HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-22, Page 7• c . uguet 22nd, 1907 The 1ita►tole► Nam;4teeord The M04SONS Bt1NK INCORPORATED BY `$OT OF P.ARLIA.MENT 1855. Cuspal PAW dp $3.,305,840.00 Reserve Fund $3„305,840:00 V AD .OFFICE. MONTREAL DIRECTORS: WM. MOLSON MAOPHERSON . .. .. President S. 11. EWING .... .. Vice -President W. M. Ramsay, 3. P. Oleghorn. H. Markland Molson, Lt.-Uol F. C. Henshaw, Wm. C. McIntyre. James Elliott, femoral Maumee A. D. Duregord. Chief lnaeector and Saporta - deat ofBranbhos. W. $. Draper, inspector. W, W. L. Chipman, SANK J. R, Campbell, taut Inspectors. and interest allowedaf 3 permutteroom dFAR ate of ddeeposit. compounded 4 times a p ar BPECiAL ATTf NTION elven to all branches of F'arunmra' business., Bale antes mined or collected on favorable terms. C. E. DOWDING, Manager CLINTON, 0 0 4 4 1 4 4 4 WESLEY WALKER uuais ROSS MONEY SAVING PRICES ON HIGH CLASS MEDIUM AND CHEAP FURNITURE FOR BALANCE OF A'UGUSr We are selling High Class furniture at the price of medium. We are selling medium priced Furni- ture at the price of cheap. We are selling cheap Furniture cheaper than any store in the county. Comparison will convince the intending purchaser. Put it to a test by a visit to our big new store. Our stock is too heavy in some of the lines for this time of the year and we have used the knife very deep in some of the prices. 435 Fancy Rockers in Cobbler Seat, regular $2.50 to $3.25, your a+n choice for pL Only one Rocker will 1-e sold to each custo- mer. 15 only -Fancy Rockers regular $1.25 to $1.75, your choice for $ 1 Not more than one to each customer. $6.00 Mattress $5 $5.110 ” $4.50 $4.50 " $350 33.50 " $3,00 Not more than two to each cus- tomer. 32 Couches in prices ranging from $4.50 re 325.00. Our spe- cial is the $8.00 one: Our leader is the$12.00 one. We have sold dozens of the $12 Couches in the last three months and every cus- tomer is a satisfied one. Your money cheerfully refunded if not satisfactory. We have dozens of fancy pieces for the parlor we will make quick movers of if prices will do it. 1 only - regular $13.00 for $10 00 1 only- " $13 50 " $10.25 1 only- " _ $11.50 " $9.00 2 only- '• $13.00 " $9.5'1 Dont let this opportunity pass. Furniture will be dear this fall and now is a chance to get some high class furniture at the price pf medi co____Qp-porta-ni knocks once at year-•d•aor-- A big Snap in Dining Room Chairs—Twenty different setts to choose from. IN UNDERTAKING In this branch of our business everything will be found new and of the best. Prices very moderate, quality of the goods considered. The Best Rubber Tired Hearse in the County will be in attendance at no extra charge PHONE 28 Night • or Day, WALKER & ROSS FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS The Big, New Store In the Johnston Block. Your Money Back I 'you want it. Goods delivered 12 miles free of charge. MMAIMMAWAWAPPAtaayaNya t %N. qib-o- ebe- .edea .ebe'beabeabe qbe dads-tiye READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS t a NMI In order to give our customers the very hest goods procurable at the very least money, much care was given in buying our Clothing, both as to the quality of the goods and the class of workmanship of each garment, and nur efforts have now been rewarded by having on our tables one of finest stocks of Men's and Boys' Clothing ever shown in Clinton and at a saving in price to every customer of from 10 to 20 per cent. These goods have been made by some of the hest manufacturers of Clothing in the Dominion and are up-to-date in every respect and in many respects are equal to high-class ordered garments. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. Men s Suits from $4.25 to $15. Boys' Suits from $2 up. Hundreds of pairs of Men's Odd Pants from $I to $3.5. Boys' Knickers from 45c up. BOOTS AND SHOES. "Don't Forget" that we •are saving hundreds of keen buyers dollars on their shoe hills, and can do the same for you, See our Ladies' Canvas Oxfords, $1 1. Men's Canvas Blu chess $1.5 Call and see these goods. PLUMSTEEL BROS. G deae a deabe e•e•beae0.04a1.4o-cb. ob a'd.derlb.•b•tr•d•q• food Sitiiatious Vacant We purpose making further extension to our business next month and will have situations for a number. of- smart girls to operate sewing machines in our factories both in God- erich and Clinton. Experienced operators preferred, but to beginners we will offer good inducement by paying •good wages from commencement, and instructions will be given by an instructor for the purpose of more speedily advancing :girlsto position of piecework. Our piecework prices are satisfactory to our present staff and smart girls are earning good wages. Retire for working are rFasonahle and pay day every two weeks. Personal applications preferred, 1 ut mail applications answered and full information given. THE JACKSON MFG. CO , CLINTON & GODERICH Also good, smart, young man by SE pt 1st as stock keeper . 1►' " ✓' z...,. '"ry ri' ... .+'I r"' M... .. ..... ..'fII; MM■r1 .ark►,' .. R•. , I t ou,Colleffiate , Institute ..-....,_ #'STA .1SIIED 11866,..,-7-..---....... $ RE3A,'QPE VS 'SEP` EMB3tR ' *ear 1907 The following courses of study are Offered s . a) The General English Course. b) The Coni iercial Course. c) The `relchere' Course;' ' d) The University 1VLatriculation Course. -The Teaching Staff For 1907-0$ : A. P. OUNDRY, B. A., Honor Graduate Toronto University. Specialist in Natural Science, • J. W. TRELEAVEN. B. A,.. Honor Graduate Toronto University, Specialist in Classics, MISS E. R. DELMAQE, B. A. Honor Graduate McMaster University. Specialist in Mathematics. EMMERSON E. BALL, B. A.. Honor Graduate Toronto Univlirsity, Specialist in English and Modern Languages. MISS 11111L01R Specialist in Commercial Subjects. For further information parents and students are requested to ap- ply to Principal Gundry. $ $ M. D. McTaggart, Rev. C. R. Guam, M.A. Sec. O. I. Board. Chairman 0. I. Board. $ •rte aaaa.o'aa. eia11maasaafttiana11aft.'a!1•lli'lla%'Nr'lia/lia, I OLD SHOES RE= High h WVWV 001/ AI, 401010~11A0VrAftl NEWED, NEW SHOES MADE ()A or about September 2nd we open a new department of our Shoe business, t. e. Making and Mending all kin4s of Foot- wear. This department will be under the management of Mr. 3. C. Rathwell, late of Gorr•ie, former- ly of Varna, who is well known to the people of Clinton and vic- inity as a comnetent shoemaker. We respect fally solicit .your patronage. Neatness is our motto. Give us a trial. In the course of a few weeks our Fal: Stock will be on our shelve Grade Everything in our music dep- artment car. be described by that one phrase - High Grade Pianos, High Grade Organs, High Gt'ade Phono- graphs, Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Autoharps, Accordions, Fifes,. Flutes, Flagolets, Mouth Organs Jews' Harps -all high grade. Sheet Music, Music Folios, Music Instructors for all instru- ments -all high grade. High Grade Pianos and Organs bleprines Give us a call and prove to your own satisfaction that we are leaders in Shoes and Music M-USIC EMPORIUM • SHOE -STORE THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES -ITS DUTY 1 1 [T". J. GRIGG'S ONE- QUARTER OFF Big Discount Sale Has proven a great succe=s and will continue. until September 1st. You have still time to profit by the large discount of 25 cents on every dollar's worth of goods bought. Just figure it out yourself this sav- ing in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, KNIVES, FORKS,. SPOONS, CUT GLASS, CHINA NOVELTIES, SILVERWARE, • CARVING SETTS, ETC. Our prices are always marked in plain figures and quality of goods guaranteed. A. J. Grigg JEWELLER, OPTICIAN, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES: VS t The News From 111LO1$B A.AKEIMINOS. Cerreependontt .