HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1907-08-22, Page 1int
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News -Record will be sent to any address in 'Canada till the end of 190? for Tiventyofive Cents
a- Diamond
Get it 4,ighto--Get• it Here
'Even though you may haVe intended to get it elsewhere, don't
fail teoee whet we can do for you. We can Pave you money owing
to the price encreasesi whiohlIONe taken place slues our purcbaSes,
one to three years age. The stone we sell will be a real investment.
because it will always be worth what we charge you for it. What
else CAD ypu buy to 'which this same advantage attaches? No
krinible torobow you. -
.,ervatler and Opilicia4.'. Clinton 1:
'The SovereigH Bank el Canada
'• Pohl Up Capital: . . $3,000,000.
0 Jensixatis Jaavis", Esq, ', - _ presiden't .
11.s.zspozpis micnermn.n„ Esq., First Vicg-Fre.sidest
A-. AeAIXAN, ASA.; • • Second Vice -President
.t. . .
f nom D. 3/C.311i,LAN, - Roil.: PETER McIAREiv,
/ ARCH bi.MPBEL.1., Esq„ MX. -W., K. McNatmere, E.sq., M.P. '
Ar,Ex. Barren, Esq., K.C.,
A. E. DIM/MT, Esq., M.P.
F. G. inianiserr, ° • R. Casettes,
General Manager Asst. Ge,tscral-Arattagr.
Satb-IS .BankT1eparhUllt• : -
Interest at best current rates paid quarterly.
Clinton and Brucefield
The &Ming Bank of- Canada
Head 011Ice Toronto.
0. T. SOMERS, President." W. K. GEORGE, Vim -President
F. W. BROUGHALL, General Mugger.
A general banking business tiansaeted,
Interest on savings accounts credited quarterly.
BAYFIELD BRANCH open -Monday, Wednesday , Friday each week:-
VARNA BRANCH open Teesday, Thursday anc1Saturdyeach week,-
WM. BEATTY, Local Manager.
Meet 800 to 85e.
Oath 45e.
Peas 70c. ...
Bexley 450 Oa 48e.
Butter 15e to ific.
Eggs 10e to .tGe.
There is a movement te have
Thankegiving Day procleineed for A
Monday, itetead of Thursday, DS bee
bereafter been 40ne. Toall who. wish
to visit away from home and they are
many, Monday M the better day
wt n low rates edmmeacing on Satur,
day it gives an tilting 'el three OW
instead et or.e. 'rite chanere would be
•generally a,epreciated, and add to the
thankful slat
Dr. Fowler. returned 00 TOWAY
from Manitoulin . Island with nineny
ilead of eteekera Iwkiell he bought for
Mr. Render& The Dr. says the Js -
land farmers' are in, hard lucle their
creps having been almeit a Jaen.
Ilay is Ow selling at $25 a ton and
eats at sixty cents per bustler elle
had fie get even at thet price. Of
pastine there isalmoet none and the
tree are 'browsed up as high as the
cattle can reach. The oatloole being
so poor the farmers are disposing of
their Stock asrapidiy as possible,
Alex.. Inglis die& at the WaSerley
House on Tuesday night. after a few
'hours- illness. He was' a native of
Scotland but carne tO this part . witlr
two. of big brothers over thirty year$
ago rend • he Continued a resident of
Clinton or :vicinityever since. He
Was unmarried, seventy, years of age,
and bad no relatives in this country,
but:tee:is-sister -ineScotland•and a
bbther ineld evade- He -Was' "es mene
ber 'of 'Murray Camp S.' C. S.• in
Yhich he held an.. insurance of $1.000.
The funeral yesterday was in charge
"Svliich. he held an insurance of 1000.
-ducted by Rey. lids. Hackney: •
The Summer Season is nearing the end Which means
we have old Sizes and Makes of
different goods.
Here 4,a: .:Ch140.0
for You
idoien Men's White Bhirts;e4 slightly soiled,
odd Sizes., regular 25c and $1.00 .
8 only -Men's Wash Vests, slightly soiled; to
clear at doe* ii•••• •••41 •ips. .26
9 only: -Men's Wash Vets, regular 75c* and
$1.00, tO dear at •••• ••,0 .50
only -Boy's Wash,Suits, regular $1.50 for fa-
4 only--TBoy's Wash Suits, regular $2.50 and .
