HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-29, Page 4lo•
.. Ad- :". -.. f• ...44
''er •
'4 Are now in demand
Send your boys and
girls to us and ,we
will supply them with
the latest text 4 books
and the beSoir values
tt.r new line of Rub..
Oer erfroPed,
3 FOR -
is the bet value in
Canada, Get a coup-
le of dozen. They are
easy worth twice the
Clinton News4fecord
CLINTON, •••,‘ (Mt!
W. J. MITcH,ELts
Editor and PrOnriator.
• Leadbury,•
The Leadbury school opened Mon-
day week with a fair attendance,
• Mise Rime of lelanchard and .Miss
-- Mark -of----Seafortheeeiireitect-4atetite--
hope of their aunt, Mks, Wm.' Me-
t . •
• Gavin Jr. '
Mrs. Nesbitt of Listo• wel visited mt.-
der the parental roof la.at week.'
Mrs. T. W. Scott and family re-,
turned to their home in Blyth alter e.
pleasant visit with Leadbury Mende.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seerlett of Low.
don are visiting at the home of the
letterbrother .Mr. John Searlett.
The hum of the threshieg mathine
can be heard. '
Mr. Walter Swallow is having. hie
house iMproved by.putting a •gaft-
'vanized roof upon it. •.
A number from, around here con-
' template upon going west on Friday.
At seven o'aock -Monday =rains
quite a number )4 Pe* were
their way to the station to Bee the
Arst pastaenger 'rain throng's AubUrn.
The trein oonstleting of three up-to-
date ootschen 'Was in 'theirs° of Con-
duetor P. Macdonald end can in on
time, 7.25 a. •m. Among the eight
foisieuters—TO- Auburn. **(Vitt'
Maggie Roberton, Mise Glen, Mrs.
McNeil, M. James; Brekenbridge and
Mr. and IVIse, Oak, Mr. A. Macdenald
M. Rowed and Mus MaCdonald
were the firet ,oassengere to Myth
Mr. G. Malmo of Loyal and Misa
Kam n, London visdted At the
home of Nr. J. Carter on Sendai*.
Mr. Henry Lawler returned Irmo
*Sault Ste, Maria last week. Ile re-
ports Iota • of rain there and abat
the crops aro looking wen.
The breaking of a planer in Mr. J.
Young's mill test ThersdaY caused
the closing down of the Inn for about
twe weeks.
Miss Yates and Mrs. -Nelson ...of
cseosneciealyeh. paid, NtF. Month a visit e
Mr. C. Asquith n41Vir, 1W, Loefmrt
attended the Strang Old Pupae' re-:
euion in Goderien Jost week,. •
Mr. T. Durnin tossed through -hare
.last Wednesday- em his way to Clinton
to atteed ' a meeting otthe license
"eommiesloners:of West I-Inren• .
Major Joseph:3eck, pestmaster at
the parliament buildings,- Toronto,
passed through here on Tuesday mor-
ning on the 0. P. R. after spending
his holidays in Goderieh.
MrsA.-; Asquithwas quite ilt. last
week but is able to be up and . about
Mr. J. Ritchie of Winghern was here
on Tuesday .looking after nis Mom: -
ante busitiess,
Mise Liizie Carter is viaiting • in
Ctinton. „ -
The chief quation that but rate-
payers have 'to /face just now is
"How are we going •to get a road to
the station ?" ,
We are sorry to learn that: Master
Norman Mcl3rien, erbo has been ant -
calif, ill, is notemaking as good Pro: -
gross as is'destred,
• A joint meeting, of the Presbyterian
congregations. of .kubuen and. Smith'i
Hill was held on Mendel- afternoon
in Auburn . and a pastor chosen. A
call' is to be given to Rev, Mr. Rich-
whose home is in South 'Hur-
on butwho ,- nes been laboring
Wyoming. It will ne a pleasure or
these eiturches to have. it .settled pas-
tor again and dr. "Riehardson will
be )xta.de heartily welcome, here. • .
- Mr. Roy Stalker, . Who' has keen
making .cheese at 'Money (heck,
home :Cele a' broken collar brnie.,
We are glad to learn that Me. Mun-
ro is doing no 'Well in the Clint°
hospital that Mese Munro is Melo to
come home. This is a sure eigit thet
Mr. Munro is out Of danger;
We are glad, to. learn that Mr • A.
