HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-22, Page 22 ft • P 4." 4 -ACCURACY." It " 41000114000,01111.940110900000001 , a Oink Neva -Record August 22t d, 1907 • • 'Keep your blood cool • Your stomach sweet Your temper, too, so. Fruit Balax. will do it. It stops beadaehatoo, 25e • 110 cum Powders, Toilet" I Waters, Toilet Soaps • and Sponges. *Test Wawanosh Cornea met n•s tier akt olratueut, MeMbers au ,'rent. The treasurer's statement showed balance ofi band of $141.84 ; rseelved and filed on mot•ion of Thomson al.et Medd. The Reeve ati4 treasurer sesre, empowercd to bor- row 11,000 for township purposes and a by-law vtas drawn up confirming the same, cheques were issued to the amotint of 1538 in payment of ac- eoents: The tolanell adjourned to mset on Saturday, October 10th, at 10 o'cloelt. • That weft% fired condition will soort thane by the we of Maid's] Compound Iron, Pilla SO dests for 26 cents. 'Eight barnin the ;vicinity of Kings .statt were struck isy lightning during a • thuuder storm last week and were .destroyee. . . 42- A. solid • 6aek all bristle :: 27. Hair. Brush, worth 50e • ' - 44' I" Millerts Graudies wel tin.ke a cleat * • for 250. : complexion. Sold l'y VV, e. 11/1aConee11 • Se, druggist, Clieten, • its • ' • " .--e- ''' Four foreigners aro dead of bubOaie e. . ej • • a tie t San ifra msco • P»l 'I'M. S. R. HOLME t Man frg Chemist es' • • • • ••••••••••••••••,•iriemego -RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE - g a n • . • • • "e • - It • THE CLYDE STALLION LORD STANLEY Will stand fm. the improvement of *leek for the season of 19.7 at his own stable, on Lot 24, • Con 2, Stanley. Lord Stanley is a light bay. so ipe, nigh hind fetlock white. He was foaled June 2Ith, 19 5.' PEDIGREE: Sieibn (imp) ni3375] (11933); 0 len laggn n (imp) [4605] (166), Brikerfield (imp) [487] (419). Scotland Yet (imp) [345] (1292). Captain Watt imp) [231](4 darn Mi .nie Glenlag- gan [5840], May. TERMS: To insure $8. A LBERT NOTT. Proprietor' NoPtheyn Navigation Company HOME 'SEEKERS EXCURSION 'TO NORTH WEST ON STEAMERS SAILING JULY 3rd., 17th.,» AND 31st. !Return farm to: Hattlfore, Sak $39.00 ; Brandon, Mara, $33.55 ; Calgary, Alberta, 140.50; Edmoiallon, Alberta, $42.50 ; Mooselaw, Sasl., $36.00 ; Prince Albert, Sask.,' $38.50 Regina, Sask., 135.75; Saskatoon, Sask., $38.50 ; Strathcona, Alberta, $42.50 ; Winnipeg, Man., $32.00 and other points in proportion,. Rates include stateroom berth In second class. quarters to limit • el steamer's capacity. Meals .50c eaolie Steamers leave Sarnia for Sob1, Port Arthur and Duluth every Mon- day, Wednesday ar.d Friday at 3.30 . • p. Full informat•ion from all G. T. R. agents or address C. H. Nicholson, Traffic Manageri -Sarnia, Ont. MY* Real Estate for Sale FARMS FOR SALE -ONE AND A •quarter miles from church, post - office, wheel and the ,village of Auburn. Suitable for grain or grass. Lot 27 on the 2nd con. West Wawanosh consisting of 100 acres of land, 15 acres under bush. and the balance nearly all grans. A brick house, a bane barn. 521(60, a driving house z4x36 with a cement pig house underneath, are on said premises. Also lot 28, Emit Wawanosh, 2nd con., (Directly oppos- ite said lot 27, containing 100 acres of land, 15 acres of which are basil. On this lot there ,is a bank barn 40x60.' There are 4 acres of good bearing orchard on the two farms. Both lots are well fenced and un- derdrained. A never failing spring runs across both farms. Possessiell can be given at •orme. Terms easy. The proprietor is now past the age to farm. -Apply to Thomas Nick olson, Auburn P. 0. Prompt reply will be given to all communica- tions. