HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-22, Page 3F7"1rrirr" • 1- ,, 'eeee r, ••-• • AuZust 2",2414. 1907 eeele err' e • -100"-Le-ee • . , Thc Clinton Nowit-Record • , • A Western Born Does "Noi IF`ael the Cold," Place a Sign- th.Farin Cate note here that the 'folionverstead be • covered with, wail felt, such as Us- ed by Imen,ese makers ;for pads. The process 1411143, a. barrel cot apples is the severest test et a poi packer. It consists in. ,arrenging the lastl two Qr More rows ot apples se that they will projeet slightly shove 'the barrel. • .,. The characteristics of good tailieg is to have the itepleS et the last two roive, placed eolidly and evenly, so that •when finished the head will touch with the same prepare eaeh, apple expend'. e'rebniillth even where cithethiregraletole temac; is tallier% in the operatienn and it is wily a elcilful packer who can per - Lorin this opera,tion quitecly and well. It is a common fault with unekilled Packers to allow one or metre 'applee to protect abeve the general surtare. When pressure is put upon the barrels these apples taKe the whole pressure at first, and ere frequently crushed before the beget ie.* piece. It is ad- visable for young packers to take off the head of a barrel of their tailing occasionally and eote the tuber of apples, which have 'been touched ley the pressed end. 11 t .should appear that a number el apples have net been touched by the head, and others are severely pressed, then they May rose assured that they have made a, poor • e. job of tho , he aim should be to Vero' hqual peeseure neon every apple in the last rOW• 4 wIlitetihserwttli (5eitheizanterieanfl 1 oc°rt7etellileitwe • end ie placed ep. It injures the apple • tire A. Wright M. P., Soth Renfrew, has devilled to offer signs for feral gates., iris prizes at tire WO- , Uvery treveller teels a certata pleas -i ash investMent el not helelt more, trew Fatr. the example might be, ed of r rilireabld thrill. of excite -merit in, the This has been going on steadily VA Se- followw.,ouowit loeal limped of eisitirte a new votary. I vurely to five or eix yeaorthies, ir by some conneetien with Kernel yeas but the „Au unexpinreo regmt. itee an leaded pment wieward emote' and tile eelle Fall exhibition. Selecting the eEspecially is' . hlS ;true of Westere I seenelehat Of euietos eer it for tbe Adnaaaton as the leading and rage - elite is foil ot imaginetive.- suggeetione pricy of the Money niarVeta bas put tawnsilii4 ItleNelb, II°rtan and sentetive agricultural communities of South Renfrew, Mr. Weight- proposes to, ellot four p. the signs to each township, and to liave# straeriority in bread decide 'their dfeposition. Mr. Wright in fixing elhe ertiele for corns petition ter his -r, ovel ptendums shows both an. appreeiatioa ot the import - mice of good bread in the, home and the influence which women wield. Ile also Maces a proper estimate upoli the power of exenple, beceuse eeter- taining the Pellet that four farm signs placeg in each township will act' as a germ and grow ia number until the teem gate 'leasing o, distinguish - lug tidied will be the exception rather than the rule, The ilevrices which Mr. • • Wright is to. eand out are to ta,ve i en al the 'Oeracla., the rrotnised . time being. Every real estate spat !present "einigeatiere We readied the in Winnipeg *Weyer would protest sWeete'it -Winifieeg be the West, la two from\ the bottom of hitt pocket at the days with SteM0 newly toned Wendt I term \ speculation lit icohnection with 4:ta tate Wey ,we had heard that there, city lets or • 4arrn property, Your wag, 100:eases of typhoid in Wined. teerrespoedent has been asetired deem epee and We were somewhat afreid that 1 of . times that the reeent unpreeelent- iwo nlight make the 001st. We weep ed era ot Western prosperity is only nor esornewhat loath to fall a Vie, I mal and legithnate development. For the et the eery outset to instainee land Hutt sold in 1900 at $1.1 such a luta enimel ate* acre now eelis feem $25 to $$5 typhoid bacillus. It mny be said in per