rileyy--••- .anti wife air -Londeebor `
visited their daughter, Mre.:ta'leo, $rad«
fold, on Sunday last.
Miss Clara Whyard returned from
the .West •ou Monday and has resumed
her position with ,S, J. Young. •
R. F, •Manniag left today for bis
holidays. Mr. Mantling, with his wife.
andson, wilt spend a•conple of weeks,
ret Muskokii,
JA Welkow and wife are svisiting
friends this week in Mitchell, During
Mr, Walkein's. absence Harry Jones
has cherge of the store.
Mr. Edwards, inspector of schools,
London, with his wife and daughter,
have been the guests of Mrs. Edwards'
sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Bice. for a few days.
Rev. W, .4. Smith is spending ii
touple of weeks out at Ordeal Bend,
The pulpit during his absence An Sun -
des: first was occupied by Mr. Taylor
and•thework last Sunday Was be tak-
en by Mr. Gardiner of Ashfield.
0. Augustine has built an addit To
to his chopping mill.
Jas. Whyard has had acenrent foun-
dation built under the house recently
vacated by Mr. {sturdy. •
J. Medd is giving his stable a coat of
paint which adds greatly to its appear -
epee. • ,•
D. McNevin's house is being rapidly
hashed ahead and is now ready for the
plaster ers.
The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend
KNBAFNSHUE'S _' .IRSH.IP daily, and a
full .list of Attractions, withplenty of Mus-
ic. Fireworks afterprogram each evening
concluding with that • , rand display,
Send to Secretary for Prize Lists, Program's and all irifortnation '
W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary`
London: Sept. 6.14
Clubbing: Offers
The News -Record and Meekly Mail and Etnpfre,: one year.. ..$1:65
•► Weekly Globe . ... ....., .:: 1.65: •
1i'etmi1 Remittent' •Weekly 'Star . 1.85. .
1.60 . -
1.7$' ...
to .
Week ly'Witness- -,. w
Free. Press•... ...,.
44. Advertiser•
" Farming 'World
to Parwet's Advocate and -
Home Magazine 2.25 •
Daily News, Toronto '. , :..., 2:30
Star {, .. . .. ••. 2.30
Globe . • " •4•••.....••• .. . 4.25 .
Mali 44 . ., .. ...• 4.25
World_ . -...• ,:. . . 8.00
Saturday Night •' . :,..•; 2.35
IF'•ree Press, London ,. ,. y 3.35
Free Pres6, Eirening Edition ..., 1,75
In remitting, please do so by Express Order or.
iostal Note, and addrelts
-THE NEVVSNReco-Ia), • - Clinton, Ont
The 'pronto Vitorld and The
'e s- eoord for one year
for 50.
How a Scotchman Doubled
"the flections,
In a small town in the Midlands there
is a rich congregation which _ is not
characterized ',by lavish liberality ; it
was nearly always the smallest silver
chin of the realer• that was placed on
the plate.: •
A shrewd•Scotchtnan who joined the
church was' not. long in noticing this
state of affairs. "1'li telt you what," he
said to one of the officials, "if you
make rile .treasurer. I'll engage to dolt•
hle they collections in three- months."
His offer was• promptly accepted, and
sure enough, :the collections by . the
tine he had stated were nearly twice
much as formeily.
"How have you. ifianaged it, Mr,
Sa rk'yman'P said the .pastor to him`
one day... •
•'It's a great secret,". returred, the
canny Scot, but 1'll tell you in condi
,ace '"Tbeefolk,'-I t,aw ::tnetistly gave --
threepenny . bits. • Weel, when I"•gut
the money every Sabbath evening. I
carefully picked oot'the sma' coins and
put theta by. Noo, as there's only a
limited number of threepenny pieces
in at lit tle place like this;and as I have ;•
maist of them at present under lock
and key, the folk manta give sixpence,
at least, instead. That's- the way the
collections.are doubled "•
Poachers Kiln
Buffalo in North
Cl'intc R News -Record
The Whites Have N
for the Bhick*.
Any person who bas had occasion to
visit the Southern States of recent
years, could not fail to be impressed
with the seriously unpleasant condi -
tion of feeling between the black' and
white teetltbers of the community.
They. live apart in all theretaliate of
life, and thole anything but "agreeable
reeling towards each other in the nee.
essay intercourse 'of business. Dur-
ing theyivil war between the North
and the South; Presidentlint olit em-
ancipated the slaves, five minions in
number, ori January 1st, 1863, This
wasfollowed up in the spring of 1865
by making them citizens. In the re-
construction of the Southern Stan's
after the war, the negro voters enabled
the carpet hagoverirore from the
Nyrth to snake thing* warty for their
former Masters, This state of affairs
continued until 1870 when complete
legal etnality was established between
blacksand whites. But legal enact-
ments dont always change the lawn of
nature. The white man soon began to
re -assert his supetiority. On the claim
that political heelers from the north
were controlling the south by buying
the negro vote, the southern polite•
clans devised various schemes tq dis-
franchise the darkey. i,n Aleharpa hb
must be a taxpayer. In Louisiana he
must be able to read and write, In
other states the shot gun keepsbim
away from the poll,, And now the
state legislature of Georgia calmly
disfranchises him in defiance of the
Federal;. Government of the United'
States. The United States papers are
asking what will. the Federal author-
ities do. Outside observers niay ask
what willthe negroes do? They now
' *mintier, twelve millions. They are
becoming generally educated, and
many are wealthy. They Wontalways
submit to the injustice with which
they are being treated by their white
fallow Citizens in the southern states.