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT., - Lot 13, con. 18, Goderich »township» consisting of 80 acres, 65 acres cleared, balance btlsh.» Good barn and corafortable house. Well wat- ered by two good running streams. mile from school and 1 mile from postoffice., Will be sold on easy, terms. -Apply to T. T. 'Murphy, Clinton, 35 tf FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER - signed offers for sale part of lot 40 on the Hayfield Road, 1 mile south of Clinton, consisting of ..20 acres. Good frame house With st- orm cellar, barn 36x70 tvith cement basement. Easy terms. - J. A. Smith. » 40 rARm won SALE. -Loir »Z4, CON. 2, Stanley, containing 140 acres, 10 acres of bush, the remainder is well ' kneed, underdrahled and in a gortd state of cultivation. 1 acte of et - chard and amall fruit. On thepre- wises fa a two story trick hense with slate roof, a firstelass farni house. a barn, elets 44 X 80 with stone stabling„ a (Ardent silo 14100. goodlfelving house, pig pen and be house. Two never -Mil - lug wells. This farm is situated $ Miles from Brucefield, 6 front Clin. ton and eh send graVel road* Apo ply oti tb premieeti or addresit &bort Nett eilittiCat P. O. 02 FALL TERN' OPENS , SEPT. 3rd. STRATFORD. ONT. • . THIS SCHOOL B1•4 BEING THE BEST HAS BECOME. THE LAIlEr- EST BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOL IN , THE WEST. WE HAVE, THREE, DEPARTMENTS commertbIAL, SHORTHAND, AND TELEG-RAPHY.. IF' » INTERESTED IN ' OBTAINING A PRACTICAL EDUCATION, » ,WRITE FOR . OUR NEW CATALOGUE. GRADUATES ASSISTED TO POSITIONS., tiyon County T e Kidneys .ews a ere When they are %mkt tor1/4 , IA or stevrtanti. the wbok 0 system suffer*. Don't nog' R d R mit:, of the lect thea One* but ews,.. ecor • Readers ttzle . , face sallow coilexioo Are Oats In South Huron 'ItheWOrst in Twenty Years ? ' • . • ^ Of alt the correspendents who re- ported in The stun, otly two predict a yield in grain generIlly, beyond the average. One or two .prOtuise a eroP equal to lase yeas. All the others prediet a Market shorta,ge compar-, ed with- 1000, some stating tha,t the crop will not be over half that of last year, The at crop will urndoubf- edly be very ellort, damage to this being almost miversal, The rePorts as to peas are inost 'satisfactory, tthere having been pineticelly no ifamage to tbie•ertei, with a considerable increase in average. • . Oats Worst Su 20 years. R. B, lVfaclean, reporting from South Hum, says the fall wheat where not damaged by insects, is , in most cases better than last year, Barley will he a fair crop, although the beads are shbrt. In some case o on, goon ground, peas will give yield equal to last year; they appear to be free froth wee- vil, Those sown in the latter part of May will yield abeut thirty builiels per acre "The oet crOP is the re or - had very good aatural ability atel HettffiltU el°riiggy 7uPd":01ehil:rea'a4ncril, Ivola.pner4ginsitaenne:1, aerr:(-11, Ail very erv:oyabl , time 'was spoIrt. iiy prompt, cerreet jueeonent. It is net about seventy-five gueots from lIerisalt I work for the bloeeering,. car,eleLoS, tint! and Maple Grove at St. .loseplt. on id man. The wtrer titc stook the bet- Friday everiing. Those assemble] est in twen"...y years," says Air, Mac- ter the. owner Must be, or both will the guests of Misses Shirray at Cook lean. "The attaek upon the leaf come to grief. I who secured and fitted up a commotli- winch I believe extends ovcr a larg•e