aere. We ewe smite denibts and passing that, ite ' doUbtful whether Seepickens oevorthelefis that there mely , there really is any more tYphoitl fever eae a few lean years yet in spite of the in Winnipeg tnen Anywhere else. Many seven fat years since 1000: Bee of the cases reported- in -Winnipeg one thing Wo eley: be certain, though Come in I roil -4 the suerouudiinOoiratry. there may be eemporary cheeks due to The water supply is qu'eto pure being poor harvests or depressed financiel Obtained from several ' artesian wells camlitions of the wor n g er sunk sortie 70 feet s to the rock and softened by the additien et lime. We spent the winter in tele West and so did the winter, at least if the West were not headeuerters ter winter we should like to hear from any place Lv ing better elaim t� the title. To tele the truth, thowever, :Your oOrreseon- dent Is scovery much surprised at. his Wes ern winter _experiences, At first we thought that people in gener- al were only apologizieig, to 'a for what was an ordinary annual occur- ence lest like the ten epees we should. eearry a bad report bade, to, Oneario. but later we. were forced te 44'110 ou account of testimony from the . meet reliable and ancient inhabitants, that the West %really did have at eXception- oily severe winter durieg1907.' J'ji1e perhaps the • frost was not eci. mime' more intense than in tormer year e the amount of snow wan at least double that of other winters. The train' ser, vice on smile lines 'was completely blocked for weeks and on all tte lines of railway was very irregular. This • made the fuel eupply extremely precari- ous. At times some 'of the public buildings such as schools. and 'churches could only obtain halt rations add' !in • private houses -eveffliesh- sticketaken from • the scant pile meant a .batch' of. . gloomy doebte concerning the fitture. Greer. poplar In Winnipeg sometimes sold for $11 a coed. In some' cases the lot of a private boarder was Tame to be paled. than envied.. Things were seldom merle Too, hot for hien. ''Concerning the cced. in tbe West we ,inay say a few Words. It seemed to is that it teak about 15 degree o.,_ ex- tra cold to give a man. the same sen- sations that he might ,h1ve ir, the East that is to say. 15 degrees below zero Nemo( feel about like zero h :re.' Of course in the reentry the treeuent Ideaer raw winds very -often do. away with this 15 Jere margin in short order and me ehirics that atter all the moist frost of the Eact is preferable to the dry windy frosf of the West one - less he be a Wes,teener born and 'tared with Real Estate to sell. One thing is certain -though you may "not feel the cold'• like you would in Ontario still the cold feels .you and your. n,aeal thermometer may be away below .the ireezing point and (mite unknown to you until some good marred -passerby sings out 'short introduetion, "Say mister, your nose is hour," Not- wthstanding we see no reason why the cold should stop anyone !rein ' go - platform aud in are tresa tor fully a decade past, it hes never !`caught on" Wtarigutiset altaS4 taelftlir 6:41Vitetli116,144(;grigtori, way of introducing the inuovation. this section, and it" cannot be doubted that this method will prove quite as' effective as it is diplomatic and new. I It reesooe exist tor sign •boards in towns end cities -and who cen say Day ?--there Is ample justifioation or their use in the rural districts, where' they"might ettingly be supplemerted with mile posts and concession nein- bers.. Not only would they prove of eeeeice to the faemers thentselVes, fOr every liesbandmaa rn occasions tattes drives on country toads wttli whicl. he is 'not altogether fainillare but they emoted be very helpful to the stranger from town and city, who is hampered bv frequent: ,stoes to ask'. directions and often times feels litrat he is an annoyance to the ones interrogat- ed, particularly velen the (mei-leonine ie done after nightfall. To the inclined- ual the purchaeing ,et, the; sign boards and placing them,1i 1ut1o1 „them the name (if any can entail but a small outlay ot mi., Omen for the farm, the name of thit Great West ie beim(' . to •go on from painted on 'strength to strength, certainly, not al- Pettse and trouble, therefore no on 'vvays by leaps and bounds buteoa the owner , And • the Phetoffice aedress, et • fshould hesitate to give . the idea average, making 5 ea y pe , cm. While th ..toe )1 i t a new on , in . , t d reteteht sistent progress. The rich black fertile fact has Weer- advocated on the plat- j triel.