$8.00 for.....oil** •.s&.. 1.60
4 dozen Shirts and Drawers in plain and fan.
ey colors, regular 37ig for...... .
3 dozen Boy's Black Bib Overalls, special at .26
"A Square Deal for Every Min."
This stoic ClOseS at 7 0, lefevery iiventrig except Saturday
„during july and AlIgttAti• '
Successors to Hodgens Bros. Clothiug Store
A 'representative �f The NewssIte-
cord happened I 0, drop hit° the • fire
hall about eleven o'clodt Monday
night and, found Captain Kerr at .the
top of the fifty •.- foot .tower letting
gown the hose which bads -hem hung
up to drie Harry Glazier 'as at the
•bottom pulhng ea the big tope wbile
BillyMRae, rnbSharp and Charlie
ilellyar• were winding the hose on to
the reels. All four were working
cheerfully andhard and We reallikszt
better than ever how Much the.brige
bele nee to do and host little they get
for it; -
Any booze iihero' .
None that we could see, but it oc-
curred to, us hat after their toil, they
had been out llIng. a tan, *fresh -
Meets .of some Rind would have. been
It Would not be amiss if the town
council made scene prevision tergaich
occasions,- -
The fiterneti get the, baralsO,le
•of one and a, quarter dollars
Rev. W. D, Magee his decided to
cept the call te 'Unite% Mani., and
will leave to that •place at an early
date. *Clinton's. lose, will be lifaeiteu's
gain. -
Th „
meteireemi pareecaogy and Paine.
istry given by Prof. °laden. or. Thorss
day evening laot wins mircleeuioyed by
those presett. The Prof. has a sleep
knowledge of the subleet -mil has SS
well an entertaining way of imparts
in information, -
The P. Ws of Ontario meet in con-
ventien in the 'rumple Building, Tor -
on the 3r4 Sept. In the evening
a banquet' is to be held aA McCon-
key's at 'Which it is expected the pose,
mater -General amt some Of -the de-
partmental elders will speak.
. ,
eIr, A. R. Sinith Was, ID Toronto ye;•••
terday. 1
Mr. E4. fcd.Croessuacls:yen. ie home trom 004-
e,51r. and Mrs'. Walter Senile of Gods
erieli were in town yesterday.
,Mr. and IVIrs, J. F. Wasmann visited
frienda in Seaforth on Sunday.
Miss Bertha „ Maio and Mrs. Geo.
Roberton and family are visiting in
Miss 'Wary Wasinann returned harm
on Tuesday from a tortnights vieit
in Brussels. -
Mrs. V. IL Counter has been visiting
friends at Brantford and 'elsewhere
Mrth,e.J.P.atjolrseto!in.e and daughter, little
Miss Isebel, are visiting' friends in
Blythand vicinity. .
Mr. Chris, Heather, head of the hi.;
Waterloo brewery, was in toWn
Tuesday and yesterday.
llamas, C. E. Dowding' and 13. 4.
Gilibiegs Ara. attending; the DOMiD•
ion Rifle shoot at Ottawa.
Mr. and Mrs. J mee Leithweite of
fl oderich were th Clinton yesterday
renewing old acquaintances.
Miss Olive Cooper left On Monday to, Nese Jane malts has returned - to
commence her 'duties as teethes at her school rims yerna.-
Don school in, York countj. Master Jameg Lovett spent last
Howard tied. Reie Cliff, sons or gev• week: with Leadbury ,friends.
W. T. Cluff, Stratford', are &tete of miss moon ef tioderich township . is
eir .enedes
oeimMr. R. J. Cloii. ' again teaMing "the yosng idea' how
hed been visithig her teshoot". in S. S. No. 10.
sister, Mrs, SS. B. Chert, has re- Master Fred. "icarlett of Leadbury
turned ' to her school near North spent Sunday *MI Mauls, in' this Vie -
Mr. Horace Poster of Brampton was illietlYr.' T. H. gaits had an exciting
.• . •
.in, town on business on ' Saturday time last vele. • .fighting fire. The
and while' here *as the guest of Mr .• neighbotasessisted and after a leefig,
hard tussle the flames were extinguish-
ed but not until -they ha& burned eigh-
ty rode. of fence. - -
' This week will about spe :the finish
2.oLLthe harvesting in this district,
Fall wheat is & geol. SkIPPIPlitit'..oat6
are light and he pasture is new get-
ting pretty well browned.