It would he worse than useless for •ous, unoccupied iesidence for the oc- Part of Western Ontario, reduced ti the ordinary man to pay 1100 or more casion, yield 01 this grain by &mot oneetiercifor prize birds, He could not Care fori Thomas "Sturgeon, who some time Chances are also against »qua1ily in them to make them do their best; ago was taken to the House of Refuge this croe. Oats form the » prinelpal could not ana,te ,lnem to »ptoduee the as a payin4 inmate departed; this- life grain, Crop grown en South Huron, right results, ane. could not , sell on Monday. He had „ never married The acreage in Wheat sbas been grow- their produce at paying prices. He but was a eareful,industrious man and ing less for some vea,rs." • might net even bave the kill eel had accumulated sufficient means te The condition of the oat crop is nerve and money to exhibit such stock maintain him :.oriefortably during bis Very unsatiSfactory in South Huron as its merits emend. Yet in the declining years, Taken.' ill smile time report, Samuel Smillie• The straw heeds of the man with knows what» to months ago it was thought that at tho eis short, some leaves are rusty in do with ik, the highest -priced birds House of Refuge he would receive bet - 1 color, and the beads are AO v,•ell-011ed might be one of re best possible in- ter care titan it was possible. to give Iout. Barley is fairly good, but hairvestmemts. Mat is $100 for a cocker- in a private bone. Two nurser, were -caused sonic damage about Hensall.' el If the oWn.tr ear. sell a dozen, or provided and everything possible done Fall wheat shows a larger acreae,e1 mare ef the chicks for $25 to $50 eath to alleviate nis spfferinga. The inter- , Mr, Smillie's •ieetiore .There I are and get $3 to $10 per sittieg for eegs9 meet took, place to Hensel]: Union scene fine 'Delds nut some are patelml Anybody who tried to malse the mostt Cernetery, Rev, le, .20., Smith cow- : in with. barley. The '''-''hrop on the of pure beds soon discovers that the, ing. home Odin Litman to officiete al , wholewill not ' en equal 'to last year. I higher the quality and price the more the last sad rites. • I The acreage in peas shows a slight in-' skill is required to teach the riglit• IVIissea Mary and Chrissie Thompson , crease with rai appearance of clarhagelelaes af buyer, and a great many : of Toronto aro guests of their aunt, Olf roni mildew • or weevil; and a •gooll point must peemesidered ell along Mrs. ,Geo. Brown, and ether relatives , prospect for yield. Toeing crops gen- the line that are cl slight importance, here- , . , eralln, however, they will not equal special are the requirements ,of a stic7.1 The Bell family held their: • annual t the returns .ol, last year. in plain poultry» aed eggefasming... So picnie to 'Haytield on Saturda n 1, a • cessful handier of Taney • poultry that ha,d a pleasant outing. some fanciers have giVen up» the pro -1 Mrs. Tom aKelly and Miss Nellie is Truancy in Children Cured bg» Some Physical Defect? ' clueing er,d of he business. .They ern.