The Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-29, Page 3August 29tb, 1907
The Clinton NewsAccord
"The Old Tpitie Funeral Sermon
Was a Posftive Treat
9Yer the greinegrewing Pait- of
tWs tontinent the thresher is 41)
Fortant person and a picturesque
Cgure. He is noW hard at werk, /oc
- the AM wheat-anirtlib
Vie barn.
Every Morning now you cen hear
ithe speearee'of his 'Whistle &Minding
".e.eross the fields, warning put tbe
-fiends and On every sideline on meet
pairs ot men:in overalls, pitebtork on
. *lioulder, wending their way 'to ItelP
"thresh out" seem neighbor.
It is the last "bee" that's lett.
'The logging bee, and the choppiely,
thee, and the atm:tiring be, and, the
'plowing bee are thugs of the pant.
'Some farmers who are ealled bie far,
freers have done away, With the,
-threshing bee also, and bire ell their
Since the bee fell into ilinnanus-
suetude social customs or the people
of Southern Ontario lieve changed
, .conapletelythe quiltarge, the apple
a)aringa, the corn !makings, the einteP
"billing", the suga.rings-off and all
the other events of pioneer life ate
sio more, 4rid the eordiality, the sewer)
of reliance on one another, and the
oomradeship have also disappeared
Fanners live side by side in per -
feet friendship and Fcarcely know the
insSdes of each other's- houses. Peo-
ple are wont to ask if, it is mech of
an improvement. Any great social
-change among the people which pre-
-eludes the young folks meeting- free
emently on an equal footing and mix-
, ing intimately has a bad effect on the
:marriage returns. And this ia shown
an this preview, for Southern Ont-
ario is crowded with old bachelors
and unmarried women past thirty.
'The yeung folks scarcely know eacir
other any more, and s,oine of then
never get/acquainted only when: they
meet away from home.
They don't meet at each other's
houees a a Sunday evening and sing
Moody and Saukey's hymns, grouped
around the old melodeon as thielr
U Q 0. ey cern stroll tome
on thet shady sidelines any More„as
they Med to do. Even. the picnic ,Ls
no longer held in the home bush ;
they must needs have rubber -tired
beggies and drive long distances to
the beach or the lake -a inost forneal,
mirthless eel, Irequeetly wearisorne
The Camp meetieg and the protract-
: ed meeting have been relegated to the
limbo where repose- the ashes or the
Mndu car of Jaggereaut and the
w hite -dog of the Mohawks. In the
• daya-the ohutches- out in the coun-
try were demoeratie ; now they are
eetoexatic except in eases where the
church is a despotism and is rue by
Nome big, man iu the community.
In too many °uteri° communitiesAhe
church is simply an anoex to ' some
big man's. farm, sawmill, private
bank, Or whatever else his besiness
happens, to be. I don't know what
an anti -Christ really is 'but the big
man in a community.who runs • the
preather and the ehorr and congrega-
tion must' be something like it.
The Platform of the
'Conservative Party
I. -Honest appropriation and ex-
penditure a public moneys in the
public interest.
dependent commission, free from par
Veen control or interference.
11.. -The dev'elopment and improve -
meat of our nationel waterway% Ile
equipment ot national port, the im-
provement ot transportation facilities
and consequent reduction ot freight
rates between the place of production
and the market, whether at homeor
abroad, and the establishment a a
thoro 'system of cold storage.