Advertising in The Newssliecerd
brings results. • ,
Hodgen,s, Bros, ease a, big announce -
meat ori page 4.
A Supelement printed ;if hoth7sides
a,ccomoanies tide issue. - '
Miss Seaman next Sunday conaucles
her eneagement •eilth the Ont,, St.
dutch and Rev. Dr. McDonagh evl!lli
„Wesley church. •-• .
On Wedrieeday of 'next week Mr.
Frank Wilson -of town 04 Miss Annie
Wright, fourth daughter of me. John
Wright fisrmerly of Clinton but mile
of ,Portlande Oregon, will be married F. Rumba'. .
at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
-James. Jewell of Ber.imiller; The
kniot. will be tied by Rey. C. ' R.
Gentle ,and the _popular ,young couple
7011...t.ake up tnei oeir Mintoni. :-
,. Sununerbill 1 New Advertisements.
Mrs. (Dr.) Lind ay and family of I .A.uctiaa Sale. --1, • Q
Londonspent she past wee:. with: her 100 New Jaeketg-P,
Reespees Sept. 3rd -4i. 0. 1 --5
sister, Mrs. Thee. Lindsay.
Mr. W. Routledge and Sot: JAOlj Ot SerVant Wanted -.:s. Gundry -4
. . s
Clintim visiteelefriends here or, Sun] AIrig einaysmitae_A:1ig
S:tvneeeiWlalket. $4. Ifoores-g1
We understod Mr. J. W. Hilre lams I Closed Wednesday. -A, R. Smiebe-s
ily will move illisifall to Taber, Al.! Midsummer Clearing--Iiodgens Brosed
• 1 Laet of Sumer GOodee•Newcombedsdi.
r;, James-1'40th. weite of Goderieh IViortgage iiiiale-Proudfoot, 'Jaye do '
bas beer, visiting at Mr. E. Buttt's.I Blait-et ,
Mrs. Biggin ea$ had her houseiraii. 0, ,
ed and Contraetor 13illy Elliott is
Row busy at the foundation.
Miss Petrie resumed her duties as
teacher of our school on Monday.
She is a capable teacher and is bring-
ing along the children nieely.
S .111 idLey
e (41Wednesdayiidnleevening
tXrse I. 0.
this weer, • . .
Miss Winnie Thoeipson has' returned
to Blyth to againAalce Up her duties
Mra, Coleman of near Dundas
is the guest of her auat, kers, Low-
ery Sr. . .,, '•
Mrs James 'telinstor.e of Clintiin
spent Senday at, his home here. . .
:The following ' from the Wiegnem
Tirnee refers to the 'parents of Mrs.
Hugh Ross •of 'Minton
Mr, Robt. Maxwell haVMg eeets ,en
Elder of the Bluevale Presbyterian,
church for over forty years, had tie
honor on Tuesday evening el la,st week
of Wine the` corner stone of 'the
new church building. Mr. and Aim
, Maxwell have been residents ef this
I district sine 1859 when they eettied
on the Bluevale • road, this district
then being mostly a forest. They axe
both natives of Dumfrieshire, Scot-
land, and .came to Canada in :1855
and were married in J,anusry, 1856.
They • celebrated their golden wedding.
in January, 1906. Mt..Mairviellhas
just recently rethrned (rem a tilP to
his native •land ; wnere i•pent'
al weeks M viewing, the scenes of his
boyhood and also Cisited a,' igntlier • he
had not seen ranee e855, as well as ,
meeting a bomber a Ohe friends who Mf. S. C. 'Bothwell, who has p:en Miss Mary Sullivan of Strat-
were young men. when. he left Scotland, in 'the boot and shoe business in
ford Becomes the Bride of
Mr. and Mrs, Maxwell have a,, very Gerrie far several years has disposed
large eircle of friends who will hearte of it to accept tbe' Management of: the ' Detective 'Dick' Phelan
ily Joie in wishing them many more shoe department of Mr.. C. Hoare'. • t e Gdh
years of happiness. - shoo and nitteical emporium. In ad-
dition to thorougkly• understanding Ori Timidly forenoon Miss Mary E.
the ghoe business, Mr., Rathwell is a Sullivan of Stratferd became the_
On TuesdaY MrOnslow Crich com-
pleted his sixth year -as caretaker •Of
the Clinton •cemetery .and during that
period there were 343 _interments. In
addition to this there were 25 remov-
als, including one Irons Varna, three
from FIolmesville and one from Sea -
forth. 343. • interments in six years
means a good many hundred en • the
thirty, years or so the cemetery his
been in use
S. ittiity, HAY..
We have heard eaie that owing to
the dry,-. spell, the "fodder crop will
net he good. If that be the case ,we
have news of, especial interest to
farmers and others: So we invite you
to the S. A. harracks to see the Hay
Which Will be there on exhibition.