-Itempteille Advancc.. wheatipoducing soil is there streteh. P1 g be ween Winnipeg and the Rockies for 000 allies end at least, in some dietritte almost oe mem miles north and south. The ludas-trio:1i, daring, -thrifty people are there alert with a strong relish for speculation and more are coining inaioly ',of the right sort i e b* ct , ' t the rete of a quarter of a million It is t t 0 ie of this bulletin is- use re? pee g The-PaolcIng of Apples 'Pin" . Barrels and Boxes • somewhat less to have ehe blow eral up, but apples ciin be eject'bet- , i ter position by having.- the stern end J up. All stems showin'g either on the lia es which are flot absolute- head or the tail should be remove(' per year ; the elimaie is there which Su6-de by Mr • .e. McNeil of the De- ely e ean and might. It is a mistake with a etemmer. Do not attempt lw: this work with e ' knife. This ar Par Unmet , of A gretul ture, to describe to tiee second-hand ea.rrels, even. "of Greenland's joy mountains" is yet ;the chiet features ef baxrel, the local rnerket. For the export mare sttirm:sarferelq,ruce3nsteli iiniteolthtee el, g ee and long flesh of thae" while it does occasionally remind one fitted on the whole for the needs of and box paelcing. The. prlaeiples in. lret it is absolutely Impossible to make- . . vegetation, in bhort the necessary el- ements foe •the building. pp• of a great and prosperous cauntry. ,' It was our geed fortune to meet • tweed that a eared seedy of, the cuts they will, on the general mareet, be igilit Thousand Live Animals • volved are few and eesily mastered.. a proi 1 se o an a ee apple ,giving entranee to disease The ext Of dein; the Witrk es a mere ed .• These will be gold by themselves, ' 61: difficult -matter, Preceice .alone • will and notwithstaitiling the quality secure profleieney in WS.' 'It 'is be- fruit that may ee in . theee packages,1 • . with many ' Huron people who went made from photographs of peeked bo.x- sold at a reduced price. - es . and ' the diagrams illustrating., th f It Is peobable that a Ifere, large part l' There are annually on view* at the West at various times within the past.- . ception they eaVe done ' rernarea ily twenteefive, years. Almost vviteout ex- . e , ' details of these will be ot great ate ' - ' eistrenee To, the beeinner ' . of the fall and early winter aPPle will' Ean'6xhittilititliemZt .Tolehoenteoa,11 aupdwiaatr, ci. iNotateioignie.114 ,. be packed for market in the , orchard well: It wouldeetherefore be Useless .te Those who wish to .-e d th e t' . early settlers their • good fortune was mentien . nanies, With most of,. the bull tir should ) 1r read a e Depart-ecli-'eeeeet- he'e Iv eerev4I /3 2, . 1 iteleeeVer provision is Made ler both . 1,200 ; cattle, and excellent work can be done there, thousand live animals, to wit : booms, 'itIQ1,500s1;lepeopirltry7011 compulsory rather, than chosen.. Dur- -- -' bett- R',-iieLs . piceing and packing, The most° eor.- siyine, 600 ; dogs, . . . Venient packing Lench for orchard use pet stock, .3,500. At all other • ex - ire; the pioneer- years on. .acemint of In Eastern Canada; the ereatere por- le made op, the samenrieciple aS_:_.t-lie_ ItibitiOn$ . the live atoCee• ie-tdivided. en- tailure•-et, craps -dive to frost-, hail; try tions Of theArtiff •Wilt'lle. -shipped -' l'e ordinary 'stretcher couch oe. Hee an 16"-e-leigie—, °ie. FerTie-eirdieeTiese lieellie7 weithere or :. gopherie-.