-, Stonemaa•ere eusticating at Grand ploy reighbors or aceuaintanaes to Bend. ,. » » . raise the birds; Lind therneelves do ]Liss » Hazel Tait » of London» is tics..., nothing but mate the flosks and attend.; guest. of per ceusin, Edna Neelando• • to the exhibitiona, the buying: and sera; We are pleased To learit that Duman ing, tele advertising and the correspon-' MeEtean, son of Alex. 1VIcEwane who ' driver lrovis Nest dame.. The objections to dividing the wee engine on the There Is good eommen sense and , Now, if a -physical examination. by a businels in.this way are evident, buto Pass section C. P. R. and whese leg Elliott & jeLachlau keen Oomprehension,of child riature in physican will eeveal the cau.seol et a Ot 'is Dotter in- tits 4ong run than to Was so badly crush sl by his, engine as the atguereet 'of Dr. Cronin, of New child's failure in sehooL an 4 if meeicel try to raise a lot of seock it crowded to rkuire•atnputatiett just belbw 00 London, that Truancy, is•caused in the:- to thee rescue vast majoritysof eases by seine pliysi- Cither .failure ot seeial ' rebelliont ' li theses chuttrett ' ' 110"'• ialist;.fr, pure hreds ahould have a. fair- Albert Whiteside," Wird of our detees cal defect. which ldnders the child iii they are so. cured as to • be eble to' eized' farm with not many near neigh- tive ithil, io an autheritg on flax pulls its school work. Be thld the Cora shine in schoel, their development as: bors, should coeflne himself to one ieg. Ile state e that nie own record of 1?"have been breed, and keep well-paid 'pipers .*•,h-• : three quarters of an. acre in nine houre gress that .tie per :cent oi the. children good eitizeno- is ' we1l-n40 aesured. •Ia truant school& were -found tehe-eni- , They. willeheve-icarnede-the--great lesefi-ca.efe_steinottriSTPees.lict'oto'°, ,f4.01Unn:Vat- igell,10; i'a,arrindi hheaso"uylt ilit;'tli.eitc.eriti:Ifarl.,n.gzher(r.ocpoottni,:4_apitilliioluagllir. tering from such. defects ; and that son that clevernss can. cheer. ite high- tone . 'a, . y a_ ei . these defeats .evere est wages by eonformieg to the regua N tr te wort 1 f . is room for 'wide range ; no round bitri.1 Verily this felloW must. remedied by 'medical relief; the. child-, lalions'of .society aterwork-ir.g on the ,bether wi h mixing' breeds; and plen--haye been a greased whirlwind. ren became nor:nal,. Mentally and mot- ; lines if least esoistariee„. Butifit • be c)r of, opportunity for tite owner to I. ' , • . • . . • • . ally and developed. into good etudentsa turned aside front the beaten path by' advance as fast as his brains and . ' ------ • .The „child is the _father of the mad a stUmbling block in the form el some ambition permit. The owner his • the 1, Miller's. Conioorted -•ti•tn Pills, t al}, in that it likes to do the tbir.•g that physidal hindrance ' to effective school Whele affair tinder his control, and is ' -- ,e. yea' oo el A. 25 centh for eu 1 ises., ; I .. , • it can do well, Lied hates to do hat recitetioe, and lieds out the superfieial Yet able t° safely' piece or: ethers - 9, ' it . can oply do pporly. If it plays • a c but tern]) tir.g je Ye of rebellion • the •, 1 MrConeell, dreggist, die ton. fond of that game ; while, if it cannot a man Or warner, at wee with soeiety, th't° keSepitng'elaperlasorgill; Ili' aanvdiebeetIrlailo(116 hrgreColdies; la)Yt. s • . and Some n any .game ,partiettlarly .Well, it will be very freedene it will israbably develop . . play it well, it will wily. engage iri it sCornf ol of emtrietions which most once,' but*.their success ets generally reluctantly,. . prefereing some-. "other folk obey and. dee for crime when .the.shallowe To really master • one • breed gene Pr which it can "excel. The pinze seems suilicieetly attractive. is' eneugh for one mar, and.. will bring all the busineas .he gat attend fe• same ppnelpie precisdY nPO4e1 . to The free' and ihsrova sekamioation' him PRINcIPALS " York before he lniereat4onai 'Con. treatment *ill einove these calf g, quarters. , r gree of Scheel Hygiene new sitting in obviously it will ray the communtry • tneoitas made a good-reeovery and „., To have things just eight the spec -i eopected home in the near •futuie, ±.....o4o40000io.