Ferguson, whonasebeen ill with an
attaek of appendicitis, is able to be
up again. --
' Miss Fieari :Denstead was the firit
passenger 'from Auburn to Goderich
on the new C.` P. R. on Monday.
Mr., Charlie Beadle wept to .Toroptio
last vveok to attend the funeral Of
little. Helen, da,ughter of hie; sister,,
Mre. Kdams. .. • ,
Mere Rowed of London is Visiting
t' e home of efts. A. Macdonald.
East Wawanoshtr' 'n intents, have, been made foe
. the ride .thurnament of . the CountY
Harry Cook, 6th line, had his kftee Hume ewe. League to be held on the
badly injured by the kick of a horse emeeee Roe -Aseornatieh ranges on
miss cheisse Armour of Wingham Tuesday Sept, )0th. At this toureee
is isiting her cousin, Miss -McDowell,. I tent the teams •,eoj be eeleieee-er
6th line, at present. I Sayeti Menipsee,a.d of ten .as .forrnerly.
• Wellington Dow, of Cobalt, hasThe pregram. Of *lees for individual
been spending a fee', weeks at hiel shooting has also been:named,. nnak,;
home on the 10th con., but left again ink More prizes for each 'the three
for the North last week, ' I contests, 500- yards:. 200 yards
a i1
A 1, it meeting held one afternoon eeuick firing of . rreven shots in one
the schoolhouse, the ratepayers oE S.. l'erenute at 200 yards. There will be
S. No. 7) by a vote of 12 to U, de-, eight plies each : let $2:00 2nd WOO
cided to remodel theirschool after I 'oil, 4th, and 5th $1.90 each, etle.and
moving it to a central site in the; 8th 50 'cents each. For Lyros- there
. section.
I will be eight, prizes on the same bee,
On Wednesday James Wilson, 4th is excepting that thee- will .be given
. line, had his . knee cut very severe*, I for the total fiicsire at all ranges. As
by the kick or one of his horses. It it previous Met:Ales,: the • highest teg-
will be over month before Mr. gregate score wiltetake the medal;
son will ' be able to 'be about again,
so the doctor, saes.
••Belgrave •
Mr. Watson ef Listrawel in visiting
:his uncle, Joni]. Hee
rJa;s. Apderson had One of his tattle
killed at the Morris 3rd line railway
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wheeler are -tour..
ing up the lakes. •
Geo. David of London called on Old
friends in and around Bolgrave- on
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Putland and family,
of Ripley, are moving into •Ileigrate,
having sold out their hetet.
Mrs. Anderson of Belgrave. has re-
turned to her home, after spending
two menthe with (deeds at St.
• George and itleeniltep. ,
R. J. Clegg has "returned-06in
trip through Manitoba, Seskatcheweee
and. Alberta. .He. .report.:crops
.irt Manitoba, 1 alr in Saekatchevlate
and good in Alberta.. Taking .:thti
;crops as a whole, he thinks there will'
'be it gored haWerop.
Mr. Luther Williams, who recently
•sold his farm ter Mr A S. McCurdy, ha.
bought the hardware :store and stock
of J. H. Nichol of this village, • ani
will take possession at once.
its Cox of St. Thomste iS
guest of her btether. •-
-Xt.:. and-Attn. •Will. Irvine. (nee 'Dora
Male Of ESSeX, Wore' the, gfica*""tast
weekof Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Sturdy.
Mr. W. McBride left on Sa,tutday a.
nien his return. to Winstipeg. „
Mrs. T. *vat returned , m
'day afternoon from her visit, to ber
sister; at Weiedatoek, Whornj shertie
pleased to find •was Very hineh
proved in health, lutir the trip .was e.
Ilttle too meet& for Mrs. Wyatt to
take and she was riot very'Well •
• on
her return.
The News-Record:aid The Ter sato
World for One year $2.50.
iyfessre. F, Metcalf and A: Elder too
in Berlin in the interest of the
F., the . High Court.: meeting beitg
held there this yeek.
Mr. • J. 6. Emigh Is Moving it:to
his new brick residence •thls week,
Oh Tuesday morning the G., Oz G.