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11t0.11410.•••••111. A be;1 tiful "Rose at.d. Thistle wediliag tank place 04 13th Augus at "Oalten Collage,", the residence the bride'•s parents, . Mr. and Mr James MacVicar, when their'sveon -daughter, Miss "Nellie •Gray, was u ited to Mr. Frederick Russett Reddit­­t of Barrie, . Tho bride, 'wllo' was •giv away by her father, looked lovely ai .dainiy'oostuine of tgnitzoe.it:r. .e s the skirt of which was a perfection valencierites insertions: and sm: tucks, The bodice was trimr•;d r i sail application of bete Irish lace, a d elbow sleeves of frills of valenciencee lace- Site .wore I. beautiful pearl n . Lees, the gift of the groom and carried boquet of bride roses any ferns tie with white tulle, The bridesntai Miss Mary, sister • of the bride, wor a, dainty costume of white mull, wit insertions of vnlencienrs lace, trans Parent yoke, Ind bow of white ribb0 to her coiffure, fihe Carried a boque of pink roses. !'he little flower gir Miss Bertha 110010, cousin. of th groom, looked charming with he pretty white costume of poin''t ,d'esp sit 'with bodice and skirt tucked an valenciennes insertions, with whit satin sash and tarried ai basket of 'as tern, margurites and ferns, T! groomsman was M. Edgar G. Red ditt of Barrie, brothar of: the grooi The bridal darty stood before , th wit dow of the drawing ' room which was" decorated with • the "Rose an Thistle's emblems of the families of the bride and +grootn, with evergreens to form a valance for the top of the curtains. Rev. J... A.. A'ni;erson,porfor- mrd the hely teren o'i1y 'of matrimony. after which , the bridal party and guests, who were nearly all relatives, assembled in the ,dining room, where a lovely wedding breakfast was await, ing then. The table: was• white and green foliage In the centre the bride's cake was placed' with large ,ube vases on either side, filled with white asters and ferns. The.bride's another wore a costume of blac'e crepe de chem. The ',ride's, going . away dress was - cf • russet •'brown broadcloth, trimmed with wide"leather braid and she wore • a burnt straw hat, with brown ar.d ,white trimming and four ci'o t; wings and bxowir veil. , The relatives from a distance were Mrs. John Carlyle and daughter, Miss Lily. of Brantford ; Mies Rutherford of Tur- onto ; and Miss Bertha Redditt, Bar-. ri:c ; Mr. John M'a.cVicar, West Vir- ginia. The 1Tao'Vicar family were all present. Besides the gift to the bride, the groom gave a pearl rilig to the bridesmaid, and a ruby ring to'the little flower girl, and a. signet ring to the groomsman. The wedding' gifts to the bride were L iiautiful. Beside the 'silver tea 'service, pearl handled silver spoons,' paintings etc., a lovely cut glass pitcher, with glasses' and vase of the satire, :were presented . by . Col. Nelles of 'Toronto. A number of friends met the i nidal party, at the station at. 2.30 and hearty cheers were given them as the train drew out Of the station. The bride was a great favorite with all . and was `born and educated here. After spending °' some days travelling the bride and groom will take up :heir residence in