2. -Appointment at publkofficials
upon'-' cohsideraticinS, oreapaCity and
personal character, and not of party
service alone. - •
3. -More effective provisions to pun-
iai bribery 'and fraud at elections, to
ensure thoro yublicity as to expendit-
ures by political organizations, W
prevent the accumulation of campaign
funds for •corrupt nurposes, and to
prohibit contributions thereto by cor-
porations, contractore and promoters
to expedite the bearing of election
petttione, and to prevent collusive ar-
rangements for the withdrawn or
compromise thereof; to provide lot e
-Moro invesiegation of corrupt prace
tices, and, it necessary, to appoint an
independent proseceting officer, charg-
ed with that duty, to simpli-
fy the procedure therefor, and to en-
torce the lavvs so ameada •
• The annual threshing is the only
"bee" left. The people oe a neighbor-
hood 'dori't • meet stogether on • en
equal footing, except at. a funeral,
and even fueerals are going out, • of
fashban. Folks don't see the sense of
attending the fimeral of a person
whom, they didn't know when he was
alive, and what's more, didn't, Want
to know.. More ,than that, the pict-
hresque fire and brimstone funeral
sernion is tabooed, An old-time .ser-
mon, with ite personal appeal to the
weepers in the front pew, :used to be
a positive' treat. It was as heir-
-raising end es shudderful as a loon-
thd loop. or as a dash -of -death act in
a Circus -, but now it is a,„yery quiet:
'aftair.-The. Khan.
The OW Log Cabin
"Honor thy father and thy mother
that thy days may be long upon the.
_ land which the - Lord _thy_ _God. giveth
Forget not the days when our fath-
ers were ringing
Their chorus of axes through woods
rich and rare ;
Remember the cabins where mothers
were singing, •
• With hope in their hearts, and their
hands full of care.
Like incense; the vo(ce§ of glad sous
and daughters • '
Arose with the smoke, .from the
clearing to Him,
Whose Ga,rden of- Maples, beside the
sweet waters,
He gave us, and ble•sed our. xich
cup to the brine
'The dearest .of homes was the cot in
, the wilfiwood "
No palace or castle in England or
• France,
Could ever compare with the shanty
, . of childhood -
Now its shadows recedes like an ex-
quisite trance. .
At "bees,'' or at "corners,' they met
their good neighboors ;
They talked of old lands wi',11
trembling voice;
And they gallantly shared with their
oxen the labors,
Of hewing out homes in this land
of their choice.
A shot from the door brought a buck
to the table,
A spear thrust in water tossed
"lunge" to the fire,
Wild pigeons in million o'erhead were
no fable,
And Nimrods found hereall their
hearts could desire. johnnera.
cams':riches. ?-
Give back" the tholassfe our maples
•disi1led; • :
With. pe,neayes, k)f ' buckwheat, acre
'such divine dishes, •
That kings, to obtain them, *log
houses would build !
What tongue . ha., the power to -tell
of their .sorrows ?
' What pen has recorded the . lives
gone hefore ?
"Their , bitter. todaye, .ina the mosecieg
, tomorrows ?
And joys in that satered log cottage
• of.. yore V'
The noble old stock in their graves
now lie thicker, • .
•And children forget Where ibeir
granaparents Ile ;
The forest' and cabiria fade farther
e• and quicker-, -
fah; let not their Virtue's. hi us ever
• . die.
Young .Canada sports his white cuffs
. and high cellars; • . '•
. But grandmother spun all his l'ash-
, er had Worn, ,
Remember, you boys, set with ' eta
mond and dollars,
That in dear old log cabins orir ea-
' time Was born. • • .
0, forest -bred ' children, wIId. Nature
Gave you- the bard bone, and ' the
- brawn, andthe brain;
Her sanctum sanctorune's most se-
cret recess,es ,
• Were 'bound to I.og Temples :by.
God's golden chain,
H. Tayloy...
Would "Truly COOd!t 40urn4lism
be an Improvement on the
Present Sample?
There are evidently some well-inten-
tioned people who think that the tone
and usefulness of the daily papers
might be greatly improved if ' they
devoted- more attention to the come
inonplaces of life arid less to the
The cemplaint is Ifeard thae, tirben
a man or woman goes Wrong in a
community the fact is spread out on
the front page under a heading that
cannot fail to attract, even from a
distance; but nothing is said,' about
the thousands of men and women
who do right day after day.
The intentions of these people 'are
all right, no doubt, but .they, forget
that it is the business of neetspapeCs
to print news, and the fact that the
majority of men are honeet, erid
nearly all weenen good, is no neare.