Itoassenger train was well loeded
for the Toronto exhibition. .
• Mrs; Geo. Pewele returned hone on
Friday from a two vveeles visit vvith
friends in Sarnia and other poitite,
- 1V1r. Joseph Tamin and his toms
ate • busy potting oft a godd coat of
gravel on Dineley .etreet for the core
poratiOn. which is much needed •
Early on 'Friday !nothing quite at
excitement Was caused by the report,
of a man ha.ving hunge hiresilf iti Lite-
ingetone'e- • copper shop which was
only too true, of Liyingstoite'a
employees ireving,gone into the shop
• and found 'the 'body hanging toethe
' beanie.' Who. Mit JOVen it proved th be
the body of WIlitani King, farmer of
West WaWanosh. Difficulty hi money'
matters seems to he the tante. The
funeral ,whiell was a large one, Was
held from his late teeldence on S..at-
urilay afterneon, .the rem ns Wing
taken to Ball's ;cemetery rot inter -
On Monday the first passes.ger
trein on theO. & 0.. bratieh of the 0,
P. It arriyed at this station from.
Goderich about 7.30 av m. The road
Is in fttll Operation for general trate.,
4.. J. 4k •
Porter's Hill
• Miss gaggle 0ox. is Visiting her sla-
• ter, Mrs. S. DaWNOtt ° Woodbank.
A large number ttttended the Sun-
day evening eerylee at IlolmeaVille t•o
meet" Rev.:, 't•)aten, Whe WAS at
• one time pastor of thia cites*.
Wesley Vanfierbarg attende the
(Iodoriehe6110g14to tnstitute s dents
re -union en Friday last.
•Fee Quality arid ()tient& reesk your
dealer for the new big pl g of 'Bobs'
'Stag and Curreneei 0 wing Tobau-
Mr*. (Dr.) Holmes and elaughtere ofWO* 1 Notwithafoutsling vatavorable weatle
Detroit were the sleets of Mrs. Hol
mea and family for a few dam
M. .Andertron lord wife of Lon
Breath, Miebigan Are guest* of fife
and Mts. F. Leonard.
MISS WSW Crooke was in to awl
erich to the re -union et the Connie
Mr. Thonlae Lobb, and wife o
:Vancouver, B. C., are guests of Id
brother and family. It is sumo year
sinter 31r. Lobb left thie place.
Mrs. Leonard And friende spent Mon
day in taoderiell.
Rev. Mr. Oaten gave two very,good
diecourses on ,Sunday.
On Monday 'evening at League the
Rev. Mr. Philips cave 3,
Short 141k
on sortie of the features sf old. Lon-
don which was rery interesting. He
Proneisee that lame WOO in future ly
will glee n lecture on that Pert '01
the old land.
Among the norther who left 'ter
the Toronto Exhibition on Tue,sd‘y
were ¥r. J. W. Teo and wife, -Mrts.
B. Forster, Mrs. Alcock and ehild. •
AugastJPtli, Wel
er the garden Arty on Tuesstey even.
lug under the auspicee of the Freein-
g Avian churoh was a great etucoeSs14b0
. magnificent sum () $142 being 'realis-
ed. The outlook was so bad in the
- afternoon that the harpers telephoned
U p from London to ask if a post-
inuniment-would-ust he Advisable but
f the managers felt etettldents that only
a downpour would prevent a large
s turn out so requested the harpers to
some along. This they did and gavti
• ue on Of the most delightful nausical
treats that any tersien party here-
• Went Titekersrnith;
3oberton of Weirton
spent Friday with his friend, Mr.
F, Johns. ' • °' , •
Mists S. Jones is visiting at the
home of Mr: J. O'Brien.
Miss Seaman, 'elm has supplied for
• the work a.t • 'Putney's for the past
month, completed her duties on Sun-
day last and has let for her borne in
Blenheim. •
'Mrs, John Jackson of Clinton. spent
•a few dive lest week at the home .01
Mrs, E. Johns. ,
• MI. Samuel Holmes of Neve Yotkls
spending tire vacation with his lather,
Mr. Joseph Holmes.
The Stratford Iron Works Company
are at present erecting an iron bridge
on the erich sideroacl.
Miss May Ranee of Clinton visited
miss Maggie Holmen on Friday last.