• A new smelter will soon .make. ore
•sb'iipmentsieoin.Cobalt :nnneces y
Ottawa, \Aug.10.-The commissioner
of the Northwest 'mounted police has
received from Regina •a report for
waided:by Inspector A. M. Jarvis who'
was sent north in Janet° the Macken-
zie River country to investigate, . re
ports that the buffalo known to ra;ngee
in that region were being destroyedby
Major Jarvi who was-aecotnpanied
by Frneit Thompson Beton, the author
and naturalist. tells of halving found
two herds'nf'buffalo and few traces of
wolves. He• conies to the conclusion,
that the 'destruction of 'buffalo is due
to 'poachers whohave their headquart-
ers at•Sinith Landing, !shout 40,nniles.
north of Athabasca Landing, and he
recommends that the,whole Mackenzie
River district be patrolled• in order to
prevent this slaughter. Cola; White
while agreeing that is is • advisable to
take steps to preserve the buffalo, con-
siders it an irnpossihility to prevent
.poaching in a country as large as the .I
province of;Sask.:'and is of the .opin-
ion• that the hest method would he to
drive the buffalo groin the north down:
into the reserve, - where they could be
easily protested.: •
Incidentally Major Jarvis compares
the country between the Slave and
' Hay rivers to Central Mat,tiitoba; as it
was thirty years ago, and predicts that
it will be largely settled and profitably
cultivated es 'soonas. means of conn-
utunictition are given.
.Manchester Wants..
Canadian Cheese
Lot.don., Aug. 10.-J. A. Ruddick,.
addressing: the Manchester Produce
Association in regard to the decline of
Canadian - exporters of butter and.
t.•heese to'Maanehester, said the trouble
was due to the lack of reliable and re-
guiar cold storage service to that port,
He had . seen the excellent arrange-
ments for the storage or'`Australian
and Nsergealaiid meat, and thougbt
similar arrangements should be made
for :the pret ervation of Canadian pro-'
ducts.' •
The Canadian authorities appreciat-
ed the validity of complaints as to
cheese being shipped "green" and were
trying to remove all cause foe, dissatis-
faction. -
J:. R, 1)owdall said he desired to as
sure Canadians of Eggiish sympathy
in their efforts to extend trade, but
pointed out that in business matte;ra
sentiment was of no avail. •
R. Graham wished to know if O,tna.'
dian at,thoriilies desired to assist: in
making'provirion for cold storage es-
tablishments asltbe Australian people
had, and if it was true that Canadian
farmers combined to restrict supplied
in order to keep up price?., • -
Mr. Ruddick said it was not the policy
of the' Comedian government to estab'
tteh storages outetde the Dominion,
Regarding factories eontbintng there
War no truth in Idr. Graham's nugget'
Doulta Causing Trouble
Kendra, Aug. 25.-- ( Special ) ---The
questton of whaeto do with the Douk-
hobort is growing serious, Saturday •
the charge of wilfully trespassing on
the C.P.A. tracks was brought against
the party of 3t at the polite court.
They pleaded guilty add were remand.
ed in custody until Monday, when it is
thought the government will have to
come to some deist inn in regard to de
porting 'attii'ii Itid eltildren are allowed
their liberty, hut they herd around the
New Officials for . liisocea
Rev. T..Alhert Moore, at present
Secretary of the Ontario L,sat•d s Dat
Alliance, has been ebosen to. succeed
Rev. Dr. Shearer as Secretary of the
Dominion Alliance: .
Rev. W. G. Hanna. Presby, terian
minister of Mount !forest has been
nominated to emceed Mr. Moore.
The above appointments were trade
At a4 special streeting of the executive
boardfof the Lord's Day Alliance of
Canada, and of the Olstarno Lord's Day
Rev. Dr. Shearer, it will be renter-
heredfa,ccepted the oface -cat genera!
secretary of the newly organized Tem-
perance and ilfor it Reform Association
of ,the Presbyterian Church.
The Changes all go into ettect' Nov-
ember let.
Four Persons Killed
e � e. in
Powder Explosion
San Francisco, Aug, 25.= -Four per,
sons were killed at the Dupont Dene•
woures powder works at Seblante.
Miles front Berkeley, today. and the
plant set on fire. When the three
thousand employes in the plant of the
California Fruit Canners' Association
in this city heard the explosion they
thought there was another earthquake
and rushed wildly for the street. Many
were trampled upon and injured, hone
At lleast thirteen. persons were seri-
ously hurt at the cannery panic. Ten
wornen were r'enioved to hospitals,
and three other women were treated
at the cannery.
