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At high noon or. the 14th inst. the
horrte of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Linklater
was gay with festivity, when their
only daughter, .Jeretta, was united in
marriage to Leslie C'., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. Young, Rev. D. Ferric
officiating. Only the immediate relat-
ives of the core racting parties were
present. The bride travelled in a
natty suit of sinnamob chiffon taffeta.
eriniui,d with ' elvet ribbon, hat and
gloves to match. The bride and groom
left by the afternoon train on their
honeymoon i.our. The other ha9py
event also especially interested two?
young Wirgliani people, ,though the
marital knot was tied in London,
when, on Wednesday, Miss Isabella,
drily daughter of Wer. and Mrs. Walter
Taylor, became the bride pd Mr. John
1',aart•r.. The uaupy event took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Waugh, or. account of the illness of
the bride's mother,
Mrs. Jas. 'Nord (sassed away on Fri-
day evening after an illne s of several
'eoliths. Mrs. -'ars1's maiden name
was Jane E. elorconibe, and she wa.
Dorn near Brighton, 1?nglind, in 1811,
and was in her :e-th y ar. She came
to Canada, when quite young, and
while living in he township of Dar-
im-ton, became acquainted, Uith
future husband. Mr. and Mrs. Fond
had entered neon the fiftieth year (It
their married life, and were hoping to
celebrate their golden wedding io
March next. Mrs. Ford lived a most
exemplary life, having been a member
of the Methodist Church since she
was fifteen years of ,ice. in 1872 Mr.
and Mrs. Ford removed to V+'est W'a-
wanesh, and aeout nine rears ago,
(same to reside in Winghani. Mr:.
Ford was i'.•entifien with the Wo-
men's Mission icy Societe, e, and while
health permitted, was always fouii
in her place, e hetbwr of vvorshin or
duty. The W • v. M. Society sent a
beautiful floral ti ibute and atti need
the funeral Fn -, ,, x!v. Ile:s was the
faithful, consistent r+iristian life that
shines, and her illness thou,h nainlul.
was borne with recicration and forti-
tude. ;glue lea.' es a her:aved husband,
era: one daughter, Mrs. Chas. Taylor,
of We -t Wawaree;h. Thea are also
four son;—W. .1., in South Africa ;
('leonhas, in Xinnireg 1 Thomas, in
i':ast Wawanosh, and John in Sui'.•-
Th.' body or .ldelor Travasse of St.
II S, (due., vias found in the rive.
at f'Iuui Point, New Tor';.
A leading Parisian jo erralist states
that conditions; in Morocco indican;
that. thv French are there to stay.
The steamer Arabian of Hamilton
ran ashore in a fierce storm' last, weee
in Lake Francis.
The very successful Scottish cele-
elebration held hero on Friday last was
followed by two serious fires. About
half -past eleven, :oon.a'ftor the peo-
ple hada got settled in their residences
after attendance at the concert in the
park, the fire alarm was sounded and
it was :uin.d that the pumping der -
riot in connection witd Coleman's salt,
works was oat tire. '1' a Chem n were
promptly on hand, and, with a good
;apply of water, kept the fire fro
; ,reading to the surrounding building
notwithstanding the fact that there
was a brisk wind blowing at the
time. People had scarcely got com-
fortably settled in their beds when the
alarm was again sounded. This ti'rre
the fire was in she clothing: factory, of
the W. E. Southgate Company. Here
the fire spread .o rapidly that noth-
ing co'ild he '..;.:'ed, and the building.
wi'th, its machinery and stock, was
completely consu.ned. The fire, how-
ever, was confined to this b.iliding.
Roth fires were, ,nquestioneely, the
work of inccndia,ries. Two ware-
houses along the railway l,rack were
also set on fire, hut the nightwatch-
mer3 disc vt ed them and put them
out while .. tiie "-iricipieinl; st' Vie:
these instances Cotton waste soaked in,
coal oil had been used.
Port Albert.
Otway Hayden, who has been I oli-
daying in Goderich, is . hien again.
.Mr. Thornton Mustard has returatel
to open the ecitool after speeding hie;
vacation at Clinton and neighborhood.
Miss Liefie Wilson•, Goderich i
spendieg a few days in the village.
E. N. Lewis, 17. P. and Major BecK
Toronto, called on W. B. HawJ•.ins on
Friday of last week.
Electric railway is the general topic
for this week, - ,everal meeting are
billed to be held this week in the
four wards which are asked to vote.
A bonus of the 26th inst. Bath
those for and those against are
very active in their canvas.
Jas. Oliver had three head of
young cattle stray away last week
and he has failed to ge": any trace of
Jack Bennett Jr. is remodeling his
boeee. Same thing going to be a do-
ing, John.
Jas. Young threshed 350 bushels of
wheat last week from not quite ten
acres which is a good sample.
Those goodie t'rits hereabouts say
Sir Wilfrid is the means of the goal
times the past °c w years. If so por-
'1iap.i eta""`tra l`l;et us some rain now.
I. Ileedle. of , aikerton, was home
on a visit.
R. H. Dick, of Kipper., spent Sunday:
at Mr. Mohring's.
Miss Bella Bissett is visiting her
cousins, the elle es Stra l,,han.
H. R: Long and wife of Dungannon
are visiting a•. their old homes here.
We are very :,nrry that- Chas. Wal -
tors, sr., who is laid up with fever, is
not progressing very rapidly.
An old and trspected resident of
Benmilicr passed away on the 9th
ins:., in the person of William Moore.
The deceased had been in poor health
for some time with asthma and the
end was not enexpeeted. Mr. Moore
was in the shoe business here for a
number of years and was well known
throughout the neighborhood. He was.
a member of the Methodist church,
and in politics w is a Liberal. He had
reached the age of seventy-six years.
Ile is surviv;d' 'iv five sons acrd two
daughters : William, Joshua and Rich-
ard, of this township ; Owen and
Wesley, in the West ; Mrs. Percy
Walter and Mrs. Ward Gledhill, of
l3rnuliller. Mr. Moore was twice
married, his eec.ind wife predeceasing
him about two ,+ears.
The New York & Bermudez Co. ha.;
been fined $.5,`30.0,,}00 for inciting re-
bellion in Venezuela.
Mr. Stalker of *.,welirow visited his
mother and Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Geddes
last Friday.
John McCallum left on Tuesday
morning for >asikatoon, where one of
his sons is residing. '
John Wilford of Blyth p cached in
the Methodist rriurch, • elgrave, on
Sunday evening last.
Rev. Austin Hedge of Ha • er visit-
ed with his father, Peter : • • e of
this village recently.
Mrs. Smith and da'!ghtcr, of car
Whitechurch, spent a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Ower.
Sound are visiting at the latter't
parents, .S. Vannerman's.
Rev. G. W. [fivers and wife�are
sp;ndin,g their t.ulidays with friends at
Wyoming and vicinity. •
The contractors ;.,re at work, on the -
construction of an iron bridge just
south of Belgrave, ern the gravel road
at John Campbell's.
Rev. Coburn et Taranto the blind
preacher, teetered in the Methodist
church, Belgrave, on Thursday oven-
ing. The subject was "From chili''
hood to manhood without sight."
Mrs. T. J. Bridges is improving nice
ly from her !ong illness, The nurse.
Miss Kir.g, who attends d her for six-
teen weeks, has gone. It is the hope
of her many criene's that she will soon
he quite strong again, and in her usual