Miss Donna Layton, eldest daughter
of Mr., Charles Islyton,-underwent an
operation on, Monday for throat
trouble: .
Dame Rumor says that wedding
bells will ring in the West End at an
early date.
tfuliett Township
• Mr. John Shanahan of this' twee
ship represents Branch. No. • 348 C. m
.A,, Clinton at the coeventibn
• Wirm treat ...this -week_
The Separate echool board took ;Ad-
vantage of. the holidays and had elhe
school and out euildings renovated
With a coat of paint Which adde,retit-
. erielly to " their aippseatance.
School opened last week with Miss
Lambe in charge.
- Mr, M. Morrison Was home' from
Hensall over Sunday. '
. The Iluilett reowiell m6ton Mon-
day, August 26th for the purpose of
/evYing the rates end other business.
The usual by-law for Jetting the tax-
es was -read and passed. e For counter
PurPosesethe surn 'required is -44188;5e
including- a school grant of $332.00
which, will be paYable, and :Apportion-
ed to the P. S. sections in 'Deem -
ter. For township re,geiremente a
tate of 4 .raille on the dollar will bc
necessary eichisiye of debenture ,rete
aboute has yet :srnisthed. The
gregation are to be congratulated on
the succeee of the event.
Graduates of the.
o rt.
43140111r Well 5,
WalkertosiJ(4tL, ii07
Geo. Spottoo Esq. ". • " ".
• Dear Sir After. 't:i
en. cl4t43g.n,frLor°tij, ta.
number 'et1yearl; decided to secure a
Comenercial E'dueation; and, prepare for
teaching Business etellege"Worlee -
then wrete a large number of the
schools throughout. Ontario 1or eataic
ogsm. ;Eno elakmed, it was the "es.
• sence of superusray'L and that 1
would make a: "terrible mistake" it
went ;eleewhere. , Iloweveer 1 selected
the elIntei Business Cate And' after
.five t•nolttlts*in ilie COMmercial and
Shorthand Departeneet, I cart say your
equipment ib good. our teachers are
thormogb, and painstaking, the t,exte
books are the- best I have ever seen;
and your Business Prectico is ex-
cellent. The C. B, 0. ;nerits, the 'very
best support of -Philter'', and: 'Muerte CO,
When 1 was through you placed Me
_in en*, Present position as tteacber in
Walkertotn Beninese aollegot" Young
people will di) Well to investigate be-
fore going to "far away which
alivays !look green."' Truly goitre.
Robert .1(hig,
A.naetnia Cured I
"the Glow a wow by Making
•New Blood,
To bud into perfect womanhood the
growing girl, Just carefully g ustrd her
health. Unlese the Woad le kept rich
and pure, headaches, bacireches and
frequent dizzy emits •will trouble her.
She will alwaye be mai
alp leto a deadly *cline. Dr. -MI;
liants•Plnk Pills are a never failtnr,
remedy in building up the blood.
Just a short time ago the report=
of L'Avenir du Nord. had the follow-
ing cases brought to Ins -notice. In
the town of. St. Jerome, Que., there
is att.-orphan asylum under the care
of those zealous workers—the etnY
Nuns. In this home Dr. Willies=
Pink Pillsare constantly used. For
some months two of the young gtrls ,
in the home were affileted with an-,
empire The symptoms in hoth. cases
were very 'much alike. They weve
bOth pale, lost all energy and were
subject to headaches end. dizziness.
Th. Williams Pik Pills were taken
and soon there was an impreVement
In their condition, The coloe return-
ed -to Wide 'cheeks ;_their appetite un-
proved; headaches, ceased and sooe
good health took the place of de-
spondency. What Dr. Williams Pink
'Pills have done fax these two or -
Brooke -they will do fqr others. •
phans--1V1atie Lavoie and Dosina,
The secret of Dr; Williams . Pink
pills le curing anaemia lies in their
power to make new,. tich, red blood.
That is why they strike straight at
the root ,Of ail common ailments' like
headaches, sideactes a,nd backaches,
rheumatism, neuralgia, . indigation,
anaemia, St, Vitua • •dance, partial
paralysis and the special ailments
that atiet almost every woman and/
groWing girl. Dr., Williains' Pink Pills.
are sold Jay all, medicine dealeri or
May be had byArail at 130 cents it
box or six boxes. for $2.50 from The
Dr. Williams „ Medicine Co., D4r0s1s.
ville, Ont.