Bac- rie. Ines. T. Wyatt Wt on Friday to visit a 'sister• at Dundas, who h'a, been Ivey .a11 i nd may not reiover. Mr. and Mrs: Poland of Cleveland were the guests of the. latter's.. pat -the -former teachers the :G: C. I. ents, Mr. and. Mfrs. Lawson staff -is here. tar the re -union: Miss Lawrence of Toronto has been the guest for some weed's of her.sis- ter, Mrs. Sanford Stokes. • Mrs. R. BulmaDolman;.c;f Listowel was the guest last week of Mrs, G. Green. Miss Mamie Leon and Miss Ethel 'high r; a reool as 25 •mills this yeam- Tayksr were Cho guests this month of mendation to_ that effect being made Mrs. Augus', and returned to , their ; by the finance cornlnittec. The sulk- homes r,3 Guelph er.• Wednesaay: frig of the rate; however, has been left' Miss Harris .f Philadelphia is the over In a few (lees to see if' some guest of relatives in *Goderich. paring cannot be done to the: estim- Misses Lizzie .:rid Nellie Barry are ates.The rate " last year was 22 the guest of their brother, Mr. Joseph Barry London. Miss Fannie Shannon. visited friends in Kievardine during her- vacation and spetat some time with, friends at King - bridge. Miss M iannoa never loses her interest in her nirthplace. She is a .grand -daughter of the late .Chtristoph- .er Shannon well ;.std familiarly known to our townspeople. Mr.. and Mrs. Ferth have removed from Stratford and now occupy the house )on Napier street lately oc..i.pked I' by Mrs. Webb. Mr. ertr, is :Wane }ger of ,plumbing for Mr'. Psalm. Mr_ F. G. !Jutland o. I'Ga nto, has purchased the .1rug store of )'r. H..i . Theanion, who has retired from busi Mre. George Whitney and two pret< t, ty little daughters, Evelyn and Mar - of taret, and self ataxies, ori Woodstock,' s. Who have been -the guests of Mrs. Whitney's sister, Mrs. Walter Saults, n -left for their :,cine on Tuesday. Mi.. t Whl"tney spent ,SAnday llth Aug. with en -them here. Mrs. Whitney also spent. in some tints at the MaeDonegll, farm,, so with her sister, Mrs. Frank MacDon- et ogh and also, spent a few days at the 11 White City. th We. have meek. 'pleasure in advising n our readers of the marriage of MISS s Jessie Milker, .slaughter -of Mr. R. 1Vltl- 4k.. ler, "Balmoral (t ttage,. i to Mr. R ld. McNair, (ihicago- The ceremony d was performed by Rev. Dr. Williamd, l• Chalmers Covert, Chicag a, ons list of e i July. The bride, who was given li away by her t,io ,iter, looked superbly _' charming in a pretty going away suit nl of navvy blue eroadoloth, white silk t waist with all over white siliC lace„ 1 and stylish jacket; of• navy nine cloth, el the lauels and sleeves of which were r trimmed with wide white silk braid, dotted o'er with navy blue. The bride d and groom met in Woodstock, many e years ago. Business attractions took -i the groom to Chicago, where he and o' his bride will, we hope,, be blessed with - good health alai prosperity. itJ Thu Misses tlonogh. have returned c front a delightful trip down rhe St. ILawrence. if At Knox ehnrchi - o -n Sunda} a. m.. Rev: James Anderson selected for his text Philippians 1-6. The sermon was given in all sincerity to streng- theft every one in doing. right. Mist Fleming pf Braadon, sang in. beautiful • voice the sacred. solo, "The Publican." Mr.., John Lashof. -the Hillsboro, Lash= Bank, Hillsboro,' Narth Dakota, with his wife and two children, are the guests of the former's' mother, Mrs. W, Lasha1p There's no place 'like the old town, after all for Banker Las - Aril Miss Spence rettii:r.