• many-peaele. _ e would Nye -sold out had they been able to furl e buyer ; but an empty pocket held them; .vvheee they were and toceey e full pocket holds them . : there. ___, - •-• A fall pocket however- now threatens .ta take a great many Of hose neree-. peroure pieneerse •to the far West to c grade or a No. 1, strictly. needed 'to .. . , e site 8,nd color. . 7' t'• Vancoeuer to spend a. gieen old wee • . . • light pieces below, it niae” a eery exhibition simult•aneo.usly.. • . corevenient exeking hen& whiet, can • ''• . -free from Manitoba frosts arid snow- , Barrels, th-eiefore, esill mailitaly.alit. e certie about . frtm point • to poin t ' are leceler ' toe' (nineteen', - 'their p•re- by a sir.gle Not eller., ani wi.,A4t ..eile . I. Oft u tfER , SIXTY YEARS, teninenet as a Package her apples. - • . . • berreleethe many-yea:1s to eome: . Tit:. . enlarged Sew horse, with a belt Wherfeeertaiii daYee' rola • eit- is impcissible, culls and lower graees should be. sh.p- ped owl}, to the eva,eorator, the eri,_ tile soeporte eross each other. e he even at the biggest shpws, to see so upper points ot 'these sum:torts -are • many animals. • it the one time. tre nine' or vine.gat factory. A lare n 0 with a .2x2 'strip, as :long, ae fact, Toronto is aereose .uniiicie in in.:. .Portion of the , reinaindee• min e-ee Sel:et.. ruined it ii ref:mired to Make the ' table, . and eluding. atliong ,itS featuree dog and to mar et with adeantage, in barrels. . theSe pieces. 0! timber a sheet ot cat shows: Even at the famous Roy - Only a small pot pi the fr.e.t will . ca stout . burle.p il fastened secuolte. al 'Shaw in England More +than .2,800 pay in boxes: . This must be a any . When this is :termed and braced with animalseweee never lenient. to be on drifts and winter's 'chilly Waste, A few months' • sojourn in the Wee1 . is a great eye opener and . eye„ cloe to an Easterner. Hie 'eyes are opened to the value of: a host 0! possibilities if be will but ea Weet and his eyes are eloeed to the vales: of a hose of Certainties which he noev actually, pas- • M ' ' not bruise the Will in an wey. 'A Mrs Maslow s Soothing Syrup bac.. The minimum ' eize- . of a standard fee been Used by 'millions of mothers fur heavy 'plank ebould be 1 revided barrel .eontaisin; 96 quarts kg' pre- their , children while teething , lf• dis• the barrels *o stand • • n and 1.. 1 os cribed in the Inspection and Sale Which the reeking can be. done durine turbed by night and breken of your sick child ' . suffering and . the process of paesitie. Good Work rest by .43. Act; ae follows': . , 1 e • • Beteveen heads, 26e inches inside . 0 : e• . t crvine with pain of eutting teeth serfd . cannot be done if - ie raceeng is a .- • e eneasuretheitt. • • ,arid. at once and gee a bottle of "Mrs tempted directly . ei tee 0, ,e ea, seseee in the 'Leek- - Heed . • diameter., . 17 inches inside even if. it were possible, it . would . be Wilslow's Soothing.Syrup': ' for child .._.. . . ten teething. It. will relieve the poor' StratgletWeef h.! suSpeetS 1110 he is measurement. 'See eue'he- s Jesiee.! betty to renders, the bareel. iim-'ghtly naked. of Money and cd lands that 'ee , Middle diameter, with koil. . . .- little. sufferer eraniediately; Depend iniehe have . had, had he guile West measurement. • • ' '. 7' 1 ' * , . : . . Upon it, mothers, there is no mistakc e . • barrel s,hould be prepared. for.•• years .aeo .: and too , often. he forgets: tehie barrel, he Lomnoin use dr. Nova , The: about it., It cures Diarrhoea, -regu-• the ecilsadvantagee ' and inconveniences,. Scotia, inmate.: : from 28 -itch. stoics, pgekiDg • as follows :--.-The ' euarter fates the Stomach and Bowels, cures which Would have fallen to, his lot had The barrel In. eominon use in Ontario, I hoops should . be forced down • firmly,- Wind Colice_sottens,the_Gurns, reduces- lie-aotually .done • ewe-. - . --- • • iie'made &pin-SO-it/eh staves, its derneand-th-ree -nails driven ire a slap:eine Inflammation and gives: tone and en - The' west with its big farms; . bie ensiors aie as follows -4-7-, • direction. and clinched upon the leald•-e- eigy to the. . whole syetem. "Mrs, deals, big illeas,•big profits, hi g leeses Hotelmen hea,de, 27e inches. „ ,, rene dace end of the barrel Shottild be WineloW's gemthing Syrup" for child- . . ar.d .oecasiceially big_ liars exercises- ' neaa..diameter, 7 Indies:: *steak. faseination over a inan'S dilute • eliding- einem:bele etee, ing West. end dollar facility. The "hunip for while' the "beam". foe Spiritual things is apt to• lapsecieto a Semiecoinaeose condition. ' • journeys that thee should have made in A man's 'cliental horizon. too is eXe as many days,- At one time we eau, Pended, .enla•rged until. it attainssonle.