Friday evening. There will also be. a
derlicaAory service, Mr. McKeown
Will take the ;lesson -next . Sun -
(lay evening. -The Captain.
If you base visitors at your home, or
are going • visiting, let The Newa
• Record Know about it far the. Pees
semi column. '
Origg on Tuesday returned
• to his duties in the •Molsons Bank
Hamiltor. after s,pendingehis holi-
days at .his home here. • :
Miss Vina •Cardiff, • Brussels, visited
Clinton friends' op' Tuesday... It is
expected that Miss Cardiff will •be -
coin° a 'resident ,of Clinton at
early date. •
Miss ' Rumball: B. .A. left town on
Monday for a visit with Mende in
the Eastern. States." On her way to
resume her work in, the West. she
purpOSes :short peat -grad*,
ate course in Chicago..
Mrs. Alfred' Birehell of Weston was.
the guest of her uncle; Mr, George
Doherty, on, !' Wednesda,y. MiS. Elie-
chell: will be best remembered in
'Clinton is Miss' Jennie •Boutledgesa
former teacher in the' Model School:
Mr. 'D. 14- Cranston, formerly mathe-
matical master of the C. C. I., but
late Of the Trenton Collegiate, was
.• in, town pare of' this iireW. On Sat-
urday be. !eaves:- for • Port, Arthur
. where ne has excepted the position
. of mathematical 'master at a hand-
GOING- ON MONDAY: .S0Die. increase ID alnry•
Mr., Byron Waldron, who fOr the past
• '
Prof. the eminent phreneke four years has held a• responsible
gist ald scientific pahnist, w1.10 has positirin. on a, banana erg 'rubber
met- With great success in Clinton dur- Nicaragua., Central
Mg his 'blur weeks ;visit, .leave lilAetttraield611n
i,43;r1ieed lase week and • is
Monday altereeen fers Ingersoll.' Visiting at the homestead on. the
Those who 'save not yet consulted Lendear • Road. Ile is loo 'so
• him should do. so, ete once as it may; • Well that it .naust he inferred that
he yeare' before be ina.y revesit tide tlie climate. of the south has Agreed
town. His' 'office honks are from 19 t,with httn: . • :
to: 10 at •Ilotel' Normandie.' .Children Mr,A ease of Rose; New Yoh,' has
under fourteen ball -price Everybody arrived in town and is getting the
'mews Prof.. °Trim) and his Aility.
• . . • eVapornior ready " for another seas -
WHERE IS GEO..$TEwAR, T. on"e operations.. treats his pat-
ron's so well that thosi who dsal
• Mr: George. Stewart, proprietor of with him one season always .go back
the Waverley •• House, who left town. 1' to him the next. He is accompanied
last wee's!, has not yet returned ar.d „by his son eire4.' who likes to Spend
his whereabouts do not aPpeet to be the fall •months with hi young Can
known. Financial ; emberessment S adiati friends,
sapeosed to he, the cause of his rather Ser. Gee. W. Hill, son of Mr. J. W,
•hasty departure. The principal creels Hill formerly elf • the Base Line re,•
itor is Mr. .Chris. Heutber .ot. the timed on Tuesdey from Taber, Al -
Waterloo brewery, vvho has a mort- berta,• where with his father he has
gage on the furniture, etc. Mr. R. for the pat few' Months been m-
inden of Goderich. M new in charge gaged in the .hardware business.
of the business, representing Mr. }leu- Taber is a growing town abut
ther and AIM license amereissaieners, thitty-five miles /tom Lethbeidge
but it is expected thatithe affairs will. and: has :four coal mines now ,in OP -
be adjusted and a new landlord in- eration. :Mr: Hill expects to leave
.stalled in a fortnight or so. , again for the West shortly.