•••••••••± lAillllilltSC8:1011/ I Opens Sept. 3rd in all depnit: 'I menu: of the CENTRAL BLYSI- , ' NESS C 0 L.LEG E. Yon ge• , and IGerrard Ste .Tormitia. Our mit- , eh•gue'expleina nu/ superiority • ' in Equipment, SAliff,Methodsetod ' schooleen•k which brings beSt• i . Results. You ate invited to write, for it if intereated in the kind of , i success. Address • • • W. ft. StiA.W., Principal. •••••••••••••••••••••******* _ . S . • aesesee. That is how you • feel at this time of „the year: . , .. • We carry a . full , line of Freah Gro- ceries and Fancy Cakee. You will be Sure to flnd .in our stock aornething that will please you. We have some very pretty Dinner Sets, Odd Pieces of China and Glass, ware that would maim nice !presents for June brides.-- . • PLES AN BOTH, FALL AND WINTER For which the highest 'prices ivia be paid. • . Don't sell until ydu See me or one of ray agents personal- ly. • D1 CANT ELO CLINTON. ounEit YOUR YEAR'S SUIL PLY NOW. THE, »13EST IN ,.THE "WrARItET, $7 PER TON,. BUT IF ORDERED AND PAID FOR BEFORE litA.Y 31st, » A DIS- COUNT OF 40 CENTS A TO WILL BE ALLOWED.- • Orders left at Davis & Rowland's will be promptly attended to. W. 3. »Stevenson Slab For • Sale WE ITA.V. POR SALE. A QUANTITY OP HEMLOCK, .SLABS, CUT 10 INOIIES LONG S1.11VADI. FOR RANGRS. • • 0 • • in Ili° clan -room and' wins ' ithe an- dams ie. one of lite cheapest measares *ood ma,n,, on breed, one fa,rrn, is a school work. If Ine child is •iL success of sChool children by co eter.t physi-*O6e planse and cavy of its fellow pupils's that society can lake tO,,protect itself . thereby, it likes Class -room week. Its against the wholesale manufacture of ' (recollect recitaIons give it the -"ificapables"» ata crimieale The rn - zucknovv cy which it eosts will be saved, ia ter:i times over•in reactie Work, hro- pic and pence. expsnses. It is' weeding the garden , plot when the' weeds areleung end tetr'..1r, For Mon - treat -to have the slightest doubt about, the•cor.tinzatiore of the system which such excellent woes last winter. 'wbuld be th hei t stu tilit " 't necessary to guard . our childreni againat the traps *Melt atvait.igeole. (Ince physical degeneracy and soeial.' .ineece iit; ehild World, that it love But if it 'cannot succeed ire school, it naturally dislikes an occupation which exposes Its weakeiessea': and it 'these weeeneeses ate eere Marked and the exposure very huniffiating, it will run Away rathei• than eubmit. Into this result, courage ,..tters as well.. A cow artily lad may .stav n -the echoel, even When he dislikes it, because he is afraid to rebel while a Mose spirited • boy with greater courage, bit» precise., .1y the same metSal endowments, *ill play .•trump. • . on .rebellipni as .t'ayrotect theta against .fire,e-Ster.. • , The Poultrg Business Requires a High Degree of Skill and Intelligence 1 . . • • • - The. breech of , the licetV.ry. businese Red, and' a • sonde thoro:teli working 1 :Which ..regnikee ehe highest degree . e!,» knowledge of the uiftleelyirer prieciples, skill and intelligeme is that of, ham:- • •The part of tne bu,skness Which aP- ling purebred stoe'e "Oily one With a peare most diffieult te the observer is . little experleire can obtain Many »goon'. that of the Mang: *Tt is very 'dna. 'testa ts with • market paultryeor a. era . arransing ne pen for breeding purs floc 'e of hens kept for egg production panes and preparing fowls, for exhibi- A poultry -Man with good nuenteSS ' floe': .