- 400 cars of live stock, etc, herd at thing of the prairie sweep. Doubtless the C. P. R. eards for days in order •part rof,,this expiesion iselIke the mile • to get the tracer -clear and safe. Those in charge of the -ears as might be ex- pected frothed and fumed and _badgered the officiate to tae point of despair but to ne purpoee. It was cettaenity serious thing to eave to lie to Wife cattle and horses and take- the risks On accour.t of ihe severe winter the fortune Making 'is. greatly stimulated opening up *Of epring was very much retarded. Carload., of settlers effecte from the East .v. ere weeks id making age of the prairie.. gleaming deemeing girt with blistering haees." Still ; t seems real to him and lie is. apt to eon* beck to teitarie seenewhat dis- eatiefiee; feeling somehow that, he het .sold 'his birthright in • the West for c mess of pottege the East: ley „conie and dangers of delay but why go teeth parison farms isuct farmers here seem• to anchor in a now unit. "Th" •pigmy, microscopic., Mae up in a po.!-• times were out of joint" the sprine, trot. A 320 acre farm is as commoe was late and he settlers earlyin the West as a 100 acre ,fa.em here, One very noticeable feature of th c Six or seven: .hundred, acre farms are , West during the east half . dozen.' year; quite •customiey, and • even faeme of hae been the rage for -speculate*. IP Much' greater 3ktent,. the East man hues to grow ricn A Weeteen farmer plabed. on al slowly by the eiweet of 11', Ilea . In Ontario fie* would feel very 0'1116h:we the. West man • hopes to grow rich sud- imagine as an Ontario 'farmer were he derey by the "teener. (e is 1.? b:, now compelled to return to . the gee - it a thought tbout farms or wheat or the or cradle and the returned sajourrie houres or lots. Let ue go, says the er .in the West hes for a titne, so 1 Reel Estate egent to the public; and what similarly Unpleasant sensations by taking thought add unto your for- An thiperialistic expaesion policy' • is tune not or.e cubit but many :ctibits. I always pleasuteaele but .eontraettoe of Almoet everybody speculates from our 'customaey exays• of eningthings doctors ot. divinity to those without.' doe is always aeecimpanied by more any; divinity at least in Winnipeg lots or lese disturbance. If this: brief ac - which is one of the frier and More coin% of eciene Western impressions is cultured forme of Western dissipation, not altogether . eatisfacte:yeto for example, you bey e 25 toot Ontario people lee- them ielleieriebedif lot to-d,y a t $15 a feet make that .it r•ay pettier s be partly con Ly on credit ani in rexnGAths ycie sidered, as rt. .ort et. Voles,* eruption sell it for $20 a foot elraeil.tg Possible due to a contimeeion oe the 'inentee $100 after all expense:: are iraid on a horivon of the writer. imasowen-a, It Pays to Check the Weed Evil What is said at the edieelersicei the Weekly Sun's special crop repot as to the weed evil 1 the prolince merits the most eerious attentioit of all progressive Winces and et the Minister of Agriculture and his de- partmental offitere. Weeds ate inere- asing and an tetreased effort is -Mt being made to thee * the pests. That ie the substance of the reports merle by the Sun correseond.nte. The most alarming feature in the sititae tion is undoubtedly found in what . said in regaed to sow thistles. One correspondent, I•4r. Ricard of Nese castle, deo not txaggerate in elassine this thistle as a treater pest than is created by a eombitetion of Weees which had been ..on