It is fortunately such a commonplace
that it .is taken tor greeted.
' Besides, it is very questionable
the ideal newspaper, ae some people
coneeive it; would be very satielare-
tory-in the end, Ima:gine wha,t, the
publicatioir.of such items as these
wouM mean : "Jerry Smith went to
an excursion yesterday and returned
honte sober."' ?William Jones, mane
ager of the People's Loan elo., is to
be coegratulated an the fact that he
ham not yet been arrested for fraud."
"Ms. E. Perkins Smith -Jima gaee
very smart tea yesterday afternooti
and although there was a vete terse
at'endairce of ladies of the :oat, set,
nobody's character was hopelessly de-.
'stroyed." "Mr. tphriani
well known churili"member and eon):
day" School ,superintendent, nits :pit,
to tar as the publie knows, gone
wrong yet."
4.-A there and. complete reldrma-
tion of the laws 'relaterig ervil
service, so that , future appoweients
shell be made by an independent teen -
mission, Acting upon the report of ex--
aminers, after . competitive examiaa-
5. -Such reform in the mode of se-
lecting members ef the senafe as Will
make that chamber a Marc oseful and
representative legielative body.
6.-A more careful selection of the
sources from wirich immigration, shall
be Sought, s more rigid inspection of
immigrants, and the abolition 9f the
bonus system, except Under very
special circumstalaes and for the pur-
po3e of obtaining particularly desir-
able classes of 'settlers.
7. -,-The • management and develop -
Ment of the public domain in which
are to he „included great national free -
*see) for the public beirefite• and en-
der. such conditions that a. reasonable
-proportion of the increment oi yalue
arising therefrom shall int= to the,
8. -The operation and. management
of our :government railways by an M-
e' el
10. -The reorganhation of theores:
ent railway cthumission as a public
utilities commission, with wider pow-
ers and more extended' jurisdiction, so
as to establish thoro and effective mi-
tre' over all corporations, owning or
operating publte utilities or invested
with franchises of a national charac-
establishment-, after due
investigation, Of a system 0! nation-
al telegraphs and telephones, under
conditions which shall be just to cap-
ital already invested in these enter-
Pr1:.--ees'The inpreverrient of existing
1 :
postal faniliteas, espeejelly an newly
developed portions of the country, and
thleindaeulgivuerray,tion, after proper enquiry
as to coat, of a system of free rural
13.-A fiscal policy which will pro-
mote' the production within Canada of
all useful articles- - and commodities
that can be advantageously produced
or reanufaetured from or by means of
our 'natural resources, having due re-
gard to the interests of- the consumer
as Well as to the just claires of our
wage-carnireg population.
14. -The promotion, by negotiation,
legislation and other constitutional
means, of a system of mutual prefer-
ential trade within the empire.
restoratien or the peblie
lands to the proVinces of Alberta and
Saskatchewan upon fair terms. •
16. The unimpaired maietenance of
all powers of self-government which
have been tonferred upon the previnc-
ces of Canada under the constitution
Ominous Signs on the
ommercial Horizon
The city of New•Yor,k reeently.made
second attempt to sell fi'fteen mil-
lion of four per cent.- bonds, but the
°offers teceivea, aggregated' less thee
one-third the amount offered. :Last
week , the city of .tincouvei sold' $160-
000in foursper tent. bonds at:.90 per
cent of their face 'value. These Van-
couver bonds would, if sold a year
ego, have brought 9,9a.,
• 4I:he facts hist - mentioned do not
constitute the onfy emir -ream sign on
the conumicial horizon.
A few menthe age :halt of -Winnipeg
was rolling In riches, which liad-their
basis in fictittous real 'estate' values.
Land was sold at a thousand in • one
day, at twelve hundred the next, And
thirteen 'hundred the third; 'ffla'cleneart
in the -deal Thought he had made the
amount represented by the increase fli
the .selling price. But the bottom has
dropped our at .last, lnd cannot be
A newspaper might be 11Nd etV
day With such statements of face, but
would it be any improvement on the
ordinary sample of modern Journal-
ism ?