Mrs. A.•Cullas el Sault St. Marie„
Mich., is visiting at the home of • her
brother,. Mr. Thomas sitadcliffe.
A score of Walkerburn, young people
alcsag with a ramber from here spent
a pleasant time ;est Wednesday evene
ing at the home of Mr.. R. Roberfois..
' Mr. J. Moore of Blyth was hero
last -wee' t -securing advertisements .for
the edition of the Guelph Mereury that
is ping to be published for the cele-
bration of the opening of the new C.
Mr. J M is in our burg
. • •.
looking alter the nill property. '
ct. H. Yotiligblut moied •• to
Goderich on Tuesday. -
• • Our. School opened 'on Mistelay with
Mr. Kidd as princinal an4 eliss
Selater as assistant. ,
A number of rut youne people weie
entertained at Sie terue of Mt.. John
Ferguson last Tuesda,y evening,
Are you going to have a ride 00 the
GOdMeh seetneirlo have some rria,g-
netie influence on our young people
last Sunday for the.following espent
•the .day there. : Mr, E. LaAvion,
IL Knox, Mr, J-. Carter, Mr. 'E.:Hel-
wig, Mr. G. Lanipman, Mr. "Joe, 14.
wire Miss Sadie Carter and SIMS G.
Asquith. • •
Mr. 3. Yeung'.e men aro eiteaged
_putting in the weigh scales at the
station. . ' •
Little Cupid has been at work again
in our berg. Nrhaps we will be able
to tell you next week about the mis-
chief he has made.
Miss rnie, Symington intends Ends to go
to the millinery openings in Toronto
this week. -• •
Miss Cora Ferguson returned t� her
school at °Tendon on IVIonday.
Mt, .A. Lawlor of Harriston spent
Sunday at home.
lilt. Al. ROBS Of Dilaall) and sisters
Mrs. Payne of New Yoe's who are viss
iting their bror•her, Mr. kerdoels Ross
of this village, spent a few days the
past week with friende at Tiverture
and Sowthamptoni. Mr. Boss accents
poied them 14 their auto.
On August lithe to the Rev, Mr.
and Mrs.. Steadmaa, a daughter,
lifies Annie Ross of Goderich S via,
iting friends in the village,
Miss Flossie Steamy returted
home. this week alter being absent the
past month Visiting friends..
Mrs. Lowe and child of Pore Dover
are the guests of her aunt, Mrs. Johtt
Mr. 'Jamison of Drocielyn, N. Y.,ar .„.
rived' on Saturday to spend a 'few •
weeks with his family in thd White
'City. .
Mr. and Mrs. Readhead of London
are the guests of gr. and Mrs. Pick-
les of Westminster Greve. • ,
Miss Roberts and the Misseg Best
of Seafortli are guests at Mrs. Pare
sonsseae: !'
...Mrs, C: Walters . tif• Defiance Ohio
7 IP
and her :riend, Miss Viviete Lundy,
Pittsburgh, ,are the guests of' the, for-
mer's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. James
- -Mrs. - Trebilcoec and. frient, Miss -
-Dunn-, of Load5:mt are gueits-at Mr
Mrs. 13rydges- of Belgrave is the
guest of h.= dieughter, Mrs. BrandOn.
The play eneitled "The Album" will
be prosetted inetehe town hall on FA., •
day evening' o1. this week.. The play
"is even by the Yang people of Widcl,
ieton's church and 4ry much` pleased
those who hear& Or at- the Ranks par.:. •
ty given there receittly.
•••• . . • • •
There were • many &Andes" in the ,senial, straightforward man with bride of -Mr. Ilichalgeti_L Phelan of God -
teaching staff "of the Collegiate -during -Wilturrthe custotnerst -of the store will -erichr their maul being. solemnized
the past school year but. not with- find 'it a pleasure to deal. in St. Joseph' is chneehe Stratford, the
standing the difficultieS under which Mr. Ra.thwell is a Restive' of Stanley officiating clergynian being the Rev,
both staff and pupils labored' this re- township* arid before moving to Gerrie Father McGee. The bridesmaid wes
sults of the year's work as shown by carried on business is Varna. Miss • Josephihe Sullive,n, associate
the ;recent ogeachers' and Matricula- The News4teeord welcomes him and editor of the Michigan Catholic, De -
V. on examinations have awn highly his estimable wife and family to t mt, while the gioom wai assisted
: . -, . . R.