Williems Pink Pille )3ring Back
Mr. cteo,, sp.°, tte.Tr,or;onto, •July 20, 1907
Prin.. C. B. 0., Clinton, °et,
Deav-Sir :—Permit nee to express
my sineere a,eprecia,tion, of the excel-
lence. and thoroughness of the instrue-
tion in Stenography which I received
in the Clinton. BUsinesS College eel
,which hae enabled me to undertake
With, contleer.ce the duties of an office
• -position. As you knoiev; for the pot
n -five months I have been stenographer
envie & Coe, wittleaaTe
teas city, and' the preparetaon 1rec
At the laet Mretieg of "the council
a comenittee was' apuointed densistiag
of the Reeve :Councillorebhurchilleand.
the Cleik to consider and .exateihe the
ataliding by-lawe of the township "and
report -thereon o the. council -which
report was read and nopepted7.0-day
and the same eoinmittee 'waX re -ap-
pointed , and .• smpowered to protee,1
with the tensimi end corrections of
said by-laws and have theinitibmitted
to the 'council. ae revised before hen%
pubriahed. " . • • •
A petition Was presented by •C.
Harrison and ;John Arthur .asking the
council to. purchase a road allowance
to lead from the north-weet angle of
lot 44, boundary of Bullet' and Wa-•
wanosh, 'to the G.. - ande(e. railivay;
station and make .;.over the • seine
when satisfied ard a highway to the
Auburn police ifflage. The Said pet-
ition was '11060:Med and the Reeve and
Clerk authorized . to take he pr i-
per stps th carry . out the wishes of
:the petitioners oft condition that the
necessary funds be provided by the
police village. when .reetiired, '
A few 'itecomite . were. imeeed and
settled and the jouneil adjourned un -
September: 30th at 1.30 p.
James Campbell; flerk. •
McKillop Township
• The harvest Wilt he mod* • ale
gatheted in this v,veek."
Messrs. -Thomas and Alfred'. 'treble
of Seaforth spent Sendey hieb at
, their . hetet) here. •
A. number of our peopleintend vise
'Ring Toronto" and the exhibition "neitweek.,
. . •
Johnteeming intend a going *eel
on the first ha.rveet eXcursion,
." Some of the natives 'who Were • tip
geriy Foe there was "irkst two nights
of last 'week,
The threshing 'Machines are noW
heard on every hand. Wheat_ and pea4'
.tere turtling out about ,30.,bushe1it to
the acre.
Someol the ming Women Of this
Section who were engaged at South -
gates Clothing factory Whith Was
eoneetted by Are ,tecently have -.re-
tuned home doing housework which
would be just as paying a job if the
girls would content themselves at it.
Mrs.,Reynolds , and baby Of Now
Liskeard are at present visiting at
Mrs. Wt. Lindeey'i;
Mrs, 11: IL Stephenson returned on
Sunday from Gerrie Where she has
been spending eoine tittle With het
mother, afre. T, kndrew.
DAM° rttimor :ays wedding hells
pill ring next week in the west end.
Quito it numbur of the farmers have
finished harvesting.
or W.
ecl was adequate. During my term
College I .found tne. make& of te
ing and the latteneton"siven the -
rote, everything that* could be dee
Wishing you eV,ery-saccegs, .1 am"
' Truly Yours, 'Kate Rose.
reoad.esbore, jelly 2, 1907
Mr. George Spottene '
•" Prin, C. B. 0:; 'elinten Ont.
: Dear Sit !„-,inhave just vadaated in
,ptenegriphy:;:e.t, the :Clinton '-'paibess
-College and MI that 1 have had n'
arnost pradtifal, thorough' ' and ,,sue-
oessful eburee. Your •Stentigraohle
teacher was very ;Attentive. Perliiit
me to think you for giving me .h tee
of :two positions. I will make a e dee'
'cision at once and write you i.ext
mail, ,•
Sincerely Yours
--LiIy McCool.' •
Clinton; August 4th,
Mr..Garge..Spotten '
: -Prin. C:, • Clieten, , Out.