1.*•...A.0 us
_ Prank Moseley, leather dealer, of
eloliTieertis lis-appedf df'neitritrik
charges of fraud against bitti in con-
heetion with borrowleg money ou
warefiouse reteipte for goods he did
1, not own, hud there is a long list ot
treditors. , •
A proposal was made at the Social-
ist Congress in 14-ermany that, the
nations should all give up their cot-
• -la staalaseasei
• Sold at 'anypeice, and telephorms
being taken out of real estate offices
daily. Piecieely the same . tronditiane
prevailed in Torento, in the la,Fe
'eighties. The City Counoil was at
that time full of Millionaires oreeemi-
• millionairesnearly all tho wealth be-
ing based on windenade lend -values.
The first sigeeof a chahge•which came -
to public- attention :Was when real es-
tate • men • began to drop their tele-
phonest What , followed later: is well
Taking Ontario cities as' a evimile
their preseet prosperity is Orr a sound-
er ;foundation . than was the real es-
tate prosperity' - of Toronto twenty
years. ago, but in the WeSt land. sPee-
uletore have gone wild. If the West;
'• ern -harvest fails, WiriniPed Will hise
op° of the • hardest winters in.' 4,5-' his-
. .
tory, area all Canada: willfeel the
pinch of de esSion -Weekly Sun.
The Cost of Making Bacon
'.Some of the. Weekly Sues:corres-
pondents are. of opinion that there is
no great profit in feeding perk atethe'
present respective Prices of ;the finish-
ed hog and the graiii used in .finish-
ing him. .; . • ..:
The coat Of bringing .4 hogfrom
birth to market . ondition almost
Wholly depends on the eost Of feed use
ed for the purpose. If the. main de-
pendence is On Marketable grin the
cost will, • melee present conditions;
and taking losses .into rareceint, probe
ably -ien nearer "six than five, ants'
per pound. 'But the hog eau as Prof.
Day patted ant at the laet wittier •
fair at Guelph, he made available Ilor
the purpose of turning to profitable
account products which would Other-
wise go. largely ' to waste. Among
these: are. the gleaning �f the hart eet
fields, small grains, househ mIl Seers,'
skim milk, whey, etc. With a assume
run, again, • or with the help •et alfal-
fa, cut . green, hogs, ill limitsa titan-
The garden party held on 13th
August in the grour.4s et
Cutt and (+arrow, uhear the auspices
.linox church" brought out a great
crowd. The bazaar table wee' super-
intended by "Ntadanies ,S,Wanson and.
,s. Clarke and Miss Anderson. They
were yeti patronized', the artieles" be -
every__ servieteeelet-blieses---
week and Clark h the flower table
in charge, end one did not know
whieli to admire west, the pretty •ta,c-
es. of the little girle, or *e flower..
Master. Bert utt, ia hiswhlte sailor
sult„ looked like•a, meoebeam going
throUgh the crowd with his dower.
The iceoream male .was- Wel
The lady tug:agora e.k ie• Yes,.
Macdonald Puinhall 0.1.•1 Miss
Ralph. The 33rd baud, gave soo
fine selectioes, anieng -them being a
pretty medley ipelt4ing the old tune•
"Nellie, Gray. "-
Mrs. Gerrow as in. towe
last weele
„ Walton.
A pair of (bet have been seen seer -
al times lately in the eiciftity of Wal -
°n" •. •
els'on •M'oTaggert, Of Hensall, wa-s
is visitor at Oran MoTaggaat's this
weekm:. Ramsay, 'of_Killarney, Man., is'
a resent visiting at Jno, Beniiett's.
Mrs. Bennett is Mr. Ramtays sister.
At present Miss, 1Wargaret SVIolDon,ald
whO for some time has been in Toron-
to and ,Mrs. Peter Dial are under the
parental roof.
Mrs. R. H. Ferguson and•Mrs. J. W.