-.Pee3 which. would Toa4.the best: ability can succeed in. •market poultry apPeararsie as ni). exhibit Might; and .in farminser eshig about the eanie .(tegree fact have, in eetual esperience, given' of abilitY that is xeqineed for.succeso- vcry poor •rutilis ' as bk.:Kling pens. i ful dairy' farming. But to build lip. e A very .proinknent and slice:WW1 breed-' 'lasting .paying besieess le mite -breed er says : "We i'.01.1Sider. . not so much' poultry ..requireg . a .eonthination (S.' :the individuals . at; what, is haek nil qualifleatiOns for :the .othet bra:nchea thetio." The phrase' at °nee.' suggests' Of the inisiness, and, in addition, ( how complieithil L• „the prebt mi. Very high grade ef spethal ',skill • , in The breeder• must not enly, 'know all meeting ibe reeuiteit•conditions. i about the beeed and its (realities ane it 100? 'i 'eaey for. theite.ginnerto buy • requirements, end" milk not only be a few eggs:of tome prominent breeder a ju e o ge e I to ex.. ence of ita, , .• and raise puzebred chickens, ' It an- dividealss but mu 't exteer their family 'pears that he :blIS'a fair elia.nee of get- history and lithe:ling., in order to male . tip'some Stoll( that will win prizes, combination s whichwill, offset ',..wea"c becauSein a sense he 'starts With -the' points and • Arengthen the strong skill and expert nee. of*the breeder be- points Intim direction he .desires. ..e , bind liim, beginnelig where1.he 'breeder game of •chess is n,:simple matter eorn-, 16aves oft, Yet 1i' man wi a starts in pared with matieg two or three score this wary. wed .16d,..; that there is MON of breeding penn to produce ternbilna-: in thc bysiness than apPeare;d at first, tons that, will not only give certain and fie iS by, no meansable to lease in-' tins of .exeelleme for one SeaSon, but otheifiro:t.sst: ;!an.ks; of the 'faileY 'Potd- which will leo% towards results ryhtsn .. . . .' years to come. • A great Many hours' Another plan sometimes adopted , ls of careful thought muse be spent in to buy ue prize-wioning poultf,y. It study of birde tied .their recants, is followed by men of ambitien and ' Soinetimes the combitation ,of blood . capital who helieste that money. can (10 is more Or iess-ct"itit eeeterirnent and- anythihr. The.y .in about among the requires eonsiderable thought tofigute exhibitors and breeders arid piek out out tit: best. • plan. The sue'essfut the best birds regardless of price. This breeder must, have, brains in, his head Mgr...may of courl;e succeed Jos. a, time , to repeatedly win prizes againSt a " eSeepeize Wills are prize birds' who- competition , ' from all parts of the ever Owns thmi, but it is. far 'different c6untry.' -.It Is "found:WA-in many 01.. from building lin a Permanent, paying these loeg-eelabliolied lines Of blood. busir.ess. » If Often haireena that \ the the prize-winning nualfty has become nnth» who h8 beugbb up the' bmt 'established, and ..., bird, will be ',pointed stook ter be nad ' at enormous" cost 'out as a ,prize \vim!' r Ivhich is the sett finds himself. seaten 10 a yeir or two of another prize winner, himself a son »by somebody' who,. has bred his stock of fanions prize vintners in, yearg gdae hintead of buying, It. 'It is well known by. But to ettablieh Abe lines and to that stock picked up in this miscellan-» keep them up, that's tilt' diffiaty. 