•ed on Saturday, from a pleasant visit with her r.clat- ives the Grants of. Clinton). • • • Mrs. Daly, wifeof the Rev. Mr. Daly, of .the Episcopal church, and: little daughter of Detroit are regis- tered at hlotef 0 e.lerich. Mrs. Wyatt, wile of Engineer Wyatt, sang very pleasingly at Vic- toria street etiurclt an Sunday. At the morning ufFcrtory ' she, sang "I=lls eye is on the ;:sparrow," and in the evening' "The Pilot's Song." She is a"sweet singer. The "After .i flow" service at' Hotel Goderich was 'iiblightful on Sunday evening. Mr. ''filler of Detroit, a fins: baritone: soloist, sang "Thy. Will Be' Done," and Mr. Conk sang his fine :baritone solo, ''Flee as a Bird, to the Mountain. s'. Mrs. .Michael Twomey who; was while lire,; the guest of her bleed, Mrs. Jai -nes A. Maclntosh, has return- ed to her honie. a;t Windsor. • Miss' N. Holmes of. Iiamilten iting at the resi''enco of Mr. and Ales. Charles Tweedie. Spencer Douglas of Pembina, North Dakota, has been for some days . the. guest of his grandmother, Mrs. George Cox. • Professor '1,lisner, of Vkctaria,College Toronto, was •'while in town : the guest of his fates, bLrs ett .•.. • 1_ f Mrs., George Achson is. in Toronto. Miss MacLennan • of Stratford,one of The night blooming' cereus' in Oliver Whiteley's window was ten Inches in diameter.. At nit inlght_.on Satin day it was nearly all purewhite. ' The: tax rate in Goderich may be as res., here. Quito a number f bur .t tt elitan visitors left on `aturd.ay.• -Mr:-Fcang, siter (wing coati* •°d-- to his bed for three weeks with t vpuoid fever, is improving . very `satisfactorily now. hon tubing °'s Leing placed' at either .side of= the tailed pottion of read down to, the t arbor, wliioh will make it safe for the public, The W. li'. • el, S. of Victoria • St._ held a tmissionrary tea--and-eafte`ttain- anent ot'i-Monday-e' ening'at the pretty gtounds of Mrs•,. D. Buchanan. About forty five persons mere present.. Tea was served from• 6 to 8 p tri,, atter which a' eery pieaain%. program Was rendered by tee: :different members. Mrs.. Ci•. Ferguson , aeted.as president rand also peke ; eery",eeeeuragtiig ad- ilxes, oat•• the 'nded' for T`oretgn; lsisstott help. 'Miss Ethel"Wootefi` ghve'•a very suitable' reeitatlo7i "Pa's Pragerii0 'w"hiiah ' was• +veli ..applauded+: Mrs: (lcorge ••,Elliott" gave 'a, delightful tread- ing on °Rothe -t.De of The Jaltatiese" which dealt btIefly With their dress, 'douses, manners and customs, etc. "`God be With ; ea till we meet again" wa'ird ftp' the •.,clee,sant evening, IHCI . Brederiele-111 returtr- its -•a -shout tine on a btisiuess bait: Mr. T. •'Tat 'rias in town on Fri- day. Mrs, Thorpe of D (,rcit, mother of the tttatiager of the counti'c.g room, in motel C4oderich Is registered at 'that i hotel. mills. 'Tho rate in former years ' has been as high as 25 mills., but there. has been• a scaling up of the.assess- ment. since. then... ' Births. - ROBERTS-In Clinton on August 15th to Mr. and' Mrs,' J. Roberts,. a daughter. SCHROEDER-At the Town Line, Stephen on .ug. nth, to 14Ir, and Mrs. Peter Schroeder, a daughter. PREETER-At ''Zurich .on Aug. 14th, to 112r. and 3'rs. John Preeter; al daughter. THE RICHT MCDICINE FOR PELVIC TROUBLES FOUND IN PERU -N4. lYL. CAROLINE REAMER, Fora av4 eoilitrs, Col., writes "The majority of women who are tint* feting from disordered periods and other pelvic troubles, have such strong faith in doctors that they allow them to experiment on them for. kidney, liver o>Jtomaeh troubles until they become oo pletelydisoonraged and thei(, money ti gone. "ThIs was my unfortunate evi- dence for nearly two years when my attention Was called to Pergola. "I hardly dared believe that at last 2' had found the right medicine, but as t kept on using it and was finally cured, I could only thank God and take 'cour- 'age. 4,1 have bad most satisfying results from the use of your medicine and have advised doze'iis of Women who were suf- fering with woman's ills to use Perung and let the doctors alone. "Those who followed my advice are better today and many are fullyrestored. to'health," " Mrs. Wilda, Mooers, B.'