The Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-22, Page 5SUPPLEMENT TO
The Clinton News -Record
Mr. W. H. Talbot of the Bronson
Line, Stanley, brought in "the first
load, of fall what to the Zurich
mill. IIis wheat yielded 42 bushels
to the acre. Mr. Talbot awns the
Dunn homestead, one of the best
farms in the . eighboring township.
Reeve Lamont of Hay and Reeve
Willert of .^Ilepaen captained the
tug-of-war bet w:en The two town-
ships at the .3eud on Thursday, and,
as might be :opposed our Peter
brought the "tan spot" beer with
him. The excite rent wa; intense, and
things looked de:'•1edly scrappy for a
time, but even at that game our
township could put up a, warm argu-
A doctor gays that ten cents
worth of peanuts contain :u 'e. r.',llr-
ishmont than the best porteruousc
steak. A stea'< has the advantage,
however, in ghat if you calvnat eat it,
you can use 't for a hinge on tit;
barn door.
Grey Township
A special G. '1'. 14, that was dis-
obeyin; the Sunday law ran into thr. c
horses belonging to Wm. Hall, 8th
con., that had got through his farm
fence on the track. The result, is
three dea.d animals. Loss is a hi;
one as two of he horses constituted
his working team and were good ones
-and the third was a. fire colt. We un-
derstand Mr. Hall nas asZ:ed -the Rail-
way Co. 'to put up $53.0 as payment
for the horseflesh.
$30,000 Fire at Dashwood
Ah +c 11 o'clock last night fire was
discovered in the Hartieib brick Isla
of three stores in the general store
of Wm. Schrum -ns, Dashwood, aid in
a short time tie whole block, -a [ram
tor and stable were in ruins. Som,
of the residents barely escaped in
their night clothes. Thc. cause of t•h
fire is unknown. r.oss about $30,000,
portly, covered by insurance. NA? 1
fire engine of ',xeter was sent out,
but the fire was ura:or control when
it arrived, but it could not have ren-
dered any assistarze, as there was no
water supply.
A lockout in British shipyard.:
threatens to throw fifty thousand men
out of work.
• on Huiron• street. The house, • a•
small one, is only partially corn- •
pleted, Will he disposed of droop.--
W. C. Brown. . - . 78
lVlr. E. -Peters, who has been work-
ing at Bala,. 4.iuskoka, for the past
few months. ':ame home chest• weed.
Mr. Peters has been laid off work as
the result of .an, accidert in which he
sustainer a broken too.
Miss Jean Calder, head nurse Gener-
al hospital, Sarnia, Dr. Margaret Cal-
der who has .,ren assisting Dr. 'Mc-
Crae •qf Clinton, and Miss Elizabeth
Calder of Toronto Lave .been guests of
Mrs. Chas. Bro•lie Jr: and Mrs, Jas.
The voters' for Searorth, for
1907 has been issued. It .shows &57
persons entitled to vote at Mun-
icipal and Legislative elections, an in-
crease of 118 over , last year. Total
number of persons eligible to serve on
the jury313.
Rev. George .3. Northgraves, of St.
James church, Sca;forth, will celebbato
the Golden. Jubilee of his ordination
to the priesthood on Wednesday nextf
Solemn High Mass will , be held in St.
James church en that date a,t 9.30 a.
m. by the Rev. Jubliarian and. the
Jubiles sermon will be delivered by
Right Re:. F. a. McEvay, Bishop of
London. It is. ixpeeted that the cer-
emony will be attended by a large
number of .bishops and priests to
whom invitations have heen sent, an-
nouncing the GoIdktn Jubilee of the
Re,vcremd gentleman.
Mr. A. Archibald, of the firm if
Chesney and Archibald, met with
what might have been a very serious
accident, last weel". He was assist-
ing in unloading a furnace when the
horse took fright and started off
throwing Mr. Archibald out of the
warn. The jolt also threw the f,,:r-
Fresh New,
Strong, Pure
That's what, we claim forc our pic1-
ling requisites. If you are looking for
such qualities id '
Vinegars, 'Mixed Spices, Clov-
es, Peppers, Ginger Root, Cel-
elery Sem, Wiry Powder, Tur-
meric. etc. letcus supply you.
Don't forget our claim; _..,
As _Good: as theBest- _--
Better thaa Most
Cheap as the Cheapest:
Careful attention to phone orders.
A. D. ' Beaton
Phone 111. Prompt delivery-
kt k'RAt1
Many special features' including Capt.
Knabenshue's' Airship and grand dis-
play of fireworks.
race 'from the ig, striking Mr. Arch $3.65 from Clinton good going ,Aug..•
ibald in bits des nt. He fortunately 26th to: Sept. 7th.. Special Excursion
°wiped serious ir,;wries arid is able to Rates $2.70. Good Goiltg, Aug 27, 24
be about as sual. The L,.nace wes 31st Sep. a,and 5th;
badly damaged. All tickets valid returning from
Toronto on or before Sept. 10th 19417.
Tickets and full information maybe
obtained from F. R. Hodgens, Town Agent.
A. O. Pattison, Depot Agent.
J. D. McDonald, District Passenger
agent, Toronto.
Grey Township.
Rural srhlols re -opened alter the
holidays or Monday.
The residence of Mrs. Duncan Liv-
ingston, 7th con. has beent much. tin, -
proved by a new dress of paint.
Mrs. James Mann, James McKay
and wife and Duna McKay and wife
ate among those who will visit re-
latives and friends in the West.
Mies Kate S•nrith, of Guelph, is re-
rewing old acquaintances in this loc-
ality and having avisit with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Robt. Lowe, 6th con. ,
Pekin despatches forecast a gloomy '
future for China owing to the , un-
settled state of politics in the eaun
try. i
The British .1 oard of Agriculture ;.
statistics show f! at Britons are eat-
ing twice as much meat per header a;
twar.lty years loo•. , '