Morrison Spent a wbek Goderich
ad visited the latter'e unele. Rev.
Wm. Kerney, a:lin:tee, on' the -return
trip. • • •
On the 420th. of this Month it is ex-
pected that the -oluelph and Goderich
railroad will be opened to Goderich,
and read•y for service. More trains
will nun be put on and the new time
table will make it Much niore eonvere-
ient to get to outside points.
Saturday, last Engineer Rogge, of
Mitchell, was here and surveyed out
tire sidewalks:, which are to be of
cement on the 'Rey township side of
the village. This move has. not been:
made any too eofre, for walks for
some time lave been in very' , bad
shape. It is hued that IVIorris will
soon make Some more...
bers, eari be carried through the sunt-
mee at very little eost. Even
ter. the expenee tan a kept within
moderate bounds by the use ef r rets,
and alfalfa cut fine,„ or leaves left in
the, Mow in feeding out elover hey.
One correspondent' of that paper, Mr.
:Jeffs. of South Simcoe, eripreesee the
opinion .that a • small herd of swine
will maintain...A ,better everage of
health than a:large one. This seems
reaSenable and it is absolutely 'cer-
tain that a small herd can be kept
:at a lower, proportfonate'cost than A
large . One, because of the greater
amountof by-products and .conipara-
tiVely Waste , material availablc.. in
such eases for , each hog. '
With the number kept down ' to the
limit will& conditions warrant, and
intelligence used in feeding, hog rais-
ing has undoubtedly °Elate years
been one of the Most profitable bran-
ches Of Ontario agriculture ; and it is
likely to continue such.
Mr. James White, for 27 years
Crerk of Oxford county, has resigned
The Novaa•Scotie GOVernreent has
appointed a committee to inquire in-
to the subject of old -age pensions.
Shareholders of Grimsby Park Ata a
meeting yeeterday defeated the pro-
pose:14o, 'wind up the eompany by
about seven hundred majority. The
old Board okr:nreetore was endorsed
and re-elected. •
Just add a.pinfaf
water to a package of
" Grells
White Swan
iSttiletruit and wine %Wort, and.yoUtiave
a delicious dessert in a few minute".
Prise, io.cents.,
Ask your grater for any flavor you like,
Hot ROBERT GRIM; CO., Linsettn
Sir Wilfrid's 'Problems.
. :St: Joseph' •
Allouseni,LIterni,e .aa,1
Johnny Feffroi edit lest Saturday for
Miss Mary. 'Papinea.0 • of Chatham
spent a week: with -her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Pa.pineate
.The Misses a' e, Nellie and Laura
Derieme, were last week, yisiting
friends at. Clir.ton, and • Hohneeville.
Arthur Screenen left last weeS for
Cleveland to join one of the Mega
steamers to assist S. fireman.
Mrs. Peter Cantin bas returned: to
her home alter •-• 'spending aye •weeks'
Visiting friends and relatives at a 'dis-
The oat harvest,. commenced this
week. Early oats will not be as god.
as those sown tete, butethe crop as a
whole will be, nelY slightly beloiv. the
average. • e •
Large crevedsl at people still gather
:at the lake. l'he • foot ,app,rearit
which hae been belt , by some tkind
peoPle of this place aro congratelatea
for their trouble, by' the visitors. •
Mesere. Bobier kid Gardiner, mana-
gers of the canning: factory of Exeter.
were in the villagebed day leat *edge
They are greatly impressed With the
-surroundings Of. 'the place,' . • '
It his'been turnoreel that . the Zur-
ich public. road was going to be open-
ed to the Lake shore. A petition, has
been presented to :the peoPle of the
toiveship, flea • they Would like • to
anew' what' the touncil intend to do
in the matters
Meanwhile Sir Wilfrid Leader has
returned to Canada add is engaged in
the etifficifit tas:r of reconstructing his
badly disorganized , administration.'
The Premier' Would like to.tiplacc Mr.