iiered toluene the greatest en mies of the Ontario lartre. er. There are parte of the provinee uhich sow thistle Is elreatly al - mot it rossessi0r. ot certain fields. In such caties-ealthough hoe crop le ren season, folloiwed by butecwheat or rale hi another can lee made efieetive _ -le wille ; robably be found aldite tees well tO resort to old-time fallow.; !. ir elm' this is ,to prove sulficieni, there m.st,as e1r. Morrison letimeee de, he co-operation. There is eonmax- etieely little tb-e tn orte men el:avirer •his farm if tie weenier is, teeter) on .proeiding a fresh {limply of teeN; teat will earry for miles. eln those sec- tione of the province where sow thistle Is just s eauring n foothold, the great- est care should Lie tater. to prevent a spread -of the aced, already formee, by pellierg andburr.ing the elent. Thits the busiest seasorc of the year, b even at this seaeon 0, day cannot be better spent teen rn eleering out ill • advanceel eos's et a pestilential host. Cue, day now will In telth cases co tit for more than twenty bye later ore In regard to weeds generally, ,00 het- fer aice can be geveri than that tendered by eur torreepond_nt "Vim 4' -*thermal surface cultivation as 14 len as hare: st is off. --Wee .The eize' Varies aceerariee lo. the joints of the ethates -whieb may be e inch, 9-16 or Re The eike leell vary .s-ornewlia.t die° •vith the width of 'the Stave! • There should be •.eixeeen etaves • te1 the barrel, but it 15 impossible to, se - euro uniformity in size, without un- ihermity in 'jointing eSe well as ID the neenber of ataves, The spechleatioes for a good •eepte, beriel. call for a eouoe stave with 9. 10 inch : jointing, Cut 5 to 2 inehes, and • everaging 4 inches in width • at ' thee:. free teem large knot e shakee. The head not less thee' a. ir.ph -thickness dreseed, clear and sound 7 The 'hoops should be. 5-16 or the, thin side to 346 inch on the other., 111 thickneee, by 1 inches in width( and eiget ir number., 7 • In Neva Secetiae the use of Wit hoops is ' (mite . common, These ate made of birch or alder, and though they donot here quite the at ap- pearance ef the elm hoop, they ar6. very strong and heap: • . SE OCNI1-II A ND BARRELS. It canna be :too etrongly iinpressed upon apple-greevers. that they...should • _ AT THIS TIME OF THEYEAR Everyone needs something to create and snaintain strength for the dal:y round of duties. There is nothing better than an Ale of' Porter, the purity and merit of whieh Was been attested by chemists, physicians and experts at the great exhibe Titions. , ASH FON nailed, and the eeedlinees placed, in, it- -The fruit for the face should then, .he placed neatly 1 lir. barrel. For this .purpose it is Well to .support the bar- rel, a-- few. . inches froth the ground while perfoitiiing the operatton. The grade of the eppleie should be precise- ly the same n the feceas ip the. eeee • ' ' .the bakrel,, aad there shou1d iiot be the slightest attempt to get high -col- or d or specially perfect fruit for the Each apple is laid with the stem end down, the stem. having • Wu preeeohely eut Of with a sterninee. Upon no consideration should a Vero large or very ene01 apple be used to rakish up in the centre' of tire laze- It the apples' are colored, the second lay- er ehoeld be idaeed 'fiVO that *6 celor in the apples will show through be• tween the 'Apples for the first layer; After this secoml )layer is laid, tee: ap- ples may he turned. in from the routed - bottom liaekets, ie which the .graded apples have been • pla.ced. Never use any device that reqUireethe•apples totafl any distance' into their place table or • in the barrel. The presumption Is that the grating\ has, been done on the grading off the grading table. and that fruitof . • a Perfectly eniformegrade is put in each barrel. A each basketful is niae- ed n the barrel, the blitel shooed he shaken (racked) Jlightly, not so ae throw the apples agalitet each othet or againet the side of the barrel violetitly, but just sufficiently to settle them into place. It must r.ot be