satisfactory. ()nig Ofle POby MrTMullins'CPticket
I:4i failed in Cliaton.
the 'Senior 'fees:here' exaniMatien andBOWLINGagent, Toronto, -After the ceremesily
that ene had been iii attendance only WN , • the bridal Party repaired to fire resid-
part of the year Two rinks of bowlers from ESeter ence Of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Clinton on Tuesday and play. Mrs. Petrick Sullivan, where the wed,
ding lurichelia awaited them.
me lists of eucceseful' 'Medi:dates viSited
ed two games with our local bowlers
are here given : A.mong the guests', all immediate
Mair, 'Wm. Manning, Beet. W. - .IVtorning game. were : miss Dere, peesee ates seee. w.
• ... .
• xeex with the following result.
Completed Matrietdation : ftiends of the 'cOntratting parties,
14eKetrziet Win • N. McQueen) 00:rela ClititeessJ. Nediger, W, Ilatlend, Morrissey, • Goderich; Mr.' F. Me -
P. Swaim, Woli. it. swan- . Dr. 'Ball, 3. It Hoover, skip, 88. Croken, Chicago -., Mist Kathleen; Sul-
Metrieulated le three or mote, sub- (leo. liargeo J. Johnston, F, T, Jack. livan, Chicago ,. Mr, IVits., and Miss
Sent% Lewis W. Viallaiu8+ 0- W. Le' Can son n: A. Lappine skiP, 8.2. Kehoe, Logan „. Misses McCracken, St.
telon, Abbie T, Grcen, Laving, .Wit- son,
E. ilckard, I. Taylor, Marys, Mist'retrick,. Stratford; and
Court, Dessie lifeEwaii, Nora Nesbitt, r• R. carling, W. ,. neamen, Skip 6. Mrs. Maloney, St Marys,
Mary I. PeterSon, Nate &Meg: • E. J. Christy, W. BlEiteliford, W. W. The many kandsOnie Presents of re -
slimier Teachers llienenrs mean Toenail, Rev. Mr. Collilis, skip 10ceivid by the bride indicate the es-
oVer 75 per cent.) : Anna E. Diehl . teens in whieh she is held by her
(horaitirs) ' LIMrneori gam
AN I. MacKay, Uobt. : numerous friends,
W, Mackenele, Ella M. 1Vlaheffy (hone Clitttone-Dr. Slitiv, B. Grahrixo, J Mr. and Mrs. Phelan ate remelting
ours); Knox Malt (honours); Wm. Man FairW. W...*Ferrati, Shie, 17, J. L. in Clinton fok a iew days before tisk-
ning (honours), Lors, II. Sitwere, Cour'lice, 3. Wiseman, W. J. Steven- ing up their .residence in GMericb.
Robt, X. Welsh. son, E. J. IIdWarde, skip 20 The News-Reeordr has warmly core
senior Teak -Ts Part I.-47. (). Exeter -R. 'Pickard, J. Tiller, W. 1retulated the genial "Diek" and it
Henry, Ruby 1. Kitty, Wm, T. Mo.
Queen, W. O. Stewart, Harold P.
Swann, 10, C. Ilpiady..
Report says that -a,nOther doctor
may lobate in Brueefield.
Mrs. George S'orrest and her little
daughter of LOM1014 aril guests at Mt.
G. Forree'g of this place. .
Miss Belle rtess, daughter of Mr.
,James Ross Of the London Road,, Is
visiting at her home here for a few
Many automobiles noW pass up and
doWn, the London Road:though the
farmers would sooner- see them any-
ahere else. They are somewhat of a
nuisance though I suppose, we will get
used to themaby and bye.
Mr. mid Mrs. Clark of gginendeille
Were Visiting at Mr, G. Forrest's
front Saturday TO moaky, '7
The hail gtorni in thie section a few
days ago.did considerable damage.
Miss Alice Carr visited her parents
for a few days last 'week. ,
•Miss.Taylor, who *as vigiting her
sister, Mrs. John Snider, has .re-
turned to her home in London.
nianis friends' of Migs TeMpleten
Will be pleased te heat that she is
reeoVering. • .