Myman and Mr. Emniersow, villa have
vacated the two largest spending de.
partments, with public men of large
influence who eould bring strength to
the administration and figure aslead-
ers in their own provinces. He is not
able to find. such men. Formerly he
had in Sir Oliver Mowat ars Ontario
lietttetant with the instinet. end open-
ity of leadership. /le has DO such help-
er now.. , Mr. AylesWorth is ttetiae,
hut his activity is more fatal than
passireness, and ' the other Ontario
inieisters are i ot even energetic. Sir
Wilfrid himself is the only Anister
with any particular prestige in Quebee
while Mr. Oliver and M. Templeman'
seem to ba mere echoes of Mr. Sittot,
without his capacity for leadership.
A Struggle for OtTioe.
AmenOnta*iio Members ot Partimcnt ready to take offiee there are
ivere whose superiority is admitted by
the others. It is a dead race among
a dozen mediocrities, none of whom
has much respect tor the claims of the
Substitute for Oats
As the oat erop• M this vicinity is
fikely to be, below the average, the
following iney. he of iterest. Dr. E.
V,-INilson of -the LI. S. 'Department ol
Agriculture, erriting in the American'
Agriculturist, says ...L.-"Whert oats. be-
come toe expensies, they may be re -
pieced iri the ration with corn, barley,
katir core,drMd brewers' gram, beans,
peas, bran,', cottonseed mewl, -Or evert
with highly nitrogenous coarse rod -
dors,. In Maine it was found that
.when mixed grains -were compared
With, oats the mixed grains proved
more effective' for colts argil cost lees.
In =other test oats produced lees
growth in colts than an equal weight
of a• mixture (.,1 ta.s and miallings,
the ratio being 100 to III. When
colts were fed a mixture of 'Iniddlin,gs,
gluten meal, end linseed meal, in the
ratio of 00-3545, and hay, the daily
ration cost 12c, and lee when oats
were substituted for the miked graine.
In nearly allsexperiments greeter gains
have been secured Tram miked grains
than with the use of an exclesive eat
Hariest:Help Wanted West
C. P. R. Runs $12 txcittsions to
* •
UpWarcis of 20,000 -men are warded
in Manitoba, SaskatcheWan and Al -
heti to assist bi karves11.34, and lo
meet the 63ms.ud te. soma extent the
e rawlian Pada° lefa artanged to run
lo,w rate farm latrorer& excersione.
Leaving dates a.() 30 atid
Sept. 4. (Aetiertiseinenh in another
column gives ierrit erv gr..1 Wittig
particulars.) "rpm all Ontario sta-
tions one-way tickets wall be ahl to
Winnipeg ae sta. Men are engaged at
Winnipeg awl are given free tickets
to points where kip is needed east of
Meese Jaw, , After working at !cast
thirty days auti th, employing -
tanner certify to the fact, a ticket
back to original n'attin'g ix is -
Ailed on payment a g8. Tais a
splendid opportunity to.tuie the at.lacti
west and to make something more
, Urn expenses. ....WM. C. P. It. agent
Is well posted ant will be glad to give
onyene bit infottietlen.
Convalescents need a large amnia of nourish.
Aleut in easily digested -form
-Scoit%sr tinutsion is powerful nourish-
inent—highly concentrated,
putting any tax onthe digestion.
enn sther
is deal c
baker,Rthe Aon$
trueN. E
an i
I 3
tion of the oven being such that
every heat unit has to pass com-
pletely around it with all its
warmth retained before the
smoke and waste can escape up
the chimney. The heat travels
froik the fire box acro is the top
of the oven, down the back and
then forward' again under-,
need', until it strikes 'a baffle
plate, around which it circles
and goes to the chimney. The
temperature of the oven in the
Pen Esther is always
even -there is no
possibility of a gust
agent or writeus
direct for catalogue n°
Undoubtedly the best brewed on
the continent. Prayed to be so by
analysis .of four chemists, and by .
awards of the World's great Exhi-
bitions, especially Ctitceoo 1893,
where it received ninety-six points
out of a possible hundred, much .
higher than any other Porter in the
United States or Canada..