1 eats way often ileteriorates .greasly lit . Only now 'and then is the pare -bred. the setond ',generation, beeause the polltry-business , .plaeed an a really Combination of svoins and inetviduals solid basis ; that is, Made to Pay well produces very necertain and uneven,re- for a ion.. terin Of years, with a 0"0:ts, especially when, the COMbinatiOnsteadily improving nuality of pro.. is nide by perioug without a know- duets. In such instances. it will tii. ledge of the history of the straini un- tally be iota thAt the successful man • ' • • • H. E. Ree'41dge and wife, of Chicago, 'accompanied by Mre. W. U. Little, .of Ridge -town arrived in their auto» this week to tae part in the family »gathering of Mrs,. E. J. Smith, :Mrs, Will Muechison, Of » Buffalo, who attended the Kincardind re -union, Spent: „a few days here visiting friend.; and returned ,home Saturday. ' About tvvettty "fieople took. in the L G. Q, P.. excursion • to Sarnia or. Sat- urday. • Mr, Donald McKenzie and." 'wife of Toledo, 0., »tre here for their ennual holiday, • , , ' .• 1 Senior Teachers' ' Examination Toroeto, , August 14. -The senior tt.achers" examinatien results were is- sued to -night by :the department. The successful students » were : , �» C. Alexander, part 1»; • J. T. Beane part 1 e W. II. Birks,. part, 2 ; R. Bryan,part 1, honors.; W. Cameron, part el ; A. M.» Canipbell,1 part 2; V. -"Davidson, next 2, honora ; J. 'Elliott, part 2 e te H. Fraser, pgrt 1 ; M Gordon, i...art 2, hoeors W 0' IlenrY, part 1»»; R. R. » }lottery, part 2 ; W. F. Hiscox, Imre 2; M. M.' Jone Mopatt 2; It. »»L Kilty, part 1 ; Wij N, eteQueen,, part 1 : mustarty • n Pa , a W. 33 50 ; ' 4 pari 9 • N},1 Phe.rsoo, part 2,' lienors ; F. 0. E. Nae.el, part .• 1;»R. Rutherford,' bart 2 ; W. 0- »S',tesvart, part 1 ; F. Swann, part ; F. Steam, 1.. part, .„o.W. J. stneylli, part 2, honors ' J • M • Strange, Nut 2; R. G. Seott,1 part 1; E. D. Tiplady, part ; G. I Troypart ; E. J. Whitaker, part 1, lier.orse and part 2 ; E. Wiley, part 2; P. G. Nilson, part 2, artin-Orme Pianos There are many new fea- _turesin the Martin -Orme Plane worth knowing about. One, for instance -the "Violoforin° sounding board increases the tone of the in- strument and makes it sweet.. er as the piano grows older, , There »are varioua styles and » priees of the Marti& Creme, but only ono quality - and that the best. Where the Martin tOrme Piano is not represented, we will ship direct te your near. est station and guarantee sate delivery. » . „Write, for deseriPtiVe booklet; prices and terms to -day- sent free to any address. • ORME S. SON' Limited OTTAWA DPI?. . • Tbe gr6st printing pa.ner merger in the North Central States: is being or- ganized by the Internatienal Paper Cempaty of Nevv York, •- Ai -this •Great Stock .; Reducing Sale: We flielthat our stock is much heavier than it should hq at this time of the year, so we have decided to reduce it at woney-saviug p1 iensto the pur- chaser. Starting Friday Morning" Augu-t Ot h, and' con- . through the next two weeks, we 11 ill sell • our -*entire stock at greatly redueed prices. HERE ARE A FEW: QUOJATIONS: Men's Summer Underwear 111 tine 'Merino,- regular $100 for . .75 ; . » Bann iggan Under w ear, regulnr 70e for , Balbriggan Underweaaregular • 50e for . • .39 2 Ifett's reit, ••hard ,and" E and Americen hest. 'makes, regular $2.50- and $3.00 for • . .. . .. 1.59 O Men's Readvnittae Suit s, all U• good material,and guaran- teed to wear well, regular $15 00 for...." • .. ••• . • . *apt 111•75 112(X) for, 6.90 fore . 