. Dear Sir.7-11avaing token a' course at
the Clinton Business College,' I can
most heartily reednimend it eio any-
one des: frees' of !toweling a COnipetent
stenographer. The course throughout
1' fofepel to be Most tharrnieh and the
faculty painstaking painstaking and 'anxious for
theetiecess. of the student.' foetid' no
'dffficulty in doing thfe work assigned
meby my employers;tie) Clinten
Knitting CO. Tnank yeu. for such a
beautiful diplonut. Very Truly Yours,
Eva Cluff. • '
GIANT..TRIPLETS iCurreireyf Bok.'
and Stag Chet/vies Tobaccos,. in big
plugs. 'Quality, always the same. '
' .Live Stock Markets
• Toronto , Junction, Aug, 2e,—Re-
ceipts at, the Union Stock Yards this
morning were 98 ears, containing 210
cattle, 292 sheep, 2 . hogs, 57 calves
and 5 herses. 'The market was eatlt-
'er dull, but: the peices remained
.teady.• '
Good export tattle brought $450
to $5, vihile medium brought $4.75,.
Picked' butchers sold for $4.66 to $5
and ceremon from. $3.25 to $3.59.
ired, Select hogs errotight .2e.50; anti
• lights and fats -24,2b. •
. Torotee, 'August 3, 1907i
Mr.' Geo. Spettele • ,
Dear Sir :—The position, you found
nee as bookkeeper in this city is all 1
etsuid desire and rny paler), is eight
dollars a week for a -Start. OWimig to
iny thorough grounding hi' your ex-
cellent Actual .Business Practice, and,
your . ieddern, system .0( ho'okkeeidee,
I have felt quite "at home." I shall
never lose an' opportunity to advise
my friends :to attend the Clinton
Business pellege, where -.they will have
'iin,Peleerasaely*eyoanurds, 1"4.:4t' b"le tern. Very
.1 Annie Hathwell, ' °
• ...., . London, August 19, 1967.
'rip. Spotton tog., ' • .
• prin. C; )3, 0„ ClIntehi *Mite
Dear Sir :—I completed a three
Months term in the Clinton Business
.College op March 31st, 1907r and I
i;eust say' 1. • received -thmrt*, jirest
a,finentfrom your Conithereial ti,-,
nutmeat; I was greatly benefited by
nw. stay ith you end will return this
*IWO= t eomplete my eoursee?Tite
Clinton13bsiness College is the pace
bit a 'young man to noquireka„Ihtincss
educatiomi.v Yours very tiolk, ,
I., J. It Wisraiiv.".*.
Toronto, August 17; 1007.
, 11/4. Geo. Spotton'..,
• Prie, C. 13; C. OlintotOtt.,
Dear Sit :--'its te recent graduate of
JIM Clinton Business Coliege,,With
several months office experience in
Toronto, 1 feel that I ant in a. posi-
tion to reeforrturettd yoiir scherni to
others. The course. its Stenography at
the 0. D. 0. was good enough for me
and my employer scents well satiefied
with my work. 'It will pay tory Young
lady to attend one of your schoolS so
that she will inotalately 1,0 !Oared frl
a situation. Wishing every suotesa to
iny old teacher) t altisineegebr, Vacs,
Belle Roes.• ,
Olintoe, August 20, 1007
Geo. Spotton, Prin. C. II. C.
Dear Sir :,--I haVe nal3b. Olea ltre ' n
eettifying to the efticieney of the
methods pursued it your college, lVfy
course in 'Shorthand ,and Commercial
WAS thoroughly satisfeett Ate ;eel I
have every tea e oft to+ be grati-
fied teith 'he rf, .,"
X. L. Mimes.
The Central Business College of
Stratford, : which has Mr adver-
tisement appearing e elsewhere in
these columns 'is without; a doubt
one of the most ,auccessful..bus-
iness training schools in the. Pro-
vince. It is well and favorably
known for the thoroughness Of its
work andthe auccess ef its seu-
dente; The school is, now sending ,
out its 21st anneal catalogue, and
' we would advise anyone interested
'in a Commercial, Shorthand or
Telegraphic education to write
the' College /or' their free catalo-
gue. The -F-01 Term we belletitti
commences on Tuesday, Sept, 3rd.