sup- posed that this racking can be eotte successfully, it it is delayed vatic the barrel is nearly rull. When the barrel is full to within two or thre lo.yere f the top, a "folic:met,' a tound piece I plaid: slightly smaller than the heal of a barrel is niated on the meld - es, and the Packer. holds this firmly in place, While ve certinues to rack. 0" shake the barrel. The effect of tele Is to make a comnaratively level aur - face upon whieb the last procees or 'titiline up' eair be done. It is well to ren -teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of One 'erthe oldest and best female phYsielans and nurses' in the United. States. Price 25 -dents a• brittle, geld by all•drug- gists throughout the war% $0 SIM and a6IC tOt1JI. Vineestowls. Sooth- ing East, Wawanos.b • Marvin lefeDowell spent last Thers- day With GoderiCh friends. • - blies A. • Iteasinore • is visieing her sister, Mrs. Whitmer of is, .0 Mr. Hell of !Toronto was vieiting ,erieita around •Wegtfielcf last week. Will. 'Snell, Jr., is" engaged With 1 4 -taffy Craig for the threshing 'season. . We are . sorry to heae, that Frenle Welsh is, 3e1,104N1Sr 1.11 with appetidecit- , Mr; and Mre. ff. Wightman aie. iris at Mr. .Wightnianes parents at present. • •e ' -t • State of Ohio, City of- •• Toledo, Limas County -ss Frank sI. Cheney makes petit that he is senior partner of the. firm of F. J: Cheney et Co. doing business In the City •of Toledo, County' and state aforesaid, ante that said firm will pay • the :sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS fot each and, peery. case of cat- arrh that cannot be .cured by the' use of Hall's Cataerh Cure. , PRANK J. CHENEY. .Swern to before me and subscribed in my presence, this eih day Of Dec- ember, A. D. 1986. A. W. GLEASON (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts dittetly On the -Mod ancf mucous surfaces of , the system Send for testimonials free. ' P. J: CHEAEY &Co., Toledn,-0. Sold by Druggists, 75, Take gall's Family Pills ,for- eon. • 1-1' • k • It not only ' • ..deliciously, delightful to — sat, but rereigi's . White Sump jell? Powder with true fruit and Wine, devote it really good for you. Ask your grocer for a pack- age. Any Of re differ- ent flavors. Price, loc. ' tie iteltatt 00.,thsiod Togo 4 0.11+44010444.0110"01 Rickets. Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny boos are nolPforming rapidly enough. Lack of nourishment is the cause. • $coira Ernattion nourishes baby's entire system, Stimulates and makes ,bone. , Exactly what baby needs, . ALL renieGGlerrei 110c. AND B1.00 0.40,10"0"0/01"0/00.1"0"01/000104 R N 'OP burns.probably° less fuel than any other range on the market, possessing the same capacity for heat- ing and cooking, Fitted with duplex or automatic grates, it is impossible to dump the fire accidentally when shaking, "and the possibilitk of unburned coal dropping through in - 'to the ash,pan and being wasted' is reduced to a minimum. The Penn Esther may be fitted ' with a perforated, iron wood -grate, if it is de- sired to burn wood -7- it _being possible to us -e the same water kont for both wood and coal. Gall on our local agent or write us direct for. catalogue. • . RECORD FOUNDRY a MACHINE Ca FACTORIES AT MONCTON. N.B. Z. MONTREAL. P Q. SALES "wapiti. NONCTOIN.B.. NONTREAL.PQ..TORONTO,ONT., WINNIPEG. MAN.. CALGARY. ALTA. Po VANCOUVER. (IC. For Sale by HARLAND.BROS. CLINTON our Horse - Gets hurt? If eriecr the horses shcm14,.be . , kickedeut a knee --strain a shoultlei- -7go latne-havt. you Vie remedy at hand to CURE the ipjery?. Kendall's Spavin Cute oughfto be in every stable aiol barn in Canada. It prevents t little horse troubles from becoming big ones-eand takes away all • signs of latheliess. With a bottle of IZendall'o Spavf:1 Cure bandi,: go. 'ate prepared (9r 'ae.eidertta that ,nA Ilia:oshsappn:reu, eti'tan a: yInti 40 c,.,e6 "'have used Xendatl's eperiii Cure with great success in innny things, • „ such ns Barb Wire Cunt and Ravi &mew," . M. J. IVIORRASON. Don'th;: without it another day. Cetn bottle a t your dealers. 