•F. D.,.Mo. 1, Lents, Ore., writes ;. "Fora' the past four years I will e: wretched woman, suffering with severe backaches and other pains, leaving • ma so weak and weary that•it was:only with difficulty that .I was able• to attend to my household duties "I' used . dliYersnt 7r+emedies, but found noreliefuntil I had tried Perms,. "Within two weeks there was a change for the better and in less thin three - months I was a well and happywonnsn., "All the praise is d,te to'Perai L" • Marriages -- RE DD ITT arriagesREI)DITT :Mac .VICAR --Ong' August,. 14, at the home' of the bride's - Parents, Godecich, by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson., Frederick . Russelt Redditt" of '3arrie to Nellie Gray,. cfau • liter -of Mr: MaeVicar • YOUNG-I:INKLATER•-At• the home of the bride's parents; on August 19th by. Rev. D. Perrie, Leslie C . Young to Jeanette, ; only daughter of Mr. P. S. Liiiklater, both of Wingham. McARTER-1VI3i.CE-At the perspire age, Scaforth, on August 7th, by Rev; D. ilogers, Henry` McArter to Margaret C. White, both ct: Morris township. Deaths. INGLIS-In: Clinton on August 20111, Alexander • Inglis, . aged 70 years. BICKELI.=10 t'•rmondv411e, on:Aug- rest 9th, William.Bickell, aged 79' years. =_ :MORE -At' pen/Miler, on. August 9th,. William Moore, aged' : 7ii years. NES;'ELI.-In Goderich, o 'en August 11th; Emma d'halfont, widow. cf the late ,i•.ihn Newell,• aged 76 years, 7 months and 14 days. DREW -In Uxbridge, on, Augpst 10th, Eliza Drew, relict of the late• Wil- liam Drew, cif Wingham, aged 67. years.- FERGUSON-In ears: FERGUSON-Its Livingston, Montana; on August DO, Mary Cameron, relict of the lea Duncan+ .Ferguson,. formerly' of Brussels, age t'81 • .. years O'CONNOR-In Thorold, on August . 12th, .1. M. O'Connor, formerlyi of Brussels, in his 78th year. WISNER-In tl'•irgham, August 11„ . Mrs. Mary Wisner, aged 83. FORD -In Wingham, August 9th, Jane, wife of. James Ford', .agent CURR-In Wing -ham, Aug, 12th,Mary , Ano Curr; . aged 82 • years. CLOSED. WEDNESDAY. A. R. P Smith, true friend of the - farmer was. in Toronto .this ween buying bargains for his friend's. Will receive on Friday and Saturday this . week. ,open ,at 8 . a. m. for cash.com- plimen,ts in exchange for gents fur- nishings, clothing, etc. $,,_._ 1 1Ooiicw Jackets. We received on Monday 100 of 'our new Jackets.forrfali and winter. We advise you to see these goods,- as at -the prices we pus- 'posemarking them, th_ey'I1.be-sold-quickly to intending purchasers. ._'NOTE -We have no Jackets: left from last year. - Nothing mien but new en to exhibit, from $5 upwards, , 42 Pieces New Flannelettes • We can sell you from nur stook of Flannelettes, all the Flannelette you will want, at last year's prices. We doubt if there ere many- merchants who can give you this privilege. Come and buy from us... Flannelettes at per yard 5e, 6c, lc, 8e, 9e, 10c. Ileo Pounds of New Canadian Yarn • Our Yarns are all scoured and thoroughly cleaned, and can give you the best yarns made in Canada at last year's prices, 550 and 00ca pound. 200 Pairs New Lace Curtains At per pair 25e,350, 40c, 45c, 50e, 60c, 75c,'83e, 90c and 950. Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. POPLESTONE & CARDIOR Successors to 11IcKinnon & Co,, - ELYTH 1 •,‘ F Itl'1IMai►-''l1►•'iaaaaataall isalas4;,tia ,,, lit.aaa, + lisreIrY~lh.•and+l`. t A