Visitors to the. Canadian National
Exhibition wile again have au oppoi-
tunity, of studying • at close. range the
barbaric, Igorrotee from the Philip-
pine • Islands, whose village last year
treated'stich a sensation in Toronto.
. .
. Nearly every one likes afine
hair dressing. Something to
make the hair. more manage.:
able; to keep -it from being
too rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too,
that will feed the hair at the'
same time, so regular hair -food.
Well-fed haiiwill bestrong,and
• will remain where it belotiarr-
on thd head, not on the comb'
The -best Waldo/ weestireoflial-
' "bold ter own, obety years,"
=do bri, A.Tair CO.. rorifoli• NOM
• Auto IMAM Merit el or
(11intoil Buskoss College
.ducites to ateet the living de-
" .
mends of • a progressive age,
Most exacting, Modern city of-
fices delighted Nith our graduates
• Onr • managreinent • trains • more
young people annually thin any
" other, in .. Wettern Ontario; We
have incorporated the ounsels of
our TIEN: TEAOHEAS feto one
,grand „unexcelled Whole. I)oth
• couraes fot prfee of one. Day
students may attend eight elasses'
frei:' FALL TEKIVI from SEPT.
1,3nter Any Lftne. Individual in-
Write for haiadiome.
of Low _Prices qk Easy Zermi
We are in a positionto offer yoe good bargains in Furniture. We e
are showing a nice line of -
5-pfeCe end 8 -piece tinftee•
c ouches, Morris Chairs and fiords Rockers
also odd Chairs, Quartered Oak Rocking r
Cbairs,,Reed Goods, Etc.
If you stir in need of an extra bed rerueOber we carry a
complete stock ot Irms*Beds, Wood Bede, Springe, Mat
trees*. Pillows: •Come and see them.
You will find our prices right
• We. guarantee•Sattifaction,
110:0Vg.g. kft.-- :BALL
• Furniture .and • Undertaking.
Ptice Lingis that Prudent ShVPOra willPei Close Attention to
The balance of all summer lines must all be bleared out to Make
• room for the next season's lines ;• •
Men's Patent Calf -"Bluchers. new goods, up-to-date in
style, all sizes, regular $3 goods reduced to 3.80
33 pairs Mee's Patent eelf 'Oxfords, regular $4 lines re- '
diiced to . • .; .. . . 3.20
Ladies' Patent Calf Bluchers and Baltnorals, this sea-
son's goods, regular' $4 lines reduced to.... e...... , '2.50
38 pairs Ledies' Kid Oxfbrds, flexible -soles, regular $1,?„5,'
reduced to.... ....... ...,... ... • .. . .... .99
120 pairs Ladies' Kid Oxfords. all different styles, if your
SIM) is among them you get them at urt. ..IIALF PRICE,
La,dieselien Metal -Oa -1f oxforitteeetefee-dyear welted, very
stylish, regular $3, reduced to, ... . ...... 2.160
' Our Repairing Department is run at High Speed. Nece,
Tidy Work by Skilled Shoemakerwhile you wait.
ford -,-R
'libber -Roofing,
Sure Grip Galvanized Shingles,
Galvanized Trough for house or barn.
Noveis the time tO have your furnace and Moves repaired and
Put in 'shape before the winter arrives:: We ire O ot so busy as in
the fall and can give such order's better attentian.
Any person anticipating it new Furnace this fall will do well
to call on us now is we can do them it bettei•and Cheaper job than
• in the hney fail Season.
A Good Second-hand Coal Furnace, Cheap
idsummer Sale!
During the month of August 20 to 25 per cent disconet for cash
will belgiver: off regular prices on the following lines: •
20 per cent off ;Watches, Clocks and Silver plated Ware.
25 per cent off all jewel* including
Cell early while the selection is good. No trouble
to show goods.
• • Our .Repair Department
Repairing fine VVatehee, ()lecke, jewelry• '. Eta., a specialty,, All
repairs,entrusted to mmy
e will receive . verbena' attention; AR
work guerenteed to give eatiefaction ot ..money edam:led, this
breech of our busineas has inereesed oter 50, pep tentAri thee past
• ' '
Jeweller, Etc.,
Aloo.‘44,4 won*ow"04,w4NAftko,Amovin
aro. ollior000moh•