When the shock ° of the explosion
was first felt, several Italian employes
went into. the street to investigate. Oni�
re-entering the building they said it,
was all earthquake and this started -a
Luring the efforts to get outside a
few men drew : knives and wounded
several persons. Others jumped into
a chute used to send boxed cans from
the second finer of the establishment
and were landed, in a heap at the bot -
9a r tool.. • '
August 22tid, 1
Caught is Switch
Kalantaeoo, Mieb., A . 25.. --field
fast to the track by the fleshy pert of
the body, the little 1I-year-od Mon of
Mrs. Boyd narrowly eseeped being run
down by a pravenger train. The boy
was saved by the serea,une of the moth -1
trackandiinbady t�doplaying
n at ag awittch
point. The man. to a target house a
block away and around a curve, threw,
the switch for *Passenger train. The
switch caught the fleshy part of the
bo�y -d,nd held him fast to the track.
When pinched Eltwin gave tt scream
which .attracted the attention of his
another.- The mother_ramonto . the
track only to see the rapidly -approach.
Ing train. Police Officer earns hap-
pened. near by and he rushed down. the
track and stopped the train, when it.
Was within fifty feet of the boy.
The target nian had to be notified
before the lad could be released. Aside
from a little soreness Miceli) Boyd is
not the wore for bis .experience. ,
' Honors for the Dead
Winnipeg, Aug. 25.—It is probable
that the burial spot of Rev. Father -
Jean Pierre Aulneatu, who was tor.
tared by Indians and murdered in 1736
near Kenora, will be discovered by the
St. Boniface Historical'Societyand
the respect which he deserved paid to
his remaine at thiti late time. Saturday
morning Archbishop Langevin, Rev,
Father Cahill, Rev. Father Paciuin, 8..
J., Rev. Father Deleveau and -Rev..
Father Stamand returned to the city
after aping absent fer the past week ou.
a tour through the district which is
supposed to he where'the missionaries
and Frenchmen met their death. From
Senora they went about 55 miles
northwest and for nearly a week ex-
amined the ground and location where
the niassocre took place and where it
is supposed the bodies were afterwards
burred, with the result that they have
practically found the resting place of
sone of their first missionaries.
The location is about seven 'miles'
rvest.pf the° northwest line from Ke-
Made in many surae end
prices -- but of arty one
quality.-thn hest.
ianos are ha;ing
tis tet milieus
sale all over Canada, end
we'd like you to know
moreabout them.
Write to -day for a ft9 i
descriptive booklet tell.
ing why Martin•Qrnac •
pianos are superior,
A Martin -Orme will i e
shipped direct `to you if
there's no dealer in: your
Prices and terms sent
on request to any address.
ORME SON, Limited.
New -. el h. -
� D or
p � r�
is about to publish a, new issue of the
for the district of Western Ontario,
includi_ng the town of Clinton.
Orders for new connections, changes -
of firm names, changes of street ads
dresses or for duplicate entries should.
be handed in at once to -
Whatever amount of money one
puts by inert investment --whether .
it is .$10,000 or $100 'Tie` first-
irstconsideration is the security -of
the investment.
If: added melte security' there is
a profitable dividend,' the invest-
---utetit-abecottres--an- ideal -one
exactly the kind that thesaving
people of Ontario most desire.
The Debentures of this Company
are such an investment, "safe
-beyortdquestion.' -Assets totalling.
over $10,000,000 are: pledged to
their' redemption. Thus their
security is absolutely safeguarded:
They pay 4 per cent. Per annum.
kut-your_sauings_inta.this. ..sale
and profitable form of investment.
Write asking for full particulars." • -
Ian •
oflcon, Ont..'
State of Ohio, City of—
f Toledo,. LuCas County.—ss,
Frank J..jCheney makes oath. - thathe is senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney &- Co.,. doing business -,in
the City. of Toledo, County and elate.
aforesaid, and• that said firm will pay
the.. sum of ONE . HUNDRED : DOL-
LARS for each and every ease of cat-
arrh that Cannot be Cured by the use
of Hall's Catarrh -Cure.. - '
Sworn to before ane and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of Dees
ember, A. D. 1886.. A, W. GLEASON.
Tteass y P leu Ito,'
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken •inter-
nally,• and acts directly 'ots the blood
and mucous surfaces : of the system
Send for testimonials free.
.F: J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold .ay Druggists, ' 75c.
Take :Hali''s Family Pills 'for oon-
• Mrs, Clara RuinbaIl,
Local Manager.
1t M U T s - 1• RAlLWAM
Many special. features including Capt4;
Knabenshue's Airship' and grand dfs.
play of firewor. •
$3.65 from Cifntoe good going Aug.- .
26th to,:S.aet:r_ 7th.-- SPecial Excursion
Rates $2..70. Good Goin. Aug 27, 28,.
3lst Sep: 8 and 5th.
All .tickets valid . returaing from
Toronto on or before Sept. 10th 1947..
T2Ckets std -full information may be
obtained ;from
F. R. Bodgens, Town Agent.
A. 0. Pattison, ' Depot Agent.
J. D. McHonald, • District Passenger
agent; Toronto. - -
Will pay a Subscription to the News -Record
ews•6ecerA velli beep pea posted iu
e kappenings of the old home coiioty