7.90 $8 50 for.. , ..... ..., 6.25 • 160YFr Reltay.made' -T. regular $7.00 for„ „ 5.50 $0,00 anc. Sfi.50 fee 5.00 $4.00, $teell and $5 for. 3.75 FURNISHINGS • • 15e Collars it•r 10e; 25e Ilene - U. es for 20e; OW Eraceet for 80e; 60e Ties for -40e; 25c Ties foe 20e; $1.25 and $1 50 Fine Shirts for - $1,00; $1,00 fine Shit ts for 850; 15c finelehirtsfoe 0:ir; 50c Sox for 40e; 25c Sox for 20e. _ STRAW HATS, . NEW STYLES, iileSs. THAN COST •Oome early while choice the best and secure some of these entre values. Jacobs reasiniimainataaraniiinioneinitesima the urinary disorder, an4 begin treatmentat oncemrith Hood's Sarsaparilla which contains the hest and safest curative sabstanom Por teetinsasSak of reensuitable owe* *god for look on RadOrlso C. I. Hood Co.• taws% MINIEP ___41 • Yee, it is true, 1 was very, weak and Miller's Compound fi-ore Pills made me strong, Sold Ly W. A. druggist, Clinton. Voters' List 1907 Municipality of the Town o Clinton _ Courity ot biltU011. Notice is heieby given that 1 haVet• transmitted or delivered to the Pete sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of I the» Ontario Voters' Lists Act. the ' copies required by,said sections to be so transmitted or delivered ot tbe lists made persimpt to said Actf» all per, sons »appoating by the last revised As-, sessment Roll of the said Munleipalitsr to he mottled to vote at »electians for Members of the Legislative Asseneley and at Munieipal Realms; and that. -the said list was first posted up in nay office in Clinton. on the 3•d• d ty ot August, 1907 and remains there for in, spection. » Electors ate called upon to examine „the said list and if avy ore- ntissinni or' other errors are found therein,' to » take inimecliate peoceed- ingn to have the satderrors corrected according to law. " Dat Xd this 3rd (ley of Aggust, 1907. D. MACPHERSON, aerk. Fa- It Tefrin Opens Sept 8 - It pays to attend the - • ' • -- ELT,IOTT • - TORONTO, ON'.- . » »A Corner , Yonge and AleXandeX, Steeens.. • •PHD SCHOOL THAT RANKS FIRST IN II-10110:UGHNESS, POP- - CLARITY AND GENUINE MERIT. ' .0CE, ATTEND ATeiCE IS GREATER. STUDENTSAVER,E PLACED IN POSITIONS AND Al BETTER SALARIES THAN, IN ANY PREVI- OUS YEAR. WRITE TO -DAY. FOR •HANDSOME OATALOGUt. • , . •. . . EI436171';, PRINCIPAL.. • of Fall Fairti » » !. 'Hayfield, Oct: 1 and 2 • _ . Western Fair,. el••ept., 6. to 14 Exetere , Sept. 16 and 17..; Seaforth, Sept .19 and 20 ' Listowele Sept. .34 aren-25 ' 13Iytb, Sept 23 and 24 ,St. Marys, 3ept 25,..arlil 26 ' Wingham, Sept • and 27te. .. • . Goderiebe Sept. 25, 26, 27. • Brussels, . Odt. 8 and 4• Kirictone S and 4 • „ TAKE RIVAL HERB TABLETS' • .FOR STOMACH,' LIVER, KIDNEYS AND FOR CL- EANING THE BLOOD, POP . ' SALE BY W. A. McCONNELL . CLINTON. WHOLESALE FROM THE RIVAL HERB • AGENCY, KINCARDINE. NOW' IS THE TI.3.11.E.-7-TO PLACE your order for Feating before the advance in price. USe • the Coil ' Spring Wire made by the Canadian Fence Co of ;filch I am agent in this district.- s_am also agent• .for "••• . • the celebrated lIeintzman Piano,-- . F. W. Evans; 'Beer 155 Clinton PO. ' • 650FET .BINDERtWINE FOR '14C.. --: DEERING EINDER TWINE ,MAlM » FROM PURE MAN- ILLA, ,650 ET» PER POL'ND AT 14 CZNTS » PER POUND, BUY tAnkt. .MUIRPHY. Agent Deering Harvester Mach- inery, Clinton. - Cream Separators " No »article' on the farm » pays the farmer -better» than a Create Sone arathr, When buying, buy » the best That is the DeLavai. 1 am • agent for it in this district.—» . The Cyclone Fencing The Cyclone Wire Fencing hsa the two great» requisites -it looks „ well and, lastava, long time. Be, fore placing srour onto let me show: you WS feneirig and quote you prices. JAS. APPI,EBV. :Clinton