Very often the reason why -one " R.apicl-Calculation"Jsnot only.
ation for 3letmethod we teach, . but the
ractice, there is a' method 'as well
in less time than another, thereby . -
accountant gets through more work
• earning an enviable reput prac ice remains with you.
Oirr large, illustrated catalogue is
quickness and cleverness, is simply • free. Wnte for it. It explams in
because he takes advantage of every detail the various subjects we teach
pionsghow and shows the advantage. of a
v; few know Business Educators' A s go c i atio n
many arithmetical short euts-how Diploma.
few can .do simple arithmetic ques- . Demand for our graduates exceeds. •
tions rapidly and accurately. . .. the supply.
Members of Business Educators` WWESTERVELT;
Associations. rincipelatehdo
Farm LO)
SPEC' IAIV fa 1 r3GOING4D1 Q Additional for the Behan Ticket,
EXCURSIONS 1.7.1 ad TRIP L1IPJ.9101 ender ceeditions u below,
Aug. 27
Aug. 30
Sept, 4
From Toronto and 11 Stations wast In Ontario, south Of main line of'
Grand Trunk Fly,, oronto to Sarnia. •
From Toronto to Sarnia on O.T.R. and all stations north to andIn-
cluding Can. Pao. Stations Toronto to Owen Sound.
From Toronto and east, to and including Sharbot Lako and Kingston,
also north of.Toronto and north of Cardwell Jct. on G.T.R. and north
of Bolton Junction on Can. Pao. • •
Representative farmers, appointed by Manitdbit. Saskatchewan and Mberta Covernmente,
will meet end engage taborers.on orival et Winnipeg.
Buis transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points on Can. Pao. anti Can. Nor.
Rya. where laborers are needed, east of Moods JAW. Kamm& and Swan River. linclud-
• nig branches), and set ems Gant mllth each way west thereof in Saskitehewaa
A Mr. atIng00Altebtartaften. faked with each ticket, and this certificate when executed by farmer
showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be ...honored from that point
for it second °ISO ticket beck to starting volute in Ontario, at $18.00. Prior to
Tiokellt6ilare. Mgooh3d-log°nTy. on special Farm Laborers' trains and will be issued to warden au well
" so to Men, but will issued at half fare to children..
Don't forget the
ItoinesilektirsExcurskins For lull hastlesdara sea aearist Wins** Or
with Tourist Sleepers
waits C. do FOSTER. b.P.A.. C.P.A.. TORONTO
Aug. 21, Sept. 10 and. 24
The Canadian steamship linen do-
ing business at Montreal have re-
duced the steerage rates from Europe. CHEAP RATES .TO PA.CIFIO
Lame Horses
certainly do need Kendal's 5IPSVII1 Cute.
Whether it's front a Braise, cut, Strain
Swelling„ or Spevin RDNDAINS will
WO the ismeness—guickly--toilipietely.
- Cure”, Seett . May Wiz "06.
"I %eve used Rends-111804MT% Cure for
2.o yenr' end find it in hare cure,"
• "
Price sz-6 for es.
Attept no sunittta
fute. The great
book-. "Trestae
on the Iforse"..
free frOmdetitere
* se
Or, 11.1.1torialt
beam* Fent,
Where are you going to spend, the
summer. Here ate few suggestions.,
Port1an4 Ore, LOS Angeles Cal,
Spokane Wash,, Rossland B. C.,
Vancouver B. C., Helena Mont., San—
Pranciseo Cal. Lethbridge, Altai
Cheap rates tO all thd above •placee•
Tickets ate else available via Sar-
nia and Nottbere Nev. Co. " "
Tickets are now procureable. Valid
,until Oct. 81st.
'7 Call and see Grand Trunk Ticket
Agent and he will cheerfully giVe YOU,
full particulars.
A. O. Pattison, Depot. Agent
IP, It. Itotlgens, ToWe Agent