'Mies Lotto •Ptime visited her home
leSt week,
Mr. Andrew ellurefeek of Deireit,
brother of Mt Robeet Murdeelt , of
thig is holidaying in Kincardine
but expects to spend a tow day g here
before returning home.
Mrs,. J. V. Smith was renewing old
aersuaintances in and around Brum-
field last Week, .
Miss Cronin of London who had be. ti
the getst of Mrs. (flt.) Widgets, has
returned to her 10Me in London,
While A. Murdock was last week
Stanley Township.
Mrs. J. Rattenbury a Clinton and
her eister, Miss E!. 'Logan' of Toroato,
spent Monday at the home Of Mr. Wins
Logan of • Parr Line visiting their
mother, Mrs Dark, who is ill. •
Mrs. Rufus Keys of Babylon Line
enthrtaintd a nember ot young people
at her home on Thursday .aftereoon Th
honor of her neices„ 1Vlisses Cora and
114el. Peebles of, Harriston, previous
to their return home on Friday.
Mr. Jas. Delgetty of Brownson Line
commenced his duties as -teacher •ire
Goshen Line school on Monday of this
11-er. and. 'Mrs. ;•entleew Armstrong
of Tueliersmith were' guests of • Mrs
and Mrs. Artie Keys on .thilrsaay of
last week. • • •
Miss Olive Co;•yom near Porter's
Hill, who bad beeni visitieg relatiees
in this vieinity for. the past two
weeks, • xettirned horee on Sunday.
She was aceompanied by Mass Myrtle
Keys of Babylon Line, who will.. bt,.
her guest fee a week. • !
'Miss Sarah Bea.cOre of .Goderich
township is the visiting lier aunt, ItIrd
Isaac ErrnSt of • Babylon Lir.e,. at ".
present. • ••••
MiSS Mabel •Govenlock of Seafortli
ns a guest at .the home of: her aunt, .
.1eIrs, W. L. K'eys of Babylon Line, for
a tew days last las•t week.:
ItIrand lag. j, Kepi of Baby -
bit Line, visited the latter's 'sister,
Mrs. Peter Cole of Goderich towns*
one day recently. "
Miss . Mime, Stephenson and Miss
Arnie Spent Sunday with Goshen
Mr. and Mrs. 'William Taylor sPeet-
Friday in Seaforth. •
Miss Emma RD: hwell and -Mrs. E.
Johnson Sr. of Clinton are visiting
with Mrs. Edward, Johnston this
Miss Pollock and Miss Caine of. Ne•
tirade, who have been visiting at Mr..
William Pollock's and other friends in.
tend leaving for eheir hone On Fri-
day. s
Mise Clara Richardson is •spenclin; '
this week her wises, Miss Alice
Peck, in Seaford:.
Mr. Richard. Peck Sr. and Miss
Alice Peek 01 eaforth spent SundayS
at the home of Mr. Henry DOWSOD. 1
Mr. and Mrs, William Morrow of
God'erieh and IVItss Flossie Biogley of
Detroit called on a; number of friend's
in this vicinity on reonday,
Mr. William Stogdill accerapanied
by hi s• sisters gpent Friday event% at
the home of Mr. sad Mrs. Henry Et -
raft. • •
Cutting oats and berry' picking is
the order of the dee. •
Misa Annie Stepheheon i SPealdifig,
a few well-earhed holidays under thb.
parental roof.
Mr. Ilitrry 14owerd and Mr. Mark .
Drysdale of Drysdale took in e the
Eriglish church • graden party rit :Var-
na on Wednesday tight.
Miss Margaret Drysdale of Ileustall
Omit last week With ,her Musk,. Miss
Enima 'Stephicusori et the Plitt Lino.
Mr. Melvin, tuna bas started again.
with his threshing outfit.. He is • a
Miss Mabel Reid eof the Pate Lino
Vent' a few WS lasb week with her
!teed, Miss Mamie Johnston.
J. Ilealten, I. R. Catling, Sadist 10, heartily, loins the host of friends) in drivitg a, liele in a piece of hoop iron A loekoui na Britt!) shipyard
E. 3. Christy, AO. Mr, Collins, W. wishing Mr. and Mrs. Phelan last weer. it twistea and two a big threatens to throw fifty thrmeand Men
thitehford, W. W. Taman, skip, 18. happy awl prosperous future. Engcrs were bAdly inbreed, out of work. •