31. or 6 for .0." Our "Treatise Oti lee !Tors.," tells plat what yoi ought to know about hems, their diseasts, and how to &re theia. Write for free copy•.. - DR. B. J. KENDALL co., ENosoUno Fal.L. VERMONT, U.S.A. ; 35 -Seffeeeleeeeteeeeeleteleeiree,•*.•veree. . • ,.• • . . • The speedier ' a stenographer can typewrite a letter the more valuable' • she, becomes to ow busy businos Practice does a great deal., but, correct fingering and the "Touch System," which we teach thoroughly, are of paramount importance. When the "Touch System".is mastered the operator never looks at the keyboard, but keeps her eyes on her notes. She saves the tithe lost • by the "sight 2 operator in Webbing from notes to keyboard and back to notes again -a considerable item in a Eliatr's work an a severe strain on •• the eyes- as well. ,, Our large, free catalogue tells more **about our stenographer's course and gives much ' valuable information about the di lamas of the Business Educators' Association. The supply of our graduates is not equal to the demand. • • • • • romsdr CITY BIJSINESS COLLEGE • - • ' Members of Business Educators' , • . 'J W WESTENVELt • Ailatudatioa. . • , • Principal. Londe*. " COLLEGE RE --OPENS SEPTEMB-ER 3rd • • ;fams....a.ania Farm Laborers •wWORK HARVESTING FOR Wantea ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN 20,000 MEN IN MANITOBA' ..11\40441.. • SPECIAL • 4zitoo GOING .01.•ta Additional for the Return Ticket, EXCURSIONS Lpr.R.Goi TRIP - under conditions as bejow. GOING DATES • • Aud.27 •FrOm Toronto and all Statipps west In Ontario, south of main line Of Grand Trunk Ry.,•Tororitcito Sarnia. . • A d 30 ,From Toronto to Sarnia on D.T.R. and all stations north to and in : • U •• • eluding Can. Pac. StationS.Torontd to Owen Sound— , , St A . From Toronto and east, to and including 8harbot Lake and Kingston, eP' • -Jr also north of Toronto and north of Cardwell Jct. oh G.T.R. and 'north Of Bolton Junction on Can. Pee. . , . „ ONE-WAT SECOND-CLASS TiCICETS WILL BE soul TO WINNIPEG ONLY • DetwesebtatiVe fatine-re, arvointed by Manitoba. ,Saskatchowan and 'Alberta Governments, 1_, will meet' and engage 10,010 on arriVni at Winnipeg. .,, , • . Ire° transportation will bo furnished at Winnipeg to pOirip on Cam' Pao, and Gan, Nor. Itys. whete laboreta.ate needed, east of Sloom Jaw, Ivarnsacic-and Swim River, linctud,' Mg branches,and at on cant a mile each way treat thereof in Saskatchewan . A e erastiniiiotidwcalintegibietsfir tafgut.rinal bahoetede et haa worked thirty days or more, will be honored from that. point ith each ticket., and this certificate when executed by farmer for 1 second claas ticket back to starting point S m 'Ontario, at 818.00, prior to TickeNtozi.r:Ogo,4109a. ot'i , fipecial Farm Laborers' UMW, and will be issued to women as well as to men. but will not be issued at half fare to eldldreri. ' Honfen efr,Kg:he I 0. For tull pinificalsra see • 1 C.P.M. /Went. or with lrourist Stetspe4 - At,27Sep**it; C. n.: FOSTER. b.P.A.. C.P.M.:i TOliONTO m. , t. tO sod 24 New Telephondirectory THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Is about to publish a new issue of the OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for thediatriet of Western Ontiiiin, including the toivri of Clinton. Orderefer new cmineetione, dieter ti of Hem names-, changes of street fir- thesses oi for doplieate entries shined be banded in at (Mee to , GRAND TRUNK"'" SYSTEM • CHEAP RATES TO PACIFIC COAST. Where are you going to spend, the • summer. Here are a few suggestions.. Portlathdo Ore, Los Angeles Cal, Spokane Wash., Reagan& B. C., Vancouver B. C., Helena Mont., San- Franeisco Cal., Lethbridge Alta, Cheap rates to all the allow places. SPECIAL SIDE TRIPS, Tickets are also available via Sar- nia and Northern' Nes. Co. Tickets are now procureahle. Valid until Oct. 31st. • Call and see Grand Trunk Ticket i Agent and he will theerfully give you t'S Clara ttuifibtlill MIA1.130ar.t1P6a.titiatriego'n, »eot Agefilb• Local Manager